View Full Version : Hi, my name is Cherryth and I don't understand.

04-22-2006, 09:53 PM
Hi, my name is Renian and my healer...uses healbot.

<insert HI RENIAN here>

Anyway, this one healer knows I use the script. But I don't use it to gank. And I used to heal like crazy with it, but now I heal in moderation, as the exp absorption difference between fried and clear/muddled isn't huge, and there's enough customers to go around to keep us all like that.

But Cherryth does not get that. She just immediately assumes that because I use the script, I'm a ganker. Or something. Anyway, the log.

>nod ocissor
Balmer put a talneo potion in his green canvas backpack.
You nod to Ocissor.
[healbot]^appraise Ocissor
You take a quick appraisal of Ocissor and find that he has a completely severed right arm, a completely severed left arm, a fractured and bleeding right leg, and some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg.
He is bleeding from the right arm, from the left arm, and from the right leg.
He is also quite dead.
[healbot]^transfer Ocissor right leg
You meditate over Ocissor.
Ocissor's right leg damage is transferred to you.
[healbot]^transfer Ocissor left leg
You meditate over Ocissor.
Ocissor's left leg damage is transferred to you.
[healbot]^transfer Ocissor right arm
Cherryth pulls Riixae to her feet.
You meditate over Ocissor.
Ocissor's right arm damage is transferred to you.
[healbot]^transfer Ocissor left arm
You meditate over Ocissor.
Ocissor's left arm damage is transferred to you.
[healbot]^transfer Ocissor
You meditate over Ocissor.
You take some of Ocissor's blood loss.
[healbot: Healing rank 3.]
[healbot]^incant 1102
Veers nods to Cook.
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your right arm feels better.
Roundtime: 1 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[healbot]^incant 1102
...wait 1 seconds.
Cook asks, "Anyone able to heal me up a bit, please?"
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your right arm feels better.
Roundtime: 1 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[healbot]^incant 1102
...wait 1 seconds.
Veers looks a bit pale.
[healbot]^incant 1102
Cherryth softly asks, "Need healin Ocissor?"
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your left arm feels better.
Roundtime: 1 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Cherryth sits down.
[healbot: Healing rank 2.]
[healbot]^incant 1102
...wait 1 seconds.
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your left arm feels better.
Roundtime: 1 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>'::Cherry A little late...
Speaking calmly to Cherryth, you say, "A little late..."
[healbot]^incant 1102
You smirk.
...wait 1 seconds.
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your right leg feels better.
Roundtime: 1 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[healbot: Healing rank 1.]
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your right arm feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
The sickly pallor seems to fade from Veers.
* Fullglass just bit the dust!
Balmer nods to Cook.
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your left arm feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Balmer meditates over Cook.
Balmer takes Cook's right arm damage.
Serawyn just left.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your right leg feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Cook bows to Balmer.
Cherryth stands up.
Balmer meditates over Cook.
Balmer takes Cook's nervous system damage.
[healbot]^incant 1102
Cook just handed Balmer some coins.
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your left leg feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Cook says, "Thanks."
Lady Cherryth's group just went west.
Balmer meditates over Cook.
Balmer takes all of Cook's blood loss.
[healbot: Healing is complete.]
Cook just went northwest.
Lord Lythius just arrived.
Alarke just arrived.
Raphdar just arrived.
Veers raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Veers gestures at Ocissor.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Veers encompassing Ocissor's corpse.
Lord Lythius just went west.
Balmer says, "Honored to help ye."
Snarl just arrived.
Snarl just went east.
Raphdar rummages around in his pockets.
Snarl just arrived.
Snarl just went southwest.
Raphdar just went northeast.
>transfer ocissor
You meditate over Ocissor.
You take some of Ocissor's blood loss.
*** HealHelp: Automatically converted "hp" to "PREP 1101/CURE"

*** HealHelp: Automatically converted "hp" to "PREP 1101/CURE "

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
You concentrate.
You feel better.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
>look ocissor
Lady Cherryth's group just arrived.
You see Ocissor.
He appears to be a Dwarf of the Mithrenek Clan.
He appears to be very young and short. He has dark-rimmed black eyes and golden brown skin. He has long, straight black hair with a red streak running through it. He has a clean-shaven face and protruding ears.
Despite no apparent injuries, he seems to be DEAD!
He is holding a gold-capped orase runestaff in his right hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a rippling dark silk cloak swept with swirled fiery hues, some fitted midnight black casting leathers, a salt-stained foraging pouch, an enruned diamond-clasped backpack, and a crystal amulet.
Cherryth sits down.
Veers raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Veers gestures at Ocissor.
Veers suddenly looks very drained.

