View Full Version : Fixstat question
03-20-2014, 02:05 PM
I'll be hitting 90 here soon on my human rogue, and I have enough BPs saved up for a fixstat. I'm not sure whether I'll end up using it now, or if I'll wait until I cap, but I'd like to have an idea of which direction to take when I finally do. I've played around with various stat placements, but I can't decide whether to tank only inf (leaving every stat at 100 and inf at 74), or if I should take points away from wis to bump inf up a bit (I could drop wis down as far as 85, which would raise inf up to 85, with everything else staying at 100). It it worth sacrificing the inf to bump my sTD with capped wis? Or will the additional points in wis make much of a difference? I'm in CoL and don't really ever use offensive signs, so I don't see inf helping often, if ever (assuming inf eventually does get factored into CoL offensive signs). Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated.
(STR): 100
(CON): 100
(DEX): 100
(AGI): 100
(DIS): 100
(AUR): 100
(LOG): 100
(INT): 100
(WIS): 100
(INF): 74
(STR): 100
(CON): 100
(DEX): 100
(AGI): 100
(DIS): 100
(AUR): 100
(LOG): 100
(INT): 100
(WIS): 85
(INF): 85
Or any other combo of points between inf and wis, with wis being some stat between 85 and 100.
03-20-2014, 02:53 PM
Your wisdom bonus adds to your spiritual TD, which is a good thing as a rogue. Keep it.
03-20-2014, 03:04 PM
Yeah, that's about what I figured, but GS math isn't my strong suit. Does wis bonus add directly to sTD in the sense that a bonus of 30 adds 30 sTD, and a bonus of 15 adds 15 sTD? And I'm also not sure if inf has any relevance other than what's listed on Krakii, so I don't know if it will even make any difference at all if I tank only it.
Cereal Killer
03-20-2014, 03:07 PM
As a rogue, the only time you're going to be seeing Influence come into play is CMAN DIVERT.
03-20-2014, 03:10 PM
Good to know. Thank you.
03-20-2014, 03:16 PM
I recommend waiting til cap to fixstats. You're going to end up losing TP whether you do it now, or do it later. The only difference is that you're likely still adjusting to your latest hunting ground. And fixstating now will likely reduce your main stats on the short term, potentially making it a harder adjustment into those final hunting grounds. Whereas once you're capped, you're likely already pretty comfortable with the hunting ground.
03-20-2014, 03:59 PM
As a rogue, the only time you're going to be seeing Influence come into play is CMAN DIVERT.
I use CMAN DIVERT, and even at level 4 I fail a bit more than I would like. Influence is my lowest stat, so perhaps that is to be expected. But this is the only significant effect (that I know of) that Influence has on my character, so it is clear that making it my lowest stat was the right choice.
03-20-2014, 04:19 PM
I appreciate all of the input. Seems like keeping all stats but inf at 100 is the way to go. As a hidden range rogue, I have a ton of TPs to play around with, so I still might fixstat earlier, but that still remains to be seen. My stats are decent as they are, so I'm in no hurry.
03-20-2014, 09:57 PM
I'm weird, I'd say to tank INT, it isn't very useful either. You get a bit of DS from it but not a lot, and it helps with spotting traps when you don't have the training for it. But at 90 you obviously have the training to spot traps.
03-21-2014, 01:12 AM
Thanks for the note, Jeril. And yeah, traps are no problem. Any thoughts on INT's effects on dodge/evade? I'll play around with it again tomorrow to see what else I can come up with.
Seems like I could bring every stat up to 100 but INF and INT, and those would be 91 and 90 respectively.
03-21-2014, 02:18 AM
INT bonus/4 = 1 dodge rank, so you don't really miss out on a lot by having a lower INT, with Jeril I tanked it in favor of boosting INF for trading bonus and warcries.
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