View Full Version : Caerus

03-12-2008, 10:34 PM
You hear the faint thoughts of Caerus touch your mind:
[General]: "Ow mech faer de mattock?"

You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head:
[Merchant]: "Caerus which."

You hear the faint thoughts of Caerus touch your mind:
[General]: "Ow mech faer eider mattock. En alsae ow mech faer de 3x claidh?"

You focus your mind on Caerus and think:
[Merchant]: "Try talking straight man."

You hear the faint thoughts of Caerus touch your mind:
[General]: "Paerdon?"

You hear the faint thoughts of Caerus touch your mind:
[General]: "I asks ye ow mech faer eider mattock. En I alsae wunnae knows ow mech faer det 3x claidh."

You focus your mind on Caerus and think:
[Merchant]: "Without an 'accent' or misspelled words. RP isn't necessary on the thought net."
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You hear the faint thoughts of Caerus touch your mind:
[General]: "I begs ye paerdons?"

You hear the faint thoughts of Caerus touch your mind:
[General]: "OOC: You don't see me criticizing you in the least. I don't see reason for you to judge how I RP my character."

You focus your mind on Caerus and think:
[Merchant]: "Yeah well you give people headaches trying to read that stupid shit."

You focus your mind on Caerus and think:
[Merchant]: "Mispelling words doesnt equal RP."

You hear the faint thoughts of Caerus touch your mind:
[General]: "OOC: That's your opinion. And if you knew how to read phonetics, we'd be on level."

focus your mind on Caerus and think:
[Merchant]: "You seem to be a bit messed up with your phonetics actually. Half of those words don't even sound similar."
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You hear the faint thoughts of Caerus touch your mind:
[General]: "OOC: Again I say, you obviously don't know how to read phonetics."

03-12-2008, 10:37 PM

I agree that he probably shouldn't have an accent when thinking, but come on, that stuff wasn't hard to understand.

03-12-2008, 10:39 PM
When it takes me twice as long to read, its too hard to understand. And his phonetics suck. It is just very annoying.

They say we cannot talk in other languages like Chinese or something, why should they allow stupidity like this?

03-12-2008, 10:44 PM
When it takes me twice as long to read, its too hard to understand. And his phonetics suck. It is just very annoying.

They say we cannot talk in other languages like Chinese or something, why should they allow stupidity like this?

Because it's not another language. It's a fairly easy (for me, anyway) to understand accent. If you didn't like it and didn't want to converse with him, why not just ignore him, or say i'm sorry I don't understand you, so I can't talk with you? There was really no reason to be nasty to him or go OOC with him.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-12-2008, 10:51 PM
Yeah, I never got why the reason to harsh another persons mellow over roleplaying. Because he's got an accent? BFD.

Go after bitches like Rocksand who think roleplaying is playing with a ruby tongue in her pants.

03-12-2008, 11:14 PM
It's actually poor RP because the thought net isn't in Common, it's in some kind of transcendental language that isn't affected in any way by speech impediments (c.f. the Aelotoi broken common debacle).

I don't see how it's a big problem to ask someone to knock it off in private, personally.

The Ponzzz
03-12-2008, 11:34 PM
At first, I thought it was some sort of broken German. Then once he pointed out the fact it was phonetics, I was able to read it. Personally, if I can't understand it, I just ignore it. I'm not going to pick a person apart for trying to RP.

03-12-2008, 11:40 PM
At first, I thought it was some sort of broken German. Then once he pointed out the fact it was phonetics, I was able to read it. Personally, if I can't understand it, I just ignore it. I'm not going to pick a person apart for trying to RP.

Others obviously will.

Some Rogue
03-15-2008, 12:46 AM
Not as much as the new guy bumping tons of threads.

03-15-2008, 12:49 AM
Or the guy replying to the bumps.

Yeah um, I don't think what he did was annoying.

The Ponzzz
03-15-2008, 12:52 AM

03-15-2008, 12:54 AM
My bad :(

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
03-15-2008, 05:35 AM
Let's all go out for some nice frosty milkshakes!

PBJT: Trolling with positivity since 2008!

