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  1. Migration?
  2. Voln Fu
  3. Shields New vs Old
  4. Sheathe verb
  5. 407/408 Help
  6. Logic
  7. Randomness of sign duration.
  8. Armor Hinderance
  9. gem chisel healing nerf
  10. Deeds??
  11. Weird koinkidink?
  12. Death Sting Potions
  13. Calculating health points?
  14. Mechanic Idea: Channeling Bolt Spells
  15. crit weighting vs flares
  16. Surname sharing
  17. LOG, DIS and exp gains
  18. Bug or did I miss something?
  19. Asking for Help (Bob and Kranar come to mind)
  20. changing societies
  21. Skinning (again)
  22. Big bad Seer
  23. Highest Possible CS?
  24. Yay for Manuv's!
  25. Comfortably Clueless.
  26. wpn bonding questions
  27. How do you toggle a surname?
  28. what armor to wear?
  29. Training: How to increase ranks
  30. Damage Factor
  31. What the deuce?
  32. Fixskills?
  33. Undead and Hideing
  34. Aiming for thrown weapons
  35. {rest}
  36. Opinion...FGB or 6x brig
  37. Weird inventory message
  38. Death's sting not working as advertised?
  39. Ambushing Bug
  40. How much aura for 10+ spirit and...?
  41. Illistim Citizenship
  42. Tsoran Trainer question
  43. Wizard TD ???
  44. CS calculator?
  45. VB Redux Calculator for Good Measure
  46. New Armor Accessory Padding
  47. What does this message mean?
  48. Travel Scripts.
  49. Maul vs Claidhmore
  50. Bow WTF?
  51. Question about stat reallocations.
  52. MIU formula
  53. Enchanting Runestaves, advantages of
  54. OHE ambushing RT's
  55. Cruncher
  56. Statistics Excel Sheet
  57. RPAs and XXX
  58. Spellburst equation?
  59. How nodes really work
  60. Foraging and Imbedding
  61. Manuever attack equations
  62. Trading skill
  63. Crit Tables
  64. Pinata
  65. VisualBasic DS Calculator
  66. Best Type of Weapon Flare?
  67. Respawn Times?
  68. Question about katars
  69. Ambush Tatics?
  70. White ora
  71. Anyone seen this happen before?
  72. help please
  73. Implosion "fix"
  74. thrown weapons skill
  75. Coup De Grace
  76. broken lands
  77. wtf mbp
  78. Two Weapon Users
  79. Brig Training
  80. Them crazy critters
  81. Leather
  82. Decays This Level
  83. Woods for Runestanves
  84. Question of Title
  85. No reason to be sloppily dressed...
  86. DS Formula
  87. You were cheating, you're gonna get a whipping!
  88. Mattock kill, low roll
  89. Skill Bonuses
  90. Using embeded amulets and rods
  91. Stormfront XML
  92. Intended?
  93. Combat messaging
  94. Armor RT penality and Stats
  95. High CS
  96. Two handed weapon confusion
  97. What the hell is this?
  98. Outside bonuses of Strength
  99. Round Time?
  100. Are Homes considered a Node
  101. My fav kill so far, non invasion
  102. Shield question General/Specific
  103. hurling AS?
  104. Stat Calculator
  105. AS formula?
  106. Melgorehn's Reach
  107. Race Modifiers.
  108. Uncrittable
  109. Puncture Crits
  110. Help!
  111. Non-stat Race bonuses
  112. WTF death's sting.
  113. FUMBLE!
  114. WTF is this?
  115. Any ideas?
  116. ZMud connection port?
  117. Dragonbones!
  118. a bright golden crystal shard
  119. Determining amount of weighting beyond incredible.
  120. Two quick forging questions:
  121. CMAN Curiosity
  122. Wizard FE Question
  123. psinet?
  124. Official: 240 Proposal
  125. Fame
  126. meh?
