View Full Version : is this abuse of warn?

11-16-2006, 02:12 AM
I was getting my friend some deeds tonight when I run across this total moron but I'd like to know if this is abuse of the warn command? Had this been one of my chars I woulda just killed him but since it wasn't mine I tried to stay in the confines of the law. Kinda of a long read but I wanna know if I was justified and even with the warn I could have continued to keep the guy stunned for a week? I almost wrote a script on the spot to keep him there all night.

You notice Heathrow reach into your pockets and remove nothing.
You turn quickly and grab Heathrow's wrist, but he had nothing in his hand.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You hear someone cough.
>prep 402
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Presence spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become aware of everyone near you...
Heathrow (Hidden).
You continue to feel much more aware of your surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
Please rephrase that command.
You notice Heathrow who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Speaking in Elven, the voice of Heathrow says, "Pardon us."
You notice Heathrow slip out of hiding.
R>point heath
What were you referring to?
>prep 501
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Sleep...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
Cast at what?
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You notice Heathrow who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You notice Heathrow slip out of hiding.
R>point heath
What were you referring to?
>cast heat
Cast at what?
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You feel at full magical power again.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Erebos (faint)]: "Aethor, you have anything for sell bud?"

Starrland raises an eyebrow.

[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You notice Heathrow who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You hear very soft footsteps.
>point heath
You feel the magic of your spell depart.
Speaking in Elven, the voice of Heathrow says, "We beg your leave, Sir."
You hear very soft footsteps.
What were you referring to?
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Ogeth just arrived.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Ogeth, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Ogeth just went out.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Mylinn just arrived.
Mylinn just went out.
Ogeth just arrived.
Ogeth just went north.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
>prep 501
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Sleep...
Your spell is ready.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You notice Heathrow who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>point heath
What were you referring to?
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
>prep 916
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Invisibility...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
I>fame heath
Heathrow has 476546 fame.
Apprentice Trilar just arrived.
Apprentice Trilar just went out.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Erebos (faint)]: "heh, aye to that"

Apprentice Trilar just arrived.
Apprentice Trilar just went north.

[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You feel at full magical power again.

Your senses are no longer as sharp.

[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You notice Heathrow who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
IR>point heath
But you can't be seen!
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Heathrow who is hiding, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
I>prep 501
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Sleep...
Your spell is ready.
I>cast heath
Cast at what?
I>ambush door
You fade into view and strike!
You lunge forward and ambush the doorway mercilessly but with little effect.
>point heath
You point at Heathrow, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
R>cast heath
Heathrow looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +298 - TD: +114 + CvA: +2 + d100: +50 - -5 == +241
Warding failed!
Heathrow's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Heathrow snores quietly.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Heathrow who is sleeping, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Linthral's group just arrived.
Linthral's group just went north.
>drag heath out
You are unable to drag Heathrow anywhere.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Heathrow who is sleeping, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Heathrow snores quietly.
>prep 916
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Invisibility...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
I>spell all
I>prepare 505
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Hand of Tonis...
Your spell is ready.
I>cast heat
You are visible again.
You gesture at Heathrow.
Heathrow is awakened by your attack!
CS: +298 - TD: +114 + CvA: +2 + d100: +13 - -5 == +204
Warding failed!
A wispy hand of air reaches toward Heathrow and grasps him tightly. The hand squeezes hard, snatching the breath from his lungs.
Heathrow is stunned.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Starrland gasps.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Erebos (faint)]: "selling a mage rechargeable "self control" crown, great spell, helps aid your physical defenses, aids your spiritual defenses from spellcasters, aids in archery and also disarming traps! lemme know if you're interested!"
>examine starr
You see Starrland.
She appears to be an Elf.
She appears to be very young and taller than average. She has piercing crystal green eyes and alabaster skin. She has waist length, wavy chestnut hair. She has a heart-shaped face and an upturned nose.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a reinforced shield in her left hand.
She is wearing some velvet-edged leathers, a gold-stitched dark velvet hat, a watery green velvet skirt, a pair of soft leather shoes, a cross-woven heavy silk pack, a dark blue satin pouch, a crystal amulet, a leather sheath, a little round mirror, and a crystal amulet.
Speaking in Elven, Starrland asks, "A friend of yours?"
[Erebos (faint)]: "selling some Cold/puncture resistant, fire vulnerable 4x Brigandine (further enchantable), is some mammoth hide and ora brigandine MB 750k"
>'sticky fingers
You say, "Sticky fingers."
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Erebos (faint)]: "selling some Fire/Steam Resistant, cold vulnerable 4x Brigandine (further enchantable), is some ora-banded pyrothag hide brigandine...MB 750k"
>examine heath
You see Heathrow Fairelven.
He appears to be a Vaalor Elf.
He appears to be extremely young and tall. He has sparkling crystal blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, silver hair with a white streak running through it. He has a delicate face and high cheekbones.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a graceful ruic recurve longbow set with ivory nocks in his left hand.
He is wearing a twisted gold ring, some brigandine armor, a gold and silver samite cape, some cuffed knee-high boots, a silver tooled wrist sheath, a mithril alloy mesh lootbag, a burnished golden leather quiver, a carved maoral snowflake locket, a glass amulet, a crimson-edged pale sapphire amulet, and a twilight grey cap.
[Erebos (faint)]: "selling Midnight black krodera-studded brigandine, 4x, from ebon's, 250k"
Symbolica just arrived.
Symbolica just went out.
[Erebos (faint)]: "selling a 4x saw-toothed vultite katars, 50k a piece"
Starrland says, "Ah."
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Lady Ladrinne just arrived.
Lady Ladrinne just went out.
Heathrow starts to breathe easier.
>prepare 505
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Hand of Tonis...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +298 - TD: +114 + CvA: +2 + d100: +31 - -5 == +222
Warding failed!
A wispy hand of air reaches toward Heathrow and grasps him tightly. The hand squeezes hard, snatching the breath from his lungs.
Heathrow is stunned.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Siphere just bit the dust!
Grolschin just arrived.
Grolschin just went out.
>prep 425
[Erebos (faint)]: "that's one katar, my appologies, so tired I'm startin to see double"
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Targeting spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You are filled with a sense of great confidence.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 913
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Melgorehn's Aura...
Your spell is ready.
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
>prep 513
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Elemental Focus...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You bristle with energy.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>prepare 505
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Hand of Tonis...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
Apprentice Trilar just arrived.
You gesture at Heathrow.
A hand of air reaches towards Heathrow and wraps its wispy fingers tightly around him but it seems to have no effect.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Apprentice Trilar just went out.
>prepare 516
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Mana Leech...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +114 + CvA: +2 + d100: +94 - -5 == +322
Warding failed!
A dull grey beam momentarily materializes between you and Heathrow!
He shakes violently!
You feel a sudden rush of power as you absorb 14 mana!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prepare 516
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Mana Leech...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +76 - -5 == +319
Warding failed!
A dull grey beam momentarily materializes between you and Heathrow!
He shakes violently!
You failed to drain any mana from him!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
>prep 916
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Invisibility...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Starrland says, "Well, he was very helpful to me . . ."
Heathrow starts to breathe easier.
Heathrow stands up.
I>prep 501
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Sleep...
Your spell is ready.
I>cast heath
Cast at what?
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
Starrland asks, "You okay?"
You don't find anything of interest here.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
IR>prep 402
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Presence spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become aware of everyone near you...
Heathrow (Hidden).
You continue to feel much more aware of your surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You see signs that someone is about, but fail to discover their location in the room.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Speaking in Elven, the voice of Heathrow says, "Heh, barely."
Grolschin just arrived.
You notice Heathrow who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Grolschin just went north.
IR>ambush door
You fade into view and strike!
You lunge forward and ambush the doorway mercilessly but with little effect.
>point heath
You point at Heathrow, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Heathrow looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
Blin just arrived.
Blin just went out.
Heathrow just went north.
>prep 501
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Sleep...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
You gesture into the air.
Your spell misfires.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room]
Loud and abusive noises emanate from behind the swinging kitchen doors, much to the laughing delight of some of the customers, and to the chagrin of others. Tapestries hanging from the walls depict soothing idyllic wildlife scenes. Hard wooden tables and chairs are placed evenly, allowing enough space for the cook and wait servants to pass. You also see some inviting tables and a cozy nook.
Obvious exits: south, southwest
>prep 501
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Sleep...
Your spell is ready.
You don't find anything of interest here.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room]
Loud and abusive noises emanate from behind the swinging kitchen doors, much to the laughing delight of some of the customers, and to the chagrin of others. Tapestries hanging from the walls depict soothing idyllic wildlife scenes. Hard wooden tables and chairs are placed evenly, allowing enough space for the cook and wait servants to pass. You also see some inviting tables and a cozy nook.
Obvious exits: south, southwest
[Erebos (faint)]: "even sorry for that everyone, I cant keep my thoughts straight tonight"
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
>prep 916
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Invisibility...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Heathrow, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Heathrow nods.
Apprentice Trilar just arrived.
Apprentice Trilar just went north.
Heathrow gently takes hold of Starrland's hand.
I>prep 501
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Sleep...
Your spell is ready.
I>cast heath
You are visible again.
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +6 - -5 == +249
Warding failed!
Heathrow's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Heathrow snores quietly.
Blin just arrived.
Blin just went north.
Alisah just arrived.
>prepare 505
Alisah just went north.

