View Full Version : Shirv the chicken $H&&
So my brother in RL might I say and in game Akari and myself went out looking for Shirv to end his life then take his head for a trophy because he killed Senja Akaris wife and these two been nutcases ever sense.....
Akari evil-eyed and killed someone so he had to pay the fine (I paid go figure in game outta game all the same heh) i watched his back till he got his gear and in the hall of justice we enter.......
Akari's group just went east.
[Hall of Justice, Clerk's Office]
Stacks of files and papers occupy most of the available space in this small square room. Behind a long wooden desk, the court clerk sits quietly pouring over some paperwork, occasionally pausing to mark a document with the seal of the court. The only other permanent fixture in the office seems to be the two city guardsmen that flank the clerk on either side of the desk.
Also here: Akari
Obvious exits: west
Akari cracks the seal on the Akari box and opens it.
Akari removes some ancient Dhe'nari armor from in the Akari box.
Akari works his way into some ancient Dhe'nari armor.
>'cant kill you here anyhow
You say, "Cant kill you here anyhow."
Akari removes a web-shot flowing crimson longcoat from in the Akari box.
Akari chuckles.
Akari gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Akari gestures.
The magic fizzles ineffectually.
Akari stares off into space.
Akari drapes a web-shot flowing crimson longcoat from his shoulders.
Akari removes a ruby engagement ring from in the Akari box.
Akari slides a ruby engagement ring onto his finger.
Akari removes a gold ring from in the Akari box.
Akari slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Akari removes some blackened veniom cufflinks from in the Akari box.
Akari puts on some blackened veniom cufflinks.
Shirv whispers, "Remember not to get involved in someone elses' conflicts, thats just bad form."
Akari removes a flame-cut golden topaz stickpin from in the Akari box.
Akari puts on a flame-cut golden topaz stickpin.
Akari removes a dark emerald-clasped runestaff harness from in the Akari box.
Akari slings a dark emerald-clasped runestaff harness over his shoulder.
>'when it comes to my brother it is good form
You say, "When it comes to my brother it is good form."
The voice of Shirv asks, "A giant brother to a dark elf?"
Akari removes a rune-etched veniom locket from in the Akari box.
You hear someone laugh.
[Hall of Justice, Clerk's Office]
Stacks of files and papers occupy most of the available space in this small square room. Behind a long wooden desk, the court clerk sits quietly pouring over some paperwork, occasionally pausing to mark a document with the seal of the court. The only other permanent fixture in the office seems to be the two city guardsmen that flank the clerk on either side of the desk.
Also here: Akari
Obvious exits: west
Akari puts on a rune-etched veniom locket.
>'be bad fer you
You say, "Be bad fer you."
Akari twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
The voice of Shirv says, "Ok son."
>whis aka shriv in shadows
You quietly whisper to Akari, "Shriv in shadows."
The voice of Shirv says, "But you're just gonna end up like him."
You say, "Sure."
Akari stares off into space.
>'not a problem
You say, "Not a problem."
Akari removes a silver-edged bloodjewel bracelet from in the Akari box.
Akari affixes his bloodjewel bracelet to his wrist, and a sinuous ring of blackness slowly undulates across its surface before fading into nothing.
>cman surge
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel incredibly stronger.
Akari removes a grinning skull pin from in the Akari box.
>get kat in my wars
You remove a skull-grafted vultite katar from in your imflass warsling.
>get kat in my wars
You remove a krol-skulled vultite katar from in your imflass warsling.
Akari puts on a grinning skull pin.
Akari removes a silver and peridot pin from in the Akari box.
Akari puts on a silver and peridot pin.
You feel fully energetic again.
Akari removes a delicate sterling silver talisman from in the Akari box.
Akari hangs a delicate sterling silver talisman around his neck.
Akari removes some flaxen viper skin boots from in the Akari box.
Akari puts some flaxen viper skin boots onto his feet.
You don't find anything of interest here.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Akari removes a clear glass amulet from in the Akari box.
Akari hangs a clear glass amulet around his neck.
Shirv whispers, "Let me rephrase that you fucktard, you attack me or get involved and I am reporting you to the gms, in fact, I am gonna report you right now so they know whats up ahead of time, try reading POLICY 4."
Shirv is informing you that he wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! He desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Akari's group just went west.
[Ta'Illistim, Hall of Justice]
The high stone walled room is rather featureless, save for a towering statue which dominates the center of the room. The statue appears to be that of a heavily armored swordsman, his sword pointed downward as if judging all who enter. Opposite the Hall's entrance, you can see another set of double doors leading to the courtroom.
Also here: Akari
Obvious exits: east, out
Shirv fades into view.
Shirv looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Shirv engages Akari in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
Shirv swings a closed fist at Akari! A hit!
Glancing blow to Akari's left leg!
Shirv swings a closed fist at Akari!
By amazing chance, Akari evades the attack!
>'hey you folled me moron
You say, "Hey you folled me moron."
Shirv smirks.
Akari traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Akari gestures at Shirv.
CS: +251 - TD: +187 + CvA: -13 + d100: +74 == +125
Warding failed!
Akari blasts Shirv for 18 points of damage.
... 15 points of damage!
The icy blast tears into Shirv's stomach!
He is stunned!
Shirv is knocked over by the blast!
Akari traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Akari gestures at Shirv.
A passing elf lopes off exclaiming, "Akari has committed endangering public safety!"
A void rips open in the area, directly above Shirv!
Shirv is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes Shirv to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
Quite severely dead.
* Shirv drops dead at your feet!
A nearby goodwife screams, "Murder!".
Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.
>wave shir
What were you referring to?
Akari rubs his glass amulet.
Akari suddenly disappears.
You hear someone cackle.
You chuckle.
[Ta'Illistim, Hall of Justice]
The high stone walled room is rather featureless, save for a towering statue which dominates the center of the room. The statue appears to be that of a heavily armored swordsman, his sword pointed downward as if judging all who enter. Opposite the Hall's entrance, you can see another set of double doors leading to the courtroom.
Obvious exits: east, out
Akari joins your group.
>'he just warned me
You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
You say, "He just warned me."
You chuckle.
Akari whispers, "And I wasn't even wearing 425."
You hear someone chuckling.
>'Shirv actually warned me
You say, "Shirv actually warned me."
What a pussy!
12-27-2005, 04:23 AM
, <---- This is a comma.
The Ponzzz
12-27-2005, 04:26 AM
Awesome. Shirv is such a fucking tool..
12-27-2005, 05:25 AM
I love it. What a fucking retard.
