07-23-2006, 03:30 PM
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a snow spectre, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>stance off
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
* Hialeah just bit the dust!
>at sp
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
You are now in an offensive stance.
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +34 = +123
... and hit for 12 points of damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +6 = +95
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +49 - TD: +84 + CvA: +19 + d100: +92 == +76
Warded off!
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
The snow spectre dodges just in the nick of time!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +5 = +94
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +53 - TD: +86 + CvA: +19 + d100: +95 == +81
Warded off!
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
The snow spectre dodges just in the nick of time!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Raibanog's group just arrived.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +98 vs DS: +120 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +44 = +41
A clean miss.
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +97 = +186
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Right kneecap smashed into pulp.
The snow spectre is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: -52 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +51 = +231
... and hits for 84 points of damage!
Knocked sideways several feet by blow to back.
The snow spectre screams evilly one last time and goes still.
A chill breeze blows past swirling up a cloud of snow. The snow spins and twists and suddenly takes on the form of a snow spectre!
Raibanog just went up.
The spectre wails a sad, eerie song!
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at Orpius!
AS: +98 vs DS: +105 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +32 = +44
A clean miss.
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +68 = +181
... and hits for 56 points of damage!
Flesh ripped from back, muscles exposed.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a snow spectre, the Orpius disk, the MY disk, a snow spectre that appears dead, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Also here: Orpius
Obvious exits: west, up, down
Speaking in broken common, you say, "Hey."
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Raibanog just arrived.
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +10 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +40 = +158
... and hits for 33 points of damage!
Bones in left arm crack.
>.skin sp
[Script skin is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>put morn in my shea
>get dagg from my pou
You kneel down.
You put a crusader's morningstar in your leather sheath.
K>skin sp
You remove a dagger from in your red cotton pouch.
K>search sp
>put my dagg in my pou
You skinned the snow spectre, yielding a spectre nail.
K>get morn from my shea
You search the snow spectre.
It had a woven cloak, a leather helm.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had some pink mithril-bloom on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A snow spectre turns to dust.
You put a dagger in your red cotton pouch.
[script done]
You remove a crusader's morningstar from in your leather sheath.
You stand back up.
A snow spectre gestures at Orpius!
CS: +53 - TD: +60 + CvA: +19 + d100: +42 - -5 == +59
Warded off!
Speaking in broken common, you ask, "Hello?"
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, a snow spectre, the Orpius disk, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Also here: Raibanog, Orpius
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>stance d
You are now in a defensive stance.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +68 vs DS: +186 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +52 = -47
A clean miss.
Raibanog quietly says, "Orpius, ye poachin."
Orpius quietly says, "Sorry."
>peer orp
You peer quizzically at Orpius.
>l rai
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
You see Raibanog.
He appears to be a Sylvankind of the Tyesteron D'ahranal.
He appears to be very young and very tall. He has brooding hazel eyes and golden brown skin. He has very long, unkempt grey hair. He has a gaunt face, a crooked nose and long pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a whalebone arrow in his right hand and a deringo short bow in his left hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a tailored light green kerchief, a green wool greatcloak, a dusty ebony kilt, a polished pewter pinky ring, a pure white leather wrist sheath, a large cloth sack, a black leather tool kit, some reinforced fitted white leathers, a pair of forest green shoes, a back quiver, and a platinum etched wedding band.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, a snow spectre, the Orpius disk, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Also here: Raibanog, Orpius
Obvious exits: west, up, down
Raibanog's group just went up.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +49 - TD: +84 + CvA: +19 + d100: +79 == +63
Warded off!
>stance off
A snow spectre just arrived.
You are now in an offensive stance.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +59 = +148
... and hit for 35 points of damage!
Loud *crack* as the snow spectre's sternum breaks!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>at sp
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +68 vs DS: +120 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +8 = -25
A clean miss.
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +11 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +64 = +157
... and hit for 31 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +10 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +23 = +117
... and hit for 10 points of damage!
Jarring blow to the snow spectre's back.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +68 vs DS: +120 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +97 = +64
A clean miss.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +49 - TD: +84 + CvA: +19 + d100: +45 == +29
Warded off!
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +56 = +154
... and hit for 38 points of damage!
Blow to chest causes the snow spectre's heart to skip a beat.
The snow spectre falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
You evade the attack by inches!
