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  1. death sting??
  2. DB items
  3. Stupid Armor Question
  4. Which are better skinners?
  5. Skinning/Boxes?
  6. Rogue hiding/stalking training.
  7. Which is easier to aim with?
  8. Real quick.
  9. Wizard FE
  10. Scroll invoking
  11. Anti-Breakage, The Political Argument
  12. The politics of death
  13. Game mech for trading skill
  14. Multiple boil earth targets?
  15. mage item self casts.
  16. TWC + 2 morning stars?
  17. Do those extra seconds really matter?
  18. Crying about warcries.
  19. Heroism/Bravery & the other AS boosters.
  20. Fame vs level?
  21. Armor
  22. Interesting suggestion for Bards
  23. Nature Resistance
  24. RPA question
  25. Them damn Seers
  26. What is this?
  27. Official: Krynch Roll and Cockatrice Changes
  28. Cman Bonding is way cool!
  29. Which is faster leveling?
  30. Claidh Ambushing
  31. How does combat manuever's work?
  32. Player shop decor?
  33. Redux?
  34. Coup De grace boost
  35. Reactive flares stacking?
  36. Knitting Verbs
  37. Ta'Illistim citizenship
  38. New rogue
  39. Bashing Boxes
  40. Creating a runestone
  41. Adventure guild foraging
  42. Opinions on Open Ambush
  43. Alchemy and you
  44. WARN verb
  45. Am I missing something?
  46. Ta'Vaalor Deeds?
  47. Spell burst
  48. Temporary Crit Weighting
  49. the same skill (cman+guild)
  50. Voln Fu
  51. Spirit/Elemental Dispel
  52. Maneuver attack woes
  53. CMAN question (sidebyside)
  54. Lance vs. Maul
  55. Harness Power needed for mana, correct?
  56. Aiming a Backsword
  57. Armor Padding
  58. Where to start
  59. Bravery + Heroism = 14?
  60. CMAN or not to CMAN
  61. Post Cap Grinding
  62. Prem enhancives and AG recharging
  63. Perfectlly Forged
  64. Anyone know
  65. bonding an altered weapon
  66. Warrior Bonding question
  67. bow eye crit question
  68. Breakage: Whens it coming?
  69. Vacuum flares
  70. Enhancives to boost AS
  71. Katana skill
  72. Frequently flaring flares
  73. Stat potion question.
  74. Haste + Song of Tonis results?
  75. Official: Premium Point Enchanting/Padding of High Enchant Permanent Resistance Armor
  76. Running messages/Ale
  77. Please review: making a brawler...
  78. Accessories calcs
  79. Dodging + Armor type = DS bonus ?
  80. Charges and loresong
  81. Shops - item stacking
  82. Ebon Gate Slabs
  83. Going hurling
  84. Official: Dark Vorteces Update
  85. Voln Fu text results
  86. Sheer Fear
  87. Gift of Lumnis
  88. Damage Padding VS Crit Padding
  89. How fast can you level in a month?
  90. Shield vs Runestaff
  91. Fletching 101
  92. Race: Mechanics or RP
  93. Armor RT ranks necessary
  94. Shield Bash vs. Bull Rush
  95. Official: Ithzir Initiate and Seer Spell Updates
  96. Adv Guild escort task
  97. Skull rings
  98. Odd hunting practices.
  99. Temporary Padding Merchants
  100. New Style Naginatas
  101. Dumb question.
  102. Voln Fu and Flares
  103. Stat placement webpage
  104. Who's a better hunter?
  105. Armor/Ranged question.
  106. Dodging?
  107. Official: PLACE or DROP -- the choice is yours
  108. Official: Rummage for Alchemy Ingredients
  109. Quick question
  110. anyone know odd ways to get exp?
  111. TWC question
  112. Flares from drake weapons
  113. Warrior MIU
  114. System Repair III
  115. enhancive thresholds
  116. spells / skins
  117. Weapon Damage Factor
  118. Noob AvD question.
  119. bad rolls: contd
  120. my newb questions, please laugh, and answer
  121. A potion of body and mind ...
  122. Imbue guide?
  123. Noob question about premium points
  124. Monsterbold
  125. Fixstats for a capped warrior
  126. Best Warrior Race
  127. RPA's
  128. MIU
  129. 112 Not Stackable?