A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Ocissor in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Ocissor, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Ocissor awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Ocissor seems slightly different.
>transfer ocissor
You meditate over Ocissor.
You take all of Ocissor's blood loss.
Balmer murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
*** HealHelp: Automatically converted "hp" to "PREP 1101/CURE"

*** HealHelp: Automatically converted "hp" to "PREP 1101/CURE "

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
You concentrate.
You feel better.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
Balmer gestures.
Balmer's nervous system looks better.
Skydragon just arrived.
Skydragon just went west.
*** HealHelp: Automatically converted "hp" to "PREP 1101/CURE"

*** HealHelp: Automatically converted "hp" to "PREP 1101/CURE "

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
You concentrate.
You feel better.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
Balmer murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Balmer gestures.
Balmer's nervous system looks better.
Galenok just arrived.
Galenok just went west.
*** HealHelp: Automatically converted "hp" to "PREP 1101/CURE"

*** HealHelp: Automatically converted "hp" to "PREP 1101/CURE "

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
You concentrate.
You feel better.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
An ancient female gnome wanders through, sweeping some of the leaves and twigs into a basket with her wooden rake. After a quick look around, her wizened old face creases into a grin, and she winks at you as she wanders away again.
Balmer murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Ocissor stands up.
Veers smiles.
Balmer gestures.
Balmer's right arm looks better.
Journeywoman Zafyra just arrived.
Ocissor just went west.
Snarl just arrived.
Snarl just went east.
Cherryth whispers, "You know I really dislike that script you use...just so you know."
Journeywoman Zafyra just went northwest.
Balmer removes some cactacae spine from in his green canvas backpack.
Balmer takes a bite of his cactacae spine.
Balmer's right arm looks better.
Ocissor just arrived.
Eurt just arrived.
Snarl just arrived.
Snarl just went southwest.
Ocissor just handed Veers some coins.
Akanah just arrived.
Cardir just went east.
Akanah just went west.
Apoc just arrived.
Veers stands up.
Veers disbands his group.
Raphdar just arrived.
Veers bows.
Veers just went northwest.
Apoc just went northwest.
High Lord Girran just arrived.
Eurt says, "Any healing please."
High Lord Girran just went west.
Raphdar just went east.
>whisper ooc cherryth Yeah, I know. But I won't change that. But I'm usually nice about turns, and I'm practicing a little bit more...lenience.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Cherryth, "Yeah, I know. But I won't change that. But I'm usually nice about turns, and I'm practicing a little bit more...lenience."
(As in, I don't gank, and hell, I don't even heal as much as I used to.)
Raphdar just arrived.
Raphdar just went southwest.
Azaton just arrived.
Balmer nods to Eurt.
Azaton just went east.
Balmer meditates over Eurt.
Balmer takes Eurt's head damage.
*** HealHelp: Automatically converted "rarm" to "PREP 1111/CURE right arm"

Balmer meditates over Eurt.
Balmer takes Eurt's chest damage.
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Scar Repair...
Your spell is ready.
Your right arm feels better.
Roundtime: 24 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
Balmer meditates over Eurt.
Balmer takes Eurt's back damage.
Balmer meditates over Eurt.
Balmer takes all of Eurt's blood loss.
Vorheez just arrived.
Eurt just handed Balmer some coins.
High Lord Girran just arrived.
High Lord Girran just went southeast.
Eurt says, "Thanks."
Eurt just went west.
Balmer says, "Honored to help ye."
Vorheez grimly says, "Healing needed..."
Methadon just arrived.
Vorheez seems a bit weaker than before.
Methadon just went east.
(OOC) Cherryth's player whispers, "Aren't you just wonderful...letting us heal more!"
(That's bad how?)
Ocissor just went west.
>grin cherr
Ocissor just arrived.
You grin at Cherryth.
(Probably shouldn't have grinned.)
Ragnad's group just arrived.
Ragnad's group just went over to an old well.
Cherryth glares at you.
(Ok...I'm letting you heal more. I'm staying rather laid back. Now you are pissed? The fuck?)
Balmer nods to Vorheez.
Lord Ocubah just strode in.
The powerful look leaves Alarke.
Balmer meditates over Vorheez.
Balmer takes Vorheez's abdomen damage.
Lord Ocubah strides away moving southwest.
Balmer meditates over Vorheez.
Nothing happens.
Speaking softly in Guildspeak, Cherryth says, "It's all yours Tiad."
(But... I'm not actually staying! I need to do Physics homework!)
Raphdar just arrived.
Ocissor disbands his group.
Cherryth just left.

