02-14-2006, 05:52 PM
say hey look folks..
You say, "Hey look folks.."
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
A light blue glow surrounds Hediard.
Limira just arrived.
Limira just went south.
From nearby, you hear Uved yell, "Forming the House of Skippy! whisper me now to join!"
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
Hediard suddenly looks more powerful.
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
A deep blue glow surrounds Hediard.
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
A deep blue glow surrounds Hediard.
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
A deep blue glow surrounds Hediard.
>say an idiot. A very rare thing...well, rare everywhere else but here
You say, "An idiot. A very rare thing...well, rare everywhere else but here."
>point sweet
You point at Sweetsugars.
You laugh out loud!
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Uved, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan grins ear-to-ear.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]
The turrets and crennelated walls of Guardian Keep tower above the city. Fashioned of pale ivory stone, the ancestral home of House Vaalor is a deceptively lovely stronghold. Glittering red and gold pennants flutter atop the crimson tiled rooftops. Several city guardsmen stand in the center of the wey, blocking any progress into the Keep's inner courtyard. You also see the keep gate.
Obvious paths: south
>prep 605
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Whispering Willow spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly hear the voices of nature fill your mind.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>whisper uved ME
Your voice carries itself to Uved, "ME."
>whisper rikk I see yoouu..
Your voice carries itself to Rikkan, "I see yoouu.."
>rub cry a
What were you referring to?
>rub cry m
What were you referring to?
>rub cry am
You rub your crystal amulet.
You feel your mind open up to the world around you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Uved, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan says, "Oh, I'm scared again."
Uved snickers at you!
Rikkan nods to Uved.
>drag uved s
You grab Uved and drag him south with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 9 sec.
You feel at full magical power again.
Sweetsugars sighs.
Hediard leans softly against Sweetsugars.
R>say choke on pebble?
You ask, "Choke on pebble?"
R>nod uved
You nod to Uved.
Uved blinks at Sweetsugars.
Uved appears to be preparing to attempt dragging you.
Uved is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Uved grabs you and drags you north.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Uved, Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>drag uved s
You grab Uved and drag him south with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Sweetsugars warmly says, "I wish you dead."
Uved blinks at Sweetsugars.
Sweetsugars glares at you.
>say I wish you would speak probably
You say, "I wish you would speak probably."
>nod sweet
You nod to Sweetsugars.
Sweetsugars points at you.
Zzentar just arrived.
Hediard grins.
Uved exclaims, "I grant you all the wishes come true!"
Sweetsugars traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>say :mock I wish you dead
You mockingly say, "I wish you dead."
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see the Mayalyn disk, some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Tamarkk, Mayalyn, Sauhd, Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan says, "I'm tempted to blind them both and leave em to drool."
Mayalyn curtsies to Tamarkk.
Susnniah turns to Rikkan and cheers!
Sauhd just opened a midnight black spidersilk cloak.
>say I heard that
Tamarkk bows to Mayalyn.
You say, "I heard that."
Tamarkk just went south.
>incant 608
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Tamarkk, Zzentar, Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Camouflage spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You blend into invisibility among the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Zzentar.
H>say Hello.
You say, "Hello."
Hediard searches around for a moment.
* Taranss just bit the dust!
Hediard grins.
Tamarkk just went south.
Sweetsugars traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Sweetsugars searches around for a moment.
Sweetsugars has spotted you!
Uved exclaims, "Quake and kill!"
H>say point and..trip or something
You say, "Point and..trip or something."
You feel your ambush opportunity slip away.
You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.
Sweetsugars points at you.
>incant 608
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Camouflage spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You blend into invisibility among the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Tamarkk just arrived.
Sweetsugars searches around for a moment.
Sweetsugars has spotted you!
You feel your ambush opportunity slip away.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see the Mayalyn disk, some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Mayalyn, Sauhd, Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard, Smyrohk who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Rikkan says, "I suppose in this case I'll take natural ones."