Heathrow says something softly in his sleep.
>prepare 505
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Hand of Tonis...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
Heathrow is awakened by your attack!
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +93 - -5 == +336
Warding failed!
A wispy hand of air reaches toward Heathrow and grasps him tightly. The hand squeezes hard, snatching the breath from his lungs.
Heathrow is stunned.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
>prepare 504
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Slow...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +91 - -5 == +334
Warding failed!
Heathrow suddenly slows all movements.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Starrland growls ferociously!
>prepare 512
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Ice Patch...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
An airy mist quickly gathers around Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +69 - -5 == +312
Warding failed!
The mist leaves the entire lower half of Heathrow's body encased in a thick block of ice.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Starrland asks, "Oh, I am just too scary, aren't I?"
>prep 916
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Invisibility...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You no longer feel the effect of casting mana leech.
I>prepare 515
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Rapid Fire...
Your spell is ready.
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
I>prepare 516
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Mana Leech...
Your spell is ready.
Eilyn just arrived.
I>cast heath
You are visible again.
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +70 - -5 == +313
Warding failed!
A dull grey beam momentarily materializes between you and Heathrow!
He shakes violently!
You feel a sudden rush of power as you absorb 2 mana!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Eilyn just went out.
Jaared just arrived.
>spell all
>spell all
Jaared raises an eyebrow.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Heathrow returns to normal speed.
Jaared says, "Knew it was a bit chilly in here but damned."
Starrland shivers.
>examine jaar
You see Jaared Carthalionn.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He appears to be middle-aged and shorter than average. He has dark eyes and brown skin. He has shoulder length, black hair.
He has a soaring red dragon tattoo on his arm.
He has old battle scars on his left arm, old battle scars on his left leg, old battle scars on his left hand, an old battle scar across his abdominal area, and a scar across his face.
He is wearing a ragged black leather eyepatch, a crystal amulet, a black mithril-scaled helm crested with a single crimson plume, a heavy gold Kuor symbol, a glittering golden cloak, a small rose, a spray of soft aromatic lavender, a coiled crystal dragon charm with gold-tipped spines, some enruned wraith talon gloves, a blood-red thorned rose stickpin, a cross-eyed dragon pin, a dark vultite shield, some double leather, a rune belt, a sheath, a large black silk sack, a glass fishbowl, some pants, and some dragon embossed suede boots.
>prep 916
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Invisibility...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared says, "Didnt think it was that bad."
The block of ice encasing the lower half of Heathrow's body melts away.
Starrland paces back and forth.
Apprentice Trilar just arrived.
Apprentice Trilar just went out.
I>spell all
I>prepare 505
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Hand of Tonis...
Your spell is ready.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Your senses are no longer as sharp.
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
I>prepare 512
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Ice Patch...
Your spell is ready.
I>cast heath
You are visible again.
You gesture at Heathrow.
An airy mist quickly gathers around Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +53 - -5 == +296
Warding failed!
The mist leaves the entire lower half of Heathrow's body encased in a thick block of ice.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared raises an eyebrow.
Starrland says, "Oh, for goodness sakes . . ."
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You no longer feel the effect of casting mana leech.
Jaared rubs his chin thoughtfully.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared asks, "Humm so just what caused this to start?"
Jaared peers quizzically at Starrland.
>'sticky fingers
You say, "Sticky fingers."
Starrland shrugs.
>nod jaar
You nod to Jaared.
Jaared chuckles.
Heathrow starts to breathe easier.

