View Full Version : Enhancive Opinions

12-14-2008, 06:05 PM
So, I tend to think I know quite a bit about Gemstone and it's inner workings, however one thing I'm still oblivious to is Enhancives. I don't know why, but I think I wasn't around when they were first introduced.

That being said, I'm looking for some opinions on what would best suit me personally, in terms of enhancives based upon my training/skills and so forth.

Correct me if I'm wrong as well, but is it maxed at +50 Skill Bonuses, +20 Stat Bonuses? Or what...Anyhow, training is as follows. Instead of crank up shit like Ranged Weapons since I really don't suffer there, I would rather enhance things that need enhancing...If that makes sense to you folks.

Armor Use..........................| 230 130
Combat Maneuvers...................| 201 101
Ranged Weapons.....................| 302 202
Ambush.............................| 302 202
Physical Fitness...................| 302 202
Dodging............................| 403 303
Harness Power......................| 147 47
Disarming Traps....................| 403 303
Picking Locks......................| 403 303
Stalking and Hiding................| 302 202
Perception.........................| 302 202
Climbing...........................| 150 50
Swimming...........................| 150 50
Pickpocketing......................| 302 202

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 30

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 20

Sooooo...What should I do?

12-14-2008, 06:27 PM
Are you in Sunfist? If so, stamina recovery can be a major help.

12-14-2008, 06:32 PM
Are you in Sunfist? If so, stamina recovery can be a major help.

Yes, Master of Sunfist..However I have found no problems constantly running the sigils and Surge while I hunt...Which is why Stamina Regen really doesn't seem important to me right now...

Sigils I run while hunting are Offense/Defense/Major Bane and Protection/Focus

12-14-2008, 06:44 PM
And I'm sure that's perfectly viable. But it's worth thinking about what you could do with an unending stamina (and thus mana) supply. It can open up a lot of options without requiring that you give up any commonly used sigils or maneuvers.

Just a thought.

EDIT: For example, sigils of intimidation and distraction could become staples of your hunting style. Instant -20 DS and lower EPB.

GS4 Naseer
12-14-2008, 06:46 PM
The full plate he wears cuts his casting down to about 0% while hunting though. That would require him to change that part of his hunting strategy/routine. If he did wear a lighter armor, ewave would be a nice trick.

12-14-2008, 06:47 PM
And I'm sure that's perfectly viable. But it's worth thinking about what you could do with an unending stamina (and thus mana) supply. It can open up a lot of options without requiring that you give up any commonly used sigils or maneuvers.

Just a thought.

Indeed, Sigil of Power is nice but right now, I don't cast while hunting since I'm in Plate. Only time I am casting, is either when I give myself spells, or lore...And then I just remove the armor and cast away.

I may try to go for more Strength. Would be nice to fire the ebow in 3-4 seconds without even using Surge.

Perhaps I'll just focus on dodge and ranged weapon stuff after all though, who knows...So many choices, I Hate choices.

12-14-2008, 06:48 PM
See my edit above.

12-14-2008, 06:49 PM
And I'm sure that's perfectly viable. But it's worth thinking about what you could do with an unending stamina (and thus mana) supply. It can open up a lot of options without requiring that you give up any commonly used sigils or maneuvers.

Just a thought.

EDIT: For example, sigils of intimidation and distraction could become staples of your hunting style. Instant -20 DS and lower EPB.

An option. DS isn't much of an issue along with EPB while hunting. Who knows, though, keep them coming!

12-14-2008, 06:55 PM
Wisdom for TD? Logic for EXP absorption? Influence 'cause you ugly?

GS4 Naseer
12-14-2008, 06:55 PM
I vote STR, nothing beats a lower RT, and combine that with some Wizard Str and you will love that over anything else I imagine. From hunting with you, you don't lack much, and 2 sec aimed shots are a lot nicer than 4 sec aimed shots.

12-14-2008, 06:58 PM
Wisdom for TD? Logic for EXP absorption? Influence 'cause you ugly?


What I will likely do, is just start collecting persisting items that affect a slew of things, then decide on what works best.

TD is ok, I have 120. Always could have better XP absorption...Faster TPs..Influence...Well, I'll leave that to the Prince Charming types.

12-14-2008, 06:59 PM
I vote STR, nothing beats a lower RT, and combine that with some Wizard Str and you will love that over anything else I imagine. From hunting with you, you don't lack much, and 2 sec aimed shots are a lot nicer than 4 sec aimed shots.

I may shoot for +10 STR Bonus. I'd be able to fire aimed from the open in 3 seconds with Surge up on 2 ranks.

Finding +10 STR Bonus shouldn't be too too hard I imagine.

12-14-2008, 07:01 PM
I vote STR, nothing beats a lower RT, and combine that with some Wizard Str and you will love that over anything else I imagine. From hunting with you, you don't lack much, and 2 sec aimed shots are a lot nicer than 4 sec aimed shots.

