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07-01-2007, 02:54 PM
After healing this guy, I get...

Boddiker says, "Thanks, sugar."
Boddiker rubs you tenderly.

You glance at Boddiker.

Boddiker raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Boddiker whispers, "Everything alright?"

You quietly whisper to Boddiker, "Dont call me sugar or rub me, thanks."

Boddiker chuckles.

Boddiker whispers, "Pardon me complimenting you. I'll be sure not to do anything so horrible in the future.."

Boddiker smirks.

Boddiker shakes his head.

Boddiker slides a thin gold ring off his finger.
Boddiker slides a gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Boddiker vanishes!

Anyone else get stupid responses like this?

07-01-2007, 02:55 PM
He wants that e-tang

07-01-2007, 03:02 PM
That's what you get for playing a female empath as a guy. I have a younger female empath who gets the same shit.

I usually bind them, and tell them to keep their hands to themselves.


07-01-2007, 03:04 PM
and thats why i dont "flirt" with any female characters. They are all played by dudes.

07-01-2007, 03:10 PM
hahaha homophobes!

07-01-2007, 03:13 PM
hahaha homophobes!

There's nothing homophobic about it....don't play a female unless you're willing to take on the flirting....that's one of the reasons I play such a loaner, and don't muss with my girlfriend's characters away from a table.

07-01-2007, 03:17 PM
I couldn't care less if I am a guy behind the character.

It's the fact that a complete stranger is calling me sweet names, and rubbing me.

How many guys do that in RL and get away with it? You'd about have to be a slut to take something like that from a stranger.

07-01-2007, 03:19 PM
I couldn't care less if I am a guy behind the character.

It's the fact that a complete stranger is calling me sweet names, and rubbing me.

How many guys do that in RL and get away with it? You'd about have to be a slut to take something like that from a stranger.

how many people bounce around, bounce into each other, flail on the ground as an adult, lick friends faces of the same sex, ect ect ect in real life.

The actions people do in game are absolutely nothing like how real people act.

07-01-2007, 03:20 PM
how many people bounce around, bounce into each other, flail on the ground as an adult, lick friends faces of the same sex, ect ect ect in real life.

Get yourself a Simucon ticket and you can count them yourself.

07-01-2007, 03:43 PM
If I was dying, and someone 100% cured me instantly, I'd be pretty happy with them too. Including IRL.

07-01-2007, 03:45 PM
Get yourself a Simucon ticket and you can count them yourself.

hahaha simuphobes!

07-01-2007, 04:39 PM
LOL @ an empath not wanting someone to touch THEM.

I guess he thought you were close after you had your hands all over him taking his "wounds"

07-01-2007, 04:43 PM
He wasn't dying. And as far as hands on people, the syntaz says you meditate over them, not rub them like you want them or something. You don't feel people up to heal them.

His was more of an inappropriate physical activity if you will. Plus he asked for the healing, I didnt ask for him to hit on me.

07-01-2007, 05:43 PM
From what I remember of Krakii's informative ramblings, the ICE Age mechanics stated that transference was contact-based. Of course, they also said that 702 was touch-based, so I wouldn't take that too seriously.

07-01-2007, 06:01 PM
LOL @ an empath not wanting someone to touch THEM.

I guess he thought you were close after you had your hands all over him taking his "wounds"

Meditating over someone != to touching.

07-01-2007, 06:37 PM
Demanor reserved, that's all you have to do. I keep most of my characters that way because way too many people are touchy feely, especially men.

07-01-2007, 06:52 PM

07-01-2007, 07:03 PM
Even if the healer is touching them first its totally proffesional if that's how you rp it.

Your not gonna try and screw your doctor just cause he put his/her hand up your shirt to check your heart beat. (atleast in most cases)

*Not saying anything was wrong with the rubbing it's such a general verb that for all we know the guy was just rubbing your hand in thanks. Guy or girl character you are going to run into this no matter what. It is harder to play an emapth that doesn't like to be touched because the majority of them don't give a damn.

07-01-2007, 07:08 PM
Uh.. What is wrong with that response, exactly? Is it that hard to imagine a -character- that would respond like that to a female's aid?

Yeah. Don't like it, don't play a female character.

For the record, Evarin doesn't go around big pimping, but it would certainly be a viable character archetype for one to do so.

07-01-2007, 07:24 PM
I would say you were kinda the jerk there with the stupid response and he should be posting a thread in regards to the same issue. Why can't you just take a compliment?

07-01-2007, 07:36 PM
Before I comment, I suppose it would be prudent to ask if YOU were irritated at the rubbing or if your CHARACTER didn't like it.


07-01-2007, 08:21 PM
Meditating over someone != to touching.

It's never been clearly determined if it's touch based or not. I would imagine you could just as many people who assume it is vs. those who assume it isn't.

07-01-2007, 08:24 PM
Uh.. What is wrong with that response, exactly? Is it that hard to imagine a -character- that would respond like that to a female's aid?

Yeah. Don't like it, don't play a female character.

I would say you were kinda the jerk there with the stupid response and he should be posting a thread in regards to the same issue. Why can't you just take a compliment?

Before I comment, I suppose it would be prudent to ask if YOU were irritated at the rubbing or if your CHARACTER didn't like it.


First off. I should say I am not a Roleplayer. As far as the comments about whether it was me or my character. I personally think its nonsense. You cannot totally seperate your own feelings from that of something you are pretending to be. Any character I play is going to have at least some sort of loose basis according to my own personality.

