View Full Version : Over-reaction much?

01-18-2006, 02:44 PM
Okay, so I went to go sit around and try to get work from Glamo on the WD. Two people asked for my character to loresing to armor to get the weight. It was just two quick rhyming couplets (and no land/hand was sung, despite her comments). But those two teeny weeny rhyming couplets spawned this:

Rotaxia whispers, "If you're going to loresing in public, do you HAVE to be so banal and use unnecessary keywords?"

(Few minutes pass 'cause I got picked for work.)

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Rotaxia, "To respond to your earlier comment, I used and will continue to use keywords here to get the job done more quickly with the least noise and distraction for the merchant or anyone else. But thank you for your input."

(OOC) Rotaxia's player whispers, "It wasn't only the keywords, it was the absolute land/hand mentality. One small step forward for information, one giant leap backward for bards. On top of that, keywords give you the information in EXACTLY the same order as not using them. Your knowledge of how loresinging works is abominable."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Rotaxia, "Oh boo hoo. Did I not do something the way YOU would have done it? Bad me, bad! I'll give myself a flogging and read some Whitman and perhaps I might live up to your standards."

(OOC) Rotaxia's player whispers, "You didn't live up to ANYONE's standards. What you did, with a less forgiving GM, leads to all kinds of nasty repercussions. It'd be nice if you had standards at all, but if you're going to sing in public, at least make an effort to not be a two bit hack."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Rotaxia, "All those who ask my character for loresinging, I will be sure to refer them to you. Who is your bard, so I may hand them your card?"

Rotaxia whispers, "I am a bard. And what you sang made me cringe."

Rotaxia whispers, "Along with any other bard who would have heard such horrid caterwauling."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Rotaxia, "Please keep this OOC, as I am not talking to your character and your responses are to me, while my character has said nothing to yours. And by all means, volunteer next time to show me how it's done."

(OOC) Rotaxia's player whispers, "Actually, I did, before you came in. Talantris was too dense to pick up on it, and I really don't do favors for idiots."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Rotaxia, "Then there's really nothing I can do about it except suggest your character be more overt in her volunteering, as you are overt in your insults and criticism. I am sure he would have had no trouble picking up on it then."

(OOC) Rotaxia's player whispers, "There are many very good guides done by others that tell how loresinging works. On top of that, there are loresinging classes. I believe the last one was in Ta'Vaalor and sponsored by Mistydeep. You should go to one and learn not to be such a hack."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Rotaxia, "If you want to improve the world around you, I suggest you try to be nicer because your insults don't incline me to think your advice is all that good."

(OOC) Rotaxia's player whispers, "I have yet to insult. If you want me to, I can start. I'm sorry if the truth is such a problem for you."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Rotaxia, "Riiiiiight. Let's call it your rude delivery, then."

(OOC) Rotaxia's player whispers, "It is truthful, and the delivery is what it is. When you see someone committing a major faux pas in public, do you always act as discreet as I have, whispering instead of spilling out your utter lack of originality aloud?"

(OOC) Rotaxia's player whispers, "What you did was set your own reputation for RP back a LOT by doing such a poor job. Strangely enough, I'd heard you were decent at it. What you did was just negate your reputation."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Rotaxia, "I disagree that it was a major faux pas and while you have been discreet, I don't agree with your truth either. Your opinion of me has been heard, thanks."

(OOC) Rotaxia's player whispers, "And that just goes to show how little you know. Welcome. Maybe, at least, it will make you think before opening your mouth to sing such banality next time. And DO look up some guides."

She seems really angry... is she always this angry or did I just get her on a good day?

01-18-2006, 02:49 PM
Seems like she's pissed because her snatch has more designs than Charlotte's Web, and I would have told her. In any event, she seems like a real nice person

....to stab.

01-18-2006, 02:50 PM
I wonder what she would say if she saw the bwomp song...

01-18-2006, 02:54 PM
What did you loresing anyway to cause her to be such a whiner?

