View Full Version : Dessedemona: Still dumb, still unbearably obnoxious...

Tuxedo Gin
01-11-2010, 01:59 PM
... and calls other people retarded. Pot calling the kettle black, if you ask me. I know she's been featured in this forum before, but this bitch is seriously unbearable. Here she is today, "roleplaying" with Ruh:

Dessedemona says, "The ruhtard is here."

Dessedemona says, "Oops ruhtard did i befrend you COLD."

Dessedemona says, "Ruh you obseesed freak refrain from utting your smarmy lips to my ear please there is not enough undiesase for that."

Dessedemona says, "Ruhtard my mentally challanged nept obsessed stalker ..again don't put your slimy lips to my ear you spaz."

Dessedemona says, "Ruh seriously stop taknng to me."

I know that the general consensus is that she just doesn't give a fuck about RP, but I seriously get the impression that she thinks she IS roleplaying.

Dessedemona, please read this thread and explain yourself. I hate you.

01-11-2010, 02:03 PM
Squelch her.

01-11-2010, 02:05 PM
Yeah, she's a pain in the ass. I was going to have my wizard join Twilight until I found out she was doing the interview. Fuck that.

(Abyran'sa / Sereg, if you want to improve Twilight ... )

01-11-2010, 02:25 PM
Yeah, she's a pain in the ass. I was going to have my wizard join Twilight until I found out she was doing the interview. Fuck that.

(Abyran'sa / Sereg, if you want to improve Twilight ... )

yeah, I was aghast to find out she was doing interviews. I feel sorry for anyone who had to deal with that

01-11-2010, 02:34 PM
Whenever I see her in game, all she does is spam movie quotes and RL songs. I've learned to avoid the dais because of it, but it's annoying when I go to pick up a bounty/sell stuff at the gemshop and she's in a group just blatantly ooc.

I was interested in Twilight with my new guy too at one point (went on the tour), since they have fairly regular events and I used to know some members. As soon as I saw their officer listings it just wasn't an option.

01-11-2010, 02:42 PM
It's a shame she's the face of Twilight Hall. Get her booted, I don't know her but just from that snippet alone it's enough.

01-11-2010, 02:55 PM
It's a shame she's the face of Twilight Hall. Get her booted, I don't know her but just from that snippet alone it's enough.

Same problem with White Haven and Silversoft. It's often one person who holds down membership from tons of people.

01-11-2010, 02:58 PM
it was funny the merchant in that room basically told her to shut up too. lol

01-11-2010, 03:44 PM
As an aside, how's House Arcane?

01-11-2010, 04:02 PM
Squelch her.
As an aside, does this really work? It just seems really strange that you "hear" people talking to her, but then you wouldn't hear her yourself? How exactly do you play that off? You tuned her out?

Squelching just seemed like just as bad of an RP offense.

01-11-2010, 04:13 PM
As an aside, how's House Arcane?

I've always wanted to be a part of House Arcane.


01-11-2010, 04:23 PM
Grendeg is a member. Never dealt with him ICly, but I know many harbor a dislike of him.

01-11-2010, 04:24 PM
As for the Roleplaying of squelching, type ignore dess, then squelch her. Problem solved.

01-11-2010, 04:34 PM
If someone is blatantly OOC, they clearly do not want to RP anyway... The only thing they manage to do is annoy other people. Why bother even trying to respond to someone talking about the super bowl openly IG? You can't really do that and remain IC, and even recognizing them sort of validates what they are doing in a way.

01-11-2010, 08:29 PM
<< I've always wanted to be a part of House Arcane. >>

The best (perhaps only) way to join Arcane is to be known to the current members. There is usually a House Hunt after the monthly meetings and anyone can come along, check the website for futher details:


<< Grendeg is a member. >>

He may hold strong opinions, but he seems to be a fair debater and the discussions I've seen on the OBB can get heated but are not flames.


01-11-2010, 08:47 PM
I don't like him as he looks to make changes and nerfs to systems he isn't even a part of because It doesn't fit his vision of the game. He will try to shout down other people's ideas for new mechanics as it might effect Dev he would rather see elsewhere. Douchy stuff like that.

01-12-2010, 01:57 AM
Same problem with White Haven and Silversoft. It's often one person who holds down membership from tons of people.

Silversoft is gone. New regime.

01-12-2010, 02:09 AM

01-12-2010, 02:26 AM
The one thing I hate about "houses":

Back in the day Simu had an application process to form one new house. Took about a year to get to the final stages. A bunch of us had to set up a political structure, design all the rooms, make a charter...all that stuff. Know what our name was supposed to be? The Adventurer's Guild. Our plan was laid out almost exactly how the current AG is now (obviously we couldn't give out perks, but it was in our plan)

Then the project just fell off the map. Now there's an AG with ideas directly stolen from me and a group of friends. Don't really care, but Simu stole our ideas.

01-12-2010, 02:33 AM
You can look at that as being pretty flattering, though.

01-12-2010, 02:38 AM
Simu payed for my car and rent when I went to college (2000). All the flattering I need.

Well, maybe not Simu, just whoever bought my wizards. Much love.

01-12-2010, 03:22 AM
As an aside, how's House Arcane?

If you like roleplaying, not great. A lot of old timers who play in an old timer way. They have some members I like and respect like Kerl and Askip. And some who are more annoying like Grendeg (I don't like his board persona and he's a thief in game) or Meshach (who I've seen involved in a few lynch mobs). When I started playing Arcane had an almost mythical reputation but now the average adventurer has never even heard of it. Spending time there is like hanging out at the Elk's Club listening to the army vets tell their stories. It's kind of sad really because one of my goals when I first started playing was to be a member and now time has passed them by and I don't think they'll ever recover.

01-12-2010, 03:23 AM
Silversoft is gone. New regime.

That's good to hear, she kept a lot of people out of that house. Unfortunately the people who have the time to run these kind of things often are not the most balanced.

01-12-2010, 04:05 AM
If you like roleplaying, not great. A lot of old timers who play in an old timer way. They have some members I like and respect like Kerl and Askip. And some who are more annoying like Grendeg (I don't like his board persona and he's a thief in game) or Meshach (who I've seen involved in a few lynch mobs). When I started playing Arcane had an almost mythical reputation but now the average adventurer has never even heard of it. Spending time there is like hanging out at the Elk's Club listening to the army vets tell their stories. It's kind of sad really because one of my goals when I first started playing was to be a member and now time has passed them by and I don't think they'll ever recover.

I asked because, I too, always wanted to be in House Arcane but I know and talk to so many of the members on a semi-frequent basis on AIM or otherwise now that I wanted an outside opinion.

Honestly, I haven't ever encountered a problem with Grendeg IG and I've interacted with him on another character other than the uber gnome. However, my views about a good amount of game mechanics fall inline with his. Because I'm too lazy to quote . . .

@Fallen: What specific game mechanics do you think he was being a douche about?

Also, and this is probably loltacular but whatever happened to the Silver Gryphons? I remember in 94/95 when I desperately wanted to get into that group based purely on the prestige.

01-12-2010, 04:11 AM
I asked because, I too, always wanted to be in House Arcane but I know and talk to so many of the members on a semi-frequent basis on AIM or otherwise now that I wanted an outside opinion.

Honestly, I haven't ever encountered a problem with Grendeg IG and I've interacted with him on another character other than the uber gnome. However, my views about a good amount of game mechanics fall inline with his. Because I'm too lazy to quote . . .

@Fallen: What specific game mechanics do you think he was being a douche about?

Also, and this is probably loltacular but whatever happened to the Silver Gryphons? I remember in 94/95 when I desperately wanted to get into that group based purely on the prestige.

Gryphons are still around too. The same problems with Arcane applies to them in general. Except with a bunch of Sirs in front of their names.

01-12-2010, 06:10 AM
All that needs be stated before all jump on a bandwagon would be ...maybe you should have been there ruh left all of the parts from hym out of the post

Tuxedo Gin
01-12-2010, 07:24 AM
All that needs be stated before all jump on a bandwagon would be ...maybe you should have been there ruh left all of the parts from hym out of the post

I'm not Ruh. I'm just one of several innocent bystanders that were subjected to this shit. Nothing was left out. Ruh may or may not have been obnoxious. I cannot speak to that, because he kept it in whispers. Dessedemona, on the other hand, felt the need to publicly spew all of that garbage.

It's one thing to be blatantly OOC. That sucks, but it's even worse when you type and spell like a middle school drop out. No offense if that's what you are, but you could at least learn to spell three letter words correctly. I'm assuming that you are Dessedemona, by your spelling of "him" as "hym".

I'm not even a grammar nazi or an RP nazi, but this is ridiculous. Hell, I barely put any serious effort into RP. But, I do respect other peoples game environment enough to stay IC.

01-12-2010 01:01 AM I think she is handicapped IRL, so this thread might be extra mean. FYI, friend.

Dessedemona, if this is the case, and I do strongly believe it might be, then I appologize for this thread. :)

01-12-2010, 07:48 AM
Dessedemona, if this is the case, and I do strongly believe it might be, then I appologize for this thread. :)

Fuck that, just like Texas we at the PC execute the retarded.

01-12-2010, 07:50 AM
Fuck that, just like Texas we at the PC execute the retarded.
Get to work, retard.


01-12-2010, 08:13 AM
Tell the whole story, it's full of classy.

My newbie character arrived late and asked what kind of services would be offered.

Ruh said I could have Dess's services for 3 silvers if I brought my own lube.

Then they started bickering publicly, the merchant told them both to shut up, and Ruh apparently took it to whispers.

If the GMs had any balls they'd have locked Ruh and Dessedemona in a room together and left them there forever.

The GM then wandered off for whatever reason and several more people began OOC whining about how slow the merchant was and lamenting that they actually pay for such crappy service.

Stellar job all around everyone.

Tuxedo Gin
01-12-2010, 08:29 AM
Well most of that took place before your character showed up. I recall when you came in and asked that. I remember the lube comment but for whatever reason didn't notice that it was Ruh. He was all in whispers before you showed up, and it was just her that was out loud. I'm not defending the guy. In my book, he's nearly as dumb as she is.

I didn't mention all the OOC whining about the merchant because that's pretty much par for the course in a premium merchant. Everyone loves to bitch about shit service for such a ridiculously high subscription, but they keep on paying it month after month. Besides, all that belongs in a different complaints thread. I really just wanted to call out Dessedemona because she seriously sucks hardcore.

01-12-2010, 09:54 AM
Tell the whole story, it's full of classy.

My newbie character arrived late and asked what kind of services would be offered.

Ruh said I could have Dess's services for 3 silvers if I brought my own lube.

Then they started bickering publicly, the merchant told them both to shut up, and Ruh apparently took it to whispers.

If the GMs had any balls they'd have locked Ruh and Dessedemona in a room together and left them there forever.

The GM then wandered off for whatever reason and several more people began OOC whining about how slow the merchant was and lamenting that they actually pay for such crappy service.

Stellar job all around everyone.

Pathetic. Typical.

01-12-2010, 10:09 AM
Also, and this is probably loltacular but whatever happened to the Silver Gryphons? I remember in 94/95 when I desperately wanted to get into that group based purely on the prestige.

The Gryphons are definitely still around. They were pretty involved in the Solhaven occupation over the summer. All the chivalry and knight RP gets a little annoying but most of them are nice guys. I like Cryheart and Mohrgan a lot.

01-12-2010, 10:13 AM
The Gryphons are definitely still around. They were pretty involved in the Solhaven occupation over the summer. All the chivalry and knight RP gets a little annoying but most of them are nice guys. I like Cryheart and Mohrgan a lot.

What about Meureuii? Pretty outstanding guy.

01-12-2010, 10:21 AM
What about Meureuii? Pretty outstanding guy.

Was he the half-krol? I liked him.

01-12-2010, 10:29 AM
Was he the half-krol? I liked him.


start reading there, outstanding guy.

01-12-2010, 10:35 AM
From seeing him in game he seemed like a nice enough guy.

Obviously after seeing that thread I changed my mind, but I was surprised.

01-12-2010, 10:38 AM
He was playing again for a while back in november/december

01-13-2010, 01:13 AM
"Yeah, she's a pain in the ass. I was going to have my wizard join Twilight until I found out she was doing the interview. Fuck that.-Briarfox"

"Whenever I see her in game, all she does is spam movie quotes and RL songs. I've learned to avoid the dais because of it, but it's annoying when I go to pick up a bounty/sell stuff at the gemshop and she's in a group just blatantly ooc.

I was interested in Twilight with my new guy too at one point (went on the tour), since they have fairly regular events and I used to know some members. As soon as I saw their officer listings it just wasn't an option.-inso"

No not RL songs! Not movie quotes! You people are pathetic. If you really wanted to be in Twilight you could have been interviewed by anyone. If you really wanted to part of an orginization you would be able to help no matter who was in it. I.E. I would be fine with either of you two joining and participating because Participation is what matters.

No wonder I like the dais. People that dont like Desse avoid it, and I have a rollicking good time helping friends and others out to form a sense of community thats 10x better than anywhere else in the game. Because WE actually care about people whereas most gemstoners are in it for themselves in a sort of ID raging imploding gasbag.

Should she have whispered to Ruh? Yes. Does this thread offend me just as much? Yes.


01-13-2010, 01:23 AM
"Yeah, she's a pain in the ass. I was going to have my wizard join Twilight until I found out she was doing the interview. Fuck that.-Briarfox"

"Whenever I see her in game, all she does is spam movie quotes and RL songs. I've learned to avoid the dais because of it, but it's annoying when I go to pick up a bounty/sell stuff at the gemshop and she's in a group just blatantly ooc.

I was interested in Twilight with my new guy too at one point (went on the tour), since they have fairly regular events and I used to know some members. As soon as I saw their officer listings it just wasn't an option.-inso"

No not RL songs! Not movie quotes! You people are pathetic. If you really wanted to be in Twilight you could have been interviewed by anyone. If you really wanted to part of an orginization you would be able to help no matter who was in it. I.E. I would be fine with either of you two joining and participating because Participation is what matters.

No wonder I like the dais. People that dont like Desse avoid it, and I have a rollicking good time helping friends and others out to form a sense of community thats 10x better than anywhere else in the game. Because WE actually care about people whereas most gemstoners are in it for themselves in a sort of ID raging imploding gasbag.

Should she have whispered to Ruh? Yes. Does this thread offend me just as much? Yes.


Saved for extra lulz.

01-13-2010, 01:28 AM
"Yeah, she's a pain in the ass. I was going to have my wizard join Twilight until I found out she was doing the interview. Fuck that.-Briarfox"

"Whenever I see her in game, all she does is spam movie quotes and RL songs. I've learned to avoid the dais because of it, but it's annoying when I go to pick up a bounty/sell stuff at the gemshop and she's in a group just blatantly ooc.

I was interested in Twilight with my new guy too at one point (went on the tour), since they have fairly regular events and I used to know some members. As soon as I saw their officer listings it just wasn't an option.-inso"

No not RL songs! Not movie quotes! You people are pathetic. If you really wanted to be in Twilight you could have been interviewed by anyone. If you really wanted to part of an orginization you would be able to help no matter who was in it. I.E. I would be fine with either of you two joining and participating because Participation is what matters.