03-15-2008, 06:31 AM
Jesus, what an asshole. God forbid someone try roleplaying in the game anymore. Used to be motherfuckers would get props for staying in character at all times. Now they just get bitched at by whiney douchebags.

03-15-2008, 06:38 AM
I guess you would have a complaint if that wasn't super easy to understand. At least to me I could read that just about as quickly as standard english.

03-15-2008, 08:29 AM
I only hate that accent shit because it reminds me of the Stain.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
03-15-2008, 09:34 AM
You guys realize this entire post is coming from AestheticDeath, right? I mean, I like ya and all AD, but you're not really the most pro-roleplay guy ever. Why you all are acting shocked and horrified that an avid power hunter isn't 100% behind goofy roleplay is beyond me. Quit being douchebags and accept the game for the OOC-infested mess it has become, like I sadly have :(

03-15-2008, 09:40 AM
I though RP'ing with broken common and stuff like that was discouraged due to the wide amount of tones the mechanics allow you can speak in.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
03-15-2008, 09:56 AM
Said tones are every bit as irrelevant as finally adding "Dhe'nar-si as a speakable language. People trained their minds to type a certain way, and no amount of helpful in-game mechanics will stop them from speaking X language X way. Just pretend you didn't see it, and all will be well!

03-18-2008, 08:33 PM
Didn't know this existed until a friend of mine guided me to this forum.

I really saw no reason to respond to this post...had already gotten what I needed out of it. He's an asshole. Folks disagree on RPing with an accent. And, RPing has diminished over the years.

But, I think it can be agreed that civility is appropriate. As is moderation.

The counter posts got me thinking...in particular the post by Latrinsorm:

It's actually poor RP because the thought net isn't in Common, it's in some kind of transcendental language that isn't affected in any way by speech impediments (c.f. the Aelotoi broken common debacle).

I don't see how it's a big problem to ask someone to knock it off in private, personally.

After much debate amongst friends about how folk's thoughts would appear...ideas ranging from primitive images and sensory memories, to thoughts in accents, to cryptic messages...I have come to the conclusion that it would be best served if I kept Caerus to the status quo and conformed to a UNIVERSAL language of ideas on the amunet. Boring as it may be.

I have my doubts...and would be curious to see some facts to back up this bit about a transcendental language.

03-18-2008, 08:43 PM
I think a better angle would have been to make fun in him ICly, asking him what hit in him the head that hard to THINK like that. Some fun RP can come out of that.

As others have said, people trying to RP are a luxury these days. No need to start swearing at them OOCly.

03-18-2008, 09:16 PM
I have my doubts...and would be curious to see some facts to back up this bit about a transcendental language.For a (too) long time after they were implemented, Aelotoi were unable to speak common properly: every statement in common was given the "speaking in broken common" bit. It's worth noting that unlike the drunken mechanics, no actual garbling of the statement occurred.

The basis I have for claiming this transcendental language thing is that no Aelotoi had any trouble with the thought net: this suggests that either they thought in Elven or Aelotian (languages they could speak properly) or that transcendental thing. Given that humans (who can speak neither Elven nor Aelotian) had no difficulty understanding an Aelotoi's thoughts, it stands to reason that the thought net is not in any spoken language.


It is entirely possible (even plausible) that no GM fully considered the ramifications of this design or that they simply didn't feel like messing with the thought net code - this has no effect on the IG reality they created.

03-18-2008, 09:20 PM
I have my doubts...and would be curious to see some facts to back up this bit about a transcendental language.

Sigh. Are you serious? Latrinsorm gave you a civil reply. I'm not going to do the same.

Are you people fucking morons? We are THINKING TO EACH OTHER. We aren't talking on an an audatory channel in each other's heads. When I THINK about a cat, I'm holding a cat in my mind's eye, I'm not thinking of the word C.A.T. If you and I could telepathically communicate, and I thought of a cat, you would realize I was thinking of a cat, even if you spoke chinese only and I spoke english only.

This isn't that fucking complicated people. Jesus fucking christ.

03-18-2008, 09:27 PM
Latrinsorms post pretty much sorts it out.

