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  1. Not sure what to do next (8 replies)
  2. New MIU question please regarding wearing a lot of spells (3 replies)
  3. MIU (4 replies)
  4. Lockpicking - Lmaster Focus vs 403/404 (15 replies)
  5. Understanding crits to up your ambush game. (15 replies)
  6. The 3 Best Rogue Builds (according to my opinion) (22 replies)
  7. Post cap rogue DS hpel (7 replies)
  8. Rogue Training (11 replies)
  9. Rogue Guild Website (2 replies)
  10. Young UAC Rogue training check (6 replies)
  11. 403/404 vs Lmas Focus (2 replies)
  12. THW Ambushing Rogue Build Check (5 replies)
  13. Roll for trap detection (5 replies)
  14. I'm debating on returning from my hidey hole. (40 replies)
  15. Martial Mastery question (6 replies)
  16. Post-Cap Rogue Armor Preference (15 replies)
  17. Returning need some help (2 replies)
  18. Three Hour Pool Test (49 replies)
  19. Not a Malvadere DR Arena Run but an example of hand crossbows on the rogues... (1 replies)
  20. DR Arena Rogue Runs? (10 replies)
  21. Stunman Guild Question (8 replies)
  22. CMAN's in game vs Wiki (0 replies)
  23. Returning Rogue training help (9 replies)
  24. Halfling UAC (7 replies)
  25. Rogue after archery and LAM (1 replies)
  26. Sniping Rogue Critique (3 replies)
  27. Capped Rogue Questions (4 replies)
  28. Acrobat Leap (1 replies)
  29. Predator's Eye - UAC (0 replies)
  30. thinking of reactivating my old rogue, questions (2 replies)
  31. HALP! Halfling Rogue Stats for Cap (3 replies)
  32. Entirely Un-Official at this point - Box "pool" (71 replies)
  33. Returning Rogue Build Help (17 replies)
  34. Help an old rogue. (13 replies)
  35. Too soon to start LM? (16 replies)
  36. duck and weave and stats (18 replies)
  37. Brawl/Thrown Style (17 replies)
  38. UAC/OHE Ambusher Misc Questions (returning player) (7 replies)
  39. Level 80 Rogue - Back After 18 Years - Lockpicking / Scripting / Leveling Advice (27 replies)
  40. Half-elf Rogue Perfect Stats and Other Questions (2 replies)
  41. Back after 10 years and need help with level 63 half-elf rogue (11 replies)
  42. Ranged or UAC? (18 replies)
  43. Shield Manuevers recommendations (7 replies)
  44. Simplest/Cheapest hunting for Rogue (9 replies)
  45. Post Cap Thrown Weapons (8 replies)
  46. combat Maneuver advice (17 replies)
  47. Sniping Rogue (2 replies)
  48. About to Start Lockmastery (13 replies)
  49. Ranged (5 replies)
  50. Trying to piece the Rogue Guild Erudition back together. (8 replies)
  51. Max Locks (3 replies)
  52. Hiding and hunting at 38 (10 replies)
  53. Dodge 2x versus 3x (6 replies)
  54. Capped UAC Combat Advice (18 replies)
  55. Ambush RT - couple of questions (17 replies)
  56. Whip it good (24 replies)
  57. Thoughts/feedback about lvl 19 uac/2x picker? (15 replies)
  58. Looking for some feedback / thoughts on my Level 19 Rogue before I train in 20 (86 replies)
  59. CMans for a Sniping Rogue (5 replies)
  60. Shield and Armor points (1 replies)
  61. Guild reinvite? (2 replies)
  62. Rogue near 20, need help deciding weapon type to use moving forward. (17 replies)
  63. Minimum S&H/PP training for gambits (3 replies)
  64. New Rogue Question (10 replies)
  65. Armor and training Question (5 replies)
  66. CMan Advice (8 replies)
  67. What level to start lock picking. (2 replies)
  68. Level 50 Rogue Build Checkup (10 replies)
  69. Picking script vs. locksmith vambrace or both? (3 replies)
  70. Thoughts on a this build (1 replies)
  71. Old Player, New Character (5 replies)
  72. Rogue postcap training and hunting strategies (3 replies)
  73. Returning after several years - am I doing this right?! (0 replies)
  74. lvl 70 training advice (4 replies)
  75. Lock Mastery and guild vouchers (11 replies)
  76. Ta'Illistim Rogue Guild (1 replies)
  77. Is UAC better than OHE for rogues? (8 replies)
  78. Armored Evasion (3 replies)
  79. Lock Mastery (1 replies)
