View Full Version : Character Complaints
- Annoying much
- Xolean/Xarneon/Thorbrin/Skorpy/God knows who else
- Bad name thread revisited
- Yorabel
- Bobmuhthol
- Another idiot (long post)
- Idiots
- She is so cool.
- Thore.
- Shutup
- A bad name revisited..... by his 'brother'??
- Rohanion: Is he the man or is he just a nuisance?
- Hulkein
- Sold Souls Revisited
- Really really clever
- My random Top Ten All-Time Characters Who Suck
- Klaive
- Annoying things characters do.
- Fucking Quest Whores
- Tayre
- Teeoncy
- Syyn...conflict
- I hate pointless spam.
- Serlorloock
- Worst Ever Features:
- Well then just sell it for cost!!! Stupid Mystery bags.. Grrr
- omg..Wiz mod=dumb
- 3 cheers for Elforia
- Ok how stupid can you be?
- yes its a new Klaive thread
- Mordrec the idiot
- Kayous..... not Eccelerion. Tricksy bastard
- You disturb my scripting, you get killed by Mistomeer.
- first time for me............
- Jaymee Another winner for the masses.
- Pudgee the Gangsta
- Silversoft V2.354
- Kurapira & Klaive, the new Vif/Amberain?
- Pickin fights with MAers
- always have a wizard do your work for you.
- Bugs invading the East Tower
- Anyone see whats wrong with this picture
- Celtar
- Rarr should have been drowned as a child
- Does anyone know this person?
- I thought Warclaidhm quit?
- Mogonis <3 Cock.
- People like this.....
- some dude
- Some fool
- Qoz
- TheRoseLady Is Funny
- Warclaidhm IS a good guy.
- When I speak, people don't listen.
- Why Dionisius pees sitting down.
- I'm a tosser
- SHANTIN'S CLAN!!!!11111
- Stupid people shouldn't breed / Solescape
- Stan's Topic
- Celexei.
- Does Rasko normaly walk around randomly casting at people?
- Yet another: MAing coward (log)
- Massive stupidity = death
- Lovily....and her "lovily" affiliation with bars of soap.
- ---> Novar <--- {Very Long}
- Bringing OOC in game.
- Hammerhead
- Malestorm
- Nighthawk
- Reminion at his best.
- Looking back on Gracy/Sahbine/Nakitta/Anjolia
- Hammerhead
- Fucking vultures...
- Seinfeld lover anyone?
- Anyone heard of Shay?
- I'm worried about Bobmuhthol.
- Lot of gms..
- Do they check names anymore ?
- hi im a lil girl!
- Open OOC
- Bought and borrowed bodies
- Devishal is a mechanics abusing pussy
- Ariond the retarded MAer, AGAIN. Suprise...
- Dead fools
- Omens = looooosa
- Fucking idiots.
- What The Motherfuck?
- Poop-a-riffic Amberain.
- AFK Script hunting
- Dionisius
- Coinner and Sillvento
- Geoff's Fanny
- Draacon/Lycain
- All 20 Members of the PC are losers
- Rift Babies
- Who the hell is Avaia?
- Mordrec
- rofl
- Blatant MA'ing: Dwai--Rasko
- Dessedemona Jr (Violenttmoon)
- Poor, sad, *sensative* Solescape.
- fuck everyone
- Is it really that bad?
- Oops, I did it again...
- PC women in GS?
- The first thing I see after a long time of not playing.
- The Ultimate Solescape Log
- Lycain ROFL DOFL LMAO LOL X 300002
- Lycain is my little WARN bitch
- People just suck sometimes...
- Sabreo/Mistros/Kolts... again.
- Plethe
- ..........
- allow me to continue... iq is overrated
- He strikes again...
- Oh come on.
- Funny how people change.
- Dear Joloven,
- Filkon, Uber Ranger Extraordinaire... and his other character Sorrek.
- Draacon, Lycane, Lycain, Zodin, Jeazabelle
- gms + Volorian+ Sonnett
- Dumbass vultures (read that as Klaser)
- Dresbarfa and Arwankstaine are skanky fuckpigs
- WTF?!?!?
