View Full Version : Tsin, you have got to be kidding me
03-16-2007, 11:52 PM
Wow Tsin, I know you are richer than god and all that in GS, but this has got to be the most petty thing I have EVER heard:
So there have been a couple of these enhancive items released recently at the last couple events, including the 213 runestaff and the 1606 hammer of kai.. They allow the person holding them to "pretend" that they know the spell so they can prep and cast it thus draining a charge from the enhancive..
I just found out that Regyy has been using his 1606 hammer for a while now and now the 213 runestaff to imbed these spells and create mage rechargeables..
Does this seem wrong to anyone else? Not only is he removing the spells from these items without draining charges by using imbed instead, he's abusing it to sell them and make money..
I'm all for making money, this just seems a blatant bug abuse that needs to be changed.
There can be only one. -Tsin, Official Boards
Now, anyone else complaining about someone figuring out a likely unintended new way to make money would have been a pass for me, I mean, everyone wants money...but, Tsin? Really? So is Regyy is really gaining ground on your cash flow with this trick? Science H. Logic...
03-17-2007, 12:00 AM
Regyy is the new Tsin.
03-17-2007, 12:02 AM
Ironically, I believe that simply holding the weapon has the usual chance to drain charges. I may well be wrong, but that's how I understand the system works. If so, Regyy doesn't have an endless source of imbeds.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2007, 12:07 AM
Still for tsin to complain about anyone's items is pretty douche.
Petty jealous cocksucker.
03-17-2007, 12:10 AM
I think it's pretty clever, and those items are AG rechargable so it is endless although exspensive.
03-17-2007, 12:19 AM
This pissed me off. I usually dont have a problem with Tsin, but I thought it was low. GM Oscuro went on to state implicitly that this was NOT bug abuse. Poor form.
03-17-2007, 12:22 AM
This pissed me off. I usually dont have a problem with Tsin, but I thought it was low. GM Oscuro went on to state implicitly that this was NOT bug abuse. Poor form.
As if Tsin has any other form.
03-17-2007, 12:35 AM
how does this surprise anyone?
The Ponzzz
03-17-2007, 01:23 AM
Just so everyone knows, this is not a bug. GM Oscuro said it's working as intended.
But what else can you expect from the guy selling Aston Martins. Fucking cock.
03-17-2007, 03:36 AM
LOL. Good for R. I am sure if Tsin had come up with the plan, he wouldn't have complained about it.
03-17-2007, 03:42 AM
I still think it's a bug abuse I don't give a shit what some GM says.. Besides being a way to make money by creating items that normally would require a 420 scroll, it completely defeats the original restrictions on the item.... Yes it adds the spell to your spell circles, requiring you CAST it for mana and hinderance while HOLDING it in your hand.. The whole point of this was to limit dauntless to be self cast and drain charges quickly enough to preserve the rarity of the spell.. Once you make imbeds and have the ability to charge them up it no longer becomes a rare spell, you no longer have to hold it in your hand, and it does not take any mana. It is the complete opposite of the original intention of the item.
I would normally admire someone who found a new way to make easy money, but when Regyy comes to me asking me if I want to buy like 10 mage recharge 1606 items at once or 20 amulets imbedded with 213 I got a little curious as to where they were coming from.. Then he begins to brag about his new system, begging me not to tell anyone because he thinks it's a bug that will get changed if I tell anyone... I don't care if everyone in the world says i'm the lowest merchant in the game, i'm still only selling items that have already been passed around or created by staff.. I'm not creating new items using questionable means, bragging about it, and clearly trying to hide the means because i'm afraid i'll get caught.. No matter what the case is or who is doing it, i'm going to report every instance I think might be bug abuse because there is nothing worse in this game than people abusing bugs.
03-17-2007, 03:45 AM
I suppose you've forgotten when you were trying to offload the illegal GM bag a few years back (prior to them being made legal). I even remember you IMing me calling me a telltale bitch because I told someone about your SUPER SECRET.
What a whiney bitch.
03-17-2007, 03:58 AM
Nice try.. You must be forgetting what game we play.. When has there EVER been an item that was at one point considered illegal but was then changed to legal status? I'm sure I sold a few crystal and gem type bags a while ago, but it would have made no sense back then to claim it as illegal cause that would only hurt the sale.. Everyone knows they either remove illegal stuff completely or just nerf it, but they never legalize it.. I would think by now after all these stories you have made up about me you could find something a little better than that.
