Tea & Strumpets
11-13-2007, 10:23 AM
I bet you weren't stealing either or anything....
Also, did you yell out BALLS OF STEEL when you were talking to the merchant?
I think I stole from him after the first time he stole a doomstone. It was a while ago, but I'm sure I was completely in the right and everyone else was evil.
I will post the log but let me add a disclaimer. It is a little funny, but it is long and I whine like a little bitch in it. As in any good log, someone WARN INTERACTIONS me. Lurry is the merchant.
Glimmin stands up.
Glimmin groans.
(Glimmin rubs his lower back.)
Ysamine blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Glimmin went down a western stairway.
You ask, "Think we got time to block the stairs?"
Ysamine smiles quietly to herself.
Lurry giggles.
Agilarr chuckles.
Lurry points at Rhansom.
Rhansom turns around.
Lurry says, "No no, over here"
Lurry points at himself.
Lyonis put some Elf's blood in his leather hunting cloak.
Terrabi came up a western stairway.
Glimmin came up a western stairway.
Glimmin gently bites Terrabi.
Glimmin sits down.
Terrabi tickles Glimmin.
Brimzstone recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Brimzstone gestures at Terrabi.
A faint disk appears next to Terrabi, but then fades away.
Glimmin splutters.
Glimmin flails his arms about.
Terrabi tickles Brimzstone into laughing.
Brimzstone snickers.
Terrabi chuckles.
Rhansom nods to Lurry.
A white panther purrs quietly in his sleep!
Glimmin leans back.
Lurry rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Amalfya came up a western stairway.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
[Solano Hall, Alcove Landing]
A small, level landing fits snugly into a rock alcove. Though shaped like an artist's palette, the landing has been carefully leveled, and a brilliant mosaic of clear, blue, and yellow quartz spells out a message on the floor. An amber toadstool in a stone pot illuminates the area with a soft glow, its light playing off the mica flakes in the nearby wall. To the east, the waterfall rushes down from above, stopping for a bit before continuing its cascade. You also see the Terrabi disk, a white panther that is sleeping, a western stairway and a steep staircase.
Also here: Shylira, Great Lord Agilarr, Amalfya, Glimmin who is sitting, Terrabi, Lyonis, Augie, Furry Lurry, Ysamine who is sitting, Huxton, Rhansom, Lord Kynilir who is sitting, Lady Daliana, Brimzstone
Obvious exits: east
You notice Glimmin reach into your pockets and remove 15 silvers.
You roll your eyes.
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Burst spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Glimmin.
CS: +452 - TD: +157 + CvA: -9 + d100: +4 == +290
Warding failed!
Glimmin is stunned.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You are now in an offensive stance.
You stand back up.
Augie gawks at you.
Huxton grins.
Terrabi blinks.
You feel at full magical power again.
Daliana gasps.
Terrabi asks, "is he stealin again?"
Ysamine hiccups!
Daliana gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lurry says, "You are going to pop his heart."
Brimzstone starts chuckling at you!
Terrabi tickles Glimmin.
Lurry pokes you in the ribs.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana concentrates.
Lyonis leans softly against Ysamine.
You remove a polished bloodwood wand from in your spidersilk backpack.
Lurry says, "Don't be messy"
You wave your bloodwood wand at Glimmin.
1d100: 23 + Modifiers: 176 == 199
CS: +417 - TD: +155 + CvA: -9 + d100: +92 - +20 == +325
Warding failed!
A ragged wound rips open Glimmin's jugular, which begins spurting blood.
The bloodwood wand suddenly disintegrates!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You say, "Yer not kidding."
Huxton winces.
You sit down.
You are now in a defensive stance.
Lurry exclaims, "I had to put a deposit on this place!"
You put a golvern toothpick in your spidersilk cloak.
Lurry walks over and kicks you in the shin!
Ysamine glances at you.
You say, "If anyone asks, I had nothin' to do with it."
Brimzstone laughs!
Lyonis smiles at Ysamine.
Lurry taps an antique golvern hatpin with a sculpted fingergrip inlaid with veniom scrolls.
* Kriztian just bit the dust!
Daliana gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Daliana gestures at Glimmin.
Glimmin is able to move again.
The glazed look leaves Glimmin.
A white panther purrs quietly in his sleep!
Brimzstone draws a glowing pattern in the air before you.
CS: +447 - TD: +425 + CvA: -9 + d100: +31 - +5 == +39
Warded off!
You are unaffected by Brimzstone's gestures.
Brimzstone snickers.
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Burst spell...
Your spell is ready.
Glimmin grumpily exclaims, "I was only tryin' ta get me silvers back ye stole!"
Daliana softly says, "I can nae see the poor man die"
You gesture at Daliana.
CS: +452 - TD: +151 + CvA: +12 + d100: +48 - -5 == +366
Warding failed!
Daliana is stunned.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
Rhansom calmly says, "Very nice."
Rhansom nods to Lurry.
Ysamine says, "I heard ye always says that."
Augie scowls at you.
Lurry grins at Rhansom.
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Burst spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Glimmin.
CS: +452 - TD: +157 + CvA: -9 + d100: +31 == +317
Warding failed!
