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  1. As requested. Here's the drama from today. (20 replies)
  2. Fraud Alert: Uliehn (34 replies)
  3. Alaxandra/Madalina (2 replies)
  4. Another scripting legend (176 replies)
  5. Pathragers (1 replies)
  6. Dartgate: Mintoxo vs the world (20 replies)
  7. This guy (45 replies)
  8. P A T H R A G E R S (7 replies)
  9. Just leaving this here. (3 replies)
  10. Taleph/Picknox (8 replies)
  11. Crakatriot (3 replies)
  12. The dumbest AFK script hunter ever (26 replies)
  13. Boora/Baeleron (Resolved) (47 replies)
  14. the ever-shrinking, paranoid world of alastir / sashafierce (12 replies)
  15. Alastir's Campaigns of Harassment and Stalking (26 replies)
  16. Fleurs and Krakii on the officials (178 replies)
  17. gemstone 4 Siierra / Kinsley / Kayleigh = Catfishin ho (33 replies)
  18. AFK Scripter Baeleron (214 replies)
  19. Devishal (12 replies)
  20. Symbiotic is a scammer. (22 replies)
  21. To Arrot (28 replies)
  22. REP-AGEDDON!!!! THE REP-TURE! Post your worst rep comments! (801 replies)
  23. Brghun (66 replies)
  24. Fair warning to OTF scripters (81 replies)
  25. The decided lack of Rarr in the game (0 replies)
  26. Character and Item scam (108 replies)
  27. badname (0 replies)
  28. snootiness (124 replies)
  29. What would you do? (76 replies)
  30. `speaking stuck on.... can't type a commnad!! (8 replies)
  31. Crazy large assembled high level group run amuck in lowbie area (138 replies)
  32. Using House Prename Titles without the Postname Title (37 replies)
  33. Scripters and the pawn shop (119 replies)
  34. Not really a "complaint" (19 replies)
  35. Funday Sunday on Teras (5 replies)
  36. Krilzin/Adynai/ Eryjah/Saraphenia (205 replies)
  37. Jeg/Atreau (17 replies)
  38. Stupid Whirlin (32 replies)
  39. Oweodry (93 replies)
  40. Rozy (11 replies)
  41. Just returned, gotta post this gem. (0 replies)
  42. Rekluse (14 replies)
  43. Lazy shopkeepers who don't distinguish between a gem and a chrism (or whatever else) (24 replies)
  44. Script police (52 replies)
  45. Brinret (30 replies)
  46. I'm baaaccccccck! (19 replies)
  47. Ceyrin - Does he represent what in-game merchants are these days? (74 replies)
  48. 2 unprovoked disruptions by crosby (81 replies)
  49. Seirus (30 replies)
  50. Rogane (24 replies)
  51. Briarfox, Briarroot, Nuadjha (32 replies)
  53. Mythrick (14 replies)
  54. Do not take bets from Malkarra/Valgren (23 replies)
  55. Barlimoeur (4 replies)
  56. Klaive (26 replies)
  57. Emislity (58 replies)
  58. Ragemode vs Mute (52 replies)
  59. Brevelan (39 replies)
  60. Dhairn the slammer. Really? (37 replies)
  61. Jukes is Widgets (68 replies)
  62. Since the officials can't handle anything more volatile than a sneeze... xpost! (35 replies)
  63. Moreno (70 replies)
  64. Scavage (35 replies)
  65. Sabreon (87 replies)
  66. Futtilo (3 replies)
  67. Reportable offense? (62 replies)
  68. Svardin (27 replies)
  69. Welfidia? (89 replies)
  70. Duces Vaalor (114 replies)
  71. Weryn, Larenusia, Sacru, Drevihyin, Livn (76 replies)
  72. Seban (24 replies)
  73. I'm sick of MA Groups (62 replies)
  74. Inspire/Kizun/Tycine/Glanvis Epicfail (47 replies)
  75. Trisket (10 replies)
  76. Androidpk (8 replies)
  77. Mordrec (15 replies)
  78. Thrity? (24 replies)
  79. Arachnissa? (It's long, move along if you want) (31 replies)
  80. Starkly (149 replies)
  81. shady business. (29 replies)
