View Full Version : Adamina, the amazing empath with no ability to sense pain

09-11-2007, 11:44 PM
I finally gave up lurking just so I could rant about this. Go me.

Admittedly, I don't have a log, but I can reproduce it all on my own. Just go to the dais any time after about five central and she's there:

Adamina beams!

Adamina giggles.
Adamina giggles.
Adamina giggles.
Adamina giggles.
Adamina giggles.
Adamina giggles.
Adamina giggles.

Adamina gives XXX a quick little smooch.

Adamina laughs!

Adamina says something inane.

Adamina makes small talk while dying from level three crit wounds.

Et cetera.

I came to Illistim for some good hunting and I'm becoming hard-pressed to stay because the characters hanging around the nodes are so bloody annoying.

Or maybe it's just the players...

Hi, by the way.

09-11-2007, 11:58 PM
Don't attempt to roleplay in Illistim. Rest in Briarstone...use the Dais when you have to.

09-12-2007, 12:00 AM
[OOC]-You: "lol, thread on PC about how Adamina sux."
[OOC]-Adamina: "omg"
[OOC]-Adamina: "i don't even know you!!"
[OOC]-Rusteek: "LINK PLEASE"
[OOC]-Dessedemona: "back off nakiro brande is mine"
[OOC]-You: "http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=27099"
[OOC]-Nakiro: "Adamina sucks and swallows"
[OOC]-Adamina: "wtf!!!"
[OOC]-Adamina: "lol"

09-12-2007, 12:05 AM
I'm just here to bitch. Not my fault her character blows.


09-12-2007, 12:26 AM
I came to Illistim for some good hunting and I'm becoming hard-pressed to stay because the characters hanging around the nodes are so bloody annoying.

Or maybe it's just the players...

Rest at Briarstone, a table at one of the many inns, or (if you're a member of a CHE) in your CHE's annex in The Lost Home (I believe they're noded... someone pop me over the head if they aren't).

09-12-2007, 12:31 AM
Rest at Briarstone, a table at one of the many inns, or (if you're a member of a CHE) in your CHE's annex in The Lost Home (I believe they're noded... someone pop me over the head if they aren't).


Dude, I AM a member of a CHE! I seriously forgot. Locker's never where I need it.

I guess I could go to the annex, but I've had this odd desire lately to interact with people. Why, I don't know. :confused:

I mean, I'd do what they call "logging off" and go interact with "REAL" people; but they suck just as bad.


Some Rogue
09-12-2007, 01:24 AM
Totally agree with you on her. She'll be giggling for the hundreth time in a row and chatting away while you ask for healing. Last time I got tired of waiting to be even acknowledged, started munching herbs, then get the whisper..."want healing?". No thanks now, I've got most of it on my own already.

Unfortunately, when playing my dark elf, I have few choices of where to rest.

09-12-2007, 01:46 AM
Briarstone isn't that bad. You all make me a sad panda.

09-12-2007, 02:24 AM
Oh please.

All she does is giggle and rarely hunts unless asked. She's super nice and really great. Of course, I've known her for half a year.


Try fucking landing, oh, you'll have a field day there.

09-12-2007, 02:40 AM
Of all the morons in Illistim you decide to bitch about a empath because she bled out in front of you and has a typical Empath chatterbox? Can't wait til you meet up with some of the town's real prize winners.

09-12-2007, 03:09 AM
Does it bother you that she is enjoying herself and having a good time? If so, take your ass somewhere else.

09-12-2007, 07:25 AM
Of all the morons in Illistim you decide to bitch about a empath because she bled out in front of you and has a typical Empath chatterbox? Can't wait til you meet up with some of the town's real prize winners.

I do have to agree with that, Adamina is the annoying giggling type but at least she sticks to a constant and there ARE annoying people RL, you are going to have characters that are effing annoying. I know Nauriel thinks she got dropped on the head as a child and she is a Sylvan so that explains it all to my character. ;) Like everyone else has said, rest at Briarstone(YES Evarin you are that bad, the fountain isnt ;) ) or the CHE annex' or tables and you can avoid the 'annoying' stuff you dont like. The ONLY I issue ive had with her is not asking before healing and then not understanding my joking about it on OOC psinet, but to each his own..not everyone can be smart im glad there are some 'dumb' characters. (notice I said characters not players, we have lots of those in spades too though! *hum* )

09-12-2007, 08:17 AM
Where do you Dark Elves rest in Ta'Illistim if you don't want to be the ubar 1337 Dhe'nar at the fountain?

Presuming you don't belong to a house, because most of my dark elves are loners and don't belong to a house.

I used to just sneak in to the Inns, but now they've fixed that.


09-12-2007, 08:19 AM
The Dark Elves that stand around saying nothing, as others have said, rest at the Brairstone Court. Either at the fountain, or in the various other rooms of the court which I believe are noded.

Is that one fountain which you have to type GO FOUNTAIN noded/Sancted? That would also be an option. It is towards the southern end of the city, near the Lost Home IIRC, and is beautifully painted. If you MA, you can always wait for one of the tables in the lost home to open up, and stick a spell/service whore there to hold one while your main hunts.