Whether I was playing a male or a female, I do not expect or want strangers just coming up and rubbing on me. Or calling me by endearing names.

I don't normally play females, but this is one I acquired and haven't gotten rid of yet.

So I goto TSC to get some exp, help a few people or whatever. I don't goto TSC for people to try and pick me up or molest me etc..

If I were in Helgas, and he cut his finger on a broken glass, and I healed it while giving him looks, fluttering eyes or some crap - then I could see him taking something further. I dont flirt, and I dont expect others to. When I rebuke such action, its discouraging it to go any further. Are you trying to tell me that I cannot tell someone no? That my response in game was over the top somehow?

Normal responses for that place of 'business' for healing and ressurection is a thank you and possibly a tip. Not what he did. Maybe he was trying to RP and give some charm instead of a tip. No thanks.

If people want to do all that pick up others in game, flirting and sex talk stuff they need to do it with someone they know.

And if that is what he was after, perhaps a question along the lines of "wanna go have a drink at helgas sometime?" Would have been better than calling me names and rubbing me.

As far as healing being touch based or not. It doesnt matter one way or another. If you goto a hospital and have a catheter put in by the opposite sex, are you going to take that as sexual contact and start rubbing their ass? I think not. And you sure wouldn't do it if they were just putting a bandaid on your forhead or arm. Healing is not a sexual interaction.

07-01-2007, 08:28 PM
It is meditating, that does not imply touching, it implys thinking.

I think what you did was fine. You established boundaries, the same way that everyone should. You didn't overreact and bind him. You just told him that what he did wasn't ok. If you just accepted what he said, you would be inviting the same behavior at a later time.

07-01-2007, 09:10 PM
Girl empaths get the tips, some girl empaths want more than the tip.
! I wonder if I put that as my IG quote how long it would last.. when I first read that I thought you were both guys and he was just hitting on you..then I realized you were playin a girl and then read more and :ramble ramble: what's wrong with bouncing off a friend? ya it's weird with a total stranger. My friends are huggable, some of them are lick friendly. Now go comb your feet.

07-01-2007, 09:21 PM
First off. I should say I am not a Roleplayer.

That's pretty much the long and short of it right there. The other guy might not be either, maybe he's just a middle-aged virgin trying to get his rocks off with whoever is willing in the game.

On the other hand, he might be RPing. So don't get all cranky when people try to RP with you in an RP game. You might not LIKE it, but I think this is the wrong place to whine about it.


07-01-2007, 09:28 PM
First off. I should say I am not a Roleplayer.
Why are you even playing a roleplaying game then?

As far as the comments about whether it was me or my character. I personally think its nonsense. You cannot totally seperate your own feelings from that of something you are pretending to be. Get in line with Latrin. He doesn't get the difference either.

Any character I play is going to have at least some sort of loose basis according to my own personality. Your character is not you. My characters are not like me. Adding a few familiarities is one thing. To have them be just like you in every way is just boring. But then again, you did say you weren't a roleplayer so I'll leave the rest alone.

I get called sugar, honey, sweetie, baby, babes all the time.. on the phone. I didn't even heal them, but I did help them with a problem. This being done by both men and women. It's just a term of affection, some are more laid back about it than others. It's not that big of a deal.

The rub I always take it as a rub on the arm or back. Not sure why people insist on making it out to be an unwarrented, sexual thing or something.

07-01-2007, 09:52 PM
you HAVE to RP in GS because it's kinda hard to know straight off the top who the PLAYER is...
on the other hand, I don't think there was anything wrong with your reaction... other then it was more based on that it was a guy (which you don't know for sure)...
damn that coulda been Angalina Jolee controling that character, rofl

07-01-2007, 09:59 PM
Uh.. What is wrong with that response, exactly? Is it that hard to imagine a -character- that would respond like that to a female's aid?

Yeah. Don't like it, don't play a female character.

For the record, Evarin doesn't go around big pimping, but it would certainly be a viable character archetype for one to do so.

No, you used a reserved demeanor, just because it's a woman doesn't mean someone should act that way. Even in real life if some guy did that to me, he'd end up with a black eye or worse, women deserve just as much respect.

Sylvan Dreams
07-01-2007, 10:29 PM
The rub I always take it as a rub on the arm or back. Not sure why people insist on making it out to be an unwarrented, sexual thing or something.

Even if it's NOT a "sexual thing" does NOT make it acceptable. Personally, I dislike being touched by anyone I'm not on a certain level of closeness with. Being touched by someone outside of that group is something I find to be rather offensive.

In short, not everyone likes being touched by everyone else.

07-01-2007, 11:11 PM
If you are a man I would suggest playing a female character at least once. It really gives you a perspective on how we can really be huge pigs.

07-01-2007, 11:36 PM
spend any amount of time in the south. Everyone is sugar.

07-02-2007, 12:27 AM
I'm confused about all these people who only like to be touched by their friends. Why is it a big deal can't you turn your option on so that only friends you befriend warm can touch you? If it makes you mad to be touched make it so no one can touch you! Then you won't have to get stressed out over a game because a character touched yours. hehe.

07-02-2007, 12:47 AM
I'm confused about people who get worked up over GemStone.

07-02-2007, 12:48 AM
I don't think either of your responses was inappropriate or stupid. Some characters are touchy feely. Some aren't. I get would get hugged all the time after tipping an empath (male and female) if I wasn't set at Demeanor Cold.

Hell, I cast mass guards and blurs once and got hugged. While unwanted, I wouldn't call it necessarily stupid.