R>.skin sp
[Script skin is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>put morn in my shea
You kneel down.
K>get dagg from my pou
You put a crusader's morningstar in your leather sheath.
K>skin sp
>search sp
>put my dagg in my pou
>get morn from my shea
[script done]
You remove a dagger from in your red cotton pouch.
You skinned the snow spectre, yielding a spectre nail.
You search the snow spectre.
It had a woven cloak, a leather helm.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing else of value.
A snow spectre turns to dust.
You put a dagger in your red cotton pouch.
You remove a crusader's morningstar from in your leather sheath.
You stand back up.
>stance off
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
You are now in an offensive stance.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +13 = +111
... and hit for 8 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on the snow spectre's left arm.
The snow spectre falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>.skin sp
[Script skin is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>put morn in my shea
You kneel down.
K>get dagg from my pou
>skin sp
You put a crusader's morningstar in your leather sheath.
K>search sp
>put my dagg in my pou
>get morn from my shea
[script done]
You remove a dagger from in your red cotton pouch.
You skinned the snow spectre, yielding a spectre nail.
You search the snow spectre.
It had a woven cloak, a leather helm.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had a blue lace agate on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A snow spectre turns to dust.
You put a dagger in your red cotton pouch.
You remove a crusader's morningstar from in your leather sheath.
You stand back up.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a blue lace agate, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>.loot na
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get na
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
>put na in my pack
You pick up a spectre nail.
>remove shield
[script done]
You put a spectre nail in your magenta cotton pack.
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a blue lace agate, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>.loot na
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get na
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
>put na in my pack
You pick up a spectre nail.
>remove shield
[script done]
You put a spectre nail in your magenta cotton pack.
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
>.loot na
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get na
>put na in my pack
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
You pick up a spectre nail.
>remove shield
[script done]
You put a spectre nail in your magenta cotton pack.
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a blue lace agate, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>.loot mi
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get mi
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
>put mi in my pack
You pick up some pink mithril-bloom.
>remove shield
[script done]
You put some pink mithril-bloom in your magenta cotton pack.
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
>.loot aga
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get aga
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
>put aga in my pack
You pick up a blue lace agate.
[script done]
>remove shield
You put a blue lace agate in your magenta cotton pack.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
You are currently at a defensive stance.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
This round tunnel through the ice twists and turns towards an upward slope. The shimmering ice crystals are nearly blinding in their beauty, their light dancing across the remains of a fallen statue lying near one wall. The statue may have been beautiful in its day, but now lies scattered in pieces on the floor. You also see a leather helm, a woven cloak and a leather helm.
Obvious exits: east, southwest, up
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
[Snow Fort, Entry]
Crystals dance high overhead along the packed snow ceiling of the entryway. Several small niches have been carved into the walls to accent elaborate ice carvings. A light breeze blows through the room, seeming to start somewhere down the narrow passages leading out. You also see a woven cloak and a translucent arch.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast
[Snow Fort, Passage]
Torches line the walls of this passage, flaring with an eerie blue flame. The smooth ice walls seem unaffected by the flames, in fact they glow with the same blue light. The cold glow dances and flickers hypnotically, until it seems the tunnel walls and floor twist and writhe beneath you. You also see a snow spectre.
Obvious exits: south, northwest
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +8 = +97
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
Raibanog's group just arrived.
A chill breeze blows past swirling up a cloud of snow. The snow spins and twists and suddenly takes on the form of a snow spectre!
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +15 = +128
... and hits for 16 points of damage!
Weak slash to the snow spectre's lower back!
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +10 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +79 = +173
... and hit for 46 points of damage!
You ripped a chunk out of the snow spectre's right leg with that one.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at Raibanog!
Raibanog moves at the last moment to evade the attack!
A snow spectre gestures at Orpius!
CS: +49 - TD: +67 + CvA: +19 + d100: +97 - -5 == +103
Warding failed!
A calm washes over Orpius.
Speaking in broken common, you ask, "Again?"
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Orpius quietly says, "Sigh."
Raibanog quietly says, "ORPIUS."
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
Orpius is enraged by the snow spectre's attack!
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at Orpius!
AS: +98 vs DS: +182 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +9 = -56
A clean miss.
Orpius giggles.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
By amazing chance, the snow spectre evades the attack!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +53 - TD: +86 + CvA: +19 + d100: +16 == +2
Warded off!