Here are a few options that I have found:

[Ta'Illistim, BriarStone Court] - Mana Node, likely an EXP node, No Sanctuary.
Ringed by stone buildings, the view afforded is one of the bustling heart of Ta'Illistim. The center of the court is a bustle of activity, as throngs of citizenry and travellers pass through the western center of the city on their way to various destinations. You also see the Vrannar disk and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Vrannar
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest

[Ta'Illistim, BriarStone Court] - Mana Node, likely an EXP node, No Sanctuary.
Several small shops surround the cobblestoned court. From one of the smaller establishments, a low greystone building with colored glaes windows and pleasant yellow curtains, a rich, sugary smell wafts into the square. A slight smile comes to the face of many elves as they pass by. You also see a polished oak signboard.
Also here: Vrannar
Obvious paths: north, northeast, south

[Ta'Illistim, BriarStone Court] - Sanctuary, Not a mana node, Unsure of EXP node
The stonework tracery rosette windows of the Moonglae Inn sparkle in the light, casting tiny rainbows of shimmering hues across the puddles of water accumulated amongst the cobblestones of the court. The building's mica-flecked granite exterior, worn smooth with age and elements, stands testament to the city's rich and storied history.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, southwest, northwest

[Ta'Illistim, BriarStone Court] - Sanctuary, Mana Node, very likely an EXP node as I see people resting here
A mordant odor descends from the smoking chimney of a sturdy little building on the east side of the court. From the deeply recessed windows, it appears that the walls of the building have been constructed out of a double layer of heavy granite blocks, though for what purpose you cannot imagine. A tarnished brass sign is set into the iron-banded thanot doors leading into the establishment.
Obvious paths: south, southwest, west

[Ta'Illistim, BriarStone Court] - Sanctuary, Mana node, possibly EXP node
The facade of the United Bank of City-States looms skyward, presenting an immoveable front to the forces of time and weather. Tall stonework columns brace gracefully arching stonework embrasures, each of which frames an octagonal glaesine tracery window. Low granite steps lead upwards into the bank.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest, west

This was the other area I was talking about, though it doesn't appear to be a mana node.

[Ta'Illistim, Glamesine Var]
The cobblestoned street circles around a large fountain carved of sparkling mica-flecked granite. A large blue-grey dragon, his teeth bared to the sky, rears his stone head from his perch in the center of the fountain. You also see an ironwork signpost.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
>go fou
[Ta'Illistim, Dragon Fountain]
Tiled in small, pale blue glaes squares, the interior of the fountain is just deep enough for one to submerge completely beneath the water. A spray of water jets from the dragon's mouth, cascading down his scaly hide to land musically upon the surface of the pool. The cool water laps gently at the sides of the fountain, glimmering in the sunlight.
Obvious paths: out

09-12-2007, 08:39 AM
I think the main square, and the one to the north of it in front of the alchemist are you best bets for earth nodes.

09-12-2007, 08:41 AM
there is also the roof of Moonglae(?) inn that's noded.

09-12-2007, 08:52 AM
[Ta'Illistim, Glamesine Var]
The cobblestoned street circles around a large fountain carved of sparkling mica-flecked granite. A large blue-grey dragon, his teeth bared to the sky, rears his stone head from his perch in the center of the fountain. You also see an ironwork signpost.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
>go fou
[Ta'Illistim, Dragon Fountain]
Tiled in small, pale blue glaes squares, the interior of the fountain is just deep enough for one to submerge completely beneath the water. A spray of water jets from the dragon's mouth, cascading down his scaly hide to land musically upon the surface of the pool. The cool water laps gently at the sides of the fountain, glimmering in the sunlight.
Obvious paths: out
Found that yesterday. I moved my ranger up there. He is not one for much company and nobody sits in there. I will check to see if it is noded. You can swim there though.

09-12-2007, 08:54 AM
My favorite place to rest in the whole game:

[Seethe Naedal, Beneath the Pine]
The heavy boughs of the pine droop low as they fan out from the tree trunk, and the dense fur of the needles creates a raincoat for the sheltering pine. Stray beams of sunlight filter through the needles. A ring of stones surrounds a patch of blackened ground and a thick matting of fallen pine needles provides a comfortable bed for the weary traveller. You also see a gap in the branches.
Obvious exits: none

- Sancted / Noded for Mana & EXP / No Magical Armor Hinderance -


09-12-2007, 09:15 AM
Yes, I was just coming back to mention that, Finis. I know that is a favored resting spot of many. It is outside of town,though, and some people wont like that. Isn't that just outside of the Postern gate?

Also, now that I think on it, I suppose it wouldn't make sense if you were INSIDE the fountain to rest there. Unless you really dig water. The area outside of it should work, though. If it isn't, I think I will ask on the boards for them to node/sanct it as a possible alternative between the Fountain/Briarstone area (GAY'NAR!!), and the Dias (..morons).

Moonglae wont work for the Dark elves, i'm thinking, Nein, unless they can sprint up there and not be grabbed by the mechanics that throws them out.

Some Rogue
09-12-2007, 09:17 AM
Oh please.

All she does is giggle and rarely hunts unless asked. She's super nice and really great. Of course, I've known her for half a year.


Try fucking landing, oh, you'll have a field day there.

I actually have better luck in the landing. At least not everyone is involved with their own little clique there or asleep all the time.

09-12-2007, 09:18 AM
There is a group of people like Bhodili and Pacie that seem pretty happy go lucky that rest in the main area of Briarstone, that one with about 10 exits. They might be a good bet for fairly light RP. Beldin is a good roleplayer as well. It is hard to tell what are the cliques, and what is a horde of MAer's, though.

