View Full Version : Onzeleya
08-03-2007, 11:49 AM
I don't know if anyone else has problems with this character. But I do, she basically leeches off of other characters to help her do everything. Her RP which she happens to find fabulous is anything but.
And on top of it the character is pregnant.
Her player isn't any better and seems to think she knows how to seperate IC from OOC. From just talking to her once, she seems to think she's pretty much better than everyone.
While one of my characters treats her with civility my others really don't care for her.
I just needed to rant. Thanks for listening.
08-03-2007, 12:21 PM
Just read the RP folder on the officials, and the thousands of posts about her and her apparent complex.
I don't have a beef with her personally, but I can see how many people do.
08-03-2007, 07:18 PM
the player comes across as a complete bitch with her head lodged way up her ass. Never interacted with the character though.
08-03-2007, 07:40 PM
Just be warned, she likes to make up stuff about characters and spread it then act the victim. And she does provoke the arguments even when one is not paying attention to her. Don't let her little 'poor me' 'low level' fool you. She is hardly low level anymore anyway thanks to everyone else doing her bounty tasks for her. If you do enjoy rp'ing with her, just be prepared to have a lot of unnecessary drama around you.:tool:
08-03-2007, 07:45 PM
Oh, I really want to get into it, but I can't.
I agree with most of what has been said, however.
08-03-2007, 08:53 PM
The few times I've interacted with her she was fine, but that thread on the officials needs to fucking die. I'm not sure if I think there's more to the story; it seems odd to me that people would just decide to continually harass a person for NO REASON AT ALL and NEVER EVER STOP.
08-03-2007, 09:02 PM
Sounds like she needs to meet my wee wizard ... :snicker:
I am sure there are a few others that would oblidge her the same type of thing my wizard would.
~But then, I don't know her and I have no idea if what is being said her is true, but I tend to respect a few of the opinions here.
08-03-2007, 10:24 PM
anyone who RP's being pregnant is stupid and should be avoided.
08-04-2007, 03:57 AM
Sounds like she would be the type that wouldn't have a clue as to who the father/sperm donor would be. :shrug: But then, what do I know?
08-04-2007, 03:59 AM
I feel an episode of Maury coming on...
Eryael, you are NOT THE FATHER!
Gertie, you are NOT THE FATHER!
Pegleg cat, you are NOT THE FATHER!
...who else in Solhaven could it be?
08-04-2007, 04:02 AM
Sorry, I accidently deleted my post that was before Finis's, so here it is for reference.
Originally Posted by Ignot View Post
anyone who RP's being pregnant is stupid and should be avoided.
hehe! Well I can see some people doing it, no biggy. but seriously I think this new 'pregnancy' is another attempt at attention and I wonder who she will name as the father. I can almost assure you that there will be a whole bunch of drama around this pregnancy. I feel an episode of Maury coming on...
08-04-2007, 04:03 AM
Thanks Misun, now mine will make sense. :-)
08-04-2007, 04:06 AM
Not a problem, would want you to look like a :tool:
08-04-2007, 04:08 AM
Eryael, you are NOT THE FATHER!
Gertie, you are NOT THE FATHER!
Pegleg cat, you are NOT THE FATHER!
...who else in Solhaven could it be?
You forgot about the drunken sailor.
08-04-2007, 04:11 AM
All I could think is DAMN Spun, that's JUST wrong (in a funny way)..., but Misun made me chuckle; However, you both forgot the ...
... Hagard Matron ...
Sounds like this Onz[whatever] may think she is a possibility.
08-04-2007, 04:17 AM
Haha! Now that made me laugh hard!
And it's Onzeleya, and she goes by Leya. Go figure.
08-04-2007, 04:24 AM
Happy to be of service Misun. :-)
08-04-2007, 05:53 AM
My empath had the "pleasure" of being around her in Solhaven... she is, well, different. And I am being very nice in saying that, afterall... we don't want to upset the crazy pregger biotch.
08-04-2007, 05:56 AM
... afterall... we don't want to upset the crazy pregger biotch.
When I was younger it was prego. Guess it has evolved. Pregger, huh?
08-04-2007, 07:15 AM
Heh, Onzeleya--with baby again, and her husband is missing.
One of my big, giant issues with the character was she was pregnant before, and was trying to kill the child, in various ways. My empath was flipping on her, but she wound up succeeding eventually.
But yeah, my experiences with her haven't gone well, she's gone after my empath saying she was racist, when she's nothing of the sort, she said things about her and her friends, she just overall was very difficult to handle.
I never spoke to her outside of game, but she had some choice words about me too, even though I never took it outside of game, only as an in game conflict.
She was the first character I ever felt the urge to kill, ever.
08-04-2007, 11:07 AM
One of my big, giant issues with the character was she was pregnant before, and was trying to kill the child, in various ways.
Now that is news to me! Are you serious? I remember her starting to rp being preggers before but I thought tshe had just switched the story at some point.
Why would anyone who is a mother to three in rl want to rp being preggers and trying to kill it? That just really freaks me out now.
08-04-2007, 11:38 AM
Why would anyone who is a mother to three in rl want to rp being preggers and trying to kill it?
...just a thought here, but because she HAS slept with so many, she really doesn't have a clue as to the sperm donor?
Thus, she doesn't want a bastard child?
In a society that I believe was actually tolerant of un-wed mothers (but I could be wrong).
I associate GS with very very old legends of time, but if it was the 1800's ... maybe she wanted to kill it, before the wife of the husband that is the father of the baby comes looking to make it to where she (insert wanna-be promiscuous sluts name here) can't have kids ... or a life?
08-04-2007, 11:49 AM
...just a thought here, but because she HAS slept with so many, she really doesn't have a clue as to the sperm donor?
Actually, this is where I will correct this, she is/was married. Her husband ingame is cool. Never had a problem with him but she would flirt and kiss other men infront of him which really turned my characters stomach. Anyway, he is missing in action now from what I understand. Maybe the player just got tired of all the drama she creates. Who knows... I wouldn't blame him. He always ended up having to deal with it all. That's how she does it, starts things and then gets others to fight her battles.
Anyway, let her drama be hers. She enjoys it, she relishes in it and then she complains about it on the officials. I guess that's her idea of fun. Like I said before, she's just a :tool:
08-04-2007, 01:51 PM
I wonder if I should roll up a male character to be (pregnant) and go start shit with her. It would be like vishra x10
08-04-2007, 02:50 PM
Everyone that sees her should walk up to her and punch her in the stomach repeatedly. Or ambush her abdomen. Or both.
08-04-2007, 04:06 PM
But the cleric will raise it back to life. Duh.
God that shit pisses me off.
08-04-2007, 04:27 PM
Drag her off and force a decay.
08-05-2007, 04:43 AM
Drag her off and force a decay.
But then there would be another 400 page thread on the officials about how she was killed again or as I understand it, raped now in the game. le sigh...whatever.
08-05-2007, 05:21 AM
Wow, all that is just WAY WAY too much drama.
But then there would be another 400 page thread on the officials about how she was killed again or as I understand it, raped now in the game. le sigh...whatever.
What folder is all this taking place in?
08-05-2007, 07:39 AM
General Roleplaying. Conflict.
08-05-2007, 02:08 PM
Yes, her character starts drama. And now she's having her friends ask people in Solhaven if they are me, the poster of this thread.
One of my friends said she had Darckwizard or something whisper to him to ask if *he* posted this thread. Because obviously, she can't ask herself. Because she has to get anyone she can dragged into drama.
08-05-2007, 02:18 PM
heh, are you serious??
08-05-2007, 02:42 PM
Oh for crying out loud.
Yes, her character starts drama. And now she's having her friends ask people in Solhaven if they are me, the poster of this thread.