01-18-2006, 02:56 PM
>Lysistrata sings:

"Rolaren plate armor, of thee I do implore,
It is of thy weight I do wish to know more."

>Lysistrata sings:

"Invar plate and mail, so darkly pretty and fine,
Whisper thy weight into this pointed ear of mine."

I don't see what she flipped out about. :?:

01-18-2006, 02:58 PM
They're both even different, not like the same one done twice with different items.

She needs to stick her head in a vat of ice and chill out.

01-18-2006, 03:01 PM
I think someone poured sand in her privates and it is making her irrate.

For the record, I've never seen a loresinging guide period. Not one.

I'll remember to do constant hack jobs where ever I can until said person stabs herself in the eyes.

01-18-2006, 03:01 PM
Wow. That's just wow. It's unfortunate that it blew into a full fledge drama, and I wouldn't be surprised if her opinion of you being hack gets spread in her group of friends. But that's just a speculation, however.. the way it blew up like that? I wouldn't be surprised either.

It's unfortunate that it ended the way it did. If they cared about roleplaying and proper education with loresinging, it never would've lead up to that.. Given that it's good that people care about such things. I think she was far too opinionated and thinks her milkshake is obviously better than yours and lacking a bit of tact for telling you that way.

I don't see why it's her business whether someone is original and impose her opinion on you and expects you to follow. But for some reason she expects more from you.

[Edited on 1-18-2006 by Shalla]

01-18-2006, 03:02 PM
I don't actually keep logs (I just C&P'd our conversation as it happened) and I only remember the second one, I think.

Sung to some dark invar plate and mail:
Invar plate and mail, so darkly beautiful and fine,
Whisper of thy weight into this pointed ear of mine.

It's not Shakespeare, I know, and I am so not a poet. When Lysistrata performs, I have to labor over the piece for weeks to churn out the stuff that people have actually liked. I count myself lucky for matching the number of syllables when I'm required to make stuff up on the spot, but her reaction seemed way out of proportion to the simplicity of the situation.

01-18-2006, 03:03 PM
After seeing what the song was, I don't find what the big deal was. Perhaps someone spent a little too much time digging in the Southron Wastes and got sand in her panties. Tell her :fu: next time.

I'd say that your song is a lot better than others I've seen. And it's usually better to go for convenience sake when you're not trying to really 'perform' the loresong.

I know I've seen loresinging guides before, but it's not like they're that widely promoted from what I can tell. I mean I can't even remember where I saw one at.

01-18-2006, 03:05 PM
I also want to add that Glamo was listening to whispers.

01-18-2006, 03:05 PM
Or... what Jessa posted!

01-18-2006, 03:09 PM
What is she, the rp Bard police? Someone is just a tad anal retentive it seems.

01-18-2006, 03:11 PM
Oh! And I wanted to add, I have also seen loresinging guides and read 'em. Admittedly, it was over five years ago and it was one of those really simple ones that they had a link to from the website.

I take the most exception to how upset she was about it. She could have politely pointed me in the direction of something better and her criticism would still have been truthful (to her) and I would have gone, but no, she had to be a downright bitchy which makes me think she's worthless.

Thankfully, I have no idea who she is, who her circle of friends are, and I'm unlikely to give a crap about what they think now.

Miss X
01-18-2006, 03:13 PM
What a psycho.

01-18-2006, 03:14 PM
Someone definetly shit in her Fruit Loops.

01-18-2006, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Augie
Tell her :fu: next time.

That says it all for me.

01-18-2006, 03:29 PM
I've placed in bardic competitions, and won one, for what it's worth. And no, that quick and dirty loresinging done at a merchant wouldn't make me cringe.

Some folks seem to have a stick up their ass. And then you get folks like this one who seem to have a spiked war maul and then some.

01-18-2006, 03:41 PM
On top of that, there are loresinging classes.


