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  1. Rogue Guild Guides..
  2. New character
  3. best rogue race?
  4. Arcane Symbols?
  5. 3x picking/disarm?
  6. stats boggle my mind
  7. Lockpicking?
  8. regarding NOT training in ambushing
  9. Lock Mastery Question
  10. Elf Rogue Stats
  11. To Steal or not to Steal.... ?
  12. Is 3x dodge worth it?
  13. garrote help
  14. Fingersmiths...a question?
  15. Armor ranks
  16. Locksmith rogue hunting OTF
  17. Room Conditions in RR
  18. Might make a rogue
  19. Rogue Guild Maps
  20. Disarming question..
  21. lots of questions
  22. Help Requested
  23. shadow mastery
  24. scarabs
  25. lock mastery/disarm skill
  26. Viability of a TWC Brawling only Rogue?
  27. Rogue Noob
  28. Barrier
  29. Critter Suggestions
  30. A quick hunting question.
  31. Another quick question..
  32. Awry!
  33. WTF am I doing wrong.
  34. d100 open?
  35. Best Lock
  36. Lm Sense
  37. Discuss your rogue
  38. Back after many years
  39. Rogues stealing as a duo team. and how to defend...
  40. Detecting scarabs
  41. Armor
  42. What is the command to secretly stow an item?
  43. Refillable toolkits
  44. Choices.
  45. Starting a new.
  46. Newest rogue endeavor.
  47. Picking Pockets help
  48. Making a MA rogue need some advice
  49. New CMANs
  50. Duno What To Do
  51. Good Ambushing Edged Weapon?
  52. New Rogue here!
  53. TWC: Dodge, s&h, or armor?
  54. Guild Locations?
  55. newish with a rogue
  56. Ta'illistim Guild
  57. The Guildx Script
  58. Which weapon best for picker?
  59. Picker that's fun to Hunt with
  60. Advice on Build
  61. CMAN's and Rogue Guild Skills
  62. Lmaster Sense
  63. Small Shield
  64. Hunting Grounds
  65. Lock Calibration Reps
  66. Another new one
  67. Heh, armor question
  68. Official: Stunman Change in the Works
  69. Returning with a new rogue. Need feedback.
  70. Ousted from the guild.
  71. THW + hiding/ambush, is it worth it?
  72. Rogueish Ethics...
  73. best lock or trap
  74. Subdue stamina cost
  75. Boxes from the Ruined Temple
  76. Mid-Game Training Adjustements
  77. POS LM Appraise Reps
  78. rogue race?
  79. Solhaven guild workshop broken?
  80. Ildran on Max Possible Traps/Locks
  81. Stat suggestions
  82. Another stat / skill suggestions thread...
  83. Stat Placement
  84. Large / Medium Shield vs Dodge?
  85. Non-rogue picker questions
  86. Possibly returning to the game
  87. 410 Rogues
  88. Two-hander rogue.
  89. I hate Lock Mastery
  90. Lockmaster sense - room lighting
  91. Scarabs!
  92. Best Combat Maneuvers?
  93. Few tips would be appreciated
  94. Looking for help rebuilding Rogue after years away.
  95. Haven't played in years......
  96. rogue guild in ta'vaalor
  97. Rogue DS enhancing skills
  98. I need a locksmith.
  99. Landing Guild
  100. I'm retarded.
  101. Illistim
  102. Rogue Guild presence on Teras
  103. Pickin through traps?
  104. List of Monsters for Creature Reps?
  105. 5 Guildmasters in the Landing to nominate me?
  106. More lockmastery help
  107. Deliberate pick breaking
  108. Calipers...?
  109. Zul Logoth Rogue Guild
  110. Lock Mastery question
  111. So like... Is this going to work for later levels?
  112. Random questions
  113. uber vaalin lockpicks?
  114. Any Uber Rogues of Doom?
  115. Hiding in OTF
  116. Making the return back, a quick and good one!
  117. Grouping?
  118. Question about picking and arcane symbols?
  119. 403 MnE bonus
  120. 2h ambush blunt?