03-17-2007, 04:01 AM
I'm afraid I have more credibility when it comes to merchanting. You did say it was illegal. It was an ex-GM item from what I remember. You tried desperately to keep things quite, hence why you didn't advertise you. You whined endlessly when I didn't hold my tongue. I'd bet there are others you even tried to hawk it to.
And as for stories: You ripped me off. Simple as. You deliberatley lied about the properties of an item which were uncheckable at the time. I trusted you. I got burned. I've learned my lesson.
Plus you're even more of an Ass that most people take you for if you still deny the GM Tsin log.
03-17-2007, 04:07 AM
Just for kicks:
(21:21:02) Tsin: I am a GM
(21:21:05) ME: oh.
(21:21:09) ME: lol.
(21:21:12) ME: had no idea.
(21:21:18) Tsin: nobody does
(21:21:19) Tsin: not that it matters
(21:21:22) Tsin: I can deny it
(22:50:14) Tsin: hey
(22:50:18) ME: sup.
(22:50:19) Tsin: you are already telling people i'm a GM?
(22:50:20) Tsin: lol
(22:50:28) ME: i told my one friend.
(22:50:32) ME: he just shrugged.
(22:50:37) Tsin: [Private (Dragonfaze - subdued)]: "had heard from friend your sort of a gm is that where you got all your items?"
(22:50:43) Tsin: one person tells the next.. then the next..
(22:50:45) Tsin: shrug
(22:50:46) ME: lol.
(22:50:50) Tsin: not what I wanted
(22:50:52) ME: like playing telephone.
(22:50:54) Tsin: didn't I say that?
(22:50:56) ME: not what I wnated either.
(22:51:02) Tsin: well then keep your mouth shut
(22:51:02) Tsin: poke
(22:51:05) ME: actually you said this . . .
(22:51:06) Tsin: heh
(22:51:06) ME: lemme get th elog.
(22:52:01) ME:
(21:21:02) Tsin: I am a GM
(21:21:05) ME: oh.
(21:21:09) ME: lol.
(21:21:12) ME: had no idea.
(21:21:18) Tsin: nobody does
(21:21:19) Tsin: not that it matters
(21:21:22) Tsin: I can deny it
(22:52:12) ME: I honestly thought it was a joke.
(22:52:15) Tsin: so that means ya should just start tellin people?
(22:52:20) ME: no of course.
(22:52:24) ME: I JUST told my one friend.
(22:52:24) ME: honest.
(22:52:26) Tsin: hehe
(22:52:34) ME: really sorry.
(22:52:36) Tsin: ok well I'll be sure not to tell ya anything else
(22:52:36) Tsin: ;-)
(22:52:40) ME: of course.
03-17-2007, 04:42 AM
Haha that's awesome.. Thanks for that small rush of endorphins before bed.. I saw the other log of me supposedly claiming to be a GM that someone made up it was a lot better.. I'm not sure which I find the best part of that, the fact that you would claim to keep a log like that or all the time and effort it took to change my SN to Tsin 50 times and then make up a whole conversation.. Everyone knows i've been selling stuff for cash for years, why would I ever claim to be GM when it is so obvious that i'm not and cash sales are clear evidence. That's right, I didn't.. But people have to make shit up because they need to get in at least 10 posts bashing me everyday so they can feel better about how shitty GS is for them.
03-17-2007, 04:49 AM
That log isn't from my perspective, dickhead. It's been happily provided by someone else. And wtf is this shit about SN? You realize most chat programs (such as GAIM) have an inbuilt naming system whereby you can tailor the SN of your buddies to whatever you wish? Of course you didn't. Because you're a moron.
And it doesn't change the fact you ripped me off either, fuckhead.
03-17-2007, 04:51 AM
or all the time and effort it took to change my SN to Tsin 50 times ...
Because "replace all" takes so much effort.
03-17-2007, 05:41 AM
Nice try.. You must be forgetting what game we play.. When has there EVER been an item that was at one point considered illegal but was then changed to legal status? I'm sure I sold a few crystal and gem type bags a while ago, but it would have made no sense back then to claim it as illegal cause that would only hurt the sale.. Everyone knows they either remove illegal stuff completely or just nerf it, but they never legalize it.. I would think by now after all these stories you have made up about me you could find something a little better than that.
I seem to remember you telling me about some bag that was either weightless or held a shitload or both that Ciston gave you a few years ago that you claimed was illegal at the time and not to tell anyone.
And out of curiosity, why do you care if Regyy has a moneymaker? Because you don't have it instead?
03-17-2007, 05:42 AM
Thats the one Methais! It was either the twisted wand sack or the crystal amulet sack. He dyed it to avert suspicion.