Glimmin is stunned.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Ysamine nods to you.
>'Der we go!
Augie squeakily says, "Someone unstun her,that's just wrong"
You exclaim, "Der we go!"
[Solano Hall, Alcove Landing]
A small, level landing fits snugly into a rock alcove. Though shaped like an artist's palette, the landing has been carefully leveled, and a brilliant mosaic of clear, blue, and yellow quartz spells out a message on the floor. An amber toadstool in a stone pot illuminates the area with a soft glow, its light playing off the mica flakes in the nearby wall. To the east, the waterfall rushes down from above, stopping for a bit before continuing its cascade. You also see the Terrabi disk, a white panther that is sleeping, a western stairway and a steep staircase.
Also here: Great Lord Agilarr, Amalfya, a stunned Glimmin who is sitting, Terrabi, Lyonis, Augie, Furry Lurry, Ysamine who is sitting, Huxton, Rhansom, Lord Kynilir who is sitting, a stunned Lady Daliana, Brimzstone
Obvious exits: east
Lurry offers Rhansom an antique golvern hatpin with a sculpted fingergrip inlaid with veniom scrolls.
Lurry turns towards Rhansom and renders a sharp salute with his golvern hatpin.
Rhansom accepts Lurry's golvern hatpin.
Terrabi says, "bah"
You say, "Why is it wrong? He is stealing from me."
Terrabi says, "don kill him Murp"
You exclaim, "She shoulda minded her own business!"
Rhansom calmly exclaims, "Thank yas much Furry Lurry!"
Brimzstone cackles!
Brimzstone gives Daliana a good lick across the cheek, and there's nothing she can do about it!
Brimzstone gives Daliana a good lick across the cheek, and there's nothing she can do about it!
Brimzstone gives Daliana a good lick across the cheek, and there's nothing she can do about it!
A white panther purrs quietly in his sleep!
Terrabi sighs.
A white panther purrs quietly in his sleep!
.108 dalian
[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
Prep 108
Cast At dalian
[Script finished!]
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Stun Relief spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture at Daliana.
Daliana is able to move again.
The glazed look leaves Daliana.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
>l dalian
You feel at full magical power again.
Lurry says, "Don't start dragging my clients into the mess"
You see Lady Daliana Uro the Herbmistress.
She appears to be a Half-Elf.
She appears to be in the spring of life and tall. She has long-lashed crystal green eyes and rosy skin. She has waist length, flowing golden blonde hair swept back from the temples. She has a heart-shaped face, a thin nose and high cheekbones.
She has a long blond ponytail, and a white angel tattoo on her ankle.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a dainty glittering golden halo sprinkled with iridescent pink crystal dust, a brilliant diamond hairclip in the shape of a blossoming rose that sparkles with each little movement, a blushed pink tulip, a dainty frost-covered pink crystal rose pendant suspended upon a length of exquisite silver chain, a delicately carved pink coral cothinar flower and malachite leaf pendant suspended from a fine silver chain, a dainty rose-shaped silver pomander embellished with sparkling pink sapphire dust, a rosy pink herb satchel embroidered with the image of a white angel stitched in gold thread, a pink-flecked white fur harness fastened with large opalescent pearl buckles, some iridescent pink silk angel wings adorned with delicate feathers inset with sparkling white diamonds, a blush-pink cloak trimmed with twining cream-colored roses and jade green leaves, a rose pink silk sash, a violet square button, a soft white cotton blouse buttoned down the front with heart-shaped pink sapphires, an iridescent pink silk vest, some rosy pink healer's leathers, a fragile pink crystal rose wristlet, a delicate belt of linked silver roses intertwined with etched emerald leaves, a rosy pink silk-lined coin purse embroidered with tiny herb-shaped patches, a light pink sack, a flowing pink silk skirt embroidered with a delicate white angel, and some brilliant pink satin slippers.
Daliana is informing you that she considers your character's current behavior to be harassment.
Huxton asks, "show me?"
Daliana gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Daliana gestures at Glimmin.
Glimmin is able to move again.
The glazed look leaves Glimmin.
Amalfya unbuckles the oiled leather harness of her pavis. Carefully, she slides her falchion into the webbing, and then cinches it tightly.
Amalfya slings a royal purple pony-crested pavis over her shoulder.
Daliana meditates over Glimmin.
Daliana takes Glimmin's neck damage.
You chuckle.
Daliana meditates over Glimmin.
Daliana takes all of Glimmin's blood loss.
Rhansom taps an antique golvern hatpin with a sculpted fingergrip inlaid with veniom scrolls.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana concentrates.
Daliana looks a little better.
Glimmin grumpily says, "Ye stole from me first, ye mook! I'm jus' tryin' ta get back me silvers."
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>scoff glim
Daliana's neck looks better.
You scoff at Glimmin.
You say, "Ya stole my doomstone."
Rhansom shows Huxton his golvern hatpin.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana's neck looks better.
Glimmin grumpily exclaims, "Ye stole me spot in line!"
Glimmin sneers.
Terrabi faces Daliana, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Terrabi opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.
Glimmin just opened a black cotton loot bag.