07-02-2007, 01:34 AM
No, you used a reserved demeanor, just because it's a woman doesn't mean someone should act that way. Even in real life if some guy did that to me, he'd end up with a black eye or worse, women deserve just as much respect. >>> - ViridianAsp

Then RP a ballbreaking butch chick that slaps the shit out of anyone who touches her. I still fail to see how a male character semi-flirting with a female character in a medieval setting after she just performed a service for him is out of line. It isn't like he did action grabs your right boob and says, "Thanks a ton."

For all the cliche's out there, the suave, "I am god's gift to women", type is seen all the damned time, though is rarely complained about. All the same, it seems like quite normal behavior given the genre. It may not be PC then or now, but neither is draping yourself in snake skins and worshiping Luukos. Same difference.

That or next time tell the constable you wish to press charges for sexual harassment. I am sure he can set you up with a grief councilor and help you work past this horrid affair.

07-02-2007, 02:17 AM
No, you used a reserved demeanor, just because it's a woman doesn't mean someone should act that way. Even in real life if some guy did that to me, he'd end up with a black eye or worse, women deserve just as much respect.

I'm confused about why this has ANYTHING to do with what "women" in general should or should not be subjected to, or whether or not the actions or rubbing guy were "appropriate" or not. It depends on the perception of the person on the receiving end, and it's their call as to how they want to play it out.

Unfortunately, OP doesn't want to roleplay, he wants to come on the boards and cry about how, "Wah, someone tried to roleplay with me!"

I have to wonder why OP chose to play a female empath in the first place, if he doesn't RP.


07-02-2007, 02:21 AM
Some broad starts to rub me, I'm sure as shit not coming here complaining about it. And I'd call it respect if she did, so that respect argument loses.

The Ponzzz
07-02-2007, 02:23 AM
I have to wonder why OP chose to play a female empath in the first place, if he doesn't RP. ~ Spungirl


07-02-2007, 02:39 AM
I have to wonder why OP chose to play a female empath in the first place, if he doesn't RP. ~ Spungirl


So he can fondle his own e-boobies??

07-02-2007, 02:53 AM
Actually... if anyone remembers Islyia, that was a lesbian character played by a d00d, and Islyia married another lesbian character played by a d00d. They acted out all of their lesbian fantasies together until they discovered they were both d00ds. Islyia's player hasn't played GS since.


07-02-2007, 03:00 AM
This whole thing cracks me up. In all my years of playing I have never had anyone pull something like that. EVEN when Jesae was an empath.

If someone had, she'd probably react the same way about the touching. She comes off as goofy/funny around friends but if a stranger came up and did that it would be a no-go.

The Ponzzz
07-02-2007, 03:33 AM
E-boobies are the bestest.

07-02-2007, 04:16 AM
First off. I should say I am not a Roleplayer. As far as the comments about whether it was me or my character. I personally think its nonsense. You cannot totally seperate your own feelings from that of something you are pretending to be. Any character I play is going to have at least some sort of loose basis according to my own personality.

Whether I was playing a male or a female, I do not expect or want strangers just coming up and rubbing on me. Or calling me by endearing names.

I don't normally play females, but this is one I acquired and haven't gotten rid of yet.

So I goto TSC to get some exp, help a few people or whatever. I don't goto TSC for people to try and pick me up or molest me etc..

If I were in Helgas, and he cut his finger on a broken glass, and I healed it while giving him looks, fluttering eyes or some crap - then I could see him taking something further. I dont flirt, and I dont expect others to. When I rebuke such action, its discouraging it to go any further. Are you trying to tell me that I cannot tell someone no? That my response in game was over the top somehow?

Normal responses for that place of 'business' for healing and ressurection is a thank you and possibly a tip. Not what he did. Maybe he was trying to RP and give some charm instead of a tip. No thanks.

If people want to do all that pick up others in game, flirting and sex talk stuff they need to do it with someone they know.

And if that is what he was after, perhaps a question along the lines of "wanna go have a drink at helgas sometime?" Would have been better than calling me names and rubbing me.

As far as healing being touch based or not. It doesnt matter one way or another. If you goto a hospital and have a catheter put in by the opposite sex, are you going to take that as sexual contact and start rubbing their ass? I think not. And you sure wouldn't do it if they were just putting a bandaid on your forhead or arm. Healing is not a sexual interaction.

Would you have the same reaction if it was a female character?

07-02-2007, 07:18 AM
It doesn't roleplay. I think after it saying that, we can stop worrying about it.

BTW, it was talking about it being a stupid response. I disagree. Had it asked if it was an appropriate response, that's something different. But stupid for being affectionate after being healed? Hardly.

07-02-2007, 08:30 AM
Actually... if anyone remembers Islyia, that was a lesbian character played by a d00d, and Islyia married another lesbian character played by a d00d. They acted out all of their lesbian fantasies together until they discovered they were both d00ds. Islyia's player hasn't played GS since.


I remember that character. Thats awful and hilarious all at once.

As for the original post. I couldnt get past the guy's name. All I keep thinking of is Robocop saying "WHERE IS CLARENCE BODDICKER!"

07-02-2007, 08:55 AM

07-02-2007, 09:50 AM

Great scene.

07-02-2007, 10:33 AM
I think both characters acted fine, in that it was a real situation (a touchy feely guy and a girl who doesn't like to get touched), what reveals the real issue is you bothered posting it here with the same emotion you displayed in game, so obviously you didn't realize the other person could have been role-playing.

