View Full Version : Lady Sairai The Recharger.

09-08-2007, 12:39 AM
Had a bad day, was in a piss poor mood and she sent a thought out that finally snapped me. I let the Blue Crystal shit go, but the RUby Amulet statement just bent me...

Ya, I know I was prickish, but that's just me sometimes... Was I in the wrong?

Log Below:

You hear the faint thoughts of Sairai echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "Fully charged or close to fully charged ruby amulets, wands, and blue crystals can be found at reasonable prices in the simple shop 3 east on modwir way."

You focus your mind on Sairai and think:
[General]: "A wizard can't charge a ruby amulet past 20 without a bit of work before."

You hear the faint thoughts of Sairai touch your mind:
[General]: "You mean that isnt fully charged?"

You focus your mind on Sairai and think:
[General]: "No. 40 is max charges for a player to do, and it's why I always get irked with your blue crystal statement... but that's doable with enough mana and forcing mana in."

You hear the faint thoughts of Sairai touch your mind:
[General]: "Why is this of your concern?"

You focus your mind on Sairai and think:
[General]: "Your lying everyday to people."

You focus your mind on Sairai and think:
[General]: "Http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Charge_Item_%28guide%29."

You focus your mind on Sairai and think:
[General]: "A bit of education."

You hear the faint thoughts of Sairai touch your mind:
[General]: "Thanks for the info]"

You hear the faint thoughts of Sairai touch your mind:
[General]: "Did you get the part fullly charged or almost fully charged.. gads folks like you make me want to leave the lands. i get so sick of this."

You focus your mind on Sairai and think:
[General]: "20 charges is max you can do in a ruby amulet (fact) 20 is not "near" 40."

You hear the faint thoughts of Sairai echo in your mind:
[General]: "Sorry to be of so much offense to those of you who think im lying to folks.. it wasnt intentional.. i recharge things as far as i can then put then in my shop.. .. excuuse me."

You focus your mind on Sairai and think:
[General]: "If you leave its just another uninfomred wizard pawn fake wares gone... fine with me."

fame Sairai
Sairai has 38056204 fame.

Sairai is informing you that she considers your character's current behavior to be harassment.

You focus your mind on Sairai and think:
[General]: "Great counter, such a sham... enjoy lying to people."

You sense your thought was not received by Sairai.
You focus your mind on Sairai and think:
[General]: "Beware buying items from Sairai's shop, s/he thinks 20 charges is "near" 40."

You sense your thought was not received by Sairai.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind:
[General]: "Beware buying items from Sairai's shop, s/he thinks 20 charges is "near" 40."

You hear the faint thoughts of Sairai echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "'3x and 4x enchanted items, blue crystals, wands, and ruby amulets charged to my abilities at very reasonable prices can be found in the simple shop on modwir way 3 east."

You hear the faint thoughts of Daberael echo in your mind:
[General]: "Sairai provides help to many people, so those comments are only coming off as snotty."

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind:
[General]: "Call me as you like, least I know what it takes to recharge things correctly and understand it."

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind:
[General]: "But you can rally to the side of the uninformed!"

You hear the faint thoughts of Daberael echo in your mind:
[General]: "I called the comments snotty. I don't recall calling you anything."

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind:
[General]: "Semantics really."

profile Sairai
Name: Lady Sairai Arthuria
Profession: Archwizard
Race: Dark Elf Gender: Female
Age: very young (105)
Date of Birth: 6/27/5002
Master in the Order of Voln
Member of the Wizard Guild
Strongest foe vanquished: a tiny brown chipmunk

Quote: "Life is as good as it gets when our primary focus is for the good of Elanthia and other adventurers; wizard spells are yours for the asking, when I have the mana."

09-08-2007, 12:51 AM
She means well, she just isn't that smart.

09-08-2007, 12:53 AM
You've got to ease off on people that don't have your dedication and grasp of the numbers. Honestly, I've never even bothered to check just how full my charged items get and my mage is about as pure as it gets.

