View Full Version : Merchant Etiquette
11-05-2006, 11:27 AM
I think the first rule of merchant etiquette, should be:
Velvette needs to shut the hell up.
Honestly, had no problem with this person before EG, but every merchant line I sat in that she also happened to be apart of, she'd talk constantly in any attempt to garnish the merchant's attention and it drove me nuts.
Yeah, there was like 6 people in each crowd that did this, she just seemed to complain the most about various topics, all the while playing the Merchant fangirl. Just led to like 5 times more talking than any person ever need do.
Sean of the Thread
11-05-2006, 11:39 AM
Logs? I find it hard it hard to believe she's a merchant fangirl.
Not saying Velvette is in the group defined as 'merchant whores'. Since I rarely attend a merchant event nowdays. I think your disdain with that behavior is like railing against death and taxes. Its going to be inevitable.
As far as Velvette is concerned, she's pretty cool headed in Illistim when I've been around, not flighty like those most commonly experienced.
11-05-2006, 12:09 PM
Well, first of all, I didn't say she's normally a fangirl, or 'normally' anything. I said in my experience at those merchants, I wanted to scream "Just shut up for 2 god damn seconds" every few seconds when she'd speak up. Really before this I'd failed to really notice her aside from some complaint-heavy posting she seems to do on the normal boards.
Second, logs? You're assuming this post was more hate fueled than it was. It was an annoyance, so I posted it under complaints as a good example of what I personally hate dealing with at merchants. I don't particularly care enough to log it, nor was I *that* bothered by it that it ruined my day and warranted a log. Doesn't really matter if anyone beleives me, either. Was just a complaint I felt like airing out, I'm sure others saw it, so.. whatev.
Guess I'll make my initial post more generic, "I'm sick of people who whine in front of Merchants, just because it gives them a bigger audience to garner pity from. And I'm also sick of people who just flat out attempt to garner merchant/GM attention every time they perceive a good chance to do so."
11-05-2006, 12:12 PM
I found Tsin sucking up to Celeri more sickeningly annoying.
Sean of the Thread
11-05-2006, 12:15 PM
Guess I'll make my initial post more generic, "I'm sick of people who whine in front of Merchants, just because it gives them a bigger audience to garner pity from. And I'm also sick of people who just flat out attempt to garner merchant/GM attention every time they perceive a good chance to do so."
I agree completely. However the best way to get attention from a merchant gm is to pickpocket them.
Or hide with no skill, when it's fuckin packed.
11-05-2006, 12:31 PM
If people could...
1) Stop playing with your scripted shit! Stop the needless throwing of yo-yos, the fang scripts, testing out your new shit, just stop the playing with your neat gadgets that are fun but just cause SCROLL.
2) Turn off your censers, forehead gems, hide your troll-hearts, and your lizards. There is no need for that!
3) Don't ask a million and one questions. The merchant will tell you or ask one of the people in the front and I'm sure they will explain if they know.
4) Don't make this the highlight of your RP life. People who bring their drama and looooong ACTs to a merchant just make it more difficult to read the screen. If it can't wait until after the merchant, step away! Sheesh.
5) Above all, read the ALTER verb and try to be prepared!
Kthx. <3
Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-05-2006, 01:00 PM
If people could...
1) Stop playing with your scripted shit! Stop the needless throwing of yo-yos, the fang scripts, testing out your new shit, just stop the playing with your neat gadgets that are fun but just cause SCROLL.
2) Turn off your censers, forehead gems, hide your troll-hearts, and your lizards. There is no need for that!
3) Don't ask a million and one questions. The merchant will tell you or ask one of the people in the front and I'm sure they will explain if they know.
4) Don't make this the highlight of your RP life. People who bring their drama and looooong ACTs to a merchant just make it more difficult to read the screen. If it can't wait until after the merchant, step away! Sheesh.
5) Above all, read the ALTER verb and try to be prepared!
Kthx. <3
Instruments. I fucking hate instruments at Merchants. This event more than ever I regretted not squelching them.
11-05-2006, 01:17 PM
"Or hide with no skill, when it's fuckin packed." LMAO. So true.
Issi made a point very close to my biggest pet peeve, which bears caps lock:
Why waste MY fucking time because you want to know if your demon-lizard uber-script shitcake can be worked on, rather than ask AFTER and IF you've been picked.
Gah, I fucking hate that.