No wonder I like the dais. People that dont like Desse avoid it, and I have a rollicking good time helping friends and others out to form a sense of community thats 10x better than anywhere else in the game. Because WE actually care about people whereas most gemstoners are in it for themselves in a sort of ID raging imploding gasbag.

Should she have whispered to Ruh? Yes. Does this thread offend me just as much? Yes.


I don't really understand any of this post except the other people you quoted and that she should have whispered to Ruh.

Tuxedo Gin
01-13-2010, 01:32 AM
Should she have whispered to Ruh? Yes. Does this thread offend me just as much? Yes.

See here's the difference. This thread has been posted in an OOC place, under a folder specifically designed for complaints against stupid characters/players like (your wife?) Dessedemona.

Her actions, on the other hand, were in a public IC place, with a captive audience (those of use wanting to take advantage of the merchant).

Husbands two cents

I don't think your opinion counts for much when you're married to the idiot in question. Cybering must be a blast with somebody who types like a 12 year old special olympian.

Stanley Burrell
01-13-2010, 01:39 AM
I don't really understand any of this post except the other people you quoted and that she should have whispered to Ruh.

Me neither. And I will respond to it as if it made complete and total sense.


No not RL songs! Not movie quotes! You people are pathetic.

Ah, I didn't know they weren't from RL songs or movie quotes, I guess that's pretty pathetic, heh :embarrassed:

If you really wanted to be in Twilight you could have been interviewed by anyone.

That's absolutely true. And believe you me: I've been interviewed before.

If you really wanted to part of an orginization you would be able to help no matter who was in it. I.E. I would be fine with either of you two joining and participating because Participation is what matters.

That's definitely a good point you bring up there, your I.E. about what would be fine with you is fine by me too :) Participation has always been what's mattered -- It seems today that a lot of matters take a lot less participation and sometimes two people can find an orginization.

No wonder I like the dais. People that dont like Desse avoid it, and I have a rollicking good time helping friends and others out to form a sense of community thats 10x better than anywhere else in the game. Because WE actually care about people whereas most gemstoners are in it for themselves in a sort of ID raging imploding gasbag.

I remember my first rollicking. What's it been? 10, 15 years? Those were good times; between the Dais and the imploding gasbags, everything in the world seemed O.K.

Should she have whispered to Ruh? Yes. Does this thread offend me just as much? Yes.

Power to the people.


Gigantic big balls to you too :tips hat:

01-13-2010, 03:44 AM
"Yeah, she's a pain in the ass.

I'm really not trying to do this but everytime I look at your handle I read it as "Vagabondtard".

That's the extent of my contribution to this thread.

01-13-2010, 05:25 AM
You're proud of the fact that you have helped established an area almost completely devoid of actual roleplay? Eat a bag of dicks.

01-13-2010, 07:50 AM
I hope she is completely ooc inside the walls of Twilight. Then we have a case to toss her ass out. If you don't want to roleplay, don't join a house that it is based on. I want her out.

01-13-2010, 08:04 AM
"Yeah, she's a pain in the ass. I was going to have my wizard join Twilight until I found out she was doing the interview. Fuck that.-Briarfox"

"Whenever I see her in game, all she does is spam movie quotes and RL songs. I've learned to avoid the dais because of it, but it's annoying when I go to pick up a bounty/sell stuff at the gemshop and she's in a group just blatantly ooc.

I was interested in Twilight with my new guy too at one point (went on the tour), since they have fairly regular events and I used to know some members. As soon as I saw their officer listings it just wasn't an option.-inso"

No not RL songs! Not movie quotes! You people are pathetic. If you really wanted to be in Twilight you could have been interviewed by anyone. If you really wanted to part of an orginization you would be able to help no matter who was in it. I.E. I would be fine with either of you two joining and participating because Participation is what matters.

No wonder I like the dais. People that dont like Desse avoid it, and I have a rollicking good time helping friends and others out to form a sense of community thats 10x better than anywhere else in the game. Because WE actually care about people whereas most gemstoners are in it for themselves in a sort of ID raging imploding gasbag.

Should she have whispered to Ruh? Yes. Does this thread offend me just as much? Yes.


You're retarded. Not the oh he's cute give him a ribbon for trying kind of retarded, more of the HEY GUYS I FLUSHED THE POTTY GIMMIE A PRIZE kind of retarded.

You're defending someone that's going OOC, proud of being such a douche that people avoid an area she's in, and claim you are making shit better and "care" more than others in the game. Take a step back and fuck your own face.

01-13-2010, 08:34 AM
You're proud of the fact that you have helped established an area almost completely devoid of actual roleplay? Eat a bag of dicks.


01-13-2010, 12:01 PM
Take a step back and fuck your own face.
Borrowing this.

01-13-2010, 01:28 PM
The Gryphons are definitely still around. They were pretty involved in the Solhaven occupation over the summer. All the chivalry and knight RP gets a little annoying but most of them are nice guys. I like Cryheart and Mohrgan a lot.

Mohrgan isn't a gryphon, but, is a good guy. Maybe you're thinking of Morgiest ?There is a handful of the gryphons active on a day to day basis in Haven though.

Even as a member, I think the chivalry and knight RP can be annoying at times, but, for the most part it has been enjoyable over the years.

01-13-2010, 02:01 PM
Get to work, retard.


Most underwhelming scene that could have pwned. After they said "What?" when he said retard wrong, I expected some sort of comedy pwnage to take place. Instead you just get the driver correcting him on how he says retard with a giggle, then onto the next scene. Gay.

Most overrated movie of the year, imho.

01-13-2010, 02:14 PM
No not RL songs! Not movie quotes! You people are pathetic.

Believe it or not, making RL references out in the open is heavily frowned upon. You were informed of this at level 1 by Raging Thrak or whoever that equivalent fag in Icemule is. You're quite notorious for doing this everywhere you go, which is why people trash on you so much. For the record I couldn't care less about RP anymore, but I still stay in character because there are still people that do care about RP and I respect that.

I think peoples' problem with how you act in game is more due to your blatant disrespect to the game environment and those in it, as opposed to the actual stupidity of what you say/do so much in game, though that just makes it that much worse. Your "Who cares?" attitude fuels the flames even further, especially when your "Who cares?" question gets answered by those who actually do care, and you follow up by telling them to get a life or something along those lines.

It's kind of like a fat kid that won't quit farting and laughing about it in the library. It's not the fart that most people have the problem with, it's the farter's disrespect for shutting the fuck up in a library. I'm a fart pro, but I still wouldn't let them rip all over a library.

I know that the general consensus is that she just doesn't give a fuck about RP, but I seriously get the impression that she thinks she IS roleplaying.

I think the latter is more the case, but after all these years I still can't tell.

01-12-2010 01:01 AM I think she is handicapped IRL, so this thread might be extra mean. FYI, friend.

You're probably thinking of that picture of her in a wheelchair from some Florida (or was it Vegas?) gathering. According to everyone that was there, she was in the wheelchair because she was too wasted to stand up and had to be wheeled out.

Ah, I didn't know they weren't from RL songs or movie quotes, I guess that's pretty pathetic, heh

I think she meant that in an "OH NOES!" way, not a "Those weren't RL songs or movies quotes." way.


8===========D ~o ~o ~o ~o

01-13-2010, 04:17 PM
http://forum.gsplayers.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifDessedemona: Still... (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=1049011#post1049011) 01-13-2010 01:38 PM You're a fag for not mentioning her shitting and pissing all over some guy's bed that weekend.


EDIT: I never heard about any shitting being involved before though. The original thread would probably still be going if that happened.

01-13-2010, 04:26 PM

01-13-2010, 04:39 PM
If you really wanted to part of an orginization you would be able to help no matter who was in it.


My main recently went through a crisis of duty very similar to this.

He rather despises the behavior of many of the Squires in Vaalor, to the point of occasionally getting murder in his mind.

At the same time, he is a staunchly loyal Vaalor elf, so I forced him into the organization regardless. For OOC reasons.

Honestly? An organization is only as good as it's worst member. Your wife (?) seems to be the worst in the eyes of many. I think that's why Twilight gets hate on her behalf. As an officer, she represents and influences the group, and most people don't seem to like her influence.

01-13-2010, 04:41 PM
Anyone who defends Dessedemona's "roleplay" needs to get junkpunched over and over again.

01-13-2010, 04:59 PM
Wasn't Desse posting in her last trainwreck thread under Vagabondbard?

CT we need your super investigator skills.

EDIT: Unless Desse's player is really a man and he considers Desse the character as his "wife..."

01-13-2010, 05:14 PM
"Cybering must be a blast with somebody who types like a 12 year old special olympian.-Tuxedo Gin"

This was my favorite. I actually had some trouble deciding to...

"Eat a bag of dicks.-Fallen"

"Take a step back and fuck your own face.-AnticorRifling"

But my "Gigantic Big Balls-Stanley Burrell" kept hitting me in the face and causing me to blackout.

I think if I had succeeded in any of the suggested endeavors I would be able to tell someone else to try them out in that sort of first hand knowledge way it was given to me.

Maybe since I am notoriously such a bad roleplayer and I have created a place devoid of actual roleplaying I can consider myself in-Famous. Course that could be cause I am such a "Vagabondtard" and I think that infamous means I am more than famous. (Ha! Stuck a movie reference in here!)

Nothing like a bunch of people that complain about a thing and do nothing to better it except complain on some bulletin boards. Democracy in action!

Now excuse me as I continue on my merry way making sure to focus on "my blatant disrespect to the game enviroment-Methais." That takes a lot of hard work and imagination.

I'm far from saying Dessedemona is the role-playing thespian of our age, but then again NO ONE is the Role-playing thespian of our age.


Sad I couldnt think of a Song reference.

01-13-2010, 05:29 PM
"Cybering must be a blast with somebody who types like a 12 year old special olympian.-Tuxedo Gin"

This was my favorite. I actually had some trouble deciding to...

"Eat a bag of dicks.-Fallen"

"Take a step back and fuck your own face.-AnticorRifling"

But my "Gigantic Big Balls-Stanley Burrell" kept hitting me in the face and causing me to blackout.

I think if I had succeeded in any of the suggested endeavors I would be able to tell someone else to try them out in that sort of first hand knowledge way it was given to me.

Maybe since I am notoriously such a bad roleplayer and I have created a place devoid of actual roleplaying I can consider myself in-Famous. Course that could be cause I am such a "Vagabondtard" and I think that infamous means I am more than famous. (Ha! Stuck a movie reference in here!)

Nothing like a bunch of people that complain about a thing and do nothing to better it except complain on some bulletin boards. Democracy in action!

Now excuse me as I continue on my merry way making sure to focus on "my blatant disrespect to the game enviroment-Methais." That takes a lot of hard work and imagination.

I'm far from saying Dessedemona is the role-playing thespian of our age, but then again NO ONE is the Role-playing thespian of our age.


Sad I couldnt think of a Song reference.

That's a whole lot of wtfery contained in a single post.

Some Rogue
01-13-2010, 05:31 PM
Yeah, I couldn't find a facepalm pic big enough for that. Instead, I bring you this..


01-13-2010, 05:35 PM
Dessedemona is no longer an officer of Twilight Hall. As for why and how it happened. That is up to her to say.

01-13-2010, 05:36 PM

01-13-2010, 05:41 PM
"Cybering must be a blast with somebody who types like a 12 year old special olympian.-Tuxedo Gin"

This was my favorite. I actually had some trouble deciding to...

"Eat a bag of dicks.-Fallen"

"Take a step back and fuck your own face.-AnticorRifling"

But my "Gigantic Big Balls-Stanley Burrell" kept hitting me in the face and causing me to blackout.

I think if I had succeeded in any of the suggested endeavors I would be able to tell someone else to try them out in that sort of first hand knowledge way it was given to me.

Maybe since I am notoriously such a bad roleplayer and I have created a place devoid of actual roleplaying I can consider myself in-Famous. Course that could be cause I am such a "Vagabondtard" and I think that infamous means I am more than famous. (Ha! Stuck a movie reference in here!)

Nothing like a bunch of people that complain about a thing and do nothing to better it except complain on some bulletin boards. Democracy in action!

Now excuse me as I continue on my merry way making sure to focus on "my blatant disrespect to the game enviroment-Methais." That takes a lot of hard work and imagination.

I'm far from saying Dessedemona is the role-playing thespian of our age, but then again NO ONE is the Role-playing thespian of our age.


Sad I couldnt think of a Song reference.

See this is exactly what I'm talking about. I think I was pretty respectful in my post, definitely 4738402x more than anyone else in this thread was or that my average post to anyone is, trying to illustrate to you why people can't stand you since you've apparently been unable to figure it out over the years, and you respond with a perfect example of why people despise you so much. Not only are you a blatantly OOC retard that has zero respect for anyone else's enjoyment of the game, but you're also arrogant about it when people call you on it or just tell you to shut the fuck up and stop having Downs.

Nothing like a bunch of people that complain about a thing and do nothing to better it except complain on some bulletin boards. Democracy in action!

You mean just like your entire post complaining about people complaining? As for "doing nothing to better it", the only reason for that is because nobody's going to get themselves banned for killing you on sight 478920792820947209 times until you go away, and the GMs are too stupid to ban you themselves for being such a constant disruption.

I think you actually revel in it, as it seems to be the only way you're able to get attention, probably since nobody believed that that old blonde stripper on a card table pic you used to send out was really you like you claimed.

What are you talking about? Stripper on a card table?

Yes. You sent it to me a long long time ago claiming it was you, I remember it distinctly.

I'm far from saying Dessedemona is the role-playing thespian of our age, but then again NO ONE is the Role-playing thespian of our age.

That's like shitting your pants at 30 years old on a regular basis and then saying "I'm far from being the most potty trained person on the planet, but then again who is?"

Hey wait a minute, I thought you were "the husband"?

Some Rogue
01-13-2010, 05:46 PM
All that needs be stated before all jump on a bandwagon would be ...maybe you should have been there ruh left all of the parts from hym out of the post



GAYlen Blueballs

Hey wait a minute, I thought you were "the husband"?

Get with the program, Ese!

01-13-2010, 07:27 PM
Im not Dessedemona.....



I liked great big balls better than GAYlen blue balls...now i am sad....and gay apparently....wait doesn't that mean I should be happy?


"See this is exactly what I'm talking about. I think I was pretty respectful in my post,-Methais"

You were pretty respectful but not one time did I call you any names so I cant see how I wasnt just as respectful as you were. Here I thought my post just made fun of the whole series of posts on the subject.

"Dessedemona is no longer an officer of Twilight Hall. As for why and how it happened. That is up to her to say.-Wross"

We talked about this, and I really don't see how the above helps one way or the other. What is gained from this announcement? Bad form IMO.


Sylvan Dreams
01-13-2010, 08:25 PM
No not RL songs! Not movie quotes! You people are pathetic. If you really wanted to be in Twilight you could have been interviewed by anyone. If you really wanted to part of an orginization you would be able to help no matter who was in it. I.E. I would be fine with either of you two joining and participating because Participation is what matters.

No wonder I like the dais. People that dont like Desse avoid it, and I have a rollicking good time helping friends and others out to form a sense of community thats 10x better than anywhere else in the game. Because WE actually care about people whereas most gemstoners are in it for themselves in a sort of ID raging imploding gasbag.