09-12-2007, 09:39 AM
Does it bother you that she is enjoying herself and having a good time? If so, take your ass somewhere else.

You're absolutely right. Why should insipid behavior bother anyone? Silly me.

09-12-2007, 09:41 AM
Oh please.

All she does is giggle and rarely hunts unless asked. She's super nice and really great. Of course, I've known her for half a year.


Try fucking landing, oh, you'll have a field day there.

You assume I haven't been to the landing. Lose.

09-12-2007, 09:46 AM
there was a cave outside of town close to Kiramon that I would rest in if I didn't want to talk to people.

09-12-2007, 09:50 AM
You assume I haven't been to the landing. Lose.

...and you dont think the empaths there are more crazy than Adamina? Or more "annoying".

I have another assumption, you are blind.

09-12-2007, 10:01 AM
...and you dont think the empaths there are more crazy than Adamina? Or more "annoying".

I have another assumption, you are blind.

Right now, this one is the most visible. I'm not talking about other empaths.

If I'd been a member back when I tried to roleplay a snapped neck that wouldn't allow my character to speak and bled to death right in front of a giggling empath while trying to signal her for help, I would have made a complaint thread about that instead.

I see plenty, thank you. Please don't get hostile.

09-12-2007, 10:47 AM
Wounds in GS don't work like wounds IRL. That you choose to roleplay a lower threshold for pain in no way indicates that Adamina is somehow at fault for not doing so.

09-12-2007, 10:58 AM
Exactly. I would certainly call it an RP choice you should make at the advent of your character as to whether or not you choose to acknowledge nasty wounds.

Disclaimer: Yes, you can suddenly choose to change your RP at any time you wish and it is all groovy.

09-12-2007, 11:03 AM
Wounds in GS don't work like wounds IRL. That you choose to roleplay a lower threshold for pain in no way indicates that Adamina is somehow at fault for not doing so.

I didn't mean to say she was. Zuie was referring to my observations of other empaths outside of Illistim, so I cited an example.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Since that time I've mostly given up wound roleplay anyway. It's like doing this to myself:


09-12-2007, 11:09 AM
If you wanted to RP an empath that writhed in pain every time she took a major would eventually ALL EMPATHS WOULD HAVE TO RP INSANITY. Seriously that much voluntary self mutilation is just not healthy for the rocks in your head.

Now I'm not saying that that wouldn't be fun to watch, but either you have a class with a shorter career span than your average crab fisherman or you acknowledge the existence of a pain threshhold which transcends any other classes understanding.

Further, wounds are the one thing just about NO ONE roleplays, and certainly NO ONE roleplays to their Real World Equivilant. The next time I see someone crawling to town in a pool of their own feces with two broken legs I'll let you know.

It might be a more direct statement to say, anyone who bounces and giggles about this much is an annoying prat. Sure you'd look like an asshole but we can smell our own, aside from which more people would agree with you.

09-12-2007, 11:10 AM
Further, wounds are the one thing just about NO ONE roleplays, and certainly NO ONE . The next time I see someone crawling to town in a pool of their own feces with two broken legs I'll let you know. >>

I roleplay being pained/effected by major wounds. No, I dont roll around on the ground when I get a broken limb, but my character certainly responds to rank 2 and above wounds.

09-12-2007, 11:14 AM
Further, wounds are the one thing just about NO ONE roleplays, and certainly NO ONE roleplays to their Real World Equivilant. The next time I see someone crawling to town in a pool of their own feces with two broken legs I'll let you know.
LIES! I've seen people (and have done it myself) crawl over to where the empaths are for healing. I know people who roleplay dead.. I mean dead and don't talk.. and need someone to get them help. Just because it's not done globally doesn't mean that NO ONE roleplays pain when hurt.

09-12-2007, 11:17 AM
At which point the argument because semantic, further I was hyperbolizing. Enjoy the root of the statement for what it was, which was a fairly accurate assement of how the world is played rather than a direct reflection of your RP. These are exceptions not the norm, I'm sure we can agree upon that when we're done trying to be disagreeable... I mean it is a fun topic to keep fueling and I don't have a meeting for at least another half hour so...

Assuming you do grunt groan moan and sputter when you get a rank 2 or rank 3, kudos, I give a token wince now and again but then I perfer to think staunching deadens your nerves. Whether or not you choose to grimace of wince or growl when hit with a wound is an option not a requirement, whether or not it is a detriment to all rp for purests eh... I'd personally perfer it if I didn't just have to walk into an open room and hear about the Bangles playing the Ravens. That would be a start.

09-12-2007, 11:21 AM
If you wanted to RP an empath that writhed in pain every time she took a major would eventually ALL EMPATHS WOULD HAVE TO RP INSANITY. Seriously that much voluntary self mutilation is just not healthy for the rocks in your head.

Now I'm not saying that that wouldn't be fun to watch, but either you have a class with a shorter career span than your average crab fisherman or you acknowledge the existence of a pain threshhold which transcends any other classes understanding.

Further, wounds are the one thing just about NO ONE roleplays, and certainly NO ONE roleplays to their Real World Equivilant. The next time I see someone crawling to town in a pool of their own feces with two broken legs I'll let you know.

It might be a more direct statement to say, anyone who bounces and giggles about this much is an annoying prat. Sure you'd look like an asshole but we can smell our own, aside from which more people would agree with you.

