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  1. Annoying much
  2. Xolean/Xarneon/Thorbrin/Skorpy/God knows who else
  3. Bad name thread revisited
  4. Yorabel
  5. Bobmuhthol
  6. Another idiot (long post)
  7. Idiots
  8. She is so cool.
  9. Thore.
  10. Shutup
  11. A bad name revisited..... by his 'brother'??
  12. Rohanion: Is he the man or is he just a nuisance?
  13. Hulkein
  14. Sold Souls Revisited
  15. Really really clever
  16. My random Top Ten All-Time Characters Who Suck
  17. Klaive
  18. Annoying things characters do.
  19. Fucking Quest Whores
  20. Tayre
  21. Teeoncy
  22. Syyn...conflict
  23. I hate pointless spam.
  24. Serlorloock
  25. Worst Ever Features:
  26. Well then just sell it for cost!!! Stupid Mystery bags.. Grrr
  27. omg..Wiz mod=dumb
  28. 3 cheers for Elforia
  29. Ok how stupid can you be?
  30. yes its a new Klaive thread
  31. Mordrec the idiot
  32. Kayous..... not Eccelerion. Tricksy bastard
  33. You disturb my scripting, you get killed by Mistomeer.
  34. first time for me............
  35. Jaymee Another winner for the masses.
  36. Pudgee the Gangsta
  38. Silversoft V2.354
  39. Kurapira & Klaive, the new Vif/Amberain?
  40. Pickin fights with MAers
  41. always have a wizard do your work for you.
  42. Bugs invading the East Tower
  43. Anyone see whats wrong with this picture
  44. Celtar
  45. Rarr should have been drowned as a child
  46. Does anyone know this person?
  47. I thought Warclaidhm quit?
  48. Mogonis <3 Cock.
  49. People like this.....
  50. some dude
  51. Some fool
  52. Qoz
  53. TheRoseLady Is Funny
  54. Warclaidhm IS a good guy.
  55. When I speak, people don't listen.
  56. Why Dionisius pees sitting down.
  58. I'm a tosser
  59. SHANTIN'S CLAN!!!!11111
  60. Stupid people shouldn't breed / Solescape
  61. Stan's Topic
  62. Celexei.
  63. Does Rasko normaly walk around randomly casting at people?
  64. Yet another: MAing coward (log)
  65. Massive stupidity = death
  66. Lovily....and her "lovily" affiliation with bars of soap.
  67. ---> Novar <--- {Very Long}
  68. Bringing OOC in game.
  69. Hammerhead
  70. Malestorm
  71. Nighthawk
  72. Reminion at his best.
  73. Looking back on Gracy/Sahbine/Nakitta/Anjolia
  74. Hammerhead
  75. Fucking vultures...
  76. Seinfeld lover anyone?
  78. Anyone heard of Shay?
  79. I'm worried about Bobmuhthol.
  80. Lot of gms..
  81. Do they check names anymore ?
  82. hi im a lil girl!
  83. Open OOC
  84. Bought and borrowed bodies
  85. Devishal is a mechanics abusing pussy
  86. Ariond the retarded MAer, AGAIN. Suprise...
  87. Dead fools
  88. Omens = looooosa
  89. Fucking idiots.
  90. What The Motherfuck?
  91. Poop-a-riffic Amberain.
  92. AFK Script hunting
  93. Dionisius
  94. Coinner and Sillvento
  95. Geoff's Fanny
  96. Draacon/Lycain
  97. All 20 Members of the PC are losers
  98. Rift Babies
  99. Who the hell is Avaia?
  100. Mordrec
  101. rofl
  102. Blatant MA'ing: Dwai--Rasko
  103. Dessedemona Jr (Violenttmoon)
  104. Poor, sad, *sensative* Solescape.
  105. fuck everyone
  106. Is it really that bad?
  107. Oops, I did it again...
  108. PC women in GS?
  109. The first thing I see after a long time of not playing.
  110. The Ultimate Solescape Log
  111. Lycain ROFL DOFL LMAO LOL X 300002
  112. Lycain is my little WARN bitch
  113. People just suck sometimes...
  114. Sabreo/Mistros/Kolts... again.
  115. Plethe
  116. ..........