  80. wedge making script? (6 replies)
  81. Dagger game (2 replies)
  82. Tips for Subdue? (6 replies)
  83. UAC Rogue (27 replies)
  84. Dual Chronomage Daggers (2 replies)
  85. Lockpicking question (9 replies)
  86. Starting stats for a Half-Elf Rogue? (3 replies)
  87. Combat Maneuver Question for UAC Rogue (2 replies)
  88. Back from hiatus - Help? (4 replies)
  89. Armor overtraining or Armored Evasion - Which comes first? (4 replies)
  90. Help with my rogue? (2 replies)
  91. UAC Rogue (20 replies)
  92. Open Archer Rogue (2 replies)
  93. Garrote Repair (4 replies)
  94. 30 days almost up... (2 replies)
  95. Rogue Armor Question (4 replies)
  96. Combat Rogue (2 replies)
  97. picking ranges (1 replies)
  98. hiding mechanics (3 replies)
  99. The 6x disintegration dagger from Duskruin (2 replies)
  100. Fixskill Pwned (12 replies)
  101. Life after 50 (2 replies)
  102. Armor (3 replies)
  103. Training Advice (0 replies)
  104. New player needs help! (40 replies)
  105. Weird Specs for fun (1 replies)
  106. What's Next? UAC Rogue Help (2 replies)
  107. Mutant ohe/thw/twc build (14 replies)
  108. Rough picking guess (3 replies)
  109. Armor vs Lockpicking/disarm for Sniping Rogue (1 replies)
  110. Training Help - Returning player but new character (12 replies)
  111. looking for a rogue guild master (0 replies)
  112. 2x pick/disarm - recommended perception level (1 replies)
  113. Guildmaster nomination help (5 replies)
  114. 30 days almost up, check my progress please? (17 replies)
  115. What am I doing wrong (21 replies)
  116. Guild Training Classifieds (3 replies)
  118. Vaalor Stunning Grog (0 replies)
  119. Pickpocketing (0 replies)
  120. Combat Maneuvers and Shield Maneuvers (4 replies)
  121. Returning 47 rogue, starting to question my fixskill choice (20 replies)
  122. How do You take down fetish masters (9 replies)
  123. UAC vs OHE vs OHB (6 replies)
  124. Picking/Hurling Build (6 replies)
  125. Armor and hiding (1 replies)
  126. Rogue Guild Participant Spreadsheet (7 replies)
  127. Swiftkick and Footstomp Flares (5 replies)
  128. Adding lock picking to a combat rogue (7 replies)
  129. Magical Rogue - Scrolls? (4 replies)
  130. What do you want from your Guild? (2 replies)
  131. Rogue locksmith // UAC or Ranged - Best Race? (5 replies)
  132. Protection from magical attack. (13 replies)
  133. 3x hiding? (5 replies)
  134. Returning level 56 rogue needs help (10 replies)
  135. Lock Difficulty Read (6 replies)
  136. Armor vs Stealth? (8 replies)
  137. Rogue Skills Change (23 replies)
  138. rogue guild activity (4 replies)
  139. special grog in Vaalor, other stunning items? (4 replies)
  140. Vaalor Rogues (14 replies)
  141. MOC training Open Arch and FoF (4 replies)
  142. Hide and ambushing in full plate? (5 replies)
  143. Curious LM question (18 replies)
  144. Polearm Rogue (11 replies)
  145. Rogue Guild Question (23 replies)
  146. "Sword" and board setups (23 replies)
  147. New Rogue Seeking Advice (66 replies)
  148. Calipers (12 replies)
  149. Any major issues? (7 replies)
  150. Locksmithing questions for advanced locksmiths (14 replies)
  151. ambush weighting from hiding (16 replies)
  152. Someone experienced give this a once over, please? (22 replies)
  153. Sword/Board Ambusher Training Review (3 replies)
  154. Lock Mastery room conditions (3 replies)
  155. A question about trap strength (4 replies)
  156. rogue script issue (1 replies)
  157. Lock Reading Bonus? (4 replies)
  158. Rogue - Ranged or TWC or what (51 replies)
  159. Fixstat guidance (7 replies)
  160. stealth and 410 (6 replies)
  161. Inactive rogue needs re-invite (4 replies)
  162. Scripts (8 replies)
  163. Recommended Rogue CMANs (13 replies)
  164. Average AS at Cap? (1 replies)
  165. Rogue training plan up to level 25 for my character. (6 replies)
  166. Thinking of thrown or ranged weapons for my rogue? (4 replies)
  167. Wedges in illistim (2 replies)
