06-04-2019, 11:47 AM
Been gone for a while and recently returned, at least for this free month they offered. Shield Manuevers weren't around when I left, and looks like they came out a few months after my last billed month. Was just wondering what other rogues used mostly. I use a buckler and MBP w/ 2x Dodging. Ambushing and Silent Strike are my hunting methods. Gave up picking boxes like 30s trains ago.
This is what I decided to put to start:
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Small Shield Focus sfocus 3
Shield Swiftness swiftness 3
Deflection Training dtraining 1
Shield Mind(w/ Shield Block), looked interesting, but I don't have required shield types for it anyways. Not sure how useful or just situational that would be. Any opinions on those and/or deflect the elements would be helpful. Steady Shield and Deflect Mastery were the other two I looked at.
My other skills for anyone that was gonna ask.
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 180 80
Shield Use.........................| 160 60
Combat Maneuvers...................| 220 120
Edged Weapons......................| 220 120
Ambush.............................| 220 120
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 50 10
Physical Fitness...................| 220 120
Dodging............................| 220 120
Harness Power......................| 15 3
Survival...........................| 5 1
Stalking and Hiding................| 230 130
Perception.........................| 230 130
Climbing...........................| 90 20
Swimming...........................| 50 10
Pickpocketing......................| 220 120
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Focus focus 1
Shadow Mastery smastery 4
Silent Strike silentstrike 5
Specialization I wspec1 3
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Combat Toughness toughness 1
Surge of Strength surge 4
Vanish vanish 2
2 Ranks of Armored Evasion also.
From what I remember from before I was 3x in S&H and Perception, then once someone told me it wasn't necessary, I removed some to bump up armor for Haub/MBP, but left rest of skills invested and just let my training catchup til I was down to 2x. Next I plan to get 5-10 ranks of survival. I got away with 0 ranks til now, but figured to get a few ranks then I'm gonna move towards 2.5 maybe 3x dodge. I forget what I was planning with cmans, I know I was waiting on enough points to get next rank(s) of wspec1. I think I planned on getting surge 5 later down the line, and leaving smastery at 4.
This is what I decided to put to start:
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Small Shield Focus sfocus 3
Shield Swiftness swiftness 3
Deflection Training dtraining 1
Shield Mind(w/ Shield Block), looked interesting, but I don't have required shield types for it anyways. Not sure how useful or just situational that would be. Any opinions on those and/or deflect the elements would be helpful. Steady Shield and Deflect Mastery were the other two I looked at.
My other skills for anyone that was gonna ask.
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 180 80
Shield Use.........................| 160 60
Combat Maneuvers...................| 220 120
Edged Weapons......................| 220 120
Ambush.............................| 220 120
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 50 10
Physical Fitness...................| 220 120
Dodging............................| 220 120
Harness Power......................| 15 3
Survival...........................| 5 1
Stalking and Hiding................| 230 130
Perception.........................| 230 130
Climbing...........................| 90 20
Swimming...........................| 50 10
Pickpocketing......................| 220 120
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Focus focus 1
Shadow Mastery smastery 4
Silent Strike silentstrike 5
Specialization I wspec1 3
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Combat Toughness toughness 1
Surge of Strength surge 4
Vanish vanish 2
2 Ranks of Armored Evasion also.
From what I remember from before I was 3x in S&H and Perception, then once someone told me it wasn't necessary, I removed some to bump up armor for Haub/MBP, but left rest of skills invested and just let my training catchup til I was down to 2x. Next I plan to get 5-10 ranks of survival. I got away with 0 ranks til now, but figured to get a few ranks then I'm gonna move towards 2.5 maybe 3x dodge. I forget what I was planning with cmans, I know I was waiting on enough points to get next rank(s) of wspec1. I think I planned on getting surge 5 later down the line, and leaving smastery at 4.