View Full Version : ??Emislity=Cunt
05-21-2006, 02:26 AM
I will tell what happened with my character, Whom is Soullette, her man Sinerot, her suposed Great Grandmother Emislity and her great grandfather Kratcheck. Kratcheck was bought by someone else, Emislity, after a month of kratcheck being sold, went to Kratcheck and told him that Emislty and Kratcheck was long lost loves, and knew each other for years. Kratcheck then accepted Emislity, and begain a GS relationship with her. Soulette was introduced to Emislity and was told by her Great Grandfather that Emislty will be respected and called great grandmother by Soulette. In respect to Soulettes Great Grandfther she did as Kratcheck had told her.
Sinerot was then introduced to Emislity (im sure we all know where this is going) all most instint Sinerot and Emislity demeanored each other Warm. Soulette and Kratcheck overlooked it, thinking that was because she was to be part of the family. Anyway, Soulette and Sinerot had got engaged. Emislity and Sinerot decided to hunt for an engagement ring for Soulette and set out on the search. Mind you it took a hour and they brought back no ring..........*Cough*Playershops*Cough*~~ Blahh Blahh Blahh...
Krat and Emislity moved to EN, Well Sinerot decided to make a visit to them without Soulette, mind you again, Sinerot NEVER ever left Soulette anywhere. That Soulette found strange right off hand. Sinerot got back from EN and told Soulette that he and her was no longer together. No explaination was givin, but Soulette said okay. Well after Soulette was in the Pawnshop selling all her things Sinerot came into the Shop and begged on his knees for her to go back to him. She agreed, still not knowing.
Kratcheck IMed me and told me what Emislity and Sinerot had done while looking for Soulette's engagement ring...this log came from the well known Emislity, and you can tell it has been Edited..but here it is anyway
(THE SEARCH FOR SOULETTE'S ENGAGMENT RING) You hear the faint thoughts of [PrivateTo]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
"I told her it was too bad Emislity is her grandma, could have had a
damn threesome!"
chat to siner oh god, don't repeat that!You focus on transmitting your
You hear the faint thoughts of [PrivateTo]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
"oh god, don't repeat that!"
You hear the faint thoughts of [Private]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
"omg lol"
chat to siner omg what? hrmph!You focus on transmitting your thought.
You hear the faint thoughts of [PrivateTo]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
"omg what? hrmph!"
You hear the faint thoughts of [Private]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
"well i havent married soulette yet lol"
* The death cry of Spaewife echoes in your mind!
>chat to siner yeah! You focus on transmitting yo
>chat to siner you just tell me where... and when... You focus on
transmitting your thought.
You hear the faint thoughts of [PrivateTo]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
"you just tell me where... and when... "
* Celeri joins the adventure.
> * Drewand joins the adventure.
You hear the faint thoughts of [Private]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
"you wanna fuck?"
>You hear the faint thoughts of [Private]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
* Earthdiver joins the adventure.
>chat to siner what?You focus on transmitting your thought.
You hear the faint thoughts of [PrivateTo]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
You hear the faint thoughts of [Private]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
"that was good fuck"
* Ress joins the adventure.
> * Kieana joins the adventure.
chat to siner aww, thanks!You focus on transmitting your thought.
You hear the faint thoughts of [PrivateTo]-Sinerot echo in your mind:
"aww, thanks!"
Now looking at this EDITED log, Between What? and that was a good fuck...Wheres the middle part?...Blahh Blahh. Now from what Krat IMed after he gave me this, was that he saw Sinerot using the ACT command in his house while they both was laying on Krat's bed. Krat just happened to walk in on the two when Sinerot pushed the enter key on his keyboard as he used the Act command on Emialtiy. Emislity had told krat, it wasnt what it looked like, they was Doin OOC ACTing while they was in GS doing it with there characters. yadda yadda known as (Emislity) IMed me after what was done and what kratcheck saw...Here is the IM log from my conversation with her. Also the time and date is still on here.
(Emislity): did you need something, the other day?
Soulette: not a thing
(Emislity): ok
(Emislity): sinerot and krat said you are mad at me..
(Emislity): i'm sorry you are mad.
Soulette: yep
(Emislity): but it's me you should be mad at, not emislity.
(Emislity): emislity didn't do anything.
(Emislity): well if you feel you need to be mad.
(Emislity): afterall you are married in rl
(Emislity): i didn't ask dan to come to me.
(Emislity): he did that on his own.
Soulette: it is her i am mad at
(Emislity): emislity didn't do anything
Soulette: she didnt
Soulette: (player of Emislity)!
(Emislity): Emisltiy did not do anything, that's what i'm telling you.
Soulette: Emisity knew sinerot and soul was together
Soulette: it dont matter
(Emislity): emislity didn't do anything with sinerot
Soulette: yes she did
(Emislity): actually, no she didn't.
Soulette: look im done talkin bout this crap
Soulette: ok
(Emislity): shrug, very well.
(Emislity): not worth quitting a game over.
(Emislity): or stopping playing soulette
Soulette: how do you figure that
(Emislity): well its' only a game..
(Emislity): is it worth giving it up?
(Emislity): over a guy?
Soulette: true
Soulette: umm
Soulette: i dont think your understandin my point here
(Emislity): maybe i'm not, but if you seperate the game from reality
(Emislity): it was (emislity's player) and (sinerot's player)
(Emislity): not emislity and sinerot
(Emislity): and he'll tell you exactly the same.
Soulette: umm when em and siner was layin down on krats bed....that becomes GS and if the ACT command was used in GS yes that is GS not there for Sienrot DID cheat on Soul and Emis as her grandmother in GS should have known better...and Sinerot too
(Emislity): yea yea...i heard it from him already
Soulette: im straight in RL
Soulette: but Soulette is crushed, she never thought two people she cared about so much would be even lay in the same bed together
Soulette: understand?
(Emislity): i do
Soulette: its just a game, ture enough...but that shouldnt have happened, not like that, you two could have make other souls and did that in GS
Soulette: not that hard, but thats just the way i looked at it....
Soulette: maybe its better that soul and siner isnt together
(Emislity): shrug, maybe
Soulette: well has to be now
Soulette: oh well
(Emislity): for whatever it is, i'm sorry.
(Emislity): and i know that doesn't help
(Emislity): but it wasn't what it seemed
(Emislity): even though it's how it looked.
This is the point where I couldnt stand to hear her talk anymore
Soulette: i understand what your saying
(Emislity): perhaps.
Soulette: i really do
(Emislity): nod
(Emislity): but i can see your point as well.
(Emislity): i had to send krat the log..
(Emislity): which is fine.
(Emislity): he saw that emis was rolled over sleeping
The Log you all just read is what she sent to Krat..I find no where in there that Emsiltiy was sleeping
(Emislity): it was a mere typo mistake.
(Emislity): instead of chat it was act.
(Emislity): but nothing either of us can do
(Emislity): i can't change what happened.
(Emislity): but i can promise it will never happen again
(Emislity): and i know that's an empty promise to you
(Emislity): but krat's willing to give me a second chance...
Yes Krat is still going to marry her in GS
(Emislity): i hope one day, you don't abandon your grandfather and can truly do the same thing for emislity
(Emislity): once again, i'm truly sorry
(Emislity):: for what it's worth anyway
Soulette: Abandon him?
(Emislity): he said you were quitting..
Soulette: ohh yeah
(Emislity): well you were quitting soulette.
Soulette: yeah
(Emislity): guess you were going to play another.
(Emislity): siner quit all together.
Soulette: i was but i changed my mind just not gonna have her talk to anyone...thats all
Soulette: well besides Deck
Soulette: I know he quite all together...
(Emislity): nod
(Emislity): well emislity and krat are together.
(Emislity): to stay
Soulette: yeah he told me
(Emislity): nod
(Emislity): i won't keep you.
Soulette: your not
(Emislity):: nod
(Emislity): just really don't like you being upset with me.
(Emislity): i cared so much for soulette...
cared so much for her that she fucked her man
(Emislity): no matter now, i guess.
(Emislity): hopefully you'll come to the wedding, should we have one.
(Emislity): bye hon.
(Emislity): i'm going to spend the rest of the day with my son.
Soulette: see ya
Soulette: soul wont be there..
Soulette: have fun
(Emislity): has signed out. (5/16/2006 4:21 PM)
:wtf: Yep Yep...She has issues, playing GS and always being OOC while IC..not what i call fun. A GS whore. Soulette sings a song in GS f you would like to hear it, just ask. She will let you hear it, course its about the wench..:rofl:
05-21-2006, 03:00 AM
That whole beginning introduction would have been SO much better if you had broken it down into paragraphs.
05-21-2006, 03:06 AM
Tell me about it. Just happened to read it again.
