View Full Version : I bought Shirv!
03-16-2006, 08:44 PM
Lets just say that I did no research whatsoever on this guy! My huge mistake.
I had no idea! Everyone hates him! and I mean HATES him.
I am not looking for friendship just don't kill Shirv, please
I am desperate and desperate people write desperate messages like this!
I am only posting this here because I think this page gets the most looks.
Please find it in your hearts to forgive Shirv and pass the word along that he has a new player. You are not taking out anything on the old Shirv just making the new guy miserable.
I forgot that this sight is filled with comedians!!!
I wonder if they would change his name for me....
If you could pass this along to anyone who will kill him on sight, just let them know to give it a rest already. Get over whatever this guy did to you. It is a freaking game after all.
03-16-2006, 08:49 PM
so you want us all to what? Kill shriv on site? got it
03-16-2006, 08:49 PM
You got pwned.
Saying things like "new soul" make me want to kill him. This is an OOC forum, you don't need to try to make it palatable for the game. But killing him would require me to sign in...
Anyway, good luck overcoming his rep.
03-16-2006, 09:08 PM
The character looks the exact same to my character(s) scince Shirv's pissed them off. Unfortunatley for you, he may get tagged a few times if my rogue see's him around.
03-16-2006, 09:09 PM
It would be OOC to act differently towards him. :(
03-16-2006, 09:10 PM
The character looks the exact same to my character(s) scince Shirv's pissed them off. Unfortunatley for you, he may get tagged a few times if my rogue see's him around.
New Look Pavillion FTW!
03-16-2006, 09:24 PM
Oh man, that has to suck. :(
03-16-2006, 09:52 PM
The Ponzzz
03-16-2006, 10:02 PM
Yea Shirv fucking killed me once at land's end for no good reason... He did this to most. Good luck with Seany Digitals character mess...
03-16-2006, 10:03 PM
To go Teras and act like it never happened. Spend six months being a guild whore, and try to not do anything foolish, to re-hash bad memories.
The Ponzzz
03-16-2006, 10:09 PM
Yea, what Stunseed said. Power hunt and guild work like in a meth clinic, maybe many will forget... Doubtful though...
03-16-2006, 10:28 PM
I wonder if they would change his name for me....
Reroll Shirv into some other shit, keeping the same name. Then pay $250 to restore him, and tell them you're attached to the new Shirv and don't want to give him up. Then, maybe, they'll give him a new name with the restoration.
Sean of the Thread
03-16-2006, 10:33 PM
OR stop faking that you sold him asshole.. I know it's still you.. and you will ALWAYS be kill on sight to me.
03-16-2006, 10:36 PM
If it were only so...
Sean of the Thread
03-16-2006, 10:41 PM
Might as well be so.
You're gonna be kill on sight to half the population of Elanthia. Your best bet at this point if you are not fact full of shit is to have your credit card company do a charge back.
03-16-2006, 10:48 PM
OR stop faking that you sold him asshole.. I know it's still you.. and you will ALWAYS be kill on sight to me.
Might as well be so.
You're gonna be kill on sight to half the population of Elanthia. Your best bet at this point if you are not fact full of shit is to have your credit card company do a charge back.
And yes.
03-16-2006, 11:18 PM
x2 lmao
03-17-2006, 12:29 AM
You bought a character, and along with that, you bought the characters rep. You got burnt. I agree with whomever said that it would be OOC to treat him differently, along with the good, comes the bad.
A suggestion, RP Shirv's change, and how he wishes to make ammends. And do just that. Based on some event that would change a characters lifestyle.
Best of luck,
03-17-2006, 01:52 AM
Too fucking bad. You are gonna end up dying over and over because of what seany did. Only a total moron wouldn't take the time to research a char. To be honest I think you know EXACTLY what you bought and are just trying to get people to leave you alone and I am not entirely sure you are just trying to ACT like you just bought him. Regardless have fun buying potions from the priestess because I don't see people letting up.
PS.. thats what you get for BUYING a character anyway.
Go to the booth and change all of Shirv's features and buy all new clothes and gear. Don't respond to the name Shirv, make up a new name. Pretend to not be Shirv. Maybe he got hit on the head and doesn't remember anything? Buy alms and give them to people to make up for the sins of your past life. Something. Just have fun with it and don't ham it up too much. Some people just won't want to play along, you bought the character, deal with it.
03-17-2006, 02:32 AM
Haaahhahahahaaaaahaaaaaaa. Delete him.
03-17-2006, 03:52 AM
If it makes you feel any better, Shirv couldn't kill Querthose, so he doesn't want Shirv dead.
Just cursed, limbless, and diseased
03-17-2006, 05:43 AM
To go Teras and act like it never happened. Spend six months being a guild whore, and try to not do anything foolish, to re-hash bad memories.
no no no no we don't want him on Teras =/
Try RR!
Since when and why are you on Teras!?
03-17-2006, 06:06 AM
Since the teras festival is coming up and Aaysia has to get her ass in gear to make the rules for the Brawling Competition and sort other prizes in her locker there :D
03-17-2006, 06:28 AM
The fact of the matter is, for the most part, the killing battles with him are OOC anyway. It's a lot of people hearing he has a new char and going and killing it. Even if it starts with him killing you for being his past enemy with other chars, most people should recognize the fact that what he's doing is OOC. You ought to be able to go "there's an OOC idiot" and move on with the conflict if someone else has bought him. Unfortunately reporting him for being an OOC retard doesn't seem to do anything as he is able to keep on changing to the billing info on accounts and be the same jackass over and over again. I'm sure there's SOME cases where this is not true, but by and large, most people are just afraid of losing their punching bag.
I'm not necessarily saying that people shouldn't kill him, just that most of the times he is killed, it's for OOC reasons anyway. Of course, this all assumes that someone has even bought him in the first place...
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 08:06 AM
The fact of the matter is, for the most part, the killing battles with him are OOC anyway. It's a lot of people hearing he has a new char and going and killing it. Even if it starts with him killing you for being his past enemy with other chars, most people should recognize the fact that what he's doing is OOC. You ought to be able to go "there's an OOC idiot" and move on with the conflict if someone else has bought him. Unfortunately reporting him for being an OOC retard doesn't seem to do anything as he is able to keep on changing to the billing info on accounts and be the same jackass over and over again. I'm sure there's SOME cases where this is not true, but by and large, most people are just afraid of losing their punching bag.
I'm not necessarily saying that people shouldn't kill him, just that most of the times he is killed, it's for OOC reasons anyway. Of course, this all assumes that someone has even bought him in the first place...
WTF did you just write??
Shirv and his multi chars started at least 90% of the conflicts and usually with an ambush when people are resting.
There are plenty of punching bags left... lets see Mich/suave and then there is uhm.. Mich/suave.. and Mich/suave and don't leave out Teeoncy.
03-17-2006, 09:37 AM
Le sigh. I miss the original Shirv, before he got sold to become a jackass bitch. On the other hand, I think it's funny as shit someone lays down money for a character and does no research on it.
You're pretty much screwed. Maybe you can try to pass him off to some other poor unsuspecting shmuck.
I agree, you're best bet is to sell him and buy another character that you've done more due dilligence on.
03-17-2006, 11:34 AM
I don't really have the time to "do research" on an internet game. I "do research" on real life things. I have a few hours of downtime a week that I thought playing gemstone might be fun to fill with. I used to play it a years ago when I was in highschool. I don't live my life through this game as it appears some people do. I was looking for a character that was advanced so I could see some of the higher levels of the game. I bought a character so I could enjoy what little time I do have playing this game the way I wanted to. I don't feel bad about buying a character. If your biggest sense of accomplishment is advancing an on-line roll playing character from level 0 to 100 then I am sorry for cheapening your pathetic accomplishment. I guess I was just asking a favor from a bunch of hateful people anyway. What did I have to lose? What are you going to do? Kill Shirv? It is already going to happen.
The funniest thing I have heard is "doing research" on a computer game. Some people need to get back into touch with the real world, get a job, get a spouse, and get a life.
This was it. I am not going to defend myself to you anymore. If you see Shirv in game just know that he will not ambush you while you are resting and if you have to kill him, so be it. I guess I forget that he was able to kill your characters in the first place. I don't want to play this game like that but if I am present I will do my best in defending him.
Yet you still pay for someones 'pathetic accomplishment'.
Also I've found most people who laugh at the idea of doing 'research' on GS are just totally confused by its mechanics.
Maybe you should 'research' your english grammar skills.
03-17-2006, 11:43 AM
The funniest thing I have heard is "doing research" on a computer game. Some people need to get back into touch with the real world, get a job, get a spouse, and get a life.
So what you're saying is that it's stupid to do research before making an investment? Do you just go out and buy other things without thinking about them first or getting some background on it? Are you an impulse buyer?
It's not such a hard thing to believe that anyone who is willing to buy a character would research and find out if the character is in fact someone who will give you more headaches than fun.
The funniest thing I've heard is you saying "I bought Shirv!"