I was going to give a response to the glare, but she just up and left. Also, she got mad at me for healing a corpse, but I helped RESCUE THE CORPSE. Bah.

04-22-2006, 10:07 PM
she got mad at me for healing a corpse, but I helped RESCUE THE CORPSE. Bah.
Sheesh, you've got a lot of nerve, healing a corpse you rescued!!!

04-22-2006, 10:44 PM
Smirking and grinning were sort of inflammatory, but not anything I'd worry about. If anything, she's the one who was in breach of ettiquette by horning in on someone else's rescue.

To be fair, it could be that her player simply dislikes scripting/script-healing per se and that dislike doesn't have anything to do with "ganking".

04-22-2006, 10:52 PM
To be fair, it could be that her player simply dislikes scripting/script-healing per se and that dislike doesn't have anything to do with "ganking".

True. But I think she's accused me of it before.

04-22-2006, 10:55 PM
LOL, she's a vulture herself.

04-23-2006, 12:23 AM
Nothing against Simu rules.

Script healing still sucks though.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-23-2006, 06:24 AM
I agree that script healing sucks. It's really hard on stormfront to point and click wounds then click them again to get the spell ready, really. -.-

Beyond that, a few of your reactions to her were inflammatory but she was also way out of line.

I'd say both of you made some mistakes, just don't sweat it.

04-23-2006, 08:32 AM
Thank god I'm not an empath.

04-23-2006, 09:40 AM
<<It's really hard on stormfront to point and click wounds then click them again to get the spell ready, really. -.->>

Why do people think that the ability to click wounds in SF is so much more acceptable than the ability to use a script in Wizard?!?

04-23-2006, 10:41 AM
I'm with Bob.

04-23-2006, 12:21 PM
Script healing is why I gave up making a healer though because the only way to bring up a healer as a healer is to script or else you will never get a chance.

I'm sure there are people that use the scripts in a thoughtful and courteous manner but all it takes is one or two healers scripting on a flat out tear to ruin a spot for anyone else not scripting and I think that is very unfotunate for the individual players and the game in general.

04-23-2006, 12:25 PM
I'm sure there are people that use the scripts in a thoughtful and courteous manner

Which is what I try to do. But I know what you are talking about, so its a valid point. Tayre and Toy can be ubergankers with that script.

If I have a mind above clear I generally wait about 5-10 seconds for someone to nod, unless I know I'm the only healer on duty. That's ample time to nod to someone. Also, I always keep my finger on the button to kill the lich script, with my nods and the nods of others highlighted differently. I can tell in a split second who really got the heal; and usually, if it's not me, I manage to turn it off and yield to the other empath.

I agree that script healing sucks. It's really hard on stormfront to point and click wounds then click them again to get the spell ready, really. -.-

...I'm using the wizard.

04-23-2006, 01:11 PM
Being a healer myself, I'd be more pissed at Toy and Tiad, they are the gankers. I've never noticed you vulching in TSC, so don't even worry about it

04-23-2006, 01:14 PM
the only way to bring up a healer as a healer is to script or else you will never get a chance.I've never scripted healing. My pure healer is level 40, and has spent the vast majority of her healing life in TSC.

The main flaws in your diagnosis are that script-healing isn't really all that common and script-healers don't make up the majority of vultures/"gankers". I'd rather have Bob's empath in TSC than Urgoyle or Ismurii.

04-23-2006, 01:18 PM
Uh, yeah. He plays Tiad.

04-23-2006, 02:14 PM
Being a healer myself, I'd be more pissed at Toy and Tiad, they are the gankers.

Uh, yeah. He plays Tiad.


Did you mean Tayre?

All our names start with T's, so I can understand why you may have gotten confused.

04-23-2006, 03:06 PM
Amateurs. All of you.