12-27-2005, 05:28 AM
Neither of you had any right to kill him. I've gotten an official warning for doing near the same thing.
PS- You don't want me to suddenly be Shirv's "brother", do you? That wouldn't be very fun.
For you.
[Edited on 12-27-2005 by Tayre]
12-27-2005, 05:30 AM
Tayre, you know that's not the best thing to do. Besides, he's buying a new character soon enough, right?
12-27-2005, 05:36 AM
Did he buy Selania also?
12-27-2005, 05:46 AM
Just another small tidbit.
< Neither of you had any right to kill him. >
Shirv fades into view.
Shirv looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Shirv engages Akari in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
Shirv swings a closed fist at Akari! A hit!
Glancing blow to Akari's left leg!
Shirv swings a closed fist at Akari!
By amazing chance, Akari evades the attack!
If someone mstriked me, I'd defend myself, too.
12-27-2005, 06:00 AM
Oh my bad.
12-27-2005, 06:10 AM
It's okay, we know how protective of him you are.
12-27-2005, 06:38 AM
Sean is my <3
12-27-2005, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
Sean is my <3
He's so dreamy! His talks of bringing people out to the desert and hanging with Snoop get me all flustered.
Dont forget he's got a cooler in his RX7 that is well stocked with grey goose martini's and he's got a bag of high quality guatamalan weed wrapped in grape leaves or something like that.
Oh, and his movie debut has officially been released straight to DvD. No boxoffice for him. He is officially a Starz.
Wait.. your related to Lou Bega?
"Shirv is informing you that he wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! He desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact."
And then he immediately breaks the warm. Not bright.
12-27-2005, 11:04 AM
<< Did he buy Selania also?>>
12-27-2005, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Rowi
You say, "He just warned me."
You chuckle.
You hear someone chuckling.
You say, "Shirv actually warned me."
warn interact = OOC
You = OOC
shitty log too
12-27-2005, 03:42 PM
Shirv is a hypocritical, stupid, piece of shit coward.
12-27-2005, 03:43 PM
Shirv is an utter moron.
That is all.
12-27-2005, 03:44 PM
:yeahthat: You don't say someone warned you aloud, though, he did breach warn, don't stoop to the his level of stupidity.
He deserved to die.
[Edited on 12-27-2005 by Viridian]
Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-27-2005, 03:44 PM
Who the hell ambushes with fists?
12-27-2005, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Who the hell ambushes with fists?
Bruce Lee, biatch!
12-27-2005, 05:09 PM
I love Seany
Frank White
12-28-2005, 01:44 AM
Ward, I think you're being a little hard on the Beaver...
Hey someone needs to tell Wally (Rowi) and Ms. Cleaver (the rest of you people) to shut the fuck up...
It's great, you all acting like you know me. Acting like I lie, what a bunch of bullshit. Lets explain the situation at hand... For clarification from what I saw:
Shirv comes to Ta'Illistim
Shirv meets Senja
Senja harassed, threatens, and talks shit to Shirv all based on OOC stuff (the fact that I'm Sean).
Shirv challenges Senja on a fair duel for his honor
Senja cheats in the duel, and murders Shirv
Shirv then proceeds to fuck up Senja's world, by chopping her up... Twice
Shirv is sitting on the dais minding his own business
Akari (whom Shirv has never seen before) fire balls Shirv from invisibility and stuns him
Someone sancts the area
Shirv gets healed and walks outside the dais
Akari follows him
Shirv fucks Akari up and kills him
Akari proceeds to locate and harass Shirv for killing his 'wife' Senja and himself now
Shirv is sitting outside the gate, minding his own business with both Hectomaner and Liannonuel, Hectomaner is singing 1017 just incase someone tries to inviso implode anyone
Akari pops out of inviso to cast implosion, but is disrupted by song of noise
Akari gets fucked up
Akari decays
Akari comes running back to implode Shirv again (obviously not getting the fucking idea that he can't cast)
Akari gets fucked up again
Shirv is sitting in town resting
Akari tries to evil eye him
Akari misses
Akari gets arrested
Shirv sees Rowi trying to help Akari
Shirv warns Rowi not to interfere
Shirv goes to attack him in the constabulary, and misses because he forgot to pull out his katana (Otherwise Akari would have died again), and the only reason Shirv missed is because Sean smoked 2 kush blunts 15 minutes prior (apparenty pot + pvp doesn't mix)
End Score: Shirv 5, Senja/Akari fucktards 2
This a classic example of the interaction I get in OOC. Many people as my witness... Tons of you are OOC, tons of you can't handle your shit, can't fight fair, take OOC shit IG with me, and generally act like a fucktard and abuse policy x20. Ambushes from random people while hunting. Then, when you get your shit wrecked you bring in every friend you got. Then whine you get MA raped, etc. Hello, only way is to fight fire with fire. You motherfuckaz is sad.
I'm sure I'll get banned. But me getting banned in the first place from here is dumb as hell and only happened because certain people have personal issues with me in-game. Whatever.
You sad little pathetic twinks who hate me can talk all the shit you want, really, it only makes me laugh. To quote Eminem (and I don't even like Em) ."I love pissing you off, it gets me off, like when the fucking judge lets me off". Most people who know me, know I am a friendly loyal guy to those who show love. But if you hate, then you're gonna get hate back. Really though, I don't give a fuck what ya'll say.
Talk all the shit you want, but how many of you have ever rolled up to clubs in the back of Jose Canseco's Rolls Royce Phantom? How many of you even HAVE a DVD out? Much less been on TV? Much less done anything where you've gotten any exposure outside your po-dunk middle of nowhere shitholes you live in? How many of you have a beautiful sports car, a beautiful girlfriend, and a lead a life most people fantasize about? Lets see, where did I travel this year? Vale, Colorado...Maui, Hawaii... Amsterdam, Netherlands (Pot mecca, I also happen to be dutch and have family there), and all the rest of Europe...And now going to the Bahamas on a week long cruise on the 3rd of Jan? How many of you get love from everyone in your town, everyone knows you, everyone likes you, everyone wants to be your homie? You can roll through almost any hood near you (We're talking dirty places: Compton, Long Beach, Pomona) and won't get jacked, and get love? How many of you have damn near accomplished anything that I have? How many of you have coached football with the Snoop D O double G, and know him personally? How many of you own a successful real estate/mortgage company which does over 3 or 4 million dollars in loans average per month? How many of you regularly hang out with movie stars? How many of you own more than 2 cars over 30k in value? Moreover, how many of done this all by the ripe old age of 21 and a half?