That's what I started out saying: she's an annoying prat. It just got off topic halfway through.

For what it's worth, I crawled from BriarStone to the dais just a few days ago because the "limp" verb won't let you limp without legs. *shrug*

09-12-2007, 11:25 AM
>>>At which point the argument because semantic, further I was hyperbolizing. Enjoy the root of the statement for what it was, which was a fairly accurate assement of how the world is played rather than a direct reflection of your RP. These are exceptions not the norm, I'm sure we can agree upon that when we're done trying to be disagreeable... I mean it is a fun topic to keep fueling and I don't have a meeting for at least another half hour so. >>>>

If we dont wish to mention the exceptions to the norm, nobody roleplays to any significant degree at all. When they do, they are usually marginalized to being elitists, questwhores, or in the case of this thread, highly annoying.

09-12-2007, 11:26 AM
Also the sky is blue damnit.

09-12-2007, 11:28 AM
So, for future reference, we should all allow Savageheart to make blatant blanket statements, and let them all stand with the disclaimer that he knows he is partially incorrect. Good stuff.

09-12-2007, 11:31 AM
If a statement is hyperbole then yes. If you'd perfer to argue the statement rather than the impetus, it's your trumpet Danny g'head and blow it. I don't ask for any consideration, just seems to me you'd rather argue for the sake of arguing which is mind you entertaining. :thanx:

Feel free to take me as seriously as you take yourself, please bear in mind though I afford neither party the consideration you do.

09-12-2007, 11:34 AM
I wished to inform you that your opinion that most people do not RP wounds is in my view partially, if not fully incorrect. Your defense to several people pointing out that they do infact roleplay that aspect of the game was that most people dont. If we are going to include "most people" then we must also include all of those people who dont really roleplay at all, and only attempt to remain within the Policy guidelines.

The question should be phrased as, "Do those that normally RP respond/acknowledge when their character is wounded?"

Semantics would be if I pointed out all the spelling errors in your post, or argued the definition of the word, is.

09-12-2007, 11:34 AM
I am surprised this has not been linked yet but it must be done. Thank you Artha...


09-12-2007, 11:38 AM
That is still one of the more amusing GS related posts i've ever read.

More to the point and on-topic, I believe much of the Empath healing messaging could use a drastic overhaul. The meditates and "Looks better" crap is just so generic and boring. Further, acknowledgement of pain is pretty much forced upon the empath as they fall to the ground clutching wounded legs and what not upon taking some wounds.

A better system would be based upon a series of choices much like how the current demeanor system is set up, or even the locksmith messaging system. This way, characters can choose the messaging that best reflects their response to pain as a character, or how they wish to roleplay it at that moment.

09-12-2007, 11:42 AM
While you're in the dictionary look up hyperbole. I took care of semantics for you. Kudos on spelling

the meaning, or an interpretation of the meaning, of a word, sign, sentence, etc.: Let's not argue about semantics.

Yay, now we have something new to argue about! You are limiting it to the word while it may be broadly applied to the interpretation of the sentence. Which I'd already made my intent plain.

My opinion is that most people do not, and that some exceptional RPers do, hell to be honest some horrible RPers do to (they are horrible for other reasons). Simply, it isn't the norm and to nit pick people on this point when there are far greater egregious errors going on in the lands is futile and in some cases infantile.

PS I Spell checked this time.

09-12-2007, 11:47 AM
Well she must have read Artha's post so it must be okay.

It's why I chose not to reactivate my empath because I tend to dislike other empaths the most.

09-12-2007, 11:52 AM
Further, acknowledgement of pain is pretty much forced upon the empath as they fall to the ground clutching wounded legs and what not upon taking some wounds.The easiest way to avoid this is to kneel. GS kneeling counts as lying down and sitting, so losing a leg doesn't result in being knocked prone (as you already are!).

09-12-2007, 12:00 PM
I've RP'd reacting to wounds for a long time, even before I started playing an empath full time. I don't remember exactly when I started, but my characters will react to a wound depending upon how serious it is and how the character would perceive it. Most of them are the types to react quietly, such as wincing or just staring in stunned silence for a moment, but if serious enough, some will scream in pain.

It depends upon the situation, but for the most part, wounds will be RP'd to their fullest extent. A broken arm, hand or leg will end a hunt if there isn't an empath nearby. A snapped neck completely ends the ability to speak until the wound and the scar is healed enough. Losing both eyes results in blindness. If I have wounds or nerve damage enough to where I can't accept something offered, the character's hands are too shaky to accept it, the character can't see it or whatever reason.

I'd say the more annoying part of RP'ing wounds, however, is that pretty much everyone else treats an empath like they feel no pain and they don't actually bleed. If I just took an incinerator's worth of wounds, the last thing I want is for someone to hug me or whatever else. Nilandia is already close to fainting from pain, bloodloss, or both, and I actually have had her pass out when someone hugged her, leaving her then-fiance to revive her. Along the same lines, if I'm bleeding from who knows how many places, I can't understand why someone would want to hug me. Do you REALLY want the blood all over you?

I don't know. I've pretty much always played Nilandia as reacting to her pain, and it's even written into her backstory when she discovered her empathic gift. Years of healing have allowed her to know what's coming, but she still very much feels the pain. It shocks most people when she tells them that she'd prefer they remain in one piece, both because they wouldn't be getting hurt, and because she wouldn't have to take the pain. She will heal them, of course, but she will never encourage someone to get hurt simply because it'll let her take a wound and get experience.