11-05-2006, 01:32 PM
Don't candy coat that shit..Tell us what you REALLY think!
Miss X
11-05-2006, 01:40 PM
Velvette is a sweetheart, I <3 her. She definitely ISN'T a merchant fan girl/whore.
99 percent of what I know now about Pure Archery comes from her.
She's the shit.
Sean of the Thread
11-05-2006, 01:46 PM
Same. I even fixskilled my empath to archery several years ago with her help.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-05-2006, 01:51 PM
I've never had a problem with her.
I just have a problem with the general obnoxious merchant behavior from people in general. I don't recall ever seeing her do anything that obnoxious personally.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-05-2006, 01:55 PM
I've never had a problem with Velvette, but she rides my balls like it's a fucking ride at an amusement park whenever I say something. She seems pretty cool, other than that.
I have no idea what I did to her.
Miss X
11-05-2006, 01:59 PM
Maybe she just thinks you have nice balls?
11-05-2006, 03:23 PM
I've never had an issue with the screen scroll at merchants mainly because I know that its going to happen. It happens every single time. Hence, why get irritated by it? I know its coming, I just ignore it and whisper to someone who knows what's up, asking them any questions I have about the merchant that hasn't already been answered.
That being said, that Acari or whatever the name was with the damned bagpipes that weren't squelched when everyone and everything else was in both auctions and merchant lines did annoy me a bit. Mainly at the auction though.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-05-2006, 03:27 PM
That being said, that Acari or whatever the name was with the damned bagpipes that weren't squelched when everyone and everything else was in both auctions and merchant lines did annoy me a bit. Mainly at the auction though.
Bag pipes probably generate one of the worst-to-my-ears sound I have ever heard in my life. I swear to god I get homocidal when I hear bagpipes, and I get equally annoyed when I see the messaging in game. My characters don't react though, which is a shame. I wish someone could have knifed him to stop it. >.<
11-05-2006, 04:26 PM
I wanted to scream "Just shut up for 2 god damn seconds"
you should have
11-05-2006, 05:32 PM
I hate Augie's frickin sketchbook. If i ever find out how to torch that thing, it's gonna be a pile of ash.
11-05-2006, 06:08 PM
I hate Augie's frickin sketchbook. If i ever find out how to torch that thing, it's gonna be a pile of ash.
Heh I've tried for the most part to always sketch from hiding because then it doesn't do any screen scroll. If it's in a huge long room with tons of crap going on and everyone and their mother continuing to move, I'll probably sketch in the open.
Most merchants, I just waved the sketchbook and went off somewhere to sketch at a later point so I wasn't bein obnoxious with the scroll there.
Sean of the Thread
11-05-2006, 06:40 PM
How does that sketchbook work?
11-06-2006, 03:51 AM
I found Tsin sucking up to Celeri more sickeningly annoying.
He did the same thing with Tamyra.
She hid and 6 of us found her, next thing in walks Tsin with his army and she said she was stopping at me as she was doing room order and didn't have time for everyone.
Next thing you know, you see her nodding at Tsin and giggling and smirking etc, then she tells us because Tsin offered to pay for everyone, she'll do a quick one for him too (remove the metal name in his auction win).
Firstly, I don't need his charity, I have enough of my own fucking money thanks. He then had the audacity to sit there and brag about how many merchant services he'd gotten that day already.
11-06-2006, 05:30 AM
If I wasted $600 on taking so many accounts there, I'd want at least 60 services done. At least.
I found Tsin sucking up to Celeri more sickeningly annoying.
Is Celeri a GM now?
11-06-2006, 05:52 AM
Have you been living under a rock?
I couldn't really care less. I just remember one Celeri was an elf Empath I liked and the other was a Dwarf with a pan on his head.
11-06-2006, 07:26 AM
I personally didn’t find Velvette to be anything obsessive towards any merchants the times I sat in the same lines, if you want to blame anyone pick on the GM’s who chose not to silence the entire room while they were there.
As far as the instrument complaints I posted every squelch line you’d have to add and how to do it several weeks back in prep for this event, so anyone on these boards had a chance to quiet that shit up… granted the squelch file can’t hold every single instrument script but almost all of em!
11-06-2006, 07:39 AM
Celeri's a GM?!?!?!? Honestly, I wonder how they pick these people? Put the applications in a fucking hat and then pick one blindfolded?
Anyways, off to get my car inspected.
