View Full Version : One of the most basic fucking rules. Dumbass.

06-17-2007, 05:20 PM
Okay, I didn't die, so I'm more annoyed than irate, but... don't people know that one of the most basic courtesies in GS is letting others know when you're casting area-wide attack spells, or just like, not casting them in the first place? I usually have the trench to myself, and I use energy maelstrom, but it's always FOCUSED.

[A Frozen Battlefield, Trench]
Odd echoes fill the deep trench with malevolent tones, monotonous and constant. The prevailing shadows formed by the outcroppings of rock and ice seem to dance to the eerie music, making the battlement seem more chill and foreboding. You also see a skeletal ice troll, a star sapphire, a skeletal ice troll that appears dead, a raging tempest, the Cephas disk, a crumbling south wall and a crumbling north wall.
Also here: Lady Ises, Cephas
Obvious paths: east, west
Brilliant flashes of lightning surround you!
A lightning bolt arcs out towards you!
... 25 points of damage!
Nasty shock to right hand stiffens fingers. Nice and painful.
You are stunned for 2 rounds!

You are still stunned.
Cephas searches a skeletal ice troll.
A skeletal ice troll vanishes in a cold mist of evaporating ice.
You are still stunned.
Cephas tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.
Large hailstones whip through the area!
You are pelted by hailstones!
... 20 points of damage!
Right kneecap smashed into pulp.
You are knocked to the ground!
A skeletal ice troll is pelted by hailstones!
... 15 points of damage!
Broken finger on the ice troll's left hand!
A skeletal ice troll swings an enruned ice-covered battle axe at Cephas!
AS: +205 vs DS: +286 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +26 = -16
A clean miss.
>group open
Your group status is now open.
A piercing screech shatters the cold air as a skeletal ice troll clatters out of the ground!
Cephas traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Cephas gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
The vortex of wind begins to weaken.
A skeletal ice troll runs west.
A skeletal ice troll runs east.
Ises softly says, "Ouch."
The storm subsides and the air is calm again.
Ises softly says, "Sorry."
Cephas winces.
You sit up.
You stand back up.
>shake head
You shake your head.
Cephas asks, "You okay?"
Ises just opened a leather alchemy kit tooled with intricate scrollwork.
>"I'll survive.
You say, "I'll survive."
>sign of staunching
Your veins throb and your blood sings.
Cephas says, "I tried to hold your hand."
You say, "Yeah."
Cephas lets out an exasperated, "Pbpbpb."
[A Frozen Battlefield, Trench]
The crumbling stones appear to be rapidly losing their war with the encroaching ice, and huge chunks of rock have fallen to the trench floor, revealing the frozen dirt beneath the stone reinforcement of the battlements. While the howling wind has been thwarted in its attempt to broach this cover, the falling snow has not. You also see a skeletal ice troll, an enruned ice-covered battle axe, a crumbling north wall and a crumbling south wall.
Obvious paths: east, northwest

I seriously just want to be like WTF LOSERFACE DUMB.


06-17-2007, 05:24 PM
I'd just kill them both.

06-17-2007, 05:57 PM
I am personally tired of not being able to use open cast spells because of them harming other people. If this isn't a pvp game, make the spells player friendly. Or give us a fucking toggle switch.

The Ponzzz
06-17-2007, 06:17 PM
I'm all for toggles.

06-17-2007, 06:42 PM
I agree, that would solve the problem neatly. I love how like OH I TRIED TO HOLD YOUR HAND is a good excuse. Because I always just walk around with my group open for no apparent reason.


06-17-2007, 06:49 PM

AHAHAHAH. Are you seriouse thats the best you could come up with?

06-17-2007, 07:04 PM
I think it may have gone over your head a little. You don't exactly strike me as being too swift.

06-17-2007, 07:07 PM
There used to be player friendly DoT spells like Death Cloud and Stun Cloud, but then everyone went wah, they're too overpowered, take them awaaay. I wouldn't hold your breath on something like maelstrom being converted to similar fashion anytime soon.

06-17-2007, 07:17 PM
AHAHAHAH. Are you seriouse thats the best you could come up with?

Considering that I'm more annoyed than irate, yes. For "seriouse."


