View Full Version : Polearm w/ shield DS?

03-31-2008, 06:31 PM
I have a polearm user who's currently using a lance and i looked at the gs4 spreadsheet of tsoran's site and it said i'd get almost 50 ds if i went 1 hand pole with a 4x shield. so i put on the shield and go with a 1h pole and my ds is amost identical in offensive. Do i need a few trains in shield use to make it work or what? I thought you got the +20 for just holding any shield +enchants on top of that?

03-31-2008, 10:29 PM
Since when do you get free DS when using a one handed polearm?

04-01-2008, 09:56 AM
I was referring to the difference between 2H pole vs 1h pole w/ shield (but no shield training). After playing with it some more i found i got about 20 more ds is all with the 4x shield. Still not nearly what the spreadsheet said but i guess the 2H defense numbers have changed since the spreadsheet.

So if i want more DS I guess i'll just have to train more dodge with 2h pole, not much else i can do is there?