Rikkan points at you, ruining your hiding place.
Sauhd makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Sauhd gestures.
Sauhd's group seems to blend into the surroundings better.
>drag rikk we
You grab Rikkan and drag him west with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
Windowless and forbidding, the grey granite walls of the Hall of Justice sit squarely beneath the Keep. Several city guardsmen patrol the tops of the crennelated walls while half a dozen guards flank the double doors leading into the Hall. A large mithril plaque hangs from the rightmost ironbound door.
Also here: Rikkan
Obvious paths: east, west
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Rikkan applauds you.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see the Mayalyn disk, some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Mayalyn, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard, Smyrohk who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Soulard joins Sauhd's group.
Rikkan just arrived, skipping merrily.
Sauhd makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Sauhd gestures.
Sauhd's group seems to blend into the surroundings better.
>incant 601
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Natural Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Sauhd makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Sauhd gestures.
Sauhd's group seems to blend into the surroundings better.
Sauhd makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Sauhd gestures.
Sauhd's group seems to blend into the surroundings better.
>say stop skipping before I keel you
You say, "Stop skipping before I keel you."
Leyendoth's group just arrived.
Leyendoth's group just went east.
>nod rikk
You nod to Rikkan.
Speaking softly in broken common, Susnniah says, "Thank ye."
>incant 606
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Phoen's Strength spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your body suddenly fills with a warm strength.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Speaking to Sauhd, Rikkan says, "Cheers."
Sauhd says, "Good while with that."
>incant 606
...wait 1 seconds.
>incant 606
Mayalyn says, "Thank you."
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Phoen's Strength spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your body suddenly fills with a warm strength.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Soulard bows to Sauhd.
Sauhd says, "Any time."
>incant 601
Rikkan blinks at you.
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Natural Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Mayalyn murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Mayalyn gestures.
Mayalyn's back looks better.
Speaking to you, Rikkan asks, "Before what?"
Rikkan acts puzzled.
Phap rests his hands on his knees and breathes deep to relax.
Mayalyn murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Mayalyn concentrates.
Mayalyn looks a little better.
Lord Samhoss just arrived.
Susnniah murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Rikkan comes merrily skipping up to you.
Samhoss sits down.
Rikkan turns an inquisitive ear towards you.
>say ::Rikkan I pound your fa..
Speaking to Rikkan, you say, "I pound your fa.."
Samhoss pokes Phap in the ribs.
>drag rikk n
You grab Rikkan and drag him north with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]
The turrets and crennelated walls of Guardian Keep tower above the city. Fashioned of pale ivory stone, the ancestral home of House Vaalor is a deceptively lovely stronghold. Glittering red and gold pennants flutter atop the crimson tiled rooftops. Several city guardsmen stand in the center of the wey, blocking any progress into the Keep's inner courtyard. You also see the keep gate.
Also here: Rikkan
Obvious paths: south
>punish rikk
You beat Rikkan severely.
You can't go there.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see the Mayalyn disk, some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard, Smyrohk who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan just arrived, skipping merrily.
You smirk.
Soulard recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Rikkan asks, "Huh?"
Soulard gestures.
Soulard is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
>say wha?
You ask, "Wha?"
Soulard recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
>pound rikk
Soulard gestures.
Soulard is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
You pound Rikkan with your fist.
Soulard recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Urnalbla just arrived.
Soulard gestures.
Soulard is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
Rikkan gasps.
Rikkan wails!
Rikkan falls forward on his knees and grovels before you begging for mercy and kindness!
Soulard recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Soulard gestures.
Soulard appears somehow changed.
>say mwhahaha
Susnniah waves to Urnalbla.
You say, "Mwhahaha."
Smyrohk stands up.
Smyrohk just tiptoed south.
>drag rikk s
You grab Rikkan and drag him south with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Rikkan who is kneeling, Tamarkk, Zzentar, Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 4 sec.
R>prep 607
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Sounds spell...
Your spell is ready.