Eilyn's group just arrived.
Jaared says, "Cant blame ye then."
>prepare 505
Eilyn's group just went north.
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Hand of Tonis...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +62 - -5 == +305
Warding failed!
A wispy hand of air reaches toward Heathrow and grasps him tightly. The hand squeezes hard, snatching the breath from his lungs.
Heathrow is stunned.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Jaared suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Jaared says, "Although id say ye should try reporting em to the constable."
Lord Trewlos just arrived.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Lord Trewlos, Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Lord Trewlos just went north.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Starrland says, "All I wanted to do was hunt rats . . . ."
>examine heath
You see Heathrow Fairelven.
He appears to be a Vaalor Elf.
He appears to be extremely young and tall. He has sparkling crystal blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, silver hair with a white streak running through it. He has a delicate face and high cheekbones.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a graceful ruic recurve longbow set with ivory nocks in his left hand.
He is wearing a twisted gold ring, some brigandine armor, a gold and silver samite cape, some cuffed knee-high boots, a silver tooled wrist sheath, a mithril alloy mesh lootbag, a burnished golden leather quiver, a carved maoral snowflake locket, a glass amulet, a crimson-edged pale sapphire amulet, and a twilight grey cap.
The block of ice encasing the lower half of Heathrow's body melts away.
>prepare 512
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Ice Patch...
Your spell is ready.
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
An airy mist quickly gathers around Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +99 - -5 == +342
Warding failed!
The mist leaves the entire lower half of Heathrow's body encased in a thick block of ice.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Starrland glances at Heathrow.
Jaared leans on Starrland.
>prep 916
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Invisibility...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared says, "I can take ye out there for that."
Jaared smiles at Starrland.
Starrland smiles.
I>examine jaared
You see Jaared Carthalionn.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He appears to be middle-aged and shorter than average. He has dark eyes and brown skin. He has shoulder length, black hair.
He has a soaring red dragon tattoo on his arm.
He has old battle scars on his left arm, old battle scars on his left leg, old battle scars on his left hand, an old battle scar across his abdominal area, and a scar across his face.
He is wearing a ragged black leather eyepatch, a crystal amulet, a black mithril-scaled helm crested with a single crimson plume, a heavy gold Kuor symbol, a glittering golden cloak, a small rose, a spray of soft aromatic lavender, a coiled crystal dragon charm with gold-tipped spines, some enruned wraith talon gloves, a blood-red thorned rose stickpin, a cross-eyed dragon pin, a dark vultite shield, some double leather, a rune belt, a sheath, a large black silk sack, a glass fishbowl, some pants, and some dragon embossed suede boots.
I>fame jaar
Jaared has 176317 fame.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared says, "Best not to deal overmuch with pickpockets."

I>prepare 504
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Slow...
Your spell is ready.
I>cast heath
You are visible again.
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +53 - -5 == +296
Warding failed!
Heathrow suddenly slows all movements.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Jaared makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared gestures at Heathrow.
>prep 916
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Invisibility...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
The block of ice encasing the lower half of Heathrow's body melts away.
I>prepare 512
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Ice Patch...
Your spell is ready.
I>cast heath
You are visible again.
You gesture at Heathrow.
An airy mist quickly gathers around Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +32 - -5 == +275
Warding failed!
The mist leaves the entire lower half of Heathrow's body encased in a thick block of ice.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Starrland nods.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared says, "Id not bother with the invisbility does ye no good."
Jaared grins.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, a stunned Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Heathrow starts to breathe easier.
Heathrow rubs his glass amulet.
Heathrow rubs his glass amulet.
Jaared rubs his chin thoughtfully.
* Ainsley just bit the dust!
You chuckle.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared asks, "XXXXXXX ye mind hitting starrland with some strength?"
Speaking in Elven, Heathrow says, "We think that's enough. Keep it up and we'll kill you promptly, half-breed."
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared's tiny ruby red glimaerfish twists and curves slowly within its glass fishbowl, illuminating each unique glimmering facet of its metallic, rainbow-sheened scales.
You smirk.
Heathrow returns to normal speed.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Also here: Jaared, Heathrow who is lying down and held in place by a block of ice, Starrland
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
Jaared faces you, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between the two of you. You gain 28 mana points!

Jaared opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
Innez just arrived.
Innez just went north.
>prep 509
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Strength...
Your spell is ready.
Jaared whispers, "Id hit him again."
>cast starr
You gesture at Starrland.
Starrland looks considerably more imposing.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 509
Wait 1 sec.
>cast starr
You don't have a spell prepared!
>prepare 505
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Hand of Tonis...
Your spell is ready.
The block of ice encasing the lower half of Heathrow's body melts away.
Starrland says, "Heath, do you mind if I go hunt some rats? Thanks for all your help."
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +31 - -5 == +274
Warding failed!
A wispy hand of air reaches toward Heathrow and grasps him tightly. The hand squeezes hard, snatching the breath from his lungs.
Heathrow is stunned.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prepare 512
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Ice Patch...
Your spell is ready.
Starrland curtsies to you.
Jaared faces Heathrow, closes his eyes and begins chanting. A small spark leaps from Jaared's fingers... but little else happens.
>cast heath
You gesture at Heathrow.
An airy mist quickly gathers around Heathrow.
CS: +335 - TD: +99 + CvA: +2 + d100: +67 - -5 == +310
Warding failed!
The mist leaves the entire lower half of Heathrow's body encased in a thick block of ice.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Starrland smiles.
>prep 509
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Strength...
Your spell is ready.
Jaared says, "Half breed, rather rude comment."
>cast star
You gesture at Starrland.
Starrland looks considerably more imposing.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Jaared faces you, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between the two of you. You gain 12 mana points!

