- Migration?
- Voln Fu
- Shields New vs Old
- Sheathe verb
- 407/408 Help
- Logic
- Randomness of sign duration.
- Armor Hinderance
- gem chisel healing nerf
- Deeds??
- Weird koinkidink?
- Death Sting Potions
- Calculating health points?
- Mechanic Idea: Channeling Bolt Spells
- crit weighting vs flares
- Surname sharing
- LOG, DIS and exp gains
- Bug or did I miss something?
- Asking for Help (Bob and Kranar come to mind)
- changing societies
- Skinning (again)
- Big bad Seer
- Highest Possible CS?
- Yay for Manuv's!
- Comfortably Clueless.
- wpn bonding questions
- How do you toggle a surname?
- what armor to wear?
- Training: How to increase ranks
- Damage Factor
- What the deuce?
- Fixskills?
- Undead and Hideing
- Aiming for thrown weapons
- {rest}
- Opinion...FGB or 6x brig
- Weird inventory message
- Death's sting not working as advertised?
- Ambushing Bug
- How much aura for 10+ spirit and...?
- Illistim Citizenship
- Tsoran Trainer question
- Wizard TD ???
- CS calculator?
- VB Redux Calculator for Good Measure
- New Armor Accessory Padding
- What does this message mean?
- Travel Scripts.
- Maul vs Claidhmore
- Bow WTF?
- Question about stat reallocations.
- MIU formula
- Enchanting Runestaves, advantages of
- OHE ambushing RT's
- Cruncher
- Statistics Excel Sheet
- RPAs and XXX
- Spellburst equation?
- How nodes really work
- Foraging and Imbedding
- Manuever attack equations
- Trading skill
- Crit Tables
- Pinata
- VisualBasic DS Calculator
- Best Type of Weapon Flare?
- Respawn Times?
- Question about katars
- Ambush Tatics?
- White ora
- Anyone seen this happen before?
- help please
- Implosion "fix"
- thrown weapons skill
- Coup De Grace
- broken lands
- wtf mbp
- Two Weapon Users
- Brig Training
- Them crazy critters
- Leather
- Decays This Level
- Woods for Runestanves
- Question of Title
- No reason to be sloppily dressed...
- DS Formula
- You were cheating, you're gonna get a whipping!
- Mattock kill, low roll
- Skill Bonuses
- Using embeded amulets and rods
- Stormfront XML
- Intended?
- Combat messaging
- Armor RT penality and Stats
- High CS
- Two handed weapon confusion
- What the hell is this?
- Outside bonuses of Strength
- Round Time?
- Are Homes considered a Node
- My fav kill so far, non invasion
- Shield question General/Specific
- hurling AS?
- Stat Calculator
- AS formula?
- Melgorehn's Reach
- Race Modifiers.
- Uncrittable
- Puncture Crits
- Help!
- Non-stat Race bonuses
- WTF death's sting.
- WTF is this?
- Any ideas?
- ZMud connection port?
- Dragonbones!
- a bright golden crystal shard
- Determining amount of weighting beyond incredible.
- Two quick forging questions:
- CMAN Curiosity
- Wizard FE Question
- psinet?
- Official: 240 Proposal
- Fame
- meh?
- TWC RoundTime?
- Fletching...
- Spirit Regen
- DB mechanics
- You attempt to blend with the surroundings, but don't feel very confident about your success
- Duel Katars
- So much for fair and balanced professions
- Full Plate or 3x Dodge
- whats a pure?
- Premie Points
- Best TWC combination
- 425 vs Redux
- GS4 --> GS3 level conversion.
- Has Anyone Else Noticed...
- COL Banananated?
- Level 100 stats question
- Padding?
- What spells DON'T affect spellburst
- stats?
- Runestones
- Some archery and fletching questions.
- White Ora Weapons
- Quake becomes EPS
- How am I doin?
- WTF mate? ^^
- Experience after cap
- Voln-Fu and Armor
- Spell Messages
- I've seen this before but...
- DF tables
- Official Explanation of the Treasure System
- Is there more?
- Runestaff DS + Et'd Runestaff = ?
- 1x FA and Survival
- What is Force on Force (FOF)
- Armor Ranks
- Weight Calculation?
- Base Health?
- Not sure where to put this...
- Dodge Mechanics
- Understanding Help Please
- Trading, Influence and Citizenship
- Naginatas are updated.
- Stats versus Bonuses.
- Drinking!
- Influence?
- Experience?
- Odd log-in.
- DS Bonus?
- Higher Defense?
- Too Small?
- Little help?
- Flaring weapons chance to flare
- Creature Size and Ambushing
- combat manuevers
- Thrown weapons
- Temp padding ?
- If luck is a mechanic i got it
- DFRedux...
- Shields/Blocking?
- Thinking of Hurling
- DEX bonus gives you natural crit weighting?
- AS/DS calculation spreadsheet needed
- Claidhmore
- channelling
- Highlights in Wizard
- Hiding and critting.
- RT for ranged weapons.
- Crossbows.
- Can I go lower then the base RT?
- Making a multi-attacker.
- Higher level hunting?
- Magical Creatures and bonuses.
- Squares inferior to Pures?
- RPing a anti-magic square.
- tanking constitution
- basic armor question
- Explanation of what each stat specifically does?
- Ambushing
- Is multi-opponent combat really useful?
- Skill Migration.
- Leathers and padding - Dmg vs Crit
- Starting Stats
- Subdual Strike OK for my character?
- Essential Manuevers for Rogues.
- RT for bonuses
- Knockdown, Stuns and Crit messaging
- Trading skill: Worth it?
- DS pushdown
- Some trivia.
- Best Combat Maneuver for a Paladin?
- Anyone know RT bonus
- Exact hiding/Ambush calculation.
- Redux formula.
- What are humans good for?
- Armor Training
- Ranking Flares.
- Base RTs
- Damage numbers.
- How long did it take you to Master Voln?
- TD formula?
- Why aren't Scimitars good?
- New train path.
- Is Hide/Ambush still the deadliest?
- Truehand
- Armor Question
- Fu question
- rubbables
- Cman attack
- Cman fixskills.
- Coup de grace.
- Ambush Mechanics
- Critter DFs/weighting
- Staggering Blow
- Citizenship in Ta'Illistim
- incanting bolts
- Climb/swim
- Lighter weapons.
- experience for lockpicking
- Puncture to the eye.
- Skill migration.