View Full Version : Stealing

05-20-2008, 05:45 PM
I am not trained in hiding, I was curious will i be pulled from hiding if i max out stealing? Also if i were invisible would I be pulled? Thanks.

05-20-2008, 06:10 PM
yeah, and there is no reason to hide for stealing

works just as well in the open

05-20-2008, 06:34 PM
Ok, thanks.

Drunken Durfin
05-20-2008, 06:37 PM
Plus, the people with both Room and Story windows will see the constant hiding and it will tip them off that you are pickpocketing.

Seriously though, I never made enough lifting to make it worth the trouble.

05-20-2008, 07:05 PM
Stealing is bad, Mmk?

05-20-2008, 07:20 PM
Yeah stealing isn't really worth it anymore since they nerfed it BAAADDDD (since GS3). You are seen ridiculously too easy.

05-20-2008, 07:57 PM
Well I will have to see how it works out. Might be dieing a lot in Illistim for being caught heh.

05-20-2008, 07:59 PM
Illistim is probably one of the worst towns in which to steal. You're going to see next to 0 roleplay if you're caught.

05-20-2008, 08:44 PM
Eh that will be fine. I might pick someone who has a big ego and might not be able to back it up when/if they try to live up to that ego. Might be able to get a little RP out of the people there.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-20-2008, 09:55 PM
I steal all the time with a barely titled rogue, it's awesome. You only get caught if you continually riffle the same person or another rogue for the most part. One and done is your best bet, IMO.

I recommend you steal from Vif/Rocksand/Medicunt if you want interaction. :)

05-20-2008, 10:05 PM
Whats up with the room/story window? Hows that help? It constantly update who you can see in the room?

05-20-2008, 10:22 PM
Suppa Hobbit Mage I recommend you steal from Vif/Rocksand/Medicunt if you want interaction. Now if i did that she won't heal me. What am I do to then? Heh. I might head to the landing after my gift to stir up trouble.

AestheticDeath Whats up with the room/story window? Hows that help? It constantly update who you can see in the room? I think that is meant to be inventory windows. In SF when something is removed it scrolls letting the person know that they were just stolen from.

05-21-2008, 11:03 AM
The Room window makes hiding horrible because it updates every time you unhide and re-hide. Just look for a flickering name and you know who's hiding and unhiding for some reason or other (usually stealing, though it could be stealth guild reps too).

Stealing from hiding is supposed to give a bonus to your theft attempt, though the additional chances to be seen upon hiding and unhiding make you suspicious - not to mention the "room window" problem described above which makes a 0-perception-fellow strikingly perceptive.

And yeah, the inventory window suddenly changing also helps people realize they just got robbed.

Steal for fun, not for monetary gain (otherwise you'll generally be disappointed - you can make more underhunting stuff for treasure). If you don't have it as a roleplay tool then it's a pretty useless skill, unless of course you're just out to make everyone angry and start petty fights (which brings some people quite a bit of joy, I've been led to understand).

05-21-2008, 05:45 PM
This is the setup I went with. Maxed stealing just to have something to mess around with when I am bored and still have plenty of points to mess around with for now.

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 240 140
Combat Maneuvers...................| 201 101
Ranged Weapons.....................| 302 202
Ambush.............................| 302 202
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 10 2
Physical Fitness...................| 201 101
Dodging............................| 403 303
Arcane Symbols.....................| 102 24
Magic Item Use.....................| 102 24
Harness Power......................| 122 31
Survival...........................| 150 50
Disarming Traps....................| 373 273
Picking Locks......................| 373 273
Perception.........................| 302 202
Climbing...........................| 120 30
Swimming...........................| 150 50
Trading............................| 140 40
Pickpocketing......................| 302 202

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 30

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 15

Training Points: 484 Phy 0 Mnt (682 Phy converted to Mnt)

05-21-2008, 05:51 PM
Look at all those TP's.

05-21-2008, 07:30 PM
Heh it is nice, my next goal is 120. If stealing gets too boring i'll just slowly migrate it an have a few more points.

05-22-2008, 03:24 PM
do we know what does and does not effect stealing?

open hand(s)?
spells on you or the mark?
the mark's stance?
the mark's position?
the mark's hands being open?
etc, etc

05-22-2008, 04:31 PM

Sean of the Thread
05-22-2008, 05:27 PM
I stole with a 20's something rogue all the time from say the GY/crypt. Everytime I pulled herbs or some stupid shit I'd go drop it and kick it around just for the hell of it.

Decent silver to be made selling wands and shit at the level... no wheres near skinning operation or box farming but fun none the less. And fuck it my RP was CATCH ME IF YOU CAN MUTHA FUCKER.... run run run run hide sometimes ambush run run hide again then go back to stealing.

05-22-2008, 08:01 PM

From the site:

The mark

* Beneficial
o The mark's Pickpocketing ranks
o The mark's Perception ranks
o Mark's Wisdom bonus
o Mark's Intuition bonus
o Watching the thief
o If the thief steals from the mark in succession
o A small crowd, or no crowd
* Harmful
o The mark's injuries
o If the mark is incapacitated
o Watching someone other than the thief
o A large crowd

So in other words steal from the dead?

05-23-2008, 01:17 PM
I need to test if players using the SLEEP verb are more vulnerable and if they wake up when you fumble.

And yes, steal from the dead. Usually when I drag someone or fog them back to town, I extract a little fee. I used to wait and see if they'd do something nice in return, but gave up on that a long time ago.