You can edit your own posts, I'm not going to read it either way though... GS drama is only good in small doses.
Gemstone is there to escape drama from RL, or at least have a diversion. The moment it becomes dramatic is when I step away.
After skimming the above, I'd run away if I were you.
05-21-2006, 04:52 AM
Gemstone is there to escape drama from RL, or at least have a diversion. The moment it becomes dramatic is when I step away.
After skimming the above, I'd run away if I were you.
This person is the Drama, that is all she knows. Stepping away is what I have done.
I seen another thread in here about Emislity, after she did this. *gags*
05-21-2006, 07:05 AM
I couldn't be bothered to read so much drivel, but yes Emislity is a twat.
Reading the title of the thread was enough to read and agree to.
05-21-2006, 07:55 AM
Emislity, no matter who plays her, is always fucking insane.
05-21-2006, 08:08 AM
This is why my characters all avoid relationships and families in GS. You end up being related to some retard/whore or involved in some high school drama. If my character ended up related to that tramp, they'd have jumped out of the treehouse multiple times.
05-21-2006, 10:01 AM
I thought she quit, made a thread here and all about how she was giving up the character and all her stuff, and she was letting someone else have it in case she ever wanted to come back (etc etc and so on and so forth). Well, whatever. She has done this before to Chaeron -- exact same MO, right down to "so and so came to me of their own free will". I'd run if I were you.
05-21-2006, 10:27 AM
Leave now! There is hope!
05-21-2006, 12:24 PM
I'm just going to parrot some of the other responses.
I made an attempt to read the original post, it made my brain hurt and my eyes bleed ... so I stopped.
I can only add ... this is news?
05-21-2006, 01:33 PM
Soulette isn't an innocent either, though perhaps she has more of a moral center than Emislity does, with regard to relationships.
But when goading people to the point of attack at the cul-de-sac, small park, or at the stocks, then threatening to bring family and friends into your issues -- that is kind of high school. How about standing on your own two feet next time you pick a fight instead of allowing Kratcheck and Kritz and others get involved?
05-21-2006, 01:35 PM
So much to read I know. I'm not even reading it again. However, I did run after the third day I meet her and the fat bitch started shit. I read an old thread about her and just wanted to get what she done, to me and a few others out in the open. Also was just wondering if anyone else had the same problems with her.
If anyone sees this person, take the advice from this Thread and run far far away.
My character, Soulette, has nothing to do with Emislity in GS and OOC. Just saying her name makes me want vomit and bash myself in the head. :club:
Please everyone keep reading and responding, maybe one day this crap will sink into her brain she calls a thinker.
Miss X
05-21-2006, 01:39 PM
You resorted to calling her fat? Lame. Don't know either of you really but I'm sure like every story, there are two sides. Not that I havent had my fair share of GS drama in the past, but honestly, since I made an effort to avoid it I've enjoyed GS a lot more. Learn from it and move on. :)
05-21-2006, 01:42 PM
Soulette isn't an innocent either, though perhaps she has more of a moral center than Emislity does, with regard to relationships.
But when goading people to the point of attack at the cul-de-sac, small park, or at the stocks, then threatening to bring family and friends into your issues -- that is kind of high school. How about standing on your own two feet next time you pick a fight instead of allowing Kratcheck and Kritz and others get involved?
Nope, Soulette isnt innocent, that fucking lil bitch. However, she had never done anything to the people in the cully. Now, doing her Illusions in small park, yeah that shit was done on purpose and she never asked Kritz to ever defend her.
Blahh Blahh...Soulette can be a bitch, but she hasn't done anything to the extrem of what Emislity had done~*Vomit*~
05-21-2006, 01:52 PM
Emislity is about as smart as a powdered doughnut imo.
Sean of the Thread
05-21-2006, 03:06 PM
Emislity is about as smart as a powdered doughnut imo.
You're what you eat.
05-21-2006, 03:35 PM
Did you just call me a pussy?
Xyelin is a dick.
Pick your own retort!
05-21-2006, 05:37 PM
Sometimes I look at threads like this, and wonder if I sounded like this when I was 15.
I probably did.
Did you just call me a pussy?
Xyelin is a dick.
Pick your own retort!
he was callin u a pussy, kill em:wasntme:
05-22-2006, 12:06 PM
Well, my RL sister had a run-in with Emislity also quite similiar to this one. I will have to email this thread to her. But yeah its typical of her. No surprise to me from what I've seen.
It is always best to avoid drama. I have learned also to mostly keep to myself and not get involved with families and etc. Mainly just interact and rp with people at an arms length to avoid unecessary bullshit.
It is always best to avoid drama. I have learned also to mostly keep to myself and not get involved with families and etc. Mainly just interact and rp with people at an arms length to avoid unecessary bullshit.
It's a shame peons like this make you feel that way. But I do understand it.
05-22-2006, 02:50 PM
I didn't bother reading any of that, but um...Kritz is a bitch.
Emislity has always been a ho. I'm really not shocked that it's come up again.
05-22-2006, 07:09 PM
Apparently there isn't enough room in the GS Whorehouse for both Soulette and Emislity.
05-23-2006, 01:07 AM
A. If half the general population thinks a person is a worthless, stupid slut - its probably best for you and your man to avoid that person. Yes, people can be misunderstood and they can change. However, its ignorant that so many people seem to think that they're so special they couldn't possibly do that to them.
B. Drama + GS = Bad
Drama + GS + Broadcasting on the Boards = Worse
C. Emislity = Cunt. Yeah, got that part. What about the jackassed idiot who willing participated in the situation? Instead of being bothered so much by her, you should consider that your beloved was just as guilty as she was, if not more so considering he would do such knowing it would hurt you.
05-23-2006, 09:08 AM
Apparently there isn't enough room in the GS Whorehouse for both Soulette and Emislity.
First of all Soulette isn't a whore. She don't go around sleeping with every person she sees. Rethink your post again and come up with a better retarded answer. Second Emiality has been in GS long enough to know that she will be on the broads over and over again.
05-23-2006, 09:12 AM
Second Emiality has been in GS long enough to know that she will be on the broads over and over again.
Really hope you mean "boards".
05-23-2006, 09:18 AM
A. If half the general population thinks a person is a worthless, stupid slut - its probably best for you and your man to avoid that person. Yes, people can be misunderstood and they can change. However, its ignorant that so many people seem to think that they're so special they couldn't possibly do that to them.
B. Drama + GS = Bad
Drama + GS + Broadcasting on the Boards = Worse
C. Emislity = Cunt. Yeah, got that part. What about the jackassed idiot who willing participated in the situation? Instead of being bothered so much by her, you should consider that your beloved was just as guilty as she was, if not more so considering he would do such knowing it would hurt you.
Soulette and Sinerot isn't together after that. Soulette has nothing to do with her or drama anymore. This was like the first time ever that me and one of my Soul's had to go through this, and I have been here over 9 years. Now I know why I have never put my characters in those spots in the first place. I really just wanted to show everyone who this person is. looks like you all know her already. If you see her avoid her altogether. If you even say "Hello" to her, she might think your wanting to do her. She is the apidity of what comes from your sewer.
05-23-2006, 09:18 AM
Really hope you mean "boards".
05-23-2006, 09:42 AM
El Burro
05-23-2006, 10:22 AM
apidity = epitome
05-23-2006, 05:47 PM
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"] Now looking at this EDITED log, Between What? and that was a good fuck..Where's the middle part?...
:wtf: Yep Yep...She has issues, playing GS and always being OOC while IC..not what i call fun. A GS whore.
Why would you use an already EDITED log in the first place? You realize you just described half the population of gemstone, so I must ask how many times have you been OOC while playing GS?
However, I did run after the third day I meet her and the fat bitch started shit. I read an old thread about her and just wanted to get what she done, to me and a few others out in the open.
My character, Soulette, has nothing to do with Emislity in GS and OOC. Just saying her name makes me want vomit and bash myself in the head. :club:
Please everyone keep reading and responding, maybe one day this crap will sink into her brain she calls a thinker.
Yet you went out of your way to post a log about her? Wow I think I might feel special that someone whom claims to hate me so much, would waste her entire day, just to rant about me! "The fat bitch started shit?" Looks like you are the one making the posts. Looks like from the already EDITED log, Sinerot asked her if she wanted to fuck not the other way around. Then again, talking on PsiNet is cheap and as I stated before, there's no real proof anything ever happened.
Nope, Soulette isnt innocent, that fucking lil bitch.
Blahh Blahh...Soulette can be a bitch, but she hasn't done anything to the extrem of what Emislity had done~*Vomit*~
By saying Soulette can be a bitch, you refer to something such as making a world wide post about an already EDITED log you mean?
Apparently there isn't enough room in the GS Whorehouse for both Soulette and Emislity.