Nilandia's an empath, not some unfeeling wound vacuum.


09-12-2007, 12:06 PM
Nilandia's an empath, not some unfeeling wound vacuum.

This visual almost made me spill my water while giggling foolishly to the confusion of my coworkers... Insanity really is always around the corner no?

09-12-2007, 12:50 PM
Haha. Savage, I was saying IF I was arguing symantics I would point out "your spelling", not that I was saying your spelling is at fault, or your usage of wordage. I know this is the PC, but not EVERYTHING here is a personal attack.

09-12-2007, 12:55 PM
I still maintain the sky is blue sir. :medieval:

No offense was taken, I was rather enjoying it.

09-12-2007, 12:56 PM
I roleplay being pained/effected by major wounds. No, I dont roll around on the ground when I get a broken limb, but my character certainly responds to rank 2 and above wounds.

To be fair though, that's a pretty rare occurrence, no?

09-12-2007, 12:59 PM
To be fair though, that's a pretty rare occurrence, no?

Ha! Who's going to say no to that!

Q: Have you stopped beating your wife?


09-12-2007, 01:05 PM
My point is . . .

If I was a warrior that had rank 2s frequently, I wouldn't bother RPing wounds because it would be tedious and suck the fun out of it.

If, on the other hand, I played a sorcerer with MCP armor and tons of DS then I wouldn't mind RPing the rare rank 2 wound.

09-12-2007, 01:49 PM
Tru nuf. I still believe that if your warrior is losing limbs left and right, he should still acknowledge their loss, even if it isn't a reaction to the pain. If your throat is ripped out, speak raspily until it is fixed. Rank 3 nerve wound? Twitch a bit every now and then (alright, maybe not with a rank 3, that leaves you prone).

09-12-2007, 02:21 PM
on the tangent of how to react to wounds as a character, i slightly acknowledge them. They hinder me, but being the badass that I am a silly thing like a snapped neck is a minor inconvenience. Hoo rah.

i limp/lean on things with a broken leg, gurggle with a neck injury, etc.

passes the time when waiting in line for a heal :)

09-12-2007, 04:21 PM
If you wanted to RP an empath that writhed in pain every time she took a major would eventually ALL EMPATHS WOULD HAVE TO RP INSANITY.

...Or be Dhe'nar.

Heh. Kidding, mostly. My empaths both "feel" pain, though I don't go completely overboard with it (I hope). Since they both heal (one more than the other, admittedly), they're wounded on a regular basis. I suppose someone could argue that there is something mentally wrong with them, but I tend to think to become an empath someone would have to have at least a FEW screws loose. That doesn't mean, however, they're foaming at the mouth. I don't find it tedious to RP at all. In fact, I find it breaks the tedium of healing.. but that's just me.

I also don't find it annoying when other characters/empaths don't respond to pain (or giggle at my characters when they do react to it), but it can be a challenge as far as deciding how my characters will react to them.

Anyway, I'm sure there are people that are annoyed by the extra time it takes my empath to heal them due to the fact that she's in pain, so no matter what, empaths are losers. And that is all.

-Vae, et. al.

09-12-2007, 07:52 PM
I agree. Vaedalis is a loser. Well said.

09-12-2007, 08:13 PM
with an empath specifically i think i would, in fact, ignore the pain. I'd just rationalize it as part of their training that they can subdue their own pain impulses.

because i mean really....i can only RP being in pain so much before it would get old, and you'd have to more or less do it constantly.

09-12-2007, 08:54 PM
I dont actually care whether or not she's RP the wounds, pain, etc.. I have a couple characters in Illistim and honestly, she annoys the crap out of me, has nothing to do with being an empath it has to do with the constant giggling and bouncing and all the other meaningless yapping (a friend nicknamed her Yappamina in whispers the other day, I nearly shot tea through my nose laughing, yes I may be easily amused) and it would annoy me no matter who it was.. I dont know, maybe she's just RPing the annoying giggly person, if that's the case then she's a great RPer, but that doesn't stop it from being irritating in the giant doses that she dishes it out.

Anyway, doesn't matter to me if you like her or not, to each their own, but to the poster of this thread, you aren't alone in your annoyance, plenty of us are out there. And if the player of Adamina is out there, if you're just RPing, then hey, dont take it personally.

09-12-2007, 09:50 PM
Anyone that bleeds out with a bench full of herbs...is really a sad case

09-12-2007, 11:43 PM
I roleplay no pain. As this adds precious seconds to me typing Kill <critter>.

09-13-2007, 09:37 AM
Anyone that bleeds out with a bench full of herbs...is really a sad case

Why, you're absolutely right... act out a response to traumatic wounds that might possibly cause severe shock and disorientation? You'd think this was a roleplaying game or something.

My absolute bad.

09-13-2007, 09:39 AM
I think what he means is that if you end up bleeding to death while standing in front of a bench full of herbs, it was your own fault, roleplaying or not.

09-13-2007, 10:04 AM
I think what he means is that if you end up bleeding to death while standing in front of a bench full of herbs, it was your own fault, roleplaying or not.

I agree with that. When I went into the roleplay, it didn't take me long to realize it was probably going to kill my character. I let it happen because it would have looked stupid to beg for healing for three minutes and then turn around and grab some herbs from the bench.

