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  1. Returning, I think -- Stat and Training Thoughts
  2. Guild masters needed
  3. THW ambushing rogue
  4. mstrike rogue
  5. coup de grace rogue
  6. Deron at 77
  7. returning after 7 years need advice on training
  8. Converting to a Ranged Rogue
  9. Hunting help
  10. Hunting 20-25
  11. fixskills halp!
  12. 38 hunting help?
  13. GM Oscuro's upcoming treat for Rogues
  14. Need a promotion
  15. Rich critters for rogues
  16. Knocking around an idea, want opinions
  17. How do you refill your locksmith's toolkit??
  18. Guild Entrance Issues
  19. Yoinkity.
  20. Oscuro on the Stealth System
  22. Ooops
  23. Need a reinvite to the rogue's guild!
  24. Official: Minor LFM Clasping Change
  25. Official: PickPocket Crowd Modifier Updated
  26. dodging vs. cmans, other CM attacks
  27. Elf or Burghal?
  28. XPost - CMAN updates for small/large races
  29. perfect CMANs for a OHE ambushing rogue in full plate
  30. logs of using divert
  31. what is my redux?
  32. Rogue starting guide
  33. discuss Vanish / post logs. also logs of subdue from hiding
  34. Soo...FIXSKILLS...TWC or THW
  35. Fixskills/fixcmans. What did we all do if anything?
  36. Bout being a Rogue...
  37. Anual Fixskill time means spec my rogue
  38. TWC for a rogue
  39. Ambushing: STR or DEX?
  40. defending vs. the ambush
  41. What should my change?
  42. Shield armor question
  43. MOC
  44. Shattered, Rogue guild
  45. 21 Archer Rogue needs help!
  46. build question
  47. Shattered training
  48. Lockpicking Experience?
  49. Hunting at level 62
  50. Jack of All Trades Training Path?
  51. Lock/pick calculator?
  52. Ambush Hunting 30s - 40s
  53. what would be better
  54. I'm sick of not having GUILD MASTER status.
  55. Garrote
  56. General Rogue questions
  57. TWC Katars + spells : Viable?
  58. Joining the Guild
  59. picking script
  60. Dodging & Emastery
  61. Need help setting up future Magical Rogue..
  62. Ambush Training
  63. Lock Decriptors
  64. Back from the Dead (New Ranged Rogue)
  65. need some guildmasters tonight plz!
  66. Retraining advice. Different paths to combat superiority in GSIV.
  67. Subdue + Silent Strike
  68. So I heard...
  69. Ambush and TWC
  70. Rogue Guild Master List
  71. Armor Evasion
  72. guildx script
  73. Hiding Modifiers
  74. Mid 50s hunting grounds?
  75. Lost
  76. open archery
  77. Ideas on a fresh start
  78. Casting in Hauberk
  79. Leveling by lockpicking?
  80. Pickpocket?
  81. Best race for Rogue.
  82. Back after 7 years, need some training advice
  83. training questions..
  84. training questions..
  85. Need help.
  86. locksmithing
  87. Help rolling a rogue
  88. Lvl 60 Two Hander Build Help
  89. Need a new hunting style for my rogue
  90. Keyring question
  91. I done made a rogue or something.
  92. Shield Bash
  93. THW Build
  94. best weapon for THW rogue?
