View Full Version : Salencia, Sultarayna, Soulette, Skydragon, and Robynn are a bunch of tools.

05-10-2006, 01:27 PM
Well I lost my connection before I could copy/paste the log which pissed me off but I'm so pissed off I'm posting about it anyway.

So my little rogue is hunting in fire guardians.
Scripting bunch of girls walk in and kill the creatures I'm attacking.
Search, take the loot and walk away.
I'm rather pissed off.
So I have her go to the room they are in and kill their guardians and tell em they need to learn some manners and climb the arch, sitdown, and hide.
They walk in, accuse me of stalking and stealing and threatening (by this time I"m like what the hell? Because I didn't do any of the above consider my charachter is 14 freaking trains and can't kill much of anything, let alone a group of people, that'd just be stupid)
So they search, find me and limb disrupt me and keep scolding me.
By this time turmyte walks in and call winds to keep them from attacking me.
Skydragon fogs in and bolts turmytes head off.
And I finally become unstunned and am just like what the hell?
So I call em losers and start dragging Turmyte to town.
Where the minute I walk away, they follow me and kill Yosa.
So by this time I'm just beyond pissed.
I report of course. And of course it's a stupid reponse.

Saying to assist and speak to a GH about what happend.
I responded saying so it's ok to kill somone for calling them a loser after them blowing my arm off and killing my friend?
And they send back "if you have any questions regarding our policy, after you assist discuss it with the gh"

I get fogged to, healed and raised and just decide to blow it off and if I see them again just warn interact.

I go back to the arch, none of them is there so I'm resting, talking on aim to my friends, glance at the game and the fucking bitch killed me again.

And of course I report and they send back "we're handling the situation"

Ugh. People need help. Bad.

05-10-2006, 01:32 PM
Heh, talk about heresay.

05-10-2006, 01:41 PM
I hardly ever complain about charachters.

05-10-2006, 01:47 PM
I can vouch that Salencia is a tool. I'm also 98% sure her and Skydragon are the same person, btw.

05-10-2006, 01:51 PM
I can vouch for Soulette being a 'tard. I don't know if she's a tool, but she sure is stupid.

05-10-2006, 02:01 PM
Yosaphine (at level 14), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 120 30
Shield Use.........................| 66 14
Combat Maneuvers...................| 105 25
Edged Weapons......................| 120 30
Ambush.............................| 120 30
Physical Fitness...................| 70 15
Dodging............................| 120 30
Arcane Symbols.....................| 15 3
Harness Power......................| 10 2
Disarming Traps....................| 126 33
Picking Locks......................| 126 33
Stalking and Hiding................| 120 30
Perception.........................| 82 18
Training Points: 0 Phy 51 Mnt (64 Mnt converted to Phy)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

Not much room for stealing either.

05-10-2006, 02:09 PM
They probably meant by stealing was killing their creatures and taking the loot.

If they were scripting, they were the tools. If you see people scripting, just report them and move out of their way.

05-10-2006, 02:19 PM
No, she directly said I was stalking and stealing from them. And I only returned the favor or curtosy by getting my experience by taking their kill.

05-10-2006, 04:06 PM
Have had quite a few positive interactions with Sultarayna.. at least I think the spelling is the same... Kind of suprised at this. Ah well.

05-10-2006, 04:21 PM
Well considering that we don't have a log to go by, we really won't ever know what really happened, so all we can do is speculate the reasons. :shrug:

05-10-2006, 10:45 PM
Robynn hangs out with tools such as Foxs and the extent of her RP is to basically quote things out of Simu documents word for word as if it were her own writing.


05-11-2006, 03:08 AM
Well considering that we don't have a log to go by, we really won't ever know what really happened, so all we can do is speculate the reasons.

I think it's pretty obvious from the log that it was a clear consentual situation (they poached from the primary poster, then she poached from them). It's unfortunate that Salencia, Sultarayna, Soulette, Skydragon, and Robynn can't RP without resorting to violence -- especially Soulette, who seems to need to call in other people to fight her battles.

05-11-2006, 03:20 AM
Robynn is Foxs -- that's what she's told a friend of mine who was also being told by Foxs/Robynn that they have GM assistance to become raised up to royalty or Arkati status, and possess several ancient artifacts that she conveniently never has on hand, never can describe or talk about in detail (like how she got them during some mysterious quests that no one else seems to know about). I got a log of the rather humorous conversation where she alluded to being part of a secret GM quest once.

She's been recruiting her army/cult for years, first as Scarletfalcon, then as Foxs (the two of them were thick as thieves), and now as Robynn.

05-11-2006, 05:04 AM
Have had quite a few positive interactions with Sultarayna.. at least I think the spelling is the same... Kind of suprised at this. Ah well.

The rest of them, eh... but Sultarayna I am surprised about too.

05-11-2006, 11:48 AM
Robynn is Foxs
Dang, I shoulda figured that out. She always has animal names. Her first couple were Spidera and Sylkfox.

05-11-2006, 08:20 PM
I managed to ignore these wonderful girls while finshing my 14th train in guardians and quit resting at the arch thanks to them. But apparently can't even continue at a new hunting ground without problems from people I don't know.

Connecting to game - please wait...

Please wait for connection to game server.

Welcome to GemStone IV (R) v5.10
Copyright 2006 Simutronics Corp.
All Rights Reserved

You have unread news articles. Type NEWS NEXT to view the first new article.

