View Full Version : Casting Strength - Does this seem too low?

01-23-2008, 09:36 AM
My Sorcerer has a CS of 99 (sometimes 100) at 16 trains. Does this seem too low? How do you increase CS?

It was suggested that I dump all of my MTP into Harness Power and Spell Aiming on the next training, but this advice came from a wizard. Wizards don't have the same mechanics that sorcerers do, do they?


01-23-2008, 09:48 AM
Training in more sorceror spells helps.

Harness power gives you more mana. I'm not sure if spell aiming actually helps CS spells.

01-23-2008, 09:48 AM
Spell Aiming does nothing to raise your CS, it raises your bolting AS. Spell aiming also helps your focused implosions, and limb disruption spells, have larger effects.

You need more sorcerer spell ranks, primarily, to raise your sorcerer CS. Minor elemental and minor spiritual also factor in, though not as much.

Harness Power effects mana, 1x is generally fine (imo).

You should generally at the very least 1x in sorcerer spells, though most sorcerers eventually 3x in sorcerer spells.

Also push to get spell #425, by level 25, as the CS boost from that spell is huge.

01-23-2008, 09:51 AM

01-23-2008, 10:03 AM
Spell aiming raises Limb disruption CS :D

01-23-2008, 10:04 AM
Oh plus spell aiming makes your focused implosions the strongest spell in the game.

01-23-2008, 10:29 AM
So then I'm just a smudge behind in my sorcerer spell training (15 out of 16). I guess that means my CS of 99 is pretty much on par then...Just seems low to me...

01-23-2008, 11:02 AM
The CS formula is as follows:

CS = (level x 3) + primary spell circle bonus + secondary spell circle 1 + secondary spell circle 2 + stat bonus

Primary spell circle bonus: (round normally)
Ranks up to level: 1CS/rank
Ranks 1-20 above level: .75CS/rank
Ranks 21-60 above level: .5CS/rank
Ranks 61-100 above level: .25CS/rank
Ranks 101 -? above level: .125CS/rank

Secondary circle bonuses:
Ranks up to 2/3 level: .33333CS/rank (round up)
Ranks above 2/3 level: .1CS/rank

Stat bonus:
AU for elemental casters
WI for spiritual casters
(AU+WI)/2 for sorcerers (round up)

(courtesy of Saltstone & Gahread)

So in your case, you get 48 from level bonus, 15 from sorcerer circle, probably 6 from secondary circles, leaving 30 or so to come from stats. Looks good! :)

01-23-2008, 11:30 AM
Alright. Thanks for the info.