Glimmin removes a dragon's-tear emerald from in his cotton loot bag.
Huxton grins at Rhansom.
Glimmin just closed a black cotton loot bag.
Agilarr just closed a heavy cloak made from the rare hide of a white puma.
Daliana curtsies to Terrabi.
Huxton nods.
Glimmin offers Daliana a dragon's-tear emerald.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Lyonis grins at Ysamine.
Daliana declines Glimmin's offer.
Ysamine leans softly against Lyonis.
Daliana softly says, "Tis nae necessary, thank ye"
Daliana nods to Terrabi.
Daliana meditates over Terrabi.
Daliana takes Terrabi's abdomen damage.
Lyonis begins chuckling at Ysamine!
Daliana meditates over Terrabi.
Daliana takes Terrabi's back damage.
Daliana meditates over Terrabi.
Nothing happens.
Terrabi grins at Daliana.
Huxton grins at Rhansom.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana's neck looks better.
Lurry winces.
You say, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you."
You nod to Glimmin.
Lurry says, "Not here though"
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana's back looks better.
Glimmin glares at you.
Brimzstone chuckles.
Brimzstone makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Brimzstone gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Brimzstone.
Augie squeakily asks, "I thought ya didn't want bloodshed?"
Brimzstone recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Brimzstone gestures.
Brimzstone blurs before you.
Rhansom grins at Huxton.
You say, "I never said that."
Brimzstone makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Brimzstone gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Brimzstone.
Glimmin grumpily says, "Yer so evil."
You say, "I am more than ready for some."
Brimzstone makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Brimzstone gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Brimzstone.
Brimzstone traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
You fold your arms over your chest.
Brimzstone gestures.
A luminescent aura begins to swirl around Brimzstone.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana's back looks better.
Glimmin grumpily says, "I only was tryin' ta get justice."
Brimzstone recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Brimzstone gestures.
Brimzstone looks considerably more imposing.
Brimzstone recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Brimzstone gestures.
Brimzstone appears somehow changed.
You say, "I've got yer justice."
Ysamine takes a drink from her Bard's brew.
Brimzstone makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>nod glim
Brimzstone gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
You nod to Glimmin.
Ysamine leans softly against Lyonis.
Brimzstone makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Brimzstone gestures.
Brimzstone stands taller, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence.
Brimzstone shivers.
Lyonis gazes fondly at Ysamine.
Rhansom reaches out and pulls a veniom-strung elven long bow from thin air!
Ysamine wobbles, looking a bit faint.
You say, "I will gladly return it, though."
Lyonis pulls Ysamine to her feet.
Glimmin grumpily asks, "Now yer tryin' ta kill me over 15 silver that doesn't nearly pay fer tha spot I've been waitin' a month fer?"
Lyonis blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Ysamine grins crookedly.
Lyonis says, "oops"
Brimzstone says, "i think i best spell up"
Brimzstone grins.
Ysamine sits down.
Lyonis sits down.
You ask, "What about the doomstone you lifted earlier?"
Lyonis says, "yeah good idea"
* Angelilly just bit the dust!
Lyonis grins at Ysamine.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana's abdomen looks better.
Rhansom waves.
You say, "I was especially merciful I thought."
Rhansom went down a western stairway.
Glimmin grumpily says, "Ye come in 'ere, not even a friggin' locksmith spoutin' out yer spells."
Terrabi chuckles.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana's abdomen looks better.
Glimmin grumpily asks, "What do you wan'? Us ta all bow ta ye?"
You say, "But then ya was crazy enough to try again."
You chuckle.
Lurry snickers.
Glimmin grumpily says, "Go back ta yer demon summoning chamber an' die."
A white panther purrs quietly in his sleep!
Glimmin folds his arms over his chest.
Augie says something in Halfling.
Glimmin says something in Halfling.
Lurry says, "Ah well, there went my time for the bonus spin."
Lurry exclaims, "But that was funny!"
You grin.
Lurry starts chortling.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Lurry gazes heavenward.
Daliana's neck looks better.
Huxton grins.
You say, "Tell yer friends not to mess with sorcerors, too."
You nod to Glimmin.
Glimmin grumbles.
Glimmin rolls his eyes.
A white panther purrs quietly in his sleep!
Glimmin grumpily says, "My friends ARE sorcerers."
Glimmin leans softly against Terrabi.
* Huahine just bit the dust!
You say, "Not after I spread the word around the guild."
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
Lyonis blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Glimmin rolls his eyes.
Terrabi makes a rude suggestion to Glimmin and gets a firm punch for it.
Augie gestures at a white panther.
A white panther is awakened by Augie's attack!
You notice Lyonis slip into a hiding place.
Terrabi gags.
You notice Lyonis slip out of hiding.
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Web spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture at Augie.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards Augie.
CS: +452 - TD: +224 + CvA: -9 + d100: +89 == +308
Warding failed!
Augie is firmly webbed in place.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
Terrabi says, "some friend"
You feel at full magical power again.
Lyonis nods to Ysamine.
Ysamine's jaw drops.
You shake your head.