[Lower Trollfang, Near Shrine]
You are walking a narrow, well worn path on the southern side of this forbidding shrine. Two large basalt legs, polished to a dull gleam, menacingly flank you to the east and west. You also see an Arachne servant.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest
[You are lying down]
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
An Arachne servant intones threateningly, "Blasphemer! Infidel! Thou shalt know the eternal pain of Arachne!"

You awake startled as an Arachne servant attacks you!
An Arachne servant swings a jeddart-axe at you!
AS: +170 vs DS: +154 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +41 = +81
A clean miss.
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
You stand back up.
...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
Rezzerected comes out of hiding.
Rezzerected changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...
An Arachne servant drags himself southeast, limping badly.
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
Rezzerected searches around for a moment.
Rezzerected has spotted you!
Rezzerected skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.
Rezzerected falls to the ground in a deep slumber.
>sneak se
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Lower Trollfang, Near Shrine]
You also see an Arachne servant.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest
Roundtime: 2 sec.
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.
The soothing effect of the lullabye slows your movements.
You shake off the effects of the lullabye.
[Lower Trollfang, Near Shrine]
Also here: Great Lord Rezzerected who is sleeping
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest
You say, "I'm not sure what your problem is."
You stare at nothing in particular.
You say, "Weird people."

(Cele: Snip some moving)

>assist request problem to end... please help (Cele: I asked her what this means, she says she was just mad and didn't know what to say)
Your request has been sent to the GMs currently on duty.
You are number 1 in the queue.
You may cancel your request for assistance at any time by typing ASSIST CANCEL.
Staff on duty:
GameHost Muge
*** Host Muge is here to answer your assist. ***
You exclaim, "Hello!"
You reach out and hold Muge's hand.
Muge says, "Hello there."
You and your group head over to the Scented Salvia Table.
[Scented Salvia Table]
A shallow yellow bowl on the table is filled with salvia-scented potpourri. Two brass candlestick holders, carved in the shape of owls, hold chubby beeswax candles.
Obvious exits: out
You say, "All right."
You chuckle.
You pull out a chair and seat yourself at the table.
You say, "Here's my problem."
Muge smiles.
You nod to Muge.
Muge nods to you.
You exclaim, "And it's becoming quite a problem!"
You say, "I assure you."
You say, "Yesterday."
You say, "I was hunting guardians."
You nod to Muge.

Muge nods.

You ask, "Is it ok if i'm ooc?"
You say, "Just slightly."

Muge says, "Yes."

