02-28-2008, 08:57 PM
Thanks for Lufter on the Officials for posting this.
Complete List of Sigils
[/URL]http://www.play.net/images/transparent.gifhttp://www.play.net/images/transparent.gif[URL="http://www.play.net/forums/post.asp?forum=102&category=20&topic=10&replyto=333"] (http://forum.gsplayers.com/) Sigil of Resolve, memorize it well. As you have no doubt discovered, the Grimswarm often hides itself far away from civilization, striking at us from the depths of the wilds. When we take the battle to our foes, we often must traverse many obstacles to reach them. This sigil allows you to overcome the obstacles of the wild more easily by focusing your energy into a brief attunement with nature. While under its influence, you should find your Climbing, Swimming, and Survival skills to be somewhat enhanced. The cost to you is 5 points of stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Minor Bane, memorize it well. We all have our weaknesses, and our foes are no different. By invoking this sigil, you can temporarily attune yourself with your foes and then use that attunement to search for the weakest points in their defenses. While under its influence, you will be able to strike more accurately and deal additional damage to our hated enemies as if you were weilding heavily damage weighted weapon. The cost to you 3 points of both stamina and mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Bandages, memorize it well. By focusing your energy on this sigil, you can temporarily bring yourself into greater awareness of your injuries and their effects on your movements. While under its influence, you will be able to perform many strenuous movements without breaking the bandages on any tended wounds you may have. The cost to you is 10 points of stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Defense, memorize it well. By focusing on this sigil, you can call forth a shimmering aura of protection that will make you harder to hit in battle. The cost to you for this boon is 5 points of both mana and stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Offense - By focusing on this sigil, you can call forth a guiding power that will make you hit harder and more accurately in combat. The cost to you for this ability is again 5 points of both mana and stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Distraction, memorize it well. By focusing on this sigil, you can create a fleeting moment of attunement with the natural energies of chaos so often present in our foes. By exploiting this common weakness, you will be able to distract nearby foes in combat, making them less likely to evade, parry, or block any attacks they may face. Attuning yourself with this chaos can be draining, and the cost to you is 10 points of stamina and 5 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Minor Protection, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to attune yourself to your foes' weaknesses and exploit them. Now I shall teach you how to attune yourself to your own weaknesses and prevent them from being exploited. While under the influence of this sigil, you will be both harder to hit and harder to injure, gaining protection equivalent to wearing heavily damage padded armor. The cost to you is 10 points of stamina and 5 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you."
Sigil of Focus, memorize it well. Unlike most of the other sigils you have learned thus far, the power of this sigil is focused inwardly. When calling upon the power of this sigil, you seek to fortify the control that you have over your own body. While under the influence of this sigil, your foes will have a harder time warding you with magic that bypasses your physical defenses. The cost to you for this increased control is 5 points of both stamina and mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Intimidation, memorize it well. I said before that the Grimswarm are truly cowards at heart. That is true in every sense of the word. By focusing upon the power of this sigil, you seek to bring yourself into attunement with the fears of your foes and then exploit that weakness to your own advantage. A foe that falls victim to this power will find both their physical attacks and defense significantly weakened as their confidence in their own abilities is undermined. When targeting this power against a single foe, the cost to you is 10 points of stamina and 5 points of mana. You can also attempt to use this power against all nearby foes at the cost of 5 more points of both stamina and mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Mending, memorize it well. Amongst the minions of the Grimswarm, the savage beasts known as trolls stand out for their remarkable ability to regenerate their wounds. After much study and experimentation, we have developed a technique that also allows us to temporarily attune our bodies to the natural healing devices of Elanthia and thus greatly increase our rate of recuperation when wounded. When under the influence of this sigil, you will recover blood loss at a greatly enhanced rate. Also, when consuming healing herbs, your wounds will mend at the fastest possible rate, even if you are untrained in First Aid. The cost to you is 15 points of stamina and 10 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Concentration, memorize it well. Mana flows through the world like music from a harp. Some of us are deaf to that music, prefering to focus on the more martial aspects of life. Others are able to appreciate the music, but always strain to hear the ever more subtle notes of it. This sigil allows each of us to sacrifice some of our physical vitality in order to temporarily attune ourselves more closely to the flows of mana. While under influence of this sigil, you will regain spent mana more quickly than normal, but at the cost of 30 points of stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Major Bane, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to attune yourself to your foes' weaknesses and exploit them. This sigil is a more powerful version of that attunement. While under its influence, you will strike more accurately and deal additional damage to our hated enemies as if you were weilding a weapon heavily weighted to inflict more critical blows. The cost to you is 10 points of both stamina and mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Determination, memorize it well. In your many battles with the Grimswarm, you have undoubtedly suffered the sting of steel slicing your flesh or the burning agony of magic tearing at your being. While we are far more honed to battle and its attendant pains than your average commoner, we still do suffer from our wounds. This suffering can lead to distraction and that distraction can lead to defeat. While other sigils seek to increase your attunement to your body, this one seeks to break that attunement and thereby numb the pain that you feel when wounded. While under the influence of this sigil, you are able to completely ignore almost any penalty that you usually suffer when attempting tasks while wounded. While this sigil is powerful, it cannot contradict reality. If you suffer from severed limbs, blinded eyes, or uncontrollable convulsions, you will still be unable to perform many tasks. However, you will be able to temporarily overcome almost any other injury at the cost of 30 points of stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Health, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to attune your body to the natural healing devices of Elanthia. However, nature can be a slow beast, especially in the heat of battle. When you find yourself in need of an immediate transfusion of blood, this sigil may well save your life. By focusing on this sigil, you can condense your slow natural recovery into a single moment in time. You will thus be able to instantly recover either half of your lost hit points or 15 of them, which ever is greater. The cost of this power is 20 points of stamina and 10 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Power, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to sacrifice some your physical vitality in order to temporarily attune yourself to the flows of mana. However, much like health, often times you will need a rapid infusion of mana instead of a slow trickle. By focusing on the power of this sigil, you will be able to tear away a great deal of physical energy from yourself and convert it into magical energy. The cost to you is high but so is the reward, as the sigil will take 50 points of stamina from you and will instantly return 25 points of mana to you. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you."
