View Full Version : Enhancives to boost AS

10-31-2007, 03:26 PM
I was looking at using my premium points today and noticed that level 1 enhancives only give "bonus" while level 4 give "ranks" and "bonus". If I understand the AS formula correctly I need blunt/edged/whatever "bonus" and combatmaneuvers "ranks" to add to my as. Is that correct? Looking to spend a total of about 24k prem points just want to make sure I spend them on the correct things :(.. also has anyone attempted to use multiple prem enhancive scrolls on the same item? will they do it?


10-31-2007, 03:36 PM
You can't use an item for more than one enhancive at a time. So find yourself a bunch of junk pin worn items. Also - you won't be able to move enhancives from one account to another. And I think its also limited to the one character who applies for the enhancive.

Do you have 24k points on one account?!? Not sure I have ever heard of a 20 year old premie account.

Stanley Burrell
11-01-2007, 09:48 AM
I was looking at using my premium points today and noticed that level 1 enhancives only give "bonus" while level 4 give "ranks" and "bonus". If I understand the AS formula correctly I need blunt/edged/whatever "bonus" and combatmaneuvers "ranks" to add to my as. Is that correct? Looking to spend a total of about 24k prem points just want to make sure I spend them on the correct things :(.. also has anyone attempted to use multiple prem enhancive scrolls on the same item? will they do it?


I'm wondering if 2400 is in addition or seperate to the 600 alteration, especially if you don't change the appearance.