I don't frequently role-play and I usually put my own personal feelings into the definition of the character I play (so I personally like beer so my character likes beer, with only minor defined differences.. I have alts with more flavor but I have to actively think about them to play them), just makes playing a little easier, but what I don't do is take things from the game world seriously as if they happened in real life... so your reaction in game was fine, and even if you posted it here as a showcase of role-playing that'd be fine, but it was pretty clear you as a poster were just as offended as your character.

07-02-2007, 10:57 AM
I'm sure there is a measure of treating women with courtesy isn't hard to understand. Even in the medieval period, so I'm sorry if I think someone touching or rubbing someone for doing a job well done is stupid.

I don't think it's butch to slap the shit out of someone for crossing the line, I think most of my characters would feel similar. If I had a character who was meek (and I do, thanks.) she wouldn't say anything about it.

So he doesn't RP, but at the same time, he obviously didn't want another character rubbing up on his. I don't see why my compliant would be considered stupid.

07-02-2007, 11:02 AM
If you want to say it's an inappropriate response, that's fine. But there is nothing stupid about someone being grateful enough to rub someone and call them a pet name. If you don't like it, keep yourself reserved so that it doesn't happen. Some people are more touchy feely than others, it's not this big of a deal. Sorry.

07-02-2007, 11:04 AM
Doesn't mean I'm still not going to voice my opinion, sorry.

07-02-2007, 11:07 AM
I didn't say not to.

You overly sensitive non-roleplaying people complaining about the roleplaying crack me up.

07-02-2007, 11:13 AM
What does the medieval period have to do with GS?

07-02-2007, 11:43 AM
This same guy did almost the same thing to me yesterday...

Boddiker says, "Thanks, sweety."
(Boddiker has sex with your butt)

Boddiker raises an eyebrow in your direction.

I was even playing a MALE character.....when will the madness end!??!

07-02-2007, 11:44 AM
You cannot totally seperate your own feelings from that of something you are pretending to be.Well of course not. That doesn't mean you can't at all though. False dichotomy! :)
Get in line with Latrin. He doesn't get the difference either.lol. I've been noticing that on certain GemStone issues you're oddly partisan-blind (given how smart you are), I would have hoped you wouldn't extend that to discussions like these. Oh well!

Don't you see how it's disingenuous to say that anyone who doesn't see roleplaying the same way you do is a "non-roleplaying [person]"?

07-02-2007, 11:53 AM
Don't you see how it's disingenuous to say that anyone who doesn't see roleplaying the same way you do is a "non-roleplaying [person]"? They said they didn't roleplay. Pay attention.

07-02-2007, 11:57 AM
If you are a man I would suggest playing a female character at least once. It really gives you a perspective on how we can really be huge pigs.

You can even find that out by not even roleplaying.. just go on AIM and wait for a perv to show up:


What is it you say? ZOOOOM!?

07-02-2007, 12:01 PM
Even if it's NOT a "sexual thing" does NOT make it acceptable. Personally, I dislike being touched by anyone I'm not on a certain level of closeness with. Being touched by someone outside of that group is something I find to be rather offensive.

In short, not everyone likes being touched by everyone else.

You find offensive or your character does.. or do you simply not distinguish between the two?

07-02-2007, 12:01 PM
There was this guy I was acquainted with in GS who sent me an angry IM demanding for me to explain why I was letting some guy in gs smooch me ( One of those platonic, out of the blue smooches ). I said, uhm He's a friend? I don't get upset over things like that.

He was very jealous and he asked "I thought we're supposed to be together?"

I was like, Huh? "Where did you get THAT idea?"

He said, "Because you call me "Hon" Always rescuing me and is very nice to me.

I was like, "Oh God" ( Hand on my forehead ) It's an expression! Sometimes I don't even realize I type or say it.

My point is. Stop reading too much from things. lighten up!

07-02-2007, 12:12 PM
As far as healing being touch based or not. It doesnt matter one way or another. If you goto a hospital and have a catheter put in by the opposite sex, are you going to take that as sexual contact and start rubbing their ass? I think not. And you sure wouldn't do it if they were just putting a bandaid on your forhead or arm. Healing is not a sexual interaction.

I'm going to assume you have never been raised by wulfguy? lmao! I suggest to decline being raised by him if that is your character's, and your disposition.

07-02-2007, 12:18 PM
And that comment is why they need to be specific with actions like rub. It's too generic and vague. It doesn't make sense that some people consider it a rub on the arm or something that doesn't mean anything, and some other people think it's a sexual rub on the ass or chest.

07-02-2007, 01:11 PM
There was this guy I was acquainted with in GS who sent me an angry IM demanding for me to explain why I was letting some guy in gs smooch me ( One of those platonic, out of the blue smooches ). I said, uhm He's a friend? I don't get upset over things like that.

He was very jealous and he asked "I thought we're supposed to be together?"

I was like, Huh? "Where did you get THAT idea?"

He said, "Because you call me "Hon" Always rescuing me and is very nice to me.

I was like, "Oh God" ( Hand on my forehead ) It's an expression! Sometimes I don't even realize I type or say it.

My point is. Stop reading too much from things. lighten up!


07-02-2007, 02:56 PM
This whole discussion has gotten fucking retarded. Respect for women, calling people hon, wtfbbq who cares? I'm all for complaining about shit when the mood strikes, but I still cannot believe that Mister Non-Roleplayer is annoyed that SOMEONE ROLEPLAYED. It's not even like he roleplayed something offensive like a child rapist who also enjoys beastiality in his spare time.