  168. Archer rogues? (15 replies)
  169. Seeking advice on archer rogue (16 replies)
  170. lockpicking question (8 replies)
  171. New rogue build (15 replies)
  172. Lockpicking Rogue Help please! (18 replies)
  173. Help with Fixstat on my lvl30 Rogue (3 replies)
  174. MIU (2 replies)
  175. New after 12yrs Away..... where to start (24 replies)
  176. 3x Perception (1 replies)
  177. Fixstat question (10 replies)
  178. New Rogue Questions (4 replies)
  179. Open archer vs. Whatever else (16 replies)
  180. Best armor to wear for an ambushing axe and board rogue in the rift? (21 replies)
  181. Mist Harbor Guild Location? (1 replies)
  182. Something from the officials. (9 replies)
  183. Stun manuevers training script? (0 replies)
  184. Picking a few points from capping and having issues with temple boxes (16 replies)
  185. Guild help? (12 replies)
  186. 30 days stat migration help (15 replies)
  187. Need a really good locksmith (7 replies)
  188. Episode 672: The Smyths ponder Alafaya's Training Path, picking versus non-picking (21 replies)
  189. The scatter hunting (20 replies)
  190. GEEZ (3 replies)
  191. Reroll - Most "Optimal" Rogue? (11 replies)
  192. Gnome Rogue... Reroll? (31 replies)
  193. 3x dodging..is it worth it? (27 replies)
  194. Gone a long time blah blah blah unarmed combat blah blah blah (5 replies)
  195. Gnome Rogue Perfectish Stats (8 replies)
  196. Fix Stat on Giantman Rogue (9 replies)
  197. Fixskill my rogue (7 replies)
  198. 79 trains. Advice and recommendations (6 replies)
  199. LFM "qualifying" boxes (5 replies)
  200. High disarm skill = less exp from easier traps? (4 replies)
  201. UAC ambusher at cap? (5 replies)
  202. UAC, Brawling and Rogues? (4 replies)
  203. Arcane symbols training (3 replies)
  204. Wenchi jabbins (2 replies)
  205. Ambushing THW Rogue Build (30 replies)
  206. Old player coming back...just curious on thoughts (8 replies)
  207. Combat Maneuvers (8 replies)
  208. Rogue Guild Night (0 replies)
  209. Rogue CMAN Idea: Stop Short (5 replies)
  210. Not getting guild reps? (9 replies)
  211. Recent tweak to spotting traps? (2 replies)
  212. New shield stuff? (4 replies)
  213. Dwarf rogue head/eye ambush (8 replies)
  214. lockpicking (13 replies)
  215. Seeking advice (11 replies)
  216. LM Lockpick appraising (4 replies)
  217. What's up y'all! (21 replies)
  218. Rogue guild not letting me in (9 replies)
  219. invite to the guild? (7 replies)
  220. Rogue Weapon Choice (9 replies)
  221. Ambush aid in Edged AS? (7 replies)
  222. Lock Mastery wedging boxes (22 replies)
  223. Guild Script help (3 replies)
  224. Mulling over a return with a rogue. (0 replies)
  225. Trying to decide what to do with my half-elf rogue (10 replies)
  226. Monkee (8 replies)
  227. UAC Training, Stat placement & Gear advice/suggestions (5 replies)
  228. 25th year rogue : advice (4 replies)
  229. Will this work? Or is it totally worthless? (11 replies)
  230. Looking for some training help, a push in the right direction. (24 replies)
  231. Need Help (4 replies)
  232. Cman Advise!!! Disarm queries and such... (7 replies)
  233. Good armor for vanish at cap? (4 replies)
  234. More brawling rogue questions. (3 replies)
  235. UAC rogue (24 replies)
  236. Brawling Rogue Build (47 replies)
  237. 3 new cmans (15 replies)
  238. Coming out of retirement. (7 replies)
  239. Before I use my fixstat... (10 replies)
  240. Any holes in my training plan? Plus extra "Q"s (1 replies)
  241. Open archery at 93? (144 replies)
  242. Opinions on going past 1x CM please (28 replies)
  243. A little help with stats. (4 replies)
  244. Should i fixstat him? (2 replies)
  245. Why the eff can't I stay away from this game?! (2 replies)
  246. Lockpick information. (4 replies)
  247. Katana rogue (11 replies)
  248. Capped Rogues! (10 replies)
  249. Armor for a rogue? (8 replies)
  250. Cheapshots (list of issues) (0 replies)