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
Orpius quietly says, "Sorry."
You sigh.
[Snow Fort, Passage]
Torches line the walls of this passage, flaring with an eerie blue flame. The smooth ice walls seem unaffected by the flames, in fact they glow with the same blue light. The cold glow dances and flickers hypnotically, until it seems the tunnel walls and floor twist and writhe beneath you. You also see the Orpius disk, a snow spectre, the MY disk and a snow spectre.
Also here: Orpius, Raibanog
Obvious exits: south, northwest
Raibanog quietly says, "There's others huntin."
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>at sp
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
A snow spectre gestures at Orpius!
CS: +47 - TD: +53 + CvA: +19 + d100: +93 - -5 == +111
Warding failed!
The snow spectre focuses its voice on Orpius's faenor falchion causing her to take several moments to regain her grip.
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +7 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +19 = +116
... and hit for 12 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on the snow spectre's chest!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Raibanog just went south.
Raibanog just arrived.
A snow spectre gestures at Raibanog!
CS: +49 - TD: +56 + CvA: +18 + d100: +4 - -5 == +20
Warded off!
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
>at sp
Orpius just went northwest.
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +16 = +114
... and hit for 11 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the abdomen.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Orpius just arrived.
Raibanog just went northwest.
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +97 = +195
... and hit for 60 points of damage!
Flesh ripped from back, muscles exposed.
The snow spectre falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre gestures at Orpius!
CS: +49 - TD: +67 + CvA: +19 + d100: +39 - -5 == +45
Warded off!
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +92 = +205
... and hits for 67 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to the snow spectre's right knee!
The snow spectre is knocked to the ground!
R>.skin sp
[Script skin is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>stance def
>put morn in my shea
You are now in a defensive stance.
>get dagg from my pou
You kneel down.
K>skin sp
You put a crusader's morningstar in your leather sheath.
K>search sp
You remove a dagger from in your red cotton pouch.
You skinned the snow spectre, yielding a spectre nail.
K>put my dagg in my pou
You search the snow spectre.
It had a woven cloak, a leather helm.
It had 88 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 88 coins.
It had nothing else of value.
A snow spectre turns to dust.
K>get morn from my shea
[script done]
You put a dagger in your red cotton pouch.
You remove a crusader's morningstar from in your leather sheath.
You stand back up.
>glare orp
A snow spectre slowly stands back up.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +2 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +45 = +171
... and hits for 47 points of damage!
Respectable shot to the back.
The snow spectre falls to the ground motionless.
You glare at Orpius.
Raibanog just arrived.
>'will you stop!
Speaking in broken common, you exclaim, "Will you stop!"
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Raibanog clasps Orpius's hand tenderly.
[Snow Fort, Passage]
Torches line the walls of this passage, flaring with an eerie blue flame. The smooth ice walls seem unaffected by the flames, in fact they glow with the same blue light. The cold glow dances and flickers hypnotically, until it seems the tunnel walls and floor twist and writhe beneath you. You also see a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, the Orpius disk, the MY disk and a snow spectre that appears dead.
Also here: Raibanog, Orpius
Obvious exits: south, northwest
>'::rai take this idiot to a different hunting ground
Orpius quietly says, "I didn;t syee ye."
Speaking in broken common, you say, "Take this idiot to a different hunting ground."
Orpius quietly says, "Sorry again."
A snow spectre turns to dust.
Raibanog quietly says, "We'll change huntin grounds, sorry."
[Snow Fort, Passage]
Torches line the walls of this passage, flaring with an eerie blue flame. The smooth ice walls seem unaffected by the flames, in fact they glow with the same blue light. The cold glow dances and flickers hypnotically, until it seems the tunnel walls and floor twist and writhe beneath you. You also see a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, the Orpius disk and the MY disk.
Also here: Raibanog, Orpius
Obvious exits: south, northwest
Raibanog's group just went south.
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a snow spectre, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>stance off
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
* Hialeah just bit the dust!
>at sp
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
You are now in an offensive stance.
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +34 = +123
... and hit for 12 points of damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +6 = +95
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +49 - TD: +84 + CvA: +19 + d100: +92 == +76
Warded off!
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
The snow spectre dodges just in the nick of time!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +5 = +94
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +53 - TD: +86 + CvA: +19 + d100: +95 == +81
Warded off!
