View Full Version : Evyrsio And Friends Go To EG: Grhim Attacks!

10-28-2006, 10:33 PM
Sadly, I had no silvers for the opening of Ebons this year due to poor saving. Luckily, this wonderful guy messaged me in the EG chat room offering to buy my staff that I had posted for sale a few days earlier. I agreed to sell it to him for a mil cheaper than expected, since he had recently been "cheated by Meksill" and I was desperate for silvers, but the exchange never took place due to his having to leave.

Having scrounged up enough silvers for the Ebons IPO, I wasn't particularly keen on selling it today. Kembal has a SECOND part to the log for TWICE the fun.

[Boniface Inn, Common Room]
A massive rock fireplace dominates the common room, nearly filling the far wall with its girth. A staircase climbs the eastern wall, and a thick black felt curtain hangs discreetly in the recessed area beneath it. Facing the staircase is a long oaken bar fronted by several stools for socializing, and tucked into the far corner is a pair of quiet tables for patrons requiring more privacy. You also seea LARGE sign that you feel you really must read, a large silver drink cart with some stuff on it and a basket of sticks. Also here: Alter people
Grhim whispers, "Hey."
Grhim whispers, "After the next spin should I go get you a note for that staff."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "I decided I think I'll keep the staff, man. Sorry."
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "We already had a deal though.."
You quietly whisper to Grhim, "Hah. Ain't a deal till the cash is exchanged, my friend."
Grhim whispers, "Well in my book, when two people make an agreement that is a deal."
You quietly whisper to Grhim, "Sorry to hear it."
Grhim whispers, "Is this really how you want to do things?"
You see Grhim Anyukal the Historian.
He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
He appears to be venerable. He has crazed, gold-tinted eyes and pale skin. He has long, unkempt white hair that is knotted in many places and ripped shorter in others. He has deeply sunken cheekbones. Jagged silver canines can be glimpsed briefly between his lips.
He has several painful-looking scars across his abdominal area, and a mangled right arm.
He is holding a slender golden imflass vial in his right hand.
He is wearing a translucent spidersilk backpack, an ominous night-black onyx jackal symbol inset with eerie ruby eyes suspended from a fine black ora chain, a three-orbed black ora talisman, a hooded leather cloak, some blackened veniom cufflinks, some silver-insigiled ebon silk casting gloves, an onyx-inlaid vruul skin thigh-sheath lined with crimson velvet, some ancient black ritual vestments, a rune-stitched Faendryl bag, some silver-buttoned supple black leather pants, and a pair of vaalin-trimmed boots.
Grhim whispers, "Because it's not going to end friendly, or with both of us alive, because you're just flat out lying to me."
Grhim whispers, "And I don't appreciate that at all."
Grhim whispers, "Well?"
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "It was spoken of OOC, and is no way applicable in game if that's what I choose."
Grhim has 1024925 fame.
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "No it wasn't."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "The Ebon's Gate chat room is considered in character? Not last I checked."
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Funny, we discussed it in-game as well last I check."
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "We spoke several times at the festival, and you asked me to get you a note in-game in says."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "Well you should check again, since you're mistaken."
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "So now I'm the liar?"
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "Fair enough."
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Well, you lied to my character and he doesn't appreciate that, expect to get what's coming to you."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "I've never interacted with your character before."
Grhim whispers, "You did yesterday during the festival."
You quietly whisper to Grhim, "I'm afraid you must be thinking of someone else."
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Nope, I'm not, I saw you yesterday right after the start, I had to go and you wanted me to go grab a note."
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "I'm not going to debate this with you, you can either do what you said, or you're going to be suffering a lot of deaths every time my character sees you during this festival."
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Take it up with a GM if you don't like it."
(Two minutes pass)
[Boniface Inn, Foyer]
A vaulted ceiling of simple, polished oak planks slopes down to meet walls of the same wood. Near the oaken double doors, a sturdy coatrack stands, holding an assortment of outer garments. To one side of the room, a small clerk's desk holds the inn's registry. Above the desk, a large painting hangs on the wall, its colors muted and soothing. A long, narrow rug leads north into the common room, past a cluster of comfortable leather chairs. You also see a large white-bellied hawk that is flying around.
Also here: Ghelander, Cariline, Taewren, Great Lady Ganelle
Obvious exits: north, out
Sescie just limped in.
Sescie brushes her finger gently against the glossy back of the spider on her ebon leather pack. It obediently unravels its webbed lock, allowing the clasp to spring open.
You rub your glass amulet.
1d100: 66 + Modifiers: 185 == 251