03-17-2007, 06:42 AM
Since we're on the topic of ripping people off, which is simply discussing Tsin.
Tsin, you might want to be a little more accurate on your new bow. The gauntlet one. The "God Mode" doesn't drain spirit at 45-60 second intervals. It drains spirit every 20 (TWENTY) seconds. That's a HUGE difference and I don't care where you got your numbers from. You've had the thing and you've used it, and I'm sure you've used it extensively. Yet you hide behind someone else's erroneous "research" in an effort to say it's not your fault that you charged so much for something you falsely advertised. You KNOW what it does, yet you continue to advertise it as being up to 300% better (faster) than what it really is. In short, you're a dickhead and your methods and antics of selling items is proof of that.
Happy Saturday!
PS You're a moron and a little child for this latest stunt with Regyy. Although, you were a moron and a little child prior to this, so whatever.
03-17-2007, 07:24 AM
A recent thread was hidden because most of its content was inappropriate for the Forums. If there are concerns regarding possible bug abuse, the proper venue for those concerns is Feedback.
Thanks in advance for your continued cooperation with these matters.
I bet you a $1000 that the thread got pwned because everyone was laughing at Tsin.
03-17-2007, 08:38 AM
Haha that's awesome.. Thanks for that small rush of endorphins before bed.. I saw the other log of me supposedly claiming to be a GM that someone made up it was a lot better.. I'm not sure which I find the best part of that, the fact that you would claim to keep a log like that or all the time and effort it took to change my SN to Tsin 50 times and then make up a whole conversation.. Everyone knows i've been selling stuff for cash for years, why would I ever claim to be GM when it is so obvious that i'm not and cash sales are clear evidence. That's right, I didn't.. But people have to make shit up because they need to get in at least 10 posts bashing me everyday so they can feel better about how shitty GS is for them.
Only you.. or someone equally as pathetic in real life.. would get an endorphin rush when you saw a log of you claiming to be a GM of a text based roleplaying game.
A Nerd Alert just went off somewhere... you better answer it.
03-17-2007, 08:42 AM
Everyone knows i've been selling stuff for cash for years, why would I ever claim to be GM when it is so obvious that i'm not and cash sales are clear evidence.
You think GM's don't sell items for cash?
I think the douchebaggishness is a much clearer factor in you being in no way mistaken for a GM.
03-17-2007, 09:11 AM
Just when you thought Tsin's douche-factor couldn't get any higher.
03-17-2007, 09:21 AM
This thread is awesome.
03-17-2007, 12:48 PM
Only you.. or someone equally as pathetic in real life.. would get an endorphin rush when you saw a log of you claiming to be a GM of a text based roleplaying game.
A Nerd Alert just went off somewhere... you better answer it.
Glad someone pointed this out.
03-17-2007, 01:06 PM
Just when you thought Tsin's douche-factor couldn't get any higher.
Ah, well I always gave Tsin credit for having unlimited douche-factor.
He would lie to the Pope and sell his own mother out to homeland defense for another couple mil.
03-17-2007, 01:16 PM
Wait.. did you say Regyy can make the imbedible items without using a 420 scroll? Or did I misinterpret that?
I could understand if say Regyy knew a wizard/sorcerer/bard or had one and then used the 1606 item that way. If so, thats awesome, and I will probably be buying the next neat item I see that gives you the ability to cast a half decent spell.
The Ponzzz
03-17-2007, 01:33 PM
That's the same shit he pulled with me and the camo cloak.
Bubbauno: i'm a GM, don't worry about it, I checked it
Bubbauno: don't tell anyone thou
Maybe one day you'll die in a car fire. I can only hope.
03-17-2007, 03:24 PM
A recent thread was hidden because most of its content was inappropriate for the Forums. If there are concerns regarding possible bug abuse, the proper venue for those concerns is Feedback.
Thanks in advance for your continued cooperation with these matters.
I bet you a $1000 that the thread got pwned because everyone was laughing at Tsin. >>
It was deliberate, and officially debunked slander against a very specifically named person, Regyy. They dont allow shit like that on the officials.
Sean of the Thread
03-17-2007, 05:04 PM
I don't think discussion of an item for sale should be considered slanderous.
1) Hmmm I might buy this 1970 Hemi Cuda .. Mind if my mechanic comes by and looks it over.
2) NO.
03-17-2007, 05:20 PM
I agree. Tsin's got a bit of a double standard though.