One of my friends said she had Darckwizard or something whisper to him to ask if *he* posted this thread. Because obviously, she can't ask herself. Because she has to get anyone she can dragged into drama.
Well, Emislity, you shouldn't start threads like this unless you are ready to deal with the consequences.
08-05-2007, 03:29 PM
Well, Emislity, you shouldn't start threads like this unless you are ready to deal with the consequences.
Haha! You are soooooo off the mark there!
08-05-2007, 03:31 PM
I was going to say, when did ViridianAsp = Emislity !!
08-05-2007, 03:32 PM
Yeah, I'm not Emsility..
08-05-2007, 03:40 PM
People whispering about threads IG is stupid. Self-proclaimed "good" roleplayers don't go around like OMG DID U START THAT THREAD K???? Or asking their friends to do it.
I was going to say, when did ViridianAsp = Emislity !!
It was a joke. I thought that was pretty obvious.
08-06-2007, 09:33 AM
Someone needs to just walk in..
ACT walks up to Onzeleya with a long thin metal object and shoves it between her legs....blending that baby like a pina colada....only with more blood.
Then walk off.
08-06-2007, 09:42 AM
Someone needs to just walk in..
ACT walks up to Onzeleya with a long thin metal object and shoves it between her legs....blending that baby like a pina colada....only with more blood.
Then walk off.
She Might like that a little too much...
08-06-2007, 12:24 PM
Haha! You are soooooo off the mark there!
I was going to say, when did ViridianAsp = Emislity !!
Yeah, I'm not Emsility..
Boy did that one sail way over your heads or what?
Perfect time for the worf head, at least Michiko and Methais came along with me on that one.
08-07-2007, 04:43 AM
I've only seen one well RP'd pregnancy, and that was back in the day with Enegue's first wife, Bron-somethingoranother. I never could keep them straight since there were like 5 Bron-girls running around at that time.
Other than that, everyone else I've come across that's pregnant has been extremely stupid.
That Onyzwhatever player/character is stupid without being pregnant. Now she's just worthless dama fodder that's good for nothing.
Someone needs to just walk in..
ACT walks up to Onzeleya with a long thin metal object and shoves it between her legs....blending that baby like a pina colada....only with more blood.
Then walk off.
I honestly had to really struggle not to sig that.
But I remembered I might sometimes want to post over breakfast, like now.
Sean of the Thread
08-07-2007, 04:57 AM
Did someone mention Emislity AKA the Abu Axe wound?
08-09-2007, 12:30 AM
Speaking to Palogen, Ionevahn says, "Ley and I live here."
Palogen smiles at Ionevahn.
Speaking bemusedly to Palogen, Onzeleya exclaims, "I told you he was my husband. we live togethr, silly man!"
Palogen shrugs.
Palogen blushes a glowing shade of red.
Palogen heartily says, "Well, i uhh, i dunno."
Palogen frowns.
It looked and sounded from where I was, the she was flirting with this poor guy when her "husband" showed up and she had to cover.
You see Ionevahn the Swordsman.
So this is her missing husband? And as far as her always begging for help... my husband and I have been completing CoL in Solhaven and have listened to her whinning on the net for help with EVERYTHING she does. Honestly, she is such a tard.
08-09-2007, 12:52 AM
Speaking to Palogen, Ionevahn says, "Ley and I live here."
Palogen smiles at Ionevahn.
Speaking bemusedly to Palogen, Onzeleya exclaims, "I told you he was my husband. we live togethr, silly man!"
Palogen shrugs.
Palogen blushes a glowing shade of red.
Palogen heartily says, "Well, i uhh, i dunno."
Palogen frowns.
It looked and sounded from where I was, the she was flirting with this poor guy when her "husband" showed up and she had to cover.
You see Ionevahn the Swordsman.
So this is her missing husband? And as far as her always begging for help... my husband and I have been completing CoL in Solhaven and have listened to her whinning on the net for help with EVERYTHING she does. Honestly, she is such a tard.
Haha, yeah, that's her! She often flirts with men until her husband walks in. But she's even done it infront of him. Then she gets all indignant about it.
There's a reason I don't have my amulet on in a town she's in...Have fun with those tasks for her! At least she finally figured her way to the bank.
08-09-2007, 01:23 AM
Actually this guy she was using to not only help her hunt but complete guild tasks. She constantly flirts with men so they will help her do EVERYTHING.
08-09-2007, 01:38 AM
Maybe her husband is a cuckold?
Finis - who is again not contributing anything important.
08-09-2007, 01:47 AM
Maybe her husband is a cuckold?
Finis - who is again not contributing anything important.
Ah, so then she will have someone to raise this child for her too. That way she won't have to do anything in that department either.
08-09-2007, 01:53 AM
I *think* you have her number Misun.
08-10-2007, 01:37 AM
Onzeleya [General]: "One more task gone."
Viendal [General]: "They like to flirt, then the devour your soul."
Ionevahn [General]: "Yes Ley I would have to agree you should stay away from them."
Onzeleya [General]: "I've turned in the task."
You [General]: "Hey Viendal, those are empaths that flirt and steal your soul."
Onzeleya [General]: "I don't steal souls!"
Onzeleya [General]: "I hardly ever flirt anymore, either!"
You [General]: "..."
This_one thinks dot dot dot.
08-11-2007, 11:26 PM
Every since I read about this person here, I have been wanting to rip into her for the pure idiotic nature of herself. So I finally decided to when this conversation was started on the amunet. I just could not stop myself once it got started.
Onzeleya [General]: "Anyone want to go to the coast with me?"
Galenok [General]: "Would that be goin all the way, to the coast?"
Onzeleya [General]: "All the way to the coast, of course."
Onzeleya [General]: "What would be the point of going half-way?"
Galenok [General]: "That's what I say to the ladies. If yer not willin to go all the way, why go at all."
Viendal [General]: "Touche Galenok."
You [General]: "So are you saying Onzeleya, that YOU go all the way?"
Onzeleya [General]: "All the way... to the coast?"
Onzeleya [General]: "I visit the coast often..."
Onzeleya [General]: "If you're talking about *that*... well, how do you think i got the baby?"
You [General]: "What baby?"
Onzeleya [General]: "The one I carry."
You [General]: "So you are making more of you? How... odd."
Onzeleya [General]: "More of me? no... the child will be another person..."
Galenok [General]: "It's pretty common fer people to reproduce actually."
Raissong [General]: "In need of a clreic please."
You [General]: "Yes, I hear making babies increases Temple population."
Onzeleya [General]: "Temple population?"
You [General]: "Yes. More children to sacr... err praise the Gods."
Viendal [General]: "I think I found a realtive of yours on the beach.. His name is 'Chip'."
Onzeleya [General]: "My child will be no sacrifice. they will follow the path to which they were born."
You [General]: "I find lending a childs life to a good priest is always a fine path to follow."
Onzeleya [General]: "A good priest of whom? My husband's already said that Speake will never babysit..."
You [General]: "Why that is just rude. Why would you not want that fine priest to sit on your baby?"
Onzeleya [General]: "How well do you know Speake?"
You [General]: "He seems like a fine person to me."
Onzeleya [General]: "I know him very, very well. He's raised my child within my womb already a few times... and still, I will do all that I can to keep him away from Speake..."
Galenok [General]: "Who's Speake?"
Viendal [General]: "Does that mean Speake is the father and you won't let him see his child?"
Onzeleya [General]: "WHAT?!"
Viendal [General]: "How else does one raise a child in someone's womb, I mean.. Insert.. erm.. this plus that.. uhm.. ?"
Onzeleya [General]: "I meant when I fell! Yeesh!"
Viendal [General]: "So you fell on it!"
Galenok [General]: "Think people, even I knew what she was sayin."
Galenok [General]: "Pregnant ladies do still hunt an rescue folks."
Onzeleya [General]: "I can't even imagine... with Speake!! Ugh..."