06-17-2007, 07:51 PM
There used to be player friendly DoT spells like Death Cloud and Stun Cloud, but then everyone went wah, they're too overpowered, take them awaaay. I wouldn't hold your breath on something like maelstrom being converted to similar fashion anytime soon.

I happen to dislike player friendly mass use spells. They make no sense. What SHOULD happen, though, is the chance to dodge spells like Open Maelstrom if you are high enough level or extremely skilled.

06-17-2007, 08:40 PM
Or they could make open spells have a chance not to affect someone if you haven't interacted with them in the room yet. Kind of like an engagement system... If I start to attack something that's been affected by the maelstrom, then I should have a higher chance of being affected, but if I'm just passing through, I'm avoiding the strom...

Of course this isn't just a simple flag on/off type of coded thing.

06-17-2007, 09:22 PM
All v. good ideas.


06-17-2007, 09:56 PM
Or they could make open spells have a chance not to affect someone if you haven't interacted with them in the room yet. Kind of like an engagement system... If I start to attack something that's been affected by the maelstrom, then I should have a higher chance of being affected, but if I'm just passing through, I'm avoiding the strom...

Of course this isn't just a simple flag on/off type of coded thing.

This is how the new Open cast web works for players.

06-17-2007, 10:00 PM
I hope this isn't a new trend. I was hunting some of my lowbie characters in the solhaven bog, with the shelfae and whatnot, which I shared with another pair of sorcerers. I must've walked by them at least twice, probably more. Nevertheless, not only do I get hit by an ewave, a few seconds later one of them continues by open imploding, vaporizing one of my characters and just about killing the other. :wtf:

06-17-2007, 10:28 PM
Maybe I'll just start dragging around a disk full of half plate, and when something like this happens I'll flip it and cast an open implosion.


06-17-2007, 11:29 PM
I happen to dislike player friendly mass use spells. They make no sense. What SHOULD happen, though, is the chance to dodge spells like Open Maelstrom if you are high enough level or extremely skilled.

Yea.. because GS4 tries very hard to 'make sense'. There are plenty of examples of stupid things in GS that makes no sense.. far more than a sorcerer being able to direct his/her maelstrom.

06-17-2007, 11:41 PM

The Ponzzz
06-17-2007, 11:43 PM

06-17-2007, 11:47 PM
Yea.. because GS4 tries very hard to 'make sense'. There are plenty of examples of stupid things in GS that makes no sense.. far more than a sorcerer being able to direct his/her maelstrom.

Yes, PB, which is why I believe they should be changed to what I had suggested. Most AOE spells are player unfriendly. There are simply a few glaring exceptions. COL being one of them.

06-18-2007, 12:13 AM
Nevertheless, not only do I get hit by an ewave, a few seconds later one of them continues by open imploding, vaporizing one of my characters and just about killing the other. :wtf:

Unless these sorcerers actually interacted with you, I'd suggest reporting them for possible script-hunting.

(And yes, I realize I may get flamed for this... I don't really give a damn one way or another.)

06-18-2007, 06:33 AM

Heh, I saw that guys name and first thought was "fuck, they're going to say it's me". :wasntme:

I'll join right in the lynch mob once it forms!

06-18-2007, 08:09 AM
They could have been overwhelmed momentarily, and needed the AoE to quell the mob and resulting FoF... I know that's the only reason I would ever cast an open spell when I knew people were around. I'd yell and hoot and hollar though, when I did it.

Or, they were just douchebags.

06-18-2007, 08:23 AM
I almost always found that if someone wronged me by accident in GS (poach, open cast etc.) the nicer I was about it the more responsive they were. Ive had people chase me down after I walked off a poached critter and offer me gems/silver and people who injured my chars offer to spell them up.

I found that if you yell at them then they feel justified in having screwed you a little cause youre probably a dick anyway. If you dont make a big deal theyre like "Oh shit, I just screwed over an okay guy." Youd really be amazed how sorry people can be. When they get yelled at they feel like they have to defend themselves and have been "punished" so to speak. But if you dont assuage their guilt by lecturing them, some people seem to feel like they owe you one.

Also, while I did find it sometimes annoying to compete with people for critter spawns. I tried to remind myself that the other hunters in the area are the ones most likely to find me if I get killed - so that makes them pretty valuable resources.