01-18-2006, 03:50 PM
I believe the banality here is Rotaxia's player presuming to tell someone else how to roleplay their character. Not to mention her overweening ego as to her own knowledge and skill. Too bad her repertoire doesn't include a shred of diplomacy or tact, and is about as constructive as using sandpaper to clean your brand-new bathtub.

Honestly, it sounds to me that Miz Rotaxia was a tad bit miffed that she, The Perfect Bardess, was not asked to loresing said items in your stead. I mean, clearly, she would have done so far better than you, and should have been given the opportunity to further showcase her supreme talent in front of a merchant. (read GM, that might give her... something...)

01-18-2006, 03:55 PM
She needs to get laid.

01-18-2006, 03:57 PM
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks her response was fucked up. I was just... shocked. Strata isn't played as an uber-talented bard (due to the fact that being a bard is just her cover for being a spy, since courts all over the world invite bards over!) Because I'm not a whiz at poetry, my character's passable at best with a couple of good performances under her belt. So I was wondering where she heard Strata's rep was all that awesome.

01-18-2006, 04:01 PM
Good thing she's never seen my bard loresing. :oops:

01-18-2006, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
Good thing she's never seen my bard loresing. :oops:

My loresinging would normally consist of something like:

uncut diamond blah blah hand
blah blah purpose blah blah land

I should roll a bard and go find her just to show her my l33t loresinging skills.

01-18-2006, 04:12 PM
Wait..who is she again??

Never heard of her.


01-18-2006, 04:14 PM
Sounded like she just wanted to attack you for something, anything. Because your loresongs were fine. She probably has a dislike of your character, and just looking for a reason to come after you. Even on something stupid like that.

ah well. I've never even seen her around or maybe I have, but I didn't care.

01-18-2006, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
She needs to get laid.

Is she hot? :!:

01-18-2006, 04:15 PM
Did anyone else get the feeling that Rotaxia = Skatemom?

I don't know for sure, but that bullshit that Rotaxia was dishing out sounded a lot like the kind of barrage that Skatemom is infamous for dishing out.

01-18-2006, 04:17 PM
There's actually a character named Skatemom?

01-18-2006, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Methais
There's actually a character named Skatemom?

No, that's her account name. She is paired with the player of Argaine (WelchA) on the boards. I only know of a few characters that she plays, Dresdena being one and she's a royal bitch.

There was a thread listing a ton of their characters some time back.

01-18-2006, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Did anyone else get the feeling that Rotaxia = Skatemom?

I don't know for sure, but that bullshit that Rotaxia was dishing out sounded a lot like the kind of barrage that Skatemom is infamous for dishing out.


I wanted to post that but since I didn't know for sure I didn't want to spread needless rumor. But that thought did go through my mind.

01-18-2006, 04:25 PM
Hm, I don't know if she's Skatemom. I've never interacted with Rotaxia in my life, nor - to my knowledge - any of Skatemom's other characters. So if she has some kind of grudge, I don't know where it came from. Maybe I've just forgotten her.

01-18-2006, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
She needs to get laid.

Just imagine the critique you'd get after that.


01-18-2006, 04:42 PM
It definitely sounds like something one of SKATEMOM's characters would say. Between that one and WELCHA, I want to shove a red hot poker up their asses some days.

I can't understand how people who bitch about so many different things still find the need to play this game.

01-18-2006, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Augie
I can't understand how people who bitch about so many different things still find the need to play this game.

Or even find it enjoyable, since they have to spend some of their time telling people how to play.

01-18-2006, 05:00 PM
My first response had something to do with Rox being a psycho elitist bitch. However, after thinking about it - I am going to play the devil's advocate.

Maybe she really didn't mean to come across that way - she could have been at the end of a 24 hour merchant wait fest and was sick and tired of the ass kissers, instrument players, and other such people we all know can be extremely anoying after you've sat and watched their behavior the last hour. Maybe you just happened to be the first bard she saw after the stress and she lashed out. Some of us are just wired that way - we handle so much and then we lash out. I still owe Revon an apology for calling his actions pussified or something to that extent after I had had one too many of my hunts interupted one night and he happened to be the next person who showed up.