You [General]: "So how ofter have you tried to kil... err fallen?"
Onzeleya [General]: "I died. Kindarel raised me, and Speake raised the child. You understand?"
Viendal [General]: "So, Speake isn't the father but he is raising your child? But not sitting?"
Onzeleya [General]: "Only raising him from death."
Viendal [General]: "So is he babystanding?"
Onzeleya [General]: "And no sitting."
Galenok [General]: "She means raised back to life from havin died. Really, stretch yer minds folks. It's not hard."
You [General]: "Has Speake needed to raise your children more than once."
Onzeleya [General]: "There is only one child and yes, Speake has raised him, more than once."
Falicor [General]: "This conversation has shown alot of inability to understand. The only question I have is why you would have a man who prays to a god such as that raise a child."
You [General]: "So is that like repeating scroll reading class?"
Onzeleya [General]: "He was here, and he was able."
You [General]: "So he is the father?"
Onzeleya [General]: "NO."
Viendal [General]: "You elves are crazy.. Us gnomes, we keep it simple.."
You [General]: "Oh. Just the way you worded it sounded like he was there, you were there..."
Reeji [General]: "Yup yup! we're super simple!"
Reeji [General]: "And super fun!"
Galenok [General]: "Onzeleya is married. I am certain we know he is the father folks."
You [General]: "Gnomes make great footrests."
Reeji [General]: "No way! I bite!"
Viendal [General]: "Thats right, it's only a simple equation. One plus one, equals three."
You [General]: "OH! So the husband knows she is letting Speake raise his child?"
Viendal [General]: "Glanadeia, if the father wants to be envolved he should be allowed afterall."
You [General]: "I should hope Gnomeling, I do think it is only fair Speake and the husband be friends afterall."
Onzeleya [General]: "Ionevahn knows that Speake has raised the child. He was there the first time."
You [General]: "Oh my Onzeleya... that kind of activity should be keep to yourself..."
Viendal [General]: "And I thought widgets, gears, and sprongs were confusing...."
08-11-2007, 11:33 PM
I'm oddly curious why Galenok seemed to want to protect her.
08-11-2007, 11:42 PM
GemStone is GaySupreme because things like the above log are allowed to happen.
08-11-2007, 11:49 PM
Wow... The Baby inside of her needs a rez. That's some crazy shit.
08-11-2007, 11:58 PM
What I find funny is ten minutes after that whole conversation this comes from out of nowhere..
Onzeleya [General]: "Okay, tell the truth. is it really that difficult to understand what i'm saying?"
My guess is she saw that post and decided to ask about it.
08-12-2007, 12:06 AM
I hope she does read this thread and, subsequently, this post.
Fuck you, Onzeleya.
08-12-2007, 12:16 AM
I dunno you, This_One and we're likely to never interact...but damn, props for that whole exchange.
08-12-2007, 12:21 AM
I am so thrilled that my newest addition is done with CoL. I don't have to put up with anymore of that buffoon's begging, ignorance, or creepy ass antics. There is something to say about role-playing, but give me a break. I just hope she is trying to play that stupid, if not, I feel sorry for anybody who may have made her acquaintance.
08-12-2007, 12:34 AM
Wow... The Baby inside of her needs a rez. That's some crazy shit.
Here's my thoughts.
If you're going to (badly) RP a knocked up (slutty) woman... DON'T FUCKING DIE.
If I had a character there, I would have ripped out the dead fetus and eaten it.
...with butter and salt, folded into a wrap made of Onzeleya's face and liberally garnished with her blood.
08-12-2007, 12:36 AM
The above is in no way an indication that my characters habitually eat dead babies.
08-12-2007, 01:04 AM
I believe the most humorous thing about this whole pregnancy thing with her is that she claims her age at 21. And no, don't let her fool you into some other double talk about using human years because she is within the empire and feels oppressed. She clearly says she's 21. And she's an elf. So, a baby having a baby.
Remember, she's a great rp'er because she's been playing for a few months and has read alot. Clearly she missed a page.
08-12-2007, 02:20 AM
Curious, how much experience do you get for raising another man's baby?
08-12-2007, 02:38 AM
Curious, how much experience do you get for raising another man's baby?
Saturation and an RP award.
08-12-2007, 04:14 AM
I don't know..what else to say..
08-12-2007, 04:15 AM
Or in her case, an STD and a bad memory.
08-12-2007, 08:57 AM
Every since I read about this person here, I have been wanting to rip into her for the pure idiotic nature of herself. So I finally decided to when this conversation was started on the amunet. I just could not stop myself once it got started.
While I disagree with her RP. I have never had a run in with her like many have.
So the only reason you went after her was because of what you read here? While the conversation was humerous, your taking information from here and harassing her because of it shows what an ass you are as well.
08-12-2007, 10:27 AM
Um, no one is harassing her. Lets make that clear.
I think he is just showing how idiotic she can be in game. To point that out, is not a problem.
This is the girl who proclaims to be a great roleplayer. She just makes me cringe 98% of the time.
08-12-2007, 10:32 AM
Um, no one is harassing her. Lets make that clear.
I think he is just showing how idiotic she can be in game. To point that out, is not a problem.
This is the girl who proclaims to be a great roleplayer. She just makes me cringe 98% of the time.
I meant in game. His whole reason for interacting with her was because of what he read here.
We know she sucks. I totally agree. But to start something because of what you read is just as lame.
Thats all.
08-12-2007, 11:07 AM
She's not exactly above it herself.
08-12-2007, 11:09 AM
No she's not, she has apparently taken these posts in game.
Both are wrong.
Both are lame.
08-12-2007, 11:19 AM
She's a tool.
08-12-2007, 01:56 PM
1. I like Speake.
2. It drives me *nuts* when people don't use capital "Is" when they say, for example, "i am pregnant." I know it's not that big of a deal. BUT IT FUCKING DRIVES ME INSANE.
08-12-2007, 01:56 PM
1. I like Speake.
2. It drives me *nuts* when people don't use capital "Is" when they say, for example, "i am pregnant." I know it's not that big of a deal. BUT IT FUCKING DRIVES ME INSANE.
You aren't alone.
08-12-2007, 01:57 PM
Speake is a great character, no doubt.
08-12-2007, 02:03 PM
Haha @ Speake... I just IMd him and his response was, "Fuck, now I'm going to have to kill the baby just so Speake is a tough guy again."
08-12-2007, 03:39 PM
Onzeleya [General]: "I know him very, very well. He's raised my child within my womb already a few times... and still, I will do all that I can to keep him away from Speake..."
Haha...good one.
08-12-2007, 03:46 PM
Haha @ Speake... I just IMd him and his response was, "Fuck, now I'm going to have to kill the baby just so Speake is a tough guy again."
:yes: If he does, Hadya would like to be present. Her only problem with Onzeleya is that she finds her to be weak and that she doesn't think she deserves to be in control of a child.
Now Morvule, he knew how to control kids...
08-12-2007, 06:21 PM
I would like to clarify a few things about my post. I have had a chance to be around this person while I have been going through CoL with 3 different characters. I have listened to her whine, beg, complain and just be a flat out idiot on the net since I arrived in Solhaven. I read the postings of her here and decided I would add my interaction with her as well. From my last post, the whole net conversation, as you can see, SHE was the one who opened herself up to it by saying some pretty stupid things. So after spending about the past month listening to her without saying a word, I decided I would go ahead and say something at that time. I did not make myself clear enough when I made the statement...
Every since I read about this person here, I have been wanting to rip into her for the pure idiotic nature of herself. So I finally decided to when this conversation was started on the amunet. I just could not stop myself once it got started.
I did not mean that I wanted to say something to her because of what was posted here alone. Granted I found the whole rape, pregnant, kill baby thing a bit sick and beyond twisted, it was NOT what led me to interact with her on the net the other night. What started that was her making this silly little comment...