Should she have whispered to Ruh? Yes. Does this thread offend me just as much? Yes.


Why would you be pleased that you're in a roleplaying game and people are actively avoiding Desse and in turn you?

01-13-2010, 08:26 PM
"Dessedemona is no longer an officer of Twilight Hall. As for why and how it happened. That is up to her to say.-Wross"

We talked about this, and I really don't see how the above helps one way or the other. What is gained from this announcement? Bad form IMO.

Perhaps all the people who wouldn't be associated with Dessedemona ever will be interested now. I think that's a good reason for the announcement.

01-14-2010, 08:24 AM
Nothing like a bunch of people that complain about a thing and do nothing to better it except complain on some bulletin boards. Democracy in action!
There is nothing that can be done for bad roleplaying if they are in denial that they're doing it wrong in the first place. So since so many years of trying to help and mention things that shouldn't be said has gone ignored, people resort to telling others of the stupidity so that they can try to avoid it themselves.

It's sad that you encourage this type of behavior. And we can't even ask that you help her stop being OOC because you revel in it because it keeps the roleplayers away. People like you are what have helped destroy this game.

01-14-2010, 08:34 AM
Borrowing this. It's from Tropic Thunder, a movie full of win and wrapped in bacon.

01-14-2010, 10:42 AM
It's from Tropic Thunder, a movie full of win and wrapped in bacon.

This is a true story:

Mitigating circumstances: I just woke up, I'm sick.

Story: I wanted to look back and read the quote he liked that you attributed to Tropic Thunder. So I clicked ctrl+F to bring up the find feature and typed "ParkBa" before I realized that wasn't your name. I knew it was you too, I wasn't confused as to who wrote it.

01-14-2010, 10:53 AM
http://forum.gsplayers.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Dessedemona: Still... (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=1049370#post1049370) 01-14-2010 09:34 AM Bad Roleplay is minor.. compared to the other things that destroy this game. Namely NO DEV and the Costs. I say let it drop with Dess.. Who really gives a fuck
To some, it's not minor. GS has ALWAYS had issues with coding and implementation. What made it bearable was the roleplay and interaction. When you don't even have that, why should a roleplayer even bother continuing?

Regardless of whether people do it or not, GS is still a roleplaying game. People who don't even make the effort to stay in character irritate the shit out of me. Stay quiet if you can't help yourself from singing a Lady Gaga song in the open.

01-14-2010, 11:11 AM
I don't even play anymore and hearing about her rampant idiocy still irritates me. Bravo for Twilight, though.

01-14-2010, 12:47 PM
[QUOTE=Regardless of whether people do it or not, GS is still a roleplaying game. People who don't even make the effort to stay in character irritate the shit out of me. Stay quiet if you can't help yourself from singing a Lady Gaga song in the open.[/QUOTE]

and previously from crystal tears

"There is nothing that can be done for bad roleplaying if they are in denial that they're doing it wrong in the first place. So since so many years of trying to help and mention things that shouldn't be said has gone ignored, people resort to telling others of the stupidity so that they can try to avoid it themselves.

It's sad that you encourage this type of behavior. And we can't even ask that you help her stop being OOC because you revel in it because it keeps the roleplayers away. People like you are what have helped destroy this game."

Its amazing how well you know me. No really you must spend all your time standing right next to me. Oh wait you dont cause you think avoiding the places where desse hangs out is a good idea. Self righteousness and holier than thou attitudes are exactly what get my dander up.

1. I have had exactly one person tell me I have been bad and I can't speak to what anyone has whispered to Desse. Andraste has sent me two things since I have been back and both have been nitpicking IMO. The use of the word Pimp (which I have since changed to whoremonger) and I forget the other off the top of my head.

2. If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot? So a world deviod of poetry and song is that what elanthia is? Oh it should all be original? I should spend my days and nights singing sub par songs and reciting sub par poems of original verse. Amazingly enough I certainly do sing those as well and recite and loresing them to boot, but I wont say at times that a good verse or song is not needed. Something worthy of the ages. To your mind something from the Wasteland.

3. You do not know if I encourage bad roleplaying. How do I know? Because you think that avoiding the dais would be better than trying to fix any behavior you think is misguided or bad because of my ignorance and denial. Shit or get off the pot. I will not mourn the loss of people that begin by viewing themselves as their shit dont stink. It does.

4. If you think I destroyed Gemstone then you are as far wrong in that as you can be. I was gone for 6 years or more. I never saw GS4. When I left gemstone it was gs3 and still had 1000+ users at any one time. People that stayed destroyed gemstone alot more than I did. That would include you most likely. Someone previously stated that the glacial pace of implementation and mismanagement was a big factor as well. I would tend to lean towards that before blaming players wholesale. Take my blaming the loss of the fabled gs community goldenage to all the people that stayed for gs4 as hyberbole.

Ya'll cast alot of stones. Have the stones to DO something.


01-14-2010, 12:48 PM

01-14-2010, 12:52 PM
and previously from crystal tears

"There is nothing that can be done for bad roleplaying if they are in denial that they're doing it wrong in the first place. So since so many years of trying to help and mention things that shouldn't be said has gone ignored, people resort to telling others of the stupidity so that they can try to avoid it themselves.

It's sad that you encourage this type of behavior. And we can't even ask that you help her stop being OOC because you revel in it because it keeps the roleplayers away. People like you are what have helped destroy this game."

Its amazing how well you know me. No really you must spend all your time standing right next to me. Oh wait you dont cause you think avoiding the places where desse hangs out is a good idea. Self righteousness and holier than thou attitudes are exactly what get my dander up.

1. I have had exactly one person tell me I have been bad and I can't speak to what anyone has whispered to Desse. Andraste has sent me two things since I have been back and both have been nitpicking IMO. The use of the word Pimp (which I have since changed to whoremonger) and I forget the other off the top of my head.

2. If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot? So a world deviod of poetry and song is that what elanthia is? Oh it should all be original? I should spend my days and nights singing sub par songs and reciting sub par poems of original verse. Amazingly enough I certainly do sing those as well and recite and loresing them to boot, but I wont say at times that a good verse or song is not needed. Something worthy of the ages. To your mind something from the Wasteland.

3. You do not know if I encourage bad roleplaying. How do I know? Because you think that avoiding the dais would be better than trying to fix any behavior you think is misguided or bad because of my ignorance and denial. Shit or get off the pot. I will not mourn the loss of people that begin by viewing themselves as their shit dont stink. It does.

4. If you think I destroyed Gemstone then you are as far wrong in that as you can be. I was gone for 6 years or more. I never saw GS4. When I left gemstone it was gs3 and still had 1000+ users at any one time. People that stayed destroyed gemstone alot more than I did. That would include you most likely. Someone previously stated that the glacial pace of implementation and mismanagement was a big factor as well. I would tend to lean towards that before blaming players wholesale. Take my blaming the loss of the fabled gs community goldenage to all the people that stayed for gs4 as hyberbole.

Ya'll cast alot of stones. Have the stones to DO something.


Just quoting this... I don't know why, it seems like a good idea.

01-14-2010, 12:55 PM
Just quoting this...

At least you know how it's done...

01-14-2010, 01:02 PM
If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot?
I find this more offensive than anything you've said. Equating lady gaga to Poe or Eliot is a fucking joke. I hate you.

01-14-2010, 01:08 PM
and previously from crystal tears

"There is nothing that can be done for bad roleplaying if they are in denial that they're doing it wrong in the first place. So since so many years of trying to help and mention things that shouldn't be said has gone ignored, people resort to telling others of the stupidity so that they can try to avoid it themselves.

It's sad that you encourage this type of behavior. And we can't even ask that you help her stop being OOC because you revel in it because it keeps the roleplayers away. People like you are what have helped destroy this game."

Its amazing how well you know me. No really you must spend all your time standing right next to me. Oh wait you dont cause you think avoiding the places where desse hangs out is a good idea. Self righteousness and holier than thou attitudes are exactly what get my dander up.

1. I have had exactly one person tell me I have been bad and I can't speak to what anyone has whispered to Desse. Andraste has sent me two things since I have been back and both have been nitpicking IMO. The use of the word Pimp (which I have since changed to whoremonger) and I forget the other off the top of my head.

2. If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot? So a world deviod of poetry and song is that what elanthia is? Oh it should all be original? I should spend my days and nights singing sub par songs and reciting sub par poems of original verse. Amazingly enough I certainly do sing those as well and recite and loresing them to boot, but I wont say at times that a good verse or song is not needed. Something worthy of the ages. To your mind something from the Wasteland.

3. You do not know if I encourage bad roleplaying. How do I know? Because you think that avoiding the dais would be better than trying to fix any behavior you think is misguided or bad because of my ignorance and denial. Shit or get off the pot. I will not mourn the loss of people that begin by viewing themselves as their shit dont stink. It does.

4. If you think I destroyed Gemstone then you are as far wrong in that as you can be. I was gone for 6 years or more. I never saw GS4. When I left gemstone it was gs3 and still had 1000+ users at any one time. People that stayed destroyed gemstone alot more than I did. That would include you most likely. Someone previously stated that the glacial pace of implementation and mismanagement was a big factor as well. I would tend to lean towards that before blaming players wholesale. Take my blaming the loss of the fabled gs community goldenage to all the people that stayed for gs4 as hyberbole.

Ya'll cast alot of stones. Have the stones to DO something.


Gal, people have made the attempt to roleplay with your group on numerous occasions. I know, as I was one of the ones involved. During the Ta'Illistim storyline people dragged you to loresing to items and involve yourself in the quest. -EVERY TIME- a quest takes place in Ta'Illistim, people go to the Dais to try to drag people into the storyline. To say that no one attempts to improve the roleplay there is no excuse. You CHOOSE to remain, at best, loosely in character.

I feel sorry for the GM in charge of Ta'Illistim. She does everything in her power to involve the people in that town in roleplay. She basically has to start sending town-wide screamers while standing on the Dais to get your attention. Again, to claim that no one is doing anything to attempt to improve the "roleplay" at the Dais is laughable.

2. If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot? So a world deviod of poetry and song is that what elanthia is? Oh it should all be original? I should spend my days and nights singing sub par songs and reciting sub par poems of original verse. Amazingly enough I certainly do sing those as well and recite and loresing them to boot, but I wont say at times that a good verse or song is not needed. Something worthy of the ages. To your mind something from the Wasteland.

To address this in particular, quoting or singing any lyric or bit of poetry from the real world is strictly against TOS. It isn't player opinion, or people being anal, it is against the rules of the game. There is no excuse for this behavior. Don't engage in it unless you don't care that you are actively violating policy.

- Evarin's player

01-14-2010, 01:14 PM
Mohrgan isn't a gryphon, but, is a good guy. Maybe you're thinking of Morgiest ?There is a handful of the gryphons active on a day to day basis in Haven though.

Even as a member, I think the chivalry and knight RP can be annoying at times, but, for the most part it has been enjoyable over the years.

Yeah I guess I was thinking of Morgiest although I thought Mohrgan was a member too.

01-14-2010, 01:20 PM
2. If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot?I'm going to ignore the rest of your bullshit because that's exactly what this is. But the quoted part? Really? Comparing Lady Gaga go POETRY?! Poe? T.S. Elliot?!

Not only do you need to be junkpunched over and over again, but you need to get skull-fucked by Dess with a strap-on. You obviously deserve each other.

Stanley Burrell
01-14-2010, 01:22 PM

Its amazing how well you know me. No really you must spend all your time standing right next to me. Oh wait you dont cause you think avoiding the places where desse hangs out is a good idea. Self righteousness and holier than thou attitudes are exactly what get my dander up.

We all know you, you're GBB, 'round these parts, that makes you a star, baby. The reason why people avoid places where Desse hangs out is doing our people a disservice -- And by our people, I mean Monks (2010, btw.) Monks don't have holier-than-thou attitudes, because they're monks; and as for dander, they don't get a lot of that either because they shave their entire body.

1. I have had exactly one person tell me I have been bad and I can't speak to what anyone has whispered to Desse. Andraste has sent me two things since I have been back and both have been nitpicking IMO. The use of the word Pimp (which I have since changed to whoremonger) and I forget the other off the top of my head.

When people tell you you've been bad, do you wear a ball-gag? Just curious ... bi-curious. Haha, yes. And as far as the whole Andraste nitpicking pimps goes: you need a leader of a business who is going to go beyond just slapping sluts when they get unruly or pushing prostitutes out in the snow when they're cold, regular pimps just won't do, so I appreciate your capitalization of the word Pimp. To help in order to distinguish things.

2. If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot? So a world deviod of poetry and song is that what elanthia is? Oh it should all be original? I should spend my days and nights singing sub par songs and reciting sub par poems of original verse. Amazingly enough I certainly do sing those as well and recite and loresing them to boot, but I wont say at times that a good verse or song is not needed. Something worthy of the ages. To your mind something from the Wasteland.

The real problem is how deviod the lands are of of Hip-Hop culture and how it offends the Dark Elves, e.g.

You sing,

"Stolen Bucket of KFC wings in my hands,
What is your value throughout these lands?"

Then we start to see what the real problem is (which you addressed): The Wasteland. I cannot tell you how many times people have simply not placed their gosh-darn container in recycling wastebaskets throughout Elanthia. It's a shame, and a problem.

3. You do not know if I encourage bad roleplaying. How do I know? Because you think that avoiding the dais would be better than trying to fix any behavior you think is misguided or bad because of my ignorance and denial. Shit or get off the pot. I will not mourn the loss of people that begin by viewing themselves as their shit dont stink. It does.

Excellent point: Using Sartrean existential nihilistic properties there isn't any possible way for roleplaying to exist in the first place. It is not merely shitting or getting off the pot, but realizing the painful truth -- There is no shit.

Only peepee.

4. If you think I destroyed Gemstone then you are as far wrong in that as you can be. I was gone for 6 years or more. I never saw GS4. When I left gemstone it was gs3 and still had 1000+ users at any one time. People that stayed destroyed gemstone alot more than I did.

Indeed. And do you know a name that pops up?

Hitler. Hitler and Waldo2. Bastards.

That would include you most likely.

It was, in fact, me.

Someone previously stated that the glacial pace of implementation and mismanagement was a big factor as well.

Now that glaciers have began melting, things have actually been going quite a bit faster actually. The implementation and mismanagement of glaciers are Icemule's fault anyway.


Tally ho and a pip-pip...


01-14-2010, 01:31 PM
If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot?I think you're doing it on purpose now.

01-14-2010, 01:34 PM
Welcome to PC Vagabundo(tard?). It seems you have sparked the interest of the local mad fucking hatter. I suggest you find some Big Red Shoes, lube up and learn all the dirty spanish come hither phrases.

01-14-2010, 01:48 PM
I find this more offensive than anything you've said. Equating lady gaga to Poe or Eliot is a fucking joke. I hate you.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore--
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my disco stick.
"'Tis some visiter," I muttered, "tapping at my disco stick--
Only this and nothing more."

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;--vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow--sorrow for the lost Lenore--
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore--
Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me--filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
"'Tis some visiter entreating entrance at my disco stick--
Some late visiter entreating entrance at my disco stick;
This it is and nothing more."