I do all this... All paid for myself. Though I have wealthy parents, I've never asked or been given their help financially whatsoever except: clothes, food, and a place to live... and I'm sure the answer for all of you is none. I am a motivated, gifted, and really lucky human being. I'm a real hustler at everything, and I thank God every day for the oppurtunities and blessings he has given me. I even have a cross tatted on my left arm. I've done things you people dream of. Playboy mansion, I've been there. Viper Room, VIP. I can name a million other places and parties, hot stories, wild nights and crazy days. I wake up everyday in Southern California, walk out on my balcony and look out from the top of the massive hill I live on to the mountains, and the ocean. I have a beautiful woman who I am in love with, who comes from a happy, wealthy, good family. Who I have known literally ALL of my life.
I don't feel the need to brag to validate myself on the internet to a bunch of people I play a text game with. I keep it real, I live my life, I do and say what I please. I've earned that level in life. Some of you might figure out what it's like to live a life of utter fulfillment. All these people who want to hate on me, call me a liar, and talk shit about me... I'm simply responding. I am no man to sit back and let the shit fly. I rep my shit. You can say what you want, but I'm gonna tell it like it is. You can twist it how you want, but real meet real. I got pics, I got proof of everything I say. Most of all, I kept it street. Yes I'm Hollywood, yes I'm fresh. You can hate me now bitch.
Peace out
<3 S. Digital
P.S. I've been away for more than a year now: therefore, I should be officially unbanned from this fucking message board anyways. Again, I'll get cheaped though I'm sure. Fight the Power!
12-28-2005, 01:51 AM
Did you guys hear something?
12-28-2005, 01:53 AM
Vintage Seany
12-28-2005, 02:06 AM
<pages of bullshit>
I don't feel the need to brag to validate myself on the internet to a bunch of people I play a text game with.
Comedy classics. Where is Seany Analog?
If you follow the myspace link Seany has provided for us then look at his girlfriend's myspace:
You'll note that they both say they've been dating for near four years. Does anyone remember the pictures Seany posted about a year ago of the girl he was "dating" who was definately not this girl? So which is it Seany, were you lying to us or cheating on your girlfriend?
The hits keep coming, here is Seany's sister:
Kinda looks like Ashlee Simpson I think, and apparently she likes bragging about how she smokes weed on the internet too. It's a family trait!
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by Drew]
Originally posted by Frank White
Shirv comes to Ta'Illistim
Shirv meets Senja
Senja harassed, threatens, and talks shit to Shirv all based on OOC stuff (the fact that I'm Sean).
Shirv challenges Senja on a fair duel for his honor
Senja cheats in the duel, and murders Shirv
Shirv then proceeds to fuck up Senja's world, by chopping her up... Twice
Shirv is sitting on the dais minding his own business
Akari (whom Shirv has never seen before) fire balls Shirv from invisibility and stuns him
Shirv gets healed and walks outside the dais
Akari follows him
Shirv fucks Akari up and kills him
Akari proceeds to locate and harass Shirv for killing his 'wife' Senja and himself now
Shirv is sitting outside the gate, minding his own business with both Hectomaner and Liannonuel, Hectomaner is singing 1017 just incase someone tries to inviso implode anyone
Akari pops out of inviso to cast implosion, but is disrupted by song of noise
Akari gets fucked up
Akari decays
Akari comes running back to implode Shirv again (obviously not getting the fucking idea that he can't cast)
Akari gets fucked up again
Shirv is sitting in town resting
Akari tries to evil eye him
Akari misses
Akari gets arrested
Shirv sees Rowi trying to help Akari
Shirv warns Rowi not to interfere
Shirv goes to attack him in the constabulary, and misses because he forgot to pull out his katana (Otherwise Akari would have died again), and the only reason Shirv missed is because Sean smoked 2 kush blunts 15 minutes prior (apparenty pot + pvp doesn't mix)
You missed the part where you slammed to avoid getting fucked up by Akari.
Akari gestures at Shirv.
A melodic voice from the crowd echoes, "Endangering public safety! Endangering public safety! Someone call for the Guard Captain!"
A void rips open in the area, directly above Shirv!
Roaring winds confuse Shirv.
+8 Hits.
Shirv is stunned!
Shirv just left.
And you weren't minding your own business outside the gate, you were waiting for Akari, with Hectomaner to make it impossible for Akari to do anything.
Originally posted by Frank White
This a classic example of the interaction I get in OOC.
Shirv says, "Someone got served."
Shirv says, "You are a little wang, who needs invisibility amulets."
Shirv says, "Peace out ladyboy."
Frank White
12-28-2005, 02:43 AM
Of course, Shirv was logging out for the night when that happened. Hence why he did not come back on. Also, why he let you cheap him? he's never SEEN your ass before. Of course, OOC is met with OOC. You are a ladyboy, and you're a bitch who needs inviso amulets, and you got you your ass handed to you.
Keep the funny shit coming, oh please. We're dutch, we <3 weed.
Originally posted by Drew
If you follow the myspace link Seany has provided for us then look at his girlfriend's myspace:
You'll note that they both say they've been dating for near four years. Does anyone remember the pictures Seany posted about a year ago of the girl he was "dating" who was definately not this girl? So which is it Seany, were you lying to us or cheating on your girlfriend?
Well, what of it Seany?
Frank White
12-28-2005, 02:50 AM
We broke up for a brief time. I made mistakes during that time, and she knows this and we've reconciled it. It really just brought me closer to her, and made me realize just how right she was and how she is my soulmate. Our separations and fights have only made our relationship stronger and now we're very good.
Originally posted by Frank White
Of course, Shirv was logging out for the night when that happened. Hence why he did not come back on.
Akari traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Akari gestures at Shirv.
A melodic voice from the crowd echoes, "Endangering public safety! Endangering public safety! Someone call for the Guard Captain!"
A void rips open in the area, directly above Shirv!
Roaring winds confuse Shirv.
+8 Hits.
Shirv is stunned!
Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.
Naina offers Eoghain a small rod.
Shirv just left.
Nodyre deeply says, "Errr."
Gemleshil asks, "Any locksmiths here?"
Nodyre stands up.
Akari rubs his glass amulet.
Akari suddenly disappears.
Liannonuel starts chortling.
Eoghain accepts Naina's small rod.
Athanecia quietly says, "Uh oh."
Hectomaner changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...
>l ak
Eoghain put a small rod in his black stave harness.
Hectomaner skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.
Nothing happens.
I could not find what you were referring to.
Liannonuel lets loose with a loud jeer. Boooooo!
Gemleshil laughs!
Wolfstarr makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Nodyre deeply says, "Wow."