<<Some people need to get back into touch with the real world, get a job, get a spouse, and get a life.>>
Most of us have all those things already and successfully manage to train our characters to cap. You on the other hand, can obviously only handle one thing at a time.
03-17-2006, 11:48 AM
<<Some people need to get back into touch with the real world, get a job, get a spouse, and get a life.>>
Most of us have all those things already and successfully manage to train our characters to cap. You on the other hand, can obviously only handle one thing at a time.
:lolwave: I was thinking the same thing.
03-17-2006, 11:50 AM
If your biggest sense of accomplishment is advancing an on-line roll playing character from level 0 to 100 then I am sorry for cheapening your pathetic accomplishment. I guess I was just asking a favor from a bunch of hateful people anyway.
You were doing pretty decently until about there. Then it went downhill fast.
If you don't feel that taking the extra effort to find out the history of a character is worth your precious time, then bite the bullet and deal with the consequences of an already established character. You made that decision, not the rest of us.
Yes it's a game. You felt the need to cheat by buying someone with the levels you didn't feel like going through. That won't make the situation with anyone better, only worse by admitting that no only do you feel that others who take the time to play the game are pathetic, but that you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself and your time. You lost many points right there.
I'm sorry that you're having a rough time but you put yourself into that position. Taking it out on others for just playing their characters is just as low as your predecessor. Either live with the reputation you bought or sell it and get another one. It's like playing roleplaying Russian roulette. Good luck.
03-17-2006, 11:54 AM
Yet you still pay for someones 'pathetic accomplishment'.
Also I've found most people who laugh at the idea of doing 'research' on GS are just totally confused by its mechanics.
Maybe you should 'research' your english grammar skills.
Ah, I hit a nerve. Yet another internet bulletin board poster who's only come back is something about english skills or grammar. This is not 7th grade english class. It is an internet bulletin board. You get no bonus points for correct punctuation!
It is like saying "well your ugly and you smell too." Grow up. "English Grammar Skills"...Come on.
Characters on an on-line game are not "investments" no matter how much time and energy YOU have invested in the game. I really don't want to get into this "war of words here" I am sorry for my poor sentence structure and "english skills"
I am sorry for upsetting you
I am sorry for commenting on "your world"
I am sorry I even posted this to begin with
I am sorry I have to get the last word in
03-17-2006, 12:00 PM
Okie dokie, time to whip out the dictionary terms for the dense.
in·vest·ment ( The act of investing.
2. An amount invested.
3. Property or another possession acquired for future financial return or benefit.
4. A commitment, as of time or support.
5. A military siege.
6. Archaic a. A garment; a vestment.
b. An outer covering or layer.
You bought the character that another person took the time to level. YOU spent the money. Don't play the semantics game with this crowd, you will lose every time.
Also, please don't try to justify your reasons for what you did. It only makes the situation that much worse. Just give it up and move on. This is ALL your fault, not anyone else's. You're just pissed off that you bought a fucked up character and are trying to pass the buck. Nice try, but it's not working.
Whats the old saying?
"A fool and his money will soon part???"
For some of us, the expense (and investment) of buying a mid to high level character would require, no demand at least a little investigation before throwing the plastic at it.
If there were no chance or opportunity for resale, then yes your purchase would not be an investment on your part and thus be a pure expense. However, since Gemstone characters (text based as they may be) are a transferrable commodity, they are therefore considered to be an investment by most normal thinking individuals. Albiet an investment that has as much chance of being a bad one as it could be a good one.
Your tirade on this thread reminds me of the people who buy 'mystery bags' that are auctioned on the Landing amunet and then get bent when they pay a high price for a bag full of shit.
Congratulations, you took a risk in purchasing a character. You further enhanced that risk by not getting off your lazy ass and performing even a minimal amount of due dilligence. And you got taken.
My advice to you still stands. And because I'm fairly convinced that you're not the only fool with money that play's Gemstone, you'll have fairly good odds in turning this character back out into the market and recoup some of your expense.
If you're smart, you'll invest a little time to level him, keep him on the down low to cool the reputation, and then drop him back into the market when everyone has forgotten that he (Shirv) was just purchased and all of his stats/capabilities are on the forefront of everyone's thoughts. However, since you chose a short cut to begin with (reference to laziness) and since you did not investigate your initial purchase (reference to intelligence) I doubt you'll choose this route.
Good luck.
03-17-2006, 12:28 PM
Thread was moved to character complaints as this is not a thread about buying/selling a character.
Should that situation change, please create a new thread in order to sell the character.
03-17-2006, 12:46 PM
WTF did you just write??
Shirv and his multi chars started at least 90% of the conflicts and usually with an ambush when people are resting.
There are plenty of punching bags left... lets see Mich/suave and then there is uhm.. Mich/suave.. and Mich/suave and don't leave out Teeoncy.
Yeah, I covered the "when he starts it" bit in my post, he's being an OOC idiot, you ought to be able to move on with the OOC killing at least to a certain extent because you know you don't have him on the other end furthering this OOC conflict. In any case you can always use some player courtesty and next time you see him say a less lame version of "so we meet again, Shirv" so he has a moment to say something about changing his ways if he wishes to RP it reasonably.
03-17-2006, 12:50 PM
Thanks Ganalon...I think
There were a lot of back handed comments in there but I have gotten that from every one posting here. Most of them are not even back handed but pretty much right in my face.
I would compare it to buying a pair of jeans. Yes, you can resell them at a second hand store but you don't really expect a profit and some people even wear them until they break down and never resell them. If you are looking at these things as an investment then you need to contact an advisor and get a little better return on your money. And they cost about the same...
The kid selling this character, and I have to assume he is a kid the way he has behaved, knew he was not worth much so I offered him a very low amount for a 58 warrior and he took it. I thought I was getting a steal. The reverse was true and I was getting robbed :)
I didn't start this thread to hear what an idiot I was, or that you should due hours of research (although it would only have taken about 5 minutes to find out about this guy) to buy a new video game.
As to me being lazy or a moron, you don't know me so why would you say that. If you knew me you would know the exact opposite. I am a very successful professional with more education than I probably need, I consider this game to be a fun distraction for a few hours and nothing more.
Once again, if you fell the need to ruin my gaming experience by randomly killing my character every time you see him, then you have to do what you have to do. I will defend myself and it turns out that Shirv is pretty good at killing characters, go figure. However, I will report any such incidences to Simutronics through whatever means are available. They probably won't care but I just wanted to let everyone know.
I didn't start this thread to hear what an idiot I was, or that you should due hours of research (although it would only have taken about 5 minutes to find out about this guy) to buy a new video game.
So... what you're saying is, you are too stupid and lazy to spend five minutes that could have saved you a lot of grief. Oh yeah, we were totally wrong about you.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 01:03 PM
Yeah, I covered the "when he starts it" bit in my post, he's being an OOC idiot, you ought to be able to move on with the OOC killing at least to a certain extent because you know you don't have him on the other end furthering this OOC conflict. In any case you can always use some player courtesty and next time you see him say a less lame version of "so we meet again, Shirv" so he has a moment to say something about changing his ways if he wishes to RP it reasonably.
Or not but thanks for the advice. I hope the "new" owner knows that he has about 344 (average players online) warn interacts and might as well go roleplay masturbation in the woods south of town.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 01:09 PM
Thanks Ganalon...I think
I will defend myself and it turns out that Shirv is pretty good at killing characters, go figure. However, I will report any such incidences to Simutronics through whatever means are available. They probably won't care but I just wanted to let everyone know.
ROFL.. shirv could barely kill anything unless it was half his level or afk. Simu isn't going to give a rats ass who you report because shirv is .99th of a full 1 (how's that for math) to being perma banned anyways. Shirv has also been warn interacted by tons of people and also passed them out to a full room of people at a time for no reason.
In layman's terms.. You're FUCKED.
03-17-2006, 01:12 PM
However, I will report any such incidences to Simutronics through whatever means are available.
03-17-2006, 01:16 PM
I will report any such incidences to Simutronics through whatever means are available. They probably won't care but I just wanted to let everyone know.
Honestly. If Shirv reports something I could honestly see a GM teleport into Shirv's room and bitch slap him for bothering them. No one likes Shirv. Not even Simutronics. ;)
"But, but! Please, Simutronics! I bought this character! You've gotta help me I'm not really Shirv!"
The funniest thing I have heard is "doing research" on a computer game. Some people need to get back into touch with the real world, get a job, get a spouse, and get a life.
Hmm. Kinda sounded like Seany right there...
03-17-2006, 01:38 PM
Thanks. If I am going to be Shriv, I might as well start acting the part...
As for Simutronics, if you would post the rest of my comment, I don't realistically think anything good can come out of this situation for me. But I will try.
I don't even know his name...Shirv
That doesn't help you NOT sound like a dumbass.
03-17-2006, 01:56 PM
I'm sorry this happened to you. I presume you're new to the game of GemStone, so didn't know how important it would be to research a character before you lay down your hard earned cash for him/her.