I'm still waiting for an answer as to why OP plays a FEMALE empath if he DOESN'T RP, especially considering that he said he can't separate himself from the characters. MAYBE HE HAS GENDER IDENTITY ISSUES.

I think it's time for another WTF LOSERFACE DUMB.


07-02-2007, 02:58 PM

K, you don't post enough. :heart:

07-02-2007, 03:00 PM
This whole discussion has gotten fucking retarded. Respect for women, calling people hon, wtfbbq who cares? I'm all for complaining about shit when the mood strikes, but I still cannot believe that Mister Non-Roleplayer is annoyed that SOMEONE ROLEPLAYED. It's not even like he roleplayed something offensive like a child rapist who also enjoys beastiality in his spare time.

I'm still waiting for an answer as to why OP plays a FEMALE empath if he DOESN'T RP, especially considering that he said he can't separate himself from the characters. MAYBE HE HAS GENDER IDENTITY ISSUES.

I think it's time for another WTF LOSERFACE DUMB.


Here is your answer:


I dont have the time to waste grinding through a hunting ground 5-10 hours a day and trying to get 3m+ in exp a year to try and get to cap, and then past cap.

I want that done for me. And then I will be able to concentrate on boring coin gathering stuff like powerhunting for loot, or skinning etc.

I want to level my own guys at my own pace, and not try and race to cap. Having a capped guy to use for coin hunting while my own guys are purely hunting for exp, or dicking around doing nothing special. Talking to people or whatnot.

07-02-2007, 03:00 PM
Because he buys/sells a lot of characters and in this case one of them happened to be female?

07-02-2007, 03:05 PM
Okay, he wants to spend time talking to people or whatnot? ABOUT WHAT????? I mean, someone might talk to him about Luukos and he could get wtfoffended about the TALK ABOUT BLOOD. Or someone might want to discuss the current political state of Elanthia and what's he going to say? "I can't believe how stupid you are that you talk about this shit IT'S FOR FAKE."

Or is roleplaying only acceptable for non-roleplayers when it falls into an "approved topics and actions" roleplay box?

People like this need to just go play the Sims.


07-02-2007, 03:07 PM
Heh yeah because that excuse always flies.

I'd rather he park the empath at a table and away from those pesky roleplayers who may touch him (sorry, her) and just heal his own people. It's one of those rare times you're going to see me advocate for someone to MA just so that they won't be exposed to sugar peeps.

07-02-2007, 03:07 PM
calling people hon, wtfbbq who cares?


I simply mean't that sugar is sometimes used as an expression too.

07-02-2007, 03:09 PM
It's one of those rare times you're going to see me advocate for someone to MA just so that they won't be exposed to sugar peeps.



07-02-2007, 03:09 PM
They said they didn't roleplay. Pay attention.One person said they didn't roleplay. You referred to people. Who's not paying attention? :)

07-02-2007, 03:16 PM
First off. I should say I am not a Roleplayer.

I don't frequently role-play and I usually put my own personal feelings into the definition of the character I play

One person said they didn't roleplay. You referred to people. Who's not paying attention? :)

Happy? That's two. And they're not the only ones who admit to not roleplaying yet complain about something. Am I not allowed to use the plural, or do I have to have explicit examples for you? Christ. Go take your tightasshattery somewhere else. Good grief.

07-02-2007, 03:17 PM
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going to read the officials.


07-02-2007, 03:25 PM
Happy? That's two. And they're not the only ones who admit to not roleplaying yet complain about something. Am I not allowed to use the plural, or do I have to have explicit examples for you? Christ. Go take your tightasshattery somewhere else. Good grief.

Hey now! I said "don't frequently" I didn't say I don't!! (as long as we're fighting over anal specifics)

That and I might complain about A LOT of things, but I don't complain about someone trying to role-play with me and me just not getting it. Well... unless they're role-playing being pregnant... or a speech impedement...

07-02-2007, 03:27 PM
If you want to fight over anal, Latrinsorm is definitely your guy.


07-02-2007, 03:27 PM
Yeah I didn't really want to throw you in there, but since Latrin had a bug up his ass for semantics, I had to give him another one. Because apparently the OP is the only person who doesn't roleplay. Mea culpa.

07-02-2007, 03:28 PM
Just remember that Latrin likes to catch and there will be a lot less to argue over.

07-02-2007, 03:28 PM
If you want to fight over anal, Latrinsorm is definitely your guy.


Didn't we cover that in the Miscast/Jamus thread?

07-02-2007, 03:30 PM
Happy? That's two. And they're not the only ones who admit to not roleplaying yet complain about something. Am I not allowed to use the plural, or do I have to have explicit examples for you? Christ. Go take your tightasshattery somewhere else. Good grief.At least he doesn't correct your spelling and grammar in U2U's.

p.s. Your post gets 5 stars just for the use of the word asshattery. :thumbup:

07-02-2007, 03:34 PM
It went straight to my sig. <3

07-02-2007, 04:38 PM
Happy? That's two. And they're not the only ones who admit to not roleplaying yet complain about something. Am I not allowed to use the plural, or do I have to have explicit examples for you?Only if you want to suggest "I think both characters acted fine" is a complaint of some kind. :D

You're "allowed" to do whatever you want, I just figured you'd want to be correct when you say things (rather than incorrect). That doesn't seem too crazy?

07-02-2007, 04:54 PM
I was going to call you a boob, but that would be an insult to boobs.