You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
High Lady Rubytears just arrived.
High Lady Rubytears just went north.
Grhim just arrived.
The white-bellied hawk circles lazily above.
Sescie put a waist length blonde wig in her ebon leather pack.
Grhim intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Dark Catalyst...
Your spell is ready.
You are visible again.
You gesture at Grhim.
CS: +383 - TD: +175 + CvA: +14 + d100: +26 - -5 == +253
Warding failed!
Grhim is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... and hits for 22 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Back burnt to the bone. Smoke curls up from what's left of Grhim.

* Grhim drops dead at your feet!

Grhim glances around, looking a bit less confident.
You feel 1 mana surge into you!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You say, "Yes. I'll be dead a lot."

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-28-2006, 10:52 PM

Though the lack of OOC whispers the whole time makes it a very OOC situation.

10-28-2006, 10:52 PM
Background: I just sold Grhim an Olba holy vial (the one that sprinkles) about 4 days ago and at that time, he asked me if I knew Evyrsio and about Evy's staff. I told him yes, I did, and that Evy and I were friends as players, though our characters bug each other all the time.

So while Evy and Grhim were discussing in there, Grhim starts whispering to me about how I should tell Evyrsio that he's going to die lots of deaths. I don't even know Evy's in the room at the time, but I whisper back to Grhim and ask what's going on. He starts talking about the staff, and asks me whether I think it's right if someone pulls back on a deal. I say yes, because people have the right to change their minds.

He goes on with one more whisper, and then he and I see Evyrsio walk out of the room, and that's when Evyrsio kills him.

After he gets raised, he comes back in the room, and the following transpires (slightly edited to remove a bunch of extraneous crap):