It is entirely possible (even plausible) that no GM fully considered the ramifications of this design or that they simply didn't feel like messing with the thought net code
That's a mistake probably easily overlooked when bringing out a whole new race, I bet.
I still think that anything said over thought net is made by thought alone so anyone can understand anyone perfectly.
But what if someone was RPing a retarded person and spoke what they meant to say, or saw in the same way they thought?
Gah. Stop thinking, Dave.

03-18-2008, 09:31 PM
Ahh forget it, no-one busts anyone for saying 3x, db, etc. It's just up to the player wether they want to try and pull someone for something that doesn't harm and is a grey patch too varied to judge anyway

03-18-2008, 11:23 PM
Ahh forget it, no-one busts anyone for saying 3x, db, etc. It's just up to the player wether they want to try and pull someone for something that doesn't harm and is a grey patch too varied to judge anywaylisten asshole my mom was killed by a 3x db cloak

03-18-2008, 11:41 PM
I bet she lol'd brileus.

03-19-2008, 12:24 AM
listen asshole my mom was killed by a 3x db cloak

:rofl: :lol:

That was priceless.

Stanley Burrell
03-19-2008, 08:29 AM
listen asshole my mom was killed by a 3x db cloak

This is the greatest thing I have ever read.

Sorry about your loss.

03-19-2008, 09:54 AM
Everyone is able to understand everyone else on the thought net. The thoughts go directly into your character's head. They are enclosed in quotation marks, which makes them verbal thoughts; perhaps the amulets send and receive information directly from the user's verbal cortex. Accents are a result of making unfamiliar neuromotor and muscular demands on one's body, not the result of some sort of neurolinguistic deficiency. I think the only reason for a character to "think" with an accent is if that character is stupid enough that even his thoughts are garbled.

03-19-2008, 11:21 AM
Everyone is able to understand everyone else on the thought net. The thoughts go directly into your character's head. They are enclosed in quotation marks, which makes them verbal thoughts; perhaps the amulets send and receive information directly from the user's verbal cortex. Accents are a result of making unfamiliar neuromotor and muscular demands on one's body, not the result of some sort of neurolinguistic deficiency. I think the only reason for a character to "think" with an accent is if that character is stupid enough that even his thoughts are garbled.

No. Just no. Nice bullshit though. Sounds good.

People who telepathically thing with accents are retarded. Period.

03-19-2008, 01:16 PM
what's the difference between being retarded and being stupid enough to have garbled thoughts. Sounds like mental retardation to me.

These are all semantics. Feel free to continue to debate, and Khariz...feel free to continue being a dick. No skin off my back.

I stated in my last post what I had decided to do, post without accent. Seeking out more information from someone who is posting in a forum not sanctioned by the people who designed/run the game, seems like a valid thing to do. But, you insisted on throwing up your brain vomit all over this topic.

Keep on keepin' on, holmes.

03-19-2008, 01:58 PM
<<They are enclosed in quotation marks, which makes them verbal thoughts>>

When I quote authors, I use quotation marks, yet I'm quoting written works. But that almost made sense. Almost.

03-19-2008, 04:16 PM
Why are you using a rejection letter in your sig?

03-19-2008, 06:05 PM
<<They are enclosed in quotation marks, which makes them verbal thoughts>>

When I quote authors, I use quotation marks, yet I'm quoting written works. But that almost made sense. Almost.

By "verbal" I meant that you sense these thoughts as words, not as images, tastes, sounds, feelings, etc. They are verbal, as opposed to visual, aural, somatic, olfactory, etc.

No. Just no. Nice bullshit though. Sounds good.

People who telepathically thing with accents are retarded. Period.

What I mean is that people who have accents do not have them because their ability to relate concepts to words is poor, but because they are trying to move their mouths in a way that is unfamiliar to them. A person who grew up speaking Japanese has trouble pronouncing English "r" and "l" sounds because their language does not require their mouths to make those sounds (or their ears to recognize those sounds as having linguistic meaning), NOT because they are somehow poor at relating concepts to words that are represented by those sounds.