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
The snow spectre dodges just in the nick of time!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Raibanog's group just arrived.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +98 vs DS: +120 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +44 = +41
A clean miss.
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +97 = +186
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Right kneecap smashed into pulp.
The snow spectre is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: -52 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +51 = +231
... and hits for 84 points of damage!
Knocked sideways several feet by blow to back.
The snow spectre screams evilly one last time and goes still.
A chill breeze blows past swirling up a cloud of snow. The snow spins and twists and suddenly takes on the form of a snow spectre!
Raibanog just went up.
The spectre wails a sad, eerie song!
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at Orpius!
AS: +98 vs DS: +105 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +32 = +44
A clean miss.
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +68 = +181
... and hits for 56 points of damage!
Flesh ripped from back, muscles exposed.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a snow spectre, the Orpius disk, the MY disk, a snow spectre that appears dead, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Also here: Orpius
Obvious exits: west, up, down
Speaking in broken common, you say, "Hey."
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Raibanog just arrived.
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +10 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +40 = +158
... and hits for 33 points of damage!
Bones in left arm crack.
>.skin sp
[Script skin is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>put morn in my shea
>get dagg from my pou
You kneel down.
You put a crusader's morningstar in your leather sheath.
K>skin sp
You remove a dagger from in your red cotton pouch.
K>search sp
>put my dagg in my pou
You skinned the snow spectre, yielding a spectre nail.
K>get morn from my shea
You search the snow spectre.
It had a woven cloak, a leather helm.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had some pink mithril-bloom on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A snow spectre turns to dust.
You put a dagger in your red cotton pouch.
[script done]
You remove a crusader's morningstar from in your leather sheath.
You stand back up.
A snow spectre gestures at Orpius!
CS: +53 - TD: +60 + CvA: +19 + d100: +42 - -5 == +59
Warded off!
Speaking in broken common, you ask, "Hello?"
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, a snow spectre, the Orpius disk, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Also here: Raibanog, Orpius
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>stance d
You are now in a defensive stance.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +68 vs DS: +186 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +52 = -47
A clean miss.
Raibanog quietly says, "Orpius, ye poachin."
Orpius quietly says, "Sorry."
>peer orp
You peer quizzically at Orpius.
>l rai
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
You see Raibanog.
He appears to be a Sylvankind of the Tyesteron D'ahranal.
He appears to be very young and very tall. He has brooding hazel eyes and golden brown skin. He has very long, unkempt grey hair. He has a gaunt face, a crooked nose and long pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a whalebone arrow in his right hand and a deringo short bow in his left hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a tailored light green kerchief, a green wool greatcloak, a dusty ebony kilt, a polished pewter pinky ring, a pure white leather wrist sheath, a large cloth sack, a black leather tool kit, some reinforced fitted white leathers, a pair of forest green shoes, a back quiver, and a platinum etched wedding band.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, a snow spectre, the Orpius disk, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Also here: Raibanog, Orpius
Obvious exits: west, up, down
Raibanog's group just went up.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +49 - TD: +84 + CvA: +19 + d100: +79 == +63
Warded off!
>stance off
A snow spectre just arrived.
You are now in an offensive stance.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +59 = +148
... and hit for 35 points of damage!
Loud *crack* as the snow spectre's sternum breaks!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>at sp
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +68 vs DS: +120 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +8 = -25
A clean miss.
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +11 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +64 = +157
... and hit for 31 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +10 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +23 = +117
... and hit for 10 points of damage!
Jarring blow to the snow spectre's back.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +68 vs DS: +120 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +97 = +64
A clean miss.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +49 - TD: +84 + CvA: +19 + d100: +45 == +29
Warded off!
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +56 = +154
... and hit for 38 points of damage!
Blow to chest causes the snow spectre's heart to skip a beat.
The snow spectre falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at you!
You evade the attack by inches!
R>.skin sp
[Script skin is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>put morn in my shea
You kneel down.
K>get dagg from my pou
You put a crusader's morningstar in your leather sheath.
K>skin sp
>search sp
>put my dagg in my pou
>get morn from my shea
[script done]
You remove a dagger from in your red cotton pouch.
You skinned the snow spectre, yielding a spectre nail.
You search the snow spectre.
It had a woven cloak, a leather helm.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing else of value.