You say, "It's relevant."
You say, "All right."
You say, "While these girls were script hunting."
You say, "And walking in the rooms i was in."
You say, "And poaching my kills."
Muge nods to you.
You say, "It was rather obvious what was going on and I was rather upset."
You say, "So I walked in the room they were in."
You say, "And started attacking their guardians."
Muge nods.
You say, "Probally not smart but I was rather annoyed and upset at the time."
You say, "Anyway."
You say, "So the girls start yelling at me telling me to stop."
Muge nods.
You say, "And I respond saying perhaps they should learn some manners before stepping foot in the hunting grounds."
You say, "I walk away..climb the arch and sit down."
You say, "They walk in immediatly, search, find me, and limb disrupt me."
You say, "So i'm thinking what the hell are these peoples problems."
Muge asks, "Who were they?"
You say, "I could understand arguing."
You say, "But not knocking my arm off."
Muge nods.
You say, "Hold on i have the names wrote down."
Muge nods.
You say, "Salencia, Sultarayna, Soulette, Skydragon, and Robynn."
Muge nods.
You exclaim, "Anyway!"
You say, "My friend walks in right after this happens."
You say, "Call winds."
You say, "Trying to talk to them to settle down."
Muge nods.
You say, "Well."
Muge asks, "Who is your friend?"
You say, "Skydragon fogs in."
You say, "Turmyte."
Muge nods.
You exclaim, "Well!"
You say, "Skydragon fogs in."
Muge nods.
You say, "Kills him."
You say, "By this time I"m just furious."
You say, "Call them idiots."
You say, "And start dragging turmyte to town."
You say, "To get him riased."
You say, "Of course they didn't like being called idiots."
You say, "So they walk to where I am."
Muge nods.
You say, "And kill me."
You say, "I'm thinking ... what in the world is wrong with these people."
You say, "So I *Finally* report."
You say, "And when I do."
Muge nods.
You say, "The GM oh so nicely says."
You say, "They've been watching the argument and I was killed for calling them idiots."
You say, "And I respond, i didn't know it was in policy to kill somone for that."
You say, "Especially since they didn't know what started the argument in my mind."
You say, "They respond back."
You say, "If you have questions about the policy, you can assist and a gamehost will assist you."
Muge nods.
You say, "By this point i'm fuming irl."
You say, "I've never been upset at this game."
You say, "Ever."
Muge nods.
You say, "But the fact that the gamemaster treated it in such a way that he didn't care that I was upset nor that my friend or I were killed and insinuating I had it coming was beyond me."
You say, "Yosaphine isn't my first charachter."
You say, "I've been playing since I was 12."
You say, "And I"m 22 now."
You chuckle.
Muge nods.
You say, "So I know how things work."
You say, "Anyway that's not the point."
Muge nods to you.
You say, "So I'm just like whatever, I'll just ignore them in the future and hopefully they'll get over it."
You say, "I guess not."
You say, "So right after getting raised and letting the sting wear off."
You say, "I go hunt in guardians."
You say, "Fry."
You say, "I'm resting."
You say, "Not even paying too much attention because I"m talking to friends on aim."
Muge nods.
You say, "Look back."
You say, "Salencia killed me again."
You say, "I'm thinking by this time."
You ask, "What the freaking hell are these peoples problem?"
You say, "I don't know if they're just all the same person."
You say, "And very... violent."
You say, "Or what."
You say, "So i report again."
Muge nods.
You say, "And get the "we're taking appropriate action"."
You say, "Blah blah blah."
You say, "I think it's taken care of by this point."
You say, "But rather upset so I quit playing for the day."
You say, "So I decide to play again tonight."
You say, "Just trained."
You say, "Figured I'd try out a new hunting ground."
Muge says, "Congratulations."
You say, "Trying to get away from the arch area."
Muge nods to you.
You say, "So..."
You say, "I'm hunting."
You say, "And Rezzerected walks in."
You say, "I have NO idea if this person is linked to these girls."
You say, "He's a great lord, I don't know what he's doing in that area anyway."
You say, "Or how he knew I was in that area."
You say, "He walks in."
You say, "Lullabyes me."
Muge asks, "What area was this?"
You say, "Servents and spiders."
You say, "Outside the temple."
Muge nods.
You say, "So the lullabye wears off before the servent even knicks me."
You say, "I hide right away."
You say, "And he lullabyes himself."
You say, "On accident I assume."
You say, "I say "I"m not sure who you are or what your problem is" shake my head and walk off."
You say, "Dunno if he died or not."
You say, "But i'm really getting upset at this whole situation."
Muge nods.
You say, "I know from a third source that robynn is also foxs and I know she's an older charachter and sure has ties to older folks etc."
You say, "All my other charachters on my main account are on teras."
Muge nods.
You say, "And even if they were here I wouldn't have them following these girls around and killing them."
You say, "But this is just seriously disrupting my gameplay."
Muge says, "That is definately good to hear you say."
Muge nods.
Muge asks, "May I ask you a few questions?"
You say, "I've just wanted to hunt yosa to 20 and take her to teras."
You say, "I don't enjoy being in the landing at all."
You say, "Go ahead."
Muge nods.
You say, "And you can check my accounts, none have warnings or anything."
You say, "Years of good history."
Muge asks, "This all happened in Fire Guardians yesterday? About what time?"
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Muge smiles at you.
You say, "Noon/1ish."
Muge nods.
You say, "And the GM was Eme something."
Muge nods.
You say, "I don't auto save logs."
You say, "Never felt the need to."
You say, "But I'm starting to rethink it."
Muge asks, "When you returned today, you did not have any interaction with any of the characters from yesterday?"
You say, "I'm hating even doing this because it's my birthday irl today and my boyfriend just got home from class."
You chuckle.
Muge exclaims, "Happy Birthday!"
You say, "Um walked past them."
You say, "Aw thanks."
Muge grins at you.
You say, "Big 22."
You grin.
Muge chuckles.
You say, "I even quit resting in the arch."
You say, "Because they rest there."
Muge exclaims, "Nice age, have fun!"
Muge nods to you.
You say, "And apparently they were telling people that rest there that I'm stealing from people."
You say, "Which I don't even train in."
You say, "How I nkow this is I have friends that rest there."
Muge asks, "When you said they were poaching your kills, how so?"
Muge nods to you.
You say, "Like I said they were script hunting."
You say, "And i was in the middle of killing a creature."
Muge asks, "How could you tell that?"
You say, "Theyd walk in."
Muge nods.
You say, "They did it more then once."
Muge nods to you.
You say, "And just the same actions/etc."
You say, "You could tell it was timed."
Muge asks, "But when you talked to them, they did respond?"
You say, "And no normal person would just walk into a room and poach kills that repeatedly."
You nod.
Muge nods to you.
You say, "They were finally stopped when I found them."
You say, "Hence me talking to them etc."
Muge asks, "Did they ever apologize when they inadvertently killed a creature you had been hunting?"
You say, "Yup."
Muge nods to you.
You say, "One girl did."
Muge asks, "What is your seatting for searching your kills?"
You say, "Doesn't mean I had to accept the apology."
You say, "They do it all the time."
Muge nods to you.
You say, "But it was the first time they annoyed me by it."
You say, "Because they were stole my kills twice."
Muge asks, "What is your setting for searching your kills?"
You ask, "Loot?"
You ask, "Is that what you mean?"
Muge nods.
You say, "Oh they didn't search my kills."
You say, "I was in a room with guardians."
You say, "They weren't dead yet."
You say, "Had a hit in or two."
You say, "They'd walk in."
You say, "Kill it."
You say, "Search it."
You say, "Walk away."
You say, "If you're in the room."
You say, "It's your kill."
You say, "On top of already having attacks on it."
Muge says, "That is what I am asking about. I believe if you do not have group set to be able to seqarch kills that will help."
You say, "They didn't search anything I had killed."
You say, "They just stole my kills."
Muge nods.
You say, "Which is all I did to them."
You say, "I left anything the guardians I attacked droped."
Muge nods.
You say, "Like I said, not interested in the money."
Muge asks, "Have you read up on any of th epolicies since you REPORTED?"
You nod.
Usage: POLICY {page}