A white panther scrambles back up onto his feet.
Augie squeakily exclaims, "I wasn't attackin!"
Glimmin grumpily asks, "What? About ye stealin' 56 silvers from me an' then tryin' ta kill me fer tha 15 I got?"
Brimzstone laughs!
Augie squeakily exclaims, "I was castin ta see if he needed spells!"
Brimzstone intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Brimzstone gestures at a white panther.
Glimmin grumpily says, "Ye need yer head examined."
Augie squeakily says, "Figure if he's hangin around you he might need some protection"
You say, "If I tried to kill you, you'd be dead."
Brimzstone snickers.
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Nature's Touch spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly feel the power of nature surround you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
.615 brimz
[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
Prep 615
Cast At brimz
[Script finished!]
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Call Swarm spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Brimzstone.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A faint buzzing sound begins then grows louder as a small dark cloud forms and begins to move about wildly!
The swarm is unable to make an attack on Brimzstone.
You say, "Don't try to sleep him."
You are now in a defensive stance.
You cackle!
The swarm attacks Brimzstone, the insects exuding an acrid ichor as they bite him viciously. Brimzstone looks very ill!
Glimmin grumpily says, "Yeah, but yer too much of a wimp not ta do it in a town."
>dismiss swarm
With a motion of your hand, you disperse your swarm.
Brimzstone grins.
The webs dissolve from around Augie.
Brimzstone roars at you!
You say, "I don't even understand yer insult."
Huxton sways back and forth.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Ysamine hiccups!
Lyonis pulls Ysamine closer to himself.
Terrabi chuckles.
Lyonis hugs Ysamine, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Glimmin grumpily says, "Kill me 'ere iff'n ye think I deserve it."
Ysamine blinks.
Ysamine hugs Lyonis, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Brimzstone is admiring himself again.
Brimzstone checks his equipment, adjusting and rearranging his gear.
Kynilir just left.
You say, "Okay."
A white panther's tail darts back and forth sharply as he purrs.
Brimzstone recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
.x glim
[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
Prep 616
Cast At glim
[Script finished!]
Brimzstone gestures.
Brimzstone looks considerably more imposing.
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
Ysamine bites her lip.
You gesture at Glimmin.
For some reason, you feel extremely lucky.
Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Glimmin! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 32 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
... hits for 32 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Deft strike to the back cracks vertebrae!
* Glimmin drops dead at your feet!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
Lyonis asks, "am I gonna have to carry you home?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Glimmin grumpily say, "See how many folks actually side with ye."
* Glimmin just bit the dust!
Brimzstone's jaw drops.
Lyonis leans softly against Ysamine.
Terrabi chuckles.
Daliana gasps.
Glimmin issues a ghostly curse on his own mortality.
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes you!
... 30 points of damage!
Electric blast goes right to the heart! You'll miss that steady beat.
You feel your vision return to normal.
The light blue glow leaves you.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
You notice your blood flow go back to normal.
You no longer hear voices in your mind.
You feel the inner strength leave you.
You lose your extra internal fortitude.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
The wall of force disappears from around you.
The air about you stops shimmering.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
Your SIGN OF STAUNCHING is no longer effective.
The buzz of thoughts in your mind subsides.
The white light leaves you.
The very powerful look leaves you.
You are no longer moving silently.
You feel the gathering of nature's power leave you.
You return to normal color.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 13 mins...
A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!
Brimzstone pokes you to see if you'll move.
You say, "You owe me, though."
* Murp just bit the dust!
You see a wave of energy emanate from Augie toward Glimmin. It coalesces around his body and then seeps in, leaving a glow around the body.
Terrabi cackles!
Terrabi falls to her knees beside the body of Glimmin and wails mournfully!
You give a ghostly chuckle.
Ysamine gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Daliana dusts Glimmin off.
Terrabi rubs Glimmin.
Ysamine hiccups!
Brimzstone gives a slight flick of his wrist, and a white flask suddenly appears in his hand!
Augie wails!
Lurry says, "Now both of you can mop up after."
Huxton winces.
Brimzstone forces your mouth open, and pours in a small amount from his white flask.
You feel a tingle on your soul, as if a powerful hand is gently cradling it.
(Thy soul is bound to thy body for an extra 61 minutes.)
Huxton appears to be trying hard not to grin.
The spirit of Glimmin mutters, complaining bitterly about his state of affairs.
Brimzstone just opened a deeply hooded blue spidersilk cloak.
You say, "I would like to use a few local halflings as the mops."
Brimzstone put a white flask in his blue spidersilk cloak.
Brimzstone just closed a deeply hooded blue spidersilk cloak.
Lyonis leans softly against Ysamine.
Daliana meditates over Glimmin.
Daliana takes Glimmin's left leg damage.
Daliana meditates over Glimmin.
Daliana takes Glimmin's back damage.
Daliana meditates over Glimmin.
Daliana takes some of Glimmin's blood loss.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana concentrates.
Daliana looks a little better.
Daliana meditates over Glimmin.
Daliana takes all of Glimmin's blood loss.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana concentrates.
Daliana looks a little better.
Brimzstone yells, "clean up in Solano Hall top level!"