03-17-2007, 05:21 PM
I don't think discussion of an item for sale should be considered slanderous.
1) Hmmm I might buy this 1970 Hemi Cuda .. Mind if my mechanic comes by and looks it over.
2) NO.
I guess the slanderous parts were the parts accusing him of bug abuse, but then being picky, wouldnt it be libel rather than slander?
03-17-2007, 05:56 PM
Since we're on the topic of ripping people off, which is simply discussing Tsin.
Tsin, you might want to be a little more accurate on your new bow. The gauntlet one. The "God Mode" doesn't drain spirit at 45-60 second intervals. It drains spirit every 20 (TWENTY) seconds. That's a HUGE difference and I don't care where you got your numbers from. You've had the thing and you've used it, and I'm sure you've used it extensively. Yet you hide behind someone else's erroneous "research" in an effort to say it's not your fault that you charged so much for something you falsely advertised. You KNOW what it does, yet you continue to advertise it as being up to 300% better (faster) than what it really is. In short, you're a dickhead and your methods and antics of selling items is proof of that.
Happy Saturday!
PS You're a moron and a little child for this latest stunt with Regyy. Although, you were a moron and a little child prior to this, so whatever.
The Ponzzz
03-17-2007, 06:09 PM
Best image ever!
Tsin is fucking tool.
03-17-2007, 08:56 PM
I guess the slanderous parts were the parts accusing him of bug abuse, but then being picky, wouldnt it be libel rather than slander?
I can't believe I didn't think of making items like this before . . . you know . . . I sold off all 9 of my mage rechargable jewelry items.
03-18-2007, 02:26 AM
I sold off all 9 of my mage rechargable jewelry items.
Still have that last one left ? :P
03-18-2007, 02:29 AM
This just shows that the Napoleon Complex is alive and well...even in text based RPGs.
nap1: my words do more than yours
nap2: no no they aren't fair, you are manipulating the words
nap1: bah, how is that? the words do what I tell them to do
nap2: you can't abuse the words like that
nap1: it isn't a bug
nap2: it must be a bug, I didn't think of it first
nap1: my words do do more than yours!
nap2: I still have more words.....
Liberi Fatali
03-18-2007, 09:29 AM
So there have been a couple of these enhancive items released recently at the last couple events, including the 213 runestaff and the 1606 hammer of kai.. They allow the person holding them to "pretend" that they know the spell so they can prep and cast it thus draining a charge from the enhancive..
I just found out that Regyy has been using his 1606 hammer for a while now and now the 213 runestaff to imbed these spells and create mage rechargeables..
Can someone explain this to me, perhaps? I'm not understanding the logic Tsin attempted to point out in his original post. Regyy, a Ranger, has two items that allow you to cast spells as if you knew them? Okay, that part is pristine. The spells in question are Minor Sanctuary and Dauntless -- okay, I'm following so far.
How, then, does he use these two items to imbed them into mage recharagable items? Rangers don't have access to the 420 spell to allow him the chance to imbed them.
Does he use another character that has knowledge of the 420 spell and just swap his items over?
03-18-2007, 09:39 AM
He might have a 420 scroll, and whether he does or not, the existence of them alone demonstrates that imbedding a spell into a mage rechargeable item that is inaccessible to those that know minor elemental spells is not bug abuse.
03-18-2007, 09:44 AM
03-18-2007, 10:29 AM
You take the items that impart the knowledge, hand them to a wizard to use 420, and imbed it.
03-18-2007, 02:51 PM
Someone else making mage rechargable items at low cost and high profit is a huge threat to his X times a day 213 items. Don't be surprised if the item gets nerfed due to him throwing a fit.
As to his being a GM, why would it surprise anyone that a game with as tight a profit margin as Gemstone would have a clandestine text for cash market?
03-18-2007, 03:21 PM
It isn't clandestine. They don't use him though.
03-18-2007, 04:28 PM
Everyone knows i've been selling stuff for cash for years, why would I ever claim to be GM when it is so obvious that i'm not and cash sales are clear evidence. That's right, I didn't.
.While I admit I have pretended to be a GM once or twice in the past to help ease the concerns of a hesitant buyer
I know there's at least one other post somewhere where you admitted to having said that you're a gm. When there's clear evidence that you HAVE lied, why do you bother to deny it?
Stanley Burrell
03-18-2007, 04:51 PM
I've known Regyy for a bit and he's been a pretty astute follower of GemStone policy (the New Year's debacle wasn't exactly what I'd call sinister by any stretch of imagination.)
