View Full Version : tard
Sean of the Thread
12-16-2005, 04:06 AM
Togerron exclaims, "Guess what I am!"
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
> sign of staunching
>sign of defending
> sign of warding
> sign of diss
> sign of defl
> sign of shields
Your veins throb and your blood sings.
Repeating the sign has no effect!
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Togerron clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.
Togerron hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Togerron asks, "Well?"
>'a retard?
You ask, "A retard?"
Togerron exclaims, "ANNOYING!"
Togerron grins.
>agree tog
You agree with Togerron.
Togerron nods to you.
Togerron says, "Agreeing with me is ALWAYS the right thing to do."
12-16-2005, 04:38 AM
Damn.. as I was reading the log and I saw ya put signs up, I thought he was about to get blasted.
How dissapointing.
Terminator X
12-16-2005, 06:18 AM
GemStone players have an incredible capacity to press, up, up, enter with the greatest of ease. There are some unfortunate incidents resulting from this super power :(
12-16-2005, 06:37 AM
118 is your friend.
12-16-2005, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Terminator X
GemStone players have an incredible capacity to press, up, up, enter with the greatest of ease. There are some unfortunate incidents resulting from this super power :(
Yes, we have been well trained through everyday hunting. Aside from which you have some super masters of the uparrow martial form - trained by the warrior and rogue guilds.
[Edited on 12-16-2005 by Landrion]
12-16-2005, 09:59 AM
I hate when I'm typing in an IM and hit down arrow to erase what I just typed.. and it doesnt work, of course.
12-16-2005, 11:21 AM
Thump has its uses...
12-16-2005, 11:41 AM
yah you should have removed some limbs IMO.
12-16-2005, 12:58 PM
214 and 210 is a great way to stop movement and mouths. :)
El Burro
12-16-2005, 01:33 PM
Great fun at TSC and thanks Bob for giving every idiot those uber healing scripts.
Flechar asks, "Anyone healing?"
Toy nods to Flechar.
Toy meditates over Flechar.
Toy takes Flechar's chest damage.
Toy meditates over Flechar.
Nothing happens.
Toy says, "My pleasure."
Flechar turns to face Toy.
Flechar smiles at Toy.
Speaking to Toy, Flechar says, "Thanks kindly."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
Toy lifts the fringed hem of her diaphanous silk skirt up away from the ground.
Toy curtsies.
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Always a pleasure."
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Malkuth blinks at Toy.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy just went east.
What is it you're trying to give?
>give toy 2
What is it you're trying to give?
Hog blinks.
Turian laughs!
You grin.
Hog asks, "What the heck was that?"
Amia chuckles.
Toy just arrived.
Flechar just handed Toy some coins.
Hog chuckles.
Toy says, "Stop being a jackass."
Toy lifts the fringed hem of her diaphanous silk skirt up away from the ground.
>'surely you jest
You say, "Surely you jest."
>smile toy
You smile at Toy.
Toy says, "I do not."
Speaking to Toy, Malkuth asks, "You missed the bruise near my head, could I bother you for that as well?"
Malkuth smiles.
>'I appreciate your appreciation
You say, "I appreciate your appreciation."
>smile toy
You smile at Toy.
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "You have something against me haveing an auto thank you for coins so I don't miss it in the scroll? What the hell is your problem?"
How can they be so mean to you?!
>whisper ooc toy I thought I was funny, sorry if you missed the humor... guilt yourself much?
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Toy, "I thought I was funny, sorry if you missed the humor... guilt yourself much?"
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "I don't guilt myself, I thought it was rude to everyone else in the room."
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "Scrolling is pretty universally rude."
>whisper ooc toy so is insta healing everyone that says the word heal
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Toy, "So is insta healing everyone that says the word heal."
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "Sorry if you don't like that, you are not much of a social healer, it's people like you that make people like me turn to scripting :)."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Toy, "Yeah I'm sure that's what happened."
Toy just went northwest.
12-16-2005, 01:38 PM
Toy = Owned.
12-16-2005, 01:40 PM
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "You have something against me haveing an auto thank you for coins so I don't miss it in the scroll?"
Yep, sure do. That's fucking annoying.
That kind of scripting is against policy since she was obviously not there to stop it.
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "Sorry if you don't like that, you are not much of a social healer, it's people like you that make people like me turn to scripting ."
What a pathetic excuse. :thumbsdown:
12-16-2005, 01:41 PM
I used to see Toy using a script that incorporated her using RP props like salve, magical powders, and the likes, while she was healing. I'm pretty sure Bob helped her with that one as well. I wonder if you just didn't get to see that part of it? Or maybe she changed it.
12-16-2005, 01:42 PM
That's fine. But the fact that it kept thanking over and over for coins once the healing was long over is just ridiculous.
12-16-2005, 01:48 PM
I agree the excuse was weak. And if she took that long to catch up on the repeated thank yous then she wasn't paying attention while scripting. :oops:
12-16-2005, 01:51 PM
yeah, toy is and always has been, a fucking idiot. this is just more proof.