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Lyonis whispers, "you wanna drag to the healer ranger?"
Daliana's left leg looks better.
Terrabi nods to Glimmin.
Huxton asks, "so...we pickin fer a bonus?"
whisper lyon sure!
Ysamine blinks at you.
Lyonis put some Bard's brew in his leather hunting cloak.
Terrabi begins chuckling at Huxton!
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana gestures.
Daliana's back looks better.
Lurry says, "Sure, leave them dead until then."
Huxton cackles at Terrabi!
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana gestures.
Daliana's back looks better.
The spirit of Glimmin mutters, complaining bitterly about his state of affairs.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Terrabi chuckles.
Daliana gestures.
Daliana's left leg looks better.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana gestures.
Daliana's left leg looks better.
Lyonis says, "uhmph"
Lurry says, "Aw, oh well"
Brimzstone pokes Lyonis in the ribs.
Lyonis blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Lurry says, "Spoiled again."
Daliana softly asks, "Might anyone have a touch of spare mana perhaps?"
Ysamine hiccups!
Huxton says, "draggin the bodies around jest means more to clean up"
Agilarr begins chuckling at Lurry!
Daliana kneels down.
Daliana just pulled Glimmin's lifeless body into her arms.
Daliana softly says, "If ye wish, my father taught me long ago the words to murmur to bring life back to a body"
Lurry offers Agilarr an alum-tipped claw etched with spidery symbols of the liabo pantheon.
Daliana softly says, "I can do so for ye today"
Agilarr accepts Lurry's alum-tipped claw.
Agilarr bows to Lurry.
Ysamine says, "You know...if we leave him like that too long the blood will settle on his backside."
Brimzstone just opened a deeply hooded blue spidersilk cloak.
Lurry says, "Not until after i spin"
Ysamine says, "We should all take turns rolling him over."
Lurry grins.
You hear the ghostly voice of Glimmin grumpily say, "Yer sadistic, Lurry."
Lurry exclaims, "Bums. Should leave 'em hear for wreckin' up my festivities!"
Terrabi glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Huxton nods to Ysamine.
Lurry exclaims, "Rot rot rot!"
A white panther hisses loudly!
Lurry sticks out his tongue and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
Shylira giggles.
You hear the ghostly voice of Glimmin grumpily say, "Bah. I didn' do anythin'. He assaulted me."
You hear the ghostly voice of Glimmin grumpily say, "I was jus' tryin' ta get me coins back from that thief."
Lurry spins his scrimshaw hairpin.
The scrimshaw hairpin comes to a stop pointing directly at Agilarr!
Lurry recovers the scrimshaw hairpin and says, "Congratulations Agilarr!"
Lurry rolls his eyes.
Lurry exclaims, "Stupid pin!"
Brimzstone says, "you forgot me"
Ysamine nods to Lurry.
Brimzstone pokes Lurry in the ribs.
Lurry says, "I spun it in reverse."
Brimzstone says, "i didn't wanna ruin your work"
Lurry spins his scrimshaw hairpin.
The scrimshaw hairpin comes to a stop pointing directly at Ysamine!
Lurry recovers the scrimshaw hairpin and says, "Congratulations Ysamine!"
Brimzstone falls to the ground laughing hysterically!
Lyonis beams happily at Ysamine!
* Asarious just bit the dust!
Huxton chuckles.
Ysamine hiccups!
Brimzstone stands up.
Ysamine asks, "Eh?"
Daliana nods to Glimmin.
Ysamine blinks.
Lurry exclaims, "Ysamine is the bonus, everyone else take it easy!"
Ysamine gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Daliana raises her ruby red parchment and gestures.
Nothing happens.
Lyonis exclaims, "you won!"
Lyonis turns to Ysamine and cheers!
Daliana raises her ruby red parchment and gestures.
Sparks begin to fly between the ruby red parchment and Daliana's fingers.
With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into Daliana's hand and she seems to glow with power.
Lurry exclaims, "Don't let the gate smash things!"
You see Furry Lurry Zimpesto.
He appears to be a Mhoragian Halfling.
He appears to be wizened with age and shorter than average. He has hooded monsoon grey eyes and nut brown skin. He has raggedly cut, lank honey blonde hair with lighter streaks. He has a broad face, a flaring nose and a mustache that blends in to his sideburns.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a wobbly scrimshaw hairpin in his left hand.
He is wearing a flouncy black pirate headscarf, a fur-covered black iron eyepatch, a badly-tied gauze arm sling, a pockmarked wine cask lid shield, a large gold hoop earring, a shadowy black peddler's cloak, a tarnished golvern banded hauberk, a rugged chain-tied rucksack, some shaggy sea thrak hide pantaloons, and some steel-shod supple leather workboots.
Lurry waves.
Daliana gestures at Glimmin.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Daliana encompassing Glimmin's corpse.
Lurry exclaims, "See ya next time!"
Ysamine chuckles.
Ysamine takes a drink from her Bard's brew.
Brimzstone leans on Ysamine, giving her a companionable grin.
Amalfya just went east.
Daliana raises her ruby red parchment and gestures.
