View Full Version : bow eye crit question

10-28-2007, 11:37 PM
If your shooting a bow and aiming at eye's from the open, how much damage do you have to do to get an instant kill?
I can work backwards from armor type and such to see what i have to roll, but how much raw damage does it take to kill a critter with one shot?

10-28-2007, 11:41 PM
need a rank 4 puncture crit i believe, not sure on the raw damage though

10-28-2007, 11:46 PM
is it still 5 damage per rank on monsters or has it been beefed up?

10-28-2007, 11:50 PM
it depends on the armor of the critter.

It goes 5/7/9/11 for raw skin/soft/rigit/chain/plate. (yeah, I know, only 4 kind of numbers for 5 categories.. I'm not sure if raw skin is 3 or 5. I think it's 3).

Check the DF (damage factor) of the arrow. Psinet is down, so I don't have the numbers.

I'll get one out of my butt just for the example.

Let's say it's .350 against soft leathers.

You throw an arrow against a nymph which is protected on their eyes (huh?) with soft leathers.

every 100 over 100 gives 35 damages.

You need a level 4 minimum for a death crit (5*4 = 20 damages minimum).

So you need 20/35 +100 = 158 end roll minimum with my numbers.

It goes like that for longbow:

.400 .325 .350 .300 .175


So against soft leather, you need a minimum end roll of 151 to get a level 4 puncture crit on the eye.

10-29-2007, 12:01 AM
<<I can work backwards from armor type and such to see what i have to roll, but how much raw damage does it take to kill a critter with one shot?>>

If you know what your roll has to be, as long as you have half a brain you should know what the corresponding raw damage is.

10-29-2007, 12:04 AM
<<I can work backwards from armor type and such to see what i have to roll, but how much raw damage does it take to kill a critter with one shot?>>

If you know what your roll has to be, as long as you have half a brain you should know what the corresponding raw damage is.
He's saying if we tell him you need to do 25 raw damage he can say "25 raw damage is rolled on a 200 endroll with a .250 DF".

Xcalibur covered it pretty well, but you have to consider crit randomization, so if you want always crit kill vs lowest possible roll for, you'd have to double the over over 100 endroll.. (depending on rounding).

10-29-2007, 12:07 AM
Thanks a ton for the info. Know where i could find a chart or something on the required crit for death per damage type per body part?
hmm... and i guess i'll be looking up the crit randomization thing. I don't remember anything about that. Must be a new "feature" lol.

10-29-2007, 09:59 AM
Thanks a ton for the info. Know where i could find a chart or something on the required crit for death per damage type per body part?
hmm... and i guess i'll be looking up the crit randomization thing. I don't remember anything about that. Must be a new "feature" lol.
If you do enough raw damage to perform a rank 4 crit, it can randomize down to half... rank 2 crit (won't randomize up). Someone else will have to tell you how it rounds (IE does a rank 7 randomize all the way down to 3 or just 4... pretty sure 4).

10-29-2007, 12:01 PM
Crit divisors go 5/6/7/9/11.

Crit randomization is evenly distributed across possible crit ranks and rounds up.

A consideration Xcalibur left out is that raw damage rounds up; thus, only a 156 endroll is required to do 20 damage with a .35 DF (56*.35 = 19.6).

There's also padding and weighting, but it's tough to account for those in a general case.

10-29-2007, 03:54 PM
If your shooting a bow and aiming at eye's from the open, how much damage do you have to do to get an instant kill?
I can work backwards from armor type and such to see what i have to roll, but how much raw damage does it take to kill a critter with one shot?

The minimum damage required for a specific crit rank (where no padding/weighting is involved) will always be:

Minimum damage = (armor group crit divisor * the crit rank) - .5

Eg. Plate crit divisor is 11. Therefore, minimum damage for a rank 7 crit in plate is:

(11 * 7) - .5 = 76.5 raw damage

NOTE I: AG crit divisors are skin (5), leather (6), scale (7), chain (9) and plate (11)

NOTE II: Because of crit randomization this is the maximum crit rank that can be obtained with these damages.

Possible crit ranks with randomization:

Rank 0 - will always be 0
Rank 1 - will always be 1
Rank 2 - will always be 1 or 2
Rank 3 - will always be 2 or 3
Rank 4 - will always be 2, 3 or 4
Rank 5 - will always be 3, 4 or 5
Rank 6 - will always be 3, 4, 5 or 6
Rank 7 - will always be 4, 5, 6 or 7
Rank 8 - will always be 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8
Rank 9 - will always be 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9

This assumes no crit padding or weighting is involved.
__________________________________________________ ____

Minimum Damage required for Rank 4 crit by armor groups:

Skin / Leather / Scale / Chain / Plate

19.5 / 23.5 / 27.5 / 35.5 / 43.5

Minimum endrolls for Rank 4 crit with long bow for each armor group (Long Bow DF's: .400/ .325/ .350/ .300/ .175)

MER's: 149 / 173 / 179 / 219 / 349
__________________________________________________ ____

Minimum Damage required for Rank 8:

Raw damage: 39.5 / 47.5 / 55.5 / 71.5 / 87.5

Minimum endrolls for Rank 8 crit with long bow:

MER's: 199 / 247 / 259 / 339 / 600

NOTE: The MER = (raw damage/ weapon DF) +100 rounded up

If the raw damage is sufficient to cause a Rank 8 puncture crit to the eye, you are guaranteed to have an instant death, since a Rank 8 crit can randomize no lower than Rank 4.

There are 13 unique body locations:

Right and left eye
Right and left leg
Right and left arm
Right and left hand

Instant death (puncture) for the eyes is Rank 4, and I believe the head and neck are Rank 6. I'm not certain of the others but I am pretty sure you will need higher crit ranks for them.