The fact that this isn't bug abuse, and the GMs aren't treating it as such should be reason enough to understand the value of his HoK. Since we've been pretty keen on nerfing/changing/bastardizing/etc. in most Tsin threads, we'd also know that if GMs are ontop of finite code string changes, 420 would easily have been recoded quite a while ago with a boolean variable for spell/spell circles to implore said nerfage if viewed as problematic.
It's what makes Regyy's grand auction item...
Of grand auction item quality.
Not even really sure why Tsin'd think that would be mechanics abuse, but it seems like a no brainer (and non-exploitative of *any* conceivable bug) as to why the mentioned actions wouldn't be wanton mechanics advantage, let alone mechanics abuse and/or BUG embezzlement, personally :shrug:
03-18-2007, 05:48 PM
Wait wait, let me say something....I am a GM too! Woo hoo!!
03-18-2007, 11:20 PM
Not even really sure why Tsin'd think that would be mechanics abuse, but it seems like a no brainer (and non-exploitative of *any* conceivable bug) as to why the mentioned actions wouldn't be wanton mechanics advantage, let alone mechanics abuse and/or BUG embezzlement, personally :shrug:
Because HE did not think of it first is all.
I am amazed that he continually finds new suckers to buy his overpriced crap when his lies and misdeeds recorded in his own words are so readily available here.
If he wasn't such a complete dick i'd almost say good for him in finding so many suckers.
However he IS such a dick.
03-18-2007, 11:50 PM
Is that the best you guys can do? I've heard better insults from a 5 year old.. The sad part is all I hear is the same thing over and over and over.. If you are going to keep us entertained at least find something new to make fun of me about.. Since almost all of you have never done any actual business with me before, it might be hard, but i'm sure you can jump on the bandwagon and pretend like you have a reason to hate me.
03-19-2007, 12:16 AM
I don't hate you Tsin.
I just think you are a loser.
Because while you are out selling Aston Martin's in a text based RPG game, thinking your doing big things, I'm travelling the world, fucking bitches and generally have a wonderful young adulthood.
But whatever makes your dick hard.
I dont hate you.
With that said, I'll never buy from you either.
Sean of the Thread
03-19-2007, 12:30 AM
Is that the best you guys can do? I've heard better insults from a 5 year old.. The sad part is all I hear is the same thing over and over and over.. If you are going to keep us entertained at least find something new to make fun of me about.. Since almost all of you have never done any actual business with me before, it might be hard, but i'm sure you can jump on the bandwagon and pretend like you have a reason to hate me.
It's pretty sad that a HUGE group of people from on ONLINE community think you're a douche.
You must be doing something right.
03-19-2007, 12:30 AM
You seem to suggest that only those having done business with you are the only ones with valid voices. Well, I have done business with you and based on my personal dealings with you I still think you're a dickhead and it's due, in part, to you reneging on a deal we had after items and coins had changed hands. You are right about one thing, it's the same old story here again; you're either ripping people off, lying, or being the idiot that you are.
Also, I think the reason behind Tsin's drama over Regyy's enterprise is because he owns or used to own Thalior's old staff. It used to allow the imbedding of spells from all spell circles, because it had the unlimited use of 420 before it was nerfed. It was quite the moneymaker at the time. He has his panties in such a bunch now, because he feels that Simutronics should do the same thing to Regyy even though there's no comparison to what he used to do (or Ciston) or whomever it was that was doing it.
Either way Tsin, it's you that is acting like the 5-year-old all upset that little Johnny has something that you don't, and I find it hilarious. Maybe you should write David Whatley a long letter or something, then take a cold shower?
The Ponzzz
03-19-2007, 01:24 AM
03-19-2007, 02:13 AM
but i'm sure you can jump on the bandwagon and pretend like you have a reason to hate me.
I haven't seen once when someone has said they hated you. When you lie and cheat people, you have to expect that people aren't gonna like you much. Someone doesn't have to do business with you to figure out what kind of person you are. You're just lucky that most of the people you sucker haven't read all your bad reviews or are too naive to think that you will cheat them.
03-19-2007, 07:54 AM
I don't hate you, but I'll never do business with you. Not so much due to what other people have said about you, but due to what you've said about yourself. You lie, you contradict yourself, you've shown yourself to have very little morality. Yes, you've got some awfully nice stuff for sale, but when I've seen you admit to enhancing the qualities of items, no way would I buy anything from you expecting it to be as listed.
03-19-2007, 08:31 AM
Tsin you know what your future is?