Sparks begin to fly between the ruby red parchment and Daliana's fingers.
With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into Daliana's hand and she seems to glow with power.
Ysamine grins at Brimzstone.
Terrabi stands up.
Daliana touches Glimmin.
Ysamine says, "I won."
Lurry put a wobbly scrimshaw hairpin in his chain-tied rucksack.
Brimzstone offers Lurry a sleek black rune-incised cloakpin.
Lurry accepts Brimzstone's rune-incised cloakpin.
Ysamine says, "Musta been my good looks."
Huxton turns to Ysamine and cheers!
Ysamine nods to Brimzstone.
Lyonis grins at Ysamine.
Daliana softly says, "Praise be to Lorminstra, allow this man's body to be reintwined with his soul"
Lyonis says, "must be"
Ysamine hiccups!
Daliana gestures at Glimmin.
Daliana suddenly looks very drained.
A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Glimmin in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Glimmin, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Glimmin awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Glimmin's body suddenly grows darker.
Lyonis gazes fondly at Ysamine.
Terrabi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Terrabi gestures at Daliana.
The glazed look leaves Daliana.
Daliana smiles weakly.
Terrabi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Terrabi gestures at Glimmin.
A deep blue glow surrounds Glimmin.
Glimmin sits up.
Glimmin groans.
Terrabi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Terrabi gestures at Glimmin.
A deep blue glow surrounds Glimmin.
Ysamine blinks.
Terrabi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
(Glimmin rubs his lower back.)
Terrabi gestures at Glimmin.
A light blue glow surrounds Glimmin.
Daliana removes some rosy pink gloves from in her pink silk vest.
Glimmin mutters under his breath.
Daliana put a gold-banded ruby red parchment in her pink gloves.
Terrabi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Daliana put some rosy pink gloves in her pink silk vest.
Terrabi gestures at Glimmin.
A light blue glow surrounds Glimmin.
Daliana murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Daliana's left leg looks better.
Ysamine asks, "What did I win?"
Glimmin offers Daliana a dragon's-tear emerald.
Lyonis says, "the bonus spin"
Lyonis smiles at Ysamine.
Name: Murp Grunthop Race: Giant Profession: Ranger (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 31 Expr: 5510783 Level: 120
Currently Stat Bonus
Constitution (CO): 100 .... 35
Dexterity (DE): 100 .... 20
Discipline (DI): 100 .... 25
Logic (LO): 91 .... 20
Intelligence (IN): 100 .... 20
Strength (ST): 100 .... 40
Reflexes (RE): 98 .... 19
Charisma (CH): 91 .... 25
Wisdom (WI): 100 .... 25
Aura (AU): 100 .... 20
Mana: 0 Silver: 4764
Ysamine says, "I could pick a troll king box this minute."
Lyonis says, "dont quite taste like that"
Brimzstone exclaims, "got plenty!"
Brimzstone drools.
Ysamine nods to Lyonis.
Lyonis leans softly against Ysamine.
Terrabi rubs Glimmin.
Lurry declines Brimzstone's offer.
Brimzstone sniffs.
Lurry grins.
Brimzstone says, "i collected them"
Brimzstone says, "just for you"
Lurry rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Brimzstone grins at Lurry.
Ysamine takes a drink from her Bard's brew.
Ysamine frowns at some Bard's brew.
Ysamine glances at Lyonis.
A white panther stares hungrily at Huxton!
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "why did you kill me anyway?"
Lurry whispers, "I told you to knock it off. Its my show."
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "you're a little halfling, why would I listen to you when I'm being robbed!?"
Augie whistles tunelessly to herself.
Glimmin looks a little uneasy.
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "I'd already lost 10k in gems, and there goes another 5k courtesy of you"
Glimmin nods to Brimzstone.
Augie squeakily exclaims, "Yah? Well mine's more....sharp!"
You say, "Nice pull, Glimmin."
Augie taps a sharpened veniom file.
Glimmin grumpily says, "Thank ye."
Lurry whispers, "Just suck it up Murp, you knew the dangers of being racous at a merchant"
A faint silvery glow fades from around Terrabi.
Brimzstone just closed a deeply hooded blue spidersilk cloak.
Glimmin grumpily says, "I'm sure ye appreciated it."
Glimmin walks over and kicks you in the shin!
Glimmin joins Terrabi's group.
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "Yeah, must be nice to be the thief at the merchant."
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "It's ridiculous to expect me to break character to respect a 'merchant's' rules. Are you a merchant or a GM?"
Augie tilts her white soulstone side to side, making the light play off it.
Augie squeakily says, "It just magically appeared..."
Augie rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Brimzstone snorts at Augie.
Brimzstone just closed a dark spidersilk satchel secured with invar rune-etched buckles.
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "I'm not going to stand by and let someone clean me out without the normal consequence"
Lurry whispers, "I honestly thought you could take it."
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "It's not about me taking it, I'm not offended by being killed"
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "I just think it's silly for a merchant to have the power to fire a lightning bolt out of nowhere...I wasn't causing trouble, I was trying to stop folks from stealing from me."
Ysamine leans to her left slightly.