Onzeleya [General]: "What would be the point of going half-way?"
I thought I would give a snappy comeback and tease her about it. I really had no intention of bringing up the posts on these boards about her poor RP skill or the bad RP subjects she chose. But as you can see, she was either playing her character as dumb, or she is as dumb as a brick when it came to the sarcasm used. And once she started talking about the whole baby situation, well, come one... who couldn't jump on that? I mean everything she said just sounded so wrong. So if that makes me a tool, or makes me an ass, so be it... but all I am saying is when someone that is either playing that stupid or IS that stupid opens their mouth around me, I will not pass up that chance to insert my brand of sarcasm. As I have always said... Stupid people SHOULD NOT BREED. In RL or in a game.
Oh, and for the record...
Andovaria - female
This_One - female
08-12-2007, 06:44 PM
But the cleric will raise it back to life. Duh.
God that shit pisses me off.
Onzeleya [General]: "There is only one child and yes, Speake has raised him, more than once."
08-14-2007, 04:26 PM
So they finally caught up with the Whore of Haven, huh? High time. She spreads more often than a stick of butter. And what's with her whispering all the time hwo X or Y or Z are shitty RPers because they don't suck up into her web?
08-14-2007, 04:37 PM
Strikes me as the type that should be playing Sims online.
08-14-2007, 05:58 PM
Onzeleya [General]: "I died. Kindarel raised me, and Speake raised the child. You understand?"
Whoa...I just reread this. So does this mean that she went to the town cleric to raise her but clearly didn't wish him to raise her fetus? So instead she sought out Speake to raise the fetus????!!!!!
I'm confused and just a little creeped out now.
08-14-2007, 06:25 PM
Speake should've just said he wasn't going to raise another man's baby.
08-20-2007, 08:53 AM
Couple things about this thread. Main thing being, you are all offended someone would RP something as lame as a pregnancy, then blast someone for ending it? WTF? Why does someone need to RP something fairytale cute and My Little Pony safe? Know what, I vote for more dead babies in GS, maybe even a dead baby stew in a troll camp once in a while.
I had little to no problem with Onzeleya before the before I found out she was RP'ing a pregnancy. I really hate when people RP pregnancy, it's not cool, it's not fun, and are you gestating an 18yr old in there? Ever since then I really can't even talk to her, like all people who are RPing a pregnancy I HOPED they wanted an abortion. And then people are all offended by an In Game abortion, thats hilarious. Squeamish much?
08-20-2007, 12:42 PM
I think it's more a matter of both things being equally retarded, even more so because Onzeleya claims she's super young, too young for an elf to even conceive a child.
Personally, who wants to be involved in RP that consists of someone wanting to get an abortion?
While my character would be happy to rid Onzeleya of her child. I sure wouldn't want to be caught up in it.
08-20-2007, 02:33 PM
GS isn't set up to role-play an in game preggers state of being. DR now, you could do that but even then it would require being careful how you presented it. The reason I say in DR you could since time flows at what a 4 in game days to a real day time passage. Might be 3 days I tend to forget.
Reagardless this Onzeleya character and her player sound like one of those rp nightmares to interact with.
Couple things about this thread. Main thing being, you are all offended someone would RP something as lame as a pregnancy, then blast someone for ending it? WTF?
I haven't really been involved but it seems this thread wasn't about the pregnancy but the character overall.
08-20-2007, 08:40 PM
Reagardless this Onzeleya character and her player sound like one of those rp nightmares to interact with.
Not really. She's obviously one of the "I'M PREGGERS" dumb asses, but overall I don't find her any different from any of the other Empaths who don't hunt. The main problem people seem to have is she doesn't follow what everyone else is comfortable with. I'm not the best RP'er in the world, and guess what, 90% of you here aren't that good why all the hate on someone just for trying?
It's a game in the end, and people just seem to have a problem with anyone who tries without apologizing for slipping up. Yea, we all slip up, the hate in this thread seems mostly mob mentality anyhow. She's no Armaxis, but she isn't a Haashek either.
08-20-2007, 08:45 PM
Her OOC shenanigans are...a problem as well.
08-20-2007, 09:29 PM
Not really. She's obviously one of the "I'M PREGGERS" dumb asses, but overall I don't find her any different from any of the other Empaths who don't hunt. The main problem people seem to have is she doesn't follow what everyone else is comfortable with. I'm not the best RP'er in the world, and guess what, 90% of you here aren't that good why all the hate on someone just for trying?
It's a game in the end, and people just seem to have a problem with anyone who tries without apologizing for slipping up. Yea, we all slip up, the hate in this thread seems mostly mob mentality anyhow. She's no Armaxis, but she isn't a Haashek either.
It's not her rp as much as her high and mighty attitude that she is better than others and complains about everyone on the officials even going so far as saying the entire town of icemule is made up of bad rp'ers and this is after she's only been playing for 3 months. In addition, it is her OOC stuff as well.
08-21-2007, 12:21 AM
What Warriorbird and Misun said, I'm thinking that this is one of those nightmare high maintenance sort of players. Who confuses IC and OOC and what's in genre and what's not and who definatly take everything personal.
I don't even play and have heard stuff about her and her dramas.
08-21-2007, 12:35 AM
Not really. She's obviously one of the "I'M PREGGERS" dumb asses, but overall I don't find her any different from any of the other Empaths who don't hunt. The main problem people seem to have is she doesn't follow what everyone else is comfortable with. I'm not the best RP'er in the world, and guess what, 90% of you here aren't that good why all the hate on someone just for trying?
It's a game in the end, and people just seem to have a problem with anyone who tries without apologizing for slipping up. Yea, we all slip up, the hate in this thread seems mostly mob mentality anyhow. She's no Armaxis, but she isn't a Haashek either.
*Emphasis added by me.
There's a world of difference between Onzeleya and other empaths. There's also a world of difference between Onzeleya and most other characters in the game. To be clear, this isn't a good difference.
If you can't see that, then nothing we can say or point to will help you to understand. That's OK though, this is a game in the end, and you don't have to understand everything you encounter.
08-21-2007, 01:55 AM
What Warriorbird and Misun said, I'm thinking that this is one of those nightmare high maintenance sort of players. Who confuses IC and OOC and what's in genre and what's not and who definatly take everything personal.
I don't even play and have heard stuff about her and her dramas.
That's it right there. She will take something that has absolutely nothing to do with her and make it about her. Not to mention, she will twist it as well to make it worse that it is. I think her worse mistake was complaining about getting killed so much because she was a 'low level' character and saying she had no idea why it was happening when really she was causing alot of the issues and egging them on. Then she will play the innocent on the officials.
08-22-2007, 04:44 PM
Okay, in response to the most recent posts on the officials by this player, I just want to say to her to stop trying to find out who I am playing. I don't play any chars that are interacting with Onzeleya or would. I learned my lesson from Misun that I want nothing to do with your or your rp. So stop asking people oocly if I am certain characters. I've WARN'ed you with Misun, pretty clear I want nothing to do with you ingame and for someone who accuses others of not being able to seperate ooc and ic, you sure aren't proving anything by asking around. I know you read this. Who I play is none of your business anymore. Get over it.
08-22-2007, 05:47 PM and I both have had interactions with a historically similar female "roleplayer." in a certain city that was once a locus of roleplaying and events. It's pretty much what you'd expect except the historically similar one did more put together florid RP and this one actually interacts with other people more.
08-22-2007, 05:57 PM
I for one cannot believe the thread on the officials over her pity party is STILL GOING. Good lawd. Additionally, I noticed there that she posted "Oh, I've been warned six or seven times, but five or six of those are in response to WARNs I issued myself, but I've been playing since December..."