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
"Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my disco stick,
That I scarce was sure I heard you"--here I opened wide my disco stick--
Darkness there and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"--
Merely this and nothing more.

Back into the chamber turning, all my sour within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping something louder than before.
"Surely," said I, "surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see, then, what thereat is and this mystery explore--
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;--
'Tis the wind and nothing more.

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he,
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my disco stick--
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my disco stick--
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then the ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
"Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou," I said, "art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore--
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"
Quoth the Raven, "poker face."

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning--little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his disco stick--
Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his disco stick,
With such name as "poker face."

But the Raven, sitting lonely on that placid bust, spoke only
That one word, as if its soul in that one word he did outpour
Nothing farther then he uttered; not a feather then he fluttered--
Till I scarcely more than muttered: "Other friends have flown before--
On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before."
Then the bird said "poker face."

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
"Doubtless," said I, "what it utters is its only stock and store,
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore--
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
Of 'Never—poker face.'"

But the Raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird and bust and disco stick;
Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore--
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
Meant in croaking "poker face."

This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core;
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o'er,
But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o'er
She shall press, ah, poker face!

etc, etc, you get the idea

01-14-2010, 02:02 PM
verbal diarrhea
I hate you so much.

01-14-2010, 02:13 PM
I think you're doing it on purpose now.

The sad part is that she's not.

Its amazing how well you know me. No really you must spend all your time standing right next to me. Oh wait you dont cause you think avoiding the places where desse hangs out is a good idea. Self righteousness and holier than thou attitudes are exactly what get my dander up.

Will you please make up your mind on if you're Desse or not? (HINT: Nobody's buying the "husband" bit.)

1. I have had exactly one person tell me I have been bad and I can't speak to what anyone has whispered to Desse.

I'm calling bullshit, as evidenced by the testimony of 404987240 people. Or were you Desse's "husband" in that paragraph?

2. If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot? So a world deviod of poetry and song is that what elanthia is? Oh it should all be original? I should spend my days and nights singing sub par songs and reciting sub par poems of original verse. Amazingly enough I certainly do sing those as well and recite and loresing them to boot, but I wont say at times that a good verse or song is not needed. Something worthy of the ages. To your mind something from the Wasteland.

Congratulations. Not only have you demonstrated your complete lack of understanding of the game's rules, but you have also tremendously exceeded everyone's expectations of your own epic failure by comparing Lady Gaga to Edgar Allen Poe.

3. You do not know if I encourage bad roleplaying. How do I know? Because you think that avoiding the dais would be better than trying to fix any behavior you think is misguided or bad because of my ignorance and denial. Shit or get off the pot. I will not mourn the loss of people that begin by viewing themselves as their shit dont stink. It does.

I think we can all say without a doubt that one thing you do encourage is peoples' aspirations to not be like you. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you are a total train wreck in-game, on the forums, and based on the testimony of several dozen people, RL.

4. If you think I destroyed Gemstone then you are as far wrong in that as you can be. I was gone for 6 years or more. I never saw GS4. When I left gemstone it was gs3 and still had 1000+ users at any one time. People that stayed destroyed gemstone alot more than I did. That would include you most likely. Someone previously stated that the glacial pace of implementation and mismanagement was a big factor as well. I would tend to lean towards that before blaming players wholesale. Take my blaming the loss of the fabled gs community goldenage to all the people that stayed for gs4 as hyberbole.

I believe the person you were responding to said PEOPLE LIKE YOU are what ruined the game or played a significant part in it. Not you and only you. L2Read.

Ya'll cast alot of stones. Have the stones to DO something.


01-14-2010, 02:14 PM
Awesome AR. Classic Literature improved upon as never before. Er I mean Nevermore.

01-14-2010, 02:25 PM
I'm used to people on the internet mangling classics so that barely phases me. What really "gets my dander up" is the fact that she thinks we're too stupid to notice the changing pronouns in every post (she to I to her to me). Really? It's not THAT hard to keep track of your own lie.

01-14-2010, 02:31 PM
Unless Dess MAs an older known character named Galenblackbard (or whatever), they are two different people. I think he just let her post under his SN here once.

01-14-2010, 02:44 PM
Gal, people have made the attempt to roleplay with your group on numerous occasions. I know, as I was one of the ones involved. During the Ta'Illistim storyline people dragged you to loresing to items and involve yourself in the quest. -EVERY TIME- a quest takes place in Ta'Illistim, people go to the Dais to try to drag people into the storyline. To say that no one attempts to improve the roleplay there is no excuse. You CHOOSE to remain, at best, loosely in character.

To address this in particular, quoting or singing any lyric or bit of poetry from the real world is strictly against TOS. It isn't player opinion, or people being anal, it is against the rules of the game. There is no excuse for this behavior. Don't engage in it unless you don't care that you are actively violating policy.

- Evarin's player

I was 1 hour returned from GS3 when Velvette took me out there. I had no idea what the hell was going on and I didnt even remember the commands to loresing. I did not know where I was or what was happening or even what the most common command was.

With all that against me I did OK. Not great. Not good. But OK. I thought I was funny and irreverant and definately a dirty old man. Which is definately GBB in as good natured a way as possible. I always think of Sean Connery circa 1990 playing my Grandfather when I see GBB anyway.

And If I remember correctly you liked that loresong. My loresongs are never hand land.

I am saddened to think at best I stay loosely in character. No sarcasm. I hope your not basing me on the ME of my first few hours back, but I trust ya enough not to.

Sylvan Dreams
01-14-2010, 02:47 PM
3. You do not know if I encourage bad roleplaying. How do I know? Because you think that avoiding the dais would be better than trying to fix any behavior you think is misguided or bad because of my ignorance and denial. Shit or get off the pot. I will not mourn the loss of people that begin by viewing themselves as their shit dont stink. It does.GBB

If you consider that behavior to be anything but OOC or bad RP, then you're mistaken. You're encouraging it by not stopping it and by contributing to it. You have been playing GS long enough to know what is expected of you as a player. Why do you need to be corrected after the number of years that you have been playing GS? You either don't get what RP and IC behavior is, or simply don't care. Your pick.

01-14-2010, 02:53 PM
Dessedemona: Still... 01-14-2010 02:37 PM really? get w the program.

Don't be thick and actually read the thread.

01-14-2010, 03:24 PM

We all know you, you're GBB, 'round these parts, that makes you a star, baby. The reason why people avoid places where Desse hangs out is doing our people a disservice -- And by our people, I mean Monks (2010, btw.) Monks don't have holier-than-thou attitudes , because they're monks; and as for dander, they don't get a lot of that either because they shave their entire body.

When people tell you you've been bad, do you wear a ball-gag? Just curious ... bi-curious. Haha, yes. And as far as the whole Andraste nitpicking pimps goes: you need a leader of a business who is going to go beyond just slapping sluts when they get unruly or pushing prostitutes out in the snow when they're cold, regular pimps just won't do, so I appreciate your capitalization of the word Pimp. To help in order to distinguish things.

The real problem is how deviod the lands are of of Hip-Hop culture and how it offends the Dark Elves, e.g.

You sing,

"Stolen Bucket of KFC wings in my hands,
What is your value throughout these lands?"

Then we start to see what the real problem is (which you addressed): The Wasteland. I cannot tell you how many times people have simply not placed their gosh-darn container in recycling wastebaskets throughout Elanthia. It's a shame, and a problem.

Excellent point: Using Sartrean existential nihilistic properties there isn't any possible way for roleplaying to exist in the first place. It is not merely shitting or getting off the pot, but realizing the painful truth -- There is no shit.

Only peepee.

Indeed. And do you know a name that pops up?

Hitler. Hitler and Waldo2. Bastards.

It was, in fact, me.

Now that glaciers have began melting, things have actually been going quite a bit faster actually. The implementation and mismanagement of glaciers are Icemule's fault anyway.

Tally ho and a pip-pip...


And since people do that to me and I have no idea why...Im not on these boards very much until WRoss pointed it out to me...ie 30 posts.

And Waldo2 was/is awesome.

Stanley Burrell
01-14-2010, 03:25 PM

01-14-2010, 03:28 PM
I'm confused. What is hand land?

Some Rogue
01-14-2010, 03:30 PM
Massive penis of mine in my hand;
what's your value in this land?

01-14-2010, 03:34 PM
I'm confused. What is hand land? A place to park the beef bus before it heads to tuna town.

Stanley Burrell
01-14-2010, 03:36 PM
Massive penis of mine in my hand;
what's your value in this land?

The first thing that strikes you about the penis is the weight, which is about 3000 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about $50. You can also tell there is some type of foreskin in the structure of the massive penis.

It has a bonus of 6" from a normal penis, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it has a ladder piercing.

The massive penis resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 10 to Self-Confidence.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who suffer from erectile dysfunction.


01-14-2010, 03:40 PM
If you consider that behavior to be anything but OOC or bad RP, then you're mistaken. You're encouraging it by not stopping it and by contributing to it. You have been playing GS long enough to know what is expected of you as a player. Why do you need to be corrected after the number of years that you have been playing GS? You either don't get what RP and IC behavior is, or simply don't care. Your pick.

there is always a third option! Whats the point of having options if ya dont even have 3 of em!

So we will go with a mixture of the two?

Again you do not know what I do or do not say to Desse. It would be impossible since I whisper to her when she is arguing with Ruh or anyone else. The event in question is a perfect example. You assume you know.

To think Oh he married desse in game and so he must be just like her is wrong.

[/Quote=Methais] Will you please make up your mind on if you're Desse or not? (HINT: Nobody's buying the "husband" bit.)

Funny thing is that if your the Methais I hunted with and hung out with in GS3 I never knew ya thought this way about my character. (Galenblackbard BTW) I get that its part of this boards culture to flame and flame and I don't mind it one bit, but if you were that Methais then ya should have ignored or something.


01-14-2010, 03:57 PM
Funny thing is that if your the Methais I hunted with and hung out with in GS3 I never knew ya thought this way about my character. (Galenblackbard BTW) I get that its part of this boards culture to flame and flame and I don't mind it one bit, but if you were that Methais then ya should have ignored or something.

Yep I'm the original from back in the day. I actually figured you were Desse posting the whole time in this thread until someone mentioned Galenblackbard, then the GBB at the end of your posts made sense. Everything I posted was directed at Desse, not you. I just thought your posts were Desse posting, with the way your "I"s and "me"s were changing up randomly. Made it look like it was a poor attempt by her to try and post as someone else to defend her.

I remember Galenblackbard from back in the day. I figured you were long gone from the game. I was actually messing with the fame list the other day and saw your name up there even and seeing an old name like yours triggered some memories from when GS was awesome. Never had a problem with him, always remembered him being a good fella. Still don't have a problem with you/him/whatever at all. Sorry for the confusion :P

The problem is how Desse just acts incredibly annoying 99% of the time and a lot of the time it really just comes across as either a plea for attention or mental retardation. Fortunately I'm usually on Teras so I don't have to deal with it, but meh.

I think she's probably an ok person overall, but the way she acts in game is just ridiculously stupid and annoying. I've always thought that way, I just never mentioned it to her until the original Desse trainwreck thread. Or one of those threads anyway, there have been several Desse trainwreck threads here over the years if I remember right.

Anyway, welcome back to GS. Monks still aren't out. Nor will they be. Ever.

Stanley Burrell
01-14-2010, 04:02 PM

01-14-2010, 04:07 PM
The first thing that strikes you about the penis is the weight, which is about 3000 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about $50. You can also tell there is some type of foreskin in the structure of the massive penis.

It has a bonus of 6" from a normal penis, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it has a ladder piercing.

The massive penis resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 10 to Self-Confidence.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who suffer from erectile dysfunction.



Need to spread more AIDS before I can give it again, but hahahaha.

01-14-2010, 04:30 PM
Never had a problem with him, always remembered him being a good fella. Still don't have a problem with you/him/whatever at all. Sorry for the confusion :PDon't speak for me! I still think he sucks since he defends that walking vag. I really don't care what he whispers in that cunt's ear. I don't care if he's privately telling her that she sucks, and not in that good way. He openly said HERE that WE suck for avoiding her and putting so much emphasis on roleplay. He can suck it.

01-15-2010, 04:45 AM
To some, it's not minor. GS has ALWAYS had issues with coding and implementation. What made it bearable was the roleplay and interaction. When you don't even have that, why should a roleplayer even bother continuing?

Regardless of whether people do it or not, GS is still a roleplaying game. People who don't even make the effort to stay in character irritate the shit out of me. Stay quiet if you can't help yourself from singing a Lady Gaga song in the open.

QFT. Couldn't agree with this more.

Killer Kitten
01-15-2010, 02:58 PM
Silversoft is gone. New regime.

Is she gone from the game or just the house officialdom?

01-15-2010, 05:15 PM
She's still in game. Currently on Teras.

01-16-2010, 10:29 AM
Edited cause I read it wrong.

Sylvan Dreams
01-16-2010, 10:49 AM
I just laughed at this part...

The problem is how Desse just acts incredibly annoying 99% of the time and a lot of the time it really just comes across as either a plea for attention or mental retardation. Fortunately I'm usually on Teras so I don't have to deal with it, but meh. - Meth

She's still in game. Currently on Teras. -Ker_Thwap

Thought that was in reference to Silversoft.

01-16-2010, 12:49 PM
The reason I love the negative rep is because I can picture people fuming at their keyboard and doing something as useless as negative repping someone then feeling better about themselves because of it.

Kudos to you sirs and madams! May your self gratification never cease. Huzzah!

The Notorious GBB....hehe

01-16-2010, 01:13 PM
There is actually a whole thread on the PC where people can take the time to post about how much they really don't care about their negative rep. No need to do so here.

01-16-2010, 01:59 PM
There is actually a whole thread on the PC where people can take the time to post about how much they really don't care about their negative rep. No need to do so here.

This is the only thread I have ever read other than the merchant ones. I have glanced at a few others. I doubt that I will go looking for too many more. This one has proved entertaining enough.


01-16-2010, 03:52 PM
Damn, I read the previous post wrong. :club:

01-16-2010, 04:32 PM
The reason I love the negative rep is because I can picture people fuming at their keyboard and doing something as useless as negative repping someone then feeling better about themselves because of it.

Kudos to you sirs and madams! May your self gratification never cease. Huzzah!

The Notorious GBB....hehe

I was gonna post a link to angry German kid. But instead I wound up with this:


Killer Kitten
01-18-2010, 12:35 PM
She's still in game. Currently on Teras.

There goes the neighborhood.

10-01-2010, 12:29 AM

10-01-2010, 12:50 AM


10-01-2010, 02:26 AM
So here is a letter explaining what happened. You'll see further down why I wrote it.

Twilight Officers and Xynwen,

First off, I'd like to apologize for this reaching GM involvement. Going forward, until this issue is resolved, I will avoid contact with Galenblackbard and Dessedemona, unless they wish to continue RP with me, which was where this all began. Xynwen, I'm sorry to have to involve you in this, but I feel that it is necessary.