11-06-2006, 08:11 AM
if you want to blame anyone pick on the GM’s who chose not to silence the entire room while they were there.
It's just a fact of life at these events that there is going to be massive scroll. I can't believe there's anyone that is even remotely surprised by this.
And I am sure there is not a single GM that is dismayed by room scroll. They've got to expect and be prepared for the "noise". They've certainly got the means to put a stop to it if it does irritate them. If they can handle it then maybe those that can't need to work on keeping up...
One thing I find irritating at these events are the idiots who are the self-appointed scroll police in a merchant room. You know the ones I mean. I think they add more to the scroll than anyone else sometimes.
11-06-2006, 08:15 AM
Celeri's a GM?!?!?!? Honestly, I wonder how they pick these people? Put the applications in a fucking hat and then pick one blindfolded?
Anyways, off to get my car inspected.
They pick car inspectors the same way...
11-06-2006, 08:32 AM
I've seen worse scroll before, definately. The event they released those fish for one? Or the Ebons when Sukara had 300 people in one room?
As for picking GMs: I've always gone with this -
1) You have a clean record.
2) You don't step on any toes (with the staff I mean).
3) You have QC/CE experience.
4) Friends with the GMs.
11-06-2006, 09:09 AM
I failed my car inspection anyways. Exhaust leak. What bullshit.
Celeri's a GM?!?!?!? Honestly, I wonder how they pick these people? Put the applications in a fucking hat and then pick one blindfolded?
Anyways, off to get my car inspected.
Actually, it's an obstacle course involving turtles, cheez-its, hot lava and cake.
Okay it didn't include cake, but I like cake.
P.S. No one was sucking up to Celeri with regard to merchants. Tsin and Celeri are on friendly terms. Just because I'm friends with someone doesn't mean they've got an edge with merchants. That's silly.
11-06-2006, 10:45 AM
I'm just bitter because I've been applying regularly for 7 years, and no one's said nothin' to me. ;)
11-06-2006, 10:49 AM
How does that sketchbook work?
I wave it at someone to study them to sketch, then I draw in it to be able to sketch their portrait.
The time it takes to complete one are random. Sometimes it's 5 minutes, sometimess it's an hour, or any variation in between.
When it's finished, it will be 'a Lady/Lord soandso portrait' if they are over 20 trains or 'a Soandso portrait' if they are under 20 trains.
I can also sketch things (like a tart, weapon, bush, etc) and have it be 'a SOMETHING drawing'.
I can sketch landscapes of areas if the room name is short enough (for example, I have 'a Tower Hill landscape' from EG.
11-06-2006, 11:27 AM
Actually, it's an obstacle course involving turtles, cheez-its, hot lava and cake.
Okay it didn't include cake, but I like cake.
P.S. No one was sucking up to Celeri with regard to merchants. Tsin and Celeri are on friendly terms. Just because I'm friends with someone doesn't mean they've got an edge with merchants. That's silly.
Okay, the cheese its part was funny and have Celeri pick better friends.
Okay, the cheese its part was funny and have Celeri pick better friends.
Like who? Grandsome? Leash, maybe?
P.S. I think I post to amuse myself. Sorry in advance.
Like who? Grandsome? Leash, maybe?
No. Skirmisher meant someone that isn't actually one of your other characters.
No. Skirmisher meant someone that isn't actually one of your other characters.
Heh. I don't think I could pull off playing Grandsome. You know I don't like that girly silk pirate shirt he wears.
P.S. Still one of my favorite rumors ever!
Miss X
11-06-2006, 12:31 PM
How is that even a rumour!! Its ridiculous!
I've heard it from several people. I think it's true.
The Ponzzz
11-06-2006, 12:55 PM
Yea Celeri should hang out with Dhask. A REAL thief... Ooooooooooooh!
And Tsin took 11 accounts, not 6. He bragged about it like the tool that he is.
Yea Celeri should hang out with Dhask. A REAL thief... Ooooooooooooh!
Keep on dreaming!
11-06-2006, 01:19 PM
No game is worth $600 a month.
11-06-2006, 01:37 PM
Yeah, that..600 hundred a month..good god. I wish I had 600 bucks a month to spare.:)
Sean of the Thread
11-06-2006, 01:59 PM
No game is worth $600 a month.
Unless the ROI is much greater than that.
Urinal Poops
11-06-2006, 02:24 PM
Yea Celeri should hang out with Dhask. A REAL thief... Ooooooooooooh!