I understand now, yes ldyhrtbrk it makes sense, Soulette is trying to create a diversion and make it seem like Emislity is the slut here, when in actuality Soulette is just jealous because, her wanted to leave her to go to Emislity? or did i just misinterpret that wrong? No matter, if it hurts you that your men will go to Emislity, perhaps you should ask her for some pointers on how to 'keep them satisfied in the bedroom?' :tumble:
I really just wanted to show everyone who this person is. looks like you all know her already. If you see her avoid her altogether. If you even say "Hello" to her, she might think your wanting to do her. She is the apidity of what comes from your sewer.
So basically, you wanted to just get up here and make your own assumptions about her? I have had many encounters with Emislity, btw. She's been nothing but great to me. I barely ever see her hunting with anyone and when she does, her demeanor is always so 'cold'. I've not seen this side of her that you speak of, however I'm not saying it's not there.
05-23-2006, 06:46 PM
Emislity gets off on casting 1030 on sub-level-ten characters. She talks a big game until she's reported and dealt with, then makes an even bigger show of explaining how, "she was just having a bad day," and "her friends goaded her into it." So am I surprised that along with being a griefer, she's also a possible GS-whore?
No, not really.
05-23-2006, 06:51 PM
Come on people, let's retard-up this thread just a bit more...
05-23-2006, 06:52 PM
No matter, if it hurts you that your men will go to Emislity, perhaps you should ask her for some pointers on how to 'keep them satisfied in the bedroom?' :tumble:
Okay this made me snort-laugh. That you would be so moronic as to state that we should ask Emislity for pointers on 'how to keep a text-based character satisfied in the bedroom' is laughable and frankly, makes me question your ability to understand that its not real life.
05-23-2006, 06:54 PM
Okay this made me snort-laugh. That you would be so moronic as to state that we should ask Emislity for pointers on 'how to keep a text-based character satisfied in the bedroom' is laughable and frankly, makes me question your ability to understand that its not real life.
it was meant as sarcasm, glad you... realized that.
05-23-2006, 06:56 PM
Uh huh.
05-23-2006, 10:52 PM
Rofl. Emisluty is so retarded.
05-24-2006, 01:04 AM
Emisluty has just made it beyond retarded. She is now licking the windows on the local short bus. Don't let me stop you, please continue.
05-24-2006, 06:54 AM
You guys are going to force her to post from her death bed in the ICU if this thread continues much longer.
05-24-2006, 10:37 AM
You guys are going to force her to post from her death bed in the ICU if this thread continues much longer.
btw water burns the nose.
05-24-2006, 10:44 AM
You guys are going to force her to post from her death bed in the ICU if this thread continues much longer.
That was a completely different psycho. Get em straight. :tongue:
05-24-2006, 02:32 PM
True CT, but I think they fell from the same coconut tree.
05-24-2006, 04:23 PM
Heh it's funny cause the whore-dom doesn't just end in game. You should see some pics she sent to a buddy of mine. They were really sickening.
05-24-2006, 04:27 PM
You should see some pics she sent to a buddy of mine.
No.. no I should not.
05-24-2006, 04:28 PM
Jesus, I've tried to read the OP a couple times now. Really tried. By the time I get to the second line though it's just: yada yada yada shut the hell up yada yada. You'd think after having this pointed out numerous times the thread starter would edit it for readability.
05-24-2006, 04:35 PM
You should see some pics she sent to a buddy of mine.
No.. no I should not.
Hrm...this is true - it's bad enough I had to see them. I don't think anyone else would want to see them. They were scary. I was scarred for life afterwards.
05-24-2006, 04:46 PM
I think I would question the "buddy-ness" of anybody who would send me such pictures. Then, I would probably visit a curse upon him/her. Yup. :axe:
05-24-2006, 05:45 PM
I think I would question the "buddy-ness" of anybody who would send me such pictures. Then, I would probably visit a curse upon him/her. Yup. :axe:
:lolwave: I probably should kick his butt, but he sent it to me out of the sheer morbid curiosity that I had. I needed to be sure he wasn't just full of rolton dung. I was convinced she couldn't possibly be that big of a whore. I was wrong.
05-24-2006, 06:53 PM
You know the absolute funny part about all of this? None of you are any better than she is. Look at yourselves, you sound like a bunch of teenagers in highschool, talking bad about someone just because you don't like the way they dress or do their hair. Grow up, all of you. There are plenty of people in Gemstone and most of then do exactly what you've all claimed Emislity to do, what truly makes her any more special that you have to post an actual thread about it? If you hate her so much, stop wasting your time posting non-sense.
05-24-2006, 06:54 PM
Its not very wise to post general wide-sweeping statements about every poster on the boards, or even every poster in a particular thread like you just did. Just some friendly advice. :)
05-24-2006, 06:56 PM
You know the absolute funny part about all of this? None of you are any better than she is. Look at yourselves, you sound like a bunch of teenagers in highschool, talking bad about someone just because you don't like the way they dress or do their hair. Grow up, all of you. There are plenty of people in Gemstone and most of then do exactly what you've all claimed Emislity to do, what truly makes her any more special that you have to post an actual thread about it? If you hate her so much, stop wasting your time posting non-sense.
Aww, she'll suck you off for that!
How cute of you.
05-24-2006, 06:58 PM
Considering that Emislity "referred" this person here, anything is possible.
05-24-2006, 06:59 PM
Thanks for the advise, but my opinion just like everyone else's will still stand. The thread was started by an already EDITED log, that alone is enough to just ignore it. You honestly believe that the stuff in here is at a mature level? I think that if people had more important things to do, they wouldn't worry so much about what Emislity does, but what they can do to avoid her if they hate her so much.
05-24-2006, 07:02 PM
Its like the curiosity of a train wreck or sometimes watching Jerry Springer.
05-24-2006, 07:02 PM
Whether I think that the EDITED (as you're so fond of stating in all caps) log is legitimate or not, whether I think Emislity is a 'whore' and 'man-stealer' or not has no bearing on my statement to you, gsempath. The point I am making, and I'll repeat it for you since you didn't seem to grasp it the first damned time, is that making GENERALIZED SWEEPING STATEMENTS ON THE CHARACTERISTICS AND PERSONALITY OR LACK THEREOF OF EVERY POSTER IN A THREAD IS A BAD IDEA.
Not only do you make yourself look like a jackass, you also are completely WRONG to make such a statement.
Hope the inclusion of all caps in some areas helps you to focus on what is needed to be focused upon for my post.
05-24-2006, 07:02 PM
I think that if people had more important things to do, they wouldn't worry so much about what Emislity does, but what they can do to avoid her if they hate her so much.
Haha. It's summer time mang, I haven't got shit to do. Train wrecks like slutslity are an amazing thing to watch.
i'm not sure which is worse, her...or the desperate bastard going after her. Whatcha think?
05-24-2006, 07:02 PM
That was a completely different psycho. Get em straight. :tongue:
Heh ... now I'm curious. Which psycho did I get her confused with?
05-24-2006, 07:03 PM
Amberain, I believe?
05-24-2006, 07:04 PM
Heh ... now I'm curious. Which psycho did I get her confused with?Amberain.
I know, so many psychos, not enough space to sort them all.
05-24-2006, 07:05 PM
Ah yes, the one on the laptop from the ICU ?
05-24-2006, 07:05 PM
:clap: Go me!
05-24-2006, 07:06 PM
Should start a thread called- PC Trivia: Amazing moments.
05-24-2006, 07:08 PM
Thanks for the advise, but my opinion just like everyone else's will still stand. The thread was started by an already EDITED log, that alone is enough to just ignore it. You honestly believe that the stuff in here is at a mature level? I think that if people had more important things to do, they wouldn't worry so much about what Emislity does, but what they can do to avoid her if they hate her so much.I don't personally know her, nor have I ever interacted with her, other than hearing her once go apeshit on PsiNet because she was stunned that someone would call her a slut after talking about blow jobs for half hour, but I digress. People are just probably sick of the coming (no pun intended) and going of this person. Since she keeps saying stuff like this (, who will believe anything she says anyway?
05-24-2006, 07:08 PM
I don't play anymore, GSempath. However, I really doubt that MOST of the people who play behave in the manner attributed to Emislity...unless the current population is primarily hormonal teenagers. If that's the case, you may be right. :shrug:
05-24-2006, 07:11 PM
Are you upset that I generalized all characteristics of THIS thread because you are among them? Did that hurt your feelings or something? I simply suggested that everyone stop wasting their time on non-sense of this thread, and if they cannot then how much better does it really make them look?
05-24-2006, 07:13 PM
I simply suggested that everyone stop wasting their time on non-sense of this thread, and if they cannot then how much better does it really make them look?You said it, dude. Set an example or quitcherbitchin.
05-24-2006, 07:14 PM
Oh man, this is gonna be funny.