I guess everyone should know some background to why it is that I am e-mailing everyone at 1:00 AM. It all started during the invasion over the weekend. My character, Rogane, has been closely RPing with Albright, Mirayam, and many other people in this story-line. To Rogane, it was beneficial to cast V'Tull's Fury (1718) at the crowd at the gate. Along with the 37 other characters I hit, I did hit Dessedemona (see log at http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=1178833#post1178833). What I didn't know is that 1718 targets the last thing you hit, so I swung at her again, unknowingly killing her. After this event, Galenblackbard tracked me down and killed me. He followed to say that Dessedemona and he would kill me whenever they saw me.

At this point, I was excited. I like a little conflict RP and and I went along with it. Not much later that evening, I found Galenblackbard in town center, and killed him, then fogged to Dessedemona, who was on West Ring Rd, and killed her as well. This all took place about 30 minutes before the Hunt for Imagination. I explained to Dessedemona and Galenblackbard that if they'd appologize, I'd stop, if not, I'd continue. Furthermore, I explained that while doing house events, I would leave them alone, which I have done. They both replied that they would continue to hunt me, so the RP continues.

Or so I think, tonight during the invasion, I casted 1108 (which inflicts RT) at both Galenblackbard and Dessedemona, they began to attack me, so again, they were both killed. It was at this point that I realized that this was no longer RP for them, and that their intent was malicious and OOC. Shortly after being raised, Dessedemona thought this:

>You hear the faint thoughts of Dessedemona echo in your mind:
[General] "Hey asshat rogane you pathetic twep ..lie a lttle louder i recorded YOU attaciing galen fdst dipsj@t and ..wail your innocence all you want puss ..i never touched yopu or your mongrol hordes aeses ..and mr yer so strong tooi you and 2 of yer nots 7 hits to kill me ..hah."

You hear the faint thoughts of Dessedemona echo in your mind:
[General] "Rogane did yer mommy not love you enough ?"

You hear the faint thoughts of Dessedemona echo in your mind:
(Focused) [General] "When are you available to go to the house clerk for expulsion ..after your killing the chairman while she was trying conduct a house event you were in flagrant violation of twilight hall rules ..you were unanimously by officer vote voted to be expelled from the house for abuse of house law."

You hear the faint thoughts of Dessedemona echo in your mind:
(Focused) [General] "You can try but i have already spoken with xynwyn about thid complaint and frankly many other complaints from other houses about you and we were hoping you'd be reasonable."

I have a few problems with this. First, there was no vote taken with any other officers. I discussed this with Vender and Alinel IG, and they did not vote on this. Second, there is no grounds for expulsion. As the charter clearly states:

7.3.2. In-House Aggression: Killing and/or attacking fellow players while on Twilight Hall grounds is strictly forbidden under all circumstances, and constitutes grounds for immediate expulsion. If you have a quarrel with someone else, settle it outside of Twilight Hall.

She was not attacked on house grounds. Furthermore, the charter has this to say in regards to expulsion:

7.3. Expulsion of Members: Expulsion is only possible under circumstances stated in the Elanthian House Rules, and/or as detailed below.

7.3.1. Violations of Role Playing: Twilight Hall was founded as a haven for role-players. To that end, people who are deemed disruptive to a role-playing environment will be warned and if necessary, expelled. Please whisper or go someplace private, such as the tables on the back porch. Examples of disruptive behavior include, but are not limited to: Speech about Real World matters such as sports, computers, politics, etc. Out of character speech about game mechanics (AS/DS checks, puzzles, etc.). However, this section shall not be interpreted so strictly as to prevent in-character discussions of the world of Elanthia including hunting and magic techniques, travel directions, and other similar in-character conversations. “Trash Talk” (You know what it is!) Singing real world verses. Other similar speech or actions deemed disruptive by the Tribunal.

After reading those rules, it becomes clear that Dessedemona is in violation of the house Charter.

Now that all that is said, I will say that I myself did not act in a manner that is fitting of the previous chairmen. I am wrapped up in the RP that is going on in the landing and trying to portray Rogane as someone to that degree. I would rather this not be elevated to the next level as I feel that GM's have other more important issues to address. If you all feel that the best course of action is to further involve GMs, I will understand, but I would expect that every party involved in this matter be held to the binding of the charter, which I do not think would be beneficial to the house.

Player of Rogane, among others.

After all of this, she starts threatening to kick Alinel out of the house for "siding" with me. Also, after this whole letter and her supposedly talking with GMs, she warn interacts me, which in effects makes her unable to expel me, so you get some nice Desse drama.

10-01-2010, 03:08 AM
So....you used a aoe spell during an invasion like an assclown, killed more people afterwards like an assclown, and something bad happened? Oh noeessssssssssssssssssssss.


10-01-2010, 03:16 AM
^^ essentially this.

You're using semantics to try and stick it to Desse, but what it boils down to is this; You were in her house, she can do whatever she wants.

10-01-2010, 03:38 AM
I can honestly say I've been all over the board with Rogane. I've liked him, I've hated him and everything in between. Sometimes he rubs me the wrong way, sometimes I just can't get past the fact that he's named after a hair growth product, and sometimes I hope he's joking when he says something that sounds serious.

All this aside...

He is by far the most awesome warpath I've ever seen. I've not seen many, and maybe some of them are designed better, I can't say for sure, but sometimes it's not all about build. Dude has style and he's got the technique down.

10-01-2010, 04:14 AM
So here is a letter explaining what happened. You'll see further down why I wrote it.

After all of this, she starts threatening to kick Alinel out of the house for "siding" with me. Also, after this whole letter and her supposedly talking with GMs, she warn interacts me, which in effects makes her unable to expel me, so you get some nice Desse drama.

I talked to Alinel and she didnt "side" with anyone. We never bothered to put it to a vote and thats what she said she told you. Vender certainly wasn't on your "side". I would say he could care less about the whole situation and if Desse hadn't needed you to show up to the house clerk you would already be out of the house with Vender's approval. Like I said we didn't put it to a vote though.

Vender, Anmut, and Dessedemona will decide this as it is up to the Tribunal, but like you always told me the House Chairman has 100 percent authorii-tay
on most matters.

Currently the view Desse has is that warn interact is the way to go with Rogane and Desse. As you know I don't particularly care for that mechanic so you don't have to worry about that with me. :) I got years to settle my growing Tab that way.


Stanley Burrell
10-01-2010, 04:33 AM
I see her (Desse) acting all weird in TSC and someone either OOC whispered/PsiNet/Lich messaged me that she's got some sort of severe IRL shit going on with her, so I guess I am completely spineless and gave her some random goodies from a load-lifting character ... think I'm stressed out from work or something.

10-01-2010, 06:08 AM
Hands down, Ross is 100% correct in this instance. Regardless of what he did during the invasion, attacking him was an open invitation for CvC/PvP which he took full advantage of.

When they started losing said PvP Dess pulled her 'power' card and turned everything OOC. (like they always do.) It saddens me that she ever managed to get into that kind of position in the first place.

They've got no ground to stand on especially after Dess's little PMS fit on the amulet. Stuff like that is never justified and I immediately lose any and all respect for anyone who goes public with their OOC drama like that. It ruins the experience for anybody involved to the point where if I see Desse or even Galanblacktard walk into an area, I tend to leave as soon as I can.

I've had some PvP experience with Ross and he's always been fairly legit. Yeah.. he kicked my ass with his capped rogue. Stry was a good 20 trains below him, but he stole from me, I attacked him and missed then proceeded to get destroyed by RT lockdown by shieldbash and a nasty ambush to the neck. Was it fun? Sure... probably more for Ross though. ;)

After it was over, that was it. I left his rogue alone and there wasn't any further issues. I lost a deed (whatever he stole) and a little pride over it, but I was entertained at least.

Also, I thought Dess wasn't an officer of Twilight anymore?

Dessedemona is no longer an officer of Twilight Hall. As for why and how it happened. That is up to her to say.

Unfortunate that this didn't stick.

10-01-2010, 06:14 AM
if Desse hadn't needed you to show up to the house clerk you would already be out of the house with Vender's approval.

This goes completely against your house charter. Literacy is a good thing.

Currently the view Desse has is that warn interact is the way to go

It's a cop out of a perfectly manageable situation. Excellent example and incredible leadership skills you have going on there.

/slow clap

10-01-2010, 07:01 AM
Someone smother this bitch with a pillow and get it over with.

10-01-2010, 07:38 AM
So....you used a aoe spell during an invasion like an assclown, killed more people afterwards like an assclown, and something bad happened? Oh noeessssssssssssssssssssss.


Did I expect people to be happy about me AOEing the gate? No. Did I expect people to want to kill me? Yes. Did I expect them to go OMFG GET OUT MY FUCKING HOUSE BECAUSE I'M LOSING! No.

Then again, I'm just QQing.

10-01-2010, 07:53 AM
Desse is a tard, and should be killed on sight on general principal. Standing up for someone because you're friends is one thing, but ignoring the fact that they are the disease that has slowly killed Gemstone is quite another.

She constantly goes OOC, constantly brings OOG things IG and just generally speaks and acts like an idiot. By associating with her, Galen, you diminish yourself.

10-01-2010, 08:03 AM
I talked to Alinel and she didnt "side" with anyone. We never bothered to put it to a vote and thats what she said she told you. Vender certainly wasn't on your "side". I would say he could care less about the whole situation and if Desse hadn't needed you to show up to the house clerk you would already be out of the house with Vender's approval. Like I said we didn't put it to a vote though.

Vender, Anmut, and Dessedemona will decide this as it is up to the Tribunal, but like you always told me the House Chairman has 100 percent authorii-tay
on most matters.

Currently the view Desse has is that warn interact is the way to go with Rogane and Desse. As you know I don't particularly care for that mechanic so you don't have to worry about that with me. :) I got years to settle my growing Tab that way.


You are just proving my point. I never said that any of the officers were siding with me. Your wife was the one claiming that people are siding against her. She is also the one threatening to remove Alinel from office for siding against her.

Regardless of how wrong I am or how wrong you think I am, your wife is ruining the RP experience for many people, namely Alinel and Twilight Hall, by continuing her little pity power party. Twilight is supposed to be a place for RP, not a place where Desse can fling her interpersonal issues around at the expense of others.

10-01-2010, 08:32 AM
I can honestly say I've been all over the board with Rogane. I've liked him, I've hated him and everything in between. Sometimes he rubs me the wrong way, sometimes I just can't get past the fact that he's named after a hair growth product, and sometimes I hope he's joking when he says something that sounds serious.

All this aside...

He is by far the most awesome warpath I've ever seen. I've not seen many, and maybe some of them are designed better, I can't say for sure, but sometimes it's not all about build. Dude has style and he's got the technique down.


and uhh..

>You hear the faint thoughts of Dessedemona echo in your mind:
[General] "Hey asshat rogane you pathetic twep ..lie a lttle louder i recorded YOU attaciing galen fdst dipsj@t and ..wail your innocence all you want puss ..i never touched yopu or your mongrol hordes aeses ..and mr yer so strong tooi you and 2 of yer nots 7 hits to kill me ..hah."

Is she serious?

10-01-2010, 09:12 AM
I'll just say this for Twilight....If Dess brings anything that happens beyond the grounds as the reason to expel someone, she's going too. There's that little ooc clause she can't wrap her brain around. I have no idea how the hell she became the chairman and I plan to make sure she behaves better or she's out. Right now, she's a complete and total embarrassment.

10-01-2010, 09:14 AM
I'll just say this for Twilight....If Dess brings anything that happens beyond the grounds as the reason to expel someone, she's going too.

Did you mean, she's gone?

10-01-2010, 09:15 AM
2. If you don't like lady gaga....do you not like poetry? So no Poe? No Ts eliot? So a world deviod of poetry and song is that what elanthia is?


I just wanted to step in and say that if you are going to go for it, go all the way. Compare her to a better poet than the mostly useless U.S. born ones.

Lord Tennyson 4 evah. Brits do it better.

10-01-2010, 09:25 AM
Did you mean, she's gone?

She is going to go too....she's gone...get the fuck out...yeah...all of that.

10-01-2010, 09:25 AM
I'll just say this for Twilight....If Dess brings anything that happens beyond the grounds as the reason to expel someone, she's going too. There's that little ooc clause she can't wrap her brain around. I have no idea how the hell she became the chairman and I plan to make sure she behaves better or she's out. Right now, she's a complete and total embarrassment.

This. I lost all respect for House Twilight when I heard Desse was chair. There is no excuse for her behavior to be tolerated in Gemstone, let alone as the primary representative of an entire House.

10-01-2010, 09:36 AM
Here are a few prime examples of the coherency that lead to her being removed as an officer the first time.