A massive rock fireplace dominates the common room, nearly filling the far wall with its girth. A staircase climbs the eastern wall, and a thick black felt curtain hangs discreetly in the recessed area beneath it. Facing the staircase is a long oaken bar fronted by several stools for socializing, and tucked into the far corner is a pair of quiet tables for patrons requiring more privacy. You also see the Evarin disk, the Acario disk, the earth brown Zezuanth disk, a small funeral card embossed with a cypress, a despondent lavaflow spirit that is flying around, the Toreena disk, the Tannious disk, a crooked perserved rat's tail, a cheaply made shovel, the Flity disk, the violet Tolwynn disk, the Arpelli disk, a LARGE sign that you feel you really must read, a large silver drink cart with some stuff on it and a basket of sticks.
Also here: Drevihyin, Cariline who is sitting, Basilio, Debia who is sitting, Evarin who is kneeling, Kaellan, Acario who is kneeling, Sescie, Jendaarah, High Lady Rubytears, Velvette, Caladrial, Futtilo, Great Lord Brevis who is sitting, Ohr, High Lord Krisenfest, Great Lady Roxana, Tatiyanna, Tealcie, Annactoria, Cardolas, Casondra, Lady Nauriel, Kastor, Megdaline, Zezuanth, Saerren, Great Lady Kellerie, Dizi, High Lady Cadiva, Lady Naidalie, [b]Ghostly Spirit Koehri, Lady Elysabeth, Grand Lord Seluus, Mytmo, Shimmerra, Katta, Lord Xarian, Lord Koops, Vanima, Journeywoman Aela, Tayvin, Ana who is sitting, Lyrendiel, Vhaelin, Rhavnos, Kreean, Niara, Chazym, Lord Sarnaak, High Lady Gracy, Phyrn, Laevin, Lady Kristabel, Evelith, Brielus, Kaelael, Katrian, Sylverose, Kashina, Sparat, Silverthreaded, Zurrainn, Tsin, Umpyr, Zhau, Lady Odevalis who is sitting, Great Lord Sagoth, Lady Toreena, Zodier, Tannious, Great Lord Kraygon, Lord Darrmoq, Carene, Lady Elleth, Great Lord Glathial, Ghostly Spirit Nelsen, Murdawk, Rayzinark, Xanator, Ryhn, Leash, Khistian, Natsuki, High Lady Katara, Junniper, Gacy, Temairak, Sheelanagig, Vender who is sitting, Chronin, Great Lady Marionetta, Lord Nordred, Malikh, Alifair, Silverthorne who is sitting, Althalea, Cristalia, Lunatick, Lord Darkdelon who is sitting, Great Lady Ondrea who is sitting, Sketti, Cappyn, Iys, Lady Anjel, Attoll, Lord Azaer, Lluna, Splutters, Tristriscia, Zuzana, Rosalinae, Lady Narqui, Teegan, Vellani, Siledryn, Archales, Makette, Lytholyn who is sitting, Lord Orslyk who is sitting, Radom, Lady Uniana, Lady Lysistrata, Kiijo who is sitting, Lady Fatale who is sitting, Delonkin who is sitting, Lady Klymeria, Thraxz who is sitting, Padaxus, Inana, Jinsem, Merjinia who is sitting, Aaramon, Prisym, Great Lord Aethor who is sitting, Peregryn, Wyxer, Usage, Drakam, Hanyou, Giantphang, Lady Mecrea who is sitting, Vivaldi, Raekay, Malaekai, Leff, Gordd, Lady Nightphoenix, Lady Tabbecca, Flity who is sitting, Otondo who is sitting, Lyrienne, Tymelorde, Lord Insodus, Dowlyn, Nivenia, Lady Casilla, Satira, Daec, Reijin, Great Lady Kestlyn, Lord Tolwynn, Washee, Augie, Arpelli who is sitting, Kankuro, Neico, Missoni, Perigourd, Kyriele, Lady Whyssper, Alexys, Raelee, Grandsome, Zalessa, Lady Zantanya who is sitting, Naelan, Kiowa, Koleph, Lady Ntere, Jeyden who is sitting, Great Lady Dara, Austil, Great Lord Bloodthorn, Wulfhen, Alashadi, Lord Surly who is sitting
Obvious exits: south, west
Grhim just arrived.
Great Lady Ganelle just arrived.
Grhim just went south.
Grhim just arrived.
Belnia just arrived.
Lady Semana just went south.
Augie works intently on the hands in her portrait of Lord Hanrik, bringing to mind that you once heard hands are difficult to draw.
Lady Semana just arrived.
Katrian offers Koehri a Wehnimer's promissory note.
Koehri accepts Katrian's promissory note.
Solanjel just went south.
The powerful look leaves Gracy.
Koehri offers Katrian a Wehnimer's promissory note.
Shartoose blinks at Augie.
Katrian accepts Koehri's promissory note.
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Hope that was worth it to you and your idiot friend, now I have an open invitation."