I should make note that another injured party was there too and trying to get the empath's attention. He even went so far as to grab a chalkboard and write something to the effect of "Hey, I think some people need help here."

Lucky for him, he lived. ;)

I hold myself responsible for the incident as the player. It didn't endear me to empaths any further... but that wasn't even really the point of my original post.

Devil May Care
09-13-2007, 03:05 PM
I'm just here to bitch. Not my fault her character blows.


Who are you to pass judgment about anyone else's character?

From what I have seen, the lion's share of people do not bother to roleplay in any real sort of way - in Illistim or anywhere in the game. (Please note - I said lion's share - not all. There are consistent roleplayers out there.) I wish like crazy people would, but they don't. While I agree the screen scroll gets tedious, singling out one person is a small thing to do. You cite behavior that just isn't specific to any one person, and is in fact very commonly found. Goodness knows she certainly is not the first empath to bleed out while being distracted by other things and I'm willing to bet the farm she won't be the last. It almost sounds like you may have an axe to grind otherwise.

You say you stopped lurking because you finally had something to say - and it turns out this shining wisdom from she who has held back until now - was rather malicious and mean-spirited - about someone you don't even know. Hmm...what does that say about you?

Other than prompting a relatively interesting thread about empaths and roleplaying pain - which I am certain was not your intention - what good have you done? Did it serve some deep purpose within you to publicly attack someone else?

You know... it's entirely possible your character blows too - do you want someone starting a thread about it? Would that make you feel good?

<shrug> Just curious.

Some Rogue
09-13-2007, 03:18 PM
Who are you to pass judgment about anyone else's character?

From what I have seen, the lion's share of people do not bother to roleplay in any real sort of way - in Illistim or anywhere in the game. (Please note - I said lion's share - not all. There are consistent roleplayers out there.) I wish like crazy people would, but they don't. While I agree the screen scroll gets tedious, singling out one person is a small thing to do. You cite behavior that just isn't specific to any one person, and is in fact very commonly found. Goodness knows she certainly is not the first empath to bleed out while being distracted by other things and I'm willing to bet the farm she won't be the last. It almost sounds like you may have an axe to grind otherwise.

You say you stopped lurking because you finally had something to say - and it turns out this shining wisdom from she who has held back until now - was rather malicious and mean-spirited - about someone you don't even know. Hmm...what does that say about you?

Other than prompting a relatively interesting thread about empaths and roleplaying pain - which I am certain was not your intention - what good have you done? Did it serve some deep purpose within you to publicly attack someone else?

You know... it's entirely possible your character blows too - do you want someone starting a thread about it? Would that make you feel good?

<shrug> Just curious.

Someone registers today to defend against the rant....I wonder who it could be and how are they are related.


09-13-2007, 03:21 PM
I think he just does not like the way she is played. He wanted to vent, so he vented. Get over it. Maybe his character blows too. Let's see how he takes it if someone does post a long about him. Does he bite the bullet, or shoot himself with it?

09-13-2007, 04:06 PM
Why empaths dont RP pain...

Because its MAGIC muthafuckers!

Welcome to the fantasy world of Elanthia!

Some Rogue
09-13-2007, 04:38 PM
Except, when you take a missing leg it says you fall to the ground screaming in pain or something like that. :P


09-13-2007, 05:01 PM
<<If I'd been a member back when I tried to roleplay a snapped neck that wouldn't allow my character to speak and bled to death right in front of a giggling empath while trying to signal her for help, I would have made a complaint thread about that instead.>>

>whisper ooc empath Hey, I'm roleplaying that my neck is broken (which for whatever reason allows me to control my body as normal with my only limitation being that I've lost the ability to speak), but I really need healing.


09-13-2007, 05:30 PM
When I've been in the mood to actually play it out, I've coughed, gagged, clutched my throat, etc before and most of the time it gets picked up on... if it doesn't get picked up on, I leave and head to the healers tent. Infact it's gotten to the point where I'll just head to the tent anyway, the cost of scar herbs and healer fee is well worth not dealing with most people.

Some Rogue
09-13-2007, 05:39 PM
Infact it's gotten to the point where I'll just head to the tent anyway, the cost of scar herbs and healer fee is well worth not dealing with most people.


But pissing off the healers is more fun. Go buy the herbs and come back and eat them in front of them. Good times there.

09-13-2007, 06:56 PM

But pissing off the healers is more fun. Go buy the herbs and come back and eat them in front of them. Good times there.

That kind of stuff doesn't bother me in the slightest. I honestly couldn't care less about whether or not my empath heals someone or not.

09-13-2007, 07:07 PM
Who are you to pass judgment about anyone else's character?

From what I have seen, the lion's share of people do not bother to roleplay in any real sort of way - in Illistim or anywhere in the game. (Please note - I said lion's share - not all. There are consistent roleplayers out there.) I wish like crazy people would, but they don't. While I agree the screen scroll gets tedious, singling out one person is a small thing to do. You cite behavior that just isn't specific to any one person, and is in fact very commonly found. Goodness knows she certainly is not the first empath to bleed out while being distracted by other things and I'm willing to bet the farm she won't be the last. It almost sounds like you may have an axe to grind otherwise.

You say you stopped lurking because you finally had something to say - and it turns out this shining wisdom from she who has held back until now - was rather malicious and mean-spirited - about someone you don't even know. Hmm...what does that say about you?