Jaared opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
>prep 509
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Strength...
Your spell is ready.
>cast star
You gesture at Starrland.
Starrland looks considerably more imposing.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 509
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Strength...
Your spell is ready.
>cast star
You gesture at Starrland.
Starrland looks considerably more imposing.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Starrland grins.

Heathrow is informing you that he considers your character's current behavior to be harassment.

11-16-2006, 02:19 AM
Maybe I'm reading it and missing stuff...but he steals from you once, and you 505 him a dozen or so times?

I think he was justified in warning you. You appeared to make no attempt to roleplay it out.

Now, if he DID continue to steal from you (which I didn't notice while breezing over your post) then I could see it being justified.

11-16-2006, 02:23 AM
You fucked with him a while, maybe a bit too long, but he stole from you. It's not abuse of the command, definately, as he could see you as having your revenge.

Fuck him. Idiots like him usually break their own warns. Follow him on invisible mode. If he speaks about you, he's broken the warn.

11-16-2006, 02:50 AM
I dislike thieves as much as the next person (unless I'm playing my thief), but it looked like to me that he was at least attempting to RP the whole thing out.

In particular: "Speaking in Elven, the voice of Heathrow says, "We beg your leave, Sir.""

That's better than the typical "run away and hide at a table" strategy most thieves employ, or the ever charming "lolz you suck."

You then proceeded to keep him stunned and slept. To the point that, even if he wanted to, he couldn't RP the situation out at all.

Sorry, but yeah, I'd say the warning was justified. He stole from you once, got caught, got nothing, and was obviously a much lower level than the character you were playing.

11-16-2006, 02:52 AM
I dunno.. It's hard for me to tell from the logs how long you held him for..but I'm guessing it wasn't abuse. Now if he warned you right after you started, it would be.

11-16-2006, 02:53 AM
Personally, I don't see an issue with you stunning, mana leeching, slowing and freezing him in place. That being said, I think you went too far due to the # of times you did these things, rather than leaving it at once or twice, and that is grounds for the warn. He did tell you that it was enough (and attempted to stay IC during the interaction), but you continued to deal out the casting. There is a limit to what you can justify doing for someone who stole/attempted to steal from you.

Edited for clarification.

11-16-2006, 02:56 AM
Sorry, but yeah, I'd say the warning was justified. He stole from you once, got caught, got nothing, and was obviously a much lower level than the character you were playing.

I really hate this mentality of 'he's a much lower level character than the character you were playing' bit. It doesn't matter what the level of the character is that you are dealing with in this type of situation. The repeated casting by the OP was the problem in my opinion, and level shouldn't even factor into it. It certainly didn't factor into it from the thief's POV when he attempted to steal from the OP. Do the crime, deal with the consequences I say - as long as it doesn't become abusive, that is, which it did in this case. Thankfully, the OP was not causing HP loss and just stunned/leeched/froze/slowed him.

11-16-2006, 03:46 AM
The repeated casting by the OP was the problem in my opinion, and level shouldn't even factor into it.

If, upon the first cast of Sleep, he saw a TD of 350 instead of 114, where do you think the situation would have gone? Who would have been the one doing the running and hiding?

He saw that the thief had no chance to defend himself, so he continued with the stunning/sleeping/leeching.

Thankfully, the OP was not causing HP loss and just stunned/leeched/froze/slowed him.

Had this been one of my chars I woulda just killed him but since it wasn't mine I tried to stay in the confines of the law.

11-16-2006, 04:26 AM
Didn't you get bored trying to keep him in one place ? His warn seemed justified - you froze his character's ass a little too long, and seems he wanted you to know that.

I really hate this mentality of 'he's a much lower level character than the character you were playing' bit. It doesn't matter what the level of the character is that you are dealing with in this type of situation.

Level, as indicating a general degree of skill. It's a mercy rule of sorts, like trying not to lap the morbidly obese kid when running around the track. In the end, you outperformed a sedentary ass. Not anything to brag about.

11-16-2006, 08:11 AM
He was justified, and he did seem to be RPing it out. When someone tries to steal from me, I give them The Treatment (Silence, Blinding, Binding), and then I let them be, warning them to never touch my pockets again. I don't keep on repeatedly doing it. And yes, you should of gone to the constable as Jarredd said.


11-16-2006, 08:41 AM
Firstly, I approve of your use of disabling spells instead of killing spells. Good form.

However, enough's enough man. That couldn't have been much fun for anyone involved, unless you just like seeing big numbers pop up on your screen.

11-16-2006, 08:51 AM
1. Unhide will bring you out of invisibility without having to ambush the door.

2. Since he chose to leave his group closed, preventing you from dragging him out of the inn, he chose a limited RP environment. Probably with the hopes of gaining a table if it got out of hand, since the Inn was his destination of hiding from you in the first place.

3. Since its not your character, I understand the idea of not wanting to kill the thief; however, now all you have really done by the repeated casting of tonis/sleep is to put a larger target on your friend's back. If I were the friend, I'd have wished you to either demonstrate briefly your superiority in magic and then report to the constable, or to have smoked him where he stood.

4. My motto with catching thieves is to do physical harm (non-lethally) the first time and wait to see how its reacted to. Further aggression results in a quick death. RP results in RP in return. I leave the choice to the thief.

11-16-2006, 09:00 AM
If, upon the first cast of Sleep, he saw a TD of 350 instead of 114, where do you think the situation would have gone? Who would have been the one doing the running and hiding?

He saw that the thief had no chance to defend himself, so he continued with the stunning/sleeping/leeching.

That very well might have been the case, had he seen a TD of 350 rather than 114. However, in my opinion it should NOT factor into it, no matter if they are higher level or lower level than your character. It does, and I realize this as do most folks who have played any amount of time, however that doesn't mean that I don't hate that it does, and don't wish it didn't.

As for the comment by another poster about a 'mercy rule', not all people utilize that, and they shouldn't have to. This debate shouldn't even factor in level, period. This is about whether or not the OP was justified in casting at the thief the amount of times he did, and if the thief was abusing warn in return. The decision on whether or not to react to another character who has wronged yours should be about your character's RP, not about level.

Oh, and 3704558 - I realize he said he would have killed him, had he been on his own character, rather than his friend's. However, he wasn't. And he didn't cast any spells at the thief that did any HP harm, hence my statement still stands. It was still abuse, due to the # of times it was done, but it was used with disabling spells rather than harmful spells, which I am rather sure the thief was grateful for.