GemStone IV Player Policy
Abusive/Disruptive Behavior..3
Player vs Player Conflict....4

Muge nods.
You say, "Just 2-4."
You say, "I never know what's exactly in guidelines and what isn't."
You say, "I just know, these people are beyond upsetting me."
Muge nods.
You say, "And that attacking another person has never been anything I've done."
You say, "I frown upon that."
Muge says, "Then you know that verbal can be considered consent."
Muge says, "Not just physical action."
Muge asks, "Have you looked at WARN at all?"
You nod.
You say, "Yes I have."
Muge nods to you.
You say, "I really don't think that would do me any good."
Muge says, "That is an option available if you feel this is not going to stop and want to make it clear to them that you do not want this at all."
You say, "Ok well."
You say, "This Rezzerected guy."
You say, "I don't even KNOW him."
Muge nods to you.
You say, "So I doubt it would have helped in that case."
You sigh.
You ask, "Are you just going to tell me to stay away from them and report if anything else happens and to warn the charachters I don't wish to have interaction with?"
You chuckle.
Muge says, "If you WARN, then the other person is supposed to adhere to the WARN just as you are."
You say, "Sad I have to resort to that."
Muge says, "Then that shows that you are trying to take the correct action, avoid the conflict and are working on a solution."
You sigh.
You say, "All right."
You stare at nothing in particular.
Muge says, "The WARN does mean that you don't interact, even to th epoint of not talking about them to your friends. They are required to uphold that also."
You ask, "I can't do it unless i'm in the room with them right?"
You ask, "So i have to find them to do this?"
Muge says, "If either party involves other characters, that is frowned upon greatly."
You ask, "What if i never see this Rezzerected guy again until he kills me or gets me killed?"
Muge says, "No."
>find Rezzerected

There are no adventurers questing that match the names specified.

The usage for this command is: find {player1} {player2} ... {player9} and will provide a list of those players present you wish to find provided they are questing.
Muge says, "WARN can be issued from anywhere in the Lands."
You say, "He's not even in the lands now."
You say, "Does he have to be in game."
Muge says, "The character must be in the game."
Muge nods to you.
You sigh.
You ask, "All right, that all?"
Muge says, "I am really sorry you are having this situation."
You say, "I am too."
Muge says, "You have done the correct thing by REPORTing and then ASSISTing."
Muge says, "I will log everything you have told me."
You nod.
You say, "Thank you."
Muge says, "So there will be a record."
Muge nods to you.
Muge says, "Just remember."
Muge says, "If you do chose the WARN option."
Muge says, "You will be expected to uphold your end of it."
You say, "I will, I have no problem with that."
You say, "I don't log in hoping to have these encounters, I assure you."
Muge says, "And if they break the WARN, then you should let us know."
Muge nods to you.

Edited by Celephais, there you go DCSL

05-11-2006, 08:51 PM
The problem is: interacting in any way with another character can be considered consent to assault; like in this particular instance, calling someone an idiot. However, one death should have been sufficient. Going after the person again for a prior conflict isn't within policy.

If all those characters really are Foxs, you're in for a treat. From the other threads I've seen, this person simply does not give up.

You should ignore their existance. If you find yourself in a room with them then WARN and/or leave the room. If they attack you then report and assist. If you try to retaliate either verbally or fighting back, the GMs will consider the attacking to be fair play for both sides.

05-11-2006, 09:06 PM
That thing needs some severe editing. But I like the way he stupidly Lullabye'd himself.

05-13-2006, 08:24 PM
Robynn is played by Foxs? They talk the same way
IG and stuff
But I didn't really
See that coming.

05-13-2006, 09:35 PM
I remember killing Foxs many, many times. As well as haste throwing fruit at her when she was in the stocks until I got a tell from a GM saying that it was screen scroll so I slowed it up and kept throwing until they removed the fruit basket til the bitch was out of the stocks. She had a tendency to die alot when I was around....weird.

05-13-2006, 09:42 PM
Robynn is played by Foxs? They talk the same way
IG and stuff
But I didn't really
See that coming.



05-13-2006, 10:14 PM
If all those characters really are Foxs, you're in for a treat. From the other threads I've seen, this person simply does not give up.

Hehe, not true. I had no problems searching her out and killing her many, many times. She's relatively low level for someone who constantly fights with everyone

05-14-2006, 05:37 PM
Heres thought, from what i seen, and read your little rogue and her pansie pack was told by all of those girls they was sorry, they never took her Loot and with that many people huntin together it is s little hard to see just one other person in the room, Also your Rogue, called in a Lord to kill them which he casted upon Robynn as in return she casted upon him and killed him in the process. Skydragon did not show up till after the fact..however the rogue was still in the room while this was going on. Once she saw that a Lord got killed by someone much under his train, the two others(i will not name) in the shadows killed Sul and Skydragon. If your rogue can not take someone telling her they are sorry and she lies unpon others then i am guessing she deserves to die and her little pack too.

05-14-2006, 05:39 PM
Holy run-on sentence, Batman!

05-14-2006, 05:40 PM
Oh no, drama!

05-14-2006, 05:42 PM
holy shit

05-14-2006, 05:47 PM
Omg, has Foxs/Robynn graced us with her presence? Or is it Skydragon/Salencia?

05-14-2006, 05:50 PM
If you want to defend yourself in a written argument, think about being coherent. It helps. That said, I love a good player drama as much as the next person, so I'm settling in with popcorn in the hopes this goes somewhere amusing.