Azaylea215 (3:45:49 AM): hiya
Azaylea215 (3:45:59 AM): i am here what's up
Nytescryes (3:46:40 AM): well ross es try'n remove me as a offcer say'n eye am not do'n my job
Nytescryes (3:46:51 AM): 'not gonna happen
Nytescryes (3:47:23 AM): eye have played nyce but eef he wants war ..so be eet
Azaylea215 (3:48:04 AM): he doesn't want war
Nytescryes (3:48:22 AM): hew had no reasonm to remove me perod
Nytescryes (3:48:37 AM): and now et es war
Azaylea215 (3:48:43 AM): did you read that post on the PC? Is that what you do on a normal basis? People are not joining Twilight Hall because of how you portray Dessedemona. Is that good for the House? No it's not
Nytescryes (3:48:58 AM): eye stuc up for you
Nytescryes (3:49:07 AM): and tat was all ruh
Nytescryes (3:49:48 AM): all ruh
Nytescryes (3:49:56 AM): asc any there
Nytescryes (3:50:03 AM): was all htm
Nytescryes (3:50:27 AM): screw all you faer weather frends ..
Azaylea215 (3:50:31 AM): I was trying to stick up my best for you, without completely taking sides. Belive me, I remember what you did and said and I appreciate it. But have there been complaints before this?
Nytescryes (3:50:50 AM): no there have been no complants
Azaylea215 (3:51:25 AM): just because we're co-workers and officers does not make us automatically "friends" and if you think that way then maybe it is best that the politics game is over for you as far as Twilight Hall is concerned
Azaylea215 (3:52:21 AM): but, tell me. Have you been doing interviews on a regular basis? Why weren't inductions done this past first Sunday? Why weren't we informed beforehand if you weren't going to be able to lead them?
Nytescryes (3:54:33 AM): 'tere have been no apps but one and eye have entervewed that person and enductons are roganes job ..and rogane told me he wanted do rours told me not to bother go'nm to land'n and eye sent copy of that convo to galen s eye have proof
Azaylea215 (3:55:41 AM): ok...communication lines are failing then because I have not heard anything from the three of you combined
Nytescryes (3:56:48 AM): eye have gotten no male at all
Nytescryes (3:57:14 AM): 'untyl neo's go'n away lettert
Azaylea215 (3:59:09 AM): have you not been asked on numerous occasions whether or not you were on the officer e-mail list and should you not have kept following up on the person or people in charge of getting that done?
Nytescryes (4:00:06 AM): and eye old rogane many tymes that galen nor eye were gerr'n any emales
Nytescryes (4:01:07 AM): agayn all ross''s plays eye saved and sent to a ndependent party because eye feared he would do thys
Nytescryes (4:01:48 AM): ef you recall how oft have eye spoce to you of just uch a power play from hym
Nytescryes (4:07:53 AM): gdeneral. enfo eye was en land'n fer touts 3 of 5 sundays en decenber and was the eole rep f the house at solstce
Nytescryes (4:08:20 AM): and well eye have done mt jb ..flat out
Azaylea215 (4:10:35 AM): right, and I get where you're coming from. But you're out there interviewing people. The first person that they see when they think "Twilight Hall". I've told you this before, that you're very hard to understand. Not everyone can decipher your typing as easily as we can
Nytescryes (4:10:42 AM): ha you were the one to help ross remove me..really?
Azaylea215 (4:11:01 AM): no, I didn't help him remove you. He's been going to all the other officers
Nytescryes (4:11:08 AM): and eye conduct mtself very well en entervews
Nytescryes (4:11:58 AM): eye have my myss'n letters macroed en game s there es no decypher'n
Azaylea215 (4:12:08 AM): conducting yourself well is another issue entirely. You need to be able to be understood. Do you get the feeling that every single interviewee walks away from your interviews in full understanding of what was said?
Nytescryes (4:12:19 AM): eye no they do
Azaylea215 (4:12:40 AM): it's not just that, it's the whole sentence construction. Sometimes it is completely mish-mosh gibberish honestly
Nytescryes (4:13:26 AM): talc to my entervewees all afre very much apprecatve of me
Azaylea215 (4:13:56 AM): who have you interviewed recently?
Nytescryes (4:14:46 AM): te lone app we have had cay-eye-d-e-r-o
Nytescryes (4:15:08 AM): at least lone one eye have seen
Azaylea215 (4:16:54 AM): that's the only one that we've gotten so far, so you're on top of that then that's good
Nytescryes (4:17:09 AM): and agayn talc to galen ..he has endured my devoton to re house at cost of tyme wyrh htm ....and has seen every convo eye had wyt rogane and every tyme eye have been there when no one else has been
Nytescryes (4:17:46 AM): eye have done my job thys es a powerplay by ross and eye well not stand fot eet
Nytescryes (4:18:22 AM): and thru dec eye was the only one ever there
Nytescryes (4:18:34 AM): me not ross
Nytescryes (4:18:47 AM): eye dyd the meet'ns
Nytescryes (4:18:52 AM): not hym
Nytescryes (4:19:00 AM): rye dyd tours
Nytescryes (4:19:16 AM): eye repped at solstyce
Nytescryes (4:19:28 AM): eye came from teras for that'
Nytescryes (4:19:50 AM): so where have eye not done my job
Nytescryes (4:19:53 AM): at all
Azaylea215 (4:20:08 AM): that's not for me to say, really
Nytescryes (4:20:23 AM): where does remove'n me from offce ever come to play
Azaylea215 (4:20:51 AM): I thought he made that pretty clear. If you are still confused, you should be talking to him, not me
Nytescryes (4:21:40 AM): ya no et es the houses loss he weel destroy the house and when he des remember who told you thys would happen
Nytescryes (4:22:04 AM): ase where do you see eye deserve to be removed from offce?
Azaylea215 (4:22:46 AM): I don't think you should be giving the interviews, not that you should be completely removed. Why didn't you agree to take a different position?
Nytescryes (4:23:36 AM): have you ever seen a entervew ..all say they enjoy my entervews very much
Nytescryes (4:24:32 AM): eye an arnyter fromer made me that over ogane he never forgot that ..he was upset then
Nytescryes (4:25:09 AM): so eye should be a lesser offce because ross es ensecure?
Nytescryes (4:25:56 AM): who have you heard decry me ..besydes ross's heresay?
Azaylea215 (4:27:09 AM): I read the post on the PC, and it doesn't matter what others have said. I use my own opinions here

WRossArtley 1:42 am
WRossArtley (1:42:09 AM):
WRossArtley (1:42:17 AM):
think you could meet rogane up at FWI?
Nytescryes 1:45 am
Nytescryes (1:45:11 AM):
ef thys es about that ass ruh and mercant and you are gonna try remove me because of ruh well thats ecrewed ..es a bunch od asses not envolved
WRossArtley 1:45 am
WRossArtley (1:45:53 AM):
it has nothing to do with ruh
WRossArtley (1:46:22 AM):
i've been talking to all the officers about all thats coming up
WRossArtley (1:46:29 AM):
if tonight isn't good, then we can do it tomorrow
Nytescryes 1:47 am
Nytescryes (1:47:06 AM):
gyve me a few
Nytescryes 1:51 am
Nytescryes (1:51:51 AM):
ase jus made me aware of ruh post'n under a new manr on pc and told me you were gonna try get me out ..to be worryed

is available

2:23 am
Nytescryes 2:28 am
Nytescryes (2:28:44 AM):
loo en game ross you are gonna be en the wtong here eye have fulfylled all that my offce says en charter and you have to have areason ..and majorty vore
WRossArtley 2:29 am
WRossArtley (2:29:30 AM):
you are booted from the game?
Nytescryes 2:40 am
Nytescryes (2:40:05 AM):
um chaYRMANM hand;es enductons dear
Nytescryes (2:41:07 AM):
and eye have mtssed no entervews
Nytescryes (2:41:53 AM):
you are not gonna wen thys one too many no eye have conducted myself well
Nytescryes 2:43 am
Nytescryes (2:43:25 AM):
and btw you produce these that won't jjoyn because of me ..and ross eye wyll produce 10 for every 1 you can produce that wyll say they joyned because of me
Nytescryes (2:44:57 AM):
so you have no leg to stand on try and get me out of as job eye do well ..see how far you get....eye am contact'n fromer ..you have gone too far
WRossArtley 2:48 am
WRossArtley (2:48:51 AM):
WRossArtley (2:48:52 AM):
contact him
WRossArtley (2:48:56 AM):
he knows I was doing this
WRossArtley (2:49:03 AM):
and I didn't just do this on my own
WRossArtley (2:49:09 AM):
i talked to the members of the tribunal
Nytescryes 2:49 am
Nytescryes (2:49:48 AM):
fuc you gyve me my offce you asas
Nytescryes 2:55 am
Nytescryes (2:55:01 AM):
you lyed to them ./.lol
Nytescryes (2:55:11 AM):
talc'n to them noe
Nytescryes (2:55:14 AM):
Nytescryes (2:55:21 AM):
wshy have you lyed
Nytescryes (2:56:23 AM):
'sorry got the convo where eye asced to do tours and you sayd no no no need eye want to do turs
Nytescryes (2:56:32 AM):
lol you are so busted
WRossArtley 2:57 am
WRossArtley (2:57:08 AM):
WRossArtley (2:57:12 AM):
Nytescryes 2:58 am
Nytescryes (2:58:44 AM):
sorry but you lyed see eye have all convos wyth you saved and sent toendepencent sources just for thys occason
Nytescryes (2:58:56 AM):
forethougt rules
Nytescryes 2:59 am
Nytescryes (2:59:17 AM):
'foresyght rather
Nytescryes 4:37 am
Nytescryes (4:37:46 AM):
ross tell me what offyce would you gyve me
Nytescryes (4:38:25 AM):
and lesser es not a optoyn
Nytescryes 4:44 am
Nytescryes (4:44:27 AM):
can you please be a man and own up
Nytescryes (4:45:39 AM):
eye supported you sfter you becamr head of the house and dyd my job very well

Nytescryes 10:36 am
Nytescryes (10:36:39 AM):
WRossArtley 10:36 am
WRossArtley (10:36:52 AM):
WRossArtley (10:37:02 AM):
i am going to talk to the other officers before I talk with you again
Nytescryes 10:37 am
Nytescryes (10:37:15 AM):
o about what?
Nytescryes (10:38:23 AM):
read the charter and ross you have to have reason to remove me ..you are not god my frend'
Nytescryes 10:38 am
Nytescryes (10:38:39 AM):
re-read rather
WRossArtley 10:39 am
WRossArtley (10:39:02 AM):
ok, how about inability to preform duties because you can't communicate properly?
WRossArtley (10:39:12 AM):
there's a start
WRossArtley (10:39:27 AM):
i'm trying to be nice to you about this, but this has absolutely nothing to do with me having power
Nytescryes 10:39 am
Nytescryes (10:39:30 AM):
eye can and do communycate well asc my ntervewees
WRossArtley 10:39 am
WRossArtley (10:39:44 AM):
it has to do with you doing a bad job, and people not wanting to join the house because of you
WRossArtley (10:39:51 AM):
you had the offer to take another roll
WRossArtley (10:39:58 AM):
but you chose to get hostile, and irrational
WRossArtley (10:40:02 AM):
which is another concern
WRossArtley (10:40:09 AM):
so you know what desse, go ahead, do what you are going to do
WRossArtley (10:40:23 AM):
i really don't care if this is the way you are going to be
WRossArtley (10:40:36 AM):
and i'm not going to comprimise the well being of the house because your pitty party
WRossArtley (10:40:38 AM):
get over it
Nytescryes 10:40 am
Nytescryes (10:40:48 AM):
who es not jyn'n because of me ..oroduce wytnesses
WRossArtley 10:41 am
WRossArtley (10:41:14 AM):
look at what you just said
WRossArtley (10:41:16 AM):
what does that mean?
WRossArtley (10:41:31 AM):
i don't know, i'm sure a new prospect wouldn't either
Nytescryes 10:41 am
Nytescryes (10:41:35 AM):
and for every one ypou produce ete can produde 10 that that say the same because of you
Nytescryes (10:42:38 AM):
ross eye told youthat ete am myss'n letters on my ceyboard these same letters are macroed en game so try agayn
WRossArtley 10:43 am
WRossArtley (10:43:07 AM):
so whats your plan to get a new keyboard?
Nytescryes 10:43 am
Nytescryes (10:43:44 AM):
ross eye have the myss'n letters macroed en game
WRossArtley 10:43 am
WRossArtley (10:43:53 AM):
do you have a plan to get a new keyboard?
WRossArtley (10:44:02 AM):
because if you don't, that seems kinda like an excuse, not a problem
WRossArtley (10:44:11 AM):
which, is another thing that has bothered me
Nytescryes 10:44 am
Nytescryes (10:44:50 AM):
en game eye have all theseletters macroed so no es not an excuse
Nytescryes 10:45 am
Nytescryes (10:45:12 AM):
and es a laptop fer your 411
WRossArtley 10:46 am
WRossArtley (10:46:27 AM):
this isn't constructive to bicker at each other
WRossArtley (10:46:35 AM):
so i'm just gonna walk away from this
WRossArtley (10:46:46 AM):
when i've had a chance to talk to all the other officers, i'll talk to you again
Nytescryes 10:47 am
Nytescryes (10:47:13 AM):
you have no cause to remove me ross purely no cause
Nytescryes (10:48:19 AM):
gonna talc to galen ..hehh he has seen all the convos you had and all the ..no dess don't come to land'n eye want to do et
Nytescryes (10:48:29 AM):
talc to galen ..lol
Nytescryes 10:49 am
Nytescryes (10:49:49 AM):
galen wants you to aym hym ross
Nytescryes (10:50:02 AM):
there ya go talc to another
Nytescryes (10:50:04 AM):
WRossArtley 10:50 am
WRossArtley (10:50:34 AM):
what is his AIM?
Nytescryes 10:50 am
Nytescryes (10:50:58 AM):
Nytescryes (10:51:15 AM):
he es wayt'n

10-01-2010, 09:38 AM
and one more, too long to post

10-01-2010, 09:59 AM
This. I lost all respect for House Twilight when I heard Desse was chair. There is no excuse for her behavior to be tolerated in Gemstone, let alone as the primary representative of an entire House.

Ugh, no one told me that. My stomach just flipped.

10-01-2010, 10:08 AM
Ugh, no one told me that. My stomach just flipped.

Same. It almost makes me want to ask to be removed from the house just to join Paupers. The association just makes me feel dirty. Twilight used to be pretty respected.

10-01-2010, 10:08 AM
Poor Manny. Twilight used to be a good house. Someone should probably go clean the memory stone just to make sure none of Dess' retardation rubbed off on it that shit could be contagious.

That Jay
10-01-2010, 10:10 AM
Twilight, promoters of Thrakmas, has a RP clause?

10-01-2010, 10:10 AM
Or you know, everyone could show up to the next meeting and demand her removal?

10-01-2010, 10:10 AM
I'm not 100% sure she is actually the CHAIR of the house. I have seen people say it, but I want to hear from a Twilight officer that such is the case. Lets hope not, anyway.

10-01-2010, 10:11 AM
She is chair, with Galenblackbard being Arbiter, Anumet is scrivner, Vender is treasurer and Alinel is event planner.

10-01-2010, 10:13 AM
She is chair, with Galenblackbard being Arbiter, Anumet is scrivner, Vender is treasurer and Alinel is event planner.

I don't understand how that's possible. I'm not being funny here. I just don't understand the logic that went into making her the leader of the house.

10-01-2010, 10:18 AM
I don't understand how that's possible. I'm not being funny here. I just don't understand the logic that went into making her the leader of the house.

I have no idea either. The only reason I can think is no one else wanted the job so the 'tard raised her hand and everyone just said alright.

Allereli...we neeeeed yoooou!

10-01-2010, 10:21 AM
Seriously, Allereli, you should step up and take chair. You did great things for the house.

10-01-2010, 10:21 AM
She is chair, with Galenblackbard being Arbiter, Anumet is scrivner, Vender is treasurer and Alinel is event planner.

So retard chair, bad name award winner for an Arbiter. 3 other I've never heard of.

10-01-2010, 10:24 AM
When I started back a full course load in school, I didn't want to be chair anymore. Kakaron was the only one to express any interest in becoming chair and he was voted in. Shortly after I stepped down, he invested Dessedemona back into office. About two months ago, he went missing, when he returned, he got all psychotic and was accusing everyone of conspiring against him. He turned the reigns over to Desse and left. What is interesting is that she was never voted in to chair, so in theory, she is only the acting chair, not the actual chair.

10-01-2010, 10:24 AM
Anmut is sweet, Vender <3, don't know Alinel.

10-01-2010, 10:26 AM
Twilight, promoters of Thrakmas, has a RP clause?

