View Full Version : Your shit don't stink
03-14-2007, 11:38 AM
[OOC]-Jamus: "So some punk killed my cleric in thraks last night."
[OOC]-Ylarra: "well RATS!! I wanted to get my morning fix in..and they are screwing with it!"
[OOC]-Toy: "oh really?"
[OOC]-Toy: "who was it?\"
[OOC]-Jamus: "Uhm"
[OOC]-Belnia: "why?"
[OOC]-Jamus: "Splissken."
[OOC]-Tantroth: "Snake?"
[OOC]-Jamus: "Well, it was sometime in the middle of the night, heh"
[OOC]-Toy: "pshhhh idiot snipers"
[OOC]-Jamus: "Apparently it was because I was scripting, heh"
[OOC]-Jamus: "He wasn't even a sniper"
[OOC]-Jamus: "He poached one of MY kills"
[OOC]-Jamus: "And apologized to my bot."
[OOC]-Jamus: ":("
[OOC]-Jamus: "Who completely ignored him."
[OOC]-Ylarra: "doncha just love impatience?"
[OOC]-Ylarra: "or the impatient response to indifference?"
[OOC]-Toy: "ahhhh"
[OOC]-Jamus: "So I'm very irritated."
[OOC]-Jamus: "But most of all at myself"
[OOC]-Jamus: "Poor coding. My script doesn't close his group."
[OOC]-Jamus: "Kind of an essential bit."
[OOC]-Toy: "yeah that would be good"
[OOC]-Sarcasum: "yeah no shit... if you were afk script hunting you don't have shit to complain about"
[OOC]-Jamus: "Yes I do."
[OOC]-Jamus: "I can complain that you didn't mind your own fucking business."
[OOC]-Toy: "Being killed is something to complain about."
Next time you want to kill that AFK script hunter... think twice... it could be Jamus... and that would be just plain RUDE!
- Player of u moms
Edit: I guess I should say that he clarifies he was saying "you" referring to the person that killed him. I didn't realize that at first and thought it made him look more lame so sorry if THAT looked a bit out of context. The AFK scripting though... still very much in context.
Sean of the Thread
03-14-2007, 11:43 AM
Rofl what a little bitch.
03-14-2007, 11:51 AM
what a fucking tool.
03-14-2007, 11:57 AM
I used to love killing AFK script hunters.
03-14-2007, 12:10 PM
I usually just write a script that walks through the area picking up all the treasure they leave behind, or come in periodically to nab it. If I trained in pickpocket I would likely just rob them blind. Who's a better mark than who appears to be, in character, totally oblivious to their surroundings?
I suppose the only annoying part is how people would probably scroll back and say "hey, I saw you steal from me!" No... YOU saw them steal from your character in a log... your character wasn't paying attention. Same way your character shouldn't know who killed them if they were AFK script hunting, they basically got stabbed in the back and caught unawares. But that might be asking a bit much from people.
- Player of u moms
03-14-2007, 12:30 PM
One time there was this guy who had a script set up to ambush rats. I found him when I do was doing stunman training with Aone. Long story short, he got a trip to Ice Mule and closed his group.
03-14-2007, 12:42 PM
03-14-2007, 12:43 PM
I usually just write a script that walks through the area picking up all the treasure they leave behind, or come in periodically to nab it. If I trained in pickpocket I would likely just rob them blind. Who's a better mark than who appears to be, in character, totally oblivious to their surroundings?
I suppose the only annoying part is how people would probably scroll back and say "hey, I saw you steal from me!" No... YOU saw them steal from your character in a log... your character wasn't paying attention. Same way your character shouldn't know who killed them if they were AFK script hunting, they basically got stabbed in the back and caught unawares. But that might be asking a bit much from people.
- Player of u moms
This one absolute moron (I forget his name) used to execute a script that ran him in a circle from like the Park to South Ring Road up to the Arms shop then to the North Gate and back to the Park. It would run in a never-ending loop so he'd constantly be running in and out of the high populated rooms. Me and my friend used to join his group and rob high-end after high-end gem from him. Literally like 50k every day for a couple weeks.
It turned out he bought the character and had almost no idea how to play. He used to run the script so he wouldn't get logged out. He didn't know about rest mode, that's how clueless he was.