05-14-2006, 06:07 PM
it's my birthday, my boyfriends here, I'm 22, I started playing when I was 12, I have a clean record, my cat smells, I can't get my boyfriend off, whine, whine, whine......gimme a break. Why would anyone whin like a little pissy ass girl that needs her diaper changed, its GS, Not a crosscountry run, come on now. Not gettin laid lately?

05-14-2006, 06:09 PM
it's my birthday, my boyfriends here, I'm 22, I started playing when I was 12, I have a clean record, my cat smells, I can't get my boyfriend off, whine, whine, whine......gimme a break. Why would anyone whin like a little pissy ass girl that needs her diaper changed, its GS, Not a crosscountry run, come on now. Not gettin laid lately?

You are fuckin' retarded

05-14-2006, 06:09 PM
Yay for well thought out posts. :)

This'll be fun.

05-14-2006, 06:16 PM
Run on sentence or not, I think the point is clear. Why, if someone apologized for 'inadvertently' killing someone elses creature, would you go chasing after them and start something with them?

Please think about it. Really, and then to call in a Lord to defend you? Then to run to GM's about it? Get a life and get out of the landing is all I have to say.


who's the tard?:wasntme: "Where's the popcorn?"

'''''WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!''''':hug2:

05-14-2006, 06:24 PM
WOO HOO, dun gotz sum inteligense I do!

I see this playing out like a retarded kid attacking a tree with one of those foamy pool noodles.

05-14-2006, 06:29 PM

I see this playing out like a retarded kid attacking a tree with one of those foamy pool noodles.[/QUOTE]

:popcorn2: "I found it."

05-14-2006, 06:31 PM
lol...fuck the popcorn get me a beer, and milk for the kids!!

05-14-2006, 06:35 PM
Wait, so in the first post she says that they kill the creatures, steal the loot and walkaway, right?

Then in the log with the GM she says they didn't steal anything and that one even apologized, right?

But back to the first post, she says she goes after them and kills thier creatures?

And then proceeds to tell them about having manners?

Am I missing something here?

05-14-2006, 06:37 PM
yep i think shes foxs tryin to act like a sweet girl....not gonna happin ho

05-14-2006, 06:41 PM
You're obviously paying attention new posters. I pay to play this game for enjoyment. I don't play to enthuse idiots that escalate situations and follow my charachter around for days (killing or attempting to killing her) over something so stupid. Of course I'm going to assist/report when I feel it's out of hand.

05-14-2006, 06:41 PM
And if I were foxs, I would have shot myself a long time ago.

05-14-2006, 06:45 PM
Know we know its her!!! Foxs would do that yea know....Mawhahaha eat dirt HO

05-14-2006, 06:48 PM
[QUOTE=Jenisi]You're obviously paying attention new posters. I pay to play this game for enjoyment. I don't play to enthuse idiots that escalate situations and follow my charachter around for days (killing or attempting to killing her) over something so stupid. Of course I'm going to assist/report when I feel it's out of hand.[/QUOTE
Im thinking that everone who plays GS, aslo pays...im sure of it:help: :help: You a moron Foxs

05-14-2006, 06:49 PM
I'd be satisfied if Essa would make some intelligent comments, use sentance structure, and (I realize this might be a bit much to expect at this point, but I'm hoping anyway) have something useful to contribute besides insults.

05-14-2006, 06:50 PM
I can also say with complete and total confidence that Jenisi is NOT the player of Foxs. You might want to try a new tactic now. :)

05-14-2006, 07:08 PM
I'd be satisfied if Essa would make some intelligent comments, use sentance structure, and (I realize this might be a bit much to expect at this point, but I'm hoping anyway) have something useful to contribute besides insults.


I can also say with complete and total confidence that Jenisi is NOT the player of Foxs. You might want to try a new tactic now. :)

Agreed again.

05-14-2006, 07:09 PM
I can also say with complete and total confidence that Jenisi is NOT the player of Foxs.

And the nonsense insults need to stop. If you came to PC to reply to this topic, at least have something to say other than calling her a "Ho" and accusing her of being a character which you know is not hers.

05-14-2006, 07:22 PM
I'd be satisfied if Essa would make some intelligent comments, use sentance structure, and (I realize this might be a bit much to expect at this point, but I'm hoping anyway) have something useful to contribute besides insults.

I am guessing English isn't their first language? Secondly, I sooo love how chellarella ripped off my name. Thanks.

05-14-2006, 07:22 PM
So, aside from the insults, I am still trying to figure something out.

Said: Came in scripting, killed my creatures, stole my loot walked out.

Said: Came in scripting, killed a creature, didn't steal anything, apologized, walked out.

Then said: Went after them (14 train), killed their creatures, told them they need to learn manners, ran and hid.

Then said: Been stalked for days by them. Being killed and attacked.

I don't know yet what happened exactly, but from what was said to the GM, probably should have just let it be when they apologized and left.

I 'mistakenly' walked into a room the other day with a group, did not immediately notice anyone and killed thier creature, I apologized and it was accepted and we moved on. They didn't come bothering us afterwards. Had they, it probably might have resulted simular because that would have been rude then.

It happens sometimes. Ya know? I would just suggest next time, accept the apology and let it go.

05-14-2006, 07:25 PM
I am guessing English isn't their first language? Secondly, I sooo love how chellarella ripped off my name. Thanks.
:lol: I thought you had a new SN.