  127. TWC RoundTime?
  128. Fletching...
  129. Spirit Regen
  130. DB mechanics
  131. You attempt to blend with the surroundings, but don't feel very confident about your success
  132. Duel Katars
  133. So much for fair and balanced professions
  134. Full Plate or 3x Dodge
  135. whats a pure?
  136. Premie Points
  137. Best TWC combination
  138. 425 vs Redux
  139. GS4 --> GS3 level conversion.
  140. Has Anyone Else Noticed...
  141. COL Banananated?
  142. Level 100 stats question
  143. Padding?
  144. What spells DON'T affect spellburst
  145. stats?
  146. Runestones
  147. Some archery and fletching questions.
  148. White Ora Weapons
  149. Quake becomes EPS
  150. How am I doin?
  151. WTF mate? ^^
  152. Experience after cap
  153. Voln-Fu and Armor
  154. Spell Messages
  155. I've seen this before but...
  156. DF tables
  157. Official Explanation of the Treasure System
  158. Is there more?
  159. Runestaff DS + Et'd Runestaff = ?
  160. 1x FA and Survival
  161. What is Force on Force (FOF)
  162. Armor Ranks
  163. Weight Calculation?
  164. Base Health?
  165. Not sure where to put this...
  166. Dodge Mechanics
  167. Understanding Help Please
  168. Trading, Influence and Citizenship
  169. Naginatas are updated.
  170. MOC
  171. Stats versus Bonuses.
  172. Drinking!
  173. Influence?
  174. Experience?
  175. Odd log-in.
  176. DS Bonus?
  177. Higher Defense?
  178. Too Small?
  179. Little help?
  180. Flaring weapons chance to flare
  181. Creature Size and Ambushing
  182. combat manuevers
  183. TWC
  184. Thrown weapons
  185. THW DS?
  186. Temp padding ?
  187. If luck is a mechanic i got it
  188. DFRedux...
  189. Shields/Blocking?
  190. Thinking of Hurling
  191. DEX bonus gives you natural crit weighting?
  192. AS/DS calculation spreadsheet needed
  193. Claidhmore
  194. channelling
  195. Highlights in Wizard
  196. Hiding and critting.
  197. RT for ranged weapons.
  198. Crossbows.
  199. Can I go lower then the base RT?
  200. Making a multi-attacker.
  201. Higher level hunting?
  202. Magical Creatures and bonuses.
  203. Squares inferior to Pures?
  204. RPing a anti-magic square.
  205. tanking constitution
  206. basic armor question
  207. Explanation of what each stat specifically does?
  208. Ambushing
  209. Is multi-opponent combat really useful?
  210. Skill Migration.
  211. Leathers and padding - Dmg vs Crit
  212. Starting Stats
  213. Subdual Strike OK for my character?
  214. Essential Manuevers for Rogues.
  215. RT for bonuses
  216. Knockdown, Stuns and Crit messaging
  217. Trading skill: Worth it?
  218. DS pushdown
  219. Some trivia.
  220. Best Combat Maneuver for a Paladin?
  221. Anyone know RT bonus
  222. Exact hiding/Ambush calculation.
  223. Redux formula.
  224. What are humans good for?
  225. Armor Training
  226. Ranking Flares.
  227. Base RTs
  228. Damage numbers.
  229. How long did it take you to Master Voln?
  230. TD formula?
  231. Why aren't Scimitars good?
  232. New train path.
  233. Is Hide/Ambush still the deadliest?
  234. Truehand
  235. Armor Question
  236. Fu question
  237. rubbables
  238. Cman attack
  239. Cman fixskills.
  240. Coup de grace.
  241. Ambush Mechanics
  242. Critter DFs/weighting
  243. Staggering Blow
  244. Citizenship in Ta'Illistim
  245. incanting bolts
  246. Climb/swim
  247. Lighter weapons.
  248. experience for lockpicking
  249. Puncture to the eye.
  250. Skill migration.