Sigil of Major Protection, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to attune yourself to your own weaknesses and prevent them from being exploited. This sigil is a more powerful version of that attunement. While under its influence, you will be both harder to hit and harder to injure, gaining protection equivalent to wearing armor that is heavily padded against critical blows. The cost to you is 15 points of stamina and 10 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Escape, memorize it well. This final sigil is one that will likely save your life many times over. In your many battles against the Grimswarm, you have almost certainly encountered times where you have been overwhelmed, badly injured, and unable to retreat. Previously, such encounters may well have led to your untimely demise. Proper use of this sigil, however, has potential to change that. By calling upon its power, you will be able escape from your current position and teleport to nearby safe location. The cost to you is very high, 75 points of stamina and 15 points of mana, but it is often worth it. There is another use of this Sigil that is potentially more useful in a true emergency, though the cost is steep. By expending all your stamina and mana (you will need at least 10 points of each) and then some, you will be able to call upon the power of this sigil even when stunned, webbed, bound, or suffering from roundtime. Your ability to teleport great distances will be severely curtailed in these circumstances and you will often only be able to teleport a short distance away, but it may well be enough to allow you time to recover and then escape using other means. If you do use the sigil in such circumstances, the stress of the situation will also deaden you to its power for a further twenty four hours, so do use it sparingly.
Complete List of Sigils
[/URL]http://www.play.net/images/transparent.gifhttp://www.play.net/images/transparent.gif[URL="http://www.play.net/forums/post.asp?forum=102&category=20&topic=10&replyto=333"] (http://forum.gsplayers.com/) Sigil of Resolve, memorize it well. As you have no doubt discovered, the Grimswarm often hides itself far away from civilization, striking at us from the depths of the wilds. When we take the battle to our foes, we often must traverse many obstacles to reach them. This sigil allows you to overcome the obstacles of the wild more easily by focusing your energy into a brief attunement with nature. While under its influence, you should find your Climbing, Swimming, and Survival skills to be somewhat enhanced. The cost to you is 5 points of stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Minor Bane, memorize it well. We all have our weaknesses, and our foes are no different. By invoking this sigil, you can temporarily attune yourself with your foes and then use that attunement to search for the weakest points in their defenses. While under its influence, you will be able to strike more accurately and deal additional damage to our hated enemies as if you were weilding heavily damage weighted weapon. The cost to you 3 points of both stamina and mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Bandages, memorize it well. By focusing your energy on this sigil, you can temporarily bring yourself into greater awareness of your injuries and their effects on your movements. While under its influence, you will be able to perform many strenuous movements without breaking the bandages on any tended wounds you may have. The cost to you is 10 points of stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Defense, memorize it well. By focusing on this sigil, you can call forth a shimmering aura of protection that will make you harder to hit in battle. The cost to you for this boon is 5 points of both mana and stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Offense - By focusing on this sigil, you can call forth a guiding power that will make you hit harder and more accurately in combat. The cost to you for this ability is again 5 points of both mana and stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Distraction, memorize it well. By focusing on this sigil, you can create a fleeting moment of attunement with the natural energies of chaos so often present in our foes. By exploiting this common weakness, you will be able to distract nearby foes in combat, making them less likely to evade, parry, or block any attacks they may face. Attuning yourself with this chaos can be draining, and the cost to you is 10 points of stamina and 5 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Minor Protection, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to attune yourself to your foes' weaknesses and exploit them. Now I shall teach you how to attune yourself to your own weaknesses and prevent them from being exploited. While under the influence of this sigil, you will be both harder to hit and harder to injure, gaining protection equivalent to wearing heavily damage padded armor. The cost to you is 10 points of stamina and 5 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you."