Rikkan asks, "Do I bind myself again?"
>cast rikk
You gesture at Rikkan.
Rikkan shakes off the magic.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>say yeah
Rikkan stands up.
You say, "Yeah."
You nod.
>kill rikk
You swing a closed fist at Rikkan!
AS: +31 vs DS: +277 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +49 = -180
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>grin insane
You twitch a bit and grin like a madman.
Rikkan chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Tamarkk chuckles.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rhavisto, Urnalbla, Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Soulard traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Soulard gestures.
Multicolored rays shoot out of Soulard's body and flow into the shimmering sphere around him.
>yell HAH.
You belt out, "HAH."
Rikkan just arrived, skipping merrily.
You scream!
Rikkan squints at you.
Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>drag rikk s
You come out of hiding.
You grab Rikkan and drag him south with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Rikkan, Tamarkk, Zzentar, Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 6 sec.
[Roll result: 165 (open d100: 12)]
Uved feints low, you spot the ruse too late as you twist awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 8 sec.
You no longer hear voices in your mind.
Rikkan gestures.
CS: +286 - TD: +194 + CvA: +12 + d100: +82 - -5 == +191
Warding failed!
As Rikkan stares intensely at Rikkan, a golden film covers Rikkan's eyes.
Rikkan appears dazed.
Sweetsugars traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
R>say uh oh.
You say, "Uh oh."
Sweetsugars gestures at you.
CS: +304 - TD: +44 + CvA: +25 + d100: +20 - -5 == +310
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over you.
Uved cackles!
Momentarily revealing the small sheath hidden at his ankle, Tamarkk deftly sheathes his knife, concealing both it and the sheath once more.
R>smirk rikk
You smirk at Rikkan.
Sweetsugars smiles at you.
Uved says, "BOOM."
Hediard chuckles.
R>kill rikk
You swing a closed fist at Rikkan!
Stupefied, Rikkan evades the attack by blind luck!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>kill rikk
You swing a closed fist at Rikkan!
Stupefied, Rikkan evades the attack by blind luck!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Sweetsugars warmly says, "Now shut up for a while."
Rikkan fumbles about aimlessly!
R>kill rikk
...wait 1 seconds.
R>kill rikk
...wait 1 seconds.
R>kill rikk
You swing a closed fist at Rikkan!
AS: +31 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +69 = -121
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Tamarkk swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +72 vs DS: +55 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +99 = +141
... and hits for 4 points of damage!
Hit glances off your hip.
You snicker.
Limira just arrived.
>stare tam
Uved laughs at Tamarkk!
You stare at Tamarkk.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rhavisto, Urnalbla, Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
Windowless and forbidding, the grey granite walls of the Hall of Justice sit squarely beneath the Keep. Several city guardsmen patrol the tops of the crennelated walls while half a dozen guards flank the double doors leading into the Hall. A large mithril plaque hangs from the rightmost ironbound door.
Obvious paths: east, west
>go hall
[Assuming you mean the Hall of Justice.]
[Ta'Vaalor, Hall of Justice]
A thick iron chandelier hangs from the wide-beamed ceiling, casting flickering light across the stone walls and ivory-veined black marble floors of the Hall. Several plain ironwork sconces line a flight of steps leading upwards into the shadows. You also see a heavily iron-reinforced door.
Obvious exits: out
>climb st
You climb up a flight of steps.
[Hall of Justice, Clerk's Office]
A heavily carved modwir desk occupies the center of the office. One wall is lined floor to ceiling with built-in wooden shelves, each one burdened with orderly stacks of files and thick sheaves of parchment. You also see a wooden barrel and a flight of steps.
Obvious exits: none
>accuse sweets
ACCUSE {player} {crime} - Accuse a player of a crime.
ACCUSE {player} DISMISS - Dismisses charges of all crimes committed against you.
