View Full Version : simu forum xpost
04-23-2007, 03:12 PM
So I'm not going to name any names however I imagine most people will quickly become aware of who I am talking about. I know this person is well-liked amongst a few staff. I also know this person has many premium accounts and happens to pay for each to attend events. In such a manner he is good buisness for Simu. However, when such a character makes it his own policy to decieve, obfuscate, and downright lie about his activities (in this case, merchanting - specifically the selling of high end items) just so that he, and he alone, can benefit, does it not >hurt Simu in the long run.
Okay, imagine if you will a situation where the properties of an item are exaggerated or downright made up, and is sold under these completely false pretenses. The seller then refuses to give a refund. This situation is exaspperated by the staff who will refuse to help the poor hood-winked player.
This kind of thing is happening with more frequency.
Now I know it's a sellers market and it's your own risk when it comes to dealing with anyone in game. Thats fine. But where is the line between "this world is like real life and mother isn't around to hold your hand anymore" and actually wanting this game (and I cannot stress that word enough) to be fun for people? Most of us will be peons, coins wise, forever. And shame on us for saving up whatever we can, or griding our hearts out for the few hours we have to play each day so that we might buy such items. Nor are some of us willing to shell out our real money for some cyber item. This is all fair enough. Yet it is a fact that such cases arise where someone is spending their life savings on an item being advertised by this person, and ultimately gets ripped off.
This, as far as I'm aware, is a bad thing.
Sure it's going to happen in game forever. I can live with that. But what irks me is how I see this one particular character doing it again and again and again, without reprise. Do the staff and Simu see his case as special simply because of the money he himself pays them? It certainly seems that way.
Perhaps an easier way of asking is how much damage does one have to do to the player base before someone will actually step in and say "sorry, you've done wrong here and we're here to stop you".
04-23-2007, 03:13 PM
>GM characters have to obey the same rules we do.
We probably have far more rules governing our conduct.
I'll probably just say this for now, the amount of money any one person spends isn't a reason to not get locked out, or made HMC. In fact, thats why I'm immune to most people saying, "But I pay for this..." or "If you don't do (replace/fix/build/etc) this i'm gonna take my (number of accounts) and quit."
Violation of POLICY is just that.
All your cookies are belong to us.
Its going to take a well concentrated effort with thorough documentation in addition to an overly grievous offense to get SIMU to act on something such as this.
Good luck.
04-23-2007, 03:21 PM
That's what he says, their actions say something completely different.
The Ponzzz
04-23-2007, 03:24 PM
I'll tell you, when he fucked me, I assisted, reported, IMed, emailed feedback and spoke with many people. Zero happened to him. They did indeed try to make my situation more pleasant.
04-23-2007, 03:27 PM
The GM's love him. He pays their wages. End of story.
04-23-2007, 03:38 PM
if you pay real money for something he gives you in game and says it will do the specific things, you might be able to sue him, for a breach of express warranty. (he said it would do something, but the item doesn't)
Tea & Strumpets
04-23-2007, 03:40 PM
Also remember that you can't buy/sell characters, as they belong to Simu. This will be strictly enforced!
04-23-2007, 03:40 PM
ZOMG WHO IS IT??!?!?!?!?!
if you pay real money for something he gives you in game and says it will do the specific things, you might be able to sue him, for a breach of express warranty. (he said it would do something, but the item doesn't)
Make sure you get it in writing.
Edited to add:
It would be interesting to see something like this go to small claims court. I wonder if there's already precedence?
04-23-2007, 04:15 PM
ZOMG WHO IS IT??!?!?!?!?!^ Victory. ^
04-23-2007, 04:19 PM
Like I said on the offical boards just now...
This is how people get away with the shit they gotten away with (Oy weird sentence)...
A GameMaster cannot do anything about transactions that take place here or AIM or Email.. Simply because the stuff that happens here does not relate to the game... I could sell someone a 10x vorpal bunny of doom to someone over AIM for say 200M and give them a toy bunny for that price.. A GM cannot do anything about it because I didn't talk about it in game.. I could just say it was aa regular 200m toy bunny I sold someone because they had a lot of money and wanted to pay that price.
04-23-2007, 04:29 PM
Is that like how GMs "don't do anything" about what happens in real life or on PsiNet? (Allow me to qualify this by saying I have nothing but respect for most GMs.)
04-23-2007, 05:19 PM
I wonder if his dad knows how much cash his own son has scammed him out of...asking for extra money for school supplies (like $1500 or so) and then spending it on the Darkstone key, for example. Yes, this is a real example.
04-23-2007, 05:27 PM
If you've earned enough coins to buy something from Tsin you should know enough to not buy shit from him.
If you've earned enough coins to buy something from Tsin you should know enough to not buy shit from him.
The Ponzzz
04-23-2007, 05:43 PM
If you've earned enough coins to buy something from Tsin you should know enough to not buy shit from him.
Not really. Because you won't know until he scams ya. There are enough people now, myself included, who make it obvious on the forums what he's done.
He's never scammed me and I know he would any chance he'd get.
I'd never buy anything from him even if it was only available from him.
It doesn't take you poor people falling for his crap to tell me his prices are waaay bullshit.
So it didn't take me being scammed by him to realise this.
04-23-2007, 09:37 PM
I could sell someone a 10x vorpal bunny of doom to someone over AIM for say 200M.
I bid 200m on that bunny of doom.
