View Full Version : another training question thread

10-01-2009, 07:51 PM
ok just curious about a few things . I am looking for a picker/decent hunting rogue
If im looking to use ohe, shield and ambushing . Is there really a need for 3x hiding?
at Level 61

1x cman
2x shield
2x ohe
2x stalking/hiding
2x ambushing
1x armor
1x phys training
2x dodge
2x picking
2x perception
2x disarm
2x picking pockets

4 spells for lores

will work in about 20 or so swimming and climbing and about 25 arcane symbols a couple in harness power .

leaving me about
Physical 78
Mental 487 training points left over to use somewhere

ant suggestions?

10-01-2009, 07:54 PM
3x hiding = pointless.

10-01-2009, 09:51 PM
3x picking/disarm

10-01-2009, 10:45 PM
Yeah, if you're looking to emphasize picking you'll want to 3x pick/disarm. You can get by picking most of your own boxes in most of your hunting grounds if you 2x with lores, though. You can probably drop shield to 1x to pick up some of the extra TPs if you want to bump pick/disarm up to 3x.

10-02-2009, 11:15 AM
only way i can squeeze in 3x picking and disarm is to drop the spells . So i ask which is better? 2x picking and disarm and having the lores. or just 3x them both and no lores . this is what it would look like at 61

80 ranks armor
64 shield
126 ohe
64 cman
126 ambush
63 phys train
126 dodge
24 arcane sym
21 swim
21 climb
189 picking
189 disarming
126 stalking/hiding
126 percept
126 picking pockets

Is 2x percept and hiding over kill? and the picking pockets is an rp choice that i would rather keep .

10-02-2009, 11:31 AM
I don't know that 24 ranks of Arcane Symbols is necessary at 61. I know you asked about it in the other thread, but by the time you have that many disarm ranks, you won't need more than a handful of AS ranks to disarm scarabs successfully on the first shot. I think at that point you'll be too old for the Broken Lands, and you're not really going to be encountering spellbursts. You could drop it down to 10 without seeing many adverse effects besides not being able to read high level spells on scrolls.

That's assuming, of course, you still want to find a way to squeeze in the lores with 3x pick/disarm.

10-02-2009, 03:23 PM
Spellburst in Skull Temple, and OTF.

10-03-2009, 12:54 PM
I'm of the opinion that MIU is the way to go there. You can increase durations for items like small statues.

10-03-2009, 01:04 PM
wow you guys really don't know what 24 AS ranks could possibly be for other than spell burst? really? you're all rogues?
scritch scritch messaging :)

edit: misty chamber too

10-03-2009, 02:23 PM
It gets to a point that scritch scritch or not... You know you killed the bug.

I was just responding to whoever said spellburst isn't an issue after Broken Lands.

I'm personally trained in MIU and AS.

10-03-2009, 02:42 PM
It gets to a point that scritch scritch or not... You know you killed the bug.

I was just responding to whoever said spellburst isn't an issue after Broken Lands.

I'm personally trained in MIU and AS.

i see where you are going with that. but i was under the impression that without the scritch message its not 100%, where as the scritch messaging is. granted i've done no research on this, however ever since getting the scritch messaging i've NEVER set one off (that i remembered to disarm), and before that i was setting them off roughly once every 6 or so months

also, this is kind of moot being as its not really a "mechanical" advantage with it, but doesn't AS help improve value of the scarab?

10-03-2009, 02:55 PM
I don't think it increases the value. I could be wrong but that probably comes from people not disarming the scarab multiple times if they can see the "scritch scritch". Because disarming the scarab over and over does indeed lower the value.

I'm of the opinion that with enough disarm skill, if you got the bug out of the box, you kill it on the first disarm. I don't have any data to back this up or anything... And I'm thinking of later trains, early on its all a crap shoot.

And this is all coming from someone that has 25 ranks in AS, its just that if I were to drop them, it wouldn't be scarabs that I was worried about.

10-03-2009, 05:38 PM
I was kind of under the impression that the scarab value was somewhat dependent upon the magnitude of the success and the difficulty of the scarab trap (both in direct relation).

Scarab disarming success is also based on your disarm skill so the benefits you get from AS ranks gets lower (compared to disarm) over time. I have 0 ranks of AS right now. I've wondered if other magical training gives similar benefits, though.

10-05-2009, 07:33 PM
You'd want to keep those 25 ranks of AS just for scrolls IMO

EDIT: Also for note, at cap 3x pick/disarm, 20 AS ranks and I've not failed a single scarab from OTF, Nelemar or Invasions of late.

10-07-2009, 05:19 PM
You'd want to keep those 25 ranks of AS just for scrolls IMO

Well yeah, I didn't mean I was going to get rid of them.

Just that spellburst and scroll reading would be a bigger concern to me than disarming scarabs, if I did.