My suggestion, at this point, would be to lay very, very low. Be as nice as you can to everyone you meet, stay in-character with what you wish the new Shirv to be as a person (I'd suggest a non-confrontational character for this round, since there's so much baggage coming along with him), and don't get suckered into a fight. If you end up being pulled for PvP, you may well find yourself out on your ear. I don't think there's much tolerance left in the GM community for the likes of Shirv, no matter to whom he currently belongs.
Good luck.
03-17-2006, 02:03 PM
Thank You
03-17-2006, 02:10 PM
Thanks. If I am going to be Shriv, I might as well start acting the part...
:lol: You knew how Sean would respond eh?
03-17-2006, 02:11 PM
Frank White?
03-17-2006, 02:12 PM
Man that's a tough break, but think of it more as a huge RP challenge...
If you can RP yourself out from a rep like Shirv, you sir are a GOD!!! Hell
I think I'd buy a F'ed up character just to try and RP out the senerio, but then
I'm not that patient. Props to ya if ya stick with it though.
Here's what I'd do.
Late one evening, Shirv the character was boozing it up in a local tavern, ambushing unsuspecting patrons and local folk about town with his sharp pointy stick when [insert god of choice] appeard before him in a flash of blinding light. While lying prostrate on the ground, his mind is assualted with a booming voice denouncing Shirv and all of his antics and past behaviors and threatens to punish him with the eternal torture of his soul [or like punishment as relates to god of preference] if he does not renounce his ways.
So the new Shirv, converts from warrior to Paladin, goes on a quest and renounces violence except for in the name of the quest. If you do Voln its even better. Work up the story line with the change in Shirv's persona and demeanor. You could even work in a RP with him being held to a code of silence. The possibilities are only limited to your imagination from this point. You just have to do some creative marketing by getting the word out to the right folks so it will spread.
And with time, and reinforced by your actions, people will treat you different. Also 'turning the other cheek' when dropped by those who are out to get the former Shirv will help alot to reinforce your new persona.
And yes, I also new the original Shirv and he was quite the nice fellow. Attempting to regain some of those footsteps would help your gameplay experience with this newely acquired character, should you decide to put the effort into it.
One additional thought on the GM perception: I had heard that warnings and such follow the account owner and not the character should the character change hands. This is subject to verification though. But even with that, if you choose to get the GM's involved alot, be prepared to be labeled a high maintenance character/owner by said GM's if its not clear that you are in the right. My money is on the RP route if you want a legit shot at succeeding in this.
Or you could just delete him.
03-17-2006, 02:35 PM
I am in contact with Simutronics but you know how long that can take. I will let you know what happens with the warnings etc. That is, if they follow the character or the account. Obviously, I think they will tell me tough shit. (no need for additional comments from the peanut gallery on this point)
Thanks for the role-playing suggestions. For my part, I will due my best. I understand that, as is, this is a huge up hill battle. I just hope that I am eventually allowed the opportunity to come up with a roll play to work with.
I guess I will find out the answer to the question of how many times you have to kill Shirv until you finally move on.
I really don't want to convert him to a Paladin. Someone, probably the original owner, put a lot of work into his guild skills and I really don't want to let that go to waste.
He is a really good character that was destroyed...:)
He is a really good character that was destroyed...:)
That's what happens when people sell (or buy) characters.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 02:43 PM
I guess I will find out the answer to the question of how many times you have to kill Shirv until you finally move on.
I can answer that already :)
I'm telling you your best option is to do a chargeback on this sale...I'm sure you used paypal via credit card.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 03:16 PM
I know I am going to get a lot of flack for this, but I really don't care.
I am the one who helped Sean sell Shirv, so what.
I've hung around him since the day he bought Shirv, and most of what I saw is people attacking him for stuff he would say over Psinet. Talk about OOC bullshit... I've seen Xyelin run up and implode him with ZERO previous ingame interaction, I've seen Mistomeer run up and murder him with ZERO previous ingame interaction. I can honestly I NEVER saw him randomly murder or even attack people unless they attacked him first. Granted, you might all hate Sean, but from what I have witnessed from most of the posting members on this board who are talking the most shit: you are NO better than him. You guys do the exact same stuff, but I will give him credit for one thing though... He doesn't fucking whine about it on Psinet, to all his gs buddies (and he has quite a few for someone so "hated"), and cry about it on the fucking PC or to the GMs. So take a seat, sit down, and shut the fuck up.
You know what half of you idiots remind me of? It's like when you're in preschool and some other kid hits you, and then you hit him back and he runs off and tells the teacher and you get in trouble. Thats exactly how most of you immature fuckers act. It's pathetic. GROW THE FUCK UP.
Whoever said a Gemstone character is an 'investment' is a fucking tard. Get a life, if you are so into Gemstone you need to call your character an "investment" I feel sorry for you. That's like buying Magic the Gathering cards and calling them an investment.
Oh and FYI, Shirv isnt even close to being banned. He has absolutely 0 official warnings.
I think it's time for everyone to take a seat and shut the fuck up. Why even bother the new owner? What's the point? Does it feel good to stroke your e-penis? It's obviously someone different and he wants nothing to do with you so just let it be.
It just makes me sad that Oniros is such a pussy that he can't fight you guys back. Because if all the battling Shirv did was part of a major war, he won. I've seen him fuck most of your shit up a lot more times than he was killed. The only people who EVER killed him were atleast 20+ levels over him (Bisco, Xyelin, Mistomeer) and had to pull some lame shit like using invisibility amulets to ambush him. PATHETIC.
It's been awhile since I've been to the PC, but every thread is filled with a ton of venomous asshole posts. It's getting really pathetic.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 03:24 PM
I know I am going to get a lot of flack for this, but I really don't care.
I am the one who helped Sean sell Shirv, so what.
I've hung around him since the day he bought Shirv, and most of what I saw is people attacking him for stuff he would say over Psinet. Talk about OOC bullshit... I've seen Xyelin run up and implode him with ZERO previous ingame interaction, I've seen Mistomeer run up and murder him with ZERO previous ingame interaction. I can honestly I NEVER saw him randomly murder or even attack people unless they attacked him first. Granted, you might all hate Sean, but from what I have witnessed from most of the posting members on this board who are talking the most shit: you are NO better than him. You guys do the exact same stuff, but I will give him credit for one thing though... He doesn't fucking whine about it on Psinet, to all his gs buddies (and he has quite a few for someone so "hated"), and cry about it on the fucking PC or to the GMs. So take a seat, sit down, and shut the fuck up.
You know what half of you idiots remind me of? It's like when you're in preschool and some other kid hits you, and then you hit him back and he runs off and tells the teacher and you get in trouble. Thats exactly how most of you immature fuckers act. It's pathetic. GROW THE FUCK UP.
Whoever said a Gemstone character is an 'investment' is a fucking tard. Get a life, if you are so into Gemstone you need to call your character an "investment" I feel sorry for you. That's like buying Magic the Gathering cards and calling them an investment.
Oh and FYI, Shirv isnt even close to being banned. He has absolutely 0 official warnings.
I think it's time for everyone to take a seat and shut the fuck up. Why even bother the new owner? What's the point? Does it feel good to stroke your e-penis? It's obviously someone different and he wants nothing to do with you so just let it be.
It just makes me sad that Oniros is such a pussy that he can't fight you guys back. Because if all the battling Shirv did was part of a major war, he won. I've seen him fuck most of your shit up a lot more times than he was killed. The only people who EVER killed him were atleast 20+ levels over him (Bisco, Xyelin, Mistomeer) and had to pull some lame shit like using invisibility amulets to ambush him. PATHETIC.
It's been awhile since I've been to the PC, but every thread is filled with a ton of venomous asshole posts. It's getting really pathetic.
Sounds like you're Seany to me. I personally imploded you (several times) after your lame ass ambushed me near the bank like 6 months ago while multi accounting.
I remember having a disagreement with HECTOMANER right after you BOUGHT him and you said on OOC "oh you're in trouble now xyelin!!" and brought in shirv to MA wtf ambush me near the bank... it went like this.
Shirv ambushes from the shadows and rolls 300 to your 600!!!
Shirv says "OH SHIT!!"
Xyelin says "720 MUTHER FUCKER!!"
You fucks suck.. go eat a dick.
Oh btw.. how did the Hectomaner sale go??? ROFL HAH HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 03:26 PM
So you're saying you attacked Shirv because of something he did 6 months prior? You make my points for me, stupid ass.
03-17-2006, 03:27 PM
So you're saying you attacked Shirv because of something he did 6 months prior? You make my points for me, stupid ass.
6 months is nothing. If someone gets KOS listed then they're KOS listed.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 03:28 PM
So you're saying you attacked Shirv because of something he did 6 months prior? You make my points for me, stupid ass.
You obviously can't read. I said this event HAPPENED like 6 mos ago.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 03:31 PM
Oops, double post.
So take a seat, sit down
Yay, redundancy.
can honestly I NEVER saw him randomly murder or even attack people unless they attacked him first.
