View Full Version : Wizard casting Haste on others - swing time

04-02-2008, 01:21 PM
Can anyone give me a little help understanding this (from krakiipedia)?

Final RT = (RT - [1 + X + Y]) * (100 - [25 + Z])%
X = Air Lore Bonus; Increases by +1 at 24 ranks, 100 ranks, and 200 ranks
Y = Major Elemental Bonus; Increases by +1 at 51 ranks and possibly 100 ranks
Z = Major Elemental Spells Known / 3

If i have 24 air ranks and 54 major elemental spells, casting haste on someone with a 7 sec rt should bring it to 2. But when i do that in game they have a 3 sec rt. They also go from 6 sec to 3 sec for me, and 5 sec to 2 sec.

I'm not understanding the rounding of the formula or there is some different effects in place when cast on others.
Anyone clear this up for me? I'm trying to decide whether or not to go for 100 air lore ranks (which hurts the tp's pretty bad).


04-02-2008, 02:45 PM
Some of the bonus is self-cast only, while the other is applied to all casts. I don't remember which to what.

04-02-2008, 03:00 PM
i've heard that 200 air lore will get another person from 6 sec to 1 sec, but i don't know if that counted any specific major elemental or not.

04-02-2008, 03:21 PM
Major spells known won't affect another person.

Basically whatever you have right now, with 24 air lore ranks, you can take off an extra second from whatever the end result is for other people once you have 100 ranks.

04-02-2008, 03:28 PM
Major spells known won't affect another person.

Basically whatever you have right now, with 24 air lore ranks, you can take off an extra second from whatever the end result is for other people once you have 100 ranks.
Not that simple... but close. Because the air lore ranks means you reduce the RT before the percent is taken off, so by reducing the RT by another second prior to the percentage, you could actually end up being at the same RT (never worse).

04-03-2008, 10:30 AM
i checked this on the test server last night and going with 100 air lore got me to give others 1 sec swings from 5 sec normal.