Lastly, while some of my characters had all convienent abilities that were all focused, I liked using ewave on my wizard too. So I certainly understand why folks want to use their best tricks.

06-18-2007, 08:37 AM
That's true in real life, too. Hostility breeds hostility, in most cases.

06-18-2007, 08:57 AM
s'ok...no worries...no problem, no biggy...probably the most used quotes I use in the barrier when I get poached(hider with a disk...always with a disk). There's rarely an open implode or area spell used in OTF that I have to think about...it has happened...via e-wave..but what're ya gonna do? Best to just turn a cheek, unless it happens over and over....then get some revenge!!!

06-18-2007, 10:32 AM
That's true in real life, too. Hostility breeds hostility, in most cases.

In one of those old city builder games - maybe Zeus - the game would recite once in a while "You can learn more about someone in an hour of play than a lifetime of conversation".

Tea & Strumpets
06-18-2007, 11:51 AM
Cephas tried to hold your hand, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to let him hold your hand.

GROUP CLOSE is for poontangs. Look at me, I'm immovable as a mountain due to this sweet OOC mechanic!

I could see using it if you were being endlessly harassed by a dragger (which I think is the purpose of the verb).

Maybe I've just seen too many people that are happy to die in town and see their murderer fined. I think a thief using GROUP CLOSE is a giant vagina.

06-18-2007, 12:04 PM
mmmm...giant vagina

06-18-2007, 12:21 PM
Maybe I've just seen too many people that are happy to die in town and see their murderer fined. I think a thief using GROUP CLOSE is a giant vagina.

Don't attack someone if you aren't willing to pay the fine.

Sean of the Thread
06-18-2007, 12:29 PM
mmmm...giant vagina

hahah I thought the same thing.

06-18-2007, 12:55 PM
As for GS not making a lick of sense...

Of COURSE it doesn't. It has been made for almost 20 years. There are still things that are clearly meant for a game that the origonal creators figured nobody would want to get past level 30.

The game is very decent for how 'thrown together' it is. I wish it was more organized, but that's mainly my sense of anal OCDishness. I wish they would follow through on their ideas, and weren't sidetracked easier than a 5 year old girl seeing a butterfly in the corner of her eye.

A whole lot about this game makes absolutely no sense when compared to the rest of it. But the new stuff seems to be a bit more logical and thrown together in a more controlled manner than was typical of previous releases. I wish the GS4 upgrade would have been more wide-sweeping. I don't see updating the level system enough of an upgrade to warrant a version change, but whatever.

I'm thinking that Hero's Engine will bring in enough revenue and Hero's Journey enough new players, that we will see a second or third server of Gemstone a year after HJ comes out (that is if they are smart and offer an 'all games for one price' deal that is pretty typical of other games). I think if we start seeing 2k+ user weekends again we might see Simu start doing things right instead of fast, and getting GS organized.

The problem comes in with grandfathering everything else in - If you change the Poke verb for instance, what happens to every single item that has a Poke script on it.... It's a lot of work, but I think they need to make the investment to do the work and do it right. - Especially if they're luring new players to the game with HJ.

I also hope that they can withstand the temptation to let somebody come in and buy them out. I hope they like their games enough to not let them be taken away that easily. They WILL get offers when HJ goes live, I'm sure.

06-18-2007, 12:59 PM
I'm thinking that Hero's Engine will bring in enough revenue and Hero's Journey enough new players, that we will see a second or third server of Gemstone a year after HJ comes out (that is if they are smart and offer an 'all games for once price' deal).
OMG, if they offered a one price for all games deal, I'd go back. Then I could try out HJ and play GS on the side. But alas, that's a thought that they probably will never consider.

Sean of the Thread
06-18-2007, 01:01 PM
:rofl: you're nuts on every EVERY issue.

Sean of the Thread
06-18-2007, 01:02 PM
OMG, if they offered a one price for all games deal, I'd go back. Then I could try out HJ and play GS on the side. But alas, that's a thought that they probably will never consider.

Even I would consider that .. but those greedy bastards will never give an inch of shit.

Tea & Strumpets
06-18-2007, 01:03 PM
Don't attack someone if you aren't willing to pay the fine.

Thanks Captain Obvious.