Where {crime} must be one of the following:
ACCUSE can be used to accuse someone of misconduct towards you. If someone were to PUNCH you, for example, that is assault upon your person, and this can be ACCUSED. A number of other verbs are also included in this system. You can accuse someone at the local constabulary, the local courtroom, or to any authority figure you may see.
ACCUSE {name} DISMISS can be used to dismiss the charges against someone who you have ACCUSEd, or someone that has murdered you. When you dismiss the charges, you are dismissing ALL charges against said person. You cannot pick and choose which to dismiss. Please note that you MUST dismiss any charges you want to BEFORE the criminal goes to trial, as charges already tried and punished cannot be rescinded.
>accuse sweets of AS
A town official listens attentively to your plea before saying, "Well, is that so? Sweetsugars you say? We'll take care of that miscreant! I'll be sure to tell the Guard Captain about those transgressions."
>go st
You're going to have to climb that.
>climb st
You climb down a flight of steps.
[Ta'Vaalor, Hall of Justice]
A thick iron chandelier hangs from the wide-beamed ceiling, casting flickering light across the stone walls and ivory-veined black marble floors of the Hall. Several plain ironwork sconces line a flight of steps leading upwards into the shadows. You also see a heavily iron-reinforced door.
Obvious exits: out
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
Windowless and forbidding, the grey granite walls of the Hall of Justice sit squarely beneath the Keep. Several city guardsmen patrol the tops of the crennelated walls while half a dozen guards flank the double doors leading into the Hall. A large mithril plaque hangs from the rightmost ironbound door.
Obvious paths: east, west
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rhavisto, Urnalbla, Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Limira, a stunned Rikkan, Tamarkk, Zzentar, Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan regains his clarity and focus.
>cman feint rikk
You haven't learned how to feint without a weapon!
The dim aura fades from around Rikkan.
Rikkan says, "I can't even laugh this time."
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Knickolas, Urnalbla, Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
From nearby, you hear Uved yell, ""beat him to death!"
>yell Noe.
The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
Please rephrase that command.
>peer s
You peer south and see ...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Limira, Rikkan who is kneeling, Zzentar, Uved
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Limira, Rikkan who is kneeling, Zzentar, Uved
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>strut arrog
You strut about arrogantly.
>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
Rikkan utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
Rikkan gestures at you.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards you.
CS: +244 - TD: +44 + CvA: +25 + d100: +42 - -5 == +272
Warding failed!
You are firmly webbed in place. This was a friend I was fucking around with previously.
Krissey suddenly fades into view.
Krissey is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact. This is where her other character warns me.
W>whisper OOC Kriss Do I even know you?
You can't do that while entangled in a web.
W>whisper OOC Kriss Do I even know you?
You can't do that while entangled in a web.
W>say let me go.
The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
W>whisper OOC Kriss Do I even know you?
You can't do that while entangled in a web.
The webs dissolve from around you.
>act points at his throat.
(Rikien points at his throat.)
The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
Krissey says, "Better dismiss the charges."
Krissey glares at you.
Streffin just went south.
>whisper OOC Kriss Do I even know you? I am not accepting, because you have no reason to warn Rikien, and you must leave the room for it to work and you spoke to him, dumbass
The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
The pall of silence leaves you.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Lady Krissey, Limira
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Krissey, "Do I even know you? I am not accepting it, because you have no reason to warn Rikien, and you must leave the room for it to work and you spoke to him, dumbass. Stop being a dumbshit."
This was over like a period of 20 minutes without editing. I also got into a verbal arguement with her in OOC whispers and she was going complete psycho shit, but I don't have the log.
I've heard bad stuff about her before as well.
While I was editing the log:
Krissey is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Sweetsugars is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Pypir is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Kinkiraya is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Milleena is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Sweettigress is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Shylaylea is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Tigt is informing you that he wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! He desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Dumbass, I should kill everyone last fucking one of em. I hope she isn't sucking any GM cock.
You say, "Hey look folks.."
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
A light blue glow surrounds Hediard.
Limira just arrived.
Limira just went south.