I've played six+ years and I think I've issued one WARN. And I don't think I've been WARNed at all. And my character isn't like a huge ahole or anything, but she IS very controversial in certain circles. Five to seven warns, wtf.
My character can be a huge asshole and I've only been warned once since the verb came out.
08-22-2007, 06:29 PM
It's been closed now. Personally, she needs to stop acting like the martyr and start taking some damn responsibility for her roleplaying.
I can't think of a more annoying character, I honestly can't.
08-22-2007, 11:22 PM
Maybe now that the thread is closed she can come post her martyrdom here.
In all honesty, I had no issues with her before that thread (I think I even posted as much in the beginning of THIS thread). She did a good job of making a total ass of herself in that thread, however.
08-23-2007, 02:08 AM
I doubt she will. She should already know the PC isn't as kid friendly as the officlals. We're more likely to tell her off in much plainer english than the other board.
It's hard to post the kind of things she does and expect the same response when we can actually reply with what we mean.
08-23-2007, 03:23 AM
I doubt she will. She should already know the PC isn't as kid friendly as the officlals. We're more likely to tell her off in much plainer english than the other board.
It's hard to post the kind of things she does and expect the same response when we can actually reply with what we mean.
Too true, but damn do I wish she would. It would make for a great laugh.
08-23-2007, 04:32 AM
I for one cannot believe the thread on the officials over her pity party is STILL GOING. Good lawd.
I was thinkikng the same thing about this thread.
08-23-2007, 11:59 AM
>I was thinkikng the same thing about this thread.
08-23-2007, 03:48 PM
So far, roughly 107 kittens have died because of this thread....the last one at my hands. Please...don't kill the kittens, let this thread die.
08-23-2007, 04:03 PM
Does that mean you're masturbating to this thread?
08-23-2007, 05:07 PM
Does that mean you're masturbating to this thread?
:rofl: That's what it sounds like. I think this thread will die, when Onzeleya's player stops being a catty, drama-causing bitch of martyrdom.
08-23-2007, 10:53 PM and I both have had interactions with a historically similar female "roleplayer." in a certain city that was once a locus of roleplaying and events. It's pretty much what you'd expect except the historically similar one did more put together florid RP and this one actually interacts with other people more.
LOL, we are speaking about Ice Mule Trace? (grin)
p.s: Didn't get a chance to read the bbs until now and man are they suddenly busy today! Waay to many people not working at work! LOL
p.p.s: Actually now that I think about it, that fits far to many situations that I can recall over the years! They've melded into one super nightmare empath from hell memory that I use booze to beat into submission!
08-26-2007, 11:41 AM
I've been involved in games spilling over to forum complaints and straight up forum complaints from games where the only interaction is on the forums for probably 10-13 years now and this is the most utterly pathetic and stupid thread I've ever seen.
Not that I think it will do any good to post this but someone made the comment why was Galenok protecting her... Maybe if you read the log without a set bias against Onzelaya you'll see that it was blatantly obvious what she was saying it was only the stupid people responding in a psuedo ooc fashion overthe amunet that didn't "get it".
As far as her complaint thread on the forums. The main reason that went so long wasn't even directly because of her. I know I had my fair share of posts where I brought up people making sexual comments which was completely different from what she was complaining about and when she replied she did so in the vein of "well that happened to me too" not poor me or whatever you people are bitching about.
Thirdly where does it say that elves can't have babies until a certain age? Humans have had children as early as EIGHT. There's absolutely no reason an elf couldn't get pregnant at 21 especially if it was a rape. Hell maybe she's just precocious and really likes dick. I don't really know the point is that its not like its biologically impossible and if she wants to role play it its not something that defies suspended belief like some of your fucking stupid ass character names. Give me a frigging break. Who names their kid Brimzstone or whatever, and you complain about a woman rp being pregnant.
I've role played with Onzelaya several times on my two main chars. My priest is a cleric of Luukos and can't stand her. Not because I think she can't role play or anything else because *HE* is a devoted priest of Luukos and he thinks a Mulosian who doesn't believe in causing pain to others is idiotic. That's his personal take. My wizard follows Fash and had a long conversation with her to the point of injuring himself so that he could pay more attention to the process. Throughout all this she role played flawlessly not once did she get on her knees and beg for my cock or anything else like some of you people seem to intimate. Furthermore big fucking deal if she role plays that she can't find stuff. I bet half of you wouldn't know to find a store without a printed copy of Tsoran's maps and I bet a lot of you script travelling anyway. If she wants to wait around until someone is willing to take her to the landing then more power to her. I know it frustrates the hell out of me with new chars to role play them "finding their way around" and learning that shit because I want to get started so I act if while they are new to the area they aren't brand new.
Regardless you all need to chill the fuck out. There's plenty of people who don't role play at all. At least she is role playing and from what I've witnessed over extended conversations she doesn't detract from the game at all. Furthermore some of you are sick fucks with some of the comments you've made on these boards. She goes out of her way to admit she's a total noob to this game and yet you act like she is constantly saying she knows every detail.
08-26-2007, 11:51 AM
I don't have a vested interest in Onzeleya bashing or anything else in this thread, but I can tell you that having read her posts in the forums, she does come across as rather 'holier than thou' when it comes to roleplaying. And for someone who has admitted that this is her first roleplaying game experience, and that she's only been playing a short while, I think that her attitude regarding being holier than thou is what turns a lot of people off to listening to her or being sympathetic.
Plus, and I am rather surprised that you haven't picked up on this yet, Calbrenar, it is rather odd that the same person keeps being attacked, being warned, and posting complaints on the boards again and again. Doesn't that make you the least bit suspicious, or even curious, as to her true fault in those matters? Once or twice, sure I could see it not being her fault perhaps. Six, seven, eight times down the road? Perhaps she should look at her own playing style as well as others when criticising (sp? Hate to spell that word).
08-26-2007, 12:04 PM
I've been involved in games spilling over to forum complaints and straight up forum complaints from games where the only interaction is on the forums for probably 10-13 years now and this is the most utterly pathetic and stupid thread I've ever seen.
Not that I think it will do any good to post this but someone made the comment why was Galenok protecting her... Maybe if you read the log without a set bias against Onzelaya you'll see that it was blatantly obvious what she was saying it was only the stupid people responding in a psuedo ooc fashion overthe amunet that didn't "get it".
As far as her complaint thread on the forums. The main reason that went so long wasn't even directly because of her. I know I had my fair share of posts where I brought up people making sexual comments which was completely different from what she was complaining about and when she replied she did so in the vein of "well that happened to me too" not poor me or whatever you people are bitching about.
Thirdly where does it say that elves can't have babies until a certain age? Humans have had children as early as EIGHT. There's absolutely no reason an elf couldn't get pregnant at 21 especially if it was a rape. Hell maybe she's just precocious and really likes dick. I don't really know the point is that its not like its biologically impossible and if she wants to role play it its not something that defies suspended belief like some of your fucking stupid ass character names. Give me a frigging break. Who names their kid Brimzstone or whatever, and you complain about a woman rp being pregnant.
I've role played with Onzelaya several times on my two main chars. My priest is a cleric of Luukos and can't stand her. Not because I think she can't role play or anything else because *HE* is a devoted priest of Luukos and he thinks a Mulosian who doesn't believe in causing pain to others is idiotic. That's his personal take. My wizard follows Fash and had a long conversation with her to the point of injuring himself so that he could pay more attention to the process. Throughout all this she role played flawlessly not once did she get on her knees and beg for my cock or anything else like some of you people seem to intimate. Furthermore big fucking deal if she role plays that she can't find stuff. I bet half of you wouldn't know to find a store without a printed copy of Tsoran's maps and I bet a lot of you script travelling anyway. If she wants to wait around until someone is willing to take her to the landing then more power to her. I know it frustrates the hell out of me with new chars to role play them "finding their way around" and learning that shit because I want to get started so I act if while they are new to the area they aren't brand new.