From December 27, 2007 email:

Post 11493 in General Roleplaying: Thoughts on Roleplaying folder on the officials:

Here's the original story:
*The Story of Thrakmas*
By Manny Revilla
<<Once upon a time, long, long ago,
<<By a summoning circle past labyrinths of stone,
<<Stood a sorcerer trying to summon a Nothing-is-there-thing.
<<He stood and he chanted the Come-to-me-now,
<<A mighty magic spell, that opens the portals to
<<Long-lost-lands full of many Nothing-is-there-things.
<<Yet just as the chanting was finished,
<<He sneezed!
<<Horror of horrors, what happens now!
<<For no more serious a thing can exist,
<<Then a Come-to-me-now chant gone amiss!
<<The wind how it howled!
<<The lights how they dimmed!
<<The summoning circle how it glowed!
<<"Thrak!" What a terrible noise!
<<And then, it was all gone!
...And so the story of Thrakmas begins.
Ever since that fateful night I spent in the summoning room, a creature named "Thrak" has lived in the Labyrinths of Twilight Hall. To the best of my knowledge, it - for I do not know if Thrak is a he or a she! - has never harmed anyone. Then again, no one has ever seen Thrak. The only proof we have Thrak exists, is that if you leave cookies and milk for Thrak in the Labyrinth in the evenings, it will be gone by morning.
Strange things began to happen around Twilight Hall the next year. There where unconfirmed reports of something roaming the House on the evening before the Winter Solstice, it was said to be making a noise that sounded like "Thrak". Small gifts where found in the rooms of any members who had been leaving milk and cookies in the Labyrinth (or had them in their rooms!) when they awoke on the following day.
As time went on, the creature the residents of Twilight Hall named "Thrak" grew in power, and began expanding its range. Today it is believed Thrak leaves the Labyrinths of Twilight Hall every evening before the Winter's Solstice, and roams at least the entire continent of Elanthia, leaving gifts in exchange for milk and cookies.
As Thrak's roaming increased, so did Thrak's popularity, especially among Halflings and the smaller children of many of Elanthia's races. In some towns and villages it has become common to refer to the Winter Solstice as "Thrakmas Day" and the evening before as "Thrakmas Eve".
Recently, Halfling artisans in the Icemule Trace region have created an image of Thrak (dressed in bright and colorful red, green, and white furs) that has become extremely popular among the northern half of the Elanthian continent. These same artisans sometimes draw Thrak riding a sleigh drawn by 12 Winged Velnalin.
As a result of this situation, The Officer's of Twilight Hall decided to
host a small Thrakmas celebration every year. It is also common for House members to exchange gifts of toy Thrakmas Bears on Thrakmas Day.

POST 11504:

It's plainly apparent if you actually read the story I posted, that it's a CHE House holiday celebration for Twilight Hall, and never has there been a claim that it's an Elanthian holiday. It's existed about as long as the House has, so it's nothing new that just cropped up.
Again, as I said in my previous post... shouldn't we ASK THE T.H. HOUSE OFFICERS first to chime in with their opinion on the subject before you chose to condemn, hate, eradicate, or decide there should be changes made to it? It's pretty presumptuous to do otherwise.
The Officers might just ask you to respect that it's part of their House history and they wish to keep it. It doesn't mean you have to believe or support it, or endorse it. *You're more than free to ignore it.*
I sincerely doubt it's quite as rampant as people make it out to be, especially since, ironically, the only complaints about it reared their ugly heads because yesterday was Christmas. Coincidence? I think not.
Also, in my opinion, it's no different than the various peoples of the world celebrating Hanukah, Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, and the like.
And, I don't think you're going to get to vote on the issue, anyway, unless you're a Twilight member.
Different strokes for different folks. We all don't have to be alike, think alike, act alike, worship the same god or goddess, etc.
Given the season, you think we could all practice a little tolerance and generosity. Geez... it's one day out of 365 and it's just a game.
--A., the strangest Jewish person you'll ever meet.

Further down the email thread it says the last official use of "Thrakmas" by the house was in 2003 on an ornament design, and we were asked to stop using it after, but Andraste seemed to not know about that. Whatever life it had after was taken up by the general player population, not the house officers. I know I didn't have any "Thrakmas" events in the year or so I was chair.

10-01-2010, 10:27 AM
Or you know, everyone could show up to the next meeting and demand her removal?

Interesting thought, but why attend if she has no intention of leaving?

10-01-2010, 10:34 AM
I don't always QQ...

But when I do, I Rogane.


10-01-2010, 10:36 AM
Same. It almost makes me want to ask to be removed from the house just to join Paupers. The association just makes me feel dirty. Twilight used to be pretty respected.

You don't need officers, just go to the clerk in Moot Hall and resign

10-01-2010, 10:39 AM
Buckwheat, hang in a bit longer. Things may change.

10-01-2010, 10:41 AM
Buck she misspelled your name she doesn't love you. It's a trap!

10-01-2010, 10:43 AM
You don't need officers, just go to the clerk in Moot Hall and resign

That is not very RPish. The character I have in Twilight is there for very specific reasons, have been in there since 98.

But anyways, we'll see what happens, but Dess is a horrible choice to run this.

10-01-2010, 10:43 AM
So looking at the quoted conversations does she have some sort of massive head trauma?

10-01-2010, 10:45 AM
Seriously, Allereli, you should step up and take chair. You did great things for the house.

Thanks both of you for the kind words. It's not going to happen anytime in the near future. The CHE system restraints were ridiculous and out of touch with the reality of the game.

10-01-2010, 10:46 AM
Out of touch with the reality of a game that's fantasy to escape reality oh shit nose bleed!!!!!!

10-01-2010, 10:48 AM
So looking at the quoted conversations does she have some sort of massive head trauma?

This should answer your question:

Nytescryes (4:01:48 AM): ef you recall how oft have eye spoce to you of just uch a power play from hym
Nytescryes (4:07:53 AM): gdeneral. enfo eye was en land'n fer touts 3 of 5 sundays en decenber and was the eole rep f the house at solstce

10-01-2010, 10:48 AM
Buck she misspelled your name she doesn't love you. It's a trap!

I owe you rep. But for now this should suffice!

ITS A TRAP! (http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n93/zanna_learning2fly/its-a-trap.jpg?t=1194166351&imgrefurl=http:/s110.photobucket.com/albums/n93/zanna_learning2fly/?action=view&current=its-a-trap.jpg)

10-01-2010, 10:52 AM
Out of touch with the reality of a game that's fantasy to escape reality oh shit nose bleed!!!!!!

exactly, they wouldn't let us do anything cool.

10-01-2010, 10:54 AM
That shit hurt my brain. Next time translate it into English before posting? And what the hell is Ruh?

10-01-2010, 10:57 AM
and one more, too long to post

For the sake of those of us who really don't care about deciphering... can you summup in english?

10-01-2010, 10:59 AM
For the sake of those of us who really don't care about deciphering... can you summup in english?

The first part with the Nhyte or whoever I could figure out. When she spoke to Ross, my brain started twitching.

What I did get out of all of this, is if someone sends her $10, she can plug a keyboard into her laptop and fix it all.

10-01-2010, 11:04 AM
This should answer your question:

Nytescryes (4:01:48 AM): ef you recall how oft have eye spoce to you of just uch a power play from hym
Nytescryes (4:07:53 AM): gdeneral. enfo eye was en land'n fer touts 3 of 5 sundays en decenber and was the eole rep f the house at solstce

Arpee in AIM is awesome

10-01-2010, 11:16 AM
Arpee in AIM is awesome

RP'ing someone with downs is not cool. Funny, but not cool.

10-01-2010, 11:21 AM
What I did get out of all of this, is if someone sends her $10, she can plug a keyboard into her laptop and fix it all.


RP'ing someone with downs is not cool. Funny, but not cool.

^ and that as RP is an insult to Downs people everywhere.

10-01-2010, 11:27 AM
Same. It almost makes me want to ask to be removed from the house just to join Paupers. The association just makes me feel dirty. Twilight used to be pretty respected.

Yeah, this makes me very glad I never went through with putting any character of mine in Twilight once I heard Desse was no longer an officer. I'd just have to get them all expelled now that she's back.

Galen, I dunno why you won't listen to anyone on this, but she's a blight on Gemstone and the game would be much better off without her in it. WHY you keep associating with her and letting her reflect badly on you too is beyond me.

10-01-2010, 11:33 AM
I don't understand how people think that typing something incorrectly translates into role playing a speech problem. The game itself has a perfect example of this with languages, if I say "Hello" in elven, the game doesn't display "Acheyla" (I googled hello in elven), it displays "says 'Hello' in elven". It's up to the player to appropriately keep himself in character about things like "In broken english".

Your character is not saying "Gud", he is saying "Good", he's just saying it wrong or with an accent.

10-01-2010, 11:41 AM
Yeah, this makes me very glad I never went through with putting any character of mine in Twilight once I heard Desse was no longer an officer. I'd just have to get them all expelled now that she's back.

Galen, I dunno why you won't listen to anyone on this, but she's a blight on Gemstone and the game would be much better off without her in it. WHY you keep associating with her and letting her reflect badly on you too is beyond me.

He's hittin it.

10-01-2010, 11:57 AM
He's hittin it.

do her moans come out as moans? or something garbled?

10-01-2010, 11:59 AM
do her moans come out as moans? or something garbled?

Dessedemona: "PmmFMfmfm!"

Guy 1: "Is she chewing or orgasming?"
Guy 2: "My snake makes that sound when it's swallowing a rat, so ... I don't know?"

10-01-2010, 12:06 PM
Hands down, Ross is 100% correct in this instance. Regardless of what he did during the invasion, attacking him was an open invitation for CvC/PvP which he took full advantage of.

When they started losing said PvP Dess pulled her 'power' card and turned everything OOC. (like they always do.) It saddens me that she ever managed to get into that kind of position in the first place.

They've got no ground to stand on especially after Dess's little PMS fit on the amulet. Stuff like that is never justified and I immediately lose any and all respect for anyone who goes public with their OOC drama like that. It ruins the experience for anybody involved to the point where if I see Desse or even Galanblacktard walk into an area, I tend to leave as soon as I can.


1. Ross opened up PVP...and yes he sure has taken advantage of it. :) Time is on my side in this. Ask him how well he does when I am actually not sitting on a node somewhere talking to friends.

2. Tell me who you are and I will happily ignore you. The only drama here is that Ross doesn't want to get kicked out so he runs to the PC with all the what he thinks is the "juicy" tidbits so you can stroke him a bit.

3. If it was up to me I would not be Arbiter of Twilight and Desse would not be Chairman, but someone has to send in the Quarterly report, set up Events and carry them on, conduct tours, and 100 more stupid little things. None of this was happening when kakaron was Chairman because he had no clue what to do and then he had his episode. Nice guy all in all though. I would have been happy if he just taken leave and come back.

4. Fromer abdicated and chose Rogane. Rogane did the same and chose Kakaron. Kakaron resigned and chose Dessedemona. No house vote is needed. In truth there is no vote needed even to expel Rogane. Strangely enough that just required Rogane to go to the house clerk with Desse.


10-01-2010, 12:14 PM
My character's name is Evarin. Go ahead and have the both of you set him to ignore.

10-01-2010, 12:16 PM
3. If it was up to me I would not be Arbiter of Twilight and Desse would not be Chairman, but someone has to send in the Quarterly report, set up Events and carry them on, conduct tours, and 100 more stupid little things.


It is up to you. Quit.

10-01-2010, 12:17 PM
Did I expect people to be happy about me AOEing the gate? No. Did I expect people to want to kill me? Yes. Did I expect them to go OMFG GET OUT MY FUCKING HOUSE BECAUSE I'M LOSING! No.

Then again, I'm just QQing.

Really? Losing? Thats the sort of 10 year old Id nerd raging that always gets you in trouble.

I will tell this to you again because you are not getting it. You attacked a house officer as he was announcing an Event in TSC, you killed a House officer in Front of the house as she was setting up for the Event. You returned and were asked to leave. At this point you might as well have been asked to leave the House.

The other issue here is you AOEing the gate and then attacking Desse afterwards as a "mistake." You paid for that rather quickly and got all butt hurt. So you needed to come and attack me as soon as you could. Which is when I was announcing for an event in TSC. How are those fines coming along? Good thing your rich. Strangely enough I didn't get one for you. You couldn't just take your death like a man that deserved what he got. So you want to to make we stay in a constant state of PvP. Thats fine with me :), as you already know. You need all the help you can get.


10-01-2010, 12:22 PM
Usually, JUSTICE is turned off during invasions; no fines for purposeful or accidental murdering.

I think?

10-01-2010, 12:25 PM
Usually, JUSTICE is turned off during invasions; no fines for purposeful or accidental murdering.

I think?

Usually AOEs are allowed, but not murders. For some reason, the GM in the Landing turned everything off.

10-01-2010, 12:32 PM
Regardless of the whole Rogane deal...

Is Dess seriously a house officer/chair? Do any of you have the slightest clue how bad that makes your house and its members look? Desse is a one of those people that is totally oblivious to the difference between IC and OOC and while I think overall she's a nice person, she is ridiculously annoying with her being OOC all the time no matter the location, and has always been like this in the 10+ years I've known her.

Try looking at it like this: What would you think about House of Arcane Masters if it were run by say, Klaive or Warclaidhm?

I mean it's bad enough the house is called Twilight, which these days is the universal word for homo, (I know, the house predates Twilight, but the name Adolph also predates Hitler).

I just don't get why such a blind eye is being turned to how she makes the house look by being its chair. Or head in the sand or whatever you wanna call it. Desse is as OOC as you can get in GS without getting banned, and I really have no idea how she's managed to avoid a ban over all these years. She's the most chronically OOc person I've ever known in my 476,985,374 years playing GS.

10-01-2010, 12:35 PM
I just don't get why such a blind eye is being turned to how she makes the house look by being it's chair. Or head in the sand or whatever you wanna call it. Desse is as OOC as you can get in GS without getting banned, and I really have no idea how she's managed to avoid a ban over all these years. She's the most chronically OOc person I've ever known in my 476,985,374 years playing GS.

Captain Dragonlance here doesn't care. He just wants his power trip by removing Rogane for fucking up his stupid bitch.

10-01-2010, 12:39 PM
Agreed with Methais and Stray. Although Soulpieced might argue how many years you've been in GS Methais so stand by for that.

10-01-2010, 01:04 PM
2. Tell me who you are and I will happily ignore you. The only drama here is that Ross doesn't want to get kicked out so he runs to the PC with all the what he thinks is the "juicy" tidbits so you can stroke him a bit.

Hey hey hey now... I barely know him. I save stroking for the second date at the least.

I'm not that easy!

10-01-2010, 01:18 PM
Ohh yeah, the justice system during invasions will give you a murder charge, but no others.

10-01-2010, 01:32 PM
Captain Dragonlance here doesn't care. He just wants his power trip by removing Rogane for fucking up his stupid bitch.

I so should have put a dragon image of some sort on my lance! Im a failure. In this there is no power trip. Like I said I never even bothered to put it up for a vote. I could have certainly suggested it. Vender was there as was Desse...thats all that is required to put it to a vote.

I promise to quit being arbiter as soon as someone comes and takes my place. Thats how much of a power trip I have. I won't even be Ambassador unless they ask me and mean it.

Amazingly enough the only person to make events for Twilight is Anmut, Vender, Desse, and I. Alinel has just started over the last few months and that has been very helpful.


ps Evarin not that I was talking to you....but ya got your wish. :) Dont be shy people.

10-01-2010, 01:34 PM
So you're all the same person?

10-01-2010, 01:37 PM
ps Evarin not that I was talking to you....but ya got your wish. :) Dont be shy people.

Just answer me this, Vagabond. Do you realize that the criticisms being leveled against Desse are atleast in part legitimate? Or do you believe that she never acts in a manner which one could consider OOC, or detracting from the game environment?

10-01-2010, 01:42 PM
JFC. I can't believe this thread was resurrected. What's next, Atheana? Teeoncy?

That Jay
10-01-2010, 01:54 PM
Just answer me this, Vagabond. Do you realize that the criticisms being leveled against Desse are atleast in part legitimate? Or do you believe that she never acts in a manner which one could consider OOC, or detracting from the game environment?

I'd love to hear a response to this instead of his dancing around the matter.

10-01-2010, 02:28 PM
Maybe she magically learns how to spell during cyber?

