View Full Version : Character Complaints
- As requested. Here's the drama from today. (20 replies)
- Fraud Alert: Uliehn (34 replies)
- Alaxandra/Madalina (2 replies)
- Another scripting legend (176 replies)
- Pathragers (1 replies)
- Dartgate: Mintoxo vs the world (20 replies)
- This guy (45 replies)
- P A T H R A G E R S (7 replies)
- Just leaving this here. (3 replies)
- Taleph/Picknox (8 replies)
- Crakatriot (3 replies)
- The dumbest AFK script hunter ever (26 replies)
- Boora/Baeleron (Resolved) (47 replies)
- the ever-shrinking, paranoid world of alastir / sashafierce (12 replies)
- Alastir's Campaigns of Harassment and Stalking (26 replies)
- Fleurs and Krakii on the officials (178 replies)
- gemstone 4 Siierra / Kinsley / Kayleigh = Catfishin ho (33 replies)
- AFK Scripter Baeleron (214 replies)
- Devishal (12 replies)
- Symbiotic is a scammer. (22 replies)
- To Arrot (28 replies)
- REP-AGEDDON!!!! THE REP-TURE! Post your worst rep comments! (801 replies)
- Brghun (66 replies)
- Fair warning to OTF scripters (81 replies)
- The decided lack of Rarr in the game (0 replies)
- Character and Item scam (108 replies)
- badname (0 replies)
- snootiness (124 replies)
- What would you do? (76 replies)
- `speaking stuck on.... can't type a commnad!! (8 replies)
- Crazy large assembled high level group run amuck in lowbie area (138 replies)
- Using House Prename Titles without the Postname Title (37 replies)
- Scripters and the pawn shop (119 replies)
- Not really a "complaint" (19 replies)
- Funday Sunday on Teras (5 replies)
- Krilzin/Adynai/ Eryjah/Saraphenia (205 replies)
- Jeg/Atreau (17 replies)
- Stupid Whirlin (32 replies)
- Oweodry (93 replies)
- Rozy (11 replies)
- Just returned, gotta post this gem. (0 replies)
- Rekluse (14 replies)
- Lazy shopkeepers who don't distinguish between a gem and a chrism (or whatever else) (24 replies)
- Script police (52 replies)
- Brinret (30 replies)
- I'm baaaccccccck! (19 replies)
- Ceyrin - Does he represent what in-game merchants are these days? (74 replies)
- 2 unprovoked disruptions by crosby (81 replies)
- Seirus (30 replies)
- Rogane (24 replies)
- Briarfox, Briarroot, Nuadjha (32 replies)
- Mythrick (14 replies)
- Do not take bets from Malkarra/Valgren (23 replies)
- Barlimoeur (4 replies)
- Klaive (26 replies)
- Emislity (58 replies)
- Ragemode vs Mute (52 replies)
- Brevelan (39 replies)
- Dhairn the slammer. Really? (37 replies)
- Jukes is Widgets (68 replies)
- Since the officials can't handle anything more volatile than a sneeze... xpost! (35 replies)
- Moreno (70 replies)
- Scavage (35 replies)
- Sabreon (87 replies)
- Futtilo (3 replies)
- Reportable offense? (62 replies)
- Svardin (27 replies)
- Welfidia? (89 replies)
- Duces Vaalor (114 replies)
- Weryn, Larenusia, Sacru, Drevihyin, Livn (76 replies)
- Seban (24 replies)
- I'm sick of MA Groups (62 replies)
- Inspire/Kizun/Tycine/Glanvis Epicfail (47 replies)
- Trisket (10 replies)
- Androidpk (8 replies)
- Mordrec (15 replies)
- Thrity? (24 replies)
- Arachnissa? (It's long, move along if you want) (31 replies)
- Starkly (149 replies)
- shady business. (29 replies)
- Dessedemona: Still dumb, still unbearably obnoxious... (248 replies)
- WTF? (53 replies)
- amberrain (27 replies)
- Moonflare (9 replies)
- Darckwizard (13 replies)
- Xolean is a creep (47 replies)
- Idiots. (18 replies)
- Another scammer (Tsin) in the making (126 replies)
- Etrect (18 replies)
- Lord Razurn (55 replies)
- Eliaku/Ruh (18 replies)
- Foxs (22 replies)
- Vespier (8 replies)
- Silverscotch and Boddiker (58 replies)
- Drumold (8 replies)
- Caveat Emptor!! Too late now, but still might be good for a few laughs. (2 replies)
- Arasus (10 replies)
- Kupaka (19 replies)
- Zimzum (29 replies)
- Why is everyone so fucking NICE??? (21 replies)
- Cruelty by nearly everyone in / outside GS (52 replies)
- Falvicar at his best! (10 replies)
- Tsin appreciation thread (13 replies)
- Who the hell is Werileo? (72 replies)
- Deron (110 replies)
- Militade (26 replies)
- Stalker stories (23 replies)
- Morpias: Pathetic man or pathetic sorcerer. You chose (62 replies)
- Reallia/Naftoliz (40 replies)
- Train/Level/Age etc etc.... (42 replies)
- Ilvana... (10 replies)
- I never thought it would happen... (17 replies)
- Nice to meet you too, Anothi! (76 replies)
- Capped noobs (8 replies)
- Jaimaltz, fucking scripters... (161 replies)
- Zaaak, you ungrateful bitch (59 replies)
- Frupple McTart is a fat boy IG and IRL (27 replies)
- Here's that weird GUY that plays Belnia! (50 replies)
- This was totally necessary (105 replies)
- For trade or sale (3 replies)
- Tenh (14 replies)
- Sabreon's MA crew (91 replies)