>whisper ooc grhim Hey, I did nothing.
Katrian grins at Klymeria.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "Hey, I did nothing."
Darrmoq just left.
Taewren just went south.
Koehri offers Katrian a pale golden ruic longbow carved with corrosive acid droplets.
Darrmoq just arrived.
Katrian accepts Koehri's golden ruic longbow.
Ryhn's group just went south.
Evelith whispers, "Oh, interesting."
Krendeli just arrived.
Darrmoq groans.
Katrian huskily says, "Thank you very much."
Saerren just went south.
Archales just climbed a staircase.
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Yeah right."
Darrmoq covers Kiowa's hand with his own as he places it gently within the crook of his arm.
Tealcie just left.
Tealcie just arrived.
Saerren just arrived.
Krendeli just went south.
Augie rubs the charcoal across the page, making a scratchy sound as she works on a portrait of Lord Hanrik.
Kaellan just climbed a staircase.
Syphaer just arrived.
Ryhn's group just arrived.
Archales just climbed a staircase.
Saerren just went south.
>whisper ooc grhim You realize that you're threatening me in an OOC channel with 2 GMs in the room.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "You realize that you're threatening me in an OOC channel with 2 GMs in the room."
Marionetta leans against Chronin, resting her head on his chest and turning her eyes to meet his.
Archales just went west.
Prisym's mask morphs and shifts, turning into a golden roa'ter mask.
Saerren just arrived.
Taewren just arrived.
Ohr just arrived.
Ohr joins Roxana's group.
Katrian smiles at Koehri.
Surly appears to have sobered up.
Kaellan just climbed a staircase.
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Yeah right man, after the shit you two just pulled, I would love to hear something from a GM about it."
Solanjel just arrived.
Basilio just climbed a staircase.
Koehri turns to face Roxana.
Sameera just arrived.
>whisper ooc grhim Hey, like I said, I did nothing. I didn't even tell him about your threat.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "Hey, like I said, I did nothing. I didn't even tell him about your threat."
>whisper ooc grhim Even though you asked me too
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "Even though you asked me too."
Augie works intently on the hands in her portrait of Lord Hanrik, bringing to mind that you once heard hands are difficult to draw.
Marionetta takes a drink from her tangy apple mead.
Roxana smiles at Koehri.
Roxana offers Koehri a recurve ruic composite bow with a blue suede grip.
Althalea just left.
Koehri accepts Roxana's ruic composite bow.
Basilio just climbed a staircase.
Kaelael sits down.
>whisper ooc grhim So back off, alright.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "So back off, alright."
Tealcie just left.
Some crimson puffs of fragrant rose-scented smoke drift upward and about the gleaming silver censer on Zantanya's belt.
Katrian just went south.
Tealcie just arrived.
Grimaldus just arrived.
Leash just went south.
Augie quickly adds a few shadows to one area of the portrait of Lord Hanrik, nodding then in apparent satisfaction.
Grimaldus appears less confident.
Grimaldus just went south.
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Well, your friend is a liar, a MA'er, and someone who is in general just an idiot, Your'e going to have that reputation very soon."
Althalea just arrived.
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Because I'm not even convinced the two of you are different players."
>whisper ooc grhim Right. Unfortunately, we very much are.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "Right. Unfortunately, we very much are."
Shartoose leans softly against Archevald.
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Suure."
>whisper ooc grhim Maybe you should read up on the boards. Me and him threaten each other all time.
Augie fills in some shading along the cheek in her portrait of Lord Hanrik, accenting the contrast between the flesh tone and the darker background.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Grhim, "Maybe you should read up on the boards. Me and him threaten each other all time."

(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Also, I've been talking with a GM friend of mine in IM's, he said if I really wanted to Evyrsio has prior warnings on his account, and if I were to report him for what he just did, he'd get a 30 day suspension."

Grhim just disappeared.

10-28-2006, 11:02 PM
lol...thats hilarious. Ghrim sure seems to have a stick up his ass. Evy should make a deal with him to sell the staff but for a ridiculous amount. I would love to see his reaction at that point.

10-29-2006, 12:00 AM
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Also, I've been talking with a GM friend of mine in IM's, he said if I really wanted to Evyrsio has prior warnings on his account, and if I were to report him for what he just did, he'd get a 30 day suspension."

Grhim just disappeared.

Hahaha, looks like the GM's were listening alright...

Stanley Burrell
10-29-2006, 12:04 AM
You are lucky Dirt McGirt isn't here. He would've handled that shit.

10-29-2006, 12:51 AM
LEgally, once you agree to the terms of a contract, you were bound to sell him that staff at the price you agreed to. It's called reliance, bitches.