From nearby, you hear Uved yell, "Forming the House of Skippy! whisper me now to join!"
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
Hediard suddenly looks more powerful.
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
A deep blue glow surrounds Hediard.
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
A deep blue glow surrounds Hediard.
Sweetsugars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Sweetsugars gestures at Hediard.
A deep blue glow surrounds Hediard.
>say an idiot. A very rare thing...well, rare everywhere else but here
You say, "An idiot. A very rare thing...well, rare everywhere else but here."
>point sweet
You point at Sweetsugars.
You laugh out loud!
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Uved, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan grins ear-to-ear.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]
The turrets and crennelated walls of Guardian Keep tower above the city. Fashioned of pale ivory stone, the ancestral home of House Vaalor is a deceptively lovely stronghold. Glittering red and gold pennants flutter atop the crimson tiled rooftops. Several city guardsmen stand in the center of the wey, blocking any progress into the Keep's inner courtyard. You also see the keep gate.
Obvious paths: south
>prep 605
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Whispering Willow spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly hear the voices of nature fill your mind.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>whisper uved ME
Your voice carries itself to Uved, "ME."
>whisper rikk I see yoouu..
Your voice carries itself to Rikkan, "I see yoouu.."
>rub cry a
What were you referring to?
>rub cry m
What were you referring to?
>rub cry am
You rub your crystal amulet.
You feel your mind open up to the world around you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Uved, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan says, "Oh, I'm scared again."
Uved snickers at you!
Rikkan nods to Uved.
>drag uved s
You grab Uved and drag him south with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 9 sec.
You feel at full magical power again.
Sweetsugars sighs.
Hediard leans softly against Sweetsugars.
R>say choke on pebble?
You ask, "Choke on pebble?"
R>nod uved
You nod to Uved.
Uved blinks at Sweetsugars.
Uved appears to be preparing to attempt dragging you.
Uved is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Uved grabs you and drags you north.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Uved, Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>drag uved s
You grab Uved and drag him south with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Sweetsugars warmly says, "I wish you dead."
Uved blinks at Sweetsugars.
Sweetsugars glares at you.
>say I wish you would speak probably
You say, "I wish you would speak probably."
>nod sweet
You nod to Sweetsugars.
Sweetsugars points at you.
Zzentar just arrived.
Hediard grins.
Uved exclaims, "I grant you all the wishes come true!"
Sweetsugars traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>say :mock I wish you dead
You mockingly say, "I wish you dead."
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see the Mayalyn disk, some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Tamarkk, Mayalyn, Sauhd, Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan says, "I'm tempted to blind them both and leave em to drool."
Mayalyn curtsies to Tamarkk.
Susnniah turns to Rikkan and cheers!
Sauhd just opened a midnight black spidersilk cloak.
>say I heard that
Tamarkk bows to Mayalyn.
You say, "I heard that."
Tamarkk just went south.
>incant 608
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Tamarkk, Zzentar, Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Camouflage spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You blend into invisibility among the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Zzentar.
H>say Hello.
You say, "Hello."
Hediard searches around for a moment.
* Taranss just bit the dust!
Hediard grins.
Tamarkk just went south.
Sweetsugars traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Sweetsugars searches around for a moment.
Sweetsugars has spotted you!
Uved exclaims, "Quake and kill!"
H>say point and..trip or something
You say, "Point and..trip or something."
You feel your ambush opportunity slip away.
You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.
Sweetsugars points at you.
>incant 608
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Camouflage spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You blend into invisibility among the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Tamarkk just arrived.
Sweetsugars searches around for a moment.
Sweetsugars has spotted you!
You feel your ambush opportunity slip away.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see the Mayalyn disk, some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Mayalyn, Sauhd, Rikkan, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard, Smyrohk who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Rikkan says, "I suppose in this case I'll take natural ones."
Rikkan points at you, ruining your hiding place.
Sauhd makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Sauhd gestures.
Sauhd's group seems to blend into the surroundings better.