Sean of the Thread
11-16-2006, 09:07 AM
I prefer a curse and a bleed for the noobs I catch. Most anyone else is just a instant smackdown and then I go about my business.

With people I think are pricks I tattle tattle to the po'po'.. because that usually pisses my rogue off the most.

11-16-2006, 09:36 AM
<< Had this been one of my chars >>

It went downhill from there.


11-16-2006, 10:26 AM
well actually askip thats the whole problem. Kind of limits my RP because usually I avoid any situations where interaction would be needed while logged onto his account. Just trying to do a favor and get deeds but this guy really annoyed me. First off he made no attempt to assess the situation he was dealing with. So using his level as an excuse is moot.
As far as seeing big numbers on the screen anyone who knows me will know I avoid PvP with a passion. I would have killed this guy only on grounds of idiocy of trying to steal from a person who outlevels him by at least 50. Even though I play a non-thieving rogue I do appreciate the skill. Some people have mastered it some people are just morons.
The whole event was less then 30 minutes. The log makes it seem much longer then it is because of my constantly hitting look. I let him off the hook once and then he came back with a threat to kill me using "we".
But all and all thats why I asked what I did. I want to know if he was justified not me. I'll go along with the popular opinion.

EDIT- by 30 minutes I mean the entire event from the first attempt to steal from me.

11-16-2006, 10:39 AM
well actually askip thats the whole problem. Kind of limits my RP

Pity it didnt limit your stupidity.

Lamest log evar.

No RP (from you) just pointless and repetitive (but generally quite harmless) PvP.

I would say his use of warn was justified, because it sure bored the shit out of me.

11-16-2006, 10:53 AM
I prefer a curse and a bleed for the noobs I catch. Most anyone else is just a instant smackdown and then I go about my business.

Blowing of limbs is a nice effect too.

I like how Jenovadeath handles the pickpockets.

11-16-2006, 10:56 AM
On top of all that it was just an attempt. He didn't even get anything. I think you were casting a few too many times. You didn't give the guy a chance to play with it at all. I see no harm in his warn.

11-16-2006, 11:32 AM
The power level!!! it's over 9000!!!!

11-16-2006, 11:39 AM
As for the comment by another poster about a 'mercy rule', not all people utilize that, and they shouldn't have to. This debate shouldn't even factor in level, period. This is about whether or not the OP was justified in casting at the thief the amount of times he did, and if the thief was abusing warn in return. The decision on whether or not to react to another character who has wronged yours should be about your character's RP, not about level.

Never said anyone else had to abide by my opinion. That's why it's my opinion, and not yours. Whether or not level should factor into it, again, is subject to opinion.

As you definitively stated

This debate shouldn't even factor in level, period.

The decision on whether or not to react to another character who has wronged yours should be about your character's RP, not about level.

It should be about RP. And level is indicative of overall skill, regardless of profession. It's not hard to see IC how easily your physical blows are hitting another, nor is it difficult to tell how easily your character is warding them - the effects are tangible. What seems to go flying by your head is that some characters will RP the mercy rule, and will discount a brash action from an "unskilled" adventurer. It's no more or less valid an RP style than cutting of a thief's hands and stealing back from him.

11-16-2006, 02:25 PM
I let him off the hook once and then he came back with a threat to kill me using "we".

It looks like referencing himself as "we" is part of his RP, as is evident from his first statement at the beginning of the ordeal. I don't think he was threatening to bring in an older friend.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-16-2006, 02:58 PM
Blowing of limbs is a nice effect too.

I like how Jenovadeath handles the pickpockets.

At least blowing off limbs and bleeding someone allows them a chance to roleplay.

I personally hate most of the STUN stuff in game just because of situations like this. You try to RP, you try to RP to diffuse the situation, and instead of roleplaying or even allowing you a chance to react, some guy just repeatedly stuns, stuns, stuns, stuns, stuns.

My thief has never been hurt before but then, she chooses her targets very carefully and is a flirt about getting caught. I can guarantee though if she DID get caught and someone blew off her arm, she'd be on her knees crying and begging for mercy. If someone just followed her around for 20 minutes stunning her for not even ACTUALLY lifting anything, I'd Warn interact too. It's not abuse on the warner's part.

Also, I agree with 3704558 about the levels and Mercy rules.. at first I didn't, but now it does make sense. The characters that recognize another character can't physically defend themselves from them before they will attack are generally the bully-ish characters, where as it DOES make sense for someone to not freak out if say, a freshly-rolled old man tries to lift some coins. You may web him and give him a stern talking to about keeping his fingers to himself, but you'd recognize that he can't really fight back and it'd take a lot more for you to really think he was picking a fight. It doesn't apply to all characters I think, but definitely valid for some.

11-16-2006, 03:15 PM
At least blowing off limbs and bleeding someone allows them a chance to roleplay.

Exactly. I kept looking for the log to change and add some roleplay to it. Honestly the first and second go around would probably have been enough. The point had been made. As much as I don't like warn, I think it fit in this situation.

11-16-2006, 04:40 PM
I think that's pretty straightforward as to what the warn verb is for.

He considered your character to be harassing him. I don't think that's much of a stretch to imagine.

I liked the fame check at the beginning.

Sean of the Thread
11-16-2006, 04:56 PM
The point is to punish and discourage the thief from stealing from me again.

Urinal Poops
11-16-2006, 09:25 PM
The point is to punish and discourage the thief from stealing from me again.

That discourages nothing (atleast to me) it only encourages violent, negative roleplay.


11-16-2006, 09:34 PM
Warn whores make me sick.

11-16-2006, 09:36 PM
IMO, you didn't go to far, after you started disabling him, he did say if you didn't quit you'd get killed half breed, or something along those lines, so after he said that, he's fair game, and justifies you to contiune on with your fucking with him

11-16-2006, 09:38 PM
Jaared asks, "XXXXXXX ye mind hitting starrland with some strength?"
Speaking in Elven, Heathrow says, "We think that's enough. Keep it up and we'll kill you promptly, half-breed."

when he said that above, you got \every right to do as you pelase

11-17-2006, 12:23 AM
IMO, you didn't go to far, after you started disabling him, he did say if you didn't quit you'd get killed half breed, or something along those lines, so after he said that, he's fair game, and justifies you to contiune on with your fucking with him

Or maybe since he knew he was outmatched it was an attempt to roleplay? It's not like he oblivous to the fact his TD was 200 LESS than the op's CS.