If you're not getting the gist of what myself and others are saying, I'll say it again in smaller words:

Joe plays Jill.
Jill gets touched.
Jill and Joe get mad.
Joe admits that he doesn't know how to play.
Joe gets mad when other people know how to play.
People laugh at Joe for making fun of something he doesn't understand.
The End.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different outcome. I'm officially insane for trying to explain anything to you because you will never change.

07-02-2007, 05:03 PM

The Ponzzz
07-02-2007, 05:05 PM
Bitches ain't nothing but hos and tricks!

07-02-2007, 05:17 PM
That's not what we're talking about, remember? :D

First you said (added emphasis mine): You overly sensitive non-roleplaying people complaining about the roleplaying crack me up.
To which I responded: Don't you see how it's disingenuous to say that anyone who doesn't see roleplaying the same way you do is a "non-roleplaying [person]"?
To which you responded: They said they didn't roleplay. Pay attention.

And then we went from there. I was never talking about AD with you, I was talking about you with you. Saying things like "he doesn't know how to play" and he "makes fun of something he doesn't understand." only serve to buttress my original point; which is that you've taken one extreme on the position of player/character intersection and find all others in some way lacking (whether in understanding or directly stated as "non-roleplaying"). Putting aside the psychological ramifications of what you propose, that's what I was talking about.

07-02-2007, 06:48 PM
That's not what we're talking about, remember? :D
Yes, you just fucked it up more than Twisted Sister.

First you said (added emphasis mine): You overly sensitive non-roleplaying people complaining about the roleplaying crack me up. Meaning anyone who comes here and admits that they don't roleplay then complain about being roleplayed with, good or bad. How many fucking times do I have to say this?

To which I responded: Don't you see how it's disingenuous to say that anyone who doesn't see roleplaying the same way you do is a "non-roleplaying [person]"? Since you misunderstood what I said.

To which you responded: They said they didn't roleplay. Pay attention. Again because I was talking about people who admit that they don't roleplay yet have the balls to complain about the roleplaying they receive.

I was never talking about AD with you, I was talking about you with you. Thus why people say to you constantly that you throw things out of context because this has ALWAYS been about AD.

Saying things like "he doesn't know how to play" He SAID he didn't!

and he "makes fun of something he doesn't understand." You don't find it hypocrital that someone who admittingly doesn't know anything about roleplaying is complaining about the roleplaying he's getting?
which is that you've taken one extreme on the position of player/character intersection and find all others in some way lacking (whether in understanding or directly stated as "non-roleplaying") Nope, only going by what the OP is saying.

I had a character that was a cold hearted bitch and didn't like to be touched, let alone spoken to, and I had her demeaner cold. I had another character who hugged everything even trees and had her demeanor at the warmest it could be. Personally, I'm in the middle. I really only like close friends and family to touch me, and even then I'm not very touchy feely. I roleplay with my characters, they are not me.

Again I'm saying, asking if the interaction was inappropriate is one thing. But to say that an interaction was 'stupid' when it's not unheard of interaction is what I have issues with when it's coming from someone who doesn't roleplay and does not understand how to separate their real emotions.

All this is pure bitterness because I said to have him get in line with you because neither of you "get" how you separate your feelings from the game.

I'm sure you'll find something to fuck up with this post too and remove one sentence and break it down, so don't bother. I'm not answering anymore to you in this thread.

07-02-2007, 06:55 PM
Oh my God with the CT and the Latrin.

My question is this: Does anyone think Boddiker is actually RPing, or is rather, in fact, a pervy teen trying to gets teh cybar?


The Ponzzz
07-02-2007, 06:58 PM
I don't think he's a teen, I'd say more like mid 40s.

07-02-2007, 06:58 PM
Know what, Boddiker tried, albeit badly, but tries to roleplay. I hate to say this, but I'd rather have that, than some stick-in-the-mud bought character who doesn't roleplay at all.

07-02-2007, 07:04 PM
Rubbing someone does not RP make.

07-02-2007, 07:07 PM
I'll take some cybar if anyone's offering.

07-02-2007, 07:09 PM
Rubbing someone does not RP make.

Nor does it make someone an idiot.

07-02-2007, 07:11 PM
Fair enough, but the whole gist of this argument is "OMFG HE R TRYIN 2 RP WIT J00, L2PLAY N00B!!!!"

I find it far more likely the guy just wants some cyber and is willing to be forward about it.


07-02-2007, 07:13 PM
I'll take some cybar if anyone's offering.

I can hear Backlash salivating from here..

07-02-2007, 07:16 PM
You can even find that out by not even roleplaying.. just go on AIM and wait for a perv to show up:


What is it you say? ZOOOOM!?

skeet skeet! SNAP.

07-02-2007, 07:34 PM
I think the RP was fine, it was the coming on the boards and bitching that I thought was retarded.

07-02-2007, 07:41 PM
What a bunch of bullshit. I guess I should choose my words more carefully in the future.

First off - Thank you again to ViridianAsp, you reminded me of the demeanor verb which I will now make use of.

Secondly to CrystalTears and SpunGirl, did you even fucking read my responses? Apparantly not or you wouldn't be so stupidly hardheaded. Go read post 23.

And saying I am not a roleplayer doesn't mean I don't know how to, haven't ever done it, or won't do it at some point. I have been around people who roleplayed before and had no problem with it. I don't have a problem with RP as such. I have a problem with the type of actions that guy pulled out of his pants. A total stranger, trying to get busy with someone. I don't call that good roleplaying, nor do I encourage it.