>drag rikk we
You grab Rikkan and drag him west with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
Windowless and forbidding, the grey granite walls of the Hall of Justice sit squarely beneath the Keep. Several city guardsmen patrol the tops of the crennelated walls while half a dozen guards flank the double doors leading into the Hall. A large mithril plaque hangs from the rightmost ironbound door.
Also here: Rikkan
Obvious paths: east, west
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Rikkan applauds you.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see the Mayalyn disk, some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Mayalyn, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard, Smyrohk who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Soulard joins Sauhd's group.
Rikkan just arrived, skipping merrily.
Sauhd makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Sauhd gestures.
Sauhd's group seems to blend into the surroundings better.
>incant 601
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Natural Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Sauhd makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Sauhd gestures.
Sauhd's group seems to blend into the surroundings better.
Sauhd makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Sauhd gestures.
Sauhd's group seems to blend into the surroundings better.
>say stop skipping before I keel you
You say, "Stop skipping before I keel you."
Leyendoth's group just arrived.
Leyendoth's group just went east.
>nod rikk
You nod to Rikkan.
Speaking softly in broken common, Susnniah says, "Thank ye."
>incant 606
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Phoen's Strength spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your body suddenly fills with a warm strength.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Speaking to Sauhd, Rikkan says, "Cheers."
Sauhd says, "Good while with that."
>incant 606
...wait 1 seconds.
>incant 606
Mayalyn says, "Thank you."
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Phoen's Strength spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your body suddenly fills with a warm strength.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Soulard bows to Sauhd.
Sauhd says, "Any time."
>incant 601
Rikkan blinks at you.
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Natural Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Mayalyn murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Mayalyn gestures.
Mayalyn's back looks better.
Speaking to you, Rikkan asks, "Before what?"
Rikkan acts puzzled.
Phap rests his hands on his knees and breathes deep to relax.
Mayalyn murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Mayalyn concentrates.
Mayalyn looks a little better.
Lord Samhoss just arrived.
Susnniah murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Rikkan comes merrily skipping up to you.
Samhoss sits down.
Rikkan turns an inquisitive ear towards you.
>say ::Rikkan I pound your fa..
Speaking to Rikkan, you say, "I pound your fa.."
Samhoss pokes Phap in the ribs.
>drag rikk n
You grab Rikkan and drag him north with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]
The turrets and crennelated walls of Guardian Keep tower above the city. Fashioned of pale ivory stone, the ancestral home of House Vaalor is a deceptively lovely stronghold. Glittering red and gold pennants flutter atop the crimson tiled rooftops. Several city guardsmen stand in the center of the wey, blocking any progress into the Keep's inner courtyard. You also see the keep gate.
Also here: Rikkan
Obvious paths: south
>punish rikk
You beat Rikkan severely.
You can't go there.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see the Mayalyn disk, some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard, Smyrohk who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan just arrived, skipping merrily.
You smirk.
Soulard recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Rikkan asks, "Huh?"
Soulard gestures.
Soulard is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
>say wha?
You ask, "Wha?"
Soulard recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
>pound rikk
Soulard gestures.
Soulard is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
You pound Rikkan with your fist.
Soulard recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Urnalbla just arrived.
Soulard gestures.
Soulard is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
Rikkan gasps.
Rikkan wails!
Rikkan falls forward on his knees and grovels before you begging for mercy and kindness!
Soulard recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Soulard gestures.
Soulard appears somehow changed.
>say mwhahaha
Susnniah waves to Urnalbla.
You say, "Mwhahaha."
Smyrohk stands up.
Smyrohk just tiptoed south.
>drag rikk s
You grab Rikkan and drag him south with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Rikkan who is kneeling, Tamarkk, Zzentar, Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 4 sec.
R>prep 607
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Sounds spell...
Your spell is ready.
Rikkan asks, "Do I bind myself again?"
>cast rikk
You gesture at Rikkan.
Rikkan shakes off the magic.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>say yeah
Rikkan stands up.