10-01-2010, 02:32 PM
I so should have put a dragon image of some sort on my lance! Im a failure. In this there is no power trip. Like I said I never even bothered to put it up for a vote. I could have certainly suggested it. Vender was there as was Desse...thats all that is required to put it to a vote.

I promise to quit being arbiter as soon as someone comes and takes my place. Thats how much of a power trip I have. I won't even be Ambassador unless they ask me and mean it.

Amazingly enough the only person to make events for Twilight is Anmut, Vender, Desse, and I. Alinel has just started over the last few months and that has been very helpful.


ps Evarin not that I was talking to you....but ya got your wish. :) Dont be shy people.

Sign me up as arbiter then, I am sure we can get a few more people involved to take over these rolls.

10-01-2010, 02:40 PM
While I almost completely agree with you Methais, I didn't think to associate Twilight Hall with TEH TWILIGHT till you just posted that.
Having known TH before "gay Twilight", I didn't make that connection.

Just like, I bet if I knew a swell Adolf pre-Hitler, I would still be like "Hey Adolf, you're a pretty cool guy, despite the Hitler stuff."

10-01-2010, 02:42 PM
I am going to stand by my drunken initial assessment. Despite Desse's previous douchebaggery, you still acted like an assclown.

10-01-2010, 02:46 PM
Sign me up as arbiter then, I am sure we can get a few more people involved to take over these rolls.

Next meeting is this Tuesday 10pm. Come on by. House Arbiter does the interviewing when possible for all prospective members. Set up a day you like to do interviews. Thats what Anmut used to do. The position is also co-chair whenever the chairman is not around.


10-01-2010, 02:48 PM
Next meeting is this Tuesday 10pm. Come on by. House Arbiter does the interviewing when possible for all prospective members. Set up a day you like to do interviews. Thats what Anmut used to do. The position is also co-chair whenever the chairman is not around.


Would you prefer if I stopped in on the character that is in TW now or the one I would do the job on, and does it matter?

10-01-2010, 02:54 PM
What a shocker, he didn't answer my question.

10-01-2010, 02:55 PM
Just answer me this, Vagabond. Do you realize that the criticisms being leveled against Desse are atleast in part legitimate? Or do you believe that she never acts in a manner which one could consider OOC, or detracting from the game environment?

Desse can be very ooc and I wince when she does it and try to stop her sometimes, not always. No one is perfect. She does it much less now than she used to IMO. She doesnt ruin RP nearly as much as you make it out to be.

Hell my name detracts from RP, but it is what it is. They didnt let me change it. :) I didn't know any better and waldo2 and eyes1 and 2 and a host of others were about just like me. I wanted to be Galen Blackbard but AOL character restarts made you keep the last name. I had no auto roller and I got a 660. I dont know if you remember but I had to roll then scroll down on the screen, do a rough count and then continue. Nowadays they can just get you to pick a new name. I guess they couldnt do that back then. As is right now I am a legacy name. Not quite up there with Waldo2, Heartpierced, Bonehitter, Eyes or the others but certainly only a few steps below.


10-01-2010, 02:56 PM
What a shocker, he didn't answer my question.


10-01-2010, 02:58 PM
Desse can be very ooc and I wince when she does it and try to stop her sometimes, not always. No one is perfect. She does it much less now than she used to IMO. She doesnt ruin RP nearly as much as you make it out to be.

Hell my name detracts from RP, but it is what it is. They didnt let me change it. :) I didn't know any better and waldo2 and eyes1 and 2 and a host of others were about just like me. I wanted to be Galen Blackbard but AOL character restarts made you keep the last name. I had no auto roller and I got a 660. I dont know if you remember but I had to roll then scroll down on the screen, do a rough count and then continue. Nowadays they can just get you to pick a new name. I guess they couldnt do that back then. As is right now I am a legacy name. Not quite up there with Waldo2, Heartpierced, Bonehitter, Eyes or the others but certainly only a few steps below.


Quit adding stupid story time in an attempt to beef up the horrible excuse for an answer you gave.

10-01-2010, 03:03 PM
Quit adding stupid story time in an attempt to beef up the horrible excuse for an answer you gave.

Oh sorry mr cool. Mea culpa. Mea culpa.

Why dont ya just PM me your name in game and ya won't have to deal with me anymore. :)


10-01-2010, 03:07 PM
She makes many avoid the Dais, Galen, and now Twilight. I appreciate that you are loyal to her, but her actions do effect other's gameplay.

10-01-2010, 03:08 PM
Oh sorry mr cool. Mea culpa. Mea culpa.

Why dont ya just PM me your name in game and ya won't have to deal with me anymore. :)

Why are you limiting the interaction to the game? I don't see why the PC should have to suffer as well. :(

10-01-2010, 03:27 PM
She does it much less now than she used to IMO. She doesnt ruin RP nearly as much as you make it out to be

No, she doesn't do it less now.

Yes, she does ruin RP as much as people here are saying. It's pretty much impossible to roleplay around her when every time she puts fingers to keyboard, she vomits forth torrents of badly-spelled OOC garbage. It's why I started actively avoiding anyplace she usually was. (Dais, etc.)

10-01-2010, 03:28 PM
Oh sorry mr cool. Mea culpa. Mea culpa.

Why dont ya just PM me your name in game and ya won't have to deal with me anymore. :)


I have to deal with you here....

10-01-2010, 03:53 PM
I have to deal with you here....

Thats the beauty of this forum. You can ignore me here as well. There is no Have to do anything.


10-01-2010, 04:00 PM

10-01-2010, 04:03 PM
I know someone willing to be chair. Does that mean Dess will step down?

Sorry BUCKWHEET! It was a trap....

10-01-2010, 04:18 PM
I know someone willing to be chair. Does that mean Dess will step down?

Sorry BUCKWHEET! It was a trap....

I dont know why not tell them to show up? Maybe she will decide she doesnt want to do all the work.

If they show up. I wonder how long before they quit.


10-01-2010, 04:23 PM
Thats the beauty of this forum. You can ignore me here as well. There is no Have to do anything.


Not true. I don't get the luxury of ignoring anyone here.

10-01-2010, 04:29 PM
Not true. I don't get the luxury of ignoring anyone here.

Ah a monitor (someone negative repped me for not knowing that) heheheh

...how unfortunate for you that you have to read stuff all my posts. I doubt you have had to monitor anything I have ever written. Then again from what I have seen written on these boards I cant imagine what it would take to get a post pulled.


10-01-2010, 04:38 PM
Ah a monitor (someone negative repped me for not knowing that) hehehehGBB
I believe I signed that rep. I might have only used initials (I can't remember), but it was me.

P.S. He's not a lizard or a computer screen.

10-01-2010, 04:43 PM
P.S. He's not a lizard or a computer screen.
Or a shitty, small town newspaper

10-01-2010, 04:46 PM
Ah a monitor (someone negative repped me for not knowing that) heheheh

...how unfortunate for you that you have to read stuff all my posts. I doubt you have had to monitor anything I have ever written. Then again from what I have seen written on these boards I cant imagine what it would take to get a post pulled.



10-01-2010, 04:53 PM

10-01-2010, 04:57 PM
It makes my pants sad when your posts make me :rofl: and I cannot give you more rep.

In closing: Stop making me laugh so much. <3


10-01-2010, 05:08 PM
It makes my pants sad when your posts make me :rofl: and I cannot give you more rep.

Allow me then :)

10-01-2010, 05:18 PM
I believe I signed that rep. I might have only used initials (I can't remember), but it was me.

P.S. He's not a lizard or a computer screen.

or a hall monitor even!

gasp.....neg rep me all ya want...your the one that think its matters.


"Actually, he's a moderator, so he kinda does need to read everything. -- EF"

I dont know the great all knowing EF.


kudos on the fat man!

10-01-2010, 05:20 PM
you gots no rep to hold you down. *wooden shoes dance*


10-01-2010, 05:24 PM
or a hall monitor even!

gasp.....neg rep me all ya want...your the one that think its matters.


"Actually, he's a moderator, so he kinda does need to read everything. -- EF"

I dont know the great all knowing EF.


kudos on the fat man!

I'm hoping it's Elvenfury because he IS the great all knowing thing that makes my pants happy.

:computer: Just for you.

10-01-2010, 05:32 PM
Hell I will step up and be chairman if she wants to step down. Who said its a bad thing to quit?

It depends on how the transitions are handled and the direction the house takes after the handover.

I will see you on Tuesday.

Some Rogue
10-01-2010, 09:19 PM
Oh sorry mr cool. Mea culpa. Mea culpa.

Why dont ya just PM me your name in game and ya won't have to deal with me anymore. :)


Bewjastard Cocksmoker is his name.

10-01-2010, 09:42 PM
or a hall monitor even!

gasp.....neg rep me all ya want...your the one that think its matters.


"Actually, he's a moderator, so he kinda does need to read everything. -- EF"

I dont know the great all knowing EF.


kudos on the fat man!

I can't neg rep you again, so here's the deal. If I was going to, it would say:

Please learn the difference between "your" (showing possession) and "you're" (contraction of you are). Desse is rubbing off on you and it's sad.
/end neg rep

10-01-2010, 09:53 PM
I think it's fine to stay loyal to your friends, I also believe it's honorable to try to lead them in a better direction. Sometimes though..and I'm just staying.. When you are too close to the situation you might not be able to see the poop people pull.

stupid poop, sad poop, even mean poop!

Friends..are friends..friend's poop, not so great.!

10-01-2010, 11:23 PM
Dessedemona: Still... 10-01-2010 07:56 PM your a sad fucking person. Have a nice day

Still "you're"

10-02-2010, 09:25 AM
Dessedemona has the capacity to do little beyond spice up a text-based game of telephone.

How certain people defend her claw, tooth, and nail is beyond me. I know it probably holds less personal importance to people but a bigger mind-fuck is that she was/(is?) a moderator on the Psinet chat. Someone actively put her in charge of moderating communications.

10-02-2010, 02:06 PM

So as you know, I actually like Desse sometimes. I have characters that are friendly with her, and I think she can be a very nice person. However, a nice person, and even liking a person, does not make her any less OOC and any less disrespectful to the other people who pay money every month to be in Gemstone. I'm not saying she must RP, not everyone ACTIVELY roleplays and that's fine. But her OOC outbursts and ridiculous grammar distract from the environment and it's not fair. You're getting shit because you defend it, not because you like her.

10-02-2010, 06:38 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Merala again.


10-02-2010, 09:29 PM
lol <3

Edited to add:

Dessedemona: Still... 10-02-2010 03:41 PM Your grammar and syntax is bullshit too, you caterpillar-eyebrowed freak. Shut the fuck up.

Just because I don't feel the need to pluck my eyebrows, doesn't mean I'm incorrect.

But thanks for the insight!

10-02-2010, 09:50 PM
Desse can be very ooc and I wince when she does it and try to stop her sometimes, not always. No one is perfect. She does it much less now than she used to IMO. She doesnt ruin RP nearly as much as you make it out to be.


Yeah, so.. you're not on a whole lot. You work. Desse might do it less when you are around to shorten the leash but when you're not logged in, it's rampant. She ruins a shit ton of RP by being OOC through whispers, amunet and saying whatever OOC phrase aloud. It is annoying. Stop defending this because I don't see anyone agreeing with this opinion so far.

Oh sorry mr cool. Mea culpa. Mea culpa.

Why dont ya just PM me your name in game and ya won't have to deal with me anymore. :)


...and, now you're being a fucking retard. You spew the concept of trying to keep IG and RL separate. You explain you tried to get Desse to follow this with Rogane and then allow the opinions of others to persuade you to ignore them IG for OOC comments about their dislikes against your IN GAME wife?

You're ruining potential role-play you could be having that could encourage you and this woman to keep away from being OOC. You're going to also encourage people to keep away from Twilight Hall. This is all self-defeating.

10-03-2010, 02:24 PM
people like Dess made me join Platinum so it's not all bad. please add me to the list of people who cannot stand her.

10-03-2010, 06:39 PM
I hate her. She's annoying, doesn't know RP from OOC and goddamnit, I cannot understand a damn word she says. Hell, at one point IG, I had Mae say that she would be more than happy to pay for her to get speech lessons.

10-03-2010, 11:23 PM

10-04-2010, 12:16 AM
Shit. I'm bored but is this thread worth the 24 page read?

10-04-2010, 12:38 AM
NO. Go spend 5 hours trying to lick your balls. More prophet.

10-04-2010, 12:51 AM
NO. Go spend 5 hours trying to lick your balls. More prophet.

It only took me 13 minutes. Now what?

10-04-2010, 01:05 AM
I hate her. She's annoying, doesn't know RP from OOC and goddamnit, I cannot understand a damn word she says. Hell, at one point IG, I had Mae say that she would be more than happy to pay for her to get speech lessons.


10-04-2010, 01:43 AM
I hate her. She's annoying, doesn't know RP from OOC and goddamnit, I cannot understand a damn word she says. Hell, at one point IG, I had Mae say that she would be more than happy to pay for her to get speech lessons.

Did you happen to stutter when you were creating your handle?

10-04-2010, 01:48 AM
It only took me 13 minutes. Now what?

You're hired.

10-04-2010, 08:26 AM
on more than one occasion i've logged out the game to play WoW because of this woman. seriously.

10-04-2010, 10:28 AM
Hmmm... I thought that Desse's, um.., odd grammar/spelling/etc was because the 'i' key on her keyboard was fubar. Yet this weekend I caught something she said on ;lnet that definitely had i's in it. Ponders.

10-04-2010, 11:55 AM
Hmmm... I thought that Desse's, um.., odd grammar/spelling/etc was because the 'i' key on her keyboard was fubar. Yet this weekend I caught something she said on ;lnet that definitely had i's in it. Ponders.

She said she macros the letters she is missing in GS.
Can't you READ what she said?! Gah.

10-04-2010, 12:11 PM
"no, really, -am not a plll-poppng drunc, jest mssang kees on mee kboord!!!11"

10-04-2010, 12:18 PM
"no, really, -am not a plll-poppng drunc, jest mssang kees on mee kboord!!!11"

Even if it was the keyboard...

keyboards cost... what $15? In the course of 10 years... :wtf:


10-04-2010, 12:22 PM
Keyboard mishaps are one thing. You can't escape what happened when she attended one of the simu conventions and there were witnesses to the behavior.

That year made me lulz.. a lot.

10-04-2010, 01:01 PM
I dunno... can you really judge a person's character by what you see at Simu events?

I remember doing nothing but drinking, smoking and trying to figure out who Sloop was going to nail that year.

10-04-2010, 01:12 PM
I dunno... can you really judge a person's character by what you see at Simu events?

I remember doing nothing but drinking, smoking and trying to figure out who Sloop was going to nail that year.

Who and how many

10-04-2010, 01:14 PM
Who and how many


The years Quavvy was single it was like contest.

10-04-2010, 01:28 PM
Did you happen to stutter when you were creating your handle?

Actually, no. I couldn't remember the password to the other handle I created almost a year ago and never used. This was the only other thing I could come up with which is my username on the officials.

10-04-2010, 05:45 PM
I dunno... can you really judge a person's character by what you see at Simu events?

If the majority of the posts have agreed that she is OOC in-game then, in this case of Desse, you can.