View Full Version : The politics of death

09-06-2007, 11:05 AM
Can anyone explain to me the new death system? How long the 'lingering weakness' lasts and exactly what is affected by it. I find myself returned after around 6 years absence (plur or minus a 3 month sojourn 3 years ago)to a lot of changes and I find the new death mechanics rather annoying.

09-06-2007, 11:25 AM
Lingering weakness is a reduction of all your stats for a short period of time (depends on whether you had a deed or not, and if you decayed or not). I think the shortest it can be is around 5-10 minutes....longest can be around an hour to get them back up to full. They slowly rise, though, in that interim.

Constitution can be negatively affected, IE, while all other stats rise to their normal level, con might stay slightly lower, at which point you can get it back up to max by earning experience. I want to say it's 2.5k per CO point, but I'm not sure.