I have played male characters where others have hit on them, males and females. I told most of them off (males obviously and some females I didn't know or didn't like.), and a few I just let it slide but didn't encourage it because they were people I knew and I also knew they do the same thing to everyone. Its just their thing.. and the way they ROLEPLAY. I understand it in some circumstances. Its also very different when they try and take it to physical interactions. It means something else, and is going too far even for a stupid lil text game. Whether its me or my 'character'.

And why the hell do you try and defend him by saying he might have been roleplaying so don't get all cranky over it.. I can go roleplay a complete idiot, and kill everyone - screwing their corpse afterwards. But its RP so its OK? You guys are taking off on tangents trying to say I am an idiot to complain about the way someone plays the game, RP or not, just because I admitted I don't actively roleplay. Not all forms of RP are acceptable. This obviously wasn't going that far - but it was something I don't like so I posted it.

As far as CT asking why I play a 'roleplaying' game. You are freaking kidding me right? The non-RPers FAR outnumber the Rpers in gemstone these days, and I wouldnt be surprised if they always had. Some people do both. The game is not strictly RP. Thats platinum.. if your so hard core for RP go there, but don't try and say I shouldnt play a game because I dont use one piece of it.

Anyhow its obvious this is a more delicate topic than I thought, some people think like I do for varying reasons, and some poeple think the complaint is stupid. To each their own, but I didn't like it and I posted my problem. Now anyone who knows me knows not to try and get their freak on with me. :)

And as to the questions about why I was playing a female.. that was already answered several times, but here goes again for those that skipped over it.

I deal in characters. You must realize this as I have a thread with almost 6000 views in the merchant folder dealing with that specifically, and I have flipped more than 3x as many characters as I have listed sold in that thread.
Sometimes I get stuck with females. They don't sell well.

As far as why I was playing her at that time - she is the only healer I have. And I actively use her for my own characters healing - or to help them hunt.
At that point I was bored and people were saying TSC was empty of empaths. I felt like some exp would be nice, so I went to TSC several times that night to make sure people were getting help. That Ok? So I play a female character and I don't want to cyber with everyone... big deal. I don't get my rocks off that way.

I still think such desires as that should only be expressed to someone you know. Especially since you don't know what age the other person is, or even if they are the same sex as that they are representing in the game.

Oh - and CT about post 45, you totally missed the question. My question of whether the response was stupid was referring to Ignot saying I was the one with the stupid response. I do get your point though. Post 83 was childish, making assumptions about the other guy.

Spun.. post 68 was also freaking rediculous.. hopefully I cleared up some of your misconceptoins with this post.

As far as what I talk about, its mostly merchanting. Or hunting tactics/areas etc.

07-02-2007, 08:09 PM
Well, I recognize that this is a bit pointless due to the last line in your post, but when has that stopped me before???
Meaning anyone who comes here and admits that they don't roleplay then complain about being roleplayed with, good or bad. How many fucking times do I have to say this?What I'm saying is what you call "not roleplay" is not quite the same as other folks, and you take a less than charitable view of this difference.
Thus why people say to you constantly that you throw things out of context because this has ALWAYS been about AD.Again, AD is only one person. By definition, this has at least some of the time been about someone else. If you really meant just AD, then obviously I'll have to re-evaluate a lot of what I said.
He SAID he didn't!What he said was that he doesn't roleplay, not that he doesn't know how or doesn't understand it. For someone who's so quick to bring up my alleged taking things out of context, it's odd that you apparently just make stuff up about what people said.
All this is pure bitterness ?? I sincerely hope that you don't feel bitter about this, it's just a discussion, dang! :(

07-02-2007, 08:10 PM
I don't have a problem with RP as such. I have a problem with the type of actions that guy pulled out of his pants. A total stranger, trying to get busy with someone. I don't call that good roleplaying, nor do I encourage it.

This is where you've missed the definition of roleplay... being a horny bastard is not corelated with ability to roleplay.

07-02-2007, 08:19 PM
Oh boy you got me there. Perhaps I should say I don't call it appropriate roleplay.


07-02-2007, 09:20 PM
The whole game is inappropriate RP

07-02-2007, 10:35 PM
So maybe GS should roll in a flag you can put on when you're RPing, and off when you're not. And you might be right, the bastard may have been after a bit of cyber poon and seeing if your empath was up for it. So since you weren't CURRENTLY roleplaying, it's definitely time to WTFCOMPLAIN about what an idiot that guy is for RUBBING YOUR CHARACTER AND USING AN ENDEARING TERM.

And I didn't say ANYTHING was okay just because it was RP.... I said it wasn't as if he was RPing anything overtly offensive or really WRONG. You may be right about what the majority of people are doing (RPing vs not RPing), but I don't know, I haven't taken a survey of the playing populace lately. As long as I'm playing a ROLEPLAYING GAME, I'm going to assume that people who interact with my character are ROLEPLAYING in some fashion - until they demonstrate otherwise.

As for knowing that you're in character sales, wtf? I don't pay attention to that shit.


07-02-2007, 10:42 PM
Heh, even if you dont watch the merchants market it was stated in here like three times now.

Anyone I really love how people harp on about how Gemstone is a roleplaying game. Its hilarious.

07-02-2007, 11:01 PM
A RP flag.....interesting

07-03-2007, 07:20 AM
Anyone I really love how people harp on about how Gemstone is a roleplaying game. Its hilarious.
AnyWAY, Gemstone IS a roleplaying game. Just because some choose to not roleplay doesn't make it any less of a roleplaying game.