A snow spectre turns to dust.
You put a dagger in your red cotton pouch.
You remove a crusader's morningstar from in your leather sheath.
You stand back up.
>stance off
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
You are now in an offensive stance.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +13 = +111
... and hit for 8 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on the snow spectre's left arm.
The snow spectre falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>.skin sp
[Script skin is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>put morn in my shea
You kneel down.
K>get dagg from my pou
>skin sp
You put a crusader's morningstar in your leather sheath.
K>search sp
>put my dagg in my pou
>get morn from my shea
[script done]
You remove a dagger from in your red cotton pouch.
You skinned the snow spectre, yielding a spectre nail.
You search the snow spectre.
It had a woven cloak, a leather helm.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had a blue lace agate on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A snow spectre turns to dust.
You put a dagger in your red cotton pouch.
You remove a crusader's morningstar from in your leather sheath.
You stand back up.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a blue lace agate, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>.loot na
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get na
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
>put na in my pack
You pick up a spectre nail.
>remove shield
[script done]
You put a spectre nail in your magenta cotton pack.
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a blue lace agate, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>.loot na
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get na
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
>put na in my pack
You pick up a spectre nail.
>remove shield
[script done]
You put a spectre nail in your magenta cotton pack.
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
>.loot na
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get na
>put na in my pack
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
You pick up a spectre nail.
>remove shield
[script done]
You put a spectre nail in your magenta cotton pack.
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a blue lace agate, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, some pink mithril-bloom, a leather helm, a woven cloak, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
>.loot mi
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get mi
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
>put mi in my pack
You pick up some pink mithril-bloom.
>remove shield
[script done]
You put some pink mithril-bloom in your magenta cotton pack.
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
>.loot aga
[Script loot is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>wear shield
>get aga
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key over your shoulder.
>put aga in my pack
You pick up a blue lace agate.
[script done]
>remove shield
You put a blue lace agate in your magenta cotton pack.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
Ice spirals and swirls about you along passages leading off in several directions. Ancient runes and symbols are etched deep into the frozen walls, though their significance is indecipherable. You also see a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, the MY disk, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak and a black altar.
Obvious exits: west, up, down
You sling a small shield emblazoned with a golden key off from over your shoulder.
You are currently at a defensive stance.
[Snow Fort, Tunnel]
This round tunnel through the ice twists and turns towards an upward slope. The shimmering ice crystals are nearly blinding in their beauty, their light dancing across the remains of a fallen statue lying near one wall. The statue may have been beautiful in its day, but now lies scattered in pieces on the floor. You also see a leather helm, a woven cloak and a leather helm.
Obvious exits: east, southwest, up
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
[Snow Fort, Entry]
Crystals dance high overhead along the packed snow ceiling of the entryway. Several small niches have been carved into the walls to accent elaborate ice carvings. A light breeze blows through the room, seeming to start somewhere down the narrow passages leading out. You also see a woven cloak and a translucent arch.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast
[Snow Fort, Passage]
Torches line the walls of this passage, flaring with an eerie blue flame. The smooth ice walls seem unaffected by the flames, in fact they glow with the same blue light. The cold glow dances and flickers hypnotically, until it seems the tunnel walls and floor twist and writhe beneath you. You also see a snow spectre.
Obvious exits: south, northwest
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +8 = +97
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
Raibanog's group just arrived.
A chill breeze blows past swirling up a cloud of snow. The snow spins and twists and suddenly takes on the form of a snow spectre!
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +15 = +128
... and hits for 16 points of damage!
Weak slash to the snow spectre's lower back!
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +10 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +79 = +173
... and hit for 46 points of damage!
You ripped a chunk out of the snow spectre's right leg with that one.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at Raibanog!
Raibanog moves at the last moment to evade the attack!
A snow spectre gestures at Orpius!
CS: +49 - TD: +67 + CvA: +19 + d100: +97 - -5 == +103
Warding failed!
A calm washes over Orpius.
Speaking in broken common, you ask, "Again?"
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Orpius quietly says, "Sigh."
Raibanog quietly says, "ORPIUS."
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
Orpius is enraged by the snow spectre's attack!
A snow spectre swings a closed fist at Orpius!
AS: +98 vs DS: +182 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +9 = -56
A clean miss.
Orpius giggles.