04-23-2006, 03:19 PM
Aren't we all actually professionals, given that we get paid to heal?

04-23-2006, 03:37 PM
no I mean Tiad...he has an auto nod script or something, heals about 4-5 in a row never giving anyone a chance

04-23-2006, 03:47 PM
The main flaws in your diagnosis are that script-healing isn't really all that common and script-healers don't make up the majority of vultures/"gankers".

I did not mention any characters by name.

My experiences are only my own of course and others may have found things very different.

04-23-2006, 04:59 PM
no I mean Tiad...he has an auto nod script or something, heals about 4-5 in a row never giving anyone a chance

...I AM TIAD. I also do not have an auto nod script. And I don't heal 4-5 in a row unless there is no one else on duty.

04-23-2006, 05:14 PM
If I ask for healing, heal me, I don't give a shit if you just healed 10 people. I'm there to get healed, not worry about the slow poke who wants to wait around or who's not paying attention. If you're going to be a healer, pay attention and heal quickly.

Vultures Welcome.

04-23-2006, 06:20 PM
This started with my character bitching about vultures:

Speaking softly in Guildspeak, Cherryth says, "When you grow up a bit more you will understand that better..."

Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "Grow up?"

You roll your eyes.

You smirk.

Speaking softly in Guildspeak, Cherryth says, "Belenis we nod at the person requesting healing...first nod gets to heal."

Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "I'm likely much older than you."

Speaking softly in Guildspeak, Cherryth says, "Somehow I sincerely doubt that Ellishar."

You see Lady Cherryth D'Renquilar the Healer.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She appears to be very young. She has silver-flecked sea green eyes and olive skin. She has waist length, unruly deep red hair. She has an upturned nose.
She has a scar across her neck, old battle scars on her right arm, old battle scars on her left arm, a mangled right leg, a mangled left leg, old battle scars on her right hand, old battle scars on her left hand, several painful-looking scars across her chest, several painful-looking scars across her abdominal area, an old battle scar across her back, a black-and-blue right eye, and a scar across her face.
She is holding a pale mossbark runestaff in her right hand and a star ruby in her left hand.
She is wearing a white-tipped deep crimson rose tucked behind one ear, a gold ring, a pearly white bracelet, some enruned diamond-dusted leathers, a pearl trimmed silk shoulder pouch, some delicate white sandals, a tiny faerie charm, some white pearl-buttoned leggings, a strand of cultured pearls, a delicate pearl trimmed snood, a pair of pearl earrings, a pair of pearl-buttoned gloves, a pearly white leather knapsack, a pearly white satchel, a white laced satin elven kirtle, a butterfly charm, and a translucent spidersilk cloak.

Linurea continues playing her flute.

Speaking softly in Guildspeak, Iodina says, "Previous lives do not count here."

Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "Previous lives?"

Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "What in heaven's name are you speaking of?"

Speaking softly in Guildspeak, Iodina says, "Aye, some folks believe that they return over and over again ...."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Cherryth, "Age =! Level."

Speaking softly in Guildspeak, Cherryth says, "Ellishar seems to enjoy taunting his companions in healing."

Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "I'm afraid not."

Speaking softly in Guildspeak, Iodina says, "Well it will be a long haul for him to become a good healer."

Speaking softly in Guildspeak, Iodina says, "Tis sad, but it happens ."

Speaking in Guildspeak to Iodina, you say, "I'm afraid people who think that are stupid then." This was in response to the coming back thing, I should have been more specific.

Ellishar smiles flatly.

OOC: Cherryth's Player whispers,"I'm 53 in real life...I sincerely doubt you're older than that."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Cherryth, "Umm. WTF? Did I SAY anything about real life?"

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Cherryth, "I never said IRL."

Cherryth whispers, "I can tell you and I are going to have serious problems here..." I took this as an IC whisper.

You quietly whisper to Cherryth, "Intelligent people and morons come in conflict often."

You smile at Cherryth.

Cherryth whispers, "Took you that long to think that up?"

rryth whispers, "I'm pretty sure you're around 16 or less in real life, only people under 20 use the insult Moron...with maturity comes a better vocabulary."

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Cherryth, "Okay, congrats. I don't give a fuck who you are and what you think about how old I am IRL. This is a game, and that was in character." Again, I probably should have been more clear about what I meant what was in character.

(OOC) Cherryth's player whispers,"It was? How odd."

