View Full Version : Fingersmiths...a question?

07-24-2006, 10:19 PM
Experience from lockpicking combined with lock mastery from the guild, is it worth the tps taken away from combat skills to do so?

07-24-2006, 10:37 PM
If and only if you spend a consistent amount of time picking boxes back to back, strategically using the appropriate lockpick for the lock being picked so as to yield maximum experience based on your level of disarming/lockpicking training.

You'll gain more experience with a combat model. Albiet you'll just be a little poorer when you have to skip boxes or have someone else pick them who will charge you for the service.

07-24-2006, 10:42 PM
ummm, you can be "combat" modeled, and still viably pick your own boxes.

You won't be a tank, but you can be a decent stalker/ambusher type.


07-24-2006, 10:56 PM
Agreed, The E. I was merely following his either/or model.

Ganalon is a lvl 82 master picker (3x) and yet can hunt the aquaducts solo, very effectively.

I think with regards to xp per minute gain one can achieve that result faster hunting. However, if you're picking/disarming boxes consistently on a node, using the appropriate level lockpick, then you might have the advantage of a higher rate of absorbtion. Which would equate to the other half of his question.

07-24-2006, 11:02 PM
Yeah. I agree that hunting is the way to go. The only real place where you can consistently have that steady a supply of boxes is the Landing, and who the hell wants to spend their lives in the East tower?

But the hunting/picking combo is great for when one is too much to handle at the moment. I do that with my cleric - just sit around and rescue when hunting is killing me (literally) too much.


07-25-2006, 07:55 AM
Why would someone trade sitting and picking boxes for the ability to go out and really kick ass? 2x is plenty for picking your own boxes... trust me.

Also Ganalon.. that is one of my favorite cartoons from Far Side. That bear's face cracks me the fuck up.

07-25-2006, 10:48 AM
"2x is plenty for picking your own boxes... trust me."

Unless you are talking about OTF boxes.


07-25-2006, 11:02 AM
I find 2.5x with 403 and 404 is more than sufficient for OTF. 2x is stretching it, true.


07-25-2006, 01:35 PM
Why would someone trade sitting and picking boxes for the ability to go out and really kick ass? 2x is plenty for picking your own boxes... trust me.

I've been contemplating reduction in training once I hit the lock/trap wall of -1350/-480. Now that there's a new level of hunting ground post cap coming out, I might reconsider...

Also Ganalon.. that is one of my favorite cartoons from Far Side. That bear's face cracks me the fuck up.

Agreed, by far one of my favorite.