You should have stopped after a stun and a leech and given him a chance to RP. All you did was harass him for what looks like a good 5 minutes and your only RP was "Sticky fingers"

B+ for not instantly killing, D for not trying to roleplay. And his warn was warranted.

11-17-2006, 12:35 AM
<< Had this been one of my chars >>

It went downhill from there.


That is not the point it went downhill for me, for me it was when he did the fame heck before he ever cast.

And yes, the warn (as much as I hate warns) was a smart move on his part, as already stated, the guy *tried* to RP, and the borrowed character had a happy *enter* finger so to speak.

Speaking in Elven, Heathrow says, "We think that's enough. Keep it up and we'll kill you promptly, half-breed."

In my eyes, the very most this little person would have recieved from my mage was a single cast to remind him he didin't have a chance in hell.

So all told for my mage, a cast for theiving (if that cause of all my jaw traps, however if the jaw trap didn't go off there would have been a warning shot along with a straight forward warning that if he did attempt or stole from my char again it would be death), and a second cast to incapacitate him to remind him of his low standing. Nothing more need be done.


11-17-2006, 01:23 AM
don't loose track of my question here. How you deal with thieves is not my question. The point of this was you have a guy who starts the player interaction with a theft attempt, offers a death threat and ends with a warn.

For those of you have not PvP'd tonis or Ice patch the casts are very short even with an endroll of a ridiculous amount.

Had I stunned him for 2 weeks I wouldn't have felt bad about it. RP'ing a sniveling ant doesn't change the offense.

As far as my fame checks had nothing to do with my stunning of the chars. Habit I have in general like my excessive use of look.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-17-2006, 01:34 AM
don't loose track of my question here. How you deal with thieves is not my question. The point of this was you have a guy who starts the player interaction with a theft attempt, offers a death threat and ends with a warn.

For those of you have not PvP'd tonis or Ice patch the casts are very short even with an endroll of a ridiculous amount.

Had I stunned him for 2 weeks I wouldn't have felt bad about it. RP'ing a sniveling ant doesn't change the offense.

As far as my fame checks had nothing to do with my stunning of the chars. Habit I have in general like my excessive use of look.

That's the thing. This wasn't supposed to be PvP, it was supposed to be CvC. And instead of roleplaying, you just stunned him and leeched him repeatedly. When he tried to roleplay, you continued on like he hadn't said anything. You take it personally that he stealed from you, when from an out of game point of view, he did nothing wrong.

11-17-2006, 01:42 AM
So let me ask you this

in RL

if your caught stealing, do you think a small slap on the wrist will solve anything?

I'm pretty sure he's been doing it to alot of people, or atleast has tried

His little man had to be taught a lesson.

If I still played, I would have done what he did.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-17-2006, 01:49 AM
So let me ask you this

in RL

if your caught stealing, do you think a small slap on the wrist will solve anything?

I'm pretty sure he's been doing it to alot of people, or atleast has tried

His little man had to be taught a lesson.

If I still played, I would have done what he did.

First of all-- real life is not Elanthia. Game policy is eye-for-an-eye, not walk around and stun someone repeatedly with the intent only to cause annoyance/hindrance and NOT to role play or add anything at all to the game or situation. If you prefer to walk around and stun someone repetitively, then just know that you run a higher chance of being WARNed and a lot more people are going to agree with that.

11-17-2006, 02:33 AM
Using RL comparisons to GS make me LOL.

11-17-2006, 08:16 AM
You should have stopped after a stun and a leech and given him a chance to RP. All you did was harass him for what looks like a good 5 minutes and your only RP was "Sticky fingers"

The whole event was less then 30 minutes. The log makes it seem much longer then it is because of my constantly hitting look. I let him off the hook once and then he came back with a threat to kill me using "we".
EDIT- by 30 minutes I mean the entire event from the first attempt to steal from me.

Don't you think 30 minutes of constant casting to prevent him from doing anything is a bit much? 5 minutes would make sense. 30 minutes is way excessive, even for a thief.

11-17-2006, 08:48 AM
So let me ask you this

in RL

if your caught stealing, do you think a small slap on the wrist will solve anything?

I'm pretty sure he's been doing it to alot of people, or atleast has tried

His little man had to be taught a lesson.

If I still played, I would have done what he did.

That's the dumbest thing I've seen anyone post in a long time.

11-17-2006, 09:44 AM
That's the dumbest thing I've seen anyone post in a long time.

I dont know, I understand a desire for revenge when someone is stolen from. I also understand the line of thinking on a very general level that if someone bothers you or does something to waste your time that you might do something equal or worse in return in order to discourage them from trying it again. Along the same lines of thought, if thieves see PPocketing as a source of free silver with no reprecussions, youre only going to see more stealing.

Personally I dont care, I only keep a thousand or two on my character's person and I sell my gems quick. Even if someone pulls an uncut diamond off of one of my chars I pull them in by up to a half dozen each hunt...so what. But its the affront, the one-upmanship that bothers other people. The idea that someone can come along and take what theyve earned that rankles. Like the Chris Rock joke about wife beating, I dont condone going overboard on a thief, but I understand.

11-17-2006, 10:13 AM
Personally, I don't see an issue with you stunning, mana leeching, slowing and freezing him in place. That being said, I think you went too far due to the # of times you did these things, rather than leaving it at once or twice, and that is grounds for the warn. He did tell you that it was enough (and attempted to stay IC during the interaction), but you continued to deal out the casting. There is a limit to what you can justify doing for someone who stole/attempted to steal from you.


Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-17-2006, 12:23 PM
Along the same lines of thought, if thieves see PPocketing as a source of free silver with no reprecussions, youre only going to see more stealing.

Hahahaha. No.

I'm sure that very few characters pickpocket because it makes them good money. For most, it's a roleplay tool, and if it wasn't supposed to be in Elanthia, it wouldn't be a skill.