>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
By amazing chance, the snow spectre evades the attack!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +53 - TD: +86 + CvA: +19 + d100: +16 == +2
Warded off!
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
Orpius quietly says, "Sorry."
You sigh.
[Snow Fort, Passage]
Torches line the walls of this passage, flaring with an eerie blue flame. The smooth ice walls seem unaffected by the flames, in fact they glow with the same blue light. The cold glow dances and flickers hypnotically, until it seems the tunnel walls and floor twist and writhe beneath you. You also see the Orpius disk, a snow spectre, the MY disk and a snow spectre.
Also here: Orpius, Raibanog
Obvious exits: south, northwest
Raibanog quietly says, "There's others huntin."
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>at sp
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
A snow spectre gestures at Orpius!
CS: +47 - TD: +53 + CvA: +19 + d100: +93 - -5 == +111
Warding failed!
The snow spectre focuses its voice on Orpius's faenor falchion causing her to take several moments to regain her grip.
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +7 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +19 = +116
... and hit for 12 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on the snow spectre's chest!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Raibanog just went south.
Raibanog just arrived.
A snow spectre gestures at Raibanog!
CS: +49 - TD: +56 + CvA: +18 + d100: +4 - -5 == +20
Warded off!
A snow spectre begins to wail loudly!
>at sp
Orpius just went northwest.
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +16 = +114
... and hit for 11 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the abdomen.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Orpius just arrived.
Raibanog just went northwest.
R>at sp
You swing a crusader's morningstar at a snow spectre!
AS: +71 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +97 = +195
... and hit for 60 points of damage!
Flesh ripped from back, muscles exposed.
The snow spectre falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A snow spectre gestures at Orpius!
CS: +49 - TD: +67 + CvA: +19 + d100: +39 - -5 == +45
Warded off!
Orpius drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +92 = +205
... and hits for 67 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to the snow spectre's right knee!
The snow spectre is knocked to the ground!
R>.skin sp
[Script skin is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>stance def
>put morn in my shea
You are now in a defensive stance.
>get dagg from my pou
You kneel down.
K>skin sp
You put a crusader's morningstar in your leather sheath.
K>search sp
You remove a dagger from in your red cotton pouch.
You skinned the snow spectre, yielding a spectre nail.
K>put my dagg in my pou
You search the snow spectre.
It had a woven cloak, a leather helm.
It had 88 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 88 coins.
It had nothing else of value.
A snow spectre turns to dust.
K>get morn from my shea
[script done]
You put a dagger in your red cotton pouch.
You remove a crusader's morningstar from in your leather sheath.
You stand back up.
>glare orp
A snow spectre slowly stands back up.
Orpius swings a faenor falchion at a snow spectre!
AS: +93 vs DS: +2 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +45 = +171
... and hits for 47 points of damage!
Respectable shot to the back.
The snow spectre falls to the ground motionless.
You glare at Orpius.
Raibanog just arrived.
>'will you stop!
Speaking in broken common, you exclaim, "Will you stop!"
Orpius moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Raibanog clasps Orpius's hand tenderly.
[Snow Fort, Passage]
Torches line the walls of this passage, flaring with an eerie blue flame. The smooth ice walls seem unaffected by the flames, in fact they glow with the same blue light. The cold glow dances and flickers hypnotically, until it seems the tunnel walls and floor twist and writhe beneath you. You also see a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, the Orpius disk, the MY disk and a snow spectre that appears dead.
Also here: Raibanog, Orpius
Obvious exits: south, northwest
>'::rai take this idiot to a different hunting ground
Orpius quietly says, "I didn;t syee ye."
Speaking in broken common, you say, "Take this idiot to a different hunting ground."
Orpius quietly says, "Sorry again."
A snow spectre turns to dust.
Raibanog quietly says, "We'll change huntin grounds, sorry."
[Snow Fort, Passage]
Torches line the walls of this passage, flaring with an eerie blue flame. The smooth ice walls seem unaffected by the flames, in fact they glow with the same blue light. The cold glow dances and flickers hypnotically, until it seems the tunnel walls and floor twist and writhe beneath you. You also see a leather helm, a woven cloak, a leather helm, a woven cloak, a spectre nail, the Orpius disk and the MY disk.
Also here: Raibanog, Orpius
Obvious exits: south, northwest
Raibanog's group just went south.