03-14-2007, 01:57 PM
Thanks for your input, Sean2. I'm sure you, unlike me, follow all the rules of the game- you would never sell premium points (, 10m silver ( or level 25 halflings ( I'll try to keep your example in mind henceforth: WWS2D?
Yep, I afk script. Nope, don't feel terribly guilty. Yep, I think it's shitty for you to fuck with a scripter if they're not poaching from you or anything. I don't make excuses for what I do.
I don't read these boards often, just when someone tells me there's something I should see. I'd love to discuss it with you further, DaCapn, so feel free to chat me up if you have something to say about me. :)
And for the record, it does stink. Like roses.
I rate this thread 4 stars for idiocy.
03-14-2007, 02:22 PM
[OOC]-Jamus: "As Jamus, I kill people that piss me off on OOC, but I do it completely separately from the group I role-play with."
03-14-2007, 02:22 PM
This thread sucks. Someone make a new one.
Wait, do we have a double standard alert happening???
03-14-2007, 03:38 PM
This thread sucks. Someone make a new one.
Sean of the Thread
03-14-2007, 04:24 PM
Thanks for your input, Sean2. I'm sure you, unlike me, follow all the rules of the game- you would never sell premium points (, 10m silver ( or level 25 halflings ( I'll try to keep your example in mind henceforth: WWS2D?
Yep, I afk script. Nope, don't feel terribly guilty. Yep, I think it's shitty for you to fuck with a scripter if they're not poaching from you or anything. I don't make excuses for what I do.
I don't read these boards often, just when someone tells me there's something I should see. I'd love to discuss it with you further, DaCapn, so feel free to chat me up if you have something to say about me. :)
And for the record, it does stink. Like roses.
The difference is you don't see me CRYING like a bitch about my SALES. I do take back calling you a little bitch.. because you're a rather fat tittied bitch.
03-14-2007, 04:34 PM
I would think that if you not getting killed was so important to you you would be there to make a report when someone did in fact kill your character unprovoked.
03-14-2007, 04:36 PM
I'd like to see how that report pans out. "See I was scripting in thraks and...". I'm sure they'll tell him to shut up from there.
Sean of the Thread
03-14-2007, 04:40 PM
Leave the douche cry baby alone guys. The last thing we need more of on these boards is WAAAAH WAAAAH.
Thanks for your input, Sean2. I'm sure you, unlike me, follow all the rules of the game- you would never sell premium points (, 10m silver ( or level 25 halflings ( I'll try to keep your example in mind henceforth: WWS2D?
Yep, I afk script. Nope, don't feel terribly guilty. Yep, I think it's shitty for you to fuck with a scripter if they're not poaching from you or anything. I don't make excuses for what I do.
I don't read these boards often, just when someone tells me there's something I should see. I'd love to discuss it with you further, DaCapn, so feel free to chat me up if you have something to say about me. :)
And for the record, it does stink. Like roses.
So does this mean you're now OK with people advertising characters/items for sale on OOC?
Since, well, AFK scripting is against the rules too.....
03-14-2007, 10:49 PM
The game is so damn boring sometimes i wanna just log in and kill people for no reason.
That being said, Simu is lucky anyone plays. Everyone should be able to script IMO.
03-14-2007, 11:07 PM
If Simu would release GS The Fallen or whatever it was, I bet a lot of people would start playing again. So what if it's a free for all cheat and kill all you want version, subscriptions = money and Simu <3 money. They just lack sense.
03-14-2007, 11:10 PM
Personally I just get a kick out of the fact that every time I hear someone say on psinet that they found an afk script hunter (or almost anything at all) the immediate response is "KILL IT!" And here we have the person who wrote psinet upset at getting killed. I can't specifically recall a time where he himself responded like that and of course "the views and opinions expressed by users of psinet do not necessarily represent those of the author..." etc. It's just kind of funny.
It was also amusing to note that Toy was sympathetic. That was the hint of "Your shit don't stink." Sort of like the way Boomsplat isn't a bad name because "Boom-ums is cool!" Anyway, my shit doesn't stink either so who am I to judge?