- Myiera is a fucking moron....
- Celtar the All Knowing and Avaia the Ass Kissing
- Who do you Hate?
- Wrongfully accused.
- Gorgeous is so fucking dumb
- Abuse of Smile
- New bully?
- Endalth sings
- Treeaswinds and Cheoilakota
- So...
- Kediaq and Sazia/Oravia are idiots
- Abztract is Solescape
- Stereotypical empaths with stupid feature alters.
- Lame pickup
- Mavric needs a better script.
- Rasko, (who isn't Sean, we all know) gets a new car...
- Emelyn and Oddeye
- Sillvento's mom is a whore.
- Buhbye Kurapira.
- Rocksand is a stupid bitch.
- a simple thank you would have been nice
- STFU is an acronym too
- Why people need to stop thinking they're tough.
- Lame shit.
- Lennfarious is an idiot
- I guess it's time for me to forge another log
- Slammers get slammed, accuse me out of town.
- Dwai & Rasko - See Dwai RUN!
- vitruvian is a fucking moron
- People suck sometimes.
- Brandomonic: Another retard.
- Caasy / Annamari?
- Fuckin retarded characters are retarded rant
- Foxs
- Splice.
- Warclaidhm and Bobmuthol?
- People are so damn weird and sick these days...
- Jastio, Rogue, Loser, Baby
- Stupid name, stupid person.
- It feels good to know this...
- New Sazia/Kediaq Thread.
- Larstone sucks
- Part I the murder
- Part II - Silversoft is an idiot
- Lycain, once again
- Carolie and Coinner over?
- Overheard on the amunet...
- Abztract = Dumbass, Round 2
- The Warn Interact Game!
- Hance / xShadowMerchantx
- Filswolf is a moron
- Gone but not forgotten?
- What the hell....
- bringing psinet in game
- I told you bitches not to vulture, didn't I?
- Larstone/Abztract/Solescape
- Another vulture dies
- handle and lillyen, the slammers
- About me :(
- Well, Caiy is in jail for the first time ever. And for murder at that.
- Bahaha, Solmarar pwnz himself. Again.
- Eh..... lame log. Forwarned you are. It's about Shisshio.
- Sashanna and her clan
- Anyone know Paole?
- You Lose
- Mekthros the AFK Script Skinner
- Kallamdor
- Mistomeer
- Kylinarr
- Goodbye
- Waedon.
- Coinner
- I have been sent to kill you
- Warclaidhm/Aexcrybre
- Pickax reporting me for being "vulgar and offensive"
- Aulus/Sorvey
- Rahin / Geoffani
- Vrell is an idiot (Long Log)
- The worst Gemstone moment just happened to me
- Solmarar loses because he sux.
- Warclaidhm and Spiders.
- Children of the park.
- Psykos, what the fuck?
- My true identity
- Menos
- Attention: Warclaidhm's Claidhmore Belongs to Sergey Now
- The Boondock Saints.
- I now am officially anti-Warclaidhm
- crylone
- Killing the hm family
- Warclaidhm deaths
- Warclaidhm being a dumbass
- Caladari/Chawn/Sykix
- Chica the h8er
- Cuumzalot (and various other logs).
- Caladari/Sykix
- Warclaidhm banned?
- Almost banned for 60 days to permanently.
- Abztract
- Lycain... again!
- Fuck you, Warclaidhm.
- Fooking slammer
- Michaelous
- Aexcrybre/Lycain/Lycane
- Warclaidhm proving his intelligence.
- Warclaidhm warclaidhms the warclaidhm.
- Gingivier
- Baloo. Please Step Forward and Defend Yourself.
- Dear Skyfawn
- Pulsesaver
- Aexcrybre's a sad sad sad dueler
- I'd like to take this moment to give a big "FUCK YOU" to Warclaidhm
- Quit already you worthless sack of shit.
- Inykness
- The deadly killer abztract lol warning will die of laughter
- just got this meassge
- Woohoo, Aex might finally be banned!
- Inky is a goat fucker.
- Michlosernuts (Michaelous)
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