How much do you steal in plat again? I cant remember your specific numbers. Also remember you only steal when there is another big name thief present while in prime so i've come to a simple conclusion.
Stuffing feathers up your ass does NOT make you a chicken.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-06-2006, 02:29 PM
Actually, it's an obstacle course involving turtles, cheez-its, hot lava and cake.
Okay it didn't include cake, but I like cake.
P.S. No one was sucking up to Celeri with regard to merchants. Tsin and Celeri are on friendly terms. Just because I'm friends with someone doesn't mean they've got an edge with merchants. That's silly.
So all those weeks of me sleeping with you, and I'm never going to get insider merchanting info?
How come it works with Augie, but never for me!
The Ponzzz
11-06-2006, 02:31 PM
Heh, no, I just don't get caught in prime and everyone else takes the heat. Eugenides doesn't even steal and he got blamed! Hilarious!
It's hard to steal in plat, but I do it. The numbers I pull away with a week is very low and those I target generally catch me by pull 2 or 3. But I'm only 35 here!
Don't be jealous because Kia sent me a autographed nekkid picture!
And it does too. The feathers that is.
Don't be jealous because Kia sent me a autographed nekkid picture!
More rumors. Wonderful.
Punks. :P
Sean of the Thread
11-06-2006, 02:34 PM
I have a 25 rogue that steals millions in prime a week... did I mention it's fun as well.
11-06-2006, 02:42 PM
Heh. I don't think I could pull off playing Grandsome. You know I don't like that girly silk pirate shirt he wears.
P.S. Still one of my favorite rumors ever!
You know you're all about the puffy shirt.
Urinal Poops
11-06-2006, 02:43 PM
Don't be jealous because Kia sent me a autographed nekkid picture!
Everyone knows she mass produces those. Little tip Mario, that's not even her real body! She had her head airbrushed onto a naked picture of Bea Arthur.
I have a 25 rogue that steals millions in prime a week... did I mention it's fun as well.
11-06-2006, 03:34 PM
It's not really that hard...
I've found the best way to play a thief is to not be known as one...then rob the fuck out of people while you're acting all goody goody to them...
Oh, and yeah it is fucking fun.
11-06-2006, 03:52 PM
Huh. My rogue at 42 who's doubled in it doesn't make so much.
Sean of the Thread
11-06-2006, 03:53 PM
Okay I exaggerated but it's more fun that way. Easily a million tho. All he does is steal and he's been level 25 for 8 years at least.
11-06-2006, 03:56 PM
omfg, you're Candor.
Sean of the Thread
11-06-2006, 03:56 PM
rofl.. Wands sell nicely and you can clean people out of them all day long.
Urinal Poops
11-06-2006, 04:08 PM
Okay I exaggerated but it's more fun that way. Easily a million tho. All he does is steal and he's been level 25 for 8 years at least.
Sorry, i'm going to call shennanagins here. If you make that many pulls you're going to get caught, regardless of being level 25 or capped. I'm guessing you do about 300k-400k tops, if you're truly dedicated.
I'm just bitter because I've been applying regularly for 7 years, and no one's said nothin' to me. ;)
4) Friends with the GMs.
And by 'friends', he means..well I'm sure you can guess the level of dedication to wanting to be a GM and having all your fingers in all the right pies.
11-06-2006, 04:36 PM
The thought makes me violently ill.
Okay I exaggerated but it's more fun that way. Easily a million tho. All he does is steal and he's been level 25 for 8 years at least.
I kept track of everything I stole for a month. (I don't use Wizard, so I can't use the analyzer log.) I was on track to make about 3mil in that time. After two weeks, though, I got a little bored and stopped stealing as much.
So, a million doesn't seem too far off. But for being only level 25, that's pretty damn good.
With proper training in picking pockets, even a doubled in perception character at cap won't see it.
At 25 trains a rogue could twoc what they wanted for sure.
The Ponzzz
11-06-2006, 06:37 PM
With proper training in picking pockets, even a doubled in perception character at cap won't see it.
At 25 trains a rogue could twoc what they wanted for sure.
This is false. You can't train any more proper than 2x. If you're talking about having a constant group of 20+ people, than that would do it. This has been tested time and time again. Someone 2xed in percep has a better chance to spot you than you do to pull at 2x PP.
GS3, that's another story.