Tsin's future is like putting gasin a car you've already wrecked
03-19-2007, 08:54 AM
You would actually have to be liked in the first place to be hated. I just think you're sad in an entertaining sort of way.
Like watching a bad episode of Cops, in rerun mode...
Tea & Strumpets
03-19-2007, 10:49 AM
LOL. Same old story with Tsin---lying, cheating, and stupidity. I think that picture has to be saved for all Tsin threads.
03-19-2007, 11:38 AM
Is that the best you guys can do? I've heard better insults from a 5 year old.. The sad part is all I hear is the same thing over and over and over.. If you are going to keep us entertained at least find something new to make fun of me about.. Since almost all of you have never done any actual business with me before, it might be hard, but i'm sure you can jump on the bandwagon and pretend like you have a reason to hate me.
I personally couldn't give a shit about your 'business' regarding a text based game where you believe you are part of the High Society.
I just like to make fun of people like you who have to find their success in a game.
It's not hate.. it's entertainment.
03-19-2007, 01:43 PM
Now we know another reason why Mario had to leave Prime for Plat.. He was spending too much time creating fake pictures of naked men to fantasize over..
03-19-2007, 02:02 PM
Now we know another reason why Mario had to leave Prime for Plat.. He was spending too much time creating fake pictures of naked men to fantasize over..
oh yeah tsin, why don't you do us all a favor and shoot yourself, your witty remarks..aren't witty, they are plain dumb, well, id on't expect much else from you.
03-19-2007, 02:36 PM
Now we know another reason why Mario had to leave Prime for Plat.. He was spending too much time creating fake pictures of naked men to fantasize over..
Are you in the fucking third grade? My twelve-year-old has more heat than that.
03-19-2007, 03:20 PM
You just got out wittizied by Solkern. If that isn't an indication to hang up the towel, then I don't know what it is.
Sean of the Thread
03-19-2007, 03:25 PM
03-19-2007, 03:27 PM
Watch it Daniel, or he'll break out the much feared, "Well so's your face!!!" on you.
03-19-2007, 03:43 PM
Don't forget the ever popular I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I?
03-19-2007, 03:54 PM
I'm rubber and you're glue. Whatever you says bounces off me and sticks to you!
03-19-2007, 04:02 PM
Your momma.
03-19-2007, 04:07 PM
Now we know another reason why Mario had to leave Prime for Plat.. He was spending too much time creating fake pictures of naked men to fantasize over..
Weak comebacks make Baby Jesus cry. It's almost on par with Tabor's "U MUST B FAT IF U MAKE FUN OF ME!"
You both are highly successful in a text based game... your parents must be so proud.
03-19-2007, 04:21 PM
Crazy hypothesis bear with me.......
Tsin = Warclaidhm?
03-19-2007, 04:23 PM
Crazy hypothesis bear with me.......
Tsin = Warclaidhm?
No. Tsin is a calculating asshole... Warclaidhm was a dumb asshole.
Liberi Fatali
03-19-2007, 05:39 PM
Weak comebacks make Baby Jesus cry. It's almost on par with Tabor's "U MUST B FAT IF U MAKE FUN OF ME!"
You both are highly successful in a text based game... your parents must be so proud.
Akchully, 'sbit safe to say that you ARE indeed fat, innit?
Sorry, you can't wangle your way out of it -- you are who you are.
03-19-2007, 05:42 PM
No. Tsin is a calculating asshole... Warclaidhm was a dumb asshole.
Eh, plus Warclaidhm can add 1+1, right? He knows vector calculus. Tsin cannot add 1+1. I doubt he can add 0+1, but whatever.
03-19-2007, 07:56 PM
Tsin is probally 45, lives in his parents basement, thinking he's some badass guy cause he has some nice gear in gemstone, the minute gemstone goes away, tsin will hang himself, cause his life and future are over...then again what life and future did he have..
Tsin, here's a hint
take a shower..i know i know it's something new, but try it, anyways, put some clothes on
and walk upstairs, open the front door of your parents house, and meet a thing called RL,
that big yellow thing in the's called a sun...and don't worry you wont have to worry, no rogues, clerics or empaths, so don't worry about that, there's no thought amulets either, so stop rubbing your necklace and trying to project your thoughts.
anyways walk around, meet someone, anyone, and actually make something of yourself
The Ponzzz
03-19-2007, 07:56 PM
Sean of the Thread
03-19-2007, 09:30 PM
Akchully, 'sbit safe to say that you ARE indeed fat, innit?
Sorry, you can't wangle your way out of it -- you are who you are.