Wolfstarr gestures at a hefty stick.
As Wolfstarr gestures at a hefty stick, there is suddenly a blinding flash of bright light! When your vision readjusts, Wolfstarr is still holding the stick, looking very drained.
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
Although the floating platform is suspended well above the ground below, it overflows with abundant plant life. The edges of the dais are brimming with delicate white queen's lace, dark lavender, fragrant rosemary and a variety of other colorful flora. Thick grass underfoot provides an enticingly peaceful resting spot. A thin silk canopy is rolled back to permit an unobstructed view of the starry night sky. You also see the Liannonuel disk, the Gemleshil disk, the Athanecia disk, a mountain wolf, a platter of sauteed lamb hearts, a rock ptarmigan that is flying around, a large faenor-chased barrel, a richly finished wooden bench with some stuff on it and a glaesine arch.
Also here: Hectomaner, Liannonuel, Eoghain, Naina, Gemleshil, Great Lady Athanecia, Nodyre, Great Lord Zackeron, Wolfstarr, Fartreie who is kneeling, Great Lady Treeva
Obvious paths: out
Fartreie murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Fartreie gestures.
Fartreie's right arm looks better.
Nodyre deeply says, "How brave..."
Eoghain rolls his eyes.
Nodyre shakes his head.
Hectomaner sings with renewed vigor!
In response to the soothing melody of Hectomaner's song, your surroundings become calm and still.
Nodyre removes an orange imperial topaz from in his fel chest.
Nodyre put an orange imperial topaz in his crimson velvet cape.
Nodyre removes a bent wand from on a richly finished wooden bench.
Nodyre drops a bent wand.
Wolfstarr put a hefty rod on a richly finished wooden bench.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>chort nodyre
You chortle at Nodyre.
Naina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Nodyre removes an engraved gold trunk from in his crimson velvet cape.
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
Although the floating platform is suspended well above the ground below, it overflows with abundant plant life. The edges of the dais are brimming with delicate white queen's lace, dark lavender, fragrant rosemary and a variety of other colorful flora. Thick grass underfoot provides an enticingly peaceful resting spot. A thin silk canopy is rolled back to permit an unobstructed view of the starry night sky. You also see a bent wand, the Liannonuel disk, the Gemleshil disk, the Athanecia disk, a mountain wolf, a platter of sauteed lamb hearts, a rock ptarmigan that is flying around, a large faenor-chased barrel, a richly finished wooden bench with some stuff on it and a glaesine arch.
Also here: Hectomaner, Liannonuel, Eoghain, Naina, Gemleshil, Great Lady Athanecia, Nodyre, Great Lord Zackeron, Wolfstarr, Fartreie who is kneeling, Great Lady Treeva
Obvious paths: out
Nodyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Nodyre gestures.
Nodyre appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.
Shirv just arrived.
Then, you told him to meet you outside the gate where you had Hectomaner.
Originally posted by Frank White
Also, why he let you cheap him?
Originally posted by Frank White
Of course, OOC is met with OOC.
Sorry you feel that way. That just makes the problem worse.
And I'm not Akari or, Senja, or whoever else was involved, nor have I ever used an invisibility amulet. I just watched.
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by ELO]
Frank White
12-28-2005, 02:53 AM
By the way, I'd like all to mention something. A friend pointed me to some OOC website called "Ponderland" not too long ago. I see there is a "Seany Digital" on there who has posted, pretending to be me, saying some very asshole and inflammatory things. Whatever asshole did that, posing as me, is a fucking retard. I'm sorry to anyones' picture who he left comments on. I'd never even seen that website till a week ago. Also, the Seany Analog person, impersonator. All very funny though, in bad taste and fraudulant. To whoever took the time to do that: You're one sick fuck to want to shit on me so bad you'd go as far as to impersonate me.
Frank White
12-28-2005, 02:56 AM
And you know you bitches are going to buy or rent my DVD, which in turn makes me money via my SAG contract. Go buy it just to see, you know you will. I bet you'll even curse yourself while you're buying it just out of curiousity. HAHAHA. I love it. Even my enemies pay me.
American Pie: Band Camp
Frank White
12-28-2005, 03:00 AM
Grandsome (ELO), anything you post and say is bullshit. you directly involved yourself with the conflict, as we all know logs can be doctored. You were even involving yourself by pulling Akari up, and dragging him away from Shirv after Akari was tackled and disarmed. STFU THNX.
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by Snapp]
Originally posted by Frank White
And you know you bitches are going to buy or rent my DVD, which in turn makes me money via my SAG contract. Go buy it just to see, you know you will. I bet you'll even curse yourself while you're buying it just out of curiousity. HAHAHA. I love it. Even my enemies pay me.
American Pie: Band Camp
Yeah, quick, change the subject.
I never dragged Akari away, or pulled him up. I did, however, pick his runestaff up when you disarmed him. That's it.
And from that shit you tried to pull with me at EG, I had a perfectly good reason to kill you.
If I wanted to have been involved, you would have been dead.
The Ponzzz
12-28-2005, 03:04 AM
Shirv is still a dirty cunt, end of story...
Originally posted by ELO
If I wanted to have been involved, you would have been dead.
And me and Snoop Dogg would bury you out in the desert. Jose Canseco would be there too, providing transportation.
Originally posted by Frank White
And you know you bitches are going to buy or rent my DVD, which in turn makes me money via my SAG contract. Go buy it just to see, you know you will. I bet you'll even curse yourself while you're buying it just out of curiousity. HAHAHA. I love it. Even my enemies pay me.
American Pie: Band Camp
Haha, you play what appears to be a bit character on probably the worst movie ever to be created.
Frank White
12-28-2005, 03:08 AM
Dont fuck with me, I won't fuck with you, end of story.
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 03:23 AM
You know, threads like these remind me of a story that you all probably could care less about but you're about to read anyway:
I work with a fellow who shall remain nameless, who is about 6'6 tall and weighs about 130 pounds, whose name starts with an S and ends with a teve Herzman...brooksvilleflorida34601... Anyway, he used to be a UFC fighter in the early 90s, before becoming a bounty hunter for the New York City Police department, in which he brought in several dangerous criminals while wielding grenades and illegal automatic weapons. Steve is a very dangerous man. He then worked for microsoft for several years before deciding that he had had enough of the field and the money and he now works as one of my hourly employees at Office Depot in the Technology Department. Also he is a master chef.
The moral of the story is this: I can relate to you Seany, because I know someone who is nearly as full of crap as you are.
Love and Kisses,
You're referring to me telling you where an alterer was as "fucking with you"?