  130. XPosted: Of CM Ranks and CML Rolls
  131. Strength
  132. Giantman Problems
  133. Currently...
  134. Casting Strength - Does this seem too low?
  135. PP enhancives
  136. 425 Rounding Error?
  137. Ranged Changes.
  138. Runestaff enchants beyond 4x?
  139. Sonic Blade
  140. FoF, or Force on Force
  141. What shield should he use?
  142. TP question
  143. E-wave cast vs imbed
  144. Lockpicking
  145. Huh?
  146. Mechanically nice Brawlers
  147. Armor Question
  148. Puncture, slash & crush:
  149. Lava tube in Teras
  150. Mage rechargeable loresong?
  151. Fury and Major Ewave
  152. Hurling - Sonic Weapons
  153. latten-edged invar gorget and sliced vocal cords
  154. Mana Controls
  155. Official: Major Sanctuary Update
  156. Defense Calculator
  157. Explain ranged Defense
  159. Goals Training Monitor
  160. Sunfist Sigil: Crit Weighting/Padding
  161. What base is this weapon?
  162. quick question
  163. mechanical flares
  164. Premium Point enchanting Question...
  165. dumb question
  166. Player Shop percentages
  167. Training Spreadsheet
  168. Citizenship and the gem shop
  169. Mental Mana Control
  170. The absolute best flare.
  171. GM Oscuro on Spellburst
  172. How do you figure out Redux?
  173. knockdown roundtimes
  174. Dodge/Parry
  175. Bard/Empath TD
  176. New SunFist Dwarven Warrior
  177. Unarmed Combat !
  178. Sunfist Questions
  179. Hurling + Weapon Bonding
  180. Grimswarm Mobs.
  181. Quake Spell
  182. New Style Katana
  183. Massive Morningstars
  184. Arguebuses & Gunpowder Weapons
  185. Best Brawling Weapons.
  186. Enhancives and CMan
  187. 1605 and player-forged weapons
  188. Changing Armor AsG Downward
  189. Stun per crit
  190. Furrier BP Tasks
  191. Implosion
  192. How often do you lose your weapon?
  193. How to Make Hurling Better.
  194. Should I feel lucky, or afraid?
  195. Crit damage adders
  196. Polearm w/ shield DS?
  197. Dodge as Pertains to Shield Ranks
  198. Wizard casting Haste on others - swing time
  199. Fucking Bullshit
  200. Archery Question.
  201. High-end skin values
  202. Sunfist Paddings
  203. EXP Absorbtion +?
  204. Off the shelf wand bow
  205. Spirit Warding Deficiency
  206. Warmage Question!
  207. 416
  208. Pure EXP gains
  209. Material Levels
  210. Song of Mirrors gorget
  211. Plate Wearing Empath
  212. Paladin Armor Use
  213. PP question:
  214. Accessories and Armor
  215. Partial-body armor and padding
  216. Brawling?
  217. Sunfist sigil clarification
  218. I am not Lysander...
  219. Official Updates to Minor Sanctuary(213) and Living Spell(208)
  220. Knockout/Mechanical Flares
  221. What enhancive should I get?
  222. What's changed in the last 3 years?
  223. Wizard DS
  224. Question About Enchants
  225. Fatigue from healing?
  226. Ambushing
  227. WTF Happened?
  228. Crossbow RT
  229. Fixskills question
  230. anklets
  231. Has anyone else ever seen this?
  232. End Roll
  233. Types of TD armor
  234. Questions about DS
  235. alchemy *magical* cauldron reps
  236. Final word on Sunfist sigils.
  237. Fame per creature killed
  238. weird occurance
  239. Coase on Sunfist
  240. Unconverted Shields
  241. Red Armor Vs. Exceptionally crit padded plate
  242. gas flares?
  243. Interesting question
  244. Brawling DS?
  245. spell burst factors
  246. Physical Training
  247. Official: New Combat Messaging Flags
  248. Immunity to puncture.
  249. Fixskills reminder
  250. Brawling DS