Maybe she was hoping to engage in an interesting, possibly educational conversation about bards while she waited for yet another merchant and just didn't go about it right. In text things don't always come across right. And sometimes, when people are really trying their hardest to be helpful or impressive - they just sound elitist or bitchy.

Just a thought.

01-18-2006, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by FinallyDomesticated
My first response had something to do with Rox being a psycho elitist bitch. However, after thinking about it - I am going to play the devil's advocate.

Maybe she really didn't mean to come across that way - she could have been at the end of a 24 hour merchant wait fest and was sick and tired of the ass kissers, instrument players, and other such people we all know can be extremely anoying after you've sat and watched their behavior the last hour. Maybe you just happened to be the first bard she saw after the stress and she lashed out. Some of us are just wired that way - we handle so much and then we lash out. I still owe Revon an apology for calling his actions pussified or something to that extent after I had had one too many of my hunts interupted one night and he happened to be the next person who showed up.

Maybe she was hoping to engage in an interesting, possibly educational conversation about bards while she waited for yet another merchant and just didn't go about it right. In text things don't always come across right. And sometimes, when people are really trying their hardest to be helpful or impressive - they just sound elitist or bitchy.

Just a thought.

I don't really know her, but I'm pretty sure the "stupid bitch" reasoning is more accurate.

01-18-2006, 05:04 PM
I don't find being called an unoriginal, banal hack at all helpful or impressive. I can't imagine who thinks that would be taken well.

01-18-2006, 05:08 PM
I tried plaing Devil's advocate with this one, but all I could come up with was stuck up bitch as well. :shrug: At least someone made an attempt .

01-18-2006, 05:12 PM
She comes off as kind of a bitch here (http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=7040&page=2) too.

Maybe she should avoid merchants in the future?

01-18-2006, 05:23 PM
What Strata sang was perfectly fine. It was short, sweet, and to the point so as to avoid screen scroll at the merchant.

This girl needs to get a fucking grip. If it really bothered her all that much, she could have approached the situation in an ENTIRELY different way.

Also I find her original outburst OOC. Granted, her character may have been pissed off by it too, but there didn't seem to be much SEPARATION between the feelings of the character and player.

01-18-2006, 05:25 PM
"she could have been at the end of a 24 hour merchant wait fest and was sick and tired of the ass kissers, instrument players, and other such people we all know can be extremely anoying after you've sat and watched their behavior the last hour"

OK off-topic but can people who insist on playing instruments in merchant events please be killed on sight? Why must they? Why?

01-18-2006, 05:26 PM
This is why I play GS in single-player mode.

01-18-2006, 05:26 PM
If the player has a problem with another player, they should report it to the staff (using report or e-mail or whatever other avenues exist). If the character has a problem with another character, it should be roleplayed out and not dealt with via ooc at all.

If the player has a problem with someone else's character, they should suck it up. It's just a fucking game.

01-18-2006, 05:43 PM
I think the PRO referenced in one of her whispers gives it away as to who's playing her.

01-18-2006, 06:14 PM
I'll agree, it sounds like Skatemom. She referenced Mistydeep Manor, the RP style is pretty similar, the comments coming from her have about the same feel to it, she plays Sylvans and from the other thread, she has a problem with other people calling Sylvans "sylphs."

She'd e-mailed me once because I was using sylphs on the Plat boards, saying that they're Sylvans instead (even though the character I play calls them her People, uses Sylvans so other people can understand and NEVER uses sylphs).

Not to mention she lashed out at me after the Promise Winter storytelling contest, since I used a legend from the official website but wrote the entire thing in my own words. I was never expecting to win or anything, just offer a Sylvan legend, and I'll admit it's not my best work. Apparently because of that, I'm a plagiarist with no imagination who cuts and pastes from the website, least according to her.


01-18-2006, 06:21 PM
So....who is it since I clearly don't know much about Mistydeep Manor. I know that Skatemom is big on PROs especially in Ta'Vaalor.