I can honestly say that I have.
I've seen Shirv attack someone that just gave him directions to an alterer just because he couldn't find her.
Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 03:33 PM
Talk to a GM some time, they don't agree. If a situation is over a couple weeks old, you're supposed to let it go. Whats even funnier is that I know for a fact Sean did not even own Shirv, or Hecto 6 months ago.
Xyelin, your posts on the PC and the way you act in character just reflects what a dumbass immature person you are. You contribute absolutely zero. All you do is talk shit and act just like Sean at his worst. It's a pity people still put up with you.
P.S. Sean made a profit on each char (Hecto and Shirv) over the price he bought em for. Not bad for someone 'so hated'.
If you must know, I was the previous owner of Nemonaeon, but I sold him and decided to start my own character from scratch. It's ok though, a witch hunt would be amusing.
Whats even funnier is that I know for a fact Sean did not even own Shirv, or Hecto 6 months ago.
Yes he did.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 03:37 PM
No, he didn't. I live in the same city as him, I see him on a regular basis. I WOULD KNOW SINCE I WATCHED HIM PAYPAL THE MOTHERFUCKER WHO SOLD IT TO HIM. My rogue (Nemonaeon) was his hunting partner. What, do you keep tabs on him? Maybe you obsessed dipshits should start a "Sean Watching Society".
03-17-2006, 03:40 PM
It's obviously someone different and he wants nothing to do with you so just let it be.
No offense, but he was the one who came here first. Of all places to ask for a truce, do you really think this is the best avenue, and then insult everyone for not agreeing with his methods?
I honestly didn't know that the PC was so popular that brand new players know about it, enough to know that we're hateful people, and then be surprised by the replies.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 03:40 PM
I'm done arguing with the tiny penis clan. I think I've proven my point. Continue to harass Shirv all you want, it only brings you to the same level as Sean... You guys think I am defending him, but I'm not. I've seen him do stupid stuff too, however I've seen more stupid OOC stuff done to him, or to provoke him. Which is what I am trying to point out. You guys do the same shit, only you guys whine more about it. Get fucked. I am done with this thread.
I see him on a regular basis
I see him everytime I go to Best Buy. Well, kinda. They've been having a "Band Camp" clearance for about 3 months now, and the half-off sticker covers his face.
And, yes he did.
That's what happens when people sell (or buy) characters.
Wrong assessment of blame. The fault is in the individual that chooses to buy said character and intentionally screws it up.
Thats like blaming alcohol, guns, ect. for killing people instead of the people who misuse it/them/ect.
Put responsibility where it belongs, on the people who choose ot misuse it.
03-17-2006, 03:50 PM
Make up an IC way of not killing this poor dude anymore. It can be done. I feel sorry for the guy- just started playing and didn't know what he was getting into? I'd be pretty pissed if I paid good money for something that ended up being a squid or something.
That kinda shit.
I dunno, I know y'all hate the old dude behind the shit, but it's still some poor sap's fun, not Sean's
I think it's more irritation with how he's handling it than run-over from Sean.
Whoever said a Gemstone character is an 'investment' is a fucking tard. Get a life, if you are so into Gemstone you need to call your character an "investment" I feel sorry for you. That's like buying Magic the Gathering cards and calling them an investment.
And yet your next post says...
P.S. Sean made a profit on each char (Hecto and Shirv) over the price he bought em for. Not bad for someone 'so hated'.
Ask Tsin and the cash he's made from flipping characters and items in his inventory and tell me its not an investment in time and value, regardless of the amount.
Way to be consistent with your opinions.
03-17-2006, 04:08 PM
Looking back at the thread in the Marketplace, seems Young Hove was the one who was selling Shirv in the first place. Well, isn't that funny?
03-17-2006, 04:08 PM
I made about $1600 off GS last year. If you think it isnt an investment or a money maker, you're fucking dumb.
PS: as for Magic the Gathering cards - the top players earn more than you will do in a life time, Hove, so I'd consider them a worthwhile investment for certain folks. I've made plenty of cash buying/selling them before as well. I know others like Ardwen has as well.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 04:22 PM
God damn it, I told myself not to post in this thread but I just had to one more time to address the investment issue.
I have made around 5 or 6 grand altogether over the years buying and selling Gemstone things too. It does have somewhat of an investment value, but a very small one. I have a business finance degree from one of the top ranked business schools in the nation and I study investments for a living at JPMorgan Chase in Orange County.
Ever heard of something called return on equity? The amount of time and money you invest into Gemstone does not give an even remotely comparable return on equity. Therefore, it is a stupid investment. I guess you could call anything an "investment", but that doesn't make it a good one. In the grand schemes of things, all the other places you could "invest" your hard earned money make Gemstone look more like a hobby (which is more correct) than an investment. So please, shut the fuck up. To even make a remotely decent return on your gemstone "investment" you need to throw down more money than is worth it. Quit trying to justify your obsession with a game by calling it an investment. It's sick. It's a hobby, nothing more. Just like magic cards. Investments are stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.
And no magic card player will ever make more money than I do in my life, I helped invent and patent a brand new very marketable product (see my other thread). I also own 3 peices of California real estate, which have appreciated over 200% since I bought them 5 years ago to a combined value of about 1.3 million with the first bit of money I ever made. Those are investments.
Please sir, shut the fuck up. That is all.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 04:26 PM
ROFL.. you suck.
03-17-2006, 04:29 PM
Seems like Oniros should have spent this time arguing with Young Hove about a botched sale of a problem character than to take it out on the people who have to interact with said character. Much luck to all.
03-17-2006, 04:29 PM
No, he didn't. I live in the same city as him, I see him on a regular basis.
He still sporting a c cup?
Oniros, if you really did this buying thing, take Xyelins advice and attempt a chargeback.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 04:35 PM
Looks like he still has the c-cups. What a fatass.
03-17-2006, 04:37 PM
God you're an addict.
03-17-2006, 04:38 PM
Look. I don't feel bad about buying Shirv. I don't feel bad about coming on here and telling you people that he has a new owner. Call me a pussy all you want. I am not asking you to be friends with Shirv, just to not kill him.
$1,600 a year? Not a lot of money. Maybe if you are a starving student or on welfare. $1,600 a week is not even a lot of money.
What is impressive is that you have made that much in such a limited market and by selling stuff that doesn't really exist. With the talk about working at Best Buy and the like I have to assume that $1,600 is a lot of money for most people on here.
Gemstone is not an investment. It is a hobby. People can make chump change off of hobby's left and right.
Maybe if you are a starving student or on welfare. $1,600 a week is not even a lot of money..
Hahah, that's not entirely true now is it.
03-17-2006, 04:41 PM
Then delete the loser of a char already and stop whining.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 04:42 PM
Exactly, Oniros. I guess since we're both from Socal we know what big money is... These chumps think 1600 is a lot, I guess in bumfuck middle america it is, when you work at best buy or walmart inbetween power hunting.
03-17-2006, 04:43 PM
You know, the LAST person who should be talking about us getting a life is Sean, since he's the one who insists on circumventing bans over and over again, making him the only person to manage to be banned for over a year on a game message boards, just to be heard.
Fucking hell, he'll never go away, fucking addict.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 04:45 PM
Do an IP check, I aint Sean. That pic was from his myspace, btw, and I am on his friends list. Why don't you guess which one is me?
I'll give you a hint. I'm a whiteboy too.
Infact, I'll give 1m GS silver to whoever guesses right for the fun of it
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 04:48 PM
Exactly, Oniros. I guess since we're both from Socal we know what big money is... These chumps think 1600 is a lot, I guess in bumfuck middle america it is, when you work at best buy or walmart inbetween power hunting.
Rofl I'd say more than half of us pwn you fucks in both education (obviously) and income.
Seany needs to take down that picture of his bird chest.
03-17-2006, 04:48 PM
Exactly, Oniros. I guess since we're both from Socal we know what big money is... These chumps think 1600 is a lot, I guess in bumfuck middle america it is, when you work at best buy or walmart inbetween power hunting.
Eagerly awaiting your banning under this name Seany, only the most recent in a long line of incarnations.
03-17-2006, 04:49 PM
1,600 a week. Not a bad salary but hardly going to do more than own a home and a car and not even that in a major metro area.
If you have enough time, energy, and enthusiam to make $1,600 a year on gemstone. I say go and use those skills in the real world and make 100 times that.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 04:49 PM
Do an IP check, I aint Sean. That pic was from his myspace, btw, and I am on his friends list. Why don't you guess which one is me?
I'll give you a hint. I'm a whiteboy too.
Infact, I'll give 1m GS silver to whoever guesses right for the fun of it
Who cares?
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 04:51 PM
bird chest or c-cups, which is it?
03-17-2006, 04:53 PM
So how many coincidences are there? You're both named Sean and you both live in Socal, you both state how we don't have a life yet you both sell/buy GS characters. You both laugh off $1600 as week and brag about your wealth and life progress, yet still... spend your time playing an online game.