Regardless you all need to chill the fuck out. There's plenty of people who don't role play at all. At least she is role playing and from what I've witnessed over extended conversations she doesn't detract from the game at all. Furthermore some of you are sick fucks with some of the comments you've made on these boards. She goes out of her way to admit she's a total noob to this game and yet you act like she is constantly saying she knows every detail.
RP is serious business isn't it?
08-26-2007, 12:33 PM
I wouldn't have so much of a problem with her, if she didn't bring OOC, IC. She does, constantly. She claimed my friend couldn't do it with her character. While she is doing the same thing.
If you are her friend, I can understand your defense of her. But maybe if she'd get off her high horse more people would be willing to be on her side.
I am honestly, one of the last people who would be like OMG my character will not interact with that person. Because ICly if a character interacts with mine, mine will interact right back, even if I may not like the character.
Onzeleya has basically stopped interacting with Hadya, because of this thread and my posts on the forums. I don't really care, in fact I'm damn glad for it. But I could bet that she is talking badly about Hadya though Hadya has never done anything to deserve it.
She does the same thing about other characters, to one of my alts. (Yep, one of my alts is friendly with her. Can't help it, that's the character.)
The thing is, she takes things that are said oocly and drags them into the game. Her attitude as a player and her mixing IC and OOC. Maybe if she stopped being the Martyr and started being friendly as a player people would actually want to bother with the character. Me, personally?
After the thread and the way she has talked about people I respect? I'll never want anything to do with her, and I'm sure she'd say the same about me.
08-26-2007, 02:17 PM
Throughout all this she role played flawlessly not once did she get on her knees and beg for my cock or anything else like some of you people seem to intimate.
I'm willing to bet after seeing how serious you're taking all of this, she's probably getting it anyway.
Regardless you all need to chill the fuck out.
It's time to take your own advice, before your head explodes.
Furthermore some of you are sick fucks
Welcome to the Internet!
08-26-2007, 02:21 PM
:( I thought this thread was going to die...
08-26-2007, 02:25 PM
:( I thought this thread was going to die...
Until Calbrenar came here and stroked out, haha.
08-26-2007, 04:19 PM
Rofl I'm perfectly calm. Unlike some people who like to sit in their little cliques and spend months bashing someone for not liking their rp I just like to argue about pointless shit on forums ;>
08-26-2007, 04:27 PM
heh, that's funny. She is the one that takes things out of character constantly.
I didn't want anything to do with her ooc, never talked to her ooc, and yet somehow she had this impression I didn't like her RP, or her as a person.
It had nothing to do with her RP and everything to do with my character and her character not getting along because she didn't like what she was doing as a character.
She was the one who felt the need to attack on the officials, and then go on about how she is such a poor soul just trying to RP and getting picked on by the big bad people.
I haven't commented much on her on this thread, but it's enough. She is not innocently RPing and everyone is picking on her.
08-26-2007, 04:45 PM
We should introduce Calbrennar to Iscikella. Match made in heaven!
08-26-2007, 05:50 PM
Humans have had children as early as EIGHT. There's absolutely no reason an elf couldn't get pregnant at 21 especially if it was a rape. Hell maybe she's just precocious and really likes dick.
What fucking precocious eight year old do you know that loves dick? Where are you from, Alabama? And you called us sick fucks...
08-26-2007, 07:11 PM
Damn, I am rather glad he "Calbrenar" came here and straightened all those things out for me. You know, like not know how to get to a store, having to script everywhere, being a sick fuck, etc etc.
And if I fucking as fucking calm as you fucking claim you are, my stroke would have me unable to fucking type a fucking thing. Fuck fuck. :lol:
Anyway, on with the show. :lol:
08-26-2007, 07:44 PM
Damn, I am rather glad he "Calbrenar" came here and straightened all those things out for me. You know, like not know how to get to a store, having to script everywhere, being a sick fuck, etc etc.
And if I fucking as fucking calm as you fucking claim you are, my stroke would have me unable to fucking type a fucking thing. Fuck fuck. :lol:
Anyway, on with the show. :lol:
I can see now why "Clabrenar" gets along with her so much, she has a mouth like a sailor as well from what she's told me. <shrug> <snicker> <blush> But of course now I feel like a real dumbass about even thinking that she was such a tool. His wonderful opinion should set me straight. I should go off of his personal experience with her and not the sheer crap she's laid out on me or others. I feel so wrong....someone beat me.
08-26-2007, 08:11 PM
Ganalon killed her today. Good times.
08-26-2007, 08:36 PM
Fake Gan, or real Gan?
Either way, from what I understand, PROPS are due.
08-26-2007, 08:49 PM
Whomever is playing Ganalon.
There's absolutely no reason an elf couldn't get pregnant at 21 especially if it was a rape.
...especially if was a rape? Are rapists more potent?
Sorry, that's just a...weird thing to say.
08-26-2007, 08:58 PM
...especially if was a rape? Are rapists more potent?
Sorry, that's just a...weird thing to say.
08-26-2007, 09:53 PM
Ganalon killed her today. Good times.
Lies unless logs!
08-26-2007, 10:13 PM
I like to argue on the internets and then I like to say someone else who is arguing on the internets is dumb for arguing on the internets because I went with the crowd on the internets and individual thought is a bad idea on the internets so I say RP is serious business even though I postededed on the internets too. I make post on internets. Thank you.
08-27-2007, 12:05 AM
heh you're all talking and laughing about sticking metal rods up inside a woman to abort her fetus and I'm the one with a mouth like a sailor. Riight.
I was hoping at least a couple of you could come up with serious responses but I guess there's a different quality of message fighting when you're in a huggy bear game vs a pvp game. The best you could come up with after 14 pages of bashing someone is to deliberately pretend to misunderstand obvious statements while ignoring everything you don't have an answer too and repeatedly insist that i'm not calm because i said fuck. *gasp*
I'd still love to how know someone who named their char Brimstonz can bitch about a person's rp.
And it should be pretty obvious that since you are correct in believing that elves treat their young as children then it would be more likely to have a young mother with a child if there was a rape involved since a rapist wouldn't care about elven age proprietaries. But I guess its more fun to sit in your little groups and go hahahah rapist have better sperm i am teh hilarious and all giggle over it. I mean its not really unexpected given the lack of intelligence in this thread in general. Just check the responses to the log posted when Leya is talking about Speake raising her child an the infantile responses to it and the back patting afterward about how hilarious it was. You guys should take your show on the road.
Considering how long most of you say you've played this game you should be at least 30's or 40's yet you act like you're still in high school. What you finally are just now making up for the fact that you weren't one of the cool kids so you pick one person out and make up the most utterly ridiculous crap about them then all support it between each other?
its honestly hard for me to tell which are more pathetic. Your origional complaints, your lack of coherent responses, or how funny you all think you are.
Either way unless *someone* can step up with some witty ripartee that actually says something I'm perceiving that the entertainment value of arguing over it will probably never materialize. I'd probably get more intelliectual stimulation from getting a private forum and trying to insult / counterpoint myself. You know like how you guys play with yourselves in your little clique here with no outside origional thought.
08-27-2007, 12:11 AM
heh you're all talking and laughing about sticking metal rods up inside a woman to abort her fetus and I'm the one with a mouth like a sailor. Riight.
I was hoping at least a couple of you could come up with serious responses but I guess there's a different quality of message fighting when you're in a huggy bear game vs a pvp game. The best you could come up with after 14 pages of bashing someone is to deliberately pretend to misunderstand obvious statements while ignoring everything you don't have an answer too and repeatedly insist that i'm not calm because i said fuck. *gasp*
I'd still love to how know someone who named their char Brimstonz can bitch about a person's rp.