An accent is a combination of a motor skill issue and a listening issue. The thought net requires neither motor skills nor auditory processing, so one should not have an accent when using it. It does, however, require the ability to order one's thoughts as one would order them when speaking, so if someone has trouble doing THAT (stupidity, brain damage, inebriation, etc.), then one's use of and clarity in expressing oneself on the thought net might be affected.

On a tangential note, the OP's assertion that "RP isn't necessary on the thought net" is blatantly retarded. It's an IC phenomenon, behavior on the merchant channel notwithstanding.

03-19-2008, 06:09 PM

03-19-2008, 08:49 PM
Just speak plain English and there is no problem.

03-19-2008, 09:29 PM
It's an MMORPG. Who do you think plays this fucking game?

03-20-2008, 02:28 AM
Are you people fucking morons? We are THINKING TO EACH OTHER. We aren't talking on an an audatory channel in each other's heads. When I THINK about a cat, I'm holding a cat in my mind's eye, I'm not thinking of the word C.A.T. If you and I could telepathically communicate, and I thought of a cat, you would realize I was thinking of a cat, even if you spoke chinese only and I spoke english only.

This isn't that fucking complicated people. Jesus fucking christ.

Wow, harsh response considering there really isn't one right answer. Sure if you are thinking just "cat" you'd probably be picturing a cat and transmitting that mental image. But that's not true of a lot of the communication that takes place on the amulet.

If you're discussing religion or politics on the amulet I don't think you're just sending mental images because an image can't convey the nuances and complexity that words can. So you are actually using words in your mental communcation. Lots of fantasy books where telepathy is possible talk about things like "words in my head".

Even when I'm just thinking to myself at home I am often thinking in both words and mental imagery. It's not just one or the other. And when I do think in words, I hear them in my head exactly how I pronounce them when speaking.


03-20-2008, 10:48 AM
If you're discussing religion or politics on the amulet I don't think you're just sending mental images because an image can't convey the nuances and complexity that words can. So you are actually using words in your mental communcation.There are more choices here than images or words. Consider the sensation you experience when you see a patch of blue - for instance the sky. We agree on the word we use ("sky" or "blue") but we have no way of communicating how that blueness feels. It's in fact possible for your experience of blueness to be my experience of redness if all we have are words to try and communicate the potential difference. This demonstrates that concepts are significantly more fundamental than words or images and transcend both imperfect media, which brings me to:
By "verbal" I meant that you sense these thoughts as words, not as images, tastes, sounds, feelings, etc. They are verbal, as opposed to visual, aural, somatic, olfactory, etc.It's important here to distinguish between what the player senses and what the [i]character/[i] senses. The player senses the thought net as words because the player senses everything in GS as a combination of words. The example of the Aelotoi demonstrates how the character cannot possibly sense the thought net as words unless they are in a language that no character can speak but every character can mentally communicate in - which makes them not words at all.

03-20-2008, 11:07 AM
The funny thing is, when I read these posts (even now as I'm typing this post), I hear my own voice in my head, with my own dialect, and my own "speaking voice". I would imagine that since I am thinking in this way, it should be transmitted this way.

I speak very limited french (learned some in High School), and when I say, "Parlez vous francais?," I'm pronouncing it in my head exactly like I would if I were speaking it out loud, with one exception...If I take the time to slow down, the 'r' in 'Parlez' and 'francais' are spoken correctly (gutteral sound). Even though I can not frame my mouth to pronounce them correctly out loud (no matter how hard I try), in my head I do if I take the time. If I'm lazy, it just shounds like, "Parlay voo fransey?," which is exactly how I say it out loud.

I think the point I'm trying to make is it should be possible to speak clearly in thought if one takes the time to do so, provided they know the language, but it is also possible to speak in your own dialect if you're too lazy to care.

03-20-2008, 11:21 AM
<<Why are you using a rejection letter in your sig?>>

Because I'm a goddamn hero.

03-20-2008, 05:41 PM
Heya Bob/Alex

Guess what I am now in Massachusetts. BTW Stonehill is a good place too.

2012? Thought you were older than that.

Whatever I am bored....

03-20-2008, 05:44 PM
Wasn't there some nutjob on the PC that went to Bentley?

03-20-2008, 05:54 PM
Whirlin was a nutjob?