Sigil of Focus, memorize it well. Unlike most of the other sigils you have learned thus far, the power of this sigil is focused inwardly. When calling upon the power of this sigil, you seek to fortify the control that you have over your own body. While under the influence of this sigil, your foes will have a harder time warding you with magic that bypasses your physical defenses. The cost to you for this increased control is 5 points of both stamina and mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Intimidation, memorize it well. I said before that the Grimswarm are truly cowards at heart. That is true in every sense of the word. By focusing upon the power of this sigil, you seek to bring yourself into attunement with the fears of your foes and then exploit that weakness to your own advantage. A foe that falls victim to this power will find both their physical attacks and defense significantly weakened as their confidence in their own abilities is undermined. When targeting this power against a single foe, the cost to you is 10 points of stamina and 5 points of mana. You can also attempt to use this power against all nearby foes at the cost of 5 more points of both stamina and mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Mending, memorize it well. Amongst the minions of the Grimswarm, the savage beasts known as trolls stand out for their remarkable ability to regenerate their wounds. After much study and experimentation, we have developed a technique that also allows us to temporarily attune our bodies to the natural healing devices of Elanthia and thus greatly increase our rate of recuperation when wounded. When under the influence of this sigil, you will recover blood loss at a greatly enhanced rate. Also, when consuming healing herbs, your wounds will mend at the fastest possible rate, even if you are untrained in First Aid. The cost to you is 15 points of stamina and 10 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Concentration, memorize it well. Mana flows through the world like music from a harp. Some of us are deaf to that music, prefering to focus on the more martial aspects of life. Others are able to appreciate the music, but always strain to hear the ever more subtle notes of it. This sigil allows each of us to sacrifice some of our physical vitality in order to temporarily attune ourselves more closely to the flows of mana. While under influence of this sigil, you will regain spent mana more quickly than normal, but at the cost of 30 points of stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Major Bane, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to attune yourself to your foes' weaknesses and exploit them. This sigil is a more powerful version of that attunement. While under its influence, you will strike more accurately and deal additional damage to our hated enemies as if you were weilding a weapon heavily weighted to inflict more critical blows. The cost to you is 10 points of both stamina and mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Determination, memorize it well. In your many battles with the Grimswarm, you have undoubtedly suffered the sting of steel slicing your flesh or the burning agony of magic tearing at your being. While we are far more honed to battle and its attendant pains than your average commoner, we still do suffer from our wounds. This suffering can lead to distraction and that distraction can lead to defeat. While other sigils seek to increase your attunement to your body, this one seeks to break that attunement and thereby numb the pain that you feel when wounded. While under the influence of this sigil, you are able to completely ignore almost any penalty that you usually suffer when attempting tasks while wounded. While this sigil is powerful, it cannot contradict reality. If you suffer from severed limbs, blinded eyes, or uncontrollable convulsions, you will still be unable to perform many tasks. However, you will be able to temporarily overcome almost any other injury at the cost of 30 points of stamina. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Health, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to attune your body to the natural healing devices of Elanthia. However, nature can be a slow beast, especially in the heat of battle. When you find yourself in need of an immediate transfusion of blood, this sigil may well save your life. By focusing on this sigil, you can condense your slow natural recovery into a single moment in time. You will thus be able to instantly recover either half of your lost hit points or 15 of them, which ever is greater. The cost of this power is 20 points of stamina and 10 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Power, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to sacrifice some your physical vitality in order to temporarily attune yourself to the flows of mana. However, much like health, often times you will need a rapid infusion of mana instead of a slow trickle. By focusing on the power of this sigil, you will be able to tear away a great deal of physical energy from yourself and convert it into magical energy. The cost to you is high but so is the reward, as the sigil will take 50 points of stamina from you and will instantly return 25 points of mana to you. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you."
Sigil of Major Protection, memorize it well. Previously, you were taught how to attune yourself to your own weaknesses and prevent them from being exploited. This sigil is a more powerful version of that attunement. While under its influence, you will be both harder to hit and harder to injure, gaining protection equivalent to wearing armor that is heavily padded against critical blows. The cost to you is 15 points of stamina and 10 points of mana. Go now, and make good use of what I have taught you.
Sigil of Escape, memorize it well. This final sigil is one that will likely save your life many times over. In your many battles against the Grimswarm, you have almost certainly encountered times where you have been overwhelmed, badly injured, and unable to retreat. Previously, such encounters may well have led to your untimely demise. Proper use of this sigil, however, has potential to change that. By calling upon its power, you will be able escape from your current position and teleport to nearby safe location. The cost to you is very high, 75 points of stamina and 15 points of mana, but it is often worth it. There is another use of this Sigil that is potentially more useful in a true emergency, though the cost is steep. By expending all your stamina and mana (you will need at least 10 points of each) and then some, you will be able to call upon the power of this sigil even when stunned, webbed, bound, or suffering from roundtime. Your ability to teleport great distances will be severely curtailed in these circumstances and you will often only be able to teleport a short distance away, but it may well be enough to allow you time to recover and then escape using other means. If you do use the sigil in such circumstances, the stress of the situation will also deaden you to its power for a further twenty four hours, so do use it sparingly.