Other than prompting a relatively interesting thread about empaths and roleplaying pain - which I am certain was not your intention - what good have you done? Did it serve some deep purpose within you to publicly attack someone else?

You know... it's entirely possible your character blows too - do you want someone starting a thread about it? Would that make you feel good?

<shrug> Just curious.

Isn't this a character complaint thread? If I'm mistaken, I'll gladly leave. But it sure looks like it is to me.

I haven't said a word about the player of the character, and I never will. THAT would be mean-spirited. What I said was the truth -- and because this is a COMPLAINT folder, I decided to make use of it. Complaining about a character. Which has been done before.

I suspect you're a loyal retainer of said character. That's fine. But it's a bona fide bias, and you're making justifications on her behalf because of it. I'd defend a friend similarly as well.

Objectively, what "good" does the millionth inane and giggling empath bring to Elanthia, as long as it's relevant? "She's real nice" doesn't count. Probably something like eighty percent of the game is populated with characters who are at least somewhat "nice."

I really don't have an axe to grind. You, however, do sound a bit agitated. Just thought I'd point that out.

I never claimed to come bringing pearls of wisdom to the masses either; though if you wish to attribute such a cause to me, I shan't protest.

09-13-2007, 07:13 PM
<<If I'd been a member back when I tried to roleplay a snapped neck that wouldn't allow my character to speak and bled to death right in front of a giggling empath while trying to signal her for help, I would have made a complaint thread about that instead.>>

>whisper ooc empath Hey, I'm roleplaying that my neck is broken (which for whatever reason allows me to control my body as normal with my only limitation being that I've lost the ability to speak), but I really need healing.


You're right. Someday, I'll learn to harness the power of hindsight BEFORE it becomes hindsight. The money to be made from such a discovery could, um, make me a lot of money. And benefit all mankind or some crap like that. :spaz:

09-13-2007, 11:44 PM
you know yer whinning about am empath not healing you..as I stated before you bleed to death with a bunch of herbs about your problem, NO empath is required to heal regardless of where they are sitting...next time if you get no response and can't possibly stomach eating herbs....go see the town healer who will heal ya regardless

09-14-2007, 12:18 AM
you know yer whinning about am empath not healing you..as I stated before you bleed to death with a bunch of herbs about your problem, NO empath is required to heal regardless of where they are sitting...next time if you get no response and can't possibly stomach eating herbs....go see the town healer who will heal ya regardless

I regret mentioning it at all.

It was totally not the point of this thread. It's been explained.

Nothing to see here, move on.

09-14-2007, 04:41 AM
That kind of stuff doesn't bother me in the slightest. I honestly couldn't care less about whether or not my empath heals someone or not.


09-14-2007, 05:01 AM
Who are you to pass judgment about anyone else's character?

From what I have seen, the lion's share of people do not bother to roleplay in any real sort of way - in Illistim or anywhere in the game. (Please note - I said lion's share - not all. There are consistent roleplayers out there.) I wish like crazy people would, but they don't. While I agree the screen scroll gets tedious, singling out one person is a small thing to do. You cite behavior that just isn't specific to any one person, and is in fact very commonly found. Goodness knows she certainly is not the first empath to bleed out while being distracted by other things and I'm willing to bet the farm she won't be the last. It almost sounds like you may have an axe to grind otherwise.

You say you stopped lurking because you finally had something to say - and it turns out this shining wisdom from she who has held back until now - was rather malicious and mean-spirited - about someone you don't even know. Hmm...what does that say about you?

Other than prompting a relatively interesting thread about empaths and roleplaying pain - which I am certain was not your intention - what good have you done? Did it serve some deep purpose within you to publicly attack someone else?

You know... it's entirely possible your character blows too - do you want someone starting a thread about it? Would that make you feel good?

<shrug> Just curious.

Who the fuck are you to question his right to post his opinion, question the RP ability of a character or even attack someone on a BBS forum?

What good have you done? Did it serve some deep purpose within you to publicly question the OP's motives?

Some Rogue
09-14-2007, 09:22 AM
That kind of stuff doesn't bother me in the slightest. I honestly couldn't care less about whether or not my empath heals someone or not.


Yeah yeah, you two may not care but I'd say most of them do. I'm sure I could find a couple people in this world who'd enjoy a hot poker stuck up their ass. That doesn't mean most people would.

I've seen way too many empaths get all huffy when you eat herbs in front of them.

09-14-2007, 09:46 AM
I'm sure I could find a couple people in this world who'd enjoy a hot poker stuck up their ass. That doesn't mean most people would.

And I bet you could find 1 million people willing to pay 50 cents to watch the video.

Haywood J.
09-14-2007, 09:47 AM
Empaths shouldn't be able to do anything BUT heal.

09-14-2007, 10:23 AM
Empaths shouldn't be able to do anything BUT heal.

09-14-2007, 11:11 AM
No no hear him out I like where he's going with this.

Empaths should be allowed to do nothing but heal. Hunting is of course not allowed it goes against the empapuffic oath which scribes, "Do no harm, but bounce like its 1999"

Rangers should be allowed to do nothing but get lost in Sol Haven, and there should be rules as too how long one can be alone in the woods... with a large familiar.

Bards should be allowed to do nothing but loresing at Frith's Tables while constantly RPing being love spurned and more than slightly alcoholic while chatting in OOC about leveling a sorcerer instead, because you know dark pures get all the chicks and have the best flair.