Dhask's 50 in prime and I fucking steal very well when I go for profit and The absolute most I got after ALL day was about 300k. And that's fucking sitting here ALL DAY.
Want tips on how to use all the tools available to you? Use the PROFILE verb, highlight all profession type items and highlight good marks. Grab 618 whenever possible. I personally never steal from archers, sorcerers and other rogues. That's if I wanna steal for profit all day.
And for the record, Bea Arthur's hot, Mark.
Then maybe it's level based with success. I've been doubled in Perception for time and had some little shit take my coins at half my trains and only singled in PP.
This is fact. So wether what I say is true or not, there's good chance in favour of the rogue.
(singled in PP.. made me smile)
Sean of the Thread
11-06-2006, 06:58 PM
I've already told my secret.. swallow it or not it's up to you. My main target is wands.. and lots of them.
P.s. I never said I didn't caught.. I do.. and I run... and pick a new spot..rinse wash repeat.
Believe me I do it for fun.. not the silver. My sorc pulls that coin much easier in no time at all.
11-06-2006, 07:38 PM
I've already told my secret.. swallow it or not it's up to you. My main target is wands.. and lots of them.
P.s. I never said I didn't caught.. I do.. and I run... and pick a new spot..rinse wash repeat.
Believe me I do it for fun.. not the silver. My sorc pulls that coin much easier in no time at all.
It's also handy to have a wizard in your pocket when you go for wands....but that wont always pay off. Thats if you're purely going for loot though.
11-06-2006, 07:42 PM
With proper training in picking pockets, even a doubled in perception character at cap won't see it.
At 25 trains a rogue could twoc what they wanted for sure.
This is false. You can't train any more proper than 2x. If you're talking about having a constant group of 20+ people, than that would do it. This has been tested time and time again. Someone 2xed in percep has a better chance to spot you than you do to pull at 2x PP.
I can say, I have had the same experience. At lvl 100, with 303 ranks of perception and 100 ranks in picking pockets, I was unable to see others steal more than once and a while. I stood outside the north gate with another rogue, who was lvl 91? and I beleive less than fully singled in picking pockets. I rarely saw him. He pulled on nearly every person coming through the gates, and I doubt I saw him more then 10 times over the course of two hours. We tried it with just the two of us and one mark.. I still couldnt see him pulling unless I used the watch <person> verb. Just standing there I was basically blind.
Although, standing in the park, I was able to see some of the younger rogues pulling quite a bit. I stole from them almost exclusively once I noticed them pulling from other people. And I was caught several times by younger rogues.
I stopped stealing once I realized almost no one would do anything about it once they realized the character was 100 trains. They would laugh, chuckle, or poke me. Or say stop that. But never once did someone really try and call me on it. I had one instance where someone accidentally used Voln Fu on me, and could have wiped the floor with me, even though he was 2/3s or 1/2 my trains. He tried to kick me, and apparantly was in offensive. Thats when I realized Voln Fu defense is no longer level based, and only based on brawling I guess. I was on the ground stunned, with a decent wound. It was just alla sudden, and I was like WTF!? Howd he do that! Then he ran to a table real quick...
As far as what Sean2 is saying. I can attest to that as well. After practicing PP some with the 100 rogue, I realized real quick that wands were one of the major targets to pull for. Open picking sucks, and trying to target gems isnt the best thing like I thought it would be. Too many cheap gems. Duping the wands helps alot too!
Had a sad day when I was picking pockets with the 100 rogue, and then hunting later at the glatoph arch with Maselon, and overheard some young character moaning over how his hunt was going to go worse then expected since someone had stolen his wands in the park...
I felt pretty bad at that point, and tried to make myself feel better by thinking that he SHOULD have closed his pockets. Didn't really work though.
Sean of the Thread
11-06-2006, 07:44 PM
I just spent a about 10 minutes with my noob...
In the stalking cloak you see a deadly serrated-edged broadsword, a black crystal, a silver wand, a blue crystal, a black crystal, a crystal amulet, a City-States promissory note, a smooth bone wand, a golden wand, a golden wand, a silver wand, an iron wand, a golden wand, an aquamarine wand, an aquamarine wand, a metal wand, a metal wand, a slender blue wand, a silver wand, a silver wand and some ephlox moss.
The loot from that less than 10 minutes is bolded.
11-06-2006, 08:15 PM
I have(/HAD???) a broadsword just like that in my locker. Is that the vibe flaring one?
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