If you want to kill a thief for reaching into your pockets, it is within your right to do so. That's a pretty damn severe punishment, depending on the level of the thief (those potions are expensive). Or you can just report them to the constable (or both) and eventually they run the risk of banishment from a city. All that for generally a wand, a gem, or a few measly silvers?

Even if people feel one-upped by a thief, they cross the line of IC and OOC by letting their OOC anger of THAT'S MY SILVER bleed into the game.. and instead of going from an RP point of view they want to make the PERSON think twice about stealing, NOT the character.

Sean of the Thread
11-17-2006, 02:19 PM
That discourages nothing (atleast to me) it only encourages violent, negative roleplay.


Not everyone plays GS for roleplay.. nor is it required.

11-17-2006, 05:55 PM
1 - He didn't even get anything from you, did he? If not, what is the point of keeping him stunned for like 20 minutes?

2 - Did you buy your character? If you really played to that level, I have a hard time believing you'd be making that big of a deal over a guy not getting anything, especially when he attempted roleplay.

11-17-2006, 06:12 PM
It's not even his character. I have no idea why he cared so much about a thief that didn't even get anything to begin with.

11-17-2006, 07:43 PM
Hahahaha. No.

I'm sure that very few characters pickpocket because it makes them good money. For most, it's a roleplay tool, and if it wasn't supposed to be in Elanthia, it wouldn't be a skill.

If you want to kill a thief for reaching into your pockets, it is within your right to do so. That's a pretty damn severe punishment, depending on the level of the thief (those potions are expensive). Or you can just report them to the constable (or both) and eventually they run the risk of banishment from a city. All that for generally a wand, a gem, or a few measly silvers?

Even if people feel one-upped by a thief, they cross the line of IC and OOC by letting their OOC anger of THAT'S MY SILVER bleed into the game.. and instead of going from an RP point of view they want to make the PERSON think twice about stealing, NOT the character.

As I said in my post, I dont consider a wand, a gem or some measly silvers worth getting worked up for. I do understand that not everyone is as accommodating though and I dont feel the need to accuse them of being OOC or wrong because they have different boundaries than I do. As I explained, its the affront that bothers some people - not the merchandise.

But then far be it from me to suggest that its understandable to wrong these valiant roleplayers who altruistically face such harsh fines and evil griefing for their trouble. Truly, they are assets to Elanthia one and all.

Ha....Ha...ha or something.

11-17-2006, 08:14 PM
2 - Did you buy your character? If you really played to that level, I have a hard time believing you'd be making that big of a deal over a guy not getting anything, especially when he attempted roleplay.

gimme me a fucking break. This card is pulled a little too much. I have to whip out my fucking credentials? Started playing Gem in '92. Have titled every char class legend'd many. No I didn't buy my char. The char as in this thread as stated was not a BORROWED char either. My friends computer is totally fucked up and he can't access his scripts so I walked his char over to the landing to get deeds.
You can let this thread die now , while I appreciate the input of many who had something constructive to say and offered a different point of view. I am beginning to realize there are too many asstards to make this a worthwhile subject.
And I 'll remember in the future its ok to steal if you throw some yae's and nae's out there. :wtf:

11-17-2006, 08:28 PM
< gimme me a fucking break. This card is pulled a little too much. I have to whip out my fucking credentials? Started playing Gem in '92. >

The rule of Soulpieced is now in play.

11-17-2006, 08:34 PM
gimme me a fucking break. This card is pulled a little too much. I have to whip out my fucking credentials? Started playing Gem in '92. Have titled every char class legend'd many. No I didn't buy my char. The char as in this thread as stated was not a BORROWED char either. My friends computer is totally fucked up and he can't access his scripts so I walked his char over to the landing to get deeds.
You can let this thread die now , while I appreciate the input of many who had something constructive to say and offered a different point of view. I am beginning to realize there are too many asstards to make this a worthwhile subject.
And I 'll remember in the future its ok to steal if you throw some yae's and nae's out there. :wtf:

Actually, it is okay to steal in GemStone. That's why the mechanics are there to allow stealing. That's why one can make the choice to train one's character in pickpocketing. Stealing is not against the rules, and stealing by someone who knows how to roleplay can be an enjoyable scenario in which to participate.

Now, if a character steals from your character and your character catches him/her in the act, your character has a right to retaliate. You can turn the person in for theivery, or you can extract your revenge in other ways. I think the mistake you made in this particular situation was that of overkill. You can stun, you can bind, you can thorn, you can do whatever your character might do if he caught someone with their mitts in his/her pockets. However, to keep pounding on the character over and over again is overkill. At least, that's how I see it.

11-17-2006, 08:55 PM
gimme me a fucking break. This card is pulled a little too much. I have to whip out my fucking credentials? Started playing Gem in '92. Have titled every char class legend'd many. No I didn't buy my char. The char as in this thread as stated was not a BORROWED char either. My friends computer is totally fucked up and he can't access his scripts so I walked his char over to the landing to get deeds.
You can let this thread die now , while I appreciate the input of many who had something constructive to say and offered a different point of view. I am beginning to realize there are too many asstards to make this a worthwhile subject.
And I 'll remember in the future its ok to steal if you throw some yae's and nae's out there. :wtf:

:welcome: to the :ultimate:

11-17-2006, 10:31 PM
what's the Soulpieced rule again? I've forgotten.


11-18-2006, 07:14 AM
The rule of Soulpieced is now in play.

The rule of speaking in the third person?

Tisket agrees. Tisket believes Tisket is getting a bit sleepy now. Time for Tisket to hit the hay. Tisket bids you all good night.

11-18-2006, 09:04 AM
< what's the Soulpieced rule again? I've forgotten. >

Cut and dried version is the simple idea that once you've tossed out how long you've played to bolster your arguement, you automatically lose.

11-18-2006, 09:08 AM
I always thought that was the Celtar rule! :D

11-18-2006, 09:44 AM
<<Started playing Gem in '92.>>

<<I am beginning to realize there are too many asstards to make this a worthwhile subject.>>

Join Date: Sep 2006

Your GemStone seniority means nothing when you aren't in GemStone.