  82. Dessedemona: Still dumb, still unbearably obnoxious... (248 replies)
  83. WTF? (53 replies)
  84. amberrain (27 replies)
  85. Moonflare (9 replies)
  86. Darckwizard (13 replies)
  87. Xolean is a creep (47 replies)
  88. Idiots. (18 replies)
  89. Another scammer (Tsin) in the making (126 replies)
  90. Etrect (18 replies)
  91. Lord Razurn (55 replies)
  92. Eliaku/Ruh (18 replies)
  93. Foxs (22 replies)
  94. Vespier (8 replies)
  95. Silverscotch and Boddiker (58 replies)
  96. Drumold (8 replies)
  97. Caveat Emptor!! Too late now, but still might be good for a few laughs. (2 replies)
  98. Arasus (10 replies)
  99. Kupaka (19 replies)
  100. Zimzum (29 replies)
  101. Why is everyone so fucking NICE??? (21 replies)
  102. Cruelty by nearly everyone in / outside GS (52 replies)
  103. Falvicar at his best! (10 replies)
  104. Tsin appreciation thread (13 replies)
  105. Who the hell is Werileo? (72 replies)
  106. Deron (110 replies)
  107. Militade (26 replies)
  108. Stalker stories (23 replies)
  109. Morpias: Pathetic man or pathetic sorcerer. You chose (62 replies)
  110. Reallia/Naftoliz (40 replies)
  111. Train/Level/Age etc etc.... (42 replies)
  112. Ilvana... (10 replies)
  113. I never thought it would happen... (17 replies)
  114. Nice to meet you too, Anothi! (76 replies)
  115. Capped noobs (8 replies)
  116. Jaimaltz, fucking scripters... (161 replies)
  117. Zaaak, you ungrateful bitch (59 replies)
  118. Frupple McTart is a fat boy IG and IRL (27 replies)
  119. Here's that weird GUY that plays Belnia! (50 replies)
  120. This was totally necessary (105 replies)
  122. For trade or sale (3 replies)
  123. Tenh (14 replies)
  124. Sabreon's MA crew (91 replies)
  125. Cephas (66 replies)
  126. Merdrith (78 replies)
  127. Dallanthrabane (39 replies)
  128. Is it really necessary to cast open Implosion? (57 replies)
  129. Widgets broke gemstone!!! (8 replies)
  130. Disheartened. (143 replies)
  131. What a tool - Exitialis (29 replies)
  132. Steia and Gardeth (160 replies)
  133. Akaishae (22 replies)
  134. Reggy and his timing. (7 replies)
  135. Alsor, Atlae, Avessa, Pinque... (9 replies)
  136. Man i log into prime for 5 minutes.. (23 replies)
  137. Missoni (225 replies)
  138. Sonic disruption and OTF (6 replies)
  139. Monidoe (1 replies)
  140. Sevris is Foxs bitch..log as requested by SolitaireConfinement (61 replies)
  141. Bad Merchant List (15 replies)
  142. Aerred (108 replies)
  143. tayre is a joke (143 replies)
  144. Shaykee (86 replies)
  145. Naes (29 replies)
  146. fucking vulture empath Tayre (485 replies)
  147. Kimbalkinnison (32 replies)
  148. Wwyverns (14 replies)
  149. Starkly (14 replies)
  150. Nelek (265 replies)
  151. Anta (81 replies)
  152. Amberain (17 replies)
  153. Sarinn (30 replies)
  154. Rhoxy - WTF? (51 replies)
  155. Gracy: (32 replies)
  156. Silverona (16 replies)
  157. Caerus (44 replies)
  158. Thrakianna (Landing TSC) (33 replies)
  159. Hiddenmoon (166 replies)
  160. Querthose (17 replies)
  161. Miscast (67 replies)
  162. Qistra (32 replies)
  163. BOGARRAGOB/ Hakwea (38 replies)
  164. Illusion Reps (15 replies)
  165. Another Day in the Landing (2 replies)
  166. Alawishus (60 replies)
  167. Leff (18 replies)
  168. Koops (139 replies)
  169. Silversoft from GEMSTONE IV GSIV is a Silverslut (9 replies)
  170. Silverasshat (28 replies)
  171. Medicar (24 replies)
  172. Why are poeple so quick to anger? (38 replies)