01-18-2006, 06:22 PM
I've no idea who that person is, but I'll pipe in and cosign along with others that she really should have delivered her comments a lot more civilly if she wanted to have a good reaction. There's a definite difference between insulting, talking down to and ridiculing someone for what you perceive to be their mistakes, and offering them constructive criticism and advice on said mistakes.

Not that I felt that your loresongs were bad, Dex, because I don't. But since she apparently did and used the statement that RP was suffering because of your loresong style, I would think she would have been more helpful and less 'I'm better than you are so suck my ass'.

01-18-2006, 06:46 PM
I won't say what I think if she is Meg..I have to be professional and all..since I work with her.

It kinda does sound like her, though.


01-18-2006, 06:48 PM
I love how Michiko was involved in this encounter with Rotaxia as well as the one Fission posted a few posts back. Way to bring out the (hopefully) worst in people, Michiko.

And Rotaxia is dum lolol.

01-18-2006, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I love how Michiko was involved in this encounter with Rotaxia as well as the one Fission posted a few posts back. Way to bring out the (hopefully) worst in people, Michiko.

And Rotaxia is dum lolol.

?? All I was doing was standing in the room while waiting on a merchant.

01-18-2006, 06:57 PM
Yeah but she totally is a dumb bitch every time you stand there.

01-18-2006, 06:57 PM
I blame her for being a dumb bitch, not me just standing there. :(

01-19-2006, 10:24 AM
Still rolling @ the line about reading some Whitman.

Hell when my bard loresings, unless I"m feeling mean and make up something rude.. she'll say something like..

"Boring yet effective songs coming up. Cover your ears if you dont like it."

My ranger's on the WD.. I should have her loresing to stuff just to piss this person off. (Note: Good thing I can't log in right now, eh?)

01-19-2006, 10:43 AM
Given Dex's skill at RP... I think someone was just being psycho. If it is who you all seem to think it is, she takes prejudices/knowledge across her horde of characters (Kadesha style) and uses OOC dislike of people to justify her IC actions, which are far worse RP sins in my mind.

[Edited on 1-19-2006 by Warriorbird]

01-19-2006, 11:07 AM
Ok for one, that's why my bard usually sings at a table, or in private. I don't want criticism if I decide to be lazy.

I saw nothing wrong with Lysistrata's loresinging. In fact it was better than most of my own :lol: . My little aelotian bard tries to loresing twice and if she gets no results she gets frustrated and would usually sing a threat to the item to 'coerce' the answer she wants out of it.

Also, for someone talking about strata's reputation and then coming over as 'my shit doesn't stink' I've never heard about Rotaxia til now and I've had 2 characters grow up in Vaalor (my halfling cleric is still there).

01-19-2006, 11:18 AM
Aaysia, your baby bard needs to have a cranky loresinging session with her momma sometime. Bet that'd be hilarious.

01-19-2006, 11:31 AM
I should find Rotaxia and have her sing to my hefty rod, and demand she hold it with two hands.

01-19-2006, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Czeska
Aaysia, your baby bard needs to have a cranky loresinging session with her momma sometime. Bet that'd be hilarious.

that'd be awesome!

rofl @ Axhinde

01-19-2006, 12:14 PM
Would be awesome if Skatemom was forced into revamping her entire elitist attitude and verbal abuse of people and characters through massive player pressure.

01-19-2006, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Would be awesome if Skatemom was forced into revamping her entire elitist attitude and verbal abuse of people and characters through massive player pressure.

I still haven't figured out why she's not banned from the boards yet.

Some Rogue
01-19-2006, 12:53 PM
I still remember her blow up on the plat boards and in game when people were talking of eating her character's badger companion. That was comedy gold.

[Edited on 1-19-2006 by Some Rogue]

01-19-2006, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Augie

Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Would be awesome if Skatemom was forced into revamping her entire elitist attitude and verbal abuse of people and characters through massive player pressure.