OMG you should be banned just for being twins.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 05:02 PM
First of all... MY NAME IS NOT SEAN.
Second of all... I've been playing GS a lot longer than he has. I am the one who showed him the game. You can thank me for the Scourge that is Sean. I enjoy Gemstone, and I'm not bragging about my life. I am simply stating facts. People were trying to school a banker from JPMorgan on what is and isnt an investment, and I had to set them straight and cite my background, because I know what the fuck I am talking about when it comes to investments. How is fishing for ideas on marketing bragging exactly? I was bored, and wanted to hear some new ideas, and one poster here has already helped me out quite a bit on marketing my product. He has a marketing degree, which I do not. So not all of you are fucking tards. Just a bit of ya. 1600 isnt shit in Southern California. The median home price is somewhere around 500k. Say whatever you'd like, but the fact remains that jealousy is one of your driving factors, or you guys wouldn't keep bringing it up. In the words of the infamous Lloyd Banks, "Why don't you get off my dick?"
The only coincidence is that we live in the same town.
03-17-2006, 05:05 PM
I am the one who showed him the game. You can thank me for the Scourge that is Sean.
I'm pretty sure that's a banning offense also.
03-17-2006, 05:07 PM
Are you trying to say that I am this Sean person? I am not.
I am just a guy who bought a gemstone character from Sean or actually from Young Hove who as it turns out was selling him for Sean. I eventually gave my money to Sean.
As it turns out he is a "kid" from So Cal. I probably just gave him money that he will blow on beer or pot. I don't really care
I am going to try and play Shirv. I am just asking for the courtesy of not killing Shirv on sight. That is all.
I am in no way affiliated with this Sean or the person who sold him for him, if those two are not really the same person.
As to this website it is not hard to find by doing a search on Yahoo
03-17-2006, 05:10 PM
Hands up if you don't believe Young Hove, captain Mystery Man.
*Hands up*
One, I doubt you've made anything from GS.
Two, I doubt you earn more than minimum wage in some bumfuck job.
Three, $1600 for playing a game where is pretty good, IMHO. Especially since I'm not playing it for money in the first place. Nor do I do it full time.
Considering you have no proof, I think you're full of shit.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 05:20 PM
Would you like me to post pictures of my degree, series 7 license, security keycard for our office building, and list my work number?
here's a thought Strayrogue... Here is where Sean and I differ. I DONT NEED TO PROVE SHIT TO YOU PEOPLE. Maybe he feels he needs to post pictures of his lifestyle, I don't. I don't give a fuck what you all think of me, to be quite honest. Maybe if you were some intelligent, normal people, then I might feel a need just a little. However, as you can obviously see by this thread none of you here are deserving of my time. Think what you want, but the fact remains that you're still trying to argue with me that a Gemstone character is a good investment, and that makes you a fucking tard in my book.
03-17-2006, 05:23 PM
"Maybe if you were some intelligent, normal people, then I might feel a need just a little. However, as you can obviously see by this thread none of you here are deserving of my time."
If you don't give a fuck stop posting you fucking dickhead.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 05:25 PM
Why would I? This is the most entertainment I've had all day, come to think of it. Plus it takes me the whole effort of about 5 seconds of typing and clicking the "post" button. I'm easily able to do that while using my phone headset at the office. By the way, learn to read. I meant my time as in, taking the time to get my digital camera out and "prove" I am what I say I am, work where I said I work, and do what I say I do.
03-17-2006, 05:26 PM
Thanks for proving my point, retard.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 05:31 PM
What point is that? You dont have one. The only point you've tried to make so far is that a Gemstone character is an investment. Which has to be one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever heard. You need to get out more son, pick up a Fortune or Money Magazine. It's a shame money sense isn't taught in today's schools or I wouldn't even have to bother pointing out just how stupid you really are. Hey, I found some stories about your childhood... Looks like you had a real nice teacher. The reason I am entertained by your stupidity is the same reason we always had so much fun back in High School when we played the kids from the Prison Reform Camp in a football game once a year. Sure, arguing with you isn't really worthy of my time, just like they weren't worthy of playing our team. It was still fun to beat on them, and watch them screw up over and, then take their ass to the cleaners.
03-17-2006, 05:34 PM
Sorry, but I wasn't raised in some dumbfuck, overpacked, underfunded American school, thanks.
Additionally, the point I've sufficiently made was that you DO care so much about public opinion for a number of reasons: one, you've taken it upon themselves to brag about your life. Thats one of the BIGGEST no'no's on the net as it instantly puts you in a negative "you big fat bullshitter" light. The next thing is that you cannot stop responding to posts that disagree with you. YOU CARE. If you didn't you wouldn't give a fuck and stop posting. Is that easy enough for you to understand moron?
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 05:38 PM
Oh now you're trashing on America's school systems? Which ultimately means you're saying the people in America are all stupid since they went there? Two things:
1) I went to a private school where the tuition costs more than your house, per year.
2) the United States pretty much rules the world, not bad for a country of idiots raised in a shitty school system.
3) I do -not- care what you think. I merely like the 'post sparring' with idiots like yourself. Like I said, its not that I care, it's entertainment with little or no effort.
4) With your haughty attitude and the fact that you're going to say America sucks, you must be British. British people are the only ones I know of who are hated just about EVERYWHERE in the world. I've travelled abroad quite a bit, and I can honestly say you can't even get into bars in Germany if you act like a stupid brit. Why don't you go have your tea time or something you nancy boy?
03-17-2006, 05:39 PM
This thread has been way too amusing to not post here's my two cents worth:
STFU Hove.
(Oh, and LMAO at Oniros for not doing the research into your new purchase. Just goes to show how much money 5 minutes of research is worth!)
03-17-2006, 05:43 PM
For someone who feels they don't have to prove themselves to anyone, you're doing a lousy job. You can't seem to shut up about your life. TMI, man! No one cares.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 05:47 PM
Are you fucking stupid CrystalTears? I only bring some of my personal life experiences into the conversation because my personal character is being attacked. Therefore, I am simply giving my rebuttal with my experiences. I don't care if you care.
Oh ok, there you go.
03-17-2006, 05:50 PM
For a genius, you suck at spelling.
03-17-2006, 05:51 PM
Are you fucking stupid CrystalTears? I only bring some of my personal life experiences into the conversation because my personal character is being attacked. Therefore, I am simply giving my rebuddle with my experiences. I don't care if you care.
Rebuddle? WTF is a rebuddle? Oh that's right, it's a word made up by someone who likes to call other people "fucking stupid" when he doesn't even know what a REBUTTAL is.
Let's give him the "Dumb Fuck Award".
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 05:55 PM
I never was good at spelling, and never said I was a genius. I just work very hard. Your ability to spell certain words you don't use often is no mark of your intelligence anyways. It is a mark of your ability to regurgitate information. True intelligence is the ability to connect abstract thoughts, and develop new ways of solving a problem. Spellcheck is a good friend of mine. Of course, thats all you have to say... You attack my spelling on one word through the thousands of words I've typed posting, yet you don't have any valid points to make when replying to what I say. By the way, mispelling something hardly means I don't know the definition of it. It really just shows how pathetic a few you are. I weep for your children.
I might not be able to spell every word in the english dictionary, but I can easily show you an investment with a 20% annual return. Some people have their niches.
And yes, calling Gemstone an investment is fucking stupid, and you Augie, are fucking stupid.
03-17-2006, 05:59 PM
Well for the most part this has actually been fun. Well maybe not fun but entertaining at least. I want to thank you all for the interest but this thread has now totally fallen apart and into name calling. Not that it had all that much substance to begin with. I thank most of you for your "two cents" about:
A. What a moron I am
B. How wrong it is to buy/sell characters and I got what I deserved
C. How dumb (or how big of a pussy I am) for not just cancelling the account
D. How much you all hate Sean
E. How much you now all hate Young Hove
F. How much you believe that Young Hove and Sean are the same person and you hate them both
G. How much you all probably hate me now for starting this thread
H. How great of investment Gemstone IV is
I. A few of you who actually offered "constructive" critisim or at least said they would give me the chance to roll-play out of this mess
Anyone notice all the aggression in most of the comments.
My advice to most of you is this - get is so much better than internet roll playing games and you will probably take them a lot less seriously.
-Oniros (in no way related to Sean)
Had to edit my lettering fast with the tone of this board!!!!
03-17-2006, 06:02 PM
Hah! It's been awhile since we had a good entertainment thread.
03-17-2006, 06:04 PM
Where's longshot. He's missing all the fun.
03-17-2006, 06:06 PM
My advice to most of you is this - get is so much better than internet roll playing games and you will probably take them a lot less seriously.
LMAO I'm so glad I don't take shit like this seriously...otherwise I'd have to come find you and slap you upside the head multiple times over.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 06:10 PM
Just think of it this way, Oniros. I took some of the heat off you. That was my intention with my first post in this thread anyways, because you did buy Shirv, and really people shouldn't fuck with you because of what Sean did. Whenever Sean gets brought up you know its going to resort to a flame war.