You say, "Yeah."
You nod.
>kill rikk
You swing a closed fist at Rikkan!
AS: +31 vs DS: +277 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +49 = -180
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>grin insane
You twitch a bit and grin like a madman.
Rikkan chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Tamarkk chuckles.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rhavisto, Urnalbla, Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Soulard traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Soulard gestures.
Multicolored rays shoot out of Soulard's body and flow into the shimmering sphere around him.
>yell HAH.
You belt out, "HAH."
Rikkan just arrived, skipping merrily.
You scream!
Rikkan squints at you.
Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>drag rikk s
You come out of hiding.
You grab Rikkan and drag him south with you...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Rikkan, Tamarkk, Zzentar, Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Roundtime: 6 sec.
[Roll result: 165 (open d100: 12)]
Uved feints low, you spot the ruse too late as you twist awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 8 sec.
You no longer hear voices in your mind.
Rikkan gestures.
CS: +286 - TD: +194 + CvA: +12 + d100: +82 - -5 == +191
Warding failed!
As Rikkan stares intensely at Rikkan, a golden film covers Rikkan's eyes.
Rikkan appears dazed.
Sweetsugars traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
R>say uh oh.
You say, "Uh oh."
Sweetsugars gestures at you.
CS: +304 - TD: +44 + CvA: +25 + d100: +20 - -5 == +310
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over you.
Uved cackles!
Momentarily revealing the small sheath hidden at his ankle, Tamarkk deftly sheathes his knife, concealing both it and the sheath once more.
R>smirk rikk
You smirk at Rikkan.
Sweetsugars smiles at you.
Uved says, "BOOM."
Hediard chuckles.
R>kill rikk
You swing a closed fist at Rikkan!
Stupefied, Rikkan evades the attack by blind luck!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>kill rikk
You swing a closed fist at Rikkan!
Stupefied, Rikkan evades the attack by blind luck!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Sweetsugars warmly says, "Now shut up for a while."
Rikkan fumbles about aimlessly!
R>kill rikk
...wait 1 seconds.
R>kill rikk
...wait 1 seconds.
R>kill rikk
You swing a closed fist at Rikkan!
AS: +31 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +69 = -121
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Tamarkk swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +72 vs DS: +55 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +99 = +141
... and hits for 4 points of damage!
Hit glances off your hip.
You snicker.
Limira just arrived.
>stare tam
Uved laughs at Tamarkk!
You stare at Tamarkk.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rhavisto, Urnalbla, Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
Windowless and forbidding, the grey granite walls of the Hall of Justice sit squarely beneath the Keep. Several city guardsmen patrol the tops of the crennelated walls while half a dozen guards flank the double doors leading into the Hall. A large mithril plaque hangs from the rightmost ironbound door.
Obvious paths: east, west
>go hall
[Assuming you mean the Hall of Justice.]
[Ta'Vaalor, Hall of Justice]
A thick iron chandelier hangs from the wide-beamed ceiling, casting flickering light across the stone walls and ivory-veined black marble floors of the Hall. Several plain ironwork sconces line a flight of steps leading upwards into the shadows. You also see a heavily iron-reinforced door.
Obvious exits: out
>climb st
You climb up a flight of steps.
[Hall of Justice, Clerk's Office]
A heavily carved modwir desk occupies the center of the office. One wall is lined floor to ceiling with built-in wooden shelves, each one burdened with orderly stacks of files and thick sheaves of parchment. You also see a wooden barrel and a flight of steps.
Obvious exits: none
>accuse sweets
ACCUSE {player} {crime} - Accuse a player of a crime.
ACCUSE {player} DISMISS - Dismisses charges of all crimes committed against you.
Where {crime} must be one of the following:
ACCUSE can be used to accuse someone of misconduct towards you. If someone were to PUNCH you, for example, that is assault upon your person, and this can be ACCUSED. A number of other verbs are also included in this system. You can accuse someone at the local constabulary, the local courtroom, or to any authority figure you may see.