Augie traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Augie gestures at Brimzstone.
CS: +236 - TD: +508 + CvA: +14 + d100: +76 == -182
Warded off!
Ysamine blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Augie begins to twitch.
Ysamine hiccups!
Lurry offers Agilarr an alum-tipped wight claw etched with spidery symbols of the liabo pantheon.
Brimzstone tickles Augie as they grin at each other.
Lyonis pulls Ysamine closer to himself.
Lyonis says, "lean this way hon"
Ysamine leans softly against Lyonis.
Agilarr accepts Lurry's wight claw.
Lyonis smiles at Ysamine.
Ysamine says, "I was."
Lyonis hugs Ysamine, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
(Augie pinches Brimzstone's toosh. Hard!)
Lyonis grins.
Augie gives Brimzstone a good pinch!
Ysamine nods to Lyonis.
>Name: Murp Grunthop Race: Giant Profession: Ranger (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 31 Expr: 5510783 Level: 120
Currently Stat Bonus
Constitution (CO): 100 .... 35
Dexterity (DE): 100 .... 20
Discipline (DI): 100 .... 25
Logic (LO): 91 .... 20
Intelligence (IN): 100 .... 20
Strength (ST): 100 .... 40
Reflexes (RE): 98 .... 19
Charisma (CH): 91 .... 25
Wisdom (WI): 100 .... 25
Aura (AU): 100 .... 20
Mana: 0 Silver: 4325
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "Now instead of being out of this nonsense, I lay here dead while the thief continues to steal from my corpse."
Ysamine says, "Dere's that stange lightning that struck him."
Lyonis nods to Ysamine.
Ysamine says, "It might hurt ta touch him."
Ysamine hiccups!
Ysamine glances at you.
Brimzstone says, "well if lightning can kill i'm sure it can raise"
Brimzstone grins.
[Solano Hall, Alcove Landing]
A small, level landing fits snugly into a rock alcove. Though shaped like an artist's palette, the landing has been carefully leveled, and a brilliant mosaic of clear, blue, and yellow quartz spells out a message on the floor. An amber toadstool in a stone pot illuminates the area with a soft glow, its light playing off the mica flakes in the nearby wall. To the east, the waterfall rushes down from above, stopping for a bit before continuing its cascade. You also see a white panther, a western stairway and a steep staircase.
Also here: Augie, Brimzstone, Lyonis who is sitting, Furry Lurry, Ysamine who is sitting, Huxton, Lady Daliana
Obvious exits: east
Lyonis says, "naw I already tried dragging him to the healer"
Lyonis says, "he's safe to touch"
Lyonis says, "but just heavy"
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "I'm not pissed off about it, just a pet peeve. The fellow was standing there taunting me and daring me to kill him before I finally struck."
Lurry whispers, "Is all this bickering at me just a way to get raised?"
Lurry chuckles.
Ysamine gently rolls your lifeless body over.
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "Nah, I would have departed already if Brimzstone hadn't kept me."
Lurry whispers, "You take that fellow more seriously than the man who is running the event telling you to stop?"
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "Then it would have been a proper hissy fit."
Lurry whispers, "Rogue merchant, pockets closed, no silver, easy, done."
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "Well, if you say it out loud I take it as in-character merchant speak...not something my character is really going to listen to when he's being robbed and mocked about it."
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "I don't mind getting stolen from though, I just like folks to know not to do it again."
Lurry whispers, "I only got involved because I asked for some peace to work in and you didn't give it to me."
Lurry whispers, "I don't want to have to waste my time to merchant for others just because you want to prove points and get crazy. You already got worked for, and then you actually took up some more turns just being loud."
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "Okay, I'm not arguing about it to complain or get raised, I just want to understand more clearly your thinking on it."
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "It's not about proving points for me anyway, it's staying in character."
You see Furry Lurry Zimpesto.
He appears to be a Mhoragian Halfling.
He appears to be wizened with age and shorter than average. He has hooded monsoon grey eyes and nut brown skin. He has raggedly cut, lank honey blonde hair with lighter streaks. He has a broad face, a flaring nose and a mustache that blends in to his sideburns.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a diamond-set vultite hairpin in his right hand.
He is wearing a flouncy black pirate headscarf, a fur-covered black iron eyepatch, a badly-tied gauze arm sling, a pockmarked wine cask lid shield, a large gold hoop earring, a shadowy black peddler's cloak, a tarnished golvern banded hauberk, a rugged chain-tied rucksack, some shaggy sea thrak hide pantaloons, and some steel-shod supple leather workboots.
You quietly whisper to Lurry, "I'm real scared, please don't pummel me with your arm sling, Patch."
You give a ghostly chuckle.
Huxton says, "werks fer me now"
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Zul Logoth, Crystalline Cavern]
A huge monument dominates the center of this donut-shaped confluence of avenues. Several dwarven warriors, rendered in gleaming white marble, battle a dozen orcs, depicted in black obsidian. Several stone benches rest around the monument, facing outward in a circular pattern, while other benches sit on the outer edges of the circle, facing the monument. Wide streets lead in from the north, south, east and west, and each thoroughfare is lined with luminescent toadstools in wide stone pots. You also see some manna bread, some manna bread, an octagonal stone receptacle and a large slab of black granite.