Sorcerers should be allowed to do nothing but implode and meteor swarm and must absorb silently in empty rooms. Socialization is strictly forbidden.

Wizards should never be allowed to leave tables where they sell their spells and their souls one cheap trick at a time, lest their pimps be angered when the 'bitch' don't have that money.

Warriors should never be allowed to leave their guild hall where they must rank endlessly toward the two or three moneymaker abilities they have. Further repeated blunt head trauma must impair all speech patterns to be slurred and words are limited to two syllables maximum. Sporratic twitching is encouraged.

Rogues should never be allowed to 'do it from behind' because well it's degrading and I feel used afterward.

Some Rogue
09-14-2007, 11:29 AM
No no hear him out I like where he's going with this.

Warriors should never be allowed to leave their guild hall where they must rank endlessly toward the two or three moneymaker abilities they have. Further repeated blunt head trauma must impair all speech patterns to be slurred and words are limited to two syllables maximum. Sporratic twitching is encouraged.

Maybe this helps explain Stainley.

Rogues should never be allowed to 'do it from behind' because well it's degrading and I feel used afterward.

How about if I just pop your box?


09-14-2007, 11:37 AM
How about if I just pop your box?

You sicken me with your roguish, slutty ways...

How YOU doin?

09-14-2007, 03:23 PM
You forgot paladins! Everyone forgets paladins.

Paladins should never be allowed to do ANYTHING because think they're too good to be JUST clerics or JUST warriors... and...wait, how do you stereotype a paladin? There are about seven in the game at any given time.

Damn those glorified clerics.


09-14-2007, 04:04 PM
Sorcerers should be allowed to do nothing but implode and meteor swarm

Cept.. they CAN'T meteor swarm.

09-14-2007, 04:07 PM
Cept.. they CAN'T meteor swarm.

D'oh! My failings are revealed. Never made it past 15 with a pure so... yeah oh look something shiney!

09-14-2007, 04:10 PM
* Adamina just bit the dust

Some Rogue
09-14-2007, 04:17 PM
* Adamina just bit the dust


09-15-2007, 12:28 AM
No no hear him out I like where he's going with this.

Empaths should be allowed to do nothing but heal. Hunting is of course not allowed it goes against the empapuffic oath which scribes, "Do no harm, but bounce like its 1999"

Die... non fatally.

My empath hated healing. If you want to RP a fuzzy snuggle bunny, that's cool with me too, but GS tends to have an all or nothing policy toward things. As soon as something like what was suggested is implimented, it'd take empaths back to where they were before IV.

IMO one of the great things about empathy is the ability to turn it completely on its ass -- aka the thing that knows how to heal, most graciously, must also know how to wound, just as severely.

That button's awesome, CT.

Stanley Burrell
09-15-2007, 08:59 AM
Maybe this helps explain Stainley.



09-19-2007, 02:21 PM

You people swear like that's how she acts 24/7.

09-19-2007, 02:33 PM
An empath that giggles? NO WAY!

09-19-2007, 02:36 PM
You know what pisses me off, people who expect empaths to jump when they have a scratch. I prefer to hunt my empath, not sit on the dais and heal. The ONE time I happen to be on the dais with my healer, just to talk to someone. I get lectured for not wanting to heal people because i had just gotten back from a hunt. Then some fucking cumstain comes in and tells me I should get over myself, SOME people have life threatening injuries, and she's sorry for getting injured. WELL EXCUSE ME FOR NOT JUMPING WHEN YOU WHINE ABOUT SOME PATHETIC INJURY. Now if someone was close to death, then yeah, I'd heal them, but other that that. USE THE FUCKING HERBS ON THE BENCH.

Just needed to get that out

Some Rogue
09-19-2007, 02:38 PM
You people swear like that's how she acts 24/7.

Nah, just when she's logged in.


09-19-2007, 02:38 PM
You know what pisses me off, people who expect empaths to jump when they have a scratch. I prefer to hunt my empath, not sit on the dais and heal. The ONE time I happen to be on the dais with my healer, just to talk to someone. I get lectured for not wanting to heal people because i had just gotten back from a hunt. Then some fucking cumstain comes in and tells me I should get over myself, SOME people have life threatening injuries, and she's sorry for getting injured. WELL EXCUSE ME FOR NOT JUMPING WHEN YOU WHINE ABOUT SOME PATHETIC INJURY. Now if someone was close to death, then yeah, I'd heal them, but other that that. USE THE FUCKING HERBS ON THE BENCH.

Just needed to get that out

STFU AND HEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

Some Rogue
09-19-2007, 02:39 PM
You know what pisses me off, people who expect empaths to jump when they have a scratch. I prefer to hunt my empath, not sit on the dais and heal. The ONE time I happen to be on the dais with my healer, just to talk to someone. I get lectured for not wanting to heal people because i had just gotten back from a hunt. Then some fucking cumstain comes in and tells me I should get over myself, SOME people have life threatening injuries, and she's sorry for getting injured. WELL EXCUSE ME FOR NOT JUMPING WHEN YOU WHINE ABOUT SOME PATHETIC INJURY. Now if someone was close to death, then yeah, I'd heal them, but other that that. USE THE FUCKING HERBS ON THE BENCH.

Just needed to get that out

That's why they should have never given those uppity empaths any hunting spells.