06-18-2007, 05:46 PM
LOL, exactly how is Group Close OOC? If anything is OOC, it's allowing someone at random to just walk up, grab your hand, and start leading you around. SRY, I don't let strangers IRL just hold my hand and start walking around the grocery store.


06-18-2007, 05:59 PM
LOL, exactly how is Group Close OOC? If anything is OOC, it's allowing someone at random to just walk up, grab your hand, and start leading you around. SRY, I don't let strangers IRL just hold my hand and start walking around the grocery store.


What is OOC is that when your group is closed, you cannot be dragged. If a giantman wanted to drag a gnome around, that gnome is gunna move.

06-18-2007, 06:43 PM
Not if the gnome is a ninja.

06-18-2007, 07:47 PM
Not if the gnome is a ninja.

I have to agree, ninja's are difficult if not impossible to drag.

06-18-2007, 08:40 PM
SRY, I don't let strangers IRL just hold my hand and start walking around the grocery store.

I can verify this being absolutely true because she's way too busy holding my hand and leading me around to let strangers do it.

Also, "I seriously just want to be like WTF LOSERFACE DUMB" is the coolest insult ever and people who don't think so qualify as WTF LOSEFACE DUMB because of it.

06-18-2007, 10:14 PM
Don't attack someone if you aren't willing to pay the fine.Clearly you were never capped in GSIII, your opinion is entirely worthless.

I got your back, T&S!! :D

06-19-2007, 01:40 AM
I seriously just want to be like WTF LOSERFACE DUMB.


As sorry as I am this happened to you, I have to say i'm glad to see i'm not the only unlucky person it happens to. It's frustrating enough when it's someone like-level hunting in the area for experience and is too much of a cunt rag to warn you, but at least then you have a chance to live. In cases like these I can easily take Landrion's advice and be cool about it.

What makes me pissed as hell is when some near capped dillhole cash hunts where you're hunting for experience, 40something levels above you so you have NO chance to live, and doesn't bother to warn you that they're casting area spells. When a level 80 or 90 character has to use AoE spells to kill something level 40-50... WTF LOSERFACE DUMB is really fitting I guess.

06-19-2007, 04:41 AM
WTF LOSERFACE DUMB is really fitting I guess.

This is pretty fitting to many, many things in, around and related to GS.

Tea & Strumpets
06-19-2007, 09:12 AM
What is OOC is that when your group is closed, you cannot be dragged. If a giantman wanted to drag a gnome around, that gnome is gunna move.

Exactly. I don't even know how you could be confused about this. The part that is obviously OOC about the verb is that even if you are stunned or have just had both your arms chopped off, you are a completely immovable object.

If you aren't the type of person that allows people to just walk up to you and drag you, then react in character and cast a spell/defend yourself. Don't use crutches.


Tea & Strumpets
06-19-2007, 09:14 AM
Clearly you were never capped in GSIII, your opinion is entirely worthless.

I got your back, T&S!! :D

LOLZ, it get's funnier every time you say it!! Sorry for embarrassing you in our last discussion. :(

Stanley Burrell
06-19-2007, 09:23 AM
Yo that shit was maaad WTF LOSERFACE DUMB, homeboooiy. Word up to the Gods. HOL' ME DOWN KAI.

I also run around people all avoidysomeish (casting open spells) but more having to deal with my cowersome (RP) nature.

06-19-2007, 09:41 AM
What is OOC is that when your group is closed, you cannot be dragged. If a giantman wanted to drag a gnome around, that gnome is gunna move.

Yes, but the dragging is trying to accomplish something rather silly as well.

I mean honestly, does it make sense that just because you incapacitate and abduct someone from town to murder them that the law would be any more favorable about it than murdering them on the street in the first place?

Like the constable is just going to stand there by the wayside inn and go. Whelp, hope that feller drags that other guy another 10 feet so I dont have to bother taking em in.

06-19-2007, 09:54 AM
Yes, but the dragging is trying to accomplish something rather silly as well.

I mean honestly, does it make sense that just because you incapacitate and abduct someone from town to murder them that the law would be any more favorable about it than murdering them on the street in the first place?

Like the constable is just going to stand there by the wayside inn and go. Whelp, hope that feller drags that other guy another 10 feet so I dont have to bother taking em in.

Isn't that how it works in the 3rd World?