05-24-2006, 07:15 PM
Are you upset that I generalized all characteristics of THIS thread because you are among them? Did that hurt your feelings or something? I simply suggested that everyone stop wasting their time on non-sense of this thread, and if they cannot then how much better does it really make them look?
Ermkay soo joo r tellin everyone that they should stop h8in, while yourself is h8tin too. Then yer tellin us to stop wasting our time on it while yourself is wastin time on it too. So its like yer mad cus people are mad because she made us mad (or laugh hysterically whichever the case may be) And then tell us not to waste time on it because its making you waste time on it?
05-24-2006, 07:19 PM
Are you upset that I generalized all characteristics of THIS thread because you are among them? Did that hurt your feelings or something? I simply suggested that everyone stop wasting their time on non-sense of this thread, and if they cannot then how much better does it really make them look?
:lol: Okay one more time for the slow crowd, (ie. you) I'm not upset but it does irritate me and it definitely makes you look like an ass to make generalized statements. Let me clarify for you.
You included me in this sweeping statement you made, so I will use myself as the example.
Do you know any of my GS characters or me, the player, personally? If not, (and I wager you'll say no), then why would you make a generalized statement that included me in it?
Let's use another example, just in case it didn't quite sink in for you yet.
Harmnone, the administrator for the PC boards. She doesn't even play GemstoneIV and hasn't played in quite some time. Do you know her well as a person? If not, (and again, I'd wager you do not), then why would you make a generalized statement that included her in it?
And just for final reference, since you seem to be a bit hard to deal with intelligently today.
You know the absolute funny part about all of this? None of you are any better than she is. Look at yourselves, you sound like a bunch of teenagers in highschool, talking bad about someone just because you don't like the way they dress or do their hair. Grow up, all of you.
Now then. I hope you understand that you are not only wrong in your statement but that you DID in fact say it, unlike your subsequent claim otherwise to cover your ass.
05-24-2006, 07:19 PM
Ermkay soo joo r tellin everyone that they should stop h8in, while yourself is h8tin too. Then yer tellin us to stop wasting our time on it while yourself is wastin time on it too. So its like yer mad cus people are mad because she made us mad (or laugh hysterically whichever the case may be) And then tell us not to waste time on it because its making you waste time on it?
No I was trying to get the point across that if you hate her so much... why are you wasting the 3 days on her? If she gets off on attention like most of you make her out to, then what do you think you are doing here? All I'm saying is, if you hate her so much then avoid her. Posting some thread isn't going to change a person, by now I'd have thought you could figure that out.
05-24-2006, 07:21 PM
Who said anything about wanting to change her? She entertains people for being who she is. Dur.
05-24-2006, 07:22 PM
05-24-2006, 07:25 PM
No I was trying to get the point across that if you hate her so much... why are you wasting the 3 days on her? If she gets off on attention like most of you make her out to, then what do you think you are doing here? All I'm saying is, if you hate her so much then avoid her. Posting some thread isn't going to change a person, by now I'd have thought you could figure that out.
Actually, gsempath, you're wrong again. Having a thread like this made about her may not change Emislity. It might not change you, if such a thread were made about you. However, it does help some people to see how others perceive them. I've gotten more than one PM from someone who was roasted to a fair turn here saying the equivalent of: "Damn! I didn't realize that's how people saw me. I really need to do some work on how I'm coming across."
05-24-2006, 07:30 PM
Actually, gsempath, you're wrong again. Having a thread like this made about her may not change Emislity. It might not change you, if such a thread were made about you. However, it does help some people to see how others perceive them. I've gotten more than one PM from someone who was roasted to a fair turn here saying the equivalent of: "Damn! I didn't realize that's how people saw me. I really need to do some work on how I'm coming across."
Oh my gods yes. I can say that I have been guilty of being a tool myself in my early days in GS and here on the PC. However, not to the extent as Emislity. A good roastin helps one put perspective on things.
05-24-2006, 07:33 PM
No I was trying to get the point across that if you hate her so much... why are you wasting the 3 days on her? If she gets off on attention like most of you make her out to, then what do you think you are doing here? All I'm saying is, if you hate her so much then avoid her. Posting some thread isn't going to change a person, by now I'd have thought you could figure that out.
What fun would that be? I'm not posting here to change her, in fact...she'd be much less entertaining if she did change.
I personally hope sluttyslitty stops by to defend herself.
BTW, who had those pictures? Augie if you do, I feel like having fun with paint so PM them to me!
05-24-2006, 07:38 PM
Actually, gsempath, you're wrong again. Having a thread like this made about her may not change Emislity. It might not change you, if such a thread were made about you. However, it does help some people to see how others perceive them. I've gotten more than one PM from someone who was roasted to a fair turn here saying the equivalent of: "Damn! I didn't realize that's how people saw me. I really need to do some work on how I'm coming across."
But how many times have threads been made about her? Has she changed yet?
Let's go back to the original reason this thread was made for a moment and i capitalize EDITED, because that's how it was referred to by the original poster. Emislity was involved in a log... we only saw what they wanted us to see of the log, therefore there is no middle, no understanding no originality of what really happened. However 'we' in this thread and i will include myself just for you Jolena, have seem to taken it in many different forms. Did it ever occur to you, that perhaps what really happened (most of it being on ooc chat through psinet) isn't what the person posting this log wanted us to see? No where is it a crime to speak of sex in GS, no where is it a crime to do the sexual act. No where is it a crime to believe what you wish to believe from as I refered to it earlier, "an already EDITED log". Tell me please, after being so perceptive to all of this... what did Emislity really do that was just so horrible? We are basing our assumptions on hearsay, but the log doesn't show any evidence...
Now, when I tell you this thread is non-sense and you get upset because I make a generalized statement of everyone in this thread. Perhaps I am wrong, by generalizing everyone in this thread, but MOST everyone making a post, had something bad to say and all they could really say was how badly they hated Emislity... My defense for you all is this, if you hate her so bad, why are you giving her the satisfaction of this thread?
I don't think anyone really cares and or questions an edited log when it comes to emislity because everyone already knows what a skank she is.
05-24-2006, 07:45 PM
My defense for you all is this, if you hate her so bad, why are you giving her the satisfaction of this thread?
your defense sucks. I personally love laughing at her, as do others. I don't wanna change her, just laugh at her.
05-24-2006, 07:45 PM
I don't believe anyone said it's a 'crime' to talk about sex in GS or to actually participate in sex in GS. What we are saying however, (most of us anyhow), is that Emislity does this quite frequently without any seeming thought whatsoever to who she is engaging in said acts with, what it might do to the people who are involved with said person as well, or the consequences of it. It isn't a crime no, but to many of us, it indicates that she has very loose morals if any at all in regards to these things.
In the line of your post, I'll pose another question to you. Is it a 'crime' to consider someone to be 'slutty' because they do something like this? Additionally, is it a 'crime' to express that opinion for the simple reason of discussion with others having the same views, or for entertainment, or because hell, we just WANT to talk about it?
05-24-2006, 07:46 PM
You're new (I think) so I'll say this a little easier for you to understand...
The PC has always been a place to vent freely about anyone and anything in the game because there is nowhere else to do it. No one is looking to change anyone, really. This is just a set of people pointing out annoying things of others to view, and bask in the humor that was found in it to begin with.
Whether people agree with the original poster's intentions or opinions is not really the point. Many people have issues with her. They vent about it, share their frustration, perhaps hope she joins in for the fun [for the rest of us]. I will say, though, that she brings most of this mess on herself. If she's okay with that, then this and other similar threads won't matter in the grande scheme of things, she'll keep on playing/quitting/playing/quitting til her heart's content. If she gets pissed off about it, then that's something she'll have to come to terms with on her own, and not send her posse here to defend her.
As I said before, I don't know her much, haven't interacted with her, just stuff I've read or seen here and there. I know someone who IMs her on occasion and I just think "OMG why?" cause she says crazy ass shit there too.
PC posters are also not in favor of blanket statements either, so try to refrain from using them, no matter how much you feel it applies, because you'll usually be wrong.
05-24-2006, 07:50 PM
Ahem. Since you quoted me, I must say I've never gotten upset. Believe me, it would take a lot more than this, or you, or Emislity to get me upset over a message board. Additionally, I do not think Emislity is horrible. I don't even know this person. You're making assumptions on inadequate knowledge, gsempath
As to the "original reason this thread was made", the only one who really knows that is the original poster. We can assume it was made to roast Emislity. We may be right, we may be wrong. It may have been made simply to draw attention to the original poster. If it was, it backfired pretty badly.
Now...did it ever occur to YOU that if Emislity needed a defender she'd do it herself? If the log was incorrect, she might even post a complete log. Logs, of course, are meaningless since any of them can have been altered.