09-08-2007, 12:59 AM
You've got to ease off on people that don't have your dedication and grasp of the numbers. Honestly, I've never even bothered to check just how full my charged items get and my mage is about as pure as it gets.

My math is as good as my english so that isn't it. You also don't spam all night that your selling 40 charge items in your shop. Just finally snapped I guess.

Also, if I don't know something I seek out a person to educate me. Just makes sense right?

Crappy mood.

09-08-2007, 01:19 AM
Some people aren't as industrious. Even though you're right, you should be more tactful. It seems like you kept it bottled up that she annoyed you so much every time she said it when likely what you should have done was just told her after the first couple of times.

09-08-2007, 01:25 AM
Jinsem's opinion didn't count in that log because he was playing a female empath.

Sylvan Dreams
09-08-2007, 08:43 AM
Ignore her thoughts if she's that annoying. That new feature is awesome for it.

09-08-2007, 09:44 AM
I was prickish, but that's just me sometimes... Was I in the wrong?

Seems like you answered your question before you asked it.

09-08-2007, 11:43 AM
If its common knowledge that 20ish charges is the most any wizard can put in a ruby amulet, than its 'fully charged' as it will ever get by normal means.

But seeing as how items can hold 40 charges normally, and there still do exist 40 charge amulets from the days gone by, I would prefer someone advertise items by the number of charges rather than 'fully charged'.

You were both a bit wrong, but you took it too far as well. Sairai, though I haven't had an opportunity to interact with her very often seems like a very nice and thoughtful person. I don't think shes trying to screw people.

09-08-2007, 12:01 PM
Oh, she is both nice and thoughtful. She just doesn't understand mechanics.

09-08-2007, 12:05 PM
Are her prices outrageous or something? Honestly I can understand why someone would get mad if they bought something that was undercharged or used a bit for a high price. Having had a little interaction with her I would doubt that her prices are over the norm though. She literally handed one of my youngins a set of 3x enchanted armor for free. She does it periodically just broadcasting on the net seeing if any young players need armor/weapons, generally in the 1-3x range. Shes one of the good people left imo.

09-08-2007, 09:32 PM
If its common knowledge that 20ish charges is the most any wizard can put in a ruby amulet, than its 'fully charged' as it will ever get by normal means.

I always assumed 20 charges WAS fully charged for ruby amulets. 40 charges for blue crystals and wands though. I agree it's nice to be told exactly how many charges something has, but don't believe she did anything overly wrong by advertising hers as fully charged, as they are as fully charged as possible for a wizard to do.

Sairai bends over backwards to help folks all the time. I'm sure she wasn't trying to scam anyone, but interpreted fully charged as the maximum a wizard can charge rather than the forty charges a GM can do.

09-08-2007, 11:08 PM
Even though you're right, you should be more tactful. It seems like you kept it bottled up that she annoyed you so much every time she said it when likely what you should have done was just told her after the first couple of times.

I think that's it really. A bad day and then addition of what "I" knew was a lie just set me off. I tend to lack tact, and I admit that, but its just how I am now and then.


09-08-2007, 11:16 PM
I always assumed 20 charges WAS fully charged for ruby amulets. 40 charges for blue crystals and wands though. I agree it's nice to be told exactly how many charges something has, but don't believe she did anything overly wrong by advertising hers as fully charged, as they are as fully charged as possible for a wizard to do.

Sairai bends over backwards to help folks all the time. I'm sure she wasn't trying to scam anyone, but interpreted fully charged as the maximum a wizard can charge rather than the forty charges a GM can do.

I've spoked to her a few times before this, and she just played dumb. At least that's how I took it. A few people sent my private thoughts telling me that she gave them armor and other things when they needed so she HAD to be a good person. I've never understood why people who give free things away always seem to be "good" people. Even in real life the "free stuff" scenario works.

And just because you so seem to keen on her I will also say this. She recharges by herself and usually announces she's going to be recharging on the amunet for people to come help her. I'm assuming she's capped and even then she'd barely be able to do one full (AKA 40 charge) blue crystal. It's just mechanically impossible. <---- A very important word to look at.