  117. allow me to continue... iq is overrated
  118. He strikes again...
  119. Oh come on.
  120. Funny how people change.
  121. Dear Joloven,
  122. Filkon, Uber Ranger Extraordinaire... and his other character Sorrek.
  123. Draacon, Lycane, Lycain, Zodin, Jeazabelle
  124. gms + Volorian+ Sonnett
  125. Dumbass vultures (read that as Klaser)
  126. Dresbarfa and Arwankstaine are skanky fuckpigs
  127. WTF?!?!?
  128. Myiera is a fucking moron....
  129. Celtar the All Knowing and Avaia the Ass Kissing
  130. Who do you Hate?
  131. Wrongfully accused.
  132. Gorgeous is so fucking dumb
  133. Abuse of Smile
  134. New bully?
  135. Endalth sings
  136. Treeaswinds and Cheoilakota
  137. So...
  138. Kediaq and Sazia/Oravia are idiots
  139. Abztract is Solescape
  140. Stereotypical empaths with stupid feature alters.
  141. Lame pickup
  142. Mavric needs a better script.
  143. Rasko, (who isn't Sean, we all know) gets a new car...
  144. Emelyn and Oddeye
  145. Sillvento's mom is a whore.
  146. Buhbye Kurapira.
  147. Rocksand is a stupid bitch.
  148. a simple thank you would have been nice
  149. STFU is an acronym too
  150. Why people need to stop thinking they're tough.
  151. Lame shit.
  152. Lennfarious is an idiot
  153. I guess it's time for me to forge another log
  154. Slammers get slammed, accuse me out of town.
  155. Dwai & Rasko - See Dwai RUN!
  156. vitruvian is a fucking moron
  157. People suck sometimes.
  158. Brandomonic: Another retard.
  159. Rarr loses -- AKA OMG FEAR RARR'S DADDY
  160. Caasy / Annamari?
  161. Fuckin retarded characters are retarded rant
  162. Foxs
  163. Splice.
  164. Warclaidhm and Bobmuthol?
  165. People are so damn weird and sick these days...
  166. Jastio, Rogue, Loser, Baby
  167. Stupid name, stupid person.
  168. It feels good to know this...
  169. New Sazia/Kediaq Thread.
  170. Larstone sucks
  171. Part I the murder
  172. Part II - Silversoft is an idiot
  173. Lycain, once again
  174. Carolie and Coinner over?
  175. Overheard on the amunet...
  176. Abztract = Dumbass, Round 2
  177. The Warn Interact Game!
  178. Hance / xShadowMerchantx
  179. Filswolf is a moron
  180. Gone but not forgotten?
  182. What the hell....
  183. bringing psinet in game
  184. I told you bitches not to vulture, didn't I?
  185. Larstone/Abztract/Solescape
  186. Another vulture dies
  187. handle and lillyen, the slammers
  188. About me :(
  189. Well, Caiy is in jail for the first time ever. And for murder at that.
  190. Bahaha, Solmarar pwnz himself. Again.
  192. Eh..... lame log. Forwarned you are. It's about Shisshio.
  193. Sashanna and her clan
  194. Anyone know Paole?
  195. You Lose
  196. Mekthros the AFK Script Skinner
  197. Kallamdor
  198. Mistomeer
  199. Kylinarr
  200. Goodbye
  201. Waedon.
  202. Coinner
  203. I have been sent to kill you
  204. Warclaidhm/Aexcrybre
  205. Pickax reporting me for being "vulgar and offensive"
  206. Aulus/Sorvey
  207. Rahin / Geoffani
  208. Vrell is an idiot (Long Log)
  209. The worst Gemstone moment just happened to me
  210. Solmarar loses because he sux.
  211. Warclaidhm and Spiders.
  212. Children of the park.
  213. Psykos, what the fuck?
  214. STOP
  215. My true identity
  216. Menos
  217. Attention: Warclaidhm's Claidhmore Belongs to Sergey Now
  218. The Boondock Saints.
  219. I now am officially anti-Warclaidhm
  220. crylone
  221. Killing the hm family
  222. Warclaidhm deaths
  223. Warclaidhm being a dumbass
  224. Caladari/Chawn/Sykix
  225. Chica the h8er
  226. Cuumzalot (and various other logs).
  227. Caladari/Sykix
  228. Warclaidhm banned?
  229. Almost banned for 60 days to permanently.
  230. Abztract
  231. Lycain... again!
  232. Fuck you, Warclaidhm.
  233. Fooking slammer
  234. Michaelous
  235. Aexcrybre/Lycain/Lycane
  236. Warclaidhm proving his intelligence.
  237. Warclaidhm warclaidhms the warclaidhm.
  238. Gingivier
  239. Baloo. Please Step Forward and Defend Yourself.
  240. Dear Skyfawn
  241. Pulsesaver
  242. Aexcrybre's a sad sad sad dueler
  243. I'd like to take this moment to give a big "FUCK YOU" to Warclaidhm
  244. Quit already you worthless sack of shit.
  245. Inykness
  246. The deadly killer abztract lol warning will die of laughter
  247. just got this meassge
  248. Woohoo, Aex might finally be banned!
  249. Inky is a goat fucker.
  250. Michlosernuts (Michaelous)