View Full Version : POS LM Appraise Reps

09-07-2007, 02:39 PM
Whenever I do these reps lately I hear faint whisperings in my ear... "Muuuuuder... MUUUUUUUUURder...."

My script just scrolls through the lockpicks and checks them putting them on the table such that the last one appraised is now the first lockpick. Then I pick out the best manually.

take fifth lockpick
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
[Script]>lm app my lockp
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be in good condition. It seems to have a highly accurate level of precision and has below average strength. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 2 times. You could probably handle a fairly simple lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Script]R>put lockpick on table
You place your plain lockpick on the wooden table.
[Script]>take fifth lockpick
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
[Script]>lm app my lockp
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be in good condition. It seems to have a highly accurate level of precision and is very strong. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 1 times. You could probably handle a fairly simple lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
[Script]R>put lockpick on table
[Script]>take fifth lockpick
You place your plain lockpick on the wooden table.
[Script]>lm app my lockp
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be broken. It seems to have an incredible level of precision and is weak. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 2 times. You could probably handle an easy lock pretty easily with it, once it's repaired.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
[Script]R>put lockpick on table
You place your plain lockpick on the wooden table.
[Script]>take fifth lockpick
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
[Script]>lm app my lockp
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be in poor condition. It seems to have an inefficient level of precision and is weak. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 5 times. You could probably handle a fairly simple lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Script]R>put lockpick on table
You place your plain lockpick on the wooden table.
[Script]>take fifth lockpick
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
[Script]>lm app my lockp
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be in excellent condition. It seems to have an unsurpassed level of precision and is incredibly strong. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 2 times. You could probably handle a difficult lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

>take lock
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
>give lock to foot
Master Footpad Truaz accepts the plain lockpick with a nod before looking over your handiwork.

Truaz says, "Nah, not that one. Try one more."

>take third lock
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
>give lock to foot
Master Footpad Truaz accepts the plain lockpick with a nod before looking over your handiwork.

Truaz says, "Nawp, sorry. Lemme rearrange these."

(Basically I picked the second one reviewed and the last one reviewed)

What the hell does this douchebag want from me? I can't ever seem to pick the right one. If I just go by the pick that can get me through the hardest lock, I get nothing. I really felt like this one was pretty clear, guess not... Murder it is.

Edit: Just realized the "put lockpick on table" at the end was caught in RT, so that was most likely my error there. Still... f these reps.

09-07-2007, 02:57 PM
The footpads seem to think the first lockpick is better than the second:

You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be in good condition. It seems to have an unreliable level of precision and has below average strength. As far as you can tell, the lockpick has never been repaired. You could probably handle a fairly plain lock pretty easily with it.

You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be in excellent condition. It seems to have an above average level of precision and has below average strength. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 2 times. You could probably handle a well-crafted lock pretty easily with it.

Things you might notice when appraising a lockpick...

Miserable Detrimental Flimsy
Poor Ineffectual Very Weak
Damaged Very Inaccurate Weak
Neglected Inaccurate Below Average
Good Somewhat Inaccurate Average
Excellent Inefficient Above Average
Unreliable Strong
Below Average Very Strong
Average Excellent
Above Average Incredible
Somewhat Accurate Astonishing
Favorable Unsurpassed
Highly Accurate

360-395 Fairly Plain
440-475 Well-Crafted

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the number of repairs simply affected the other quantities... in other words it's not it's own variable that determines how good the pick is, it is just used to determine the current precision and strength by subtracting some from the base stats of the pick.

09-07-2007, 03:00 PM
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be noticeably damaged. It seems to have an average level of precision and is weak. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 4 times. You could probably handle a moderately well-crafted lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
[Script]R>put lockpick on table
You place your plain lockpick on the wooden table.
[Script]>take fifth lockpick
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
[Script]>lm app my lockp
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be in a neglected state. It seems to have an incredible level of precision and is very strong. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 1 times. You could probably handle an extremely easy lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
[Script]R>put lockpick on table
You place your plain lockpick on the wooden table.
[Script]>take fifth lockpick
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
[Script]>lm app my lockp
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be in miserable condition. It seems to have an inaccurate level of precision and is strong. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 3 times. You could probably handle a simple lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
[Script]R>put lockpick on table
[Script]>take fifth lockpick
You place your plain lockpick on the wooden table.
[Script]>lm app my lockp
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be noticeably damaged. It seems to have an unreliable level of precision and has excellent strength. As far as you can tell, the lockpick has never been repaired. You could probably handle a fairly simple lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
[Script]R>put lockpick on table
[Script]>take fifth lockpick
You place your plain lockpick on the wooden table.
[Script]>lm app my lockp
You remove a plain lockpick from on a small wooden table.
You examine the plain lockpick very closely. It appears to be in poor condition. It seems to have an inaccurate level of precision and is very weak. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been repaired about 2 times. You could probably handle a simple lock pretty easily with it.

The second one listed got me the rep... apparently it's just which pick looks the most new?

09-07-2007, 03:21 PM
The second one is the only one that has good precision, it seems.

09-07-2007, 04:01 PM
I think I've got the hang of them now... just needed to vent.

The briefing for the reps says "take all of the information into account." So long as I take everything but that last bit (which describes how difficult of a lock I could get with the pick) into account, I can get them near 100%. The philosophy for these reps seems to be "a copper lockpick fresh off the shelf is better than a once-repaired vaalin"