You can't get RT lower than 3 without haste / Tonis. Use a composite instead of a long bow unless you have a pocket wizard.

Enhancives are a waste. The giftbox boots (dark leather or something) might still have some charges.

You also don't want to drop Surge ranks, because that impacts recovery time.

GS4 Naseer
12-14-2008, 07:19 PM
Damnit, yea. I sold Widgets the EBow and used to use it on my bard where he kept up his Tonis.

12-14-2008, 07:26 PM
You can't get RT lower than 3 without haste / Tonis. Use a composite instead of a long bow unless you have a pocket wizard.

Enhancives are a waste. The giftbox boots (dark leather or something) might still have some charges.

You also don't want to drop Surge ranks, because that impacts recovery time.

I knew I forgot to remember something about Surge. Thanks for reminding me.

The Ponzzz
12-14-2008, 07:36 PM
I find stamina recovery to be the essential enhancive to go with being in the GoS.

I have the following for stamina recovery enhancives for Dhask in the GoS:

+10 badge
+5 Kris
+3 Gauche
+4 Arm greaves
+5 Leg greaves
+8 Belt

I want to cap it off at +50. At 105 ranks of PT, my stamina return is over 70 now a minute (ish). Where I am currently, I feel like I have unlimited mana at 110 mana and I can run sigils a ton.

12-14-2008, 08:02 PM
I want to cap it off at +50. At 105 ranks of PT, my stamina return is over 70 now a minute (ish). Where I am currently, I feel like I have unlimited mana at 110 mana and I can run sigils a ton.

The little known thing about stamina recovery enhancives is that the bonus acts as a percentage modifier based on your maximum stamina, not a flat bonus. So if you have 150 stamina and are wearing a +10 stamina recovery item, you will regain 15 stamina per minute, not 10. This works both ways, so if you only have 80 max stamina, that same +10 SR enhancive will only give you +8 stamina/minute. Your natural SR rate is between 25 and 30-something percent, based on your training, CON, and standing/sitting. At 163 max stamina and 35 CON bonus, I regain 27% standing and 32% sitting. When I wear all +50 of my stamina enhancives, I regain 77% standing and 82% sitting. 163 * 0.82 = 133.66 stamina regained per minute. 134 * 2 = 268 stamina per mana pulse. That's an extra 125 mana and change per pulse.

And that's our lesson for the day, children!

The Ponzzz
12-14-2008, 08:13 PM
Thank you, mastah!

So the cap is +50% for enhancives? This could get fun.

12-14-2008, 09:00 PM
When you quit again, will you sell me the ebow? :D

12-14-2008, 09:18 PM
When you quit again, will you sell me the ebow? :D

No, Why would I quit now? I'm not planning on doing it anytime soon, and even if I do, the e-bow is spoken for most likely

12-14-2008, 09:27 PM
No, Why would I quit now? I'm not planning on doing it anytime soon, and even if I do, the e-bow is spoken for most likely

Same reason you "quit" last time? And obviously it's spoken for, I just did it!

Also, the :D indicates at least some level of sarcasm

12-14-2008, 10:17 PM
No, Why would I quit now? I'm not planning on doing it anytime soon, and even if I do, the e-bow is spoken for most likely

Which ebow do you own?

You sound like you don't really need much of a damn anything enchanced. Could just skip it all and rake in BPs to sell fixskills/fixstats.

12-14-2008, 10:31 PM
Which ebow do you own?

You sound like you don't really need much of a damn anything enchanced. Could just skip it all and rake in BPs to sell fixskills/fixstats.

Brutality. Random Enchanted Arrows, Random Flares, Permablessed.

12-14-2008, 10:31 PM
Same reason you "quit" last time? And obviously it's spoken for, I just did it!

Also, the :D indicates at least some level of sarcasm

I know I know ;)

12-15-2008, 07:58 PM
Does anyone know how much Stamina regen you get from a Tier 3 PP enhancer?

12-15-2008, 08:05 PM
2 stamina regen.

12-15-2008, 08:07 PM
So those greaves at the Winter Fest are 2.5 times better than a 2400 PP enhancer?


12-16-2008, 12:14 AM
The winter fest ones are restricted to sunfist masters.

12-16-2008, 08:15 PM
But still, that seems like a shitty deal to me. I figured for 2400 PP it would be +5 spirit regen at least.

12-16-2008, 08:51 PM
It is a shitty deal. PP enhancives are way underpowered, particularly since the treasure system revamp. About the only thing going for them is that they can be put on almost any item of your choosing, including things like containers which are not a part of the standard enhancive system.

The Ponzzz
12-16-2008, 09:12 PM
Yeah, I spent most my points on enhancives and am rather let down now with the new treasure system. However, I'd never buy +2 stamina recovery even before the system was changed. +2 is way too low.