And it should be pretty obvious that since you are correct in believing that elves treat their young as children then it would be more likely to have a young mother with a child if there was a rape involved since a rapist wouldn't care about elven age proprietaries. But I guess its more fun to sit in your little groups and go hahahah rapist have better sperm i am teh hilarious and all giggle over it. I mean its not really unexpected given the lack of intelligence in this thread in general. Just check the responses to the log posted when Leya is talking about Speake raising her child an the infantile responses to it and the back patting afterward about how hilarious it was. You guys should take your show on the road.
Considering how long most of you say you've played this game you should be at least 30's or 40's yet you act like you're still in high school. What you finally are just now making up for the fact that you weren't one of the cool kids so you pick one person out and make up the most utterly ridiculous crap about them then all support it between each other?
its honestly hard for me to tell which are more pathetic. Your origional complaints, your lack of coherent responses, or how funny you all think you are.
Either way unless *someone* can step up with some witty ripartee that actually says something I'm perceiving that the entertainment value of arguing over it will probably never materialize. I'd probably get more intelliectual stimulation from getting a private forum and trying to insult / counterpoint myself. You know like how you guys play with yourselves in your little clique here with no outside origional thought.
EDIT: Quote fixed.
08-27-2007, 12:30 AM
08-27-2007, 12:34 AM
Calbrenar's rant
Okay so...why then are you still posting on here?
08-27-2007, 12:35 AM
HAHAHAHAHA @ Celephais, nicely done.
08-27-2007, 12:45 AM
:rofl: who is that supposed to be?
08-27-2007, 12:51 AM
:rofl: who is that supposed to be?
That's this queen:
08-27-2007, 01:04 AM
LOL nice. I somehow didn't notice the ELF part you put in there til just now.
08-27-2007, 02:34 AM
heh you're all talking and laughing about sticking metal rods up inside a woman to abort her fetus and I'm the one with a mouth like a sailor. Riight.
I was hoping at least a couple of you could come up with serious responses but I guess there's a different quality of message fighting when you're in a huggy bear game vs a pvp game. The best you could come up with after 14 pages of bashing someone is to deliberately pretend to misunderstand obvious statements while ignoring everything you don't have an answer too and repeatedly insist that i'm not calm because i said fuck. *gasp*
I'd still love to how know someone who named their char Brimstonz can bitch about a person's rp.
And it should be pretty obvious that since you are correct in believing that elves treat their young as children then it would be more likely to have a young mother with a child if there was a rape involved since a rapist wouldn't care about elven age proprietaries. But I guess its more fun to sit in your little groups and go hahahah rapist have better sperm i am teh hilarious and all giggle over it. I mean its not really unexpected given the lack of intelligence in this thread in general. Just check the responses to the log posted when Leya is talking about Speake raising her child an the infantile responses to it and the back patting afterward about how hilarious it was. You guys should take your show on the road.
Considering how long most of you say you've played this game you should be at least 30's or 40's yet you act like you're still in high school. What you finally are just now making up for the fact that you weren't one of the cool kids so you pick one person out and make up the most utterly ridiculous crap about them then all support it between each other?
its honestly hard for me to tell which are more pathetic. Your origional complaints, your lack of coherent responses, or how funny you all think you are.
Either way unless *someone* can step up with some witty ripartee that actually says something I'm perceiving that the entertainment value of arguing over it will probably never materialize. I'd probably get more intelliectual stimulation from getting a private forum and trying to insult / counterpoint myself. You know like how you guys play with yourselves in your little clique here with no outside origional thought.
Hahaha, alls I have to say is that this is lame. I've posted several times my issue with her. Didn't have to do with her rp as much as her bitchiness in the game and out. If you are having fun with her, more power to you. Enjoy. Nobody is telling anyone not too, just venting and warning others not to get caught up in her in 'insane' drama. I can give a rat's ass what you think of me. I'm so far from high school and so far from being in a clique. I came her to vent and complain. I don't do it on the officials like she does and I know she's been following along with this thread. Tell me, how much did she pay you to post here? Or...wait...are you her?! ::gasp:: I wouldn't put it past her to post as someone else here making it sound like someone is sticking up for her. Anyway, I'm not going to keep going into why I had issues with her, it was covered. Go away....
08-27-2007, 03:10 AM
I hereby propose the totally unoriginal Calbrenar = Onzeleya. Welcome to the PC!
08-27-2007, 09:25 AM
Well darn. Someone give me a prod and i'll got kill that 'love' child of hers. haha *cough*. Who was the father again?
08-27-2007, 10:00 AM
I was hoping at least a couple of you could come up with serious responses but I guess there's a different quality of message fighting when you're in a huggy bear game vs a pvp game. The best you could come up with after 14 pages of bashing someone is to deliberately pretend to misunderstand obvious statements while ignoring everything you don't have an answer too and repeatedly insist that i'm not calm because i said fuck. *gasp*
I did respond seriously to your ranting, you just seemed to overlook it. Though, I guess it's easier for your case against those posting on the PC to ignore those responses so that you can continue to rage against us with generalized insults.
08-27-2007, 10:14 AM
[QUOTE=Calbrenar;619388]Wall of pointless text/[QUOTE]
You seem to have an unusual vested interest in defending Onzeleya as evidenced by your two walls of incredibly sad text.
Any particular reason?
Are you her friend? Her lover? (I'd offer the Onzeleya suggestion, but I doubt you'd admit to it if you were.) Or maybe all three?
Or are you just a random spunkhag looking to get people riled up by spouting comments that most of us know to be untrue?
08-27-2007, 10:20 AM
Posts like Onzeleya, actually.
08-27-2007, 11:36 AM
I hereby propose the totally unoriginal Calbrenar = Onzeleya. Welcome to the PC!
Posts just like her.
Welcome Onzeleya's player! Posting here as another person doesn't work, you'll be figured out, it's best just to come out as yourself.
08-27-2007, 11:43 AM
Either way unless *someone* can step up with some witty ripartee that actually says something I'm perceiving that the entertainment value of arguing over it will probably never materialize. I'd probably get more intelliectual stimulation from getting a private forum and trying to insult / counterpoint myself. You know like how you guys play with yourselves in your little clique here with no outside origional thought.
Acutally most of us on the PC have little to no interaction in-game.
Second, Onzeleya isn't all that original. Kay? Knocked up child-elves in game are a dime a dozen. It's more about her shitting all over other people's RP then turning around and doing crappier RP than most people would do.
Third, a few of us have seen her myspace, I did when I was first interested in the character, at frist I didn't think she was so bad, curiosity and Onzeleya's myspace message on Gemstone IV myspace page I took a looksy at her writing there.
The fact that she..."likes causing drama.", basically told her intentions, damn funny seeing as she likes to cry about getting killed for causing trouble. Not to mention you and she use the word fuck...a lot.
I can't wait to see a martyrdom post. :)
08-27-2007, 11:47 AM
I'm so glad she didn't mention any of this around me this weekend or I would have laughed and laughed...
08-27-2007, 07:23 PM
generalized insults
In general, that was my whole problem with his/her post. I dislike being pigeon holed (stereotyped [For Calbrenar]). Generally, I think he/she just likes to generalize generally. :shrug:
08-28-2007, 03:50 PM
(ranty rant rant)
It isn't that she breaks character and bitches constantly about everyone.
It's that a lot of people have been the ones she's bitched to. I doubt people kept buffers of it to show off to you.
Yeah, okay, so she's not going after your cock. Maybe you don't want to brag too hard about how you're not enough of a man for her to have any interest in you but you're lucky there. Now I don't give a rat's ass about her getting knocked up, her business, not ours. Not until she made it our business by whispering to everyone she can about how she's getting abused by everyone around.
Give me a fucking break.
08-29-2007, 01:11 AM
WTF is rp?