I'm sorry you couldn't find the alterer, but that's not the best reason to try and kill someone.
Besides, I was too busy hanging out with Ken Griffey Jr., Dave Chappelle, Jesus, that hot girl off Laguna Beach, and 50 Cent to "fuck with you". We're hard at work making a movie, dawg.
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 03:29 AM
Originally posted by ELO
You're referring to me telling you where an alterer was as "fucking with you"?
I'm sorry you couldn't find the alterer, but that's not the best reason to try and kill someone.
Besides, I was too busy hanging out with Ken Griffey Jr., Dave Chappelle, Jesus, that hot girl off Laguna Beach, and 50 Cent to "fuck with you". We're hard at work making a movie, dawg.
I can back him up on this. I was there too. I totally got Eminem's autograph and then I rode an elephant down the street and cut a record with Virgin Entertainment.
Frank White
12-28-2005, 03:30 AM
Speaking of which I have hung out with those hot chicks from Laguna Beach, they were down at Club Glam for an Impure event (my crew and tight homies, reppin the IE apparel) sporting our stuff. Haha, funny story.
Frank White
12-28-2005, 03:32 AM
If you look on my myspace, and my buddies list theres the homie Sugar Shane's homepage. He's CEO of Impure, sure you can probably see pix of me and the Laguna Beach girls from that night, and the flyer.
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by Frank White]
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 03:33 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
If you look on my myspace, and my buddies list theres the my homie Sugar Shane's homepage. He's CEO of Impure, sure you can probably see pix of me and the Laguna Beach girls from that night, and the flyer.
I'm sorry, I don't have the energy at 3 A.M. to do all this legwork. Can you link us to a pic of you with the Laguna Beach girls?
Originally posted by Frank White
(my crew and tight homies, reppin the IE apparel)
Internet Explorer apparel?
That shit is hot. I think I was there to. Me and that hot girl (I didn't catch her name) fucked all day. Funny story.
Originally posted by ELO
Originally posted by Frank White
(my crew and tight homies, reppin the IE apparel)
Internet Explorer apparel?
That shit is hot. I think I was there to. Me and that hot girl (I didn't catch her name) fucked all day. Funny story.
That was the one we tag teamed, right?
12-28-2005, 03:37 AM
All the stories, it's like those 12 year old girls who write whole books about marrying Harry Potter and stuff. This is just the male version of it.
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 03:38 AM
Originally posted by Drew
Originally posted by ELO
Originally posted by Frank White
(my crew and tight homies, reppin the IE apparel)
Internet Explorer apparel?
That shit is hot. I think I was there to. Me and that hot girl (I didn't catch her name) fucked all day. Funny story.
That was the one we tag teamed, right?
Guys don't talk like that about Tayre's mom. He's got feelings too, you know.
Also I totally shagged her too.
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by Neff]
Originally posted by Drew
That was the one we tag teamed, right?
Oh yeah, there was that girl too.
Crack is a powerful drug.
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by Fission
All the stories, it's like those 12 year old girls who write whole books about marrying Harry Potter and stuff. This is just the male version of it.
That's totally sexist.
What if I wanted to write a book about marrying Harry Potter?
Now you think i'm some sort of pre-pubescent girl?
Come on now. I'm offended.
Really now. In this day and age.
Frank White
12-28-2005, 03:49 AM
Well, I can't seem to find the stuff from the Laguna Beach party, cuz it was like 2 or 3 months ago. However, I've got the flyer for the up and coming promo with none other than the hedgehog himself... Mr. Ron Jeremy.
By the way, IE is Inland Empire... Where we keep it dirty. Where I'm from. Ever heard of Chino? Thats the IE. It's adjacent to "The OC" but quite a bit harder, ya heard.
Frank White
12-28-2005, 03:51 AM 9015
Sugar Shane's page has some IE flavor on it, so you guys get it. We roll.
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 03:53 AM
Wait, wait, i'm confused. What does Ron Jeremy have to do with you taking pictures with movie stars and hot chicks? I mean, granted, he's a stud, and sometimes I wanna be him, but i'm not sure really where i'm going with this, but I am relatively sure it'll end up with a relatively homosexual comment coming from me and making its way into someone's sig for a while so i'm just going to quit while i'm ahead.
Edited for translationalization purposes:
Word, Seany, I forgot you was down with the jive slang and the hippity hop and the bang bang you're dead i'mma gangsta thuggin lifestyle so i'mma go ahead and break it down fo' ya, no frontin'. wazzap wazzap in the hizzy? This bitch ain't makin' no damn sense i'mma bout to slap this ho and make her...I dunno do dishes or some sort of...jive way, and so forth. PEACE OUT IN THE HOOD, G! Go chronic! It's for da shorteeeeez, YEAH!
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by Neff]
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by Neff]
12-28-2005, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
Senja harassed, threatens, and talks shit to Shirv all based on OOC stuff (the fact that I'm Sean).
* BULLSHIT .. tell the truth.. Liannel or however you spell his name asked me to ask my crystal ball if Shirv was an idiot.. I did and MAGICALLY the human speaks elven (way to MA) it had NOTHING to do with you being Sean AT ALL. Somehow you forget all the shit talking that YOU then started. *
Senja cheats in the duel, and murders Shirv
*WRONG I never agreed to YOUR terms, you mistakenly believed I did*
Shirv then proceeds to fuck up Senja's world, by chopping her up... Twice
*WRONG you killed me once.. while I was waiting for you to get over deaths sting. You Attacked me with NO warning. So much for that honor your char bragged about.*
Akari (whom Shirv has never seen before) fire balls Shirv from invisibility and stuns him
Someone sancts the area
Shirv gets healed and walks outside the dais
Akari follows him
Shirv fucks Akari up and kills him
Akari proceeds to locate and harass Shirv for killing his 'wife' Senja and himself now
Shirv is sitting outside the gate, minding his own business with both Hectomaner and Liannonuel, Hectomaner is singing 1017 just incase someone tries to inviso implode anyone
*LIAR you mean you had Hecto use 1017 so he couldnt cast at all*
Akari pops out of inviso to cast implosion, but is disrupted by song of noise
Akari gets fucked up
Akari decays
Akari comes running back to implode Shirv again (obviously not getting the fucking idea that he can't cast)
Akari gets fucked up again
Shirv is sitting in town resting
Akari tries to evil eye him
Akari misses
Akari gets arrested
Shirv sees Rowi trying to help Akari
*NO Rowi didnt touch you.. but stood there while Akari got his things so if you attacked he wouldnt be vulnerable*
Shirv warns Rowi not to interfere
*A warn that YOU violated by staying near him and that real reason you warned him was you KNOW Rowi would have handed you your ass without breaking a sweat (so to speak)*
Shirv goes to attack him in the constabulary, and misses because he forgot to pull out his katana (Otherwise Akari would have died again), and the only reason Shirv missed is because Sean smoked 2 kush blunts 15 minutes prior (apparenty pot + pvp doesn't mix)
*You forgot Shirv got his ass handed to him*
The sad thing is that I don't care who you really are or what you do or how much money you have. None of that matters to me AT ALL. If all that shit is true then good for you.. be happy, live life, whatever. I am basing what I said about on how you MAed Shirv, Hecto and the healer. about how you wont leave sanct unless someone else takes you hunting or you have hecto follow you around with song of noise up OR even the empath sancting every step you take. I never had a problem with you AT ALL and in fact stayed out of the "Sean bashing" that went on on OOC because I dont care whether or not you are rich or well of or whatever. Let's be honest about this situation.. you used your empath to "hear" what I said in elven and started talking a huge amount of crap. It was YOUR choice on how to RP that. As for Akari and the rest.. well I have been trying IC to make him stay out of my conflicts since they got together. It's just not going to happen.. Akari is protective of Senja no matter what I do. This is a situation YOU created by talking the way you did. I sat and watch numerous people be amazed at the stupid crap you do. You know damn well that you MA your chars and use them to fight each others battles, so really you are no better than Akari.. as I had never had any interaction with Hecto before. Once you stop being such a hypocrite and face up to the bullshit you, yourself pull, we'll all be happier.