05-14-2006, 07:27 PM
:lol: I thought you had a new SN.

Nope. Chellarella has got to be the lamest name I have ever heard in my life. I'm thinking its some coward who doesn't want their real self known.

05-14-2006, 07:29 PM
Sorry, I am not being rude or insulting here, I did not rip off your name, I never even saw a post from you before, Chellarella happens to be nickname for me in RL so that is what I use most places.

And ,like yours possibly, a play off of my RL name. Sorry, not ripping you off there. Not trying to start anything. Don't know the other poster.

05-14-2006, 07:30 PM
And sorry if you think it is lame, I have only had it since I was 4 years old, my father thought it was cute for me. Thanks.

05-14-2006, 07:31 PM
Sorry, I am not being rude or insulting here, I did not rip off your name, I never even saw a post from you before, Chellarella happens to be nickname for me in RL so that is what I use most places.

And ,like yours possibly, a play off of my RL name. Sorry, not ripping you off there. Not trying to start anything. Don't know the other poster.

Alrighty then it's just a coincidence, I suppose. No hard feelings then.

05-14-2006, 07:36 PM
No hard feelings. It is coincidence. It could have been Chelle Belle. ::giggle::

Now I can move on to another room.

05-14-2006, 07:40 PM
Accept the apology from one girl while the others are harrassing me? The apology was afterward (from one girl)and the others kept acting like assholes about it. Then after I walk away, they follow me, accuse me of stealing (which I never did nor train for) and start killing me repeatedly because of not accepting the apology of one person to support and entire group that didn't attack me or do the killing and calling them idiots (because they were attacking me and accusing me of doing things I wasn't doing) Then proceeding to following me around for days (trying to soil my name to others that rest there that are friends of mine that got a good laugh of the idiots trying to warn them about me)

I could go on and on and I have my pet peeves, but their actions were just insanely beyond the call of sensibility. No role playing involved either. It was pathetic.

05-14-2006, 07:41 PM
And I hardly see how me "accepting an apology" would have made any difference in their actions.

05-14-2006, 07:42 PM
ESSA, chellarella

Who the fuck ARE these people?

If you're going to rip on someone here don't post on either 1. under a false name or 2. here as a new poster. Most people just dismiss you as idiot if you aren't going to let anyone know who your character is in game.

05-14-2006, 07:44 PM
my boyfriends here... I can't get my boyfriend off..
You're jacking Greysalin off?

05-14-2006, 07:45 PM
You know, originally I thought that either Essa or Chellarella (or both) were the players of at least 2 of those characters involved in Jenisi's situation.

Now though, from chellarella's posts, it seems that she wasn't there, and has no other information aside from what Jenisi has posted. It *does* seem odd that she, being a new poster and one I've not ever heard from until this thread, would suddenly come on here so vehemently objecting, insulting and attacking the position Jenisi has taken.

Edited to add: Most new posters start off subtly, perhaps just posting a few things here and there, not coming in with their proverbial guns blazing. Unless of course, they are either A) the character being discussed negatively, B)have something against the original poster, or C)are friends with one or more of the characters being discussed negatively

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-14-2006, 07:46 PM
Drama follows around people who invite it. That's pretty much all I have to say about the whole situation.

05-14-2006, 07:57 PM
LMAO...now thats fucking funny:tumble:

05-14-2006, 07:58 PM
I don't have guns blazing, I was just trying to understand the situation. I was not there, I do know of the characters discussed here because I have seen a few of them about. But I was just trying to get clear on the situation. It does seem a bit confusing. I am also sorry that I did not follow the protocol of being a new poster. I have been reading the boards for sometime and found something I wanted to respond to. I will shut up now. And change my name as to not offend anyone. Sorry.

05-14-2006, 08:00 PM
And as for Jenisi, yes, you shouldn't bother with the other ones if they were treating you badly, I hope you didn't post the one's name who apologized.

05-14-2006, 08:04 PM
Hi, Essa?

I think I didn't make myself clear enough.

You're the retarded kid with the pool noodle.

05-14-2006, 08:05 PM
What I want know is who was the one that said she was sorry?
And most times when a group comes into a room im in and does not see me, kills my critter, searchs it, but leaves the loot..... if even one says they are sorry, I do take that for the whole group. Why wouldnt you, unless you was trying to cause a problem in the first place? From reading your Log, that seems to be the case.

05-14-2006, 08:08 PM
hey shari, bite me you know you want to

05-14-2006, 08:22 PM
I've inadvertenly killed something in a room with someone in it, and also had my critters killed by someone else when I'm in a room. It happens. It doesn't usually happen more than once in an area, however. When I've done it, I've always apologized profusely and paid extra careful attention to whether or not someone else is present and I assume that other folks do the same. I have, on a few occasions, had folks not apologize nor say a word, and continue to attack regardless of whether I'm in a room or not. I assume that those folks are script hunting, so I'd assume the same for the group of folks that created the original incident. For them to accuse the someone of hding and stealing, without having anything stolen from them or catching the person in the act, is even worse, as that's intentional cattiness whereas I doubt the critter stealing was. Anyways, what a horrid situation to find yourself involved in.

05-14-2006, 08:25 PM
I found from people like Foxs, anytime they'd pull a douche move they'd turn around and say you stole from them so they had a "rp" reason to attack.