  173. Krusty (0 replies)
  174. Darckwizard? (40 replies)
  175. Is there anything he can't do? (19 replies)
  176. Wow, What a fucking cockass (113 replies)
  177. Vyst (21 replies)
  178. Anyone agree with me? (30 replies)
  179. X-post from officials - Forcing me to do what i do best (50 replies)
  180. Just a stupid question (6 replies)
  181. Tsin seriously needs to change his signature (10 replies)
  182. Guenhafyr is a retard (41 replies)
  183. A Fool and His OTF... (45 replies)
  184. Hunting etiquette (19 replies)
  185. Good names list (31 replies)
  186. Adamina, the amazing empath with no ability to sense pain (96 replies)
  187. Happy Anniversary!!! (5 replies)
  188. Lady Sairai The Recharger. (39 replies)
  189. Today's winner! (14 replies)
  190. Idiot alert (15 replies)
  191. Lord Certain: Tool Of The Day (19 replies)
  192. Jamus (47 replies)
  193. Interesting Morning (9 replies)
  194. Onzeleya (183 replies)
  195. Fucking Enough Already (26 replies)
  196. Yay, another GS pregnancy! (60 replies)
  197. Lisu wannabe? (11 replies)
  198. Question (4 replies)
  199. Albacora (72 replies)
  200. Idiot (130 replies)
  201. One of the most basic fucking rules. Dumbass. (78 replies)
  202. GSIV Scammer (13 replies)
  203. Warding Stone? (17 replies)
  204. Beware: Brothervodj45/Puffinmage@aol.com is a thief (762 replies)
  205. simu forum xpost (37 replies)
  206. Liannonuel/Andraste/Ghrim, etc conflict (390 replies)
  207. Tsin, you have got to be kidding me (121 replies)
  208. Your shit don't stink (58 replies)
  209. Xiraphem's playershop: complaint (10 replies)
  210. is this abuse of warn? (70 replies)
  211. Tsin: How does he ruin the game? (184 replies)
  212. Merchant Etiquette (72 replies)
  213. Vitruvian (94 replies)
  214. Evyrsio And Friends Go To EG: Grhim Attacks! (45 replies)
  215. Quite obnoxious. (14 replies)
  216. Boxes and such (16 replies)
  217. Wow... (8 replies)
  218. Anyone else having problems like this .....? (89 replies)
  219. Trying to reason with someone on OOC and IC (25 replies)
  220. Eiroc & Alterock? (30 replies)
  221. Tool has returned! (164 replies)
  222. Way to LOOK when you enter a room. (355 replies)
  223. Ruh roh (14 replies)
  224. summoning ring abuse? (16 replies)
  225. Idiot poacher (37 replies)
  226. Thurgun is a fucking pussy. (20 replies)
  227. Siierra, Symminian, Kallamdor, Kondus (28 replies)
  228. Wound hoarding (29 replies)
  229. ??Emislity=Cunt (196 replies)
  230. Foxs (21 replies)
  231. Tsin (248 replies)
  232. Anticor / Medi (32 replies)
  233. Salencia, Sultarayna, Soulette, Skydragon, and Robynn are a bunch of tools. (116 replies)
  234. Hi, my name is Cherryth and I don't understand. (38 replies)
  235. Boarshanks (Long) (12 replies)
  236. Hellica / Runewolfe (2 replies)
  237. 2 Cases of Extremely Stupid in One Day...I'm sooo Lucky! (16 replies)
  238. Warn Abuse? (28 replies)
  239. Did I just miss something? (66 replies)
  240. The Continued Class Act That is Cleara (40 replies)
  241. Smile Abuse! (58 replies)
  242. Dark Elf Sorc lookin in all the wrong places! (6 replies)
  243. I bought Shirv! (182 replies)
  244. Yay for Icemule. (3 replies)
  245. Yay, another fucking dumbass attention whore. (36 replies)
  246. Over-reaction much? (78 replies)
  247. Anyone run into these two? (15 replies)
  248. OMFG!!!11111one 1mil for 15 buck!??! (13 replies)
  249. Shirv the chicken $H&& (112 replies)
  250. tard (39 replies)