Furthermore, I don't see where anyone has said that a crime has been committed. You're right. It isn't a crime to believe what you wish to believe, and that's what people are going to do...unless, and until something convinces them otherwise. The world doesn't, in fact, revolve around Emislity. If the thread gives her satisfaction, that's a bonus to her. For those reading and posting, I guess they're entitled to their satisfaction, too, eh?
05-24-2006, 07:54 PM
In the line of your post, I'll pose another question to you. Is it a 'crime' to consider someone to be 'slutty' because they do something like this? Additionally, is it a 'crime' to express that opinion for the simple reason of discussion with others having the same views, or for entertainment, or because hell, we just WANT to talk about it?
Shouldn't you first before making that 'consideration of someone' see proof? How can you truly call her a slut, without seeing her physically do anything? This entire log is just talk, no acts. All of the posts actually as i look back into the past are of just talk, never any true acts. I don't see the justification of calling one a true 'defined' slut, unless it's just because that's what the very first person that was ever mad at her called her, and so it was continued from there? I'm not just referring to Emislity being a slut here, I'm generalizing everyone that gets called a slut. Sure words are nothing and can be presumably used however you like, but if you want to clarify her being a slut, then get out the definition and see if you have 'proof' that she fits that definition.
05-24-2006, 07:56 PM
Ish. Don't ask for trouble! I think someone said they had pictures! Such pictures can't be posted here, but they can sure start making the rounds in IMs. If that's what you're shooting for, Emislity is in for a world of hurt if the pictures actually exist.
05-24-2006, 07:57 PM
Oh I see. So you would like me to have 'proof' of said acts before making the judgement and 'naming' her a 'slut' or her behavior as 'slutty'. Interesting.
No, I've not personally been in the room with Emislity when she was sexing down someone in GS. No, I've not had either her or the man (men) she's slept with in GS come to me and give me a list of the times, situations, people and other various things that are involved with these 'actions'.
Based, however, on what I have heard on the boards, on PsiNet and from friends who have dealt with her in the past, I can safely say that I consider her behavior to be psychotic, attention-whoring and slutty. Now, you can be upset about that all you want, but as you are so fond of stating, it doesn't change the fact that I feel that way or my right to express it.
You're beating your head against a wall here, sweetheart. You're effectively running in circles.
05-24-2006, 08:00 PM
Now...did it ever occur to YOU that if Emislity needed a defender she'd do it herself? If the log was incorrect, she might even post a complete log. Logs, of course, are meaningless since any of them can have been altered.
Yes, that's why I decided to be obviously the only outcast here to defend her, because she doesn't seem to care enough about what people have to say about her. You are correct, she SHOULD be here to clear this up and defend herself, perhaps post a 'true' log.
Knowing Emislity from the game though, she's not going to come here and make such a defense, as she probably doesn't feel it's anyone's business what she does in or outside of the game. (I can actually understand and agree to that). She holds a very cold demeanor in the game. Maybe she's just a bitch, but I doubt she's a slut.
05-24-2006, 08:01 PM
You wanna say "it's just words" yet SHE is the one who can talk about sex acts, positions, preferences and such, and have cybersex, but god forbid you call her a slut. It IS just a word, right? Doesn't mean anything really if she hasn't done anything, right?
Why not tell HER not to flip out over silly words that people use on each other daily? If she feels she's big enough to talk dirty, she should be able to take it. Hell people call me a ho DAILY, but it's all talk, since no one knows a goddamned thing about me other than what they hear, and since that was caused by what I may have said, then that is MY problem for them coming to that conclusion, no one else.
By the way, this is just MY opinion, but I think she's too chicken shit to come here and say it herself since she was here a few months saying she quit and someone else is playing Emislity, which we can probably assume now is a complete lie, unless she walked someone through the ways of how to play Emislity as she is known to be, and if that's the case, then this player is just as much of a crazy git as the original. (Holy runonsentence, Batman!)
05-24-2006, 08:02 PM
Well, if she doesn't want to defend herself I doubt she really wants you defending her, either. Perhaps, it's best to just leave it alone, eh? You're entitled to your opinion, as is everyone else to theirs.
05-24-2006, 08:09 PM
Ish. Don't ask for trouble! I think someone said they had pictures! Such pictures can't be posted here, but they can sure start making the rounds in IMs. If that's what you're shooting for, Emislity is in for a world of hurt if the pictures actually exist.
I'm still waiting on them, if I get them there will be photoshop and I will post them in a place that anyone who wants to see, can.
I remember the last "illegal" pictures....perhaps Leetahkin can inform him through PM's
05-24-2006, 08:11 PM
Well, if she doesn't want to defend herself I doubt she really wants you defending her, either. Perhaps, it's best to just leave it alone, eh? You're entitled to your opinion, as is everyone else to theirs.
I have to say, I think she's pretty smart not to come here and defend herself. Would you believe her if she came just to say, the log was a lie? (My guess would be no), so why would she waste her time trying to defend herself when you probably wouldn't believe her anyway? Your opinions about her are obviously set, once mind set about something it's pretty hard to think 'outside of that box'. I actually am proud she didn't waste her time on this thread, unlike the rest of us. (If she was such an attention-whore, she would be here herself.) Obviously she didn't intend for the log to get out if it is true, so perhaps she's entitled to her privacy even.
05-24-2006, 08:12 PM
I'm still waiting on them, if I get them there will be photoshop and I will post them in a place that anyone who wants to see, can.
I remember the last "illegal" pictures....perhaps Leetahkin can inform him through PM's
Careful not to get yourself in trouble for slander and harrassment...
05-24-2006, 08:12 PM
Privacy is such a wavering line to consider. I don't think that I would personally post something like this, however I wouldn't deny someone else the right to do so.
05-24-2006, 08:13 PM
Careful not to get yourself in trouble for slander and harrassment...
You should really research further before you make this kind of comment. The pictures he refers to were given out freely by the person in question. Once they are posted, on the internet or on a webcam as in this particular case, they are open season.
05-24-2006, 08:15 PM
Would I believe her? Hell, I don't give a flying fuck, to be honest about it. I don't believe or disbelieve. I don't fucking know!
If you're proud of her for not wasting her time on this thread, develop a little pride in yourself and stop participating in it! Sheesh! :banghead:
Damn, woman!
05-24-2006, 08:17 PM
Uh oh. If HN says 'bippy', everyone duck for cover.
05-24-2006, 08:18 PM
Actually if Emislity posted the pictures herself on the internet, then it would be open season. However if she passed on pictures to someone else privately, even if that person chose to post those pictures, Emislity can complain and we would have to take them down.
05-24-2006, 08:18 PM
05-24-2006, 08:19 PM
Well, if she doesn't want to defend herself I doubt she really wants you defending her, either. Perhaps, it's best to just leave it alone, eh? You're entitled to your opinion, as is everyone else to theirs.
Come to think of it, Emislity must have been here to see the thread. After rereading over the log, no where is her RL name on it anymore.
05-24-2006, 08:19 PM
Actually if Emislity posted the pictures herself on the internet, then it would be open season. However if she passed on pictures to someone else privately, even if that person chose to post those pictures, Emislity can complain and we would have to take them down.
As I said, they can't be posted here. If anything like that shows up here, it will be removed.
05-24-2006, 08:19 PM
05-24-2006, 08:20 PM
Yes, GSempath. Emislity was here. Now, can we shut the fuck up about it?
05-24-2006, 08:21 PM
Bippy and STFU all in one thread.
05-24-2006, 08:21 PM
You should really research further before you make this kind of comment. The pictures he refers to were given out freely by the person in question. Once they are posted, on the internet or on a webcam as in this particular case, they are open season.
Once again, hearsay... Do you know if they are even of her? Do you know for sure they were given out freely, that someone didn't just take them off her computer, or steal them somehow? I simply said, be careful. I didn't say oh god you are going to get in trouble.
05-24-2006, 08:23 PM
Ooookay. So someone snuck into her house, stole them off her computer, or better yet, hax0red her shit and stole them THAT way, just to post them on the net or to get her pissy. Really, you give people too much credit.
05-24-2006, 08:24 PM
If I were Emislity, gsempath, I'd be taking a meat cleaver to you about now. You're doing nothing but make things worse.
05-24-2006, 08:25 PM
Once again, hearsay... Do you know if they are even of her? Do you know for sure they were given out freely, that someone didn't just take them off her computer, or steal them somehow? I simply said, be careful. I didn't say oh god you are going to get in trouble.
05-24-2006, 08:26 PM
No what I said was, Do you know for sure they are even of her and if so, then how do you know this didn't take place? This thread is now just annoying...
05-24-2006, 08:26 PM
How the hell are you going to dispute your own UNEDITED post?