06-19-2007, 10:03 AM
The constable says, "There's a problem with what cher' plannin' on doing to that guy out there. It ain't my problem."

Sean of the Thread
06-19-2007, 12:27 PM
Yo that shit was maaad WTF LOSERFACE DUMB, homeboooiy. Word up to the Gods. HOL' ME DOWN KAI.

I also run around people all avoidysomeish (casting open spells) but more having to deal with my cowersome (RP) nature.


06-19-2007, 08:36 PM



06-19-2007, 08:57 PM

You forgot to edit our your original post and add some lame excuse like "omg you people are mean, forget what I said".


06-19-2007, 09:10 PM
Um, right because GET A LIFE PLZ. And ... stuff?


Stanley Burrell
06-19-2007, 09:20 PM

Remember that time the liquor bottle made Shalla not post a picture of you as a random getback because you weren't worth her time?

Remember that time random pictures were responded to with other random pictures because I have less self-control?


I have to douse my motherboard in Germ-X now. Thanks, dipshit.

P.S. :heart:

06-19-2007, 11:11 PM
LOLZ, it get's funnier every time you say it!!I think so too!!
Sorry for embarrassing you in our last discussion.Falling down when I try to field a grounder embarrasses me. Being completely and demonstrably right, not so much!

Are we still bf(s)f? :hug2:

06-20-2007, 04:12 AM
this post is fucking funny... you are whining about your char walking into an open spell... well sorry to say but there are dangers in Elanthia and yep, evil sorcerers are one of em (granted all are not evil, but thier spells are not made to be nice)
I have 4 sorcerer characters and and I do not cast my open spells to hurt someone else, but hey I'm a sorcerer and if I want to use my sorcerer spell to hunt, I'm gonna use it... if someone gets hurt, I'm not a dick about it, and I will offer them spells, or a dead gem if they die... but I'm gonna use my spells period... if I find thats the best way to hunt in a certain area, sorry... but you will just have to deal with it... or you can always try to take a shot at me... which is all part of the game as well... won't find me whining because someone came and killed me for doing an evil eye in an invasion that caught him as he walked into a room with my eye... I know the risks, and you can either say "hey, your spell hit me" and see if I will try to make that up to you, or apologize or something... or you can "it's common curtesy for you to not use that spell, why are you doing it?" and I wil most likely follow up with a focused one.
since it is something that will happen (wether you like it or not) maybe it would be wise for you to hunt with your group open, instead of whining that you don't and couldn't be grabbed. Never know when someone might try to grab you to save your life.
I could say that it is common curtesy to hunt with your group open... but thats up to you, if you'd rather die, I won't be too upset

06-20-2007, 05:11 AM
I love you Akari.. but you're wrong. This is one of the problems I have with GS.. the lack of consideration for other people. Regardless of whether or not you HAVE a spell.. does it REALLY hurt you so bad to stop and consider the other people in the area before you use it? Unless you are in a bad spot... no. Also.. come on Akari.. I have been hunting with your ass for how many years now.. when have we REALLY had to use open focused implosion or maelstrom that WASN'T an emergancy. In fact it was YOU who said that we shouldn't have to EVER rely on those spells to hunt! Yes, you are cool about it if you do catch someone with an open void or if someone catches you with one.. and I am not exactly a bitch about it either. I know that what I am posting won't change your mind.. but it's just sad that so little consideration is payed to the people around you (not you specifically.. but anyone who of the mind "I play this game for me and the hell with you.")

06-20-2007, 05:16 AM
this post is fucking funny... you are whining about your char walking into an open spell... well sorry to say but there are dangers in Elanthia and yep, evil sorcerers are one of em (granted all are not evil, but thier spells are not made to be nice)
I have 4 sorcerer characters and and I do not cast my open spells to hurt someone else, but hey I'm a sorcerer and if I want to use my sorcerer spell to hunt, I'm gonna use it... if someone gets hurt, I'm not a dick about it, and I will offer them spells, or a dead gem if they die... but I'm gonna use my spells period... if I find thats the best way to hunt in a certain area, sorry... but you will just have to deal with it... or you can always try to take a shot at me... which is all part of the game as well... won't find me whining because someone came and killed me for doing an evil eye in an invasion that caught him as he walked into a room with my eye... I know the risks, and you can either say "hey, your spell hit me" and see if I will try to make that up to you, or apologize or something... or you can "it's common curtesy for you to not use that spell, why are you doing it?" and I wil most likely follow up with a focused one.
since it is something that will happen (wether you like it or not) maybe it would be wise for you to hunt with your group open, instead of whining that you don't and couldn't be grabbed. Never know when someone might try to grab you to save your life.
I could say that it is common curtesy to hunt with your group open... but thats up to you, if you'd rather die, I won't be too upset

Yeah, I would have just spiked you.