This was on my alt's, my main's always stealing so they usually have a valid reason

05-14-2006, 08:33 PM
Sounds like this script hunting was not either the case, from her statements on how one of the girls Apologized, if this group was script hunting I have not found a script that apologizes for one that kills anothers critters, if someone does find one, im sure alot of people would be happy. Then there is the other side of this story, she still has not produced us the log of what really happend, that I would also like to see, untill then i will say im sorry for acussing anyone of anything, hehe

05-14-2006, 08:33 PM
I'm accusing you of typing like you have a hand disfigurement, or a mental issue that affects your motor functions.

05-14-2006, 08:35 PM
ESSA? Who are you????????

05-14-2006, 08:35 PM
Just because someone's scripting doesn't necessarily mean they're AFK scripting, or they may have just gotten back so there's no reason t ohave a script that apologizes

*edit - I don't generally care how shitty someone's grammar is, but good God. If English is your first language, you need help. If it's your second language, find a fuckin' tutor.

05-14-2006, 08:45 PM
ohh yeah..i do...hehe

05-14-2006, 09:36 PM
chellarella? who are you?????

05-14-2006, 11:00 PM
Wow. What grade are you in Essa? My 9 year old sister is repeating the third grade, but has better grammar than you at your best. Repeat after me, "Commas, periods, and brains are my friends."

Grammar is the key to friends! Learn it!

05-15-2006, 01:54 AM
<3 Stunseed

05-15-2006, 02:36 AM
Who the fuck are these two retards??

05-15-2006, 02:37 AM
You know, its threads like these that brings the whole community of the PC together, that just gives me warm fuzzies inside.

05-15-2006, 04:28 AM
awww, I love giving shari a warm fuzzy inside

Sean of the Thread
05-15-2006, 04:29 AM
Sure it wasn't a warm gooey?

05-17-2006, 01:28 PM
Heres thought, from what i seen, and read your little rogue and her pansie pack was told by all of those girls they was sorry, they never took her Loot and with that many people huntin together it is s little hard to see just one other person in the room, Also your Rogue, called in a Lord to kill them which he casted upon Robynn as in return she casted upon him and killed him in the process. Skydragon did not show up till after the fact..however the rogue was still in the room while this was going on. Once she saw that a Lord got killed by someone much under his train, the two others(i will not name) in the shadows killed Sul and Skydragon. If your rogue can not take someone telling her they are sorry and she lies unpon others then i am guessing she deserves to die and her little pack too.

The amusing part to me is that Essa started her incoherent, rambling bitchfest with the statement (or something akin to it) "here are my thoughts". I, for one, would not classify the above as a completed/coherent thought.

05-18-2006, 05:03 PM
Eh. I think Essa = Foxs, and it's also nice to know that Foxs is a guy (something else I've heard from people close to the character). Wonder what Fox's lovemuffin Foxye thinks of that. Foxs/Robynn and the whole delusional family make for good entertainment.

05-18-2006, 09:07 PM
Essa is not Foxs. Try again.

05-18-2006, 09:12 PM
I love all these brand spankin new posters who have appeared in this particular thread. It's so enlightening!

05-18-2006, 09:32 PM
I love all these brand spankin new posters who have appeared in this particular thread. It's so enlightening!
:lol: Gives me a chuckle too.

Essa= Skydragon/Salencia is my guess. Maturity level matches.

05-18-2006, 10:06 PM
This whole situation could have been avoided if more people would scream "MINE!" and "CHASE!" while hunting.

05-18-2006, 10:38 PM
I'm going with no on that one.

05-19-2006, 12:01 PM
Essa is not Foxs. Try again.

My second guess would be Foxye then. Wonder what it is like to find out your little cybersex girlfriend is actually a guy. Welcome to Player's Corner!

05-19-2006, 04:23 PM

I've been sucked into the thread as I read more and more...

It went from a simple rant about script hunters

then to someone using the word "ho".... errr WTF?

then to cross gender roleplaying cybersecksor... ROFL in a creepy way

Thank you for the entertainment! I love you guys, gals, and crossdressers.

05-19-2006, 09:25 PM
PC never fails to be there for me, when I'm bored.

05-19-2006, 09:35 PM
Foxs is of a level of retardation that makes anyone associated with her equally retarded.

05-21-2006, 12:25 AM
Foxs and Foxye I am not. Please reset your players button and try again. :thanx:

05-21-2006, 12:41 AM
I'm not sure which is worse...

The concept that the player of Foxs is posting here on the PC,

or the concept that we have yet another blazing fucking idiot on these threads akin to Foxs.

05-21-2006, 01:14 AM
Funny Blazing fucking idiots not knowing who the fuck people are and only assuming who one is. Now thats a real tool for you. By the way, I'm not Foxs or Foxye. Please press the player button again, my friend.

05-21-2006, 01:28 AM
Funny Blazing fucking idiots not knowing who the fuck people are and only assuming who one is. Now thats a real tool for you. By the way, I'm not Foxs or Foxye. Please press the player button again, my friend.

Irony much? Didn't you just earlier in this thread say that Jenisi is Foxs without proof, thereby assuming she was someone else? Hmm..tool indeed.

05-21-2006, 01:50 AM
I never assumed you were Foxs. It was a concept that I was presenting.

Regardless of WHO you are...you're a blazing fucking idiot in my opinion. :)

Oh, and :heart: Jolena.

