View Full Version : OMFG!!!11111one 1mil for 15 buck!??!

12-30-2005, 07:21 AM
Dethrace darkly says, "Ill look like a satanist fer sure."
Dethrace grins evilly.
The brown frog flicks its tongue out, snatching an insect from the air.
You ponder.
Zhagen asks, "They sell silver on playershops?"
Dethrace nods.
>say Uh..
You say, "Uh.."

>say Silver is the currency.
You say, "Silver is the currency."
Zhagen turns to face you.
Dethrace darkly says, "1 mil fer 15 bucks."
You shift your weight.

12-30-2005, 08:22 AM

12-30-2005, 09:43 AM
:thumbsup: Good job dumbass. Gee I feel like I lost brain cells reading that.

12-30-2005, 09:46 AM
Well.. he was saying it Darkly..

12-30-2005, 09:56 AM
I knew my rogue was stealing from him for a reason. Fucking moron.


12-30-2005, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
I knew my rogue was stealing from him for a reason. Fucking moron.


Yeah, he's been on my pink list too.

12-30-2005, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by ELO

Originally posted by FinisWolf
I knew my rogue was stealing from him for a reason. Fucking moron.


Yeah, he's been on my pink list too.

And mine... tends to keep wands in his weapon harness.


12-30-2005, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Augie
:thumbsup: Good job dumbass. Gee I feel like I lost brain cells reading that.

I couldn't have said it better. I think my brain is bleeding...

12-30-2005, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
I knew my rogue was stealing from him for a reason. Fucking moron.


and less than a month ago you said this......................

Originally posted by FinisWolf

I only know what others tell me they do. The magic idea popped into my head, and agreed, that won't work as the mark would know. Nor would skillsfull under psinet work.

My rogue does just fine without stealing. :lol:

As far as fame and profile go, they are mechanics built into the game, and if the game allows it, go for it. Do I actually agree with it? No. To me its no different then profiling/faming someone you are about to fight. I just don't do it.

He asked what he could do. Well, are those coulds? Or not?

At one point I think I had my rogue at about his 65th training with 25 ranks of pick pocketing. So I could maybe see others steal. Since then, bleh, gone. For me stealing is boring.

I had one rogue at one point fully doubled at train 30ish. It was such a bore. That rogue stole from everyone (excluding clerics and empaths - I liked getting healed and raised).

Anyway, am I an expert at the stealing IG? Nope. I just knew a couple mechanics that could be used. They are mechanics, and they are built into the game. If the GM's didn't want them used, then they should not be there.

Mr. Dipshit signing off,


So, which is it? Stealing is something that is boring and something that you never do, or......?


12-30-2005, 06:20 PM
Every time Dethrace speaks, Eorgina kills a kitten. :cry: The name should also be put in the bad names list.

12-30-2005, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Alfster

Originally posted by FinisWolf
I knew my rogue was stealing from him for a reason. Fucking moron.


and less than a month ago you said this......................

Originally posted by FinisWolf

I only know what others tell me they do. The magic idea popped into my head, and agreed, that won't work as the mark would know. Nor would skillsfull under psinet work.

My rogue does just fine without stealing. :lol:

As far as fame and profile go, they are mechanics built into the game, and if the game allows it, go for it. Do I actually agree with it? No. To me its no different then profiling/faming someone you are about to fight. I just don't do it.

He asked what he could do. Well, are those coulds? Or not?

At one point I think I had my rogue at about his 65th training with 25 ranks of pick pocketing. So I could maybe see others steal. Since then, bleh, gone. For me stealing is boring.

I had one rogue at one point fully doubled at train 30ish. It was such a bore. That rogue stole from everyone (excluding clerics and empaths - I liked getting healed and raised).

Anyway, am I an expert at the stealing IG? Nope. I just knew a couple mechanics that could be used. They are mechanics, and they are built into the game. If the GM's didn't want them used, then they should not be there.

Mr. Dipshit signing off,


So, which is it? Stealing is something that is boring and something that you never do, or......?


Well, since I JUST began training in pickpocket, both are true. Before I found stealing boring. Now I find it amusing. Before I didn't care for stealing, now I seem to enjoy it.

With time, things change. I simply changed my position. Nothing wrong with that.


12-30-2005, 11:22 PM
selling at 14 per, limitless amount of silvers.

12-30-2005, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by ELO

Originally posted by FinisWolf
I knew my rogue was stealing from him for a reason. Fucking moron.


Yeah, he's been on my pink list too.

Michiko is the only one from Gemstone on my pink list.

12-31-2005, 10:13 AM