View Full Version : Sunfist Questions

03-17-2008, 10:01 AM
I just started with the sunfist and I was hoping to start a thread for folks like me who are trying to figure out some sunfist stuff still.

I got a quest to discover a warcamp and be the first to report it. I figured it would spawn one near the town i'm in but i'm only rank 3 and i've yet to actually see or find one. I've read the chalkboard but there were none in my area. I dont' really know what i'm looking for. I assume if i'm in the area my sigil of location will tell me something about a warcamp near?

do you have to be in the same room as the entrance to a warcamp to see it? is it visible in some way to sunfist folks prior to sigil of location or something?

does anyone one know what actually spawns a warcamp? random or initiated on tasks?

Some Rogue
03-17-2008, 10:13 AM
I assume if i'm in the area my sigil of location will tell me something about a warcamp near?

do you have to be in the same room as the entrance to a warcamp to see it? is it visible in some way to sunfist folks prior to sigil of location or something?

does anyone one know what actually spawns a warcamp? random or initiated on tasks?

To find one, you have to check every single room. There aren't really any prior indications that a warcamp is nearby. So, yes, you have to be in the same room as the entrance to the camp, you don't get any clue one is nearby which is really stupid imo. As to what spawns them, I'm not sure anyone can say. I think they're random.

03-17-2008, 10:29 AM
wow, that's lame. at 8 seconds per room... I'm surprised anyone ever finds one unless they are spilling out of it.

Oh, and i was noticing that the recognition points seem dependant on the critters level vs yours. Anyone know the formula by chance? I think i get 55ish from ones that are a 2 or 3 levels above me and 25 for ones that are 4 or 5 below.

Some Rogue
03-17-2008, 10:43 AM
50 points for like level, 5 points +/- per level difference.

03-17-2008, 11:22 AM
wow, well atleast there's an easy way to tell a critter's level now :P

03-17-2008, 12:07 PM
wow, well atleast there's an easy way to tell a critter's level now :P

Do what? You have always been able to tell a critter's level the same way, just with EXP.

03-17-2008, 02:06 PM
Do what? You have always been able to tell a critter's level the same way, just with EXP.

lol, yeah, if you want to wait till your bell'd. then go kill just one, then go rest till bell'd again. That's quite a bit of time and it's just that one mob. This way you can satisfy your curiosity every few seconds and get good xp during it ;P

anyways, if anyone has any tips or hints for the sunfist stuff post em here ;)

03-17-2008, 02:07 PM
My tip: use haste with the finding sigil. Takes too damn long otherwise.

03-17-2008, 02:22 PM
My tip: use haste with the finding sigil. Takes too damn long otherwise.

Great tip. I'm seriously considering working in MIU in my training so I can get some haste imbedded stuff for this very reason.

The Ponzzz
03-17-2008, 02:31 PM
Eh, the -3 Sec RT isn't worth the imbed.

THe best tip is to look in areas that have hated enemies already. However, this rule doesn't work. Its a start...

03-17-2008, 02:37 PM
Also if you notice grimswarm walking around, then there's either someone with a task to kill warparties or it's an overflowing camp. I found a few camps just by using sigil of location in the same room that I ran into a grimswarm.

03-17-2008, 03:21 PM
I just script searching areas. It obviously takes time, but if you know the limitations on an area (just walk around checking "location") you can script out an entire area. Trust me, having a handy script to do the searching for you will help in the long run.

03-17-2008, 04:08 PM
lol, yeah, if you want to wait till your bell'd. then go kill just one, then go rest till bell'd again. That's quite a bit of time and it's just that one mob. This way you can satisfy your curiosity every few seconds and get good xp during it ;P


03-17-2008, 04:09 PM
but do you search all areas your level or all areas in general? i mean searching the whole landing or EN... ugghhh...

Some Rogue
03-17-2008, 04:20 PM
but do you search all areas your level or all areas in general? i mean searching the whole landing or EN... ugghhh...

Well, if you watch the boards, you'll get a general idea of where they spawn. Like in Vaalor for example, they spawn on Yander's Farm, the Grasslands, Lunule Weald and the Toadwort most often. I've only seen one in The Rambling Meadows ever.

03-17-2008, 08:01 PM
In my experience, there is usually ALWAYS a camp on the Landing-Solhaven or Landing-Icemule trails (past the glacier), as well. Solhaven's West Road or Outlands (right outside the outpost) usually have a couple, too. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that as soon as one of the camps on the trails are razed, another appears somewhere else on the trail within about 20-30 minutes or so.

For non-wizards, 8 seconds is dangerous RT in a hunting ground... so the trails represent some safer options. They really need to do something about camp-locating, I think, whether it be a "YOU'RE GETTING WARMER" addition to the messaging or a flat reduction in RT.

The Ponzzz
03-17-2008, 08:16 PM
Well, if you watch the boards, you'll get a general idea of where they spawn. Like in Vaalor for example, they spawn on Yander's Farm, the Grasslands, Lunule Weald and the Toadwort most often. I've only seen one in The Rambling Meadows ever.

I think it's random where they spawn. I found a few in Rambling Meadows in Plat. I have also found two on logging road in Teras, where no creatures spawn at all.

Best bet is to just go room by room in an area that makes sense for a camp to be.

03-17-2008, 10:22 PM
Has anyone figured out if the crit weighting stacks with sunfist crit weighting? Has anyone noticed any minor improvements to their crit killing capability? I think I notice a difference with my katana, but this could all be in my head... anyone?

The Ponzzz
03-17-2008, 11:13 PM
I see a difference when using my HCW hammer with sigil of major bane. I'm not good with the numbers since they went random.