ACCUSE {name} DISMISS can be used to dismiss the charges against someone who you have ACCUSEd, or someone that has murdered you. When you dismiss the charges, you are dismissing ALL charges against said person. You cannot pick and choose which to dismiss. Please note that you MUST dismiss any charges you want to BEFORE the criminal goes to trial, as charges already tried and punished cannot be rescinded.
>accuse sweets of AS
A town official listens attentively to your plea before saying, "Well, is that so? Sweetsugars you say? We'll take care of that miscreant! I'll be sure to tell the Guard Captain about those transgressions."
>go st
You're going to have to climb that.
>climb st
You climb down a flight of steps.
[Ta'Vaalor, Hall of Justice]
A thick iron chandelier hangs from the wide-beamed ceiling, casting flickering light across the stone walls and ivory-veined black marble floors of the Hall. Several plain ironwork sconces line a flight of steps leading upwards into the shadows. You also see a heavily iron-reinforced door.
Obvious exits: out
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
Windowless and forbidding, the grey granite walls of the Hall of Justice sit squarely beneath the Keep. Several city guardsmen patrol the tops of the crennelated walls while half a dozen guards flank the double doors leading into the Hall. A large mithril plaque hangs from the rightmost ironbound door.
Obvious paths: east, west
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Rhavisto, Urnalbla, Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Limira, a stunned Rikkan, Tamarkk, Zzentar, Uved, Lord Hediard, High Lady Sweetsugars
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Rikkan regains his clarity and focus.
>cman feint rikk
You haven't learned how to feint without a weapon!
The dim aura fades from around Rikkan.
Rikkan says, "I can't even laugh this time."
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some silver coins, some manna bread, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Knickolas, Urnalbla, Lord Samhoss who is sitting, Sauhd, Lady Susnniah who is sitting, Phap who is sitting, Soulard
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
From nearby, you hear Uved yell, ""beat him to death!"
>yell Noe.
The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
Please rephrase that command.
>peer s
You peer south and see ...
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Limira, Rikkan who is kneeling, Zzentar, Uved
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Limira, Rikkan who is kneeling, Zzentar, Uved
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>strut arrog
You strut about arrogantly.
>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
Rikkan utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
Rikkan gestures at you.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards you.
CS: +244 - TD: +44 + CvA: +25 + d100: +42 - -5 == +272
Warding failed!
You are firmly webbed in place. This was a friend I was fucking around with previously.
Krissey suddenly fades into view.
Krissey is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact. This is where her other character warns me.
W>whisper OOC Kriss Do I even know you?
You can't do that while entangled in a web.
W>whisper OOC Kriss Do I even know you?
You can't do that while entangled in a web.
W>say let me go.
The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
W>whisper OOC Kriss Do I even know you?
You can't do that while entangled in a web.
The webs dissolve from around you.
>act points at his throat.
(Rikien points at his throat.)
The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
Krissey says, "Better dismiss the charges."
Krissey glares at you.
Streffin just went south.
>whisper OOC Kriss Do I even know you? I am not accepting, because you have no reason to warn Rikien, and you must leave the room for it to work and you spoke to him, dumbass
The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
The pall of silence leaves you.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see some dusty grosgrain gloves.
Also here: Lady Krissey, Limira
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Krissey, "Do I even know you? I am not accepting it, because you have no reason to warn Rikien, and you must leave the room for it to work and you spoke to him, dumbass. Stop being a dumbshit."
This was over like a period of 20 minutes without editing. I also got into a verbal arguement with her in OOC whispers and she was going complete psycho shit, but I don't have the log.
I've heard bad stuff about her before as well.
While I was editing the log:
Krissey is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Sweetsugars is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Pypir is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Kinkiraya is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Milleena is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Sweettigress is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Shylaylea is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Tigt is informing you that he wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! He desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
Dumbass, I should kill everyone last fucking one of em. I hope she isn't sucking any GM cock.