08-29-2007, 01:36 AM
Roleplaying..which works somewhat better in a text based game than a graphical one and even better still when you don't alienate most of the game in the process, Onzeleya/Iscikella style.
Don't worry about Calbrennar. Calbrennar = Onzeleya.
08-29-2007, 01:41 AM
I hope you were being more sarcastic than me.. but is rp?
edited to add (puts on robes and wizard hat)
08-29-2007, 02:43 AM
Just used you for rhetorical purposes.
08-29-2007, 05:08 AM
I don't really have an opinion either way yet, as I prefer to form my own rather than going on hearsay, but the folks in Solhaven may be relieved to know she's currently in River's Rest as of last night.
08-29-2007, 07:23 AM
It must have been late last night because I still saw her in Solhaven last night sighing and being all dramatic. Or bored.
08-29-2007, 08:03 AM
It was after 11pm EST when she showed up in the Commons with Gaje.
08-29-2007, 12:48 PM
It was after 11pm EST when she showed up in the Commons with Gaje.
01-18-2008, 12:28 AM
[Onzeleya] "WHAT?!"
[Bevan] "Those who are, I hope and trust shall have pleasant and serene evenings. Those who are not, may they be torn on hooks and their remains be fed to vermin. That or given cups of mulled wine until their moods improve."
[Mayuko] "Your father is out here, fighting Lord Aydan."
[Private (Xxxxxx)] "Some feathers are ruffled and there is to be some duel and and... My head can hardly keep it straight!"
[Alifair] "Who is fighting? and Why?"
[Alifair] "If we may ask?"
[Bevan] "And can we sell popcorn?"
[Farn] "Can we make bets?"
[Alifair] "I thought we'd decided on cookies."
[Bevan] "Cookies works."
[Rimalon] "Five million on me to win."
[Oravia] "I'll bring the cookies! One million silvers each."
[Onzeleya] "Well Mayuko, if it's all my fault would you at least explain what it is I've done?"
[Siegreich] "Marlu's sack, there goes the drama queen of Haven again. Nothing ever happens except it's HER FAULT."
[Siegreich] "News flash, Onzy, sometimes things happen that haven't got a rat's turd to do with you."
[Prion] "Technically, this one is her fault I would say."
[Farn]: "I can do something and clearly be the one at fault, if it'll relieve the tension here."
[Siegreich]: "Wonders never freaking cease."
Onzeleya is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
[Siegreich]: "Aw shucks, someone just warned me. Some idjits want the pity parties on their terms only!"
SEND[Andraste] Let's not talk about WARNs and such on the open amunet, for one, and cease thinking to or interacting otherwise with those who have WARNed you, too.
Holy fuck, Farn is back?!
01-18-2008, 12:38 AM
Andraste will never score.
01-18-2008, 12:39 AM
Shes lame but you are just as lame with your amulet talk.
Why do I feel the words 'news flash' are ooc?
Also, just before I went to bed you had to have the last thing I read be by Andraste didn't you, you fuckbag.
01-18-2008, 12:47 AM
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Andraste was in the right. (Someone quote that, quick!) I understand her poking her nose into everything, and the first initial comment, but the others were blatantly OOC and warnings are not something that are talked about in-game.
01-18-2008, 01:02 AM
The thread lives again! Horray!
01-18-2008, 03:54 AM
Holy fuck, Farn is back?!
YEAH!!!! Can you believe it?!
01-18-2008, 08:29 AM
The thread lives again! Horray!
LOL, it was only just a matter of time!
Oh well, at least she has been out of Icemule, right? Haven't seen her in a while.
01-18-2008, 09:03 AM
Damn, that means she's back in Solhaven. Le sigh.
01-18-2008, 10:12 AM
Damn, that means she's back in Solhaven. Le sigh.
She has been...she hasn't left.
01-18-2008, 10:13 AM
Every so often she sulks and sighs and pouts and goes somewhere else for a little while. I personally hadn't seen her in a little while so I wasn't sure. Maybe I just had good timing of not running into her lately.
01-18-2008, 10:15 AM
Every so often she sulks and sighs and pouts and goes somewhere else for a little while. I personally hadn't seen her in a little while so I wasn't sure. Maybe I just had good timing of not running into her lately.
Well, the scene she caused last night was just plain stupid. Enough already. Get a life.
I hereby propose the totally unoriginal Calbrenar = Onzeleya. Welcome to the PC!
[QUOTE=Calbrenar;619388]Wall of pointless text/[QUOTE]
You seem to have an unusual vested interest in defending Onzeleya as evidenced by your two walls of incredibly sad text.
Any particular reason?
Are you her friend? Her lover? (I'd offer the Onzeleya suggestion, but I doubt you'd admit to it if you were.) Or maybe all three?
Or are you just a random spunkhag looking to get people riled up by spouting comments that most of us know to be untrue?
Posts like Onzeleya, actually.
Posts just like her.
Welcome Onzeleya's player! Posting here as another person doesn't work, you'll be figured out, it's best just to come out as yourself.
No more posts from Calbrenar since? Hmm...
01-20-2008, 04:54 PM
You see Onzeleya Sevethus the Consoler.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is very tall and appears to be of a tender age. She has tranquil, amber-hearted sea-green eyes and ivory skin. She has waist length, glossy golden auburn hair. She has a delicate face and slightly pointed ears.
She is in good shape.
She is holding an elaborate multi-ribbed lute with an intricate maoral rose in her right hand.
She is wearing a blackened steel neck shackle, a smooth jet locket, a high-collared long black velvet cloak embroidered with a red heart pierced by a silver dagger, a crimson glaes armband, a black damask maternity bliaut patterned with crimson roses, a silver herringbone bracelet, a jade green signet ring etched with a black rose, a pierced heart-etched flask, and some side-laced ruby-hued silk boots.
Onzeleya sighs.
Still pregnant, or pregnant AGAIN?
That made me think of one time when I was hiding on the boat to vaalor and a couple (or an EX-Couple) were arguing because the girl wanted him to pay child support for their baby she was having. LOL.
01-20-2008, 05:26 PM
You see Onzeleya Sevethus the Consoler.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is very tall and appears to be of a tender age. She has tranquil, amber-hearted sea-green eyes and ivory skin. She has waist length, glossy golden auburn hair. She has a delicate face and slightly pointed ears.
She is in good shape.
She is holding an elaborate multi-ribbed lute with an intricate maoral rose in her right hand.
She is wearing a blackened steel neck shackle, a smooth jet locket, a high-collared long black velvet cloak embroidered with a red heart pierced by a silver dagger, a crimson glaes armband, a black damask maternity bliaut patterned with crimson roses, a silver herringbone bracelet, a jade green signet ring etched with a black rose, a pierced heart-etched flask, and some side-laced ruby-hued silk boots.
Onzeleya sighs.
Still pregnant, or pregnant AGAIN?
Time to break out the metal hanger again.
Stanley Burrell
01-20-2008, 05:31 PM
I want to see a neon yellow Dwarven maternity girdle with invar pacifiers affixed to each overly hairy nipple. I might make one just to don around all the lack-of-contraception.
01-20-2008, 05:58 PM
I can't believe she's doing that again.
Wonder if she will have the baby?
01-20-2008, 06:26 PM
This is reaching a little far back, but that kind of bites getting a warn over thoughts when Ignore functionality is built into the ESP system now.
01-20-2008, 09:05 PM
Who would put up with her to get her knocked up in the first place?
Stanley Burrell
01-20-2008, 09:09 PM
Who would put up with her to get her knocked up in the first place?
This is reaching a little far back, but that kind of bites getting a warn over thoughts when Ignore functionality is built into the ESP system now.
That's assuming the ESP system wasn't buggy, and the ignore function actually worked.
But apparently Simu would rather barge ahead and build more half-assed buggy systems, than fix the half-assed, buggy systems they released last year.
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