And finally, I appologize to the forum trolls. I do realize you do not find this topic facinating and I'm sorry I wasted your time by requiring that you read it. I know you are very busy. Thank you for your consideration and comments.
- Player of u moms
Sean of the Thread
03-15-2007, 08:10 AM
If Simu would release GS The Fallen or whatever it was, I bet a lot of people would start playing again. So what if it's a free for all cheat and kill all you want version, subscriptions = money and Simu <3 money. They just lack sense.
I would *HAVE played that... I was disappointed when it was axed.
*never again
03-15-2007, 08:13 AM
God.. just the thought of playing that game again makes my eyes bleed a little.
03-15-2007, 12:24 PM
If Simu would release GS The Fallen or whatever it was, I bet a lot of people would start playing again. So what if it's a free for all cheat and kill all you want version, subscriptions = money and Simu <3 money. They just lack sense.
The amount of times I agree with you is starting to bother me :(
03-15-2007, 03:03 PM
A lot of us would play The Fallen...
...having played DR: The Fallen however...most of the real idiots are scared of that kind of game.
03-15-2007, 03:57 PM
The amount of times I agree with you is starting to bother me :(
Sorry, I'll take care of that.
Unprotected anal sex with giraffes is great!
Sorry, I'll take care of that.
Unprotected anal sex with giraffes is great!
But now I agree with you!
It's the long legs, isn't it?
03-16-2007, 03:16 AM
But now I agree with you!
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If Simu would release GS The Fallen or whatever it was, I bet a lot of people would start playing again. So what if it's a free for all cheat and kill all you want version, subscriptions = money and Simu <3 money. They just lack sense.
Id give it like 2 months before one or two or three guys was griefing the other 500 people entirely out of the game and the messed up thing is I would love to be one of the griefers
03-24-2007, 02:42 AM
I'd play GS The Fallen.
I occassionally afk script in GSIV. And yeah, complaining about getting killed while AFK scripting is about as low as you can go and really exposes Jamus for being nothing more than a self absorbed hypocrite.
I wonder if PsiNet still has those Jamus praises built into it... I have never for the life of me seen someone so in love with themselves.
Well this can only be settled one way...
a code off
Jamus vs. Kranar
first person to make a gemstone client that plays the game entirely for you coded only with white space characters wins.
03-24-2007, 03:36 AM
I have always wondered...
Did you name yourself g++ after the GNU C++ compiler?
I have always wondered...
Did you name yourself g++ after the GNU C++ compiler?
Sort of, when I signed up for this I site I was working on a c project and returning to gemstone for the 89th time so I figured a gemstone iteration was an appropriate title, thus g++. As far as GNU specifically I dunno its better than visual studio for error messaging IMO but im pretty amateur compared to you guys its just a hobby for me.
linux3[18]% gcc -c -Wall -ansi oilspill.c
oilspill.c:36:1: error: unterminated comment
see what i mean
03-24-2007, 08:15 AM
I wonder if PsiNet still has those Jamus praises built into it...
>psinet worship
You feel really friendly.
You exclaim, "Jamus- practically perfect in every way!"
03-24-2007, 09:30 AM
I'd be careful when poaching/robbing scripters. Some people script simply because bothering to type is overrated when there's obviously something more productive (and less repetative) to be done on their PC. :shrug: It doesn't mean that they aren't watching, more that GS isn't exactly known for its hunting system creativity.
If it were, we wouldn't rely on GMs to catch people scripting, IMO. They'd be caught because conditions in the game changed constantly.
03-24-2007, 11:52 AM
linux3[18]% gcc -c -Wall -ansi oilspill.c
oilspill.c:36:1: error: unterminated comment
see what i mean
You should see some of my earlier code... it is such a train wreck of a mess I wonder how I ever managed to write or maintain such filth.
I used to use goto's like crazy. Anyways it's all good, programming is fun.
Sean of the Thread
03-24-2007, 12:42 PM
10 goto 20
20 REM "Off Topic"
30 END
10 goto 20
20 REM "Off Topic"
30 END
String SeansABitch(void)
Return FuckOffYouDontEvenPlayGemstoneAnymore;
Sean of the Thread
03-24-2007, 09:06 PM
String SeansABitch(void)
Return FuckOffYouDontEvenPlayGemstoneAnymore;
Damn dude a bit harsh don't you think? Thought it was obvious I was just fucking around.