- Cephas (66 replies)
- Merdrith (78 replies)
- Dallanthrabane (39 replies)
- Is it really necessary to cast open Implosion? (57 replies)
- Widgets broke gemstone!!! (8 replies)
- Disheartened. (143 replies)
- What a tool - Exitialis (29 replies)
- Steia and Gardeth (160 replies)
- Akaishae (22 replies)
- Reggy and his timing. (7 replies)
- Alsor, Atlae, Avessa, Pinque... (9 replies)
- Man i log into prime for 5 minutes.. (23 replies)
- Missoni (225 replies)
- Sonic disruption and OTF (6 replies)
- Monidoe (1 replies)
- Sevris is Foxs bitch..log as requested by SolitaireConfinement (61 replies)
- Bad Merchant List (15 replies)
- Aerred (108 replies)
- tayre is a joke (143 replies)
- Shaykee (86 replies)
- Naes (29 replies)
- fucking vulture empath Tayre (485 replies)
- Kimbalkinnison (32 replies)
- Wwyverns (14 replies)
- Starkly (14 replies)
- Nelek (265 replies)
- Anta (81 replies)
- Amberain (17 replies)
- Sarinn (30 replies)
- Rhoxy - WTF? (51 replies)
- Gracy: (32 replies)
- Silverona (16 replies)
- Caerus (44 replies)
- Thrakianna (Landing TSC) (33 replies)
- Hiddenmoon (166 replies)
- Querthose (17 replies)
- Miscast (67 replies)
- Qistra (32 replies)
- BOGARRAGOB/ Hakwea (38 replies)
- Illusion Reps (15 replies)
- Another Day in the Landing (2 replies)
- Alawishus (60 replies)
- Leff (18 replies)
- Koops (139 replies)
- Silversoft from GEMSTONE IV GSIV is a Silverslut (9 replies)
- Silverasshat (28 replies)
- Medicar (24 replies)
- Why are poeple so quick to anger? (38 replies)
- Krusty (0 replies)
- Darckwizard? (40 replies)
- Is there anything he can't do? (19 replies)
- Wow, What a fucking cockass (113 replies)
- Vyst (21 replies)
- Anyone agree with me? (30 replies)
- X-post from officials - Forcing me to do what i do best (50 replies)
- Just a stupid question (6 replies)
- Tsin seriously needs to change his signature (10 replies)
- Guenhafyr is a retard (41 replies)
- A Fool and His OTF... (45 replies)
- Hunting etiquette (19 replies)
- Good names list (31 replies)
- Adamina, the amazing empath with no ability to sense pain (96 replies)
- Happy Anniversary!!! (5 replies)
- Lady Sairai The Recharger. (39 replies)
- Today's winner! (14 replies)
- Idiot alert (15 replies)
- Lord Certain: Tool Of The Day (19 replies)
- Jamus (47 replies)
- Interesting Morning (9 replies)
- Onzeleya (183 replies)
- Fucking Enough Already (26 replies)
- Yay, another GS pregnancy! (60 replies)
- Lisu wannabe? (11 replies)
- Question (4 replies)
- Albacora (72 replies)
- Idiot (130 replies)
- One of the most basic fucking rules. Dumbass. (78 replies)
- GSIV Scammer (13 replies)
- Warding Stone? (17 replies)
- Beware: Brothervodj45/ is a thief (762 replies)
- simu forum xpost (37 replies)
- Liannonuel/Andraste/Ghrim, etc conflict (390 replies)
- Tsin, you have got to be kidding me (121 replies)
- Your shit don't stink (58 replies)
- Xiraphem's playershop: complaint (10 replies)
- is this abuse of warn? (70 replies)
- Tsin: How does he ruin the game? (184 replies)
- Merchant Etiquette (72 replies)
- Vitruvian (94 replies)
- Evyrsio And Friends Go To EG: Grhim Attacks! (45 replies)
- Quite obnoxious. (14 replies)
- Boxes and such (16 replies)
- Wow... (8 replies)
- Anyone else having problems like this .....? (89 replies)
- Trying to reason with someone on OOC and IC (25 replies)
- Eiroc & Alterock? (30 replies)
- Tool has returned! (164 replies)
- Way to LOOK when you enter a room. (355 replies)
- Ruh roh (14 replies)
- summoning ring abuse? (16 replies)
- Idiot poacher (37 replies)
- Thurgun is a fucking pussy. (20 replies)
- Siierra, Symminian, Kallamdor, Kondus (28 replies)
- Wound hoarding (29 replies)
- ??Emislity=Cunt (196 replies)
- Foxs (21 replies)
- Tsin (248 replies)
- Anticor / Medi (32 replies)
- Salencia, Sultarayna, Soulette, Skydragon, and Robynn are a bunch of tools. (116 replies)
- Hi, my name is Cherryth and I don't understand. (38 replies)
- Boarshanks (Long) (12 replies)
- Hellica / Runewolfe (2 replies)
- 2 Cases of Extremely Stupid in One Day...I'm sooo Lucky! (16 replies)
- Warn Abuse? (28 replies)
- Did I just miss something? (66 replies)
- The Continued Class Act That is Cleara (40 replies)
- Smile Abuse! (58 replies)
- Dark Elf Sorc lookin in all the wrong places! (6 replies)
- I bought Shirv! (182 replies)
- Yay for Icemule. (3 replies)
- Yay, another fucking dumbass attention whore. (36 replies)
- Over-reaction much? (78 replies)
- Anyone run into these two? (15 replies)
- OMFG!!!11111one 1mil for 15 buck!??! (13 replies)
- Shirv the chicken $H&& (112 replies)
- tard (39 replies)
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