12-28-2005, 03:58 AM
Don't you get it? Ron Jeremy is like a D-List celeb that, while taking breaks from his stellar comedy tour (coming to a trailer park near you), likes to hang out with the 10th billing actors from a straight to dvd movie. Cause that's how he rolls, dawg.
Goddamn, I love when Sean shows back up. It's like a year's worth of laughs in a few pages of posts.
Originally posted by Frank White 9015
Sugar Shane's page has some IE flavor on it, so you guys get it. We roll.
Thanks for linking to some fat bastards myspace. Check out the thread about DonkeyLips, they look about the same.
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Don't you get it? Ron Jeremy is like a D-List celeb that, while taking breaks from his stellar comedy tour (coming to a trailer park near you), likes to hang out with the 10th billing actors from a straight to dvd movie. Cause that's how he rolls, dawg.
Goddamn, I love when Sean shows back up. It's like a year's worth of laughs in a few pages of posts.
You know what the funny thing is, if he wasn't Sean and he just made a post like "Hey guys, I got a role in the new American Pie movie and I'm really excited about it" most everyone would be very supportive of it.
But he rolls too deep for that.
12-28-2005, 04:04 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
Grandsome (ELO), anything you post and say is bullshit. you directly involved yourself with the conflict, as we all know logs can be doctored. You were even involving yourself by pulling Akari up, and dragging him away from Shirv after Akari was tackled and disarmed. You are part of the Queer Crew. STFU THNX.
Do not blame him for what I did as Senja. Grandsome never interfered in anyway, shape or form. I believe you owe him an apology.
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 04:05 AM
...Hey guys, I just got a role in the New Pirates of the Caribbean flick, and i'm totally stoked. I'm playing Elizabeth. I was such a good actor that they tailored the role to fit me. Orlando Bloom now plays a gay man. Anyway, I just wanted to share my joy and excitement with you all.
Frank White
12-28-2005, 04:06 AM
Senja, shut up, stop lying, stfu. The other stuff was more for everyone else, and not directed at you. Since there are a lot of mistruths and exaggerations going on about me. We set the record straight. I'm sorry, do any of you know anyone even semi-famous? Do any of you get VIP at the hottest clubs in SoCal (the best place to live on earth)?
...Hmm, a collective no. Take a seat and shut the fuck up. If you don't get my mentality yet, here's a good example: "Motivation" by T.I. , download it, great song... Maybe you'll get it.
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 04:07 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
Senja, shut up, stop lying, stfu. The other stuff was more for everyone else, and not directed at you. Since there are a lot of mistruths and exaggerations going on about me. We set the record straight. I'm sorry, do any of you know anyone even semi-famous? Do any of you get VIP at the hottest clubs in SoCal (the best place to live on earth)?
...Hmm, a collective no. Take a seat and shut the fuck up. If you don't get my mentality yet, here's a good example: "Motivation" by T.I. , download it, great song... Maybe you'll get it.
I'm pretty sure the vast majority of the mistruths and exaggerations are coming from your forum names.
Frank White
12-28-2005, 04:09 AM
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
....I'm not sure I understand. I'm not sure if you could tell from my previous post with the translation in it, but i'm not really hip or jive or down with your funky lingo. Could you translate for me?
Frank White
12-28-2005, 04:14 AM
Why do you talk so much shit? Is your penis that small? Dont you get it? You're a fucking hater. Trying to clown me, and for what? You dont have anything on me. Guarantee you'd give your left nut to be me. Best thing you can do is just shut the fuck up. You're a lame. Who are you, where are you from, oh wait... NO ONE CARES?! Why, because you a nobody. Trying to come up on me, trying to jibber jabber. Driving your Hyundai and probably fucking some fat bitch with a clit ring. Beat it.
12-28-2005, 04:17 AM
Exactly what did I lie about? Oh yeah.. NOTHING.
Frank White
12-28-2005, 04:19 AM
In Conclusion, anyone can say what they want of me. Fact of the matter is this my friends: When the computer shuts off, my life is better than yours, and I earned it. So you can do your worst, be as big a policy breaking dumbfuck prick as you want to me in GS. In the end, I rule and you suck. Life's not fair, some guys have all the luck.
S. Digital
Frank White
12-28-2005, 04:22 AM
Oh yeah, and controversy sells my friend. You'd never go buy that shit if I made some post like "Oh wow, I got a role yay for me"
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by Snapp]
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
Why do you talk so much shit? Is your penis that small? Dont you get it? You're a fucking hater. Trying to clown me, and for what? You dont have anything on me. Guarantee you'd give your left nut to be me. Best thing you can do is just shut the fuck up. You're a lame. Who are you, where are you from, oh wait... NO ONE CARES?! Why, because you a nobody. Trying to come up on me, trying to jibber jabber. Driving your Hyundai and probably fucking some fat bitch with a clit ring. Beat it.
In response to your question: Yes, my penis is quite small. Send your girlfriend over here. I'll floss her teeth with it.