10-29-2006, 12:56 AM
I really wish people would pull this shit with me.

I miss Dessedemona.

10-29-2006, 01:19 AM
Well, its bad form to pull out of a deal, no matter how you entered into it.

But, it was a verbal agreement. Nothing seriously binding ya know.

Grhim really has no reason to take it to the threats and killing etc..

I'd be pissed off, and most likely not deal with you again. But death threats are stupid. Especially considering hes much younger than you.

10-29-2006, 01:37 AM
If you make a deal, you should honor it.

I also like how you complain about how everything is OOC and then attack first. If you were really so concerned about it being OOC, then why would you even attack? Why not let him attack you then report it? Seems to me like you just checked his fame, decided that he was someone you could bully and thus killed him.

10-29-2006, 01:56 AM
And this is why, when I have a sale, I usually add in that I reserve the right to refuse a sale to anyone for any reason at any time, and/or to pull the item for any reason at any time.

Though I do agree that you taking the initiative to kill him brought the situation quickly IC. You would have done better to let him take it IC instead, and then reported.

10-29-2006, 01:12 AM
Yes, Mistomeer, you're right. The mature thing to do would be drop all of my spells, lie down, and spit on my dick so it would double as a lightning rod when he bolted me into next year.

10-29-2006, 01:23 AM
If you can't see the advantage you'd hold by letting HIM violate the TOS and bring an OOC interaction into game, attacking you without cause etc, so that the GM's have a reason to speak to him and NOT you, then you are more foolish than even Grhim treated you.

10-29-2006, 01:37 AM
I have/had absolutely no inclination to have anyone warned or otherwise disciplined by GMs, and since you are not one of them, and I was *not* disciplined, let's refrain from making moral judgements about my foolishness.

10-29-2006, 01:46 AM
Yes, because its so much better to perpetuate some childish OOC battle between your character and his IC, over a deal made on an OOC medium, than to simply have the GM's deal with his ignorant ass and squash it.

Also, I never said you were disciplined. However, should they have chosen to, you would have been in the wrong, as the entire conversation taking place between the two of you was considered OOC, yet you killed him anyway without any other IC interaction. I doubt they will do anything to you at all, to be honest, because he was clearly in the wrong or he would not have been pulled. That being said, you truly are foolish in my opinion (which is allowed on an open forum where you posted up a log for us to peruse and comment upon) if you fail to see the logic and advantage in letting him overstep his boundary of CvC vs. PvP

10-29-2006, 01:55 AM
When our argument perpetuates and spirals wildly out of control I'll be sure to give you the heads up.

Lassiter 506
10-29-2006, 02:55 AM
Yes, Mistomeer, you're right. The mature thing to do would be drop all of my spells, lie down, and spit on my dick so it would double as a lightning rod when he bolted me into next year.

No one suggested you lie down. Though the fact that:

1) you rubbed an invis amu prior to his arrival
2) he didn't actually cast a spell
3) you included the "Yes. I'll be dead a lot" comment

does suggest some e-peen stroking on your part. Wellldone though. You initiated the CvC action by casting the first spell and he got pulled.

10-29-2006, 02:59 AM
and most important lets not forget that this is a game and supposed to be fun. A simple, "oh okay thats too bad, let me know first if you ever try to sell it again, have a nice day" would have been a better gaming experience for both people. Now look at the shit you started. It's not fun for you and it's not fun for him. GM's involved blah blah blah.

It's just a freakin game...try to enjoy it.

10-29-2006, 03:48 AM
I highly doubt GMs were going to get involved in this at all until he started threatening me for no reason. Heck, they were reading his OOC threats to me in that room. Once he made up the crap about having a GM friend, that's when they took action.

Heck, Grhim messaged me in a PM on IRC after he got pulled with this:

<Grrrhim> let's see what happens now hmm

I didn't bother to respond. It's pretty obvious to me now that he figured out he couldn't take Evyrsio, and so he thought threatening me would be a decent second course of action.