04-23-2007, 10:17 PM
I recently bought an item from Tsin, while it was likely a bit overpriced (Doesn't really matter due to the rarity), the item was exactly as it was advertised. Just need to know how to TEST your items before you buy them.
04-24-2007, 12:28 AM
No item is ever solely in the hands of Tsin. Which means someone else HAS to know the properties besides him. Since his advertising is usually exaggerated if not complete bullshit, you need to perform some due diligence and research the item more extensively than if you were buying from, say, allen, or GSAuctions...
04-24-2007, 01:49 AM
I recently bought an item from Tsin, while it was likely a bit overpriced (Doesn't really matter due to the rarity), the item was exactly as it was advertised. Just need to know how to TEST your items before you buy them.
Sorry but this is stupid advice. Considering he won't let you touch the item until coins are in his hands, it's impossible to test every item every time.
That and there are certain items Tsin cannot lie about simply because the properties are well known.
At the end of the day though, Tsin has his accounts. He has GM's like Khaladon and Kitrina in his back pocket, watching his ass. The only way he'll be gone from the game in any capacity is when his glutonous ass implodes ala Seven style.
04-24-2007, 01:50 AM
Add Emeradan to that list, as the thread on the officials has mysteriously been closed.
Add Emeradan to that list, as the thread on the officials has mysteriously been closed.
Re: HMC Cut-off [THREAD CLOSED] · on 4/24/2007 2:01:53 AM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 35998
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You don't think there's any irony that people are complaining about the most GM protected character in game and you are doing just that Emeradan?
Colour me shocked!
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GM Emeradan
04-24-2007, 03:55 AM
Emeradan is the biggest customer service douche in GS history. He's probably even more of an idiot than Quabu.
04-24-2007, 10:47 AM
A long time ago I had an interaction in game with him (involving me breaking Rocksand's warns and attacking her in town and such) and he was really nice, helpful, and understanding.
I'm not sure why he's such a douche on the officials...but mods like him are the reason the PC thrives, so it's all good.
I'm not sure why he's such a douche on the officials...but mods like him are the reason the PC thrives, so it's all good.
04-24-2007, 11:14 AM
I'm not sure why he's such a douche on the officials...but mods like him are the reason the PC thrives, so it's all good.
Not to mention the fact that you aren't allowed to say what you really feel about someones retarded post, and the officials are confusing as hell to read (for me).
04-24-2007, 12:25 PM
Not to mention the fact that you aren't allowed to say what you really feel about someones retarded post, and the officials are confusing as hell to read (for me). >>
They are not so bad once you go through and set them up properly. I can help you out if you wish.
1. Go through all the folders you dont care about and click ignore.
2. Once you have the major folders blocked, go into the ones that somewhat interest you, and block out the sub folders you dont care about.
3. Go through all folders and mark everything as read. This way, only new posts will show up.
4. Use the show all new posts button on the main page to view sets of 25 posts (Or whatever you set your profile settings to) from all your unignored folders.
5. If ever you fall too far behind, just mark everything as read so you dont feel like you're not making any headway.
04-24-2007, 12:37 PM
A long time ago I had an interaction in game with him (involving me breaking Rocksand's warns and attacking her in town and such) and he was really nice, helpful, and understanding.
I'm not sure why he's such a douche on the officials...but mods like him are the reason the PC thrives, so it's all good.
I suspect overextending himself. If I had to read as many folders as he was moderating and keep the rules over some of the ...heh.. people on the officials Id probably hang myself or quit. Im not surprised (but not excusing it) if hes gotten a little rough around the edges by now.
04-24-2007, 12:44 PM
They are not so bad once you go through and set them up properly.
I appreciate the advice, you know I do.. but when I have to do all that bullshit just to read posts on a board I don't like anyway? Forget it. Besides I have been intrested in one thing and only in the last few days. After this festival is gone I will go back to not reading the officals at all.
I suspect overextending himself. If I had to read as many folders as he was moderating and keep the rules over some of the ...heh.. people on the officials Id probably hang myself or quit. Im not surprised (but not excusing it) if hes gotten a little rough around the edges by now.
Looks like there's some new mod names on the officials since the last time I read them. Probably a good thing.
I only hit the officials when I cant find the answer to what I need here. :)
The structure of the officials is way to cumbersome and featureless that its like reverting back in time just to browse through the folders.
Tea & Strumpets
04-24-2007, 12:51 PM
Why was the thread on the officials pulled anyway? No names were mentioned, and all the activities mentioned are "supposedly" against policy...
04-24-2007, 01:16 PM
<< Why was the thread on the officials pulled anyway? No names were mentioned >>
The reason given: posts were pulled as off-topic due to not discussing HMC in general but rather a specific player.
04-24-2007, 01:29 PM
Looks like there's some new mod names on the officials since the last time I read them. Probably a good thing.
Yeah they had an offer a little while back to let regular players apply to be mods. The downside was they didnt want you using Psinet or any other third party stuff.
04-24-2007, 01:40 PM
This thread has been closed because its focus seems to be more on the player than the behavior. A new thread is welcome to begin centered around HMC behavior. Specifics regarding players and behavior of concern need to be fielded through the ASSIST/REPORT/FEEDBACK system. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Additionally, the previous posts in this thread have been removed from view. No penalties have been associated with the removal at all, hence no emails have been sent to the posters. If you'd like a copy of your post, please feel free to send an email to Setous, the moderator of this category. He can get those sent out to you in due time.
GM Emeradan
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