Also here: Jamoachae who is kneeling, Jaggar who is sitting
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
Lurry pants.
You give a ghostly chuckle.
Lurry says, "See, I can still drag."
You say, "Thanks."
>l lur
You see Furry Lurry Zimpesto.
He appears to be a Mhoragian Halfling.
He appears to be wizened with age and shorter than average. He has hooded monsoon grey eyes and nut brown skin. He has raggedly cut, lank honey blonde hair with lighter streaks. He has a broad face, a flaring nose and a mustache that blends in to his sideburns.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a flouncy black pirate headscarf, a fur-covered black iron eyepatch, a badly-tied gauze arm sling, a pockmarked wine cask lid shield, a large gold hoop earring, a shadowy black peddler's cloak, a tarnished golvern banded hauberk, a rugged chain-tied rucksack, some shaggy sea thrak hide pantaloons, and some steel-shod supple leather workboots.
Name: Murp Grunthop Race: Giant Profession: Ranger (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 31 Expr: 5510783 Level: 120
Currently Stat Bonus
Constitution (CO): 100 .... 35
Dexterity (DE): 100 .... 20
Discipline (DI): 100 .... 25
Logic (LO): 91 .... 20
Intelligence (IN): 100 .... 20
Strength (ST): 100 .... 40
Reflexes (RE): 98 .... 19
Charisma (CH): 91 .... 25
Wisdom (WI): 100 .... 25
Aura (AU): 100 .... 20
Mana: 0 Silver: 4258
>l in sac
In the large sack you see a dark rod, a wiregrass anklet, a wiregrass anklet, a wiregrass bracelet, a wiregrass bracelet, a shard of oblivion quartz, a glossy black doomstone, a glossy black doomstone, a glossy black doomstone, a shard of oblivion quartz, a shard of oblivion quartz, a shard of oblivion quartz, a glossy black doomstone, a glossy black doomstone, a shard of oblivion quartz, a glossy black doomstone, a shard of oblivion quartz, a glossy black doomstone, a shard of oblivion quartz, a shard of oblivion quartz, a tree bark amulet, a tree bark amulet, a tree bark amulet, a tree bark amulet, a tree bark amulet, a tree bark amulet, a long rod, a glossy black doomstone, a dark rod and a slender rod.
Lurry says, "Anyone here raise a dead partycrasher? I can probably tip for him as I'm sure he's broke now."
Jaggar says, "Theres a local cleric here."
Jaggar says, "She raise ya right up."
You say, "I got yer party crasher right here."
You mutter, complaining bitterly about your state of affairs.
Jaggar says, "I can lead ya to her."
Jaggar nods to Lurry.
Lurry says, "Big man who don't watch feet is too heavy for me to go any farther."
Jaggar says, "Don't think I be able to drag him."
Lurry says, "He needs a full-time dragger."
Lurry starts chortling.
You say, "Don't know how deep underground I gotta go to avoid the lightning."
You gather the energies of your spirit to create a supernatural howl, but only manage a ghostly wheezing sound.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Lurry says, "In confined spaces its a pain"
* Aran just bit the dust!
Jamoachae stands up.
Jamoachae shuffles his feet.
Jamoachae firmly says, "Ah kin give ya drag."
>l jamoa
Lurry beams happily at Jamoachae!
You see Jamoachae Smilyeys the Soldier.
He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan.
He appears to be mature and tall. He has piercing black eyes and copper skin. He has long, thick coal black hair worn in a ponytail. He has a clean-shaven face, a prominent nose and a broad chest.
He has an ora-lipped glaes pipe clenched between his teeth, and a spider web tattoo on his arm.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a gold ring, some dark krodera-studded brigandine, a crystal amulet, a black griffen winged mithril war mask with large razor sharp talons strategically adorning the cheeks, a pair of rugged work boots with fine mithril threads used as laces, some elegant black silk pants lined with fine mithril thread, a deeply hooded spidersilk cloak, a thin black leather belt entwined with fine gold threads and studded with a small ruby buckle, a tiny claidhmore pin, a Warrior Guild member pin, a ruby amulet, a cross-gilt silver tower shield, a plain leather back sheath, a glossy black drinking horn, and a crude roa'ter-toothed necklace.
You are now speaking the Giantman language.
Jamoachae turns towards Lurry and renders a sharp hand salute.
You say in Giantman, "Ah finally."
You exclaim in Giantman, "Take me away from the hairy midget!"
Lurry says, "Much obliged. Take the scenic route on me"
Jamoachae firmly says in Giantman, "I hear she's pretty expensive though."
Lurry just handed Jamoachae some coins.
Lurry turns towards your body and renders you a sharp hand salute.
You say in Giantman, "That is fine, I'm going to take it out of Lurry's hide."
The mirror images surrounding Jaggar undulate and grow stronger.
Jaggar renews his songs.
Lurry says, "See you at the next one."
You are now speaking the Common language.
You give a ghostly chuckle.
Lurry chuckles.
Jamoachae grins at you.
Furry Lurry just went east.
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