In retrospect, anybody who emails me in a deal negotiation and says this in order to convince me to sell an item to them, I should be suspicious of:

Hey, I read your message on the forum and am really
interested in it, please mail me back with a price
you'd like on it.

I'm a consumate roleplayer, so I promise it won't be
going to waste, or rot in a locker.

Silly me for believing that was actually true.

10-29-2006, 08:42 AM
Grhim is a fucking idiot, don't worry about it.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-29-2006, 08:52 AM
I actually still owe Grhim a death from two different characters. Maybe I'll cash in at ebons :)

Sean of the Thread
10-29-2006, 09:07 AM
That guy begged me for auction token all weekend to the point of bothering others to reach me in game.

10-29-2006, 09:50 AM
(OOC) Grhim's player whispers, "Also, I've been talking with a GM friend of mine in IM's, he said if I really wanted to Evyrsio has prior warnings on his account, and if I were to report him for what he just did, he'd get a 30 day suspension."

Considering its totally against policy to even hint at sharing someone else's conduct record or other information with another player... I would say he's either full of shit or a complete idiot.

Either way I'd have yanked him out just to see if he was stuipd enough to give up the GM if it were true.

And I would think that any agreement involving the sale of a tangible item would need to be accompanyed by a written contract, much like real estate. I dont remember verbal contracts over the agreement of sale of tangible items being enforceable. But thats way bringing RL into the auspices of Gemstone reality - which is foolish to consider.

10-29-2006, 12:50 PM
Especially considering hes much younger than you.

age has nothing to do with levels, you know this right?

10-29-2006, 03:02 PM
age has nothing to do with levels, you know this right?

your an idiot - picking apart someones post... you know this right?

I am pretty sure most people got the point

10-29-2006, 03:17 PM
It was a major pet peeve of mine when I played the game

10-29-2006, 03:28 PM
So you talked about levels all the time in game? Right on man. I don't pretend to be a roleplayer.. but I was always griped at by the roleplayers for saying things like level.

10-29-2006, 04:00 PM
Ghrim is a douche. He was trying to sell me some stuff on the Landing amunet and when I told him what he had for sale wasn't worth my time, he got all pissy. Tossed threats and made comments about my character's name. I never considered wiping the floor with his ass, which would have been so easy, but I realized I was being sucked down to his whining asshat playing level by arguing with him on the amunet, so I just shut my mouth and dropped it.

I would suggest that you do the same when it comes to him.

10-29-2006, 04:02 PM
Ghrim is complaining about someone else's name??

10-29-2006, 04:20 PM
Ghrim is complaining about someone else's name??

If there is one thing I would do differently in the entire 11 or so years I have been playing GS, it would be the day I picked a name for Lucos. I didn't even know there were Akarti, much less one named Luukos. I got the name from the old search engine Lycos...heh.

10-29-2006, 04:31 PM
Fair enough. I don't think he has any room to talk, though.

10-29-2006, 06:12 PM
So you talked about levels all the time in game?This is a false dichotomy; your only choices are not to refer to levels as levels or to refer to levels as age. The best choice is to not refer to level at all in-game.

You've also made an odd side-step/reframe: your first comment was made on a message board (and thus not IC), whereas the (faulty) defense you postulated was made as if your first comment was made in-game or in-character.

All in all, point to Alfster.

10-29-2006, 06:23 PM
I always get a giggle out of Grhim -- I've seen him on Psinet repeatedly (just in the last 3-4 weeks since I think he's been back?) tossing around how many GMs he knows, going so far as making fun of another player for saying he knew 'a GM'. Looks like knowing all those GMs didn't help him when they watched his OOC whispers, though. Darn.

Uh... don't care either way about this deal. Grhim is a dick; this is well-known; let's all move along.

10-29-2006, 07:00 PM
This is a false dichotomy; your only choices are not to refer to levels as levels or to refer to levels as age. The best choice is to not refer to level at all in-game.