06-20-2007, 07:51 AM
Ummm, I don't think she's saying not to use it, but to at least yell that you are, as per custom....

...unless of course, that goes against ur uber 1337 evil sorc RP, who never speaks above a low whisper, at which point, let's all excuse it, 'cause sorcerors are the bestest!


06-20-2007, 08:50 AM
If hunting with open spells is your best (or only) way to hunt, maybe consider a reroll. Somehow everyone else, most sorcerers included, can manage without, after all.

Tea & Strumpets
06-20-2007, 09:07 AM


That reminds me, 2nd poster in that thread should get a temporary ban for forgetting that 2nd poster has a responsibility to quote the 1st post in it's entirety.

Tea & Strumpets
06-20-2007, 09:10 AM
Being completely and demonstrably right, not so much!

Self-delusion is not the answer.

are we still bf(s)f? :hug2:

I don't have any grudge against you, but I find it odd that you attempt to take things out of context to support your poorly constructed arguments.

06-20-2007, 09:20 AM
I don't have any grudge against you, but I find it odd that you attempt to take things out of context to support your poorly constructed arguments.

I find it odd that you find this odd.

06-20-2007, 09:23 AM
GROUP CLOSE is for poontangs. Look at me, I'm immovable as a mountain due to this sweet OOC mechanic!

I could see using it if you were being endlessly harassed by a dragger (which I think is the purpose of the verb).

Maybe I've just seen too many people that are happy to die in town and see their murderer fined. I think a thief using GROUP CLOSE is a giant vagina.

So said the fattest toon in the game. You didn't need group close, because 95% of the population couldn't drag your fat ass anyway.

It must be nice to sit in Judgment of others as you carry that load.

06-20-2007, 09:41 AM
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Since GS is still marketing itself as a "roleplaying" game.. why not deal with the situation as your character would deal with it? I had a couple of toons who would just shrug it off. One toon that would apologize for being in the way.. and about 3-4 toons that would probably kill them both for using magic irresponsibly.

Hell, I've had toons do far more for far less:


Tea & Strumpets
06-20-2007, 09:54 AM
So said the fattest toon in the game. You didn't need group close, because 95% of the population couldn't drag your fat ass anyway.

It must be nice to sit in Judgment of others as you carry that load.


06-20-2007, 09:33 PM
Start using PEER and YELL. Problem solved.

06-20-2007, 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Parkbandit
So said the fattest toon in the game. You didn't need group close, because 95% of the population couldn't drag your fat ass anyway.

It must be nice to sit in Judgment of others as you carry that load.

That's mildly funny.

06-20-2007, 10:45 PM
I don't have any grudge against you:D
but I find it odd that you attempt to take things out of context to support your poorly constructed arguments.Here's what I find odd: at least 4 people I can think of have suggested I "take things out of context", but when pressed, none of the 3 preceding you have managed to cite any examples of this. I have great hope for you, though! :yes:

Sean of the Thread
06-20-2007, 11:00 PM
I'm still having problems getting over the newest pwn .. LOSERFACE DUMB!

06-21-2007, 09:14 AM
Here's what I find odd: at least 4 people I can think of have suggested I "take things out of context", but when pressed, none of the 3 preceding you have managed to cite any examples of this. I have great hope for you, though! :yes:
They do, you just gloss over what they explain, nitpick it, and take things out of context with that too.

For an educated man, you really don't know how to read and comprehend.

Tea & Strumpets
06-21-2007, 09:18 AM
Here's what I find odd: at least 4 people I can think of have suggested I "take things out of context", but when pressed, none of the 3 preceding you have managed to cite any examples of this. I have great hope for you, though! :yes:

My paragraph was mostly for my own amusement at the expense of your passive aggressive posting style. That was why I said I had no grudge, and then made a thinly veiled insult.