03-17-2006, 06:11 PM
For what part? The bit about not having sex or the bit about sex being better than Gemstone IV?
I really hope it is not the later...
03-17-2006, 06:14 PM
Young Hove you do realize that doesn't make up for how badly you left me hanging in the first place. You really should have said something about him not being the most popular character...
03-17-2006, 06:16 PM
For what part? The bit about not having sex or the bit about sex being better than Gemstone IV?
Does it matter which part?
I've known people who would rather play an internet game then get laid...I tend to get defensive when I hear people say shit like this because of situations I, my family, and my friends have been in. That's why I said I'm glad I don't take most shit on this board seriously.
03-17-2006, 06:18 PM
I never was good at spelling, and never said I was a genius. I just work very hard. Your ability to spell certain words you don't use often is no mark of your intelligence anyways. It is a mark of your ability to regurgitate information.
Seany, you really need to get a new MO.
You brag and brag yet always look....well....less than extremely intelligent.
You went to some uber expensive private school that apparently sucks as they neglected to teach you how to spell.
Spell check is "your friend" yet you fail to use it.
The only thing you are doing right now by not admitting that you are that loser come to plague us once more because you simply CANNOT stay away from here is increasing the amusement we will have when we Do in fact ban you....again.
And Oniros, why exactly is it that you do not request a chargeback for your credit card as it would seem you were sold (assuming it was really sold) damaged goods.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 06:21 PM
Oh now you're trashing on America's school systems? Which ultimately means you're saying the people in America are all stupid since they went there? Two things:
1) I went to a private school where the tuition costs more than your house, per year.
2) the United States pretty much rules the world, not bad for a country of idiots raised in a shitty school system.
3) I do -not- care what you think. I merely like the 'post sparring' with idiots like yourself. Like I said, its not that I care, it's entertainment with little or no effort.
4) With your haughty attitude and the fact that you're going to say America sucks, you must be British. British people are the only ones I know of who are hated just about EVERYWHERE in the world. I've travelled abroad quite a bit, and I can honestly say you can't even get into bars in Germany if you act like a stupid brit. Why don't you go have your tea time or something you nancy boy?
Your schools tuition cost more than 500k a year? And this is what you have to show for it?
03-17-2006, 06:22 PM
Well for that I am sorry. I only meant sex in the most healthy and normal sense.
I feel awful for anyone that has had that aspect of thier life distorted and corrupted no matter what the circumstances.
A vast majority of people still think of sex as a fun and wonderful part of life,
The optimist in me would still like to think that anyone who has been hurt sexually is still in the minority enough to not have to preface a comment like that.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 06:25 PM
A vast majority of people still think of sex as a fun and wonderful part of life,
Well you're obviously not married. :(
Since you're not getting it... last time. DO A CHARGEBACK YOU GOT SCREWED.
03-17-2006, 06:27 PM
Going on year number 5 actually!!! Just had our first baby a few months back! Sex is still great and I hope it doesn't slow down...
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 06:45 PM
Your schools tuition cost more than 500k a year? And this is what you have to show for it?
I was talking to Strayrogue for one, and I was more implying that he had a shitty house. My school costed 35k/year, that aint cheap and could easily buy houses in the midwest (though probably not in the UK). As far as my spelling... I have easily spelled plenty of big words for you guys. The fact that you have to dwell on one spelling mistake over my numerous posts only proves in itself that you have no basis to argue with me, and you're just grabbing at air to save face for looking like a numbskull. It's ok though, I harbor no illwill. I legitimately feel bad for you. By the way, you can't do a chargeback on paypal for nontangible goods, especially when the money was withdrawn from your bank directly. So telling him to do that is pointless.
Shirv's rep is not my concern. I merely posted the sale for a friend, and directed you to his e-mail address.
03-17-2006, 06:55 PM
The funniest thing I have heard is "doing research" on a computer game. Some people need to get back into touch with the real world, get a job, get a spouse, and get a life.
Nevermind whether it's an investment or not. If you're going to spend money on something, you should know wtf you're buying.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 07:00 PM
I was talking to Strayrogue for one, and I was more implying that he had a shitty house. My school costed 35k/year, that aint cheap and could easily buy houses in the midwest (though probably not in the UK). As far as my spelling... I have easily spelled plenty of big words for you guys. The fact that you have to dwell on one spelling mistake over my numerous posts only proves in itself that you have no basis to argue with me, and you're just grabbing at air to save face for looking like a numbskull. It's ok though, I harbor no illwill. I legitimately feel bad for you. By the way, you can't do a chargeback on paypal for nontangible goods, especially when the money was withdrawn from your bank directly. So telling him to do that is pointless.
Shirv's rep is not my concern. I merely posted the sale for a friend, and directed you to his e-mail address.
I asked if he used a credit card thru paypal and didn't get an answer. If you had any modicum of respect for yourself you would reverse this sale and trade back.
Unless you're in the desert 35k might you get you a single wide on an acre somewhere.
Young Hove
03-17-2006, 07:04 PM
I asked if he used a credit card thru paypal and didn't get an answer. If you had any modicum of respect for yourself you would reverse this sale and trade back.
Unless you're in the desert 35k might you get you a single wide on an acre somewhere.
Man, you must not listen... I DO NOT OWN SHIRV. I can't reverse the transaction. I can't give him money back, I never touched it in the first place. He got Shirv for a good price, and looking at his training... He is a good buy. Its assholes like you that would make him not a good buy, because you continually OOC harass him dumbfuck. I've seen the shit you pull. You are no better than Sean, oh wait, you're just better at whining about Sean than he is at whining about you. Duh.
03-17-2006, 07:13 PM
Ok first.. there is no way in fucking hell that ANY GM is gonna do shit about you reporting anyone for fucking with Shirv.
Second.. you are about the biggest dumbass I have seen for the last month (excluding eliaku) for A, purchasing a char you knew NOTHING about and B, coming here to ask people to leave him alone.
Third.. how can you sit there and say that research on a char isn't worth it.. yet whine when it's obvious that you bought a char that the previous owner made as unpopular as a turd in a punch bowl????
Last.. play shirv and deal with the pile of shit you bought.. maybe this might teach you that a little research isn't so worthless after all.
PS where did that retard young hove come from.. I am with the others.. let's see how long it takes seany to get banned THIS time.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 07:15 PM
Man, you must not listen... I DO NOT OWN SHIRV. I can't reverse the transaction. I can't give him money back, I never touched it in the first place. He got Shirv for a good price, and looking at his training... He is a good buy. Its assholes like you that would make him not a good buy, because you continually OOC harass him dumbfuck. I've seen the shit you pull. You are no better than Sean, oh wait, you're just better at whining about Sean than he is at whining about you. Duh.
Rofl Seany made it not a good buy. I've got nothing to do with that. ALL of my interaction with him has been in character.
03-17-2006, 07:39 PM
My school costed 35k/year
Money well spent....
03-17-2006, 07:41 PM
I be laughing my ass off
03-17-2006, 08:11 PM
It just makes me sad that Oniros is such a pussy that he can't fight you guys back. Because if all the battling Shirv did was part of a major war, he won. I've seen him fuck most of your shit up a lot more times than he was killed. The only people who EVER killed him were atleast 20+ levels over him (Bisco, Xyelin, Mistomeer) and had to pull some lame shit like using invisibility amulets to ambush him. PATHETIC.
It's been awhile since I've been to the PC, but every thread is filled with a ton of venomous asshole posts. It's getting really pathetic.
2. 1615 shirv = dead shirv
3. ROFL x2
4. And Bisco is hardly 20 levels higher than Shirv. :)
03-17-2006, 08:19 PM
Haha. Thanks for a great read guys.
Lets recap a little...
I'm done arguing with the tiny penis clan.
and yet you're still posting
I have made around 5 or 6 grand altogether over the years buying and selling Gemstone things too.
who's measuring their e-penis now?
I have a business finance degree from one of the top ranked business schools in the nation and I study investments for a living at JPMorgan Chase in OrangeCounty.
more measuring...
And no magic card player will ever make more money than I do in my life, I helped invent and patent a brand new very marketable product (see my other thread).
still having trouble finding it?
I also own 3 peices of California real estate, which have appreciated over 200% since I bought them 5 years ago to a combined value of about 1.3 million with the first bit of money I ever made.
now the magnifying glass comes out.
I guess since we're both from Socal we know what big money is...
and the tweezers...
People were trying to school a banker from JPMorgan on what is and isnt an investment.
screw the tweezers, we need the jaws of life!
1600 isnt shit in Southern California.
just in case you missed it the first time.
The median home price is somewhere around 500k.
or at least your Dad says so.
Would you like me to post pictures of my degree, series 7 license, security keycard for our office building, and list my work number?
You would but your brother might get pissed if you gank his work stuff and post it on the internet.
(1) I went to a private school where the tuition costs more than your house, per year.
I bet your folks are still kicking themselves for that bad investment... to think they could have bought a nice car with that and had a much better ROI.