05-24-2006, 08:27 PM
I bet you are the type who is always worried over a conspiracy theory, aren't you..
05-24-2006, 08:28 PM
No what I said was, Do you know for sure they are even of her and if so, then how do you know this didn't take place? This thread is now just annoying...
Oh, gods of all things, let it be so! Please, LET IT BE SO!!!:help:
05-24-2006, 08:43 PM
Careful not to get yourself in trouble for slander and harrassment...
I'm not worried, as I said. Talk to Leetahkin about pictures if you don't believe me.
05-24-2006, 08:47 PM
Once again, hearsay... Do you know if they are even of her? Do you know for sure they were given out freely, that someone didn't just take them off her computer, or steal them somehow? I simply said, be careful. I didn't say oh god you are going to get in trouble.
I tell you what, if i get a hold of them i'll be sure to pass them your way so you can inspect her vagina and prove it's either her or not.
You're actually making things worse for her, which is not an easy task.
05-24-2006, 08:53 PM
This train had to have been going incredibly fast to cause a wreck this large.
05-24-2006, 08:56 PM
Actually, I don't think speed was the problem here. I think it was more a matter of.......well, slow. Very slow.
05-24-2006, 09:06 PM
Shame on you for making HarmNone use the F word!
05-24-2006, 09:14 PM
Hee! Stupidity. It'll do it every time! Actually, I was giggling like a loon, but the "F word" seemed to fit so well into this situation that I couldn't resist trotting it out. :D
05-24-2006, 10:56 PM
Jesus, the things I miss by not reading a post about a "cunt" as per the title.
Can we keep the topic off of me?
Things are getting skewed, and I don't think we need to walk down that road again.
Gsempath - STFU about my issues on the boards. You may feel the need to defend Emislity, who you say you don't care one way or the other for. I don't need someone trying to back me up on something they know shit about.
And for fucks sake, stop making HarmNone swear. She scares me when she gets like that. Her hexes might assplode the whole PC.
05-25-2006, 01:13 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahHAHhahHAHhahahah at Emisluty, gsempath and this thread in general.
05-25-2006, 07:21 AM
I know, so many psychos, not enough space to sort them all.
Maybe I should have read the log, maybe the lack of "it stinks in here, close your legs" would have jogged the memory ... but it hurt my head just trying to read it.
05-25-2006, 07:40 AM
And I just had to read the rest of the thread.
Ok, first ... it would be LIBEL, if and only if, the pictures were not of her.
Second ... who would you report harassment charges to? The internet police? Give me a fucking break.
Third ... Yes she is aware of this thread, she has been reading it a few times a day since it was posted. How do I know?
I usually check that as means of filtering what's worth reading when people are on. She was checking up on this thread before you registered and rushed in to defend "her".
Personally, were I defending someone as a first time poster on the PC, I wouldn't think to hide behind anonymity. Though the thought would occur to me to post under a less obvious log in if I decided to go the lame route and defend myself in the third person ... that's just me though and it's not like it has NEVER happened in the entire history of the PC.
Miss X
05-25-2006, 09:07 AM
God, I've missed you Tsa'ah.
05-25-2006, 02:35 PM
Ish. Don't ask for trouble! I think someone said they had pictures! Such pictures can't be posted here, but they can sure start making the rounds in IMs. If that's what you're shooting for, Emislity is in for a world of hurt if the pictures actually exist.
If anyone wants a copy of said pictures - send me a PM and I will show them to you. But beware, they're skeeeeeeeeeery!
Edited to add: They will be sent once I get home from work so I am gettin your requests, I jus have to wait till I get to where they are.
Tea & Strumpets
05-25-2006, 03:14 PM
If anyone wants a copy of said pictures - send me a PM and I will show them to you. But beware, they're skeeeeeeeeeery!
Edited to add: They will be sent once I get home from work so I am gettin your requests, I jus have to wait till I get to where they are.
Damn, you are sick.
05-25-2006, 03:21 PM
If anyone wants a copy of said pictures - send me a PM and I will show them to you. But beware, they're skeeeeeeeeeery!
Edited to add: They will be sent once I get home from work so I am gettin your requests, I jus have to wait till I get to where they are.
Damn, you are sick.Damn, you are sick.
Nope, I'm actually much better! I took my meds today! :p
Besides, I'm not the one who sent pictures of myself looking like a whore to random men on the internet. The pictures merely confirm the fact that she can't separate IC vs OOC sluttiness.
05-25-2006, 03:21 PM
Damn, you are sick.
Sick, nah. Its part of her charm, really.
05-25-2006, 03:24 PM
Besides, I must not be the only one that's sick. You should see all the PMs of people who want to see the pictures.
05-25-2006, 03:25 PM
Some people probably just want a good laugh. :D
05-25-2006, 04:56 PM
Augie is my hero.
Photoshop FTW!
05-25-2006, 06:48 PM
If anyone wants a copy of said pictures - send me a PM and I will show them to you. But beware, they're skeeeeeeeeeery!
Ya know...there are some lines that really shouldn't be crossed. Doesn't this make everyone who was saying the IG and IRL things should be kept apart just as bad as the person in question in this post? I don't know personally why anyone would even want to offer up said pictures or request them.
I'm all for posting what you think or feel about someone but pictures are a whole other ball of wax that frankly should be left alone. Yes I am friends with Emislity. Has she ever wronged me in any way? No. Will I defend what has been shown here? No. But this is just to far for me.
I honestly hope this is just a joke and pictures aren't being passed around like this and if so heh...
This is all I'm going to say about this so if you'd like some sort of response from me drop me a message in my box.
05-25-2006, 06:59 PM
People pass pictures around all the time, heh, nothing wrong with it imo. I plan to photoshop the hell out of it
Ya know...there are some lines that really shouldn't be crossed. Doesn't this make everyone who was saying the IG and IRL things should be kept apart just as bad as the person in question in this post? I don't know personally why anyone would even want to offer up said pictures or request them.
I'm all for posting what you think or feel about someone but pictures are a whole other ball of wax that frankly should be left alone. Yes I am friends with Emislity. Has she ever wronged me in any way? No. Will I defend what has been shown here? No. But this is just to far for me.
I honestly hope this is just a joke and pictures aren't being passed around like this and if so heh...
This is all I'm going to say about this so if you'd like some sort of response from me drop me a message in my box.
Normally I'd be with you, but then I stop and wonder.. how'd the picture get circulated in the 1st place and I lose all my sympathy for the situation. Well thats in any normal situation, this one I never had any sympathy because Emislity is infact a cunt.
05-25-2006, 08:00 PM
If people wanna pass pictures that is fine. But to me purposefully going out of your way to hurt someone is just not right. Even if this person is "a cunt". But hey I realize not everyone is inatly good and that's all fine and dandy with me.
05-25-2006, 08:17 PM
In essence, I agree with you, Tannious. I can't see where the fun comes into hurting another person, no matter who (or what) that person is. However, Tijay has a point, and it's a point that continues to baffle me.
When in the hell are people going to learn that there are those who can, and will, do this kind of thing without hesitation? There are those who'll work hard to get in-game cyber-sex logs to pass around. There are those who'll take any old in-game cyber-sex log and alter it to make someone totally innocent look bad. There are those who'll do whatever they need to do to get the trust of another person such that they can get pictures, or IM conversations, or what-the-hell-ever to use in the denigration of anybody they can get to cooperate with them.
Sheesh, people! Don't send out naked, or half-naked pictures of yourself on the freaking internet! If you get involved in cyber-sex, don't be surprised if a complete log makes the rounds almost instantly. Even if you don't get involved in cyber-sex, don't be surprised if you see such a log that features you! Yeah, you! Changing names is easy stuff.
I think the point here is to realize that there are people out there who will use these things against you; particularly, if you anger them. You'd better have a cast-iron armor if you're going to come onto these boards with your guns blazing and not expect to have those guns turned on you with a vengeance.
Just sayin'.....
05-25-2006, 08:22 PM
Beware the bippy!
No, all kidding aside, I totally agree with what Tijay and HN have said about the situation. Its not a nice thing, no, but she did set herself up for it to happen by doing such a thing. Practicing caution, or at the very least understanding what could potentially happen to you if you go forward with your thoughts, is a wise thing indeed.
05-25-2006, 09:50 PM
Sheesh, people! Don't send out naked, or half-naked pictures of yourself on the freaking internet! If you get involved in cyber-sex, don't be surprised if a complete log makes the rounds almost instantly. Even if you don't get involved in cyber-sex, don't be surprised if you see such a log that features you! Yeah, you! Changing names is easy stuff.
I think the point here is to realize that there are people out there who will use these things against you; particularly, if you anger them. You'd better have a cast-iron armor if you're going to come onto these boards with your guns blazing and not expect to have those guns turned on you with a vengeance.
