View Full Version : A potion of body and mind ...

01-03-2008, 12:03 PM
If I reallocate my stats with one of these to something that would have generated more TPs for me, do I get the benefit of those TPs retroactively?

01-03-2008, 12:08 PM
I think if you fixstat...you have to retrain your skills for all of your levels...I haven't tried it yet, but that would make the most sense seeing as how your TPs are going to change.

01-03-2008, 12:43 PM
Your TP's change to what they should be at your level, with the new stats.

No fixskill is granted. So if you want to change training plans, that's going to be an entirely seperate undertaking. However, if you wanted to increase a current skill, you will have the new TP's to do it with.

01-03-2008, 01:28 PM
That'd suck if you lose in MTPs and gain in PTPs and vice versa....how does that get accounted for?

01-03-2008, 02:08 PM
I appreciate the replies.

01-04-2008, 12:37 AM
That'd suck if you lose in MTPs and gain in PTPs and vice versa....how does that get accounted for?

I used my fixstats a couple of weeks ago, and this happened. For some reason, it just zapped 5 of my Wizard Spell Ranks (66 to 61, 320 physical points) and left me with no remaining training points.

No choice in the matter, and it didn't even tell me "Gee, we'll take some spell ranks if you reallocate!"

But they're back now. I just think it's a little odd... would be interesting to hear what it auto-adjusts for other professions.

01-04-2008, 10:04 AM
Thanks for the response Rimalon.

What do you mean that your spell ranks are back now? Was it like a readjustment period akin to when you do a fixskills?

Or do you mean you had the TPs sitting in your mangler waiting to be spent?

01-04-2008, 11:32 AM
It's my understanding that the system will take the fewest ranks of the highest TP cost skill to balance out the TP's after a fixstat. Spells, for a pure who's converting, are probably the highest ticket item so that makes sense they would get reduced.

This happened to me on a smaller scale when we still had 5 lifetime stat fixes, I also lost one spell.

Your TP's are directly based on your stats, the higher your mental stats the more mental TP's and vice versa. If a pure was to adjust their stats at a hight level, from being more mental to more physical, they will loose mental TP's and the system will take them. The reverse would be true of a square, in reverse. Doh.

I'm planning a fixstat for my main now, and I anticipate loosing about 500 TP's when I do. Being a pure, she's converted into the thousands and each spell costs 64 TP's - I'll loose 10 or so, I expect. Ergo, I'm hoarding a fixskill to use afterwards if necessary. I'm also loading up on a lot of useless shit so I have plenty of points to take from, from crap I don't need anyway, ie CMAN's. I toyed with letting the points just accumulate, but naw.

01-04-2008, 11:50 AM
What do you mean that your spell ranks are back now?

Naw, just that I, as a powerhunter, earned them back without too much trouble. I never imagined how happy it would make me going from 70/54 STR/CON to 99/99. I had no idea how much crap people are able to carry around.

It's weird to note, also, that my spell ranks at the time were 91 Major Elemental, 74 Minor, 66 Wizard... and yet it takes it from the lowest total. Bleh.

01-04-2008, 11:50 AM
Why not just set your GOALS with the skills lowered that you would want lowered, so if you are going to lose 500TPs and you wanted it to be taken from EMC instead of spell ranks, lower your EMC to the point of having 500 spare tps, you will be migrating them down, and then do the fixstat... I'm not saying it'll work, but it's worth a try.

It might take from migrating down skills before it takes from the "highest cost" skills, has anyone tested that?

01-04-2008, 12:56 PM
I believe if you change your goals prior to fixstat'ing, then they'll fixskill automatically to what you've set them at. I think a friend just set goals to unlearn everthing, then retrained with the new TPs afterwards.

01-16-2008, 08:31 PM
So if a warrior was to fixstat at cap (for example), and go from maxxed all physical/hybrid stats, ~80s for mentals to maxxed all stats by setting his level zero stats to the correct minimum values, he would net gain a lot of mental points and lose physical points (for all the levels that he was maxxed in phys stats prior to cap and prior to fixstat that he was reaping max phys TPs), yes?