Who really gives a shit if I or anyone else still plays Gemstone.
03-25-2007, 12:01 AM
I gives a shit.
Sean of the Thread
03-25-2007, 01:33 AM
I don't give a shit that you give a shit.
This forum is a community of people sharing information and most of IS NOT gemstone related.
03-25-2007, 01:47 AM
which sucks really since its supposed to be a gemstone site.. I wish there was more game related stuff posted
which sucks really since its supposed to be a gemstone site.. I wish there was more game related stuff posted
which sucks really since its supposed to be a gemstone site.. I wish there was more game related stuff posted
QFT x2
Sean of the Thread
03-25-2007, 11:51 AM
which sucks really since its supposed to be a gemstone site.. I wish there was more game related stuff posted
A place for mostly merchant whores and a group of people that played a near dead game together for years.
I don't see the problem with it really as the one thing we've got in common is GEMSTONE.
There's always the official forums...
03-25-2007, 01:17 PM
which sucks really since its supposed to be a gemstone site.. I wish there was more game related stuff posted
So start some threads, be proactive...don't whine
03-25-2007, 01:33 PM
Are you really that fucking stupid? I start threads all the time. I discuss things all the time.
Your one of the fucking retards that hangs around even though he doesn't play anymore. How much game stuff do you post?
Its not whining, its making a statement.
03-25-2007, 01:38 PM
which sucks really since its supposed to be a gemstone site.. I wish there was more game related stuff posted
Personally I dont mind.. I just skip the threads I dont wanna read. (unless they have a title that I find interesting)
03-25-2007, 01:57 PM
Are you really that fucking stupid? I start threads all the time. I discuss things all the time.
Your one of the fucking retards that hangs around even though he doesn't play anymore. How much game stuff do you post?
Its not whining, its making a statement.
No, it was whining.
And I do still play from time to time btw
If your going to tell other people to stay on topic when they are having a back and forth on a board I think you should be reasonably on topic yourself, the fact that you dont even play gemstone anymore but are one of the most prolific posters on a gemstone message board speaks directly to your ability to call people out about being off topic without being a hypocrit, if you were being sarcastic fine whatever but there was nothing in your original post to suggest your werent really trying to make me shut up. I dont particularly care what goes on around here but if Im posting back and forth with someone and another person butts in and says everyones be quite im going to question why and if possible take a shot at the person telling me to shut up. Human nature I suppose.
03-25-2007, 07:23 PM
These boards are much more than a gemstone message board.
03-25-2007, 07:42 PM
10 goto 20
20 REM "Off Topic"
30 END
Where the fuck does this say "Shut up, g++"?
If I wanted to explain obvious shit to retarded kids Id have majored in education.
Sean of the Thread
03-25-2007, 07:53 PM
If your going to tell other people to stay on topic when they are having a back and forth on a board I think you should be reasonably on topic yourself, the fact that you dont even play gemstone anymore but are one of the most prolific posters on a gemstone message board speaks directly to your ability to call people out about being off topic without being a hypocrit, if you were being sarcastic fine whatever but there was nothing in your original post to suggest your werent really trying to make me shut up. I dont particularly care what goes on around here but if Im posting back and forth with someone and another person butts in and says everyones be quite im going to question why and if possible take a shot at the person telling me to shut up. Human nature I suppose.
I WAS FUCKING JOKING along the lines of the new "coding" tangent you've created. I've coded for a living doing database work with SQL and VB/MSACCESS garbage and I just thought I was being funny.
I never told you to shut up.
Now I'm telling you to STFU. (and grow up)
I WAS FUCKING JOKING along the lines of the new "coding" tangent you've created. I've coded for a living doing database work with SQL and VB/MSACCESS garbage and I just thought I was being funny.
I never told you to shut up.
Now I'm telling you to STFU. (and grow up)
Eh fair enough, I misunderstood your intentions, Sorry.
03-25-2007, 08:01 PM
<<If I wanted to explain obvious shit to retarded kids Id have majored in education.>>
All right.
You clearly didn't major in English or effective communication.
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