11-18-2006, 11:30 AM
gimme me a fucking break. This card is pulled a little too much. I have to whip out my fucking credentials? Started playing Gem in '92. Have titled every char class legend'd many. No I didn't buy my char. The char as in this thread as stated was not a BORROWED char either. My friends computer is totally fucked up and he can't access his scripts so I walked his char over to the landing to get deeds.
You can let this thread die now , while I appreciate the input of many who had something constructive to say and offered a different point of view. I am beginning to realize there are too many asstards to make this a worthwhile subject.
And I 'll remember in the future its ok to steal if you throw some yae's and nae's out there. :wtf:

Bullshit :) You carry yourself, and your character, like someone who would have made me abuse the thump verb.

11-18-2006, 11:43 AM

u lose.

11-18-2006, 12:01 PM
Ruh roh. It looks like there's been trouble in paradise ... again.

11-18-2006, 01:08 PM
gimme me a fucking break. This card is pulled a little too much.

I can see entirely where Hulkein is coming from. You were playing that wizard with the skill of someone who had just bought or 'acquired' the account rather than someone who had played it from level 1. Play like a tard and expect people to call you on it.

I have to whip out my fucking credentials? Started playing Gem in '92. Have titled every char class legend'd many. No I didn't buy my char. The char as in this thread as stated was not a BORROWED char either. My friends computer is totally fucked up and he can't access his scripts so I walked his char over to the landing to get deeds.

So what would you call it if you are playing the character of someone else, if not borrowed?

You can let this thread die now , while I appreciate the input of many who had something constructive to say and offered a different point of view. I am beginning to realize there are too many asstards to make this a worthwhile subject.
And I 'll remember in the future its ok to steal if you throw some yae's and nae's out there. :wtf:


Another tosser who asks for feedback on something then cries when they hear something they dont like.

Tip: Next time, just ask people you know are going to say the same thing you would say, spare us the histrionics when you are called on being a twat.

11-18-2006, 01:19 PM
We really excel at cursing, over here.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-18-2006, 01:22 PM
As I said in my post, I dont consider a wand, a gem or some measly silvers worth getting worked up for. I do understand that not everyone is as accommodating though and I dont feel the need to accuse them of being OOC or wrong because they have different boundaries than I do. As I explained, its the affront that bothers some people - not the merchandise.

But then far be it from me to suggest that its understandable to wrong these valiant roleplayers who altruistically face such harsh fines and evil griefing for their trouble. Truly, they are assets to Elanthia one and all.

Ha....Ha...ha or something.

There was no role play in this scenario from the one who was attempted to be stolen from. None. And by his reactions on here, and the fact that the character wasn't even his makes it so obviously and glaringly OOC. He didn't talk to the character sternly or react to what the character was saying, just, like a half-conscious high-level zombie, repetitively used spells on him that hurt him mechanically and prevent him from role playing.

The sarcasm about thieves is really stupid too, IMO. I think people who have the guts to role play something like a thief are valiant and an asset to Elanthia-- a bigger asset because they choose to role play something trickier and with more penalties then someone who logs onto their friend's character and just stuns someone repeatedly because they can't figure out what the hell else to do. I'd rather play with a well-played thief and be entertained than ignore some MA zombie with no creativity. Maybe not everybody would and fine, that's their cup of tea, I just would not call that being role play oriented at all.

11-18-2006, 01:28 PM
It looked pretty much like the guy was cycling through his spell lists like he'd never casted them before.
I'd be fucking furious if anyone I trusted used one of my characters and had them look like that.

And mana leech really tought the thief a lesson.

11-18-2006, 04:21 PM
Meh, I can't blame him from trying to leech. There were a couple of magical rogue thieves before, and if you got the upperhand, they had no problem e-waving your ass to finish you off.

I "think" Limoj had this buildup, Hulkein at one point played him. I'm willing to be wrong, but I faintly remember Limoj owning my Bard for standing up to his pickpocketing.

11-18-2006, 04:22 PM
You also have/had douches like Atreau who would cast if he couldn't swing you.

11-18-2006, 06:58 PM
There was no role play in this scenario from the one who was attempted to be stolen from. None. And by his reactions on here, and the fact that the character wasn't even his makes it so obviously and glaringly OOC. He didn't talk to the character sternly or react to what the character was saying, just, like a half-conscious high-level zombie, repetitively used spells on him that hurt him mechanically and prevent him from role playing.

The sarcasm about thieves is really stupid too, IMO. I think people who have the guts to role play something like a thief are valiant and an asset to Elanthia-- a bigger asset because they choose to role play something trickier and with more penalties then someone who logs onto their friend's character and just stuns someone repeatedly because they can't figure out what the hell else to do. I'd rather play with a well-played thief and be entertained than ignore some MA zombie with no creativity. Maybe not everybody would and fine, that's their cup of tea, I just would not call that being role play oriented at all.

And what of a Lord out pickpocketing in kobolds or high lord bullying/cleaning out the crypt hunters (why the area was changed). Is that your valiant ideal as well?

Sean of the Thread
11-18-2006, 07:04 PM
What changed about the areas/crypt? Last year it they took away the perma sanct.

11-18-2006, 07:08 PM
And what of a Lord out pickpocketing in kobolds or high lord bullying/cleaning out the crypt hunters (why the area was changed). Is that your valiant ideal as well?

If they're doing that, they're probably not roleplaying much.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-18-2006, 08:13 PM
And what of a Lord out pickpocketing in kobolds or high lord bullying/cleaning out the crypt hunters (why the area was changed). Is that your valiant ideal as well?

Last I checked the guy who pickpocketed in this log was not a capped player pickpocketing noobies hunting in Kobolds.

There's a glaring difference.

11-18-2006, 08:31 PM
What changed about the areas/crypt? Last year it they took away the perma sanct.

The sancting in the first place was what I was talking about.

Sean of the Thread
11-18-2006, 08:42 PM
Guess they realized their mistake and unsancted it.

11-21-2006, 12:48 AM
The crypt is much more fun unsanct'd.

Got to love helping little people hunt, and then stealing from the cocky people.

Of course, when you put their stuff into the urn, they get a little peevish. I wonder why! Gotta love stealing from one person, then a person you've never seen before comes in and attacks you.

Even funnier when you kill them for it, and they have to use two other characters to attack/threaten you. And when they do finally kill you, it's in town. Oh and they don't RP it at all, but whisper OOC to you about it afterwards. It's quite amusing.