Spellcheck is a good friend of mine.
and yet you're not smart enough to use it.
I might not be able to spell every word in the english dictionary, but I can easily show you an investment with a 20% annual return.
throw a dart at the listings in the business section and the odds of you hitting one that yields what you want at the risk level you're comfortable with is pretty high. Whether its 20%, 10%, 5%...
Oh, btw, a series 7 license just designates you as a selling agent. If you were really on top of your game you'd have mentioned that you had your CFP or ChFC. For all we know you're a hack insurance salesman working on straight comission and would love to see 1600 bucks roll through, if you had the license at all.
You're sad and funny all in the same sentence. Hopefully you'll keep throwing up more stuff up for us to laugh at.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 08:25 PM
My school costed 35k/year
Money well spent....
Obviously. lol.
Not to get way off track but what did eliaku the dumb douche do Kainen?
03-17-2006, 08:43 PM
He (eliaku) is CONSTANTLY talking shit to me on OOC.. the shit he says is so stupid most of the time that I can't even bother to reply.
On topic.. I talked to the "new" shirv along with roxia.. all I can say is what a fucking joke. I'll tell you what this whole thing has taught me.. reporting and assisting doesn't do shit and don't bother LOL. Hard lesson learned.. but learned well.
Miss X
03-17-2006, 09:02 PM
4) With your haughty attitude and the fact that you're going to say America sucks, you must be British. British people are the only ones I know of who are hated just about EVERYWHERE in the world. I've travelled abroad quite a bit, and I can honestly say you can't even get into bars in Germany if you act like a stupid brit. Why don't you go have your tea time or something you nancy boy?
As a fellow Brit I can tell you that you are unequivocally wrong in this assessment of Anglo-world relations.
You may argue that acting like a 'stupid' Brit would prevent admittance to a German bar and this is probably true. It's also true that acting like a 'stupid' American or a 'stupid' Australian, or in fact a 'stupid' anything would prevent this. German bars do not tend to discriminate based on nationality.
Resorting to insulting the British because we happen to consume a lot of a specific hot beverage? Wow, your powers of intellect are awe inspiring, really. Now run along dear... You've succeeded in making yourself look like an absolute fool. If you don't care, stop posting and prove it.
Thanks in advance!!
03-17-2006, 09:51 PM
I just read 15 pages of nonsense. :(
Entertaining, true. But complete and total nonsense.
03-17-2006, 10:53 PM
I just read 15 pages of nonsense.
Three pages of utter nonsense for me! (I love having 50+ posts per page..)
03-17-2006, 11:28 PM
Talk to a GM some time, they don't agree. If a situation is over a couple weeks old, you're supposed to let it go.
Wrong, I was pulled to the consulation lounge cause I waited a year. All I had to do was explain my IC reason, and they had to pull up the char's kill record, and they were like ok, I see there is a history here, you are fine. So YOU are WRONG.
P.S. Sean made a profit on each char (Hecto and Shirv) over the price he bought em for. Not bad for someone 'so hated'.
Hmmm ... they must be an investment afterall.
03-17-2006, 11:35 PM
Maybe you obsessed dipshits should start a "Sean Watching Society".
I believe we have one, and it (to me) is in place so that we can protect one another from making a poor purchase should any of us decide to make a character purchase.
03-18-2006, 03:33 AM
Anyone who thinks GS characters aren't a good investment needs to talk to the guy who sold Thalior for 30k.
03-18-2006, 05:56 AM
Damn, he musta been a demi-god!
Best I ever did on a char sell was a train 46 empath for 400. And I got that char in a deal with two other chars of like train, and all three for 350.
So I do tend to lean towards investment. More stock exchange in my opinion, seeing as the GS market fluctuates so much.
03-18-2006, 11:08 AM
Once again. I don't want to be friends with you, I just don't want you to kill Shirv on sight. Whatever "in game" shit has gone on is done. The reality of the situation is that is between you and this Sean guy. You don't like Sean, I am not Sean. I just want you to leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you.
03-18-2006, 11:15 AM
Oniros, I may be misunderstanding you, but are you asking people to not react to Shirv as they they would normally based on past encounters with him?
He was played as a total prick completely deserved of being attacked.
I do not tell you this with any ire or bad feelings, but if you are actually expecting people to not respond accordingly you are quite simply wrong to do so.
You may have been duped and for that I'm sorry but the fact remains people must respond to Shirv the character as they would normally no matter who is at the helm.
03-18-2006, 11:22 AM
It's also wrong to assume that only the people here are the ones killing or disliking Shirv.
So the character must prove himself sorry and changed. If you have to buy a shit load of deeds to let his enemies get it off their chests then so be it.
RP him well enough and some might change their minds before attacking you.
Although I'd delete him and call it a waste of money.
03-18-2006, 12:25 PM
The reality is that most of the people after Shirv ARE exactly the people on this board.
Judging from the words you exchanged with a person you even remotely thought was Sean on this board (Young Hove) it is pretty obvious to see why you would harass his character. I am not saying he didn't start it but I am just trying to end it.
I went into a lounge yesterday and both people that went out of their way to try and come all the way to the Elven Nations just to kill Shirv mentioned this board and this exact thread!!! Coincidence? Like they weren't going to be watching the exact people that had been reporting Sean (Shirv) on a daily basis.
The bottom line is this. You know the situation but you want to harass me. The reasons are obvious. They are for this thread and for buying a character. Just don't give me this song and dance about Shirv did this to my character or that. Your real reasons for still continuing this are totally different. You have a problem with people buying characters and with Simutronics for allowing Sean to continually harass your characters. You are obviously "an eye for an eye" type people and not the "two wrongs don't make a right"
I am not saying this about everyone but there are quite a few of you that are falling into this catagory as it turns out.
From a game mechanics and policy stand point you are totally justified in doing it. Shirv was played like a rotten SOB. But it seems like most of you didn't like being randomly killed to begin with and don't want to play the game that way.
I don't know how many times I can emphasize the word GAME
There are still a few of you that think you "own" this game and will use vigilante justice to drive me out because I bought a character. That is bull shit and hypocritical. People have been doing this forever
I am hoping that most of you will stop doing this because you know that it is not this Sean person controlling Shirv that you hate so much.
Just leave me alone or if you have to kill me make sure you state the real reason you are doing it and not the bull shit shield you are hiding behind. I am not Sean and killing Shirv no longer means a god damn thing expect to harass me.
03-18-2006, 12:48 PM
Once again. I don't want to be friends with you, I just don't want you to kill Shirv on sight. Whatever "in game" shit has gone on is done. The reality of the situation is that is between you and this Sean guy. You don't like Sean, I am not Sean. I just want you to leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you.
Perhaps you missed it. Regardless of how you feel as a person, GS is a role playing game. Thus to react in game based on ANYTHING that is said here would be out of character, and I personally would be a bit put off if the folks here changed their demeanor towards a character in game due to something that is being discussed out of game. I guess because I think of the majority of the people that visit these boards as being at least good role players.
I really liked my suggestion, and many others suggestions, to role play it out. A change in the character you now own based on a major life changing event for Shirv.
I also believe that the majority of folks here would respect that, and perhaps even support it.
03-18-2006, 12:56 PM
Note: I don't know Shirv (Guess I have been lucky.). I am simply making suggestions that may, in the end, help pull you out of the hole that was dug for Shirv.
I do wish you the best of luck, and I am empathetic that you got so obviously burnt, but perhaps this could even be a good thing for you where you may learn some things that you never before knew, or perhaps it may improve your rp ability. Who knows. I know I wish you the best.
03-18-2006, 12:59 PM
<<I am not Sean and killing Shirv no longer means a god damn thing expect to harass me.>>
As Finis said above, no matter how much you may WANT to believe that the past actions of Shirv do not impact on how people react to him, they in fact do.
I never interacted with him myself and play infrequently anyway so you have no worries concerning me but you certainly do have a strange view of how roleplaying works,
Prolly already been said, but....................just RP a new personality, it isnt hard..............take your arse whippings like a man, like they say get deeds, take it in the arse........soon if you Rp the good said people might start lookin at you different RP RP RP RP posting on the PC boards makes me wanna kill you even more although, i wouldnt take it IG, heh.........but I hate him as well, if fer some reason he acted different I would treat him different after the 100th kill or you might have folks killing you fer OOG shit!!
Have fun!
03-18-2006, 01:06 PM
Finis I would love the opportunity to roll play out of this. You are obviously one of the reasonable people that would at least allow me the chance. I am talking about the people that come up, cast a spell and disable shirv then chop him to pieces and whisper shit like "how do you like me now bitch." I have been keeping him in very low profile places around the game to migrate his skills and combat manuevers.
I don't even know who his enemies are. I get blindsided then hear a bunch of out of context shit. I don't know who I need to defend myself from let alone roll play.
That is why I came here. Because "some" people on here are going to do that. Finis obviously won't be one of them. If you don't know what I am talking about then you aren't a part of it.