A Ruby Amulet would take near 4x (rough guesstimate) the amount of mana that the blue crystal would. The lack of EMC to push down the Charge Item penalty would be in FULL effect. Also, charging at a table doesn't allow you to get the workshop bonus which would be needed for a Ruby Amulet.

I could go on but I think I'm going to get burned as is here, but I think I got what I needed by drews reply. One last thing though... Makes me wonder if she uses a star ruby as her gem... Would make so much more sense LOL.

Will continue if asked.

09-09-2007, 12:10 AM
everyone has their days.

09-09-2007, 12:12 AM
Have you stopped by one of her sessions? She probably has a few casters with full heads of mana to share, wracking ability, maybe a cleric or two who can WOL the wrackers for them to wrack again... just a few possibilities. I miss the old recharging parties...

09-09-2007, 01:57 AM
Have you stopped by one of her sessions? She probably has a few casters with full heads of mana to share, wracking ability, maybe a cleric or two who can WOL the wrackers for them to wrack again... just a few possibilities. I miss the old recharging parties...

I've located her a few times to see who was "helping" her. I get bored doing my locker bards. She's usually alone or with 1 person. I'm starting to think my gem thought is more of a reality as it would make a ton of sense to what she says.

A star ruby will only allow you 20 charges. If someone was 100% oblivious to mechanics they'd charge like normal and then gem would then give the "no more charges" message and they think there the best recharger ever.

They need to hurry up and do the changes to Charge Item so I can have my fun with it again.


09-09-2007, 02:17 AM
that would make sense.

what changes are they making?

09-09-2007, 02:57 AM
that would make sense.
what changes are they making?

Not much has been said other then they will be expanding what we can recharge. Such as small statues, quartz orbs, white/black crystals, etc. It will be interesting to see if they tie in Alchemy and items made with 420.

I've got a stockpile of rechargeables waiting to be destroyed for researchs sake.


09-09-2007, 04:05 AM
small statues and orbs would be the only cool part of that if thats true. Strength and disk are already easy enough to imbed in an object.

09-09-2007, 10:29 AM
You could just try not being a prick.

09-09-2007, 10:53 AM
Yah what Skirmisher said.

She helps everyone by enchanting things to 1x, 2x, 3x and gives them away to new players for free. She is probably the nicest Wizard in GS and you just made a complete ass of yourself by trying to prove how smart you are.

Esp Ignore Sairai is all you had to do.

09-09-2007, 01:47 PM
She helps everyone by enchanting things to 1x, 2x, 3x and gives them away to new players for free. She is probably the nicest Wizard in GS and you just made a complete ass of yourself by trying to prove how smart you are.

Esp Ignore Sairai is all you had to do.

Again, I always like how people think free stuff = good person. Don't worry about misleading customers, or falsly advertising, because she gives free stuff!

I'll let Tsin know that he should also give free 1x - 3x gear to people so all the people here will think he a great person like Sairai. I'm sure he'll be tickled polka-dot over the news.

Amazingly took 3 pages before going sour.

09-09-2007, 02:05 PM
So far I've seen you use the words lie, mislead, false, and the like- I've yet to see you take into account for a common understanding of what changed means or perhaps ignorance by the player on your technicality.

Also, if I read your log correctly, didn't she change her thought to "charged to my abilities" afterwards?

I'm curious as to what resolution you were seeking if this wasn't enough from her nor the responses on this thread to you.

09-09-2007, 02:16 PM
So far I've seen you use the words lie, mislead, false, and the like- I've yet to see you take into account for a common understanding of what changed means or perhaps ignorance by the player on your technicality.

Also, if I read your log correctly, didn't she change her thought to "charged to my abilities" afterwards?

I'm curious as to what resolution you were seeking if this wasn't enough from her nor the responses on this thread to you.

I think all he wanted was for her to stop saying "fully charged". If he accomplished that, yay.