First off, quit playing with the dictionary. Secondly stop wasting our time.

Your choices are the same. If you dont refer to levels as levels, yet refer to them as something, then you must be using age as a descriptor.

In our supposed argument:
Level = Level or Level = Age

That is a dichotomy, not a false dichotomy. Unless you are calling levels by something other than those two, like train. In which case I guess its a false dichotomy.

You've also made an odd side-step/reframe: your first comment was made on a message board (and thus not IC), whereas the (faulty) defense you postulated was made as if your first comment was made in-game or in-character.
Your inferring something that isnt there. I couldnt care less about IC stuff, here or in game. Tearing apart someones post, because of a pet peeve you had in a game you no longer play... is rediculous. Trying to support someone over such a farce is also rediculous. Give him a reach around or something, I am sure he would be just as appreciative.

I tend to equate level with age for whatever reason. Get over it.

10-29-2006, 07:33 PM
First off, quit playing with the dictionary.A more appropriate dig would be "quit playing with the encyclopedia", seeing as how "false dichotomy" is more an esoteric term than an esoteric use of vocabulary. It becomes apparent that you're unfamiliar with the phrase, though, so I can see how this happened.

A false dichotomy is when someone proposes two choices as if no other choice exists. For instance: "If you don't want to vote Republican, you have to vote Democrat." Your particular false dichotomy was: "If you don't want me to refer to levels as levels, I have to refer to levels as age." It also got a little befuddled as the frame of reference shimmied, but I've mentioned that before.
Tearing apart someones post, because of a pet peeve you had in a game you no longer play... is rediculous. Trying to support someone over such a farce is also rediculous.Tearing apart someone's post looks like this: ridiculous not rediculous, someone's not someones, you're not your, isn't not isnt, and so on. Asking a question isn't tearing, it's asking.
I tend to equate level with age for whatever reason. Get over it.You realize of course that no one told you to stop; it was only brought to your attention that you were making the error (by Alfster) and that your defense was questionable (by me). :)

10-29-2006, 08:16 PM
So I'm not the only one with a problem with this guy?

I just had the pleasure of meeting him friday. I was chasing a thief and had quaked to slow him down and knocked Grhim over, I picked him up and apologized but that wasn't enough, he bitched and moaned then attacked me. I left him cursed, stunned, and without limbs in the street.

Then an hour or so later within the EG grounds he started threatening me again, so I did the same again. Except I also left him with a 5 minute nightmare as well.

I haven't heard back yet.

10-29-2006, 08:20 PM
Let's drop the vocabulary lesson and age/level argument from this thread. You're welcome to make a new thread about it.

10-29-2006, 08:24 PM
Having sex would probably work too.

10-29-2006, 08:26 PM
At the library huh?

10-29-2006, 08:47 PM
Blow me asshole. I can only take so much Public Adminstration before I need a break.

10-29-2006, 10:59 PM
Well this thread went to pot quickly...

10-30-2006, 12:20 AM
I tell ya Grhim, ya needs to lay of the cock for a while. "Grhim" and one of my cahracters had headbutted also...he was going to kill her over and over. He tryed kill her (I'll give him credit for that much) when she just blasted him with Dark Catalyst and took his punk ass out. Well, yeah she went to jail, but it doesn't say alot when my fine was only 24k for his death...hmmmm

10-30-2006, 12:07 PM
Grhim does indeed know members of staff. Doesn't mean they wouldn't tell him he's an idiot too. I think that's what he got from a mutual acquaintance the other night. Pulling out on a deal was lame...but he was lamer for going all OOC about it.

10-30-2006, 01:22 PM
I'm confused on how knowing members of staff makes people special, anyway. Depending on who you know, it might make you special ed.

Ghrim is retarded. The end.


10-30-2006, 01:36 PM
Actually he said, "No, I have to go," and left the chat room without telling me his character's name or leaving any contact information. I'm not a Stop 'n Go.

10-30-2006, 08:03 PM
Much like Ghrim, this thread needs to die.