I am a nobody. I cry myself to sleep every night because I can't be like you.
I'd give my left nut to be you, but I had it surgically removed because I don't use it anyway, for I am not having sex with any fat women. I don't have sex at all. I'm trying to become a priest, you see. At least that's what I tell all the ladies that turn me down.
Pssht. My car isn't a Hyundai. I ride the bus. Sometimes my mom drives me places, but she doesn't let me spend my allowance on candy or sweets, so sometimes I get kind of down..
I aspire to someday be more like you, with all your friends and connections and superstar movie roles.
Just one question: Is that really what you do, or are you just relating to us what your character on The Sims is doing right now?
Originally posted by Neff
...Hey guys, I just got a role in the New Pirates of the Caribbean flick, and i'm totally stoked. I'm playing Elizabeth. I was such a good actor that they tailored the role to fit me. Orlando Bloom now plays a gay man. Anyway, I just wanted to share my joy and excitement with you all.
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 04:30 AM
Oh boy do I ever!
And maybe 50 Cent over here can use his mad hookups to get Ron Jeremy to come over and show us a thing or two!
Originally posted by Frank White
Why do you talk so much shit? Is your penis that small? Dont you get it? You're a fucking hater. Trying to clown me, and for what? You dont have anything on me. Guarantee you'd give your left nut to be me. Best thing you can do is just shut the fuck up. You're a lame. Who are you, where are you from, oh wait... NO ONE CARES?! Why, because you a nobody. Trying to come up on me, trying to jibber jabber. Driving your Hyundai and probably fucking some fat bitch with a clit ring. Beat it.
This reminds me of this song:
Frank White
12-28-2005, 04:34 AM
I've said enough
I win.
Me > You
I'm out this bitch
Moist Happenings
12-28-2005, 04:35 AM
I acknowledge your intellectual and physical superiority.
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by Neff]
12-28-2005, 05:18 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
In Conclusion, anyone can say what they want of me. Fact of the matter is this my friends: When the computer shuts off, my life is better than yours, and I earned it.
You know, I do agree with you on the OOC thing. You probably have a point there, but I was too busy laughing at your Who's Who of 1989 celeb friend list to really pay attention to it.
Fucking Christ. Jose Canseco? The guy is selling his MLB gear on E-bay. Ron Jeremy? The guy will perform at Jethro's Back Room Comedy Club. You hate Eminem but can quote his lyrics. I hate Eminem, and couldn't quote a thing of his. You are completely and utterly fulfilled, but you need to seek validation on the Internet? It's really good to have you back, Sean, the PC was kinda dull. When you talk to Warclaidhm, invite him back too.
12-28-2005, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
Shirv comes to Ta'Illistim
Shirv meets Senja
Senja harassed, threatens, and talks shit to Shirv all based on OOC stuff (the fact that I'm Sean).
Shirv challenges Senja on a fair duel for his honor
Senja cheats in the duel, and murders Shirv
Shirv then proceeds to fuck up Senja's world, by chopping her up... Twice
By your own admission, aren't you wrong? An eye for an eye and a death for a death, no? Even if I buy she cheated in the duel, you coulda killed her, evened the score deathwise and claimed the higher ground for not being dishonest. Instead, you "chopped her up twice" and probably talked more crap, and brought this whole thing about. Coulda ended before all the hooplah. As for the OOC stuff, I'm sure people don't lace into you without reason; maybe its because you talk down to everyone?
I've never interacted with you but I confess its hard to keep an open mind when I can feel the attitude seep out of your posts and hear so many negative things.
12-28-2005, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
Senja, shut up, stop lying, stfu. The other stuff was more for everyone else, and not directed at you. Since there are a lot of mistruths and exaggerations going on about me. We set the record straight. I'm sorry, do any of you know anyone even semi-famous? Do any of you get VIP at the hottest clubs in SoCal (the best place to live on earth)?
...Hmm, a collective no. Take a seat and shut the fuck up. If you don't get my mentality yet, here's a good example: "Motivation" by T.I. , download it, great song... Maybe you'll get it.
I do know someone semi-famous.
I don't feel the need to impress it upon everyone else and use it to validate myself.
My reply to your first post in this thread has skepticism, and sure enough, you exploded and pretty much did everything that would make people laugh at you. Maybe its time for a change of strategy? Stop being a fluffer for ol Ron. Stop trying to be a thug.
12-28-2005, 09:22 AM
Tucker Max.
That's all I have to say.
12-28-2005, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Frank White
I'm sorry, do any of you know anyone even semi-famous? Do any of you get VIP at the hottest clubs in SoCal (the best place to live on earth)?
BFD. And yet here you are, bitching and griping with people on the internet about a text character in an online game. :loser:
12-28-2005, 09:54 AM
I imagine you do indeed keep it dirty in Chino. That place is a hole.
Originally posted by Frank White
I'm sorry, do any of you know anyone even semi-famous? Do any of you get VIP at the hottest clubs in SoCal (the best place to live on earth)?
No one gives a fuck about what clubs you go to, and what hot girl from Laguna Beach that you didn't have sex with. I had a bowl of cherrio's this morning, but you don't see me throwing a parade for myself. That's not what this thread was originally about, but you keep dropping names like they were quarters into Frogger. The only time someone will drop your name is when they're asked who's hanging onto every D list celebrities coattail.
People like you are the reason we don't find a cure for AIDs.
12-28-2005, 12:40 PM
Don't know who ELO is but he's my hero for the day. :D
My hat's off to Elo as well.
Thanks for providing that guy the benefit of a reply. lol @ the Hottest Clubs in SoCal though.
Noone gives a fuck, seriously.
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by DeV]
12-28-2005, 01:39 PM
He's banned...again. Please, don't feed the troll. :banghead:
I didn't know he was banned.
You'd think someone with such an elaborate array of D-list celebrities to choose from would have better things to do than get banned from a internet message board, for starters.
12-28-2005, 02:02 PM
Banned many, many, many times, for that matter. :D
Member of the Day is Frank White with 17 posts is that why he is banned?
12-28-2005, 02:43 PM
No, it's because he was banned under an other name and tried to circumvent his ban by creating another name.
He has done this many times in the past. You'll hear many people refer to him as either Seany Digital or simply "Fuckhead"
Originally posted by HarmNone
He's banned...again. Please, don't feed the troll. :banghead:
Aww Harmy, can't we keep him!
12-28-2005, 03:41 PM
LOL @ going to "Vale." I might've seen Sean there, 'cept I was in VAIL.
In all seriousness, though, I think Sean might be growing up just a tad. HIs posts are like five notches less venomous and irate than they used to be, though the lifestyle bragging degree has remained just as bad.