07-03-2007, 07:49 AM
I'd consider GS to be a MMORPG. It's a game you CAN roleplay in. It's by no means encouraged.

07-03-2007, 08:02 AM
Well then they need to stop promoting it as one.

07-03-2007, 08:07 AM
They promote gemstone? New one on me.

07-03-2007, 08:15 AM
They don't promote it. RP is supported in GS. It isn't actively encouraged. There are no negative effects from not RPing. Heck, a lot of GM's wouldn't know what RP was if it hit them on their heads.

07-03-2007, 08:17 AM
My bad. Continue to call people who attempt to roleplay idiots. I'm done with this thread.

07-03-2007, 08:34 AM
Is this where you ask an admin to delete your account?

07-03-2007, 08:36 AM
OMG you're right. I have to delete all my posts in this thread too.

Okay really done now. TheE made me answer. :D

Tea & Strumpets
07-03-2007, 09:38 AM
I've enjoyed this thread.

(gives AestheticDeath a pat on the ass)


07-03-2007, 10:48 AM
You forgot to say, "Thanks sweet cheeks"

07-03-2007, 11:11 AM
I think the RP was fine, it was the coming on the boards and bitching that I thought was retarded.Agreed.

I've always considered Gemstone a text-based RPG set in a "fantasy" world. I doubt I'll ever consider it anything different regardless of how people choose to play.

07-03-2007, 04:32 PM
There's a lot of cat ladies posting in this thread.

^_^ meow

07-03-2007, 07:28 PM
Are you saying there is more to Gemstone then hunt, rest, hunt , rest? interesting.....

07-03-2007, 10:55 PM
I often wonder if those people are the same ones that read only the last chapter of a book.


07-03-2007, 11:26 PM
Boddiker rubs you tenderly.





Stanley Burrell
07-03-2007, 11:44 PM
LOL @ an empath not wanting someone to touch THEM.

I guess he thought you were close after you had your hands all over him taking his "wounds"

What about Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan from FarScape? She was all mystically reserved and could heal all lurkily and whatnot... :shrug:

I would tag up that bald-headed blueberry poonani like what, like, if I were somebody of even minor importance and less autistic.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would engage in the MUD cybersexual intercourse with text that resembled Virginia Hey as Zhaan from FarScape.

07-04-2007, 12:48 AM
Wow. Alot of effort went into this thread..

07-04-2007, 02:20 AM
Hooooooooly tits batman, it looks like a boobie trap.

Ok, now that I have finally made it to the end of this thread this evening. . . I would love to say how truly enjoyable it was to read. Even the smart arse remarks.

Only thing that made me flinch was . . .

I couldn't care less if I am a guy behind the character.

It's the fact that a complete stranger is calling me sweet names, and rubbing me.

How many guys do that in RL and get away with it? You'd about have to be a slut to take something like that from a stranger.

I couldn't care less if I am a guy behind the character.

It's the fact that a complete stranger is calling me sweet names, and rubbing me.

How many guys do that in RL and get away with it? You'd about have to be a slut to take something like that from a stranger.

You have no clue what it is like to be a chick.

Of course, everyone found something that was said that just rubbed them wrong. Everyone? I mean, a few others and I am jumping in on the band wagon.

There are some very good points from a few different point of views expressed. I believe it is a matter of personal view on what GS is. The diversity makes it go around . . . hmmm does it go around? Yes!! Just look at this thread. The points on all sides got expressed and went around to the start again to re say the same thing in another way.

Basically, I suppose it boils down to this. . .

Point made and taken? Thanks for sharing. I truely did enjoy this thread and voted for it!

07-04-2007, 02:30 AM
Btw people, it's just text.

07-04-2007, 02:47 AM
This thread made me realize that Clarence Boddiker = Red Foreman.

07-04-2007, 09:23 AM
This thread made me realize that Clarence Boddiker = Red Foreman.

Holy shit your right. That blew my mind.

1994 1995

07-04-2007, 01:50 PM
This thread made me realize that Clarence Boddiker = Red Foreman.

He always seemed so much less evil in the movie after I realized that.

07-05-2007, 08:29 AM
This thread made me realize that Clarence Boddiker = Red Foreman.

Can you fly Bobby?

07-05-2007, 10:50 AM
i've been out in the MMO world for the past 8 years, away from Gemstone.

If you're looking for online RP, you're not going to find much thats better then Gemstone...even if it is neutered somewhat.

07-05-2007, 12:08 PM
I've seen RP in NWN that far surpasses GS.

Despite being a shitty game, Unwritten Legends was also heavily RP orientated.

07-05-2007, 12:31 PM
I've seen RP in NWN that far surpasses GS.

Despite being a shitty game, Unwritten Legends was also heavily RP orientated.

Haven't seen Unwritten Legends...but I was really hoping Seed didn't tank...which it did.

I have seen some excellent RP too in NWN...but it's not very fun logging into those persistant servers to find 1 other person and he's in a completely different area. Or logging into a Monty Haul server either... You could just as easily get 5 other people and do PnP as opposed to online NWN.

There is plenty of RP in gemstone if you actually look for it...compared to other MMO's. Yeah, you can find niche games like A Tale in the Desert(yawn!)...but there are not that many at all that are better and I can't really think of a single game that offers more opportunity than Gemstone...regardless of it being taken advantage of by the player.