But don't be nieve enough to think that all the people on here that talk a big game about roll playing and the integrity of the game aren't willing to stoop down to the level of a person like Sean and destroy it for some one else because they were treated unfairly.
They are all fun and games around their circle of friends but don't give a rats ass about anyone else. Is that integrity?
03-18-2006, 01:28 PM
I keep wavering between figuring out if you really were clueless as to the char's rep or if you just thought you could get beyond it.
The fault in the end is yours and yours alone for not finding out about what you were buying though.
Many many people have told you your best course of action and though it's not what you want to hear it remains the truth.
Grit your teeth and bear the pain while the untold number of enemies made by Shirv while in Seany's custody take revenge on him and do so while trying to role play out someone who has somehow "seen the light" or what have you and not attacking back. You of course may choose to defend yourself but all I see that doing is dragging the pain out.
The thing to remember is that though to YOU these attacks seem unprovoked they are not really so. Shirv was a total bitch like his owner and attacked many, many people.
Your righteous indignation is unfounded and any anger at the frustration you are having now should be pointed at the only one who caused it and that is Seany aka Hove, the person who both ruined the Character Shirv and then suckered you into buying it.
Why you cannot see that is beyond me.
03-18-2006, 01:50 PM
And people like you seem to really enjoy it...
03-18-2006, 01:58 PM
I just STARTED the process of trying to salvage Shirv here. By starting this thread in the hope that it would reach a few reasonable people. I think it has.
You people have your opinions. I tried. I have said my piece and you have all commented on it.
What I don't understand is the people that get mad at me for trying to salvage this thing. I will do all of the things that everyone has suggested. It is just going to take time. I know this. The people that get angry seem like real ass holes. They probably are...
War Angel
03-18-2006, 02:32 PM
I don't know Shirv, I don't know Sean, and I am glad not to be part of any of this, but I'd like to point out an analogy here, to help you understand the situation.
Say you are an aspiring actor.
Your agent calls you and says he has landed you the role of King Arthur.
You are jazzed. King Arthur is an amazing role that will get you started
down the road to being a career actor.
Your agent tells you to come down and sign the contract, so you do. (Committing to the role of King Arthur)
You show up for the first day of filming, and notice the set is an
oversized modern house, where you seem to be toddler level.
Undaunted, you continue on into make up, where they proceed to
put on a furry suit with floppy dog ears, and paint your face to match.
The last indignity you suffer is the attachment of a dog tongue, complete with self drooling mechanism.
You didn't go over the manuscript, and King Arthur is a dog.
Not only is King Arthur a dog, he has a problem making it outside
to do his business, and is constantly being beaten by his owners.
You frantically call your agent and start screaming about the part.
Your agent tells you you've signed a binding contract, and you MUST complete filming.
Your big break in acting .... No.
Being known as King Arthur the dog that pees in the house on that flop of a kids movie that went directly to DVD sales is your reward.
You can't change your role, and you can't break contract.
It sucks that you bought a crappy character. I am not saying I don't feel for you, but your part is Shirv, and he is/was an asshole.
Try and rewrite your script, try and make minor changes, but whatever you do, play your part well, and don't falter.
Work with the people that will work with you, come up with different plans of action for different scenarios and work through it all.
If in the end, there are people that can't stop killing you, rest assured that your role play isn't at fault for it, and carry on.
People get bored when they can't get a reaction from you, and you have the ability to change the situation by making the character your own.
Deeds in Icemule are the easiest to get, in my opinion, if you need directions on how to get there, or them, give me a PM and I will help you out the best I can. :)
03-18-2006, 02:43 PM
Thanks for the advice War Angel. I might take you up on your offer of help. It won't be for a while as I am just migrating his skills and keeping him low profile right now and hoping to let some time pass and some of this blow over. Time heals all wounds...or so they say.
03-18-2006, 03:01 PM
That was the lamest analogy ever WarAngel. I don't understand why people insist on being douche bags. Its not sean anymore so what exactly do you get out of being a dipshit to his FORMER character?
03-18-2006, 04:03 PM
I'll chime in with something constructive.
The character you purchased has, up until now been rp'ed as a murderer. The community recognizes him as such and anyone unfortunate enough to have been his victim probably feels alot of anger and resentment towards their attacker and may be even driven purely for revenge, hell may have spent the past year training their minds and bodies to exact this revenge. All of a sudden, the source of the victim's pain and suffering is asking for a clean slate, as if nothing ever happened and they never harmed you. How do you explain to the character that he has a new player? You can't.
If you want out of his social standing you have to work your way out of it. You purchased a murderer and an asshole and as such you're going to have to prove to people that he has changed, for whatever reason. Like everyone else has said, RP it out and give it time and people will start to believe that he is a reformed person.
Of course some people are always going to hold a grudge against someone who killed them for no apparent reason and that's just something you're going to have to deal with. It's part of buying the character.
What I'm saying is that you can't just make a thread telling people to make their characters forgive everything Shirv has ever done without a good reason to. There's no get out of jail free card in Gemstone right?
It's a package deal. You get a great deal on a character's stats and training AND you get all of his history which cannot just be dismissed.
03-18-2006, 04:06 PM
Here's the thing. If it's an RPd conflict, then the RP shouldn't change because the character's owner did. In that case, it's up to Shirv's new owner to RP a change of heart or whatever. If you hate Shirv for OOC reasons (whatever they are) continuing to "kill on sight" is just silly. I don't know why people constantly feel the need to prove their dick size via their character's AS or CS. If you think someone is a douche, just ignore them.
03-18-2006, 04:10 PM
Right, what she said. My former post is concerning those conflicts initiated by Shirv, and not over OOC things.
03-18-2006, 04:11 PM
Sorry, I was coming in at the tail end of Daniel's post;)
03-18-2006, 04:18 PM
We have been through all this. I understand that there are plenty of people who hate Shirv and I can't expect them to just drop it. But at least roll play the murder...that is all I ask
03-18-2006, 04:22 PM
If Shirv really was as bad as he is being made out to be, roleplayed interaction beyond instant murder shouldn't be expected from his victims.
03-18-2006, 04:26 PM
Oh, ok then.
03-18-2006, 04:34 PM
I guess this is just the first time that [I've noticed or remembered] someone who has purchased an unpopular character has requested for an OOC truce. You hear them mention in the game "OMG I'm a new player" but for some, that doesn't make it better and they try to make the best of it.
I'm not saying that people killing a character because of who the former player was is right, however many people still do see just the character and don't really care who the player is until proven otherwise or there is a complete and consistant change in behavior.
Understand also that SEVERAL people have come here saying "I'm a changed person", such as Sean, or been in disguise, only to fool us all. I don't think people are up to being fooled any longer, especially by former Sean characters.
03-18-2006, 04:45 PM
Understand also that SEVERAL people have come here saying "I'm a changed person", such as Sean, or been in disguise, only to fool us all. I don't think people are up to being fooled any longer, especially by former Sean characters.
03-18-2006, 10:08 PM
The thing is, Shirv was not roleplayed. His player was a fucking idiot, and that showed in the character. Big, big difference.
Sean of the Thread
03-18-2006, 10:46 PM
We have been through all this. I understand that there are plenty of people who hate Shirv and I can't expect them to just drop it. But at least roll play the murder...that is all I ask
For the love of your diety could you please fucking spell ROLEPLAY correctly??
P.s. I can't wait to run into shirv again in game. Xye is a cheap FI sorc and it never gets old.
To be honest I didn't know who the fuck Shirv was until I read this thread, and thanks to this thread I'll kill him on sight the moment he does anything wrong at all. In character or not I just want you to shut the fuck up.
03-19-2006, 01:03 AM
Yea. Because we all know Sean was role-playing his shit out.
03-19-2006, 02:31 AM
let me at least know the name of your character so I know why you are killing me...
03-19-2006, 02:35 AM
I am very sorry for using the word roll playing and not role playing. I am obviously not as flawless and perfect as you...
03-19-2006, 07:53 AM
Hrm...if you had spent one hundreth the time you have so far in this thread into looking into your potential purchase none of this would have happened.
Lets see...even putting "Shirv Gemstone" into a search engine takes you to a thread in this forum, several actually.
Punch in shirv in the search function on this board and you get results like:
-Shirv the chicken $H&&
-Who is the funnest character to hate/kill?
-54 Bard (for sale by Frank White) which would help you get a feel for the love Seany has created for himself.
You did none of that which took literally less than two minutes, hardly a large investment in time. Yet still feel entitled to your indignation at the reactions Shirv gets .
War Angel
03-19-2006, 08:23 AM
That was the lamest analogy ever WarAngel.
Google disagrees. In fact, my analogy isn't even listed.
If you could edit it to just say it was a lame analogy, that would be more factual. Thanks. :)
At the top of the google list for bad analogies:
See, no War Angel.
03-19-2006, 12:16 PM
It's safe to say that your analgy sucks if you have to look it up to prove it's not on the list of the shittiest analgies ever.
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