Just sayin'.....
05-25-2006, 10:23 PM
This keeps getting more and more entertaining.
05-25-2006, 10:32 PM
:wtf: :rofl:
05-26-2006, 02:32 AM
I love you Augie. I'd Love it more if you disclosed how YOU got them though, you pesky thing :P
05-26-2006, 08:39 AM
05-26-2006, 09:04 AM
I should print this thread out...It'd make some kick ass toilet material.
05-26-2006, 09:35 AM
I was wondering how this thread which had no real interesting topic in the begining generated 15 pages of replies, and then I noticed n00dz were involved.
05-26-2006, 10:31 AM
I love you Augie. I'd Love it more if you disclosed how YOU got them though, you pesky thing :P
Apparently some point a while back, Emi was talking to a good friend of mine on AIM. It was just a bunch of random chat babble but then she said something about wanting his opinion on pictures she took. He figured what the hell and said go ahead and send them.
He had no idea what he was getting into because he got the pics and sent them to me shocked that this chick who he didn't know would send such a thing. We had a good laugh over it and then she started getting psycho in IMs to him.
He said she was talking about how she wanted to meet him RL and that he was so cute and fun and they should be together (mind you - she never saw a pic of him, he never did anything romantic with her character - he was engaged to someone else in game at the time - etc). I think he promptly blocked her and then washed his eyes out with soap.
So...yeah it was really wierd.
05-26-2006, 12:00 PM
So did they ever find out why she would send such disgustingly gross pictures out like that to a stranger over the freakin internet?
Emislity/gsempath maybe you could enlighten us?
05-26-2006, 12:02 PM
Apparently some point a while back, Emi was talking to a good friend of mine on AIM. It was just a bunch of random chat babble but then she said something about wanting his opinion on pictures she took. He figured what the hell and said go ahead and send them.
Hahaha I've used that excuse/lie before.
05-26-2006, 12:32 PM
Apparently some point a while back, Emi was talking to a good friend of mine on AIM. It was just a bunch of random chat babble but then she said something about wanting his opinion on pictures she took. He figured what the hell and said go ahead and send them.
Hahaha I've used that excuse/lie before.
Yeah I figured it was best off not really askin questions about what they were doin.
So did they ever find out why she would send such disgustingly gross pictures out like that to a stranger over the freakin internet?
Emislity/gsempath maybe you could enlighten us?
I don't think it was ever asked why she would do such a thing. I personally know that I wouldn't go sending off pics like that of myself.
The funny thing is someone was askin me on psinet how could I be sure that it was in fact Emi in those pics. Well...if someone's going to be chattin with someone and send pics at that point, you would think they'd really be sending pics of themself. And if they are NOT sending pics of themself, they'd probably pick someone much better looking to send pics of heh.
I have to wait till I get home to pull up a psinet chat log from someone tryin to defend Emislutty and threaten me with legal action. It was really funny. More posting will ensue once I am home.
Sean of the Thread
05-26-2006, 12:51 PM
And if they are NOT sending pics of themself, they'd probably pick someone much better looking to send pics of heh.
05-26-2006, 06:14 PM
I would hope so
06-08-2006, 05:46 PM
This person is the Drama, that is all she knows. Stepping away is what I have done.
I seen another thread in here about Emislity, after she did this. *gags*
I'm so glad I wasn't around for all of this...I agree though everytime I hear Emislitys name in game it has to do with purely drama...Personally I would rather not deal with her and her crap, but hon she isn't worth you leaving....So come back to me...
06-08-2006, 05:53 PM
I'm so glad I wasn't around for all of this...I agree though everytime I hear Emislitys name in game it has to do with purely drama...Personally I would rather not deal with her and her crap, but hon she isn't worth you leaving....So come back to me...
Emislity is a slut? What? Who'd have guessed?
<sigh> will she ever die.
06-08-2006, 06:29 PM
It would have been better if the poster who said they had nudeys of Uglique hadn't been pwn'd by Harmnone.
Ahem. Since you quoted me, I must say I've never gotten upset. Believe me, it would take a lot more than this, or you, or Emislity to get me upset over a message board.
Yeah, only Warclaidhm gets HarmNone pissed off on message boards.
06-08-2006, 06:46 PM
Heh. She Who Must Not Be Named managed it once, as well. So did Klaive. However, that's been some time ago.
For the record, I still hear from Warclaidhm by email, now and then. ;)
Like She Who Must Not Be Named hasn't been posting as various alter-egos lately?
Also, I wish I got e-mails from Warclaidhm.
06-08-2006, 08:27 PM
Like She Who Must Not Be Named hasn't been posting as various alter-egos lately?
Also, I wish I got e-mails from Warclaidhm.
OH noooo you dont. Its a whine fest about how well nevermind but really trust me you dont.
06-08-2006, 08:45 PM
Sean of the Thread
06-08-2006, 09:14 PM
Yeah, only Warclaidhm gets HarmNone pissed off on message boards.
06-08-2006, 09:31 PM
Heh. In your dreams, little fellah.:rofl:
06-21-2006, 10:50 PM
Knowing Emislity from the game though, she's not going to come here and make such a defense, as she probably doesn't feel it's anyone's business what she does in or outside of the game.
The best answer to this is not to do anything in the game then, that could be logged and shared with other people. Just because you do the deed in a private room doesn't mean it stays private.
Sean of the Thread
06-22-2006, 09:47 AM
The best answer to this is not to do anything in the game then, that could be logged and shared with other people. Just because you do the deed in a private room doesn't mean it stays private.
You're right. There may have been a perverted halfling empath under the bed.
06-22-2006, 08:56 PM
You know the absolute funny part about all of this? None of you are any better than she is. Look at yourselves, you sound like a bunch of teenagers in highschool, talking bad about someone just because you don't like the way they dress or do their hair. Grow up, all of you. There are plenty of people in Gemstone and most of then do exactly what you've all claimed Emislity to do, what truly makes her any more special that you have to post an actual thread about it? If you hate her so much, stop wasting your time posting non-sense.
haha you do realize that your in the complaints section of the boards don't you? I mean come on if your so tired of people bitching get the hell out of the complaint boards why come here if we are such kids? Honestly you came in here expecting it to be civil and sweet?-Get a grip we are human we bitch and gripe and moan about the things that bother us. The fact is this really bothered Trinity and a alot of others...All of them have every right to be heard...And get it off their chests
06-22-2006, 10:54 PM
And now I'm going to bitch about your lack of grammar.
Everytime someone bumps this thread it brings a smile to my face.
It was a dark and stormy night, and Emislity was asked about this thread.
LdyEmislity: this thread
LdyEmislity: lol
LdyEmislity: was a joke when it started
LdyEmislity: soulette only based her thread upon hearsay
LdyEmislity: she couldn't show actual proof
LdyEmislity: when i demanded it of her
LdyEmislity: sinerot quit shortly after that
LdyEmislity: because of the lies..
LdyEmislity: oh there's more
LdyEmislity: more than just that
LdyEmislity: but i'm flattered they let it go on for 11 pages
LdyEmislity: once that thread hit
LdyEmislity: i never responded
LdyEmislity: and i stopped reading it
LdyEmislity: you simply said you believed at least 80 percent of a thread that is a complete lie
LdyEmislity: isn't it interesting how when someone starts a thread...
LdyEmislity: and then others get involved
LdyEmislity: most of the people involved will admit they've had no contact with the 'person being complained about', but they all speak their side of the story of what they've 'heard'?
LdyEmislity: regardless
LdyEmislity: if there was any level of thruth to tha tthread, i'd have rssponded with some sort of defense
LdyEmislity: but i dn't care anymore what people really think about me over a forum
LdyEmislity: in all the other threads, i've actually came in there to defend myself at some point or another.
LdyEmislity: but this one, just wasn't worth my time.
LdyEmislity: have a good night.
You all have a good night too! Enjoy Tijay.
08-17-2006, 10:15 PM
[Town Square, Southwest]
This corner of the square seems somewhat subdued. Townsfolk pass through on their way to the shops, the bazaar, or the main well at the center of the square. Others hurry past, anxious to get home or go on about their business. You also see a small bird, a large leather tent, a wood-sided shop and a cobblestone walkway leading up to a wrought-iron gate.
Also here: Jevlin
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shaded park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bright lamplight from the square filtering through the passage to the north to illuminate the area with a soft glow. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see some acantha leaf, the Kestrynna disk, a fine ale brown armband, some wolifrew lichen, a black cat that is sitting, a handaxe, a rations kit and a main gauche.
Also here: Lord Nordred, Lord Toekin, Kestrynna, Omnific, Pempotam, Zakah who is sitting, Lord Specie who is sitting, Constellous, Jorddyn, Kalsidon, Daluthas who is sitting, Nysareus
Obvious paths: north, south, west
Areena just arrived.