  95. What should I do? Rogue fail.
  96. Feasible for now?
  97. Pickpocketing
  98. Stat Placement for Arching / locksmith
  99. Hurling Rogue
  100. Gld stance
  101. Coup de Grace
  102. Vanish is glorious
  103. Lockpick garbage
  104. Halfling rogue in GoS
  105. How should I fuck around with my fixskill?
  106. Lock Mastery
  107. Need some Input before new fixskills
  108. Back from Long Time Away - Training Help
  109. Official: CGM Oscuro on Rogues/Monks
  110. CMAN Disarm Question
  111. Sniping from hiding
  112. Hilarity Ensues
  113. Level 80 fixskill plans
  114. Returning Player Starting From Scratch
  115. Is it possible to Lockpick from level 1 instead of hunting?
  116. New Build - This is what I wanted originally
  117. New rouge
  118. Open Archery - thoughts and spell path ideas
  119. Gear-wise, what's next?
  120. Sunfist at higher levels
  121. New Build Input
  122. Thinking of playing again...
  123. TWC: Katana and Wakizashi plausable?
  124. What should I do with my fixskills?
  125. Guild Master Rogue?
  126. Two-Weapon Combat Question
  127. Meet Raffles, the House Aspis Dragon
  128. Rogue scripts
  129. Weapon selection
  130. Archery in Nelemar / Rift?
  131. Training plan: Too ambitious?
  132. Attempting to get 5 guild masters for promotion
  133. THW Builds
  134. Fixskills advice:
  135. Looking for some advice/help.
  136. Looking to make a Rogue / Empath killer combo. Please help, I suck.
  137. Armor & 410 Poll
  138. Training ideas
  139. Rogue Guild Night
  140. Mist Harbor Rogue Guild
  141. Quick question
  142. Guildspeak
  143. Lock Pick Enhancement
  144. newbie guide
  145. Back after a Decade or so
  146. Returned Rogue, no clue what to do
  147. Guild Master Promotions
  148. Beginner advice on build
  149. 403 really works this much?
  150. Hiding Update
  151. FUMBLE!
  152. Rogue Guild based MHO
  153. Old Rogue Viable?
  154. Armor advice
  155. Implosion is my Bane!
  156. THW Ranger or rogue?
  157. I'm bored, here's some clips.
  158. Morningstar and Shield vs. 2 Daggers?
  159. Hurling rogue
  160. Smash and Grab rogue build?
  161. Finishing Touches
  162. Rogue CMANs
  163. Am I Rusty?
  164. Calipers burning out
  165. Advice for a TWC rogue
  166. Lock Mastery: Lockpick repair
  167. Seeking cheapshot partner to master the skill
  168. Guild training queries
  169. What weapon base for a twc ambusher?
  170. Disarming traps & Lock Pickings
  171. Best weapon for Ambushing Rogues?
  172. Guild Night
  173. The Shadow's Visage reveals itself!
  174. Help with training?
  175. Rogue Night
  176. Capped Rogue Picking Question
  177. Lock Mastery
  178. loves damage padding
  179. GoS Archer, mana problems
  180. Cheapshots (list of issues)
  181. Armor for a rogue?
  182. Capped Rogues!
  183. Katana rogue
  184. Lockpick information.
  185. Why the eff can't I stay away from this game?!
  186. Should i fixstat him?
  187. A little help with stats.
  188. Opinions on going past 1x CM please
  189. Open archery at 93?
  190. Any holes in my training plan? Plus extra "Q"s
  191. Before I use my fixstat...
  192. Coming out of retirement.
  193. 3 new cmans
  194. Brawling Rogue Build
  195. UAC rogue
  196. More brawling rogue questions.
  197. Good armor for vanish at cap?
  198. Cman Advise!!! Disarm queries and such...
  199. Need Help
  200. Looking for some training help, a push in the right direction.
  201. Will this work? Or is it totally worthless?
  202. 25th year rogue : advice
  203. UAC Training, Stat placement & Gear advice/suggestions
  204. Monkee
  205. Trying to decide what to do with my half-elf rogue
  206. Mulling over a return with a rogue.
  207. Guild Script help
  208. Lock Mastery wedging boxes
  209. Ambush aid in Edged AS?
  210. Rogue Weapon Choice
  211. invite to the guild?
  212. Rogue guild not letting me in
  213. What's up y'all!
  214. LM Lockpick appraising
  215. Seeking advice
  216. lockpicking
  217. Dwarf rogue head/eye ambush
  218. New shield stuff?
  219. Recent tweak to spotting traps?
  220. Not getting guild reps?
  221. Rogue CMAN Idea: Stop Short
  222. Rogue Guild Night
  223. Combat Maneuvers
  224. Old player coming back...just curious on thoughts
  225. Ambushing THW Rogue Build
  226. Wenchi jabbins
  227. Arcane symbols training
  228. UAC, Brawling and Rogues?
  229. UAC ambusher at cap?
  230. High disarm skill = less exp from easier traps?
  231. LFM "qualifying" boxes
  232. 79 trains. Advice and recommendations
  233. Fixskill my rogue
  234. Fix Stat on Giantman Rogue
  235. Gnome Rogue Perfectish Stats
  236. Gone a long time blah blah blah unarmed combat blah blah blah
  237. 3x dodging..is it worth it?
  238. Gnome Rogue... Reroll?
  239. Reroll - Most "Optimal" Rogue?
  240. GEEZ
  241. The scatter hunting
  242. Episode 672: The Smyths ponder Alafaya's Training Path, picking versus non-picking
  243. Need a really good locksmith
  244. 30 days stat migration help
  245. Guild help?
  246. Picking a few points from capping and having issues with temple boxes
  247. Stun manuevers training script?
  248. Something from the officials.
  249. Mist Harbor Guild Location?
  250. Best armor to wear for an ambushing axe and board rogue in the rift?