12-16-2005, 01:59 PM
I didn't think it was that big a deal really.
I would instead once more ask why someone feels the need to cause an ooc situation to become so obvious? I find more problems with that than with someone having a script to say thank you.
12-16-2005, 02:09 PM
I don't know why Toy uses just a match for "hands you coins" and then says "Thank you," since she definitely has access to the randomizer script for tones and thank you messages. People have fucked around with my matching before in TSC and handed me coins repeatedly, and they can get off a hefty amount before I can do anything about it (I'd have to kill all my scripts with .stopall and it's easier for someone to press one key than it is for me to type that). My script has a block list incorporated into it, though, for people who do that, my own characters, and characters I anticipate to hand me money, so it won't happen more than once. My script also matches money and items, smiles at the person, if it's an item, accepts and stows, then outputs the thank you message.
I also helped Toy with her healing script that would do a random action/say utilizing her items. I forget how that worked, but I think she ran the script, it did the action, and then it ran .healdown. Or maybe it healed then did an action. Either way, I haven't seen her using it since shortly after I made it.
<<(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "You have something against me haveing an auto thank you for coins so I don't miss it in the scroll? What the hell is your problem?">>
This is a pretty terrible thing to say. I have an autothank script so I simply don't have to do it. I don't blame anyone else for my using a script, and I handle the consequences appropriately.
12-16-2005, 02:09 PM
As someone in chat said: healing is boring. I can see why a script might be used, however I'd suggest writing an if loop to check the amount of coin given. If less than 400, go back to the start loop.
12-16-2005, 02:11 PM
As a side note, she had to have been paying attention while healing because there does not exist a friendly healing script. Only a human can properly control healing, as a script can not distinguish who to heal and who not to heal with any sort of accuracy. She's at least starting her healing script, but the thank you script is constantly running and can be activated at any time. Since she was healing at the time, she was definitely there, but probably didn't know how to handle being pwn3d with money.
12-16-2005, 02:13 PM
<<I can see why a script might be used, however I'd suggest writing an if loop to check the amount of coin given. If less than 400, go back to the start loop.>>
People tip as little as they want to tip, and should be properly thanked for doing so. If you hand me 2+ coins, my script is going to thank you, because you've tipped me for healing. Someone would easily drop 400 silver per scroll message to get a laugh. That kind of money is not exactly hard to come by.
12-16-2005, 02:14 PM
Oh and I think Terminator X said something about the original retard using "up up enter" repeatedly: that's a sorry way to go about double actions. Enter, control+enter FTW.
12-16-2005, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
As someone in chat said: healing is boring. I can see why a script might be used, however I'd suggest writing an if loop to check the amount of coin given. If less than 400, go back to the start loop.This is impossible to do in Wizard, and prohibitively time-expensive in SF. That being said, I reckon it'd be pretty easy with JSE, assuming it can do simple math comparisons.
12-16-2005, 02:17 PM
<<This is impossible to do in Wizard, and prohibitively time-expensive in SF.>>
Anyone that runs an autothank script in Wizard or SF is a loser.
<<That being said, I reckon it'd be pretty easy with JSE, assuming it can do simple math comparisons.>>
set number 0
matchbool ok $person$ just gave you $number$ coins which you quickly pocket.
matchbool ok $person$ offers you a
if(%person% == Tayre) goto loop
if(%person% == Bobmuhthol) goto loop
if(%person% == Loim) goto loop
if(%person% == Steizer) goto loop
if(%number% > 0) <---- change that number to minimum - 1
goto coins
goto item
put smile %person%
waitfor You smile
spawnquiet thankyou.cmd
goto loop
put smile %person%
waitfor You smile
put accept
waitfor You accept
spawnquiet thankyou.cmd
put stow right
waitfor You put
goto loop
12-16-2005, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
As someone in chat said: healing is boring. I can see why a script might be used, however I'd suggest writing an if loop to check the amount of coin given. If less than 400, go back to the start loop.
If healing is boring there are many other professions you can try.
My emapth does not use an auto healing script.
I only use one for healing down, but not healing others. I enjoy the interaction, not mindless healing. If it's boring, do something else.
[Edited on 12-16-2005 by Viridian]
12-16-2005, 04:30 PM
Healing isn't boring. Typing it out and interacting with people is boring. I have a blast every time I script heal myself to more money and more experience.
12-16-2005, 04:40 PM
The only mindless part of healing is trans Joebob l arm, trans joebob r arm, trans joebob.
12-16-2005, 04:47 PM
I just saw this post, but I interacted with Toy earlier today and it was amazing. Best RPed empath I've come across in awhile, especially in the Landing.
Took me to her house, performed a little ceremony, healed me, gave me wine, let me light up a cigar and everything. And then gave me a toy rogue.
12-16-2005, 04:51 PM
<<Took me to her house, performed a little ceremony, healed me, gave me wine, let me light up a cigar and everything.>>
I can run .cyber for all of my patients just as well as Toy can.