Lord Squigums just arrived.
Kestrynna accepts Toekin's crystal amulet.
Squigums sits down.
Areena offers Nordred an uncut diamond.
Nordred raises his fist defiantly.
The black cat pads off.
Nordred grins.
Squigums sniffs at you.
Nordred accepts Areena's uncut diamond.
Kestrynna put a crystal amulet in her muslin cloak.
Areena kisses Nordred on the nose.
Toekin offers Kestrynna a crystal amulet.
Nordred grins.
Kestrynna whines at Toekin!
Kestrynna accepts Toekin's crystal amulet.
Kestrynna put a crystal amulet in her muslin cloak.
Nordred hums a seemingly random tune.
Squigums whispers, "Perhaps its time for you to give me some money? or kill someone who isnt me."
Kestrynna rummages through a slender muslin cloak, pausing once in a while and then quickly resuming the search.
Areena removes an uncut diamond from in her forest green backpack.
Areena offers Nordred an uncut diamond.
Squigums rubs his crystal amulet.
Nordred accepts Areena's uncut diamond.
You have 1313089 coins with you.
Squigums pulls on his crystal amulet.
Areena removes an uncut diamond from in her forest green backpack.
Harliegha just arrived.
Harliegha just went south.
Kalsidon just opened a crimson rune-stitched backpack.
Kalsidon removes a rough wood runestaff from in his rune-stitched backpack.
Areena offers Nordred an uncut diamond.
Toekin removes a plain iron chest from in his black backpack.
Squigums just opened a twig-clasped leaf green cloak.
Nordred put an uncut diamond in his elven-styled cloak.
Kalsidon just closed a crimson rune-stitched backpack.
Nordred put an uncut diamond in his elven-styled cloak.
Kalsidon just went north.
Nordred accepts Areena's uncut diamond.
Areena asks, "How many you need?"
Toekin removes a plain iron box from in his black backpack.
Squigums just closed a twig-clasped leaf green cloak.
Nordred wraps his cloak tightly about himself.
[Town Square, South Alley]
This narrow alleyway passes crookedly between the old wood and stone walls of the surrounding buildings, providing a shaded byway from the busy road to the south to a small park nestled in a grassy niche to the north. An occasional stray mutt sniffs around the foundations, searching for rats or morsels.
Obvious paths: north, south
* Baltemore just bit the dust!
[Wehnimer's, South Ring Rd.]
The quiet of the moonlit street is broken by the sound of metal bouncing against metal. A small group of rough-looking citizens gather in the shadow of the buildings, apparently busy at some gambling game. From one small storefront comes the sound of a lilting melody being picked out on a lute. You also see an ornate wrought iron gate.
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest
You can't go there.
You can't go there.
Lord Omile just strode in.
>get chalk
Lord Omile strides away moving east.
You remove some stubby translucent chalk from in your doeskin satchel.
Emislity just arrived.
Emislity just went north.
Emislity just arrived.
>get my book
Emislity changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
Emislity skillfully weaves another verse into her harmony, directing the sound of her voice at you.
You fall to the ground in a deep slumber.
You find that impossible under the effects of the lullabye.
You shake off the effects of the lullabye.
Emislity just nudged you.
You feel at full magical power again.
Emislity says, "Stop that."
P>719 emis
*** TypoHelp: Converted "719 emis" to PREP 719 and CAST AT emis
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Dark Catalyst...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Emislity.
CS: +453 - TD: +365 + CvA: +2 + d100: +63 == +153
Warding failed!
Emislity is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... and hits for 28 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
... 70 points of damage!
Icy blast deep freezes one perfectly good heart!
* Emislity drops dead at your feet!
The dim aura fades from around Emislity.
The powerful look leaves Emislity.
The deep blue glow leaves Emislity.
The light blue glow leaves Emislity.
Emislity seems a bit less imposing.
The bright luminescence fades from around Emislity.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Emislity suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Emislity.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Emislity.
A small human child cries out, "Murder!". His mother then sends him off for the night watchman.
You feel 2 mana surge into you!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Emislity just bit the dust!
You struggle, but fail to stand.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
The powerful look leaves you.
Emislity gives a ghostly chuckle.
PR>'Stop being retarded
You say, "Stop being retarded."
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
The ghostly voice of Emislity says, "You're the one casting you bastard."
P>'I dont even know what you're talking about
You say, "I dont even know what you're talking about."
Edit to add: I was just in landing for about 5 minute to buy chalk from Belnia's shop so I could portal more, and was transferring money from RR/Landing/Teras into my EN bank account. She pops up as I'm about to draw a portal and casts shit at me. wtf.
08-17-2006, 10:29 PM
errr, don't get arrested. I believe you lose all your coin that you have on you, at the time.
08-17-2006, 10:30 PM
I crawled to the bank befor eI got arrested
08-17-2006, 11:48 PM
Edit to add: I was just in landing for about 5 minute to buy chalk from Belnia's shop so I could portal more, and was transferring money from RR/Landing/Teras into my EN bank account. She pops up as I'm about to draw a portal and casts shit at me. wtf.
Maybe Tsin sent her, with all that revenge talk.
08-25-2006, 09:30 AM
is kritz still bugged? last year sometime i skill checked her via psinet...chic had every skill there was maxed, or close to it. that's on top of being a douche.
08-25-2006, 10:31 AM
is kritz still bugged? last year sometime i skill checked her via psinet...chic had every skill there was maxed, or close to it. that's on top of being a douche.
You can edit the file that stores your skills on PsiNet so you can make yourself maxed in everything.
08-25-2006, 10:37 AM
There was also a bug so you could do that, but it got fixed. Anyone with too many TPs gets flagged as a possible exploiter and forced to reallocate.
Sean of the Thread
08-25-2006, 01:43 PM
FOR FUCKS SAKE... please change the title of this thread..... everytime I see it I have HORRIBLE FLASHBACKS of some Emislity pictures circulating the web that I wish I WISH I'd never fucking seen.
Emislity pictures? Did I miss anything good?
08-25-2006, 01:56 PM
Worse than Dessedemona conked out at the computer?
08-25-2006, 01:59 PM
I don't know, I've not seen that. But I entirely imagine so.
*Disgusted shivers*
08-25-2006, 02:01 PM
deli meat everywhere :(
Umm thanks Augie.
Skeeters Deli meat comment is spot on. :(
08-25-2006, 02:10 PM
Augie is a sadist.
That's the second time a girls made me cry without physical contact to my nuts.
Cheers Augie.
08-25-2006, 02:14 PM
That's the second time a girls made me cry without physical contact to my nuts.
Cheers Augie.
:lolwave: Glad to have been of service.
08-25-2006, 02:22 PM
Ill take a ham sandwich on white...
Looked more like a subway
FOR FUCKS SAKE... please change the title of this thread..... everytime I see it I have HORRIBLE FLASHBACKS of some Emislity pictures circulating the web that I wish I WISH I'd never fucking seen.
Hahahahahahaha. :grouphug: Clusterfuck!
Sean of the Thread
08-25-2006, 04:59 PM
deli meat everywhere :(
Spot on.. sadly. Roast beef curtains does not even BEGIN to describe the HORROR that (gasp no pun) unfolds.
08-25-2006, 05:27 PM
It was like if you took package of bolgna, covered it in salt peter, rolled it up in your hand and then smacked it with a tack hammer for fifteen minutes and thirty seven seconds. Only to take a picture of the thing with a shitty digital camera. Thank God high resolution was not an option.
edit: tipos
08-25-2006, 05:37 PM
Gah! I remember when Augie made those pictures available to any who asked not long ago. Now you're telling me people actually asked to see them?
Eww! :club:
Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-25-2006, 05:42 PM
It was like if you took package of bolgna, covered it in salt peter, rolled it up in your hand and then smacked it with a tack hammer for fifteen minutes and thirty seven seconds. Only to take a picture of the thing with a shitty digital camera. Thank God high resolution was not an option.
edit: tipos
I think I just threw up a little bit.
Gah! I remember when Augie made those pictures available to any who asked not long ago. Now you're telling me people actually asked to see them?
Eww! :club:
Honestly, It was for educational purposes!
Taught me a thing or two about NSFW, goatse and losing a good steady job in one simple picture.
08-26-2006, 07:20 AM
To think I just lost a few minutes of my life reading this thread.
Sean of the Thread
08-26-2006, 09:50 AM
Gah! I remember when Augie made those pictures available to any who asked not long ago. Now you're telling me people actually asked to see them?
Eww! :club:
I swear it's like a trainwreck.. you know you shouldn't look but you just have to.
09-30-2006, 11:35 PM
Awsomely retarded. I just thank the lord I have no more contact with that person. Pictures? EWW..thats just NOT right.
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