View Full Version : Silverasshat
01-11-2008, 11:09 PM
Ok has anyone else had a screwed up run in with Silversoft AKA Silverasshat? Talk about someone on a power trip that is annoying as hell. IT came in to the room I was hunting in and IT bound me. Apparently this thing thought I had made one of her buddies fall down in Bonespear.
I am bound getting hit and injured and all the while saying excuse but what do you think your doing. Silverasshat informs me that I cast at her partner which I didn't. It then begins to heal the wounds I am getting from being bound. I tell her to not heal me which she of course ignores.
Accuses me of scripting, HELLO I have been hunting for oh umm 2 minutes? Long story short we both end up back in the resting spot where her other hunting partner informs her that the other hunting buddy fell down because the tower shook and as can happen people fall down!
She than looks at me and says well ya I bound you but didn't let you get in essence she attacks my character because her little hunting buddy fell down.....THAN says well you should have picked him up, ok and how much do I get paid for babysitting? WTF seriously what is this things problem?
I have one thing to contribute to this thread, and it's for Drew2: SILVERSLUT!
01-11-2008, 11:20 PM
log or it never happened.
01-11-2008, 11:29 PM
It has been proven that Silversoft is indeed a dumb cunt:
01-11-2008, 11:54 PM
It has been proven that Silversoft is indeed a dumb cunt:
Upon review, she is indeed, retarded.
01-12-2008, 01:49 AM
log or it never happened.
I can vouch that it did happen, or at least the part in the node. I was there, and all I could do was shake my head in disbelief of what a dumbass this Silver person was. I didn't even see what happened while they were hunting, and I knew that her friend fell down from the tower shaking, heh.
I find it really funny however that this dumb bitch couldn't tell you were casting focused maelstrom, especially since your spell shows up in the room visible to everyone there as a.... tightly FOCUSED tempest.
01-12-2008, 02:38 AM
I don't remember what happened, but I experienced Silversoft's stupidity a long time ago in Icemule. I think I ended up killing her eventually.
01-12-2008, 03:57 AM
I have first hand experience of her being a tard. And believe me you, she is defiantly a tard. Somewhere around here there is likely a post regarding her MA bullshit, as well as her doing something similar to what was stated here, where upon a GH and GM basically told her to mind her own business.
... mind her own business ...
Andraste? :shrug: - Not that I have experienced Andraste in a negative way, or a positive one.
She Reported me for breaking her sanct once. She's a proper nutcase.
01-12-2008, 10:54 AM
It then begins to heal the wounds I am getting from being bound. I tell her to not heal me which she of course ignores.
If you don't mind dying in front of it in the future: befriend silverasshat cold
01-12-2008, 12:33 PM
I am bound getting hit and injured and all the while saying excuse but what do you think your doing. Silverasshat informs me that I cast at her partner which I didn't. It then begins to heal the wounds I am getting from being bound. I tell her to not heal me which she of course ignores.
I would have just killed her
01-12-2008, 01:33 PM
She's gotten out of control. I was always really friendly with her as Ilvane, but I've witnessed my friends characters being harassed by her, in almost identical ways to what Bratt is posting about.
01-12-2008, 02:51 PM
Yah, she opens her mouth and stupid comes out. We ignore her in Icemule..which is probably why she's harassing you Solhaven folk.
01-12-2008, 02:54 PM
Yah, she opens her mouth and stupid comes out. We ignore her in Icemule..which is probably why she's harassing you Solhaven folk.
First the so-called warlords, and now this. Plz to stop exporting your retards, kthx.
01-12-2008, 02:57 PM
I would have just killed her
I contemplated doing that, at first I was in shock as I had just begun hunting and bam I am bound. When I glanced at her CS 421 I think it was, it became very obvious my 54 Sorc was no match LOL
She kept me bound anyway, the second it fell she rebound me. I do not play often and last night was a reminder why I have not been playing any of my characters.
Edited to add thank you to the other poster about the befriend cold idea, I forgot you could do that.
Just pick on her being a giantwoman means she's got a huge cunt.
01-12-2008, 04:11 PM
First the so-called warlords, and now this. Plz to stop exporting your retards, kthx.
Aren't we currently at our quota for Icemule rejects? :hang:
01-12-2008, 04:23 PM
.. and like Ilvane, I used to get along with her great about 8 years ago as Finis ... I started rolling other chars, and that's when I discovered her greatness ... NOT!
01-12-2008, 04:49 PM
You should have reported her for abusing game mechanics. Purposely causing you harm, just so she could heal you. Puffs get in trouble for that type of thing.
01-12-2008, 04:59 PM
A lot of things he coulda done, but seeing as he only plays occasionally that is probably why they didn't come to him.
And to be honest, when it comes to the MA whore (that's my personal name for her and reason I can't stand her) it really is just better to have zero to do with her. It's just really unfortunate that he wasn't doing crap to her, and she decided to pull out her sucky empath cap abilities.
01-12-2008, 05:36 PM
You should have reported her for abusing game mechanics. Purposely causing you harm, just so she could heal you. Puffs get in trouble for that type of thing.
As soon as I realized she was a power tripping waste of skin I reported and assisted. Of course there was no staff on, and I have logged in different times today and while there were staff on they were in no hurry to answer my assist.
I will log in later tonight again to see if one of them can come talk to me.
01-12-2008, 06:19 PM
First the so-called warlords, and now this. Plz to stop exporting your retards, kthx.
We're not exporting them, they're just leaving. I don't know why. I won't lie, it's nice not having to deal with Silversoft, you're welcome to keep her. Stuff her in one of the barrels, tie a rock or two to it and toss her in the bay...shouldn't take much for her to sink.
Actually she is in Illistim now... I reserved judgement until I had interactions with her myself... she seems to just like to pick fights.
01-12-2008, 06:30 PM
We're not exporting them, they're just leaving. I don't know why. I won't lie, it's nice not having to deal with Silversoft, you're welcome to keep her. Stuff her in one of the barrels, tie a rock or two to it and toss her in the bay...shouldn't take much for her to sink.
lol, oh hush!
She once yelled/weeped at me for about 10 minutes about people calling her Silverslut on this board, even though I have never called her that. So I told her to "just ignore it" and this is what she said to me: "What if my kids search for my name on the message boards and see that there mom is being called a slut, that would be very traumatizing." That's paraphrasing, it was much more weepy and disjointed.
Also her kids don't play Gemstone. That's when I knew she was proper mental.
And she's such an exp whore she just takes my wounds anyway even though she supposedly hates me for (not) calling her Silverslut. So free healing.
01-12-2008, 08:17 PM
She once yelled/weeped at me for about 10 minutes about people calling her Silverslut on this board, even though I have never called her that. So I told her to "just ignore it" and this is what she said to me: "What if my kids search for my name on the message boards and see that there mom is being called a slut, that would be very traumatizing." That's paraphrasing, it was much more weepy and disjointed.
Also her kids don't play Gemstone. That's when I knew she was proper mental.
And she's such an exp whore she just takes my wounds anyway even though she supposedly hates me for (not) calling her Silverslut. So free healing.
:rofl: @ your whole post
God, I can't stand that bitch.
01-12-2008, 10:27 PM
I think Drew is in :love: with her.
Sean of the Thread
01-12-2008, 10:30 PM
I think Drew is in :love: with her.
I think drew is in her too.
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