12-16-2005, 05:13 PM
there was no sex involved, damn it, my rogue is too haughty.
12-16-2005, 06:52 PM
I dont find healing boring at all.. matter of fact, sitting there watching a stupid script run past would be way more boring to me than doing it myself.. appraise person, click the wounds you're done, why the need for the rediculous irritating scripts? Whatever, if that's what makes you happy then deal with the people that bust you with them.
I found the stuff with Toy hilarious and well deserved.
12-16-2005, 06:55 PM
I don't mind script healing. Toy's "I want to be from Dragon Pink" shtick is far more annoying to the knowledgeable.
12-17-2005, 07:18 AM
My two handed Amasalenite worshipping greataxe swinging empath is great. He likes to give lectures on "The True Empathy", learning to be self-sufficient. I think empath is one of the best professions in the game.
12-17-2005, 07:44 AM
Haha, that reminds me of Brinnea, claid swinging empath. That was who mentored my empath. I wish she still played. Good times.
12-17-2005, 07:46 AM
There's still a few of us claid-swingers over East of th Spine, but it's become tougher now.
(I only use the greataxe because it's heavily crit weighted, but magical)
12-17-2005, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Viridian
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
As someone in chat said: healing is boring. I can see why a script might be used, however I'd suggest writing an if loop to check the amount of coin given. If less than 400, go back to the start loop.
If healing is boring there are many other professions you can try.
My emapth does not use an auto healing script.
I only use one for healing down, but not healing others. I enjoy the interaction, not mindless healing. If it's boring, do something else.
[Edited on 12-16-2005 by Viridian]
I enjoy playing my empath because she's an incredible hunter. Occasionally, between hunts, I enjoy healing for the RP aspect of the character, but that is rare, and I highlight the person to make sure that I continue healing them.
I can't imagine leaving my empath in TSC to heal anyone and everyone manually, however. That would drive me insane was my point.
12-17-2005, 11:52 AM
<<appraise person, click the wounds you're done, why the need for the rediculous irritating scripts?>>
Because some of us aren't losers and don't use StormFront, but instead work on developing better programming techniques for the Wizard as we know how to program.
12-17-2005, 03:58 PM
excuse me? I do use stormfront.. wtf are you talking about, maybe it's you that just doesn't know how to heal on it without scripts.
12-17-2005, 04:44 PM
You are so fucking stupid if you didn't understand my post. It's not my fault nobody taught you how to fucking read.
12-24-2005, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by El Burro
Great fun at TSC and thanks Bob for giving every idiot those uber healing scripts.
Flechar asks, "Anyone healing?"
Toy nods to Flechar.
Toy meditates over Flechar.
Toy takes Flechar's chest damage.
Toy meditates over Flechar.
Nothing happens.
Toy says, "My pleasure."
Flechar turns to face Toy.
Flechar smiles at Toy.
Speaking to Toy, Flechar says, "Thanks kindly."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
Toy lifts the fringed hem of her diaphanous silk skirt up away from the ground.
Toy curtsies.
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Always a pleasure."
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Malkuth blinks at Toy.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
>give toy 2
You give Toy 2 coins.
You give Toy 2 coins.
Toy says, "Many thanks."
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy says, "Many thanks."
You give Toy 2 coins.
>give toy 2
Toy just went east.
What is it you're trying to give?
>give toy 2
What is it you're trying to give?
Hog blinks.
Turian laughs!
You grin.
Hog asks, "What the heck was that?"
Amia chuckles.
Toy just arrived.
Flechar just handed Toy some coins.
Hog chuckles.
Toy says, "Stop being a jackass."
Toy lifts the fringed hem of her diaphanous silk skirt up away from the ground.
>'surely you jest
You say, "Surely you jest."
>smile toy
You smile at Toy.
Toy says, "I do not."
Speaking to Toy, Malkuth asks, "You missed the bruise near my head, could I bother you for that as well?"
Malkuth smiles.
>'I appreciate your appreciation
You say, "I appreciate your appreciation."
>smile toy
You smile at Toy.
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "You have something against me haveing an auto thank you for coins so I don't miss it in the scroll? What the hell is your problem?"
How can they be so mean to you?!
>whisper ooc toy I thought I was funny, sorry if you missed the humor... guilt yourself much?
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Toy, "I thought I was funny, sorry if you missed the humor... guilt yourself much?"
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "I don't guilt myself, I thought it was rude to everyone else in the room."
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "Scrolling is pretty universally rude."
>whisper ooc toy so is insta healing everyone that says the word heal
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Toy, "So is insta healing everyone that says the word heal."
(OOC) Toy's player whispers, "Sorry if you don't like that, you are not much of a social healer, it's people like you that make people like me turn to scripting :)."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Toy, "Yeah I'm sure that's what happened."
Toy just went northwest.
I thought I was going to die of laughter or wake my brother. Thankfully neither happened.
You rock, I love you.
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