Cherryth turns away, ignoring you.

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Cherryth, "Http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=19321."

Cherryth rolls her eyes.

Cherryth glances at you.

Cherryth snickers. Hate to tell you this, but I was the one who was laughing after this :fu:

04-23-2006, 08:43 PM
I think she doesn't understand the concept of roleplay.

Sean of the Thread
04-23-2006, 09:24 PM
I tip whoever vultures my characters the fastest! Taking turns is for pussies.

04-23-2006, 10:53 PM
As for Tiad, just go ask any other healer in TSC, or I can just go back to the log of you admitting that you had just healed about 4-5 patients and that if we simply asked you to stop healing, you would. Most empaths are always fighting about shit like this, thats why I hunt.

04-24-2006, 11:59 AM
Most empaths are always fighting about shit like thisIncorrect for TSC. I wouldn't be surprised if hick towns like either Ta experience that problem though.

04-24-2006, 03:44 PM
As for Tiad, just go ask any other healer in TSC, or I can just go back to the log of you admitting that you had just healed about 4-5 patients and that if we simply asked you to stop healing, you would.

Yeah, that attitude changed pretty quickly when I noticed the exp difference between red and clear, and how many people were coming in for healing. As of a few days ago, I don't pull that. Also, I think I waited a few moments before actually nodding. Not sure.

Also, wrossartley, you = Rogane?

04-24-2006, 04:37 PM
Script healing is why I gave up making a healer though because the only way to bring up a healer as a healer is to script or else you will never get a chance.

I'm sure there are people that use the scripts in a thoughtful and courteous manner but all it takes is one or two healers scripting on a flat out tear to ruin a spot for anyone else not scripting and I think that is very unfotunate for the individual players and the game in general.

Having played an empath in TSC for a short period of time. There seems to be an unspoken edicate of the nod. I highlighted the nods not to be a vulture. I did use a script to heal. However I ended up manually starting the script after the nod.

You say that you need to be a script healer to ever get a chance. I found this only to be true in TSC. There are plenty of places in the lands to camp your arse down and heal and you don't need to script. I won't list them because I know you guys can find them.

Empaths are twisted anyway :-) ...sheesh who else hunts to obtain wounds, bleeders, and pain for fun.

04-24-2006, 04:55 PM
There seems to be an unspoken edicate of the nod.

Why oh why would you mangle a poor defenseless language in this manner...

04-24-2006, 10:37 PM
Heh, this is an old argument made modern by the simple fact of a "nod-script."
If people are really going to complain over this, don't blame others because of a script. Become faster and stronger if you're going to plop down and main heal. Hell, that's what I did with my Empath.
I don't use a script at all with my Empath, and she was almost just as fast as a script if I was paying attention.

As for the whole nodding thing, it has been said repeatedly, you are not required to nod to a patient. It will be frowned on if you don't, but you're not going to be banished for it.

However, as mentioned above, utilizing "Empath Etiquette" helps to keep other Empaths from crying foul play.

04-24-2006, 10:41 PM
<<I don't use a script at all with my Empath, and she was almost just as fast as a script if I was paying attention.>>

This isn't true, unless that script isn't the one Tiad, Tayre, and I use.

04-24-2006, 10:51 PM
No. I was talking about scripts that others have made. I tried going head-to-head with Tayre's, and I didn't even bother after he "vultured" every person there.

Thing is, I know Tayre will eventually get bored and slum it up somewhere else. He usually doesn't last more than 45 minutes. That leaves the rest to me. :)

04-24-2006, 11:31 PM
Rofl, I didn't even know you had an empath.

But I've pissed off more people by simply healing than any of you can ever dream of.

Am I proud of that? Fucking yes.

04-25-2006, 12:17 AM
Are you fucktarded? Ellisuian, doofus.

Sean of the Thread
04-25-2006, 12:18 AM
Rofl, I didn't even know you had an empath.

But I've pissed off more people by simply healing than any of you can ever dream of.

Am I proud of that? Fucking yes.

That's why you rock. FUCK EM!

05-22-2006, 09:33 AM
kill em

05-22-2006, 10:01 AM
nice bump douchebag

05-22-2006, 10:29 AM
I'm in the 'screw the etiquette business. just fucking heal me' camp.

If scripting gets my wreck repaired faster, all the power to you. Vulture away.