You've got quite the fat fetish twig. I think my load of cum would snap your 100lb frame. EAT SOME PROTEIN. WORK OUT. Do something besides whine about people you assume are fat.
03-19-2007, 09:40 PM
I hate fat people.
03-19-2007, 09:59 PM
Yeah. Fat people suck.
03-19-2007, 10:44 PM
Liberi Fatali
03-19-2007, 11:22 PM
You've got quite the fat fetish twig. I think my load of cum would snap your 100lb frame. EAT SOME PROTEIN. WORK OUT. Do something besides whine about people you assume are fat.
Yes, because it's quite obvious that I am merely skin and bones -- no definition is apparent on my fragile body.
'Sall 'ere in this picture, guvnor.
you've sullied the o rly owl. you're going to hell.
03-19-2007, 11:28 PM
dude, that's not definition, that's starvation. Please don't take your shirt off in public. And shorts really aren't an option for those knobby legs.
03-19-2007, 11:32 PM
That's...pretty hideous in a different way.
03-19-2007, 11:33 PM
If you flexed any harder your eyes would explode.
Sean of the Thread
03-19-2007, 11:35 PM
Yes, because it's quite obvious that I am merely skin and bones -- no definition is apparent on my fragile body.
'Sall 'ere in this picture, guvnor.
Your "little" muscles mean nothing twig. I wasn't lying when I said my fucking load would snap you. In my career I've busted down a 6' 6" 260lber. I doubt I'd have any problem with a squirrel like you.
I was just calling you a twig sir I was not extending a challenge as I could care less. Just man up and get some meat on your bones before you get hurt walking to school or something. God forbid you trip or bump into something.
03-19-2007, 11:36 PM
Yes, because it's quite obvious that I am merely skin and bones -- no definition is apparent on my fragile body.
'Sall 'ere in this picture, guvnor.
LMAO that's not really you is it?
03-19-2007, 11:37 PM
I'd totally kick your ass Sean and I'm only 210.
03-19-2007, 11:47 PM
Everybody do da fat man strut.
Sean of the Thread
03-19-2007, 11:48 PM
Dude no offense USMC > ARMEEE OF ONE.
You would get destroyed!
Plus you're skinny.
Plus we're both drunks so broken bottles count as fair game.
Sean of the Thread
03-19-2007, 11:49 PM
Everybody do da fat man strut.
Yeah I'm a solid 212lbs in that picture. I emphasize the solid.
03-19-2007, 11:54 PM
The only important question is whether you're walking back after a strike.
Sean of the Thread
03-19-2007, 11:56 PM
That sir is a STRIKE STRUT.
I <3 bowling.
03-19-2007, 11:57 PM
Bird legs (and douchey shorts), bird arms, big waist
Looks like metabolic syndrome to me. Might wanna check your blood sugar, cap'in.
03-19-2007, 11:59 PM
Dude no offense USMC > ARMEEE OF ONE.
You would get destroyed!
Plus you're skinny.
Plus we're both drunks so broken bottles count as fair game.
03-19-2007, 11:59 PM
That sir is a STRIKE STRUT.
I <3 bowling.
You ever play Silver Strike at the bar? It's awesome.
Liberi Fatali
03-20-2007, 12:02 AM
And here I always thought you were black.
Sean of the Thread
03-20-2007, 12:04 AM
You ever play Silver Strike at the bar? It's awesome.
That game rocks.
03-20-2007, 12:09 AM
And here I always thought you were black.
What tipped you off? The dark skin?
Sean of the Thread
03-20-2007, 12:12 AM
I should sell raffle tickets to jeno's ass kicking. If I wasn't afraid that I'd kill him that would be a great idea.
03-20-2007, 12:20 AM
Isn't it illegal to beat up anorexics?
Aren't they typically girls?
Sean of the Thread
03-20-2007, 12:24 AM
If it's not illegal I'd feel really bad at the very least. He needs to talk to a counselor about his eating disorder before we ever scrapped.
03-20-2007, 12:31 AM
Bah there is nothing wrong with having very little fat on your body.. you guys are just jealous. Get over it.
-> nother skinny guy
03-20-2007, 12:42 AM
Bah there is nothing wrong with having very little fat on your body.. you guys are just jealous. Get over it.
-> nother skinny guy
So that pic is really Jeno?
03-20-2007, 12:46 AM
LOL. That is one pic I wouldn't be proud of man. My dick is about as big around as your bicep.
And does your Mommy make you wear that red hat so you don't hurt yourself?
03-20-2007, 12:47 AM
Nice car btw.