You're the one with the obvious axe to grind, since you've repeatedly taken my words out of context in regards to your level in GS3, and brought it up in unrelated threads. I don't bring that thread up every time you post, but perhaps I should take a page out of your book and respond to half your posts with "Take this guys advice with a grain of salt, because by his own admission he was level 4 when Gemstone converted to GS4."

Your arrogance astounds me. At least 4 people have pointed out your tendency to take things out of context, and yet you display that as a badge of honor. Perhaps you should take a look inward, instead of congratulating yourself.

I will point out where you have taken things out of context--it's when you've repeatedly tried to twist my comment about your obvious lack of experience into some kind of insult.

I've already pointed out numerous other times when you've taken things out of context, just go re-read that last thread.

06-21-2007, 09:14 PM
They do, you just gloss over what they explain, nitpick it, and take things out of context with that too.If "they" do, then it should be very easy for you to link to said explanations, right? I had Tsa`ah and Parkbandit in mind before, but for the life of me I can't remember #3. Here's a sampling of Tsa`ah posts involving the word "context": tell me when we get to the proof!
(I thought this next one was amusing)
(and lastly, the first one I can find involving me)

You're the one with the obvious axe to grind, since you've repeatedly taken my words out of context in regards to your level in GS3, and brought it up in unrelated threads.Didn't I already explain this? I made a joke out of it; that is, a statement that isn't intended as serious. Honestly! I'm not good at being mad, my teeth always hurt after like 2 minutes. Grudges aren't my bag! I bring it up in unrelated threads because the unrelatedness contributes to the humor: ha ha! :)

06-21-2007, 09:16 PM
Oh, and p.s.:
Your arrogance astounds me. At least 4 people have pointed out your tendency to take things out of context, and yet you display that as a badge of honor. Perhaps you should take a look inward, instead of congratulating yourself.As my last post intimated, the "you took what I said out of context" thing pretty much happens all the time. I saw Tsa`ah vs. Keller, xtc vs. PB, PB vs. DEV, some guy vs. Tsa`ah, and that was only in 10 minutes or so of searching. Hard to take it seriously, wouldn't you say?

Tea & Strumpets
06-22-2007, 09:24 AM
Oh, and p.s.:As my last post intimated, the "you took what I said out of context" thing pretty much happens all the time. I saw Tsa`ah vs. Keller, xtc vs. PB, PB vs. DEV, some guy vs. Tsa`ah, and that was only in 10 minutes or so of searching. Hard to take it seriously, wouldn't you say?

I'm sure it does happen all the time. Tone doesn't carry as well in text.

Regardless of that, your tendency to do so wasn't something I noticed recently. You've always been a nitpicker, regardless of the subject. Sometimes I even agree with you, and sometimes I wonder why you are arguing with yourself (ie. you misinterpret someone's words or the general idea they are trying to communicate, and then explain to them why they are wrong).

06-22-2007, 07:20 PM
Loserface dumb is getting old.

06-22-2007, 07:27 PM
Maybe we should just make a new thread called "Latrinsorm and TS fight about things that are in and out of context," aka "Loserface Dumb."


06-22-2007, 07:48 PM
If "they" do, then it should be very easy for you to link to said explanations, right? I had Tsa`ah and Parkbandit in mind before, but for the life of me I can't remember #3. Here's a sampling of Tsa`ah posts involving the word "context": tell me when we get to the proof!
(I thought this next one was amusing)
(and lastly, the first one I can find involving me)
Didn't I already explain this? I made a joke out of it; that is, a statement that isn't intended as serious. Honestly! I'm not good at being mad, my teeth always hurt after like 2 minutes. Grudges aren't my bag! I bring it up in unrelated threads because the unrelatedness contributes to the humor: ha ha! :)

I've given up trying to decipher anything you post for a while now.. since it either makes no sense, isn't funny or doesn't entertain. Why bother?

At least Backlash's ignorance is entertaining.

06-22-2007, 09:36 PM
That generation gap must be a real bear on the internet, huh? :D

I'm sorry I hijacked your thread, Spun! You know I :heart: you (in a non-creepy way!)!