01-22-2008, 06:29 PM
Mathain [General]: "Someone just wasted all their mana locating me 12 times. Ha ha ha."
Mathain [General]: "There it goes again."
Gracy [General]: "Well whomever that is, they just being stupid wasting thier mana like that, specially to locate gas."
Mathain [General]: "The coward is out of mana again."
Jakkarra [Merchant]: "Any high enchanted double leathers for sale?"
Mathain [General]: "Maybe you can ask the coward."
Mathain [General]: "Who keeps locating me."
Mathain [General]: "And doesn't want to show its face."
Mathain [General]: "That's right, I said it."
Tinky [Merchant]: "You seem very upset."
Gracy [General]: "Why dont you have someone cast unpresence on you, then it will stop."
Sluggy [General]: "Get someone to unpresence yeah."
Mathain [General]: "I want to see who it is though."
Mathain [General]: "The person does it a few times a week."
Gracy [General]: "Only reason why they keep doing it is becausey ou keep talking about it."
Mathain [General]: "Nah."
Mathain [General]: "They did it before I talked about it today."
Tinky [Merchant]: "Maby its a secret adnirer."
Mathain [General]: "Maybe. But it's a coward, no less."
Gracy [General]: "Umm yea...they know you GONNA talk about it because you do every time it happens which is why they keep doing it..."
Tinky [Merchant]: "Hahaha."
Mathain [General]: "I don't talk about it every time."
Mathain [General]: "Is it you Gracy?"
Gracy [General]: "Oh please...I wouldnt waste MY mana on that...I have no need to locate gas."
Mathain [General]: "I guess it is you Gracy."
Edeline [General]: "What is everyone talking about? did someone leave the seat up again? at the local outhouse."
Mathain [General]: "Yah, Gracy did."
Mathain [General]: "She's not really a woman."
Mathain [General]: "Just an ugly piece of rolton dung."
Edeline [General]: "Sounds like your a bit unsure of your own masculinity."
Gracy [General]: "Guess all you want to...I could care less, I'm in a crowd of peole who can vouche for me that I'm not locating anyone but just standing
Mathain [General]: "What Gracy? You are? Ok, cool."
Mathain [General]: "Edeline, you ask for too much help. Go jump out of the treehouse."
Gracy [General]: "Could you be a bigger arsehole?"
Mathain [General]: "No, you beat me in that game, Gracy."
Edeline [General]: "I'm cuter than you are."
Gracy [General]: "Good thing women cant be arseholes huh."
Gracy [General]: "Just to inform everyone, Mathain has given me a warning to leave him alone so if anyone wishes to kill him upon sight because he's to scared to face me himself, by all means do so."
Gracy [General]: "He would rather warn other adventures to stay away from him than face up to being a jerk."
Mathain [General]: "I'm sorry that you're fat."
Wisteriaa [General]: "I swear Mathain that is such a silly thing to say."
Kymbe [General]: "This thing work?"
Tinky [Merchant]: "Yes."
Kymbe [General]: "I been outta the lands fer a while... how come no one's sellin stuff on ere anymore?"
Mathain [General]: "There it goes again."
Gracy [General]: "Well whomever that is, they just being stupid wasting thier mana like that, specially to locate gas."
Mathain [General]: "The coward is out of mana again."
Jakkarra [Merchant]: "Any high enchanted double leathers for sale?"
Mathain [General]: "Maybe you can ask the coward."
Mathain [General]: "Who keeps locating me."
Mathain [General]: "And doesn't want to show its face."
Mathain [General]: "That's right, I said it."
Tinky [Merchant]: "You seem very upset."
Gracy [General]: "Why dont you have someone cast unpresence on you, then it will stop."
Sluggy [General]: "Get someone to unpresence yeah."
Mathain [General]: "I want to see who it is though."
Mathain [General]: "The person does it a few times a week."
Gracy [General]: "Only reason why they keep doing it is becausey ou keep talking about it."
Mathain [General]: "Nah."
Mathain [General]: "They did it before I talked about it today."
Tinky [Merchant]: "Maby its a secret adnirer."
Mathain [General]: "Maybe. But it's a coward, no less."
Gracy [General]: "Umm yea...they know you GONNA talk about it because you do every time it happens which is why they keep doing it..."
Tinky [Merchant]: "Hahaha."
Mathain [General]: "I don't talk about it every time."
Mathain [General]: "Is it you Gracy?"
Gracy [General]: "Oh please...I wouldnt waste MY mana on that...I have no need to locate gas."
Mathain [General]: "I guess it is you Gracy."
Edeline [General]: "What is everyone talking about? did someone leave the seat up again? at the local outhouse."
Mathain [General]: "Yah, Gracy did."
Mathain [General]: "She's not really a woman."
Mathain [General]: "Just an ugly piece of rolton dung."
Edeline [General]: "Sounds like your a bit unsure of your own masculinity."
Gracy [General]: "Guess all you want to...I could care less, I'm in a crowd of peole who can vouche for me that I'm not locating anyone but just standing
Mathain [General]: "What Gracy? You are? Ok, cool."
Mathain [General]: "Edeline, you ask for too much help. Go jump out of the treehouse."
Gracy [General]: "Could you be a bigger arsehole?"
Mathain [General]: "No, you beat me in that game, Gracy."
Edeline [General]: "I'm cuter than you are."
Gracy [General]: "Good thing women cant be arseholes huh."
Gracy [General]: "Just to inform everyone, Mathain has given me a warning to leave him alone so if anyone wishes to kill him upon sight because he's to scared to face me himself, by all means do so."
Gracy [General]: "He would rather warn other adventures to stay away from him than face up to being a jerk."
Mathain [General]: "I'm sorry that you're fat."
Wisteriaa [General]: "I swear Mathain that is such a silly thing to say."
Kymbe [General]: "This thing work?"
Tinky [Merchant]: "Yes."
Kymbe [General]: "I been outta the lands fer a while... how come no one's sellin stuff on ere anymore?"