  121. Archery?
  122. Fixskill fun
  123. OTF Archer Rogue
  124. Stealing
  125. Before I fixskill...
  126. Locksmith guide
  127. Uphunting for loot
  128. planning my rogue
  129. Cutthroat
  130. Combat Maneuvers
  131. Stuck
  132. Another rogue retrain thread
  133. guildx script
  134. metal breastplate question
  135. Another Hunting Suggestion Thread
  136. halfling - garrote useless?
  137. My first enhancive
  138. Subdue
  139. Help for an old player returning starting fresh
  140. Sunfist Society
  141. Zing! First time Warcamp!
  142. And everyone dislikes Gnomes for some reason...
  143. Warcamps, and the Rogues!
  144. Making lockpick script
  145. Trapped boxes
  146. LockMastery question on making lockpicks!
  147. Question please?
  148. Possibly Returning?
  149. Ambushin - 2hander - what do you hunt?
  150. Lockpick materials list?
  151. thinkin about playing agian
  152. Quick guild question
  153. GM Oversight or Normal Messaging?
  154. Picking Pockets - Valid line of work or scourge of society?
  155. spiked greaves
  156. Scarabs
  157. Are 2H weapons overkill on a rogue?
  158. Lock Masterey
  159. Rogue Armor
  160. I hate people like this
  161. damn you gemstone!
  162. Newbie rogue
  163. Two Handed Ambusher - 30ish, what critter next?
  164. Rogues vs. Pures (Development Fantasy)
  165. Lvl 55 Fixskills
  166. Enhancive Opinions
  167. Mutant Build
  168. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
  169. armor and hiding
  170. Amother new rogue
  171. Guild Enhancement Ideas
  172. Love this.
  173. rogue guild script for Teras- windows and broom reps
  174. Mechanics questions
  175. Ambush and crit weighted weapons.
  176. THW/Ewaver Armor?
  177. Stunman Improvement Ideas
  178. How difficult are the toughest glyph traps?
  179. rogue guild entrances
  180. 3x dodge + brig vs MBP + 2xdodge + 1x shield
  181. Looking for suggestions
  182. MBP + leg greaves and armor use question
  183. Rogue training for 70+
  184. Hybrid fu/hurl rogue
  185. Feint vs. Sucker Punch
  186. lockpick/lvl
  187. Icemule Guild
  188. looking for a e-wave rogue build.
  189. Can I make this rogue?
  190. reactivating old rogue
  191. Just Reacitivated
  192. Ildran: Moving on
  193. Lmaster sense
  194. Official: GM Oscuro as Rogue Guru
  195. Will this TWC training plan work?
  196. Sword/board ambusher vs Archery?
  197. Cman help
  198. Official: Warden on Rogue Hiding Bonus
  199. help with my rogue fix-skill
  200. Icemule Rogue guild Script for Wizard?
  201. Magical rogue fix skill
  202. Pickpocketing, do you REALLY use it?
  203. 84 to CAP
  204. CMAN Dirtkick vs Evasion Mastery
  205. Blood scarab removal
  206. Deron's build
  207. Coup De Grace
  208. proof cman coup owns
  210. Crossbows + Combat Mobility?
  212. Armor Use or PT?
  213. Haste
  214. garrote
  215. help with rogue
  216. new player
  218. Fixskill for my rogue
  219. Elf Rogue
  220. Rogue Stat Advice
  221. Assemblies = Junk (not)
  222. A couple questions [fletchin and archer rogue]
  223. Lockpicking question
  224. How am i doing so far?
  225. check my training
  226. Repairing lockpicks
  227. Yet another FIXSKILLS Thread
  228. Arcane Symbols
  229. another training question thread
  230. THW Rogue
  231. Forest Gnome Rogue.
  232. Someone smarter than me check my math please
  233. Group Hunter/Picker
  234. help with skills
  235. Stormfront version of guildx?
  236. GOS
  237. Research: DETECT Variance
  238. Best armor for a spell slinging rogue?
  239. Remind me how to play a rogue..
  240. 2x brawler, voln fu, robes and mad dodge
  241. Returning player needing some fresh advice
  242. Magic Rogue
  243. Halfling Rogue Help
  244. Crushing Garlic
  245. where is guild shop in Ta'llistim?
  246. Disarm
  247. Dodge & Hauberk vs. MBP
  248. Locksmith's Toolkit
  249. Guildmaster Promotion - Last Minute
  250. Training Advice - Archery