I still haven't figured out why she's not banned from the boards yet.

If people got banned from the boards for being elitists and having attitudes, you guys wouldn't have anyone to talk to. Or about, for that matter. :D

01-19-2006, 01:44 PM
"Us guys"?


01-19-2006, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears

Originally posted by Augie

Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Would be awesome if Skatemom was forced into revamping her entire elitist attitude and verbal abuse of people and characters through massive player pressure.

I still haven't figured out why she's not banned from the boards yet.

If people got banned from the boards for being elitists and having attitudes, you guys wouldn't have anyone to talk to. Or about, for that matter. :D

Here that's true, but not on the Gemstone boards. She truly is in a class of two. When she found WelchA she found a kindred spirit. :lol:

The funny thing is that she roleplays her characters, posts on the boards and whispers OOC comments to people in the exact same manner across all of her characters.

So...you play an obnoxious know-it-all bitch in the game AND on the boards AND in whispers? THAT'S talent.

01-19-2006, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
"Us guys"?


I don't read the official boards.

01-19-2006, 02:25 PM
Ah. I was just being pesky and suggesting that, like myself, you were an elitist and had an attitude. Didn't know you were referring to the officials.


01-19-2006, 02:26 PM
Heh, well yeah since they're talking about a poster over there, not here.

And I'm not an elitist. :( I don't tell people how to roleplay.. in the game.


01-19-2006, 02:33 PM
I notice you cleverly did not deny having an attitude.

In a more on topic notion, who the hell is Rotaxia to be dictating roleplay to anyone? I've never heard of her. I've certainly had a lot of great times with Dextra's characters, including Lysistrata. She's impressed me on a number of occassions. It'd be for people like her that I'd ever consider coming back to GS, rather than random mouthy nonentities.

01-19-2006, 06:08 PM
Honestly, when I first read this thread, I was more interested in the attitudes exchanged. However, then I thought about it and and am not ashamed to admit I had no idea what the hell banal meant. After looking it up, I couldn't help but wonder...

Just out of curiosity and directed at no one in particular - do you think the majority of bards really are creative with their loresinging? Or are many of them truly banal? Just for reference: "banal - adj. Drearily commonplace and often predictable; trite"

For the record - I've never played a bard and never will because I feel they require creativity and originality that, honestly, I am not always in the mood to commit to GS. I don't keep up with bard news, spells, etc.

Recently, I requested a bard for loresinging. Dessedemona responded. She began to loresing to my armor with some beautiful, sorrowful song of a lonely woman. I was taken aback because she used no keywords. She still got the information but she did so with a song completely non-related to the item. Honestly, I've played off and on since 95 - 96ish and every single time I've ever had someone loresing to something - it has been rather predictable. 'blah blah I hold in my hand, tell of your blah blah in this land' 'lovely blah blah of mine, tell me the blah blah of thine' So, I could theoretically and honestly, say that the majority of loresinging I've heard was rather banal. It would sound rude, so I probably wouldn't say it.

Like I said, just curious.

01-19-2006, 07:01 PM
Well, I've only read one loresinging guide and that was over five years ago, when I first started my first bard. It didn't mention that the keywords were a secret or that they were to be avoided. The only thing it said you shouldn't do is use the land/hand rhyme, because GMs have been known to bolt for it. What it did say was, to get certain information you want, you should ask for it.

The writer said that the best order was purpose (which will then mention if the item is magical), magic (to find out enchantment or spell... you can't find out magic without first singing purpose, I've tried), and then special ability (flares, weighting, padding, et cetera, which you can't find out until you've sung magic because it'll mention a special ability or not). If I'm loresinging to something that I know has a loresong, I don't use keywords at all because I don't think it does anything.

Those keywords totally by-pass weight and value (which I only bother to find out if someone specifically asks), so no matter what Rotaxia said about information being passed in the same order no matter what you sing, she's wrong.