09-10-2007, 03:49 PM
The problem with Sairai is that she is absolutely clueless and refuses to listen to anyone about anything. I've tried in the past to educate her a bit or offer her information that she did not have and was flatly rebuffed everytime.

Yes, she does very nice things and is quite helpful but the counter to that is her complete sense that because she is doing good things that she can stay clueless and not listen to anyone.

She was one of the on going bothers in the Landing that I do not miss now that I don't play. Jinsem did over react but I know how she can wear on you and make you snap, having snapped on one occasion when dealing with her in the past.


09-10-2007, 03:56 PM
Thinking back on it she was a little dense. I didnt think much of it because I got free gear.

09-10-2007, 04:03 PM
Strongest foe vanquished: a tiny brown chipmunk


09-10-2007, 09:58 PM
As someone has known Sairai for about 6 years. We were both brand new. I feel quite certain that though her comments were incorrect she did not make these statements to mislead or to fraud anyone for monetary gain. Making coin in the game is probably one of the least important things to her. I have heard her comment that she just tries to make enough to purchase the potions etc for her enchanting. Like other people I have witnessed her giving away enchants. Though I can understand how it could have been the straw that broke the camels back with your frustration on misinformation that is constantly being thrown out on the net. You were a bit ..i think the term you used was.. "prickish". Oh well and I am sure she isn't stressing over it. She really is sweet, naive and it's quit probable that she is a little confused on the charges. Though now I think she just MAY remember :)

09-10-2007, 10:05 PM
The AI crystal works wonders for stuff like this.

09-11-2007, 12:32 AM
Yeah. I showed it to a whole slew of newbies the other day.

09-11-2007, 01:32 AM
GS still has new players?

09-11-2007, 01:45 AM
Sairai [General]: "What gems are needed befor i sell em to the gem shop.. semiprecious that is."
Plur [General]: "Yer da only semi precious gem I need Sairai. Tee hee!"

Neebyter [General]: "Shame on ye Plur callin her semi precious."

Neebyter [General]: "She jus straight out an out precious."
Golgolathe [General]: "Normally id make fun of both of you for bein corny, but dern if you arent right."

Sairai [General]: "Thanks for the positive reinforcement guys.. the fully charged statments that is."

09-11-2007, 12:44 PM
Plur [General]: "Yer da only semi precious gem I need Sairai. Tee hee!"

Anyone that says "tee hee," especially a guy, is supremely gay.

09-11-2007, 12:54 PM
That's how Plur rolls... Frankly, it's not worth questioning any PC that wears a diaper.

09-11-2007, 01:05 PM
Sairai [General]: "What gems are needed befor i sell em to the gem shop.. semiprecious that is."
Plur [General]: "Yer da only semi precious gem I need Sairai. Tee hee!"

Neebyter [General]: "Shame on ye Plur callin her semi precious."

Neebyter [General]: "She jus straight out an out precious."
Golgolathe [General]: "Normally id make fun of both of you for bein corny, but dern if you arent right."

Sairai [General]: "Thanks for the positive reinforcement guys.. the fully charged statments that is."

Anyone that says "tee hee," especially a guy, is supremely gay.

No two comments in that post aren't gay.

09-12-2007, 06:21 PM
GS still has new players?

Yeah, actually...it's kinda a fucking miracle when it happens. It certainly isn't through Simu's marketing efforts. I try to be as nice as possible if I spot any.

Stanley Burrell
09-12-2007, 08:50 PM

Cele has won the thread.

Nessu Karthorbek
09-22-2007, 03:52 AM
small statues and orbs would be the only cool part of that if thats true. Strength and disk are already easy enough to imbed in an object.

Not everyone has MIU, black and white crystals being rechargeable would help some people quite a bit.

09-23-2007, 10:03 PM
Yah what Skirmisher said.

She helps everyone by enchanting things to 1x, 2x, 3x and gives them away to new players for free. She is probably the nicest Wizard in GS and you just made a complete ass of yourself by trying to prove how smart you are.

Esp Ignore Sairai is all you had to do.

Thank you.