05-21-2006, 02:36 AM
Whats this thread about, Blazing idiots or tools. Some many to chose from. I sure do see alot of both.

05-21-2006, 01:20 PM
Irony much? Didn't you just earlier in this thread say that Jenisi is Foxs without proof, thereby assuming she was someone else? Hmm..tool indeed.

Hah... pwned.

05-21-2006, 06:22 PM
:lol: Gives me a chuckle too.

Essa= Skydragon/Salencia is my guess. Maturity level matches.

Essa doesn't equal Skydragon as far as I know. I don't know much about Skydragon's interactions with other people, but my interactions with this character have been positive. He does have coherent thoughts and hasn't come off as a flaming retard, like Essa.

Take it or leave it, but that's my opinion based on my experiences with that one particular character.

Side note: The drama of GS cracks me up. Someone should just force Essa's body through a fine, wire-mesh type grid thingy. That's how my brain feels after reading through her posts. :(

05-21-2006, 06:31 PM
Reminds me of some certain folks in a certain guild not to long ago.... drama drama drama /gquit.

05-22-2006, 01:11 AM
when your done jerking off and fucking your aunt, come back to this thread and poke out you eyes so you don't have to read my idiotic replys. dumb enough to bring yourself where i am is fucking you in the ass already. btw press that god damn button again stupid and try again.

05-22-2006, 01:14 AM
Okay you've officially reached 'idiot' status. Buh bye.

05-22-2006, 01:22 AM
Holy shit you're an idiot.

See that X up there? Yes, the big red one. Click it please.

Hint: If we stop posting, maybe it'll go away.

05-22-2006, 03:39 AM
Funny that...I think we have pushed PRECISELY the right buttons.

High-five, team. Good show.

05-22-2006, 08:56 AM
Funny that...I think we have pushed PRECISELY the right buttons.

High-five, team. Good show.

oh baby oh baby give me more:bananahit:

05-23-2006, 05:18 PM
Having dealt with people this stupid before, I'm going to chime in at this point and just say..

Essa will never grasp that people thinks he or she is retarded. It's a levvel of ignorance that keeps them sheltered from any form of insult, because they can't wrap the mottled patchwork collection of brain cells they've got left around the concept.

You could state, flat out, in small and simple words: "Essa, you are stupid. Everything you type is pointless, because noone takes it seriously. You don't know how to type, you don't know how to "say things that are smart" (which the older kids call "Forming coherent thoughts", but I dumbed it down for you), and most importantly *nobody likes you anyways, so even if you said anything worthwhile, all of your other comments have branded you 'retarded'.

You are dumb. At this point, the only reason people want to know who you are, is so they can avoid you. Forever.


- Myke.

And to avoid speculation, I will state very clearly who I am to avoid conspiracy theories or anything weird like that. I play Rhavnos, Lotharios, and Lanceus. I've recently returned to Gemstone Prime from playing Gemstone Platinum for the past.. I want to say 6-ish years, probably longer. However long it's been around. Before I left Prime, I played Volsix.

My AIM is "Phantasm Meum", feel free to adress any concerns as to who I am, or my credibility, there.

For a full list of my character names, send 30 dollars, check or money order to.. hm.. nevermind that last part.

05-23-2006, 05:51 PM
I can vouch for Soulette being a 'tard. I don't know if she's a tool, but she sure is stupid.

just reading her other posts in other folders seems to make her a :tool:

05-23-2006, 05:57 PM
when your done jerking off and fucking your aunt, come back to this thread and poke out you eyes so you don't have to read my idiotic replys. dumb enough to bring yourself where i am is fucking you in the ass already. btw press that god damn button again stupid and try again.

:wtf: We didn't really care to know that you jerk off before fucking your aunt.

05-23-2006, 06:15 PM
If you 'clean the pipes' before you saddle up and ride, you stay in the saddle longer.

Just sayin'.

05-23-2006, 10:55 PM
essa == trinity == gsempath?

There's a common factor linking them all -- I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's that all of these threads make me want to dig my heart out with a rusty spoon.

05-24-2006, 12:20 AM
Only REAL dumbasses reply to their own posts in a negative light.





05-24-2006, 12:49 AM
:wtf: We didn't really care to know that you jerk off before fucking your aunt.
YOUR fucking YOUR aunt fucktard think they will ever know that all three of us are the same person?

05-24-2006, 01:06 AM
essa == trinity == gsempath?

There's a common factor linking them all -- I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's that all of these threads make me want to dig my heart out with a rusty spoon.
Essa+gsempath = Emisluty
Trinity = Soulette

05-24-2006, 01:07 AM
YOUR should be..oh nevermind.

05-24-2006, 09:00 AM
Trinity, why would Essa=Emislity when she had nothing to do with the original post and yet has been posting in this thread the whole time?

The only explanition I can see is that Trinity = Essa = Soulette.
The connection is with this thread and this one http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=19677

Why would you post under two different names?
And why would you then suggest that Essa is Emislity?
You gave yourself away with that comment.

I do love a good mystery, and have enjoyed reading this thread. Please, don't stop the drama now.


05-24-2006, 09:35 AM
No please, stop the drama.

05-24-2006, 10:05 AM
Is my nose bleeding?

05-24-2006, 10:15 AM
Ugh. Please let this thread die or get back onto the topic of the characters mentioned in the title. The topic isn't about the new posters who may or may not be retarded.