But of course, the fixstat sets the mental skills higher from the beginning, so all along the warrior would have been getting more mental points (though doubtfully enough to offset the loss in physical TPs that the warrior would incur from having not maxed phys until level 100 on the dot rather than earlier...)

Then since there would obviously be hundreds/thousands of Mental-to-Phys, would the net effect be fewer total points AT cap, then more points gained POST-cap?

Hmm...so anyway, what this boils down to is, would there be a large net LOSS of TPs if at cap, one were to fixstat to max every stat (or all but one stat, is actually all that's possible), followed by maximized Post-cap TP gain (plus of course all the mechanical benefits of having maxxed stats)? Or would the net loss of TPs not be big, am I way off? Has anyone tried maxing at cap, like this?

01-16-2008, 08:36 PM
You will not see a huge loss. I haven't toyed with it, but you should not see more than 400-500 TPs difference overall. Well I guess 10% or so could be called huge, but more than likely whatever you lose from mental TPs will go over to physical TPs, and vice-versa.

edit -> If you have an actual reason for asking the question, like you actually have a character you are planning to do this with. Try posting the starting stats of said character, and at what experience level you are wanting to convert the stats with a fixstat potion. Someone can figure it out and tell you what the actual TPs will be at the time.

01-16-2008, 09:21 PM
Thinking about trying it eventually, but still a bit away from cap and bit away from a million bounty points. But in theory it would look something like this (via Tsoran's Spreadsheet).

So if Im talking about doing this fixstat right when I hit cap, 7572500 experience.

Human Warrior
Original Stats at Zero w/ Orig, at 100
Str 68 -----------------> 100
Con 68 100
Dex 75 100
Agl 75 100
Dis 75 100
Aur 75 94
Log 69 84
Int 60 94
Wis 65 87
Inf 40 81

So using the spreadsheet, I worked up the bare minimum stat placements at zero to yield 100 at cap (the stats all get to 100 at level 97,98,99,or100)
Potential Fixstat values at zero at 100
Str 39 ------------------------> 100
Con59 100
Dex62 100
Agl62 100
Dis73 100
Aur82 100
Log 88 100
Int70 100
Wis82 100
Inf43 82

*note Its true that post cap its a fixed TP gain rate at 2500 exp per? I suspect then, that maxing stats at cap does NOT equal maxing TPs, it would be interesting mechanically though, to have maxed everything (but Inf).

Anyone wants to play with this interesting scenario, be my guest. It'll be quite some time before I ever need to worry about actually trying it though, just and idea I've been playing with.

01-16-2008, 09:24 PM
Well heck, if you are using Tsorans, you already have the answer. It tells you how many Tps You have access to.

Just look at each one at level 100.

And yes, once you hit 100, you only get Tps for every 2500 EXP.

01-16-2008, 09:26 PM
Original placement Stats at 100

Potential Stats at 100 after Fixstat

First post the "stats at 100" columns didnt show, my apologies.

01-16-2008, 09:34 PM
well...right you are. i'll be damned. Guess I SHOULD have read that Read Me file that came with it. One heck of a spreadsheet.

thanks much for the info!

01-16-2008, 10:06 PM
For closure,
The (surprisingly simple with Tsoran's spreadsheet) calculation worked out that it would be a net loss of the equivalent of 157 PTPs, from my initial stat placements, to maximize all stats (except Inf). This could be made up for in 392,500 experience postcap.

Initial PTP loss was= -270
MTP gain was = +227 227/2= 113.5 (truncate to 113)
-270 + 113= -157 PTP

...It'd be pretty cool to have all (except one) maxed stats...

01-17-2008, 10:38 AM
Wouldn't 40 million be pretty cool too though, considering your stats are all really close anyways?