As far as banal... I guess bards (okay, some bards.. the banal, lazy, and unoriginal ones like my character and myself) collect quick and dirty couplets for some loresinging because people come to them with huge sacks filled with things to sing to in just one session, or they want to do the thing quickly so the customer doesn't get impatient (bardic service with a smile!). Unless you're a poetic whiz, which I am not and never claimed to be, you can quickly run out of ideas for the first situation, or not be able to come up with something at all for the second if you're caught on the spot but you want to help.

While critiques are good, when couched helpfully and not abrasively (and really, if you want it to influence the person the right way, isn't that the way you should do it?), it can deter bards from working at all when something like this happens. It's often criticism like this that makes bards hard to find when people want loresinging done. I noticed there were at least three other bards (not counting the ones with their profession turned off) in the room when people asked for them, but none of them spoke up to offer although two were awake and moving. And I've seen it in other situations too.

People don't want to open themselves to those kinds of insults because they're not the best poets out there. That's why there're people in the thread saying they only sing alone and wouldn't dare in public.

I suppose if you have a high standard of quick loresinging performance, you should just only take your stuff to a bard you know lives up to it, so as not to take away your enjoyment of the game.

Thankfully, I'm not TOO fragile of an ego, so I won't let this deter me from loresinging or performing for others how I see fit. I'll take criticism, but I refuse to be influenced by insulting bullying.

01-19-2006, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Aaysia
Also, for someone talking about strata's reputation and then coming over as 'my shit doesn't stink' I've never heard about Rotaxia til now and I've had 2 characters grow up in Vaalor (my halfling cleric is still there).

Yeah, no kidding, I've had at least 1 character active in Vaalor for a few years straight now, and I've never encountered her. Hell, I've hardly ever seen any of that person's characters.

If I woulda seen that, I woulda busted out a few well timed hand/land loresongs.

01-21-2006, 02:20 PM
Well I hilighted Rotaxia to see if my suspicions were correct. Those two (Skatemom and WelchA) are so inflammatory that I try and keep their characters hilighted with an offensive color combination. That way I can avoid them, ignore them, or do whatever I need in order to keep from having to deal with them.

Sure enough....

* Mhairaid has disconnected.
* Mhairaid joins the adventure.
* Rotaxia has disconnected.
* Rotaxia joins the adventure.


01-21-2006, 02:56 PM
I'm not surprised. The first thing I thought was Skatemom when I saw the way she exploded with the criticism and the way she couldn't really seem to differentiate between normal whispers and OOC whispers.

I think the woman has to be unstable or something, because the things she bitches about is almost random, especially when she'll choose to do it. All of her complaints definitely leave me with the belief that she and her yes-boy think that GS belongs to them and anyone who doesn't conform to what they see as correct behavior needs to quit and/or go to hell.

Fortunately, they both seem to be very, very good at alienating themselves from the rest of the world, so her comment about her "circle" shouldn't mean anything, because it's only a circle of two that includes her.

01-21-2006, 03:39 PM
I think the PRO referenced in one of her whispers gives it away as to who's playing her.

Yes she constatly has to tell people she is in control of a bazillion PRO's. Always.

Personally, I think she has jealousy of people who roleplay well. I think she constantly cuts down people because she truly feels bad about her own characters. No one else really wants to interact with her except for WELCHA.

01-22-2006, 12:13 PM
Yeah. Her Mharaid RP was a trainwreck...so I guess she feels guilty and overcompensates.

01-22-2006, 03:38 PM

It is one thing for someone to want a cookie cutter system or such but to expect every Bard to be cookie cutter verbose and resplendant with words.

Come on look at those today that could be called bards. Not all of them sing well. Some have lyrics that really are bad and some are actors not singers.

Some people can play a bard with a limited vocabulary... who knows.

This goes to the RP police who expect everyones RP to be in their mold and cannot deviate.

01-22-2006, 05:16 PM
Wow. I'd like to add... what a raging bitch.


01-22-2006, 08:45 PM
What a bitch, heh.