View Full Version : Halfling rogue in GoS

05-10-2011, 02:14 PM
So... I love GoS, and have had lots of success with my rogue in Shattered hunting warcamps. But... that's because he was a dwarf, and apparently just thismuch taller than a halfling, because he could one-shot orcs in the eye. My rogue in Prime is a halfling, and can't quite reach that far.

Do I have any options I might be overlooking to make soloing warcamps a little easier? A two-shot kill is all well and good, but when you're being swarmed it gets a little difficult to pull off safely. Sweep, hide, ambush head is OK, and a touch faster, but still... hard to pull off without pretty significant risk of being webbed, or spikethorned, or... blah blah blah.

Anyone else had this issue? Anyone have any ideas on strategy for me to consider?

05-10-2011, 02:41 PM
I did it solo sword and board for a while and it was a bit rough. It was before divert and vanish, though. Those may help a lot. And I suppose I was doing giant warcamps. I don't know if it's still the case but at the time it looked like the prone creatures contributed to the movement RT. It was definitely troublesome as I had to move on a lot after legging (camps half-full of prone creatures forcing RT).

You might consider hamstring before sweep and you should definitely consider ambush before sweep.

05-10-2011, 03:02 PM
Ambush a leg so they don't get up, vanish and hit the head.
Train in ranged.
Get 410.

05-10-2011, 03:04 PM
Obviously not all at once, I'd choose one or the other.

05-10-2011, 03:07 PM
Obviously not all at once, I'd choose one or the other.

Hrm... with fixskill around the corner, ranged might be the way to go... It's a build I haven't tried, at least.

Thanks! Off to do some research into ranged builds...


05-10-2011, 03:26 PM
Ranged and Halfling?!?!

Good luck!

05-10-2011, 04:08 PM
My new ranger is halfling! pretty sick!

05-10-2011, 04:11 PM
Ranged and Halfling?!?!

Good luck!

That sounds... ominous...

Looks like I'd be doing something like:

1x armor
2x ranged
1.5x CM
2x Ambush
2x PF
2x Dodge
1x Climb
2x Pick
2x Disarm
3x Hide
1x Perception

Something like that fairly viable?

05-10-2011, 04:21 PM
Sounds like all bases covered.

No Gnomes Is Good News
05-10-2011, 04:34 PM
Ranged Rogue + Halfling will be hard to pull off. Although there is a specific Rogue that uses a short bow and seems to do well, other than short bows, without outside help, Haste + Strength, your RT will be rather lacking.

Personally, I'd rather go TWC as a Halfling if that is the case.

05-10-2011, 04:35 PM
Get 2x perception for Ranged AS.

Also, your RT will be epicly bad since your strength will be so low.

05-10-2011, 04:39 PM
Get 2x perception for Ranged AS.

Also, your RT will be epicly bad since your strength will be so low.

Well, for better or worse, this rogue has truly broken stats, and therefore has 100 in Strength at the moment, plus a pocket wizard for 509, plus about +13 in enhancives. Also have an ipantor short bow sitting in a locker gathering dust. So... we'll see what happens, I guess.

I'm combing through Briarfox's guide now, and see the perception for AS. I'll downtweak CM to make that up.

Thanks all for the help!

05-10-2011, 05:29 PM
STR will be your worst enemy. With your wizard strength, and a composite bow or short bow, you should do fine. A STR enhancive item would serve you well.

05-10-2011, 05:59 PM
Reading Briarfox's guide, and playing with Tsoran's spreadsheet...

If I drop hiding and fire from the open, I can get to a full 2x CMan, and about 65 ranks of Armor Use, and over the next 10 trains get to a full 2x in AU. Is this, mechanically, a better or worse approach than sniping? Realizing that there's different strokes for different folks, I'm just curious if there's some cautionary info out there that I'm unaware of that accompanies either path.

No Gnomes Is Good News
05-10-2011, 06:02 PM
2x CMAN as an archer is just silly, unless you want to have a boat load of CMANS at your disposal you otherwise would only use for situational events, like cutthroat etc.

As an archer, there aren't many cmans that will do you well, aside from the obvious smastery/vanish/wspec/mobility/surge type of ones.

2x as an Archer, is overkill since it doesn't help you in any way almost. 1x is just fine.

I have always loved sniping myself, the ability to remain hidden while firing is uncanny to surviving if not capped and a gimped ranged race *See Halflings/Gnomes*

Although at end levels, alot of people switch to open firing since it's faster, and wear plate. But sniping, in a warcamp, saves lives like crazy.

The only time you'd have to come out is when you decide to loot all the dead creatures laying there

05-10-2011, 06:07 PM
You can 1x CMAN and get by defending CMANs for quite a while. You mighjt need to pick up more later.

05-10-2011, 06:42 PM
RT won't be so much a problem anyhow, since you'll be sniping right?
They'll be dead in one shot most times.
RT from a composite snipe shot compared to Ambush / Sweep + Hide + Ambush AND being out in the open instead of hidden, makes hidden ranged an obvious choice.

05-11-2011, 01:51 PM
Ranged is definitely better for a halfling rogue in GoS.

With 100 STR, 509, and 5 ranks of surge active, a halfling will be one second above minimum RT with composite/aimed/hiding. It sucks. But yeah, I moved towards heavy stealth so that the RT didn't matter as much. Not that I've played in a while...

Your biggest problem with ranged will be dealing with heavily armored Grimswarm. You often have to plink them to death. I've wondered if coup de grace would help a bit with this.

Remember to rotate the body part you're AIMing for when you are facing a single target that you weren't able to one-shot. If you cause a rank 3 wound without crit-killing, the body part can no longer be targeted (location will be randomized). So target the left/right eye, then right/left eye, then head/neck, then neck/head (of course, there's no need to rotate targets if you've missed the mark).

Sacrifice some CM for 2x perception in your build. TP-wise it's 0/2 rather than 8/8 (6 times cheaper). It'll do much more good than a couple ranks of some cman.

05-11-2011, 02:22 PM
If you cause a rank 3 wound without crit-killing, the body part can no longer be targeted (location will be randomized).

Typically, it will default to the chest, not a random location.