03-20-2007, 12:48 AM
So that pic is really Jeno?
I think so, yeah.
03-20-2007, 12:50 AM
We can compare it to his voter card... oh wait, we can't.
03-20-2007, 12:50 AM
lol @ "red hat"
03-20-2007, 01:20 AM
I have an idea
lets make a new forum topic called: The moron (tsin)
and all threads he makes and all posts he makes, get moved to this forum section
Miss X
03-20-2007, 04:58 AM
Bah there is nothing wrong with having very little fat on your body.. you guys are just jealous. Get over it.
-> nother skinny guy
To be fair, as a chick... I much prefer a chubby guy with meat on his bones to a skinny dude with less flab than I have! Jack Black is the ideal IMHO.
03-20-2007, 05:27 AM
To be fair, as a chick... I much prefer a chubby guy with meat on his bones to a skinny dude with less flab than I have! Jack Black is the ideal IMHO.
I like my women like this
Miss X
03-20-2007, 05:31 AM
We should date.
03-20-2007, 08:21 AM
My dick is about as big around as your bicep.
Pic please.
Sean of the Thread
03-20-2007, 09:00 AM
rofl @ drew.
Liberi Fatali
03-20-2007, 09:04 AM
I should sell raffle tickets to jeno's ass kicking. If I wasn't afraid that I'd kill him that would be a great idea.
Weak comebacks make Baby Jesus cry. It's almost on par with Tabor's "U MUST B FAT IF U MAKE FUN OF ME!"
Isn't it illegal to beat up anorexics?
Aren't they typically girls?
Weak comebacks make Baby Jesus cry. It's almost on par with Tabor's "U MUST B FAT IF U MAKE FUN OF ME!"
If it's not illegal I'd feel really bad at the very least. He needs to talk to a counselor about his eating disorder before we ever scrapped.
Weak comebacks make Baby Jesus cry. It's almost on par with Tabor's "U MUST B FAT IF U MAKE FUN OF ME!"
LOL. That is one pic I wouldn't be proud of man. My dick is about as big around as your bicep.
And does your Mommy make you wear that red hat so you don't hurt yourself?
Weak comebacks make Baby Jesus cry. It's almost on par with Tabor's "U MUST B FAT IF U MAKE FUN OF ME!"
Nice car btw.
Weak comebacks make Baby Jesus cry. It's almost on par with Tabor's "U MUST B FAT IF U MAKE FUN OF ME!"
We can compare it to his voter card... oh wait, we can't.
Weak comebacks make Baby Jesus cry. It's almost on par with Tabor's "U MUST B FAT IF U MAKE FUN OF ME!"
03-20-2007, 09:38 AM
at least we can see his small man syndrome came honest.
04-07-2007, 11:20 PM
This just happened...thought it was appropriate
Ninmah says, "Ok, the Tsin special."
Ninmah says, "One bet only."
Speaking to Ninmah, Chivalrous asks, "It will cost you 100 million but only be worth 5 million?"
Ninmah exclaims, "New Maximum betting limit is 500000000 silvers! Get your bets down! You can't win big unless you bet big!"
** Normal Betting will now be allowed! **
Tsin bets 10000000 on 2.
Tsin bets 10000000 on 3.
Tsin bets 10000000 on 11.
Tsin bets 10000000 on 12.
Tsin bets 10000000 on the Dragon's Lair.
** Closing Normal Betting! **
** Dragon Betting will now be allowed! **
Gothique flinches as she bets 1000 on Dragon's Blood.
Gothique flinches as she bets 1000 on Dragon's Blood.
[2 9.5 mil blood wins in a row right before this...I can't imagine how big blood would have been if it had happened again]
Gothique takes the bones, gives them a shake and flings them towards the opposite end of the table.
The bones sail through the air without tumbling or turning and you can see the numbers flickering ethereally across their face. The bones land on the table without further movement, the numbers freezing into position. One of them shows a 4, and the other reveals a 2.
Ninmah exclaims, "6! The soft one! The Quarry is 6! Bet those Scaly ones, bring it out!"
You didn't win anything on that roll.
Valig just won 145833 on a bet of 6.
Remas just won 23333 on a bet of 6.
Goldenranger just won 14000 on a bet of 6.
Gothique flinches as she places another 2000 silvers on Dragon's Blood.
Ninmah uses his gnarled stick to bring the bones towards the center of the table.
I realize that that was nothing [he won 22.5 mil on a later roll] but it made me feel just a tad bit better about the world.
04-08-2007, 06:17 AM
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