[Edited on 12-28-2005 by SpunGirl]
12-28-2005, 04:06 PM
He did seem more "Why are you picking on me, big meanie head!" and less "Your mother is a three-toothed whore".
Perhaps he's just out of practice.
12-28-2005, 04:12 PM
I dunno, maybe he's just growing on me. When he resurfaces, it's like being reminded of that batshit insane d00d you knew awhile back and haven't laughed over in awhile.
On another serious note, I think it's nice that Sean has what seems to be a solid relationship in his life. Four years is nothing to sneeze at. What he just doesn't understand is that while all the other fluff he "has" is very important to him and thusly = 20 ways to coolness, you can't base your definition of other people's quality of life off of only what is important to you.
With the exception of NC/Leetah, seems to me most people here are satisfied with their lives. Some people derive satisfaction from things other than hanging out with Ron Jeremy (ew).
12-28-2005, 05:35 PM
I met Jose Canseco out in Vegas hanging out with Mario Lopez. We had pictures taken with them. Strange, no phantom was around though. I met Coolio there too. I also have a few famous people as my myspace friends. I could say my salary's over 250,000 too. No one validates through myspace that these people are actually your friends. Most people just accept everyone as their friends. I guess that's why donkeylips and a porn star are my friends on myspace. Even if you know all these famous people and have all this money, you still look like a shithead and your girlfriend looks no better than some chick I could find at the mall. So what is it you do, do you act as a bystander in movies or are you in some real estate business that averages 4 million dollars in loans a month?
12-28-2005, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by DeV
You'd think someone with such an elaborate array of D-list celebrities to choose from would have better things to do than get banned from a internet message board, for starters.
He's earned the right to say whatever he wants. It's only fitting he gets banned from an online text based roleplaying forum.
12-28-2005, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Drew
Originally posted by HarmNone
He's banned...again. Please, don't feed the troll. :banghead:
Aww Harmy, can't we keep him!
Tell ya what, can keep him at your house! :D
12-28-2005, 08:04 PM
Eah, he wasn't so bad in a few other threads. The whole "I'm a God. I live in SoCal. I love me. Me. Me. Me. Fat bitches. Me. American Pie." thing was a bit annoying, though.
I think that like any other red blooded American I hope that California breaks off from the rest of the country and floats off to sea... then... promptly... catches fire and explodes.
As for the log that was posted - good lord thats a lot of drama. I Couldn't see what the characters looked like but it looked to me like a Dhe'nar was claiming a Giantman to be his brother and that irks me a bit, but Akari - and this isn't criticism - was more than a little bit out of character with a good portion of that. Talking about warnings and the like.
Ah well, c'est la vie.
12-28-2005, 08:18 PM
Thing is, he wasn't banned for anything he said here, in this "incarnation". He was banned because he was, again, circumventing an existing ban. As has been said before, he's done this many times. Each time a banned poster circumvents his/her ban, the ban time increases. For someone like Seany, this means his ban will be in force when the sun goes supernova.:weird:
12-28-2005, 08:32 PM
Aww shucks and you didn't even let him go off on his rants before being banned. Anyway he's still an idiot.
12-29-2005, 12:27 AM
Sad that I missed the latest episode of "Chino's Most Wanted."
Originally posted by Ebondale
Eah, he wasn't so bad in a few other threads. The whole "I'm a God. I live in SoCal. I love me. Me. Me. Me. Fat bitches. Me. American Pie." thing was a bit annoying, though.
I think that like any other red blooded American I hope that California breaks off from the rest of the country and floats off to sea... then... promptly... catches fire and explodes.
As for the log that was posted - good lord thats a lot of drama. I Couldn't see what the characters looked like but it looked to me like a Dhe'nar was claiming a Giantman to be his brother and that irks me a bit, but Akari - and this isn't criticism - was more than a little bit out of character with a good portion of that. Talking about warnings and the like.
Ah well, c'est la vie.
Hey I live in SOCAL!!
No reason why my mother couldnt adopt is there!
12-29-2005, 08:43 AM
ROFL.. I'm a little late.. but i'd just like to mock him a little bit, even though he won't read it. Chino is full of fucking laid back people, not thugs, number one. I used to work there. Number TWO, you can get those flyers ANYWHERE. Number three.. uh, could anyone have tried harder to impress people who, yes, play an online TEXT based role playing game. That he himself plays, as well. I seriously doubt anyone who plays GS is a hardcore thug from "Chino" OMFG.. I still can't get over he said Chino was hard.. that's the joke of the year. It's like saying "Yo "dog" I live up in Malibu" Anyway.. I just wanted to add my two cents, as late as it is.
12-29-2005, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Rowi
Originally posted by Ebondale
Eah, he wasn't so bad in a few other threads. The whole "I'm a God. I live in SoCal. I love me. Me. Me. Me. Fat bitches. Me. American Pie." thing was a bit annoying, though.
I think that like any other red blooded American I hope that California breaks off from the rest of the country and floats off to sea... then... promptly... catches fire and explodes.
As for the log that was posted - good lord thats a lot of drama. I Couldn't see what the characters looked like but it looked to me like a Dhe'nar was claiming a Giantman to be his brother and that irks me a bit, but Akari - and this isn't criticism - was more than a little bit out of character with a good portion of that. Talking about warnings and the like.
Ah well, c'est la vie.
Hey I live in SOCAL!!
No reason why my mother couldnt adopt is there!
:lol: Nothin' but love, man. My grandma, two aunts, my uncle, and a whole bunch of cousins live in SoCAL. Still, Cali does suck... :) Nothin' personal.
12-29-2005, 01:57 PM
I like SoCali. My dad grew up there, so I have family in Pasadena, Covina, Yorba Linda, Tustin, etcetc. Heart it.
Chino?? thats like saying RAH RAH I live in IRVINE hard ass place the hood!
Was going to say Riverside, but Ive been there, dern thugish rednecks! :D
12-29-2005, 02:02 PM
Oldest Crip EVAR!!1
12-29-2005, 02:07 PM
Mmm, Nietzsche. Just got a B&N gift card and bought The Gay Science (a bad mistranslation of the German, IMHO. Joyful Wisdom FTW). Think I'll go read that now...<drool>
I thought Chino was a prison?
I figured he was talking about going to jail, or something.
12-30-2005, 05:23 AM
All I have to say about Seany is:
Anyone that feels the need to justify their existence (by bragging about how much